Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE BEE s OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUNE lfl. 1911.
mm 4 Cettagte C,)le4U
EVEN-ROOM modern nous. Park
. Beautiful lawn. J. 1. Kemp, I'll
l.Lesvenwortn bl Ksy at etflo. Both
FuR KENT only 222 60. to Hood tenant:
even room, all modern. on storv. fin
condition. 21st and Jcksoa. Tal. Red 6284.
MODERN T-room house oppotdte Han
Co m park, 240. Pbone Harney Unit,.
Ora. Van A Storage Co. paofcs.raoves.ator-e
fmuaeholu Rood, fireproof alorage; KM
lttli. Branca. JUV bV. Urn. TL U. 414. A llta
FOR RENT Six-room house, modern ex
cept heat. 318.60 per month. 2hl& Binney
bt. 'phone Webster 17t
rOL'K large pl-aiant rooms and bath at
tt. So. Slat, only lib.
,v 38th Ave.-0. Red 2M7.
-ROOM, strictly modarn.
(22 . B. 24th
Ave. Tel. had J1.7.
FIVW-ROOM cottage. 8212 Charlea; $22.50
m BRISTOL. 8-r.. All rood., 220.
StJ6 Parker tit., new 4-r. cottage, $12 80.
14. u b. 16th St., fine 4-r. mod. flat, I LI.
J."W. RASP CO.. Mi Hrandela Bldg.
Benson Tiansfer moves furniture. D. I&96.
' Store Bad Offices.
TWO offleea. 14 leuor Crelghtoa block;
liiv .lore mi U4 N. lith St. Altred Thomas,
knu Hue First Nai l Bank Bid.
BRICK atora building. No. ill Harney
Street, three storlea and basement. Charles
t. Saunders, 2U Mouth Uth street, Phone
ougiaa li.
FOR beat grocery, and meat market 1
elf, with fixture; a snap. 220 M. 23d.
DK81KABLK offloee In tbe Continent!
Block; either In sulta or single. Alfred)
Kennedy. J First Nat l Bank Bldg.
FOR BALE At a bargain, mahogany
Office furniture, nearly new; sufficient for
two loom., also rug and Oliver type
wii'.er and stand. Adaraaa to o7. Oman.
it you will look , .,
In every noon,
'Bom lumitura to aell you'll find;
'ilie Bee want 'lad call,
lie wni aell It all.
A buyer he 11 always find.
Thla veiae win the prise of one-halt
do ion photographs from Heyn Studio, Uth
and Howaia bt. if iileucit Jonnaon will
cume to i no Bee oil ice sue win receive an
uruer tor the photos.
HOUSEHOLD good Fur. 2520 Cuming.
FURNITURE of I rooms. comDlete for
housekeeping; no dealer: houne lor rent;
good location. . Phone B 2664.
some nice, new furniture for sale. 1819
Lothrop. Web. 6003. .
Musical lnetraaaente.
Te good folks all of Oman.
If MUS1U is your quest,
Cail In and get acquainted, for
We always have Uie BiriT.
UU-B Farnaaa si.
Type writers. .
SECOND-HAND typewriters, sold, re
rut. central i jpewruer hixchaoge, UN
J ju nam, . - v
We have a large a lock of all the standard
makes in sligntly used and rebuilt ma
chines tnat we want to turn Into cash,
i rices V to t migr'a..-We aell on pay men is
or rent and let 1 months' rent apply. Cail
or win tor large bargain list.
1114 Farnam 8w Omaha.
TAKE! a boat rid on Lak Manawa. W
will give a pair of round trip ticket to
C. O. Larson. 8o67 Cass St.. If he will come
to The Sea offlo within three days. .
BUT an L. C amtta Uroa. tyuewiitee.
B. r. Bwaaaa Co.. OUtrlkutera. Uli Far
l,elu Mi.
. . . mnimiTD,Tiria ill. U i VtTQ alil
lifOIH (U X t.ll mw MM i tJ
rented and repaired. Typewriter Inspection
. 7o , inc., w uranaata num. - rnona, in a.
Douglaa nm.
Ri.NT an Oliver typewriter from toe
Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas WIS.
Mieoella ieas.
New and secondhand safes. 1S1I Farnam.
81X-FOOT bookkeepers desk, oak fin
ish, for sale at IIUOO. Apply George R
Wright, Be Publlshina' Co.
JUST go out to Itourke nark and see
that Omaha team play base ball. If J. R.
Flynn, 2637 S. 10th St.. will come to The
Bee office within three days we will give
hi in a ticket to the ball gam at Kourke
)-FOOT partition, constructed wis look-
In, glasses. 41U N. 18th. B 2361.
in, glasses. 41" N. lath. B 236
AMCS Overetocked with
ST'ae. all siaee and rnakea: ba
t.m aupply Oo 111A Faraant
bargains. ioe
IDHAND tool and rubber. 414 N. Uth.
SECONDHAND dreeaea, goed oondlUoai
flth and Farnam. Mandell Urelbelble.
bBCOMHAWJ . (not. Hi So. 12tk 8L
VAC ' blades, sella at 12. -Abe's Her
'w Grand Pharmacy, 14th Howard.,
lii-passenger, ( borse power motor boat,
less than 1 year old; cash, term, or trade.
70. A-Sl.,. 1414 Capitol Ave,
FOR SALS Ice wagon. 'Phone B-179S,
ir t.
oue t-foot oak show case, silent salesman
I type, plate top, flrat-olaas condition: bar.
iln price. J. II. Sohmidt, 14th and Cuming.
NICE fresh cherries for sals In an
mount. 1402 Ave. C, Council Bluffs.
ONE 236 McCaskey account reaiater,
flret-)aaa condition; also one 100 American
lacct. relaier; bargain for cash. MoComb
4k ICoklln. Carson, la.
CHERRIES "" Jed- 3ulcy cher-
v-J-4i,a-J"lJ,J rles. free from worms, 24
boxes to crate, si Oman Fruit Farm, 4Slh
and Arbor, liar. 14112,
Ailo Jobnaoo. gug-g Braadelg Tbe tar Bldg
KaUieryn Nikolas, S4- Brandels Theater.
THaUCU la only one kind ot tee cream.
I'alsells le the beet. If Mrs. WUlard
Dressier, lull N. u tit., will come to The
Be office we will give her an order for a
quart oi uui line cream.
U. t. BARNB.LL. faatoa Blk. Tel. R4 T1U
willard iddt, u. a. ret. otfic otn-
, clai solicitor. 1) City Nat. bank. Tyler lod
HIRAM A. BTURUE. rcg. attorney.- 4-4
BrandlaTneater Bldit. Douglas Hid
Stomach trouble, alaaeage treatment Dr.
Margaret Hallorau. m-t NevUle Blk. D.774L.
tHnnivj Salt glow and massage. Mug
JJ--u-kJ Dodge, td floor, opposite post-
office. Mm. Alien of Chicago. Doug. 7t&,
DEL BUHK.E, dlseaaes of women. Omaha,
noved to 2u4 1S a bt. Dougla iii.
MASSAOnJ baths and electrlo vibratory
treatmenk Miss Lang, tli K. loth. L'u
taiis. ' MRS. B.NTDER, SwedUh massage, baths'
radiator and vibrator treatment. The
Itatneany, Fiat a. tutb ana Here. Doug. iV4l
. luuixj vvujm coming is uaiDi as
J atiaagere are invited U viait the Touag
j y omen s Christian aseociaUon building a)
iVvenieenth street and feL Mary's Ave.
lre they win oe oirectea ta suitable
bwaj'ding places or otbarwls aaeieted.
Look fur vur travaler's aid at the Daws
Qladdlsh t'bannaey. lltb and Dodge.
HINDOO TABLET! will build, brae,
strengthen, too. BELL DRUO CO.
Good SamaritanJlJX
Ave., Council Bluff. Is.
UJJVDO.VUD lu7 g, 17tn 2d ioor ro0(0 J
WANTED School teachers for nice clean-
ant summer work; alt or part lime, big
pay; write quick. Address H 441. Bee.
ADELIOHT hair food grows balr; see
Mm t'rayer, Megeath Stat jr Co.. Uth and
THE SALVATION ARMT eollrtta east-eft
riethlng. In fact, anything you do not
Beed. We collect, repair and sell at 124 N.
lltb Bt., for cost ef collection t tbe woe.
thy poor. Call 'phone Dougia 4UK aa4
wagons will calL
WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing
umvniiiw. mil. A-loro, uougias loos.
16th and Harney 8ts.
BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's
Nerve Food PI lln, 11 box, postpaid. Bher
man A MuConnell Drug Ho., Omaha. Neb.
MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing
Better tor rneumaimm. laaies, 41; gentle
men. 21.60. Apt. L la Farnam. Hrs., t to a
MAGNETIC t'""t. E. Brott, iU
DlAJViJi.l.J Cumlng su R-7121. Also
Prof Harrltt, Phneuralogloal doctor.
Mn,sags. Mrs. Rlttenhouse. 20S Old Bos
ton StorsJ31dg. .mi
PEDIGREED Boston terriers for sals. R.
J. Saunders, Carter Lake Pharmacy, Uth
and bpregiie.
TWO pit bull pups, male. Call H. 1211.
FOR SALE Four Chllo economy coups,
In good oondltlon. Web. 1623.
. WHEN you spend your money spend It
for the best there is. If Edward D. Dow,
43 No. Stltn St., will come to The Bee of
fice within three days we will give him an
order for a do-cent, -box ot O'Brien's candy
PHONE IND. A-262 for guoa printing.
Lyngatad Printing Co., 14th and Capitol A
Lew W.Raber, Printer DT0u.a
Klt-a HALL Ptc Co.. ids 8.14th. Ind. A-26H
PETER J ESSEN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. 22M
MIDLAND Guar, as Trust Co., 1714 Far.
H. H. Nsala, pres. ; J. Campbell, sea. D. 2946
REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest aba tragi
efCce la Nebraska, tOe Brandels Tbeatar.
teenth floor. City NaL Bank Bidg.
CARL THOMPSEN, .oeraent and brlok
Work. 1712 N. 26th. Web. till, B-1442.
A. J. Ireland, mason. 221 N. 24th. B.1I71
E. C. MAliSTON Kli,
Paper banging, wallpaper reduoed. H. 1901
MfMTIT JjRN Jo WOJ"k d repalrtag;
aUZZLULajEjVi oontraotlng. DougT 26m!
N. RAIMOND. 117 N. Wth. Doug. T1H.
PLUMBING b r- Vm Valkenbrg.
.7T7. Wor nrt Material A-l.
SattsfaoUon guaranteed. W-4W7. 17W N. H
4 i
la 4qusJ to firs 60-foot city lota, and
provides tunpla room for a houss,
barn, tardea sad Isxss lawn.
BINQLB ACRES near 3th aod
Farnam streets are worth over I0,
will ba worth aa much when that
suburb la built up with beautiful
houses, as It will b within a few
rears. Acres can now be secured as
low aa 1,000; ODw-fourth cash; de
ferred payments eaar.
Plats, prices and full Information
George & Go.
th Floor Cltr National Bank Bid.
New 6-Room House
Walking Distance
$500 Cash
Balance In monthly payments like rent,
buys a new (-room all modern bouse at 2'th
and Dodge Sts. Oak finish downstairs;
upstairs white enameled; combination fix
tures will be put in; cement sidewalks; yard
sodded: screens; complete and ready for
occupanoy. Price, I4.M0. Buy thle house
and save 236 per month la oarfar and
The Byron Reed Co.
Both 'Phone.
212. S. 17th St.
A Model Home
Kountze Place
Southeast corner of 23d and Emmet
streets, a beautiful new two-story house
on corner lot. Both streets paved.
Four bed rooms.
Beautiful sun room.
Finest oak finish.
Basement djvldad and plastered, ail large
Very well built and ooronlet In every
way. Come out today and examine the
Norris & Martin
Phone Doug. 4270, 400 Bee Bldg.
Physician's Location
Excellent lot outride business center upon
which I will build house and offic, one or
both, fell on long terms. Good field for
practice. Call owner. W. 2tOi
$500 CASH tB F "Wth'r will buy
. brand new 7-room house,
oak finish ft ret stonr. whits enunel on
rlne and mahoganlsed doors second atory;
u 11 cemented baaement; street paved and
parked; near school, church and car. Ideal
neighborhood. LriM, Bee.
(Continued.) . , 1 . : . -
' ' Caaada Contlaoed. M laaeaota Con tlaaed,
JDIH i-OlS CANADIAN landaeekera furnished with ATTENTION, HOMESEEKERa
J?''rJ TP1. Wl" ,n"m mmr- Frank If 0.i are thinking of Immigrating west
in Kl4rriro Crawford. Ware bio. k. this year, write us for deevrlntive liter-
111 A lfJI CllC , ; -,- : ' atur of our lands in Minnesots, North
- 9, ctlon of good wheat land Dakota and Montana. We can suit you
COnil C7flfl ituat(Kl Ims thn two mlln from no matter what you want and whers
01 J, J)ZJJ, -2)0JJ town In Saskatchewan. Will sell for 130 rr you want It. and can eell you anywhere
' ' T acre. Addrees, M. J. Carrothers, P. O. Box from seres to 1.00O. William E. Uibbona.
Located within to blocks of isr line Winnipeg, Manitoba Lork Boa 8. Cormorant. Minn.
and macdm road on terms of 210 down 1 .
and lf a month. Some are only one block Colorado. I HAVE a farm of 3.X) acres 2V4 miles
to car: high and sightly ground, big lots. from good town, ao mtlec from Minneapolis,
W-ft. frontage These prices are far be- im-ACRE beet Irriirated- farm. Colorado- 100 C,M u"drr cultivation; ab.iut 0 acres
low what they are actually worth. If you finely Imrroved; new l-room dwelling meadow, balance timber; can ell be opened
want to look at these lots today, call up h,rn. potato cellar hold 10 carloacs Sj Hcn 00 '"Ufs. barn and other
phone Doug. 1XW. acres wheat: M acres alfalfa- nn waste buildings. Price, 232 per acre. Also 8a-re
HASTINGS HETDEN. 1614 Harney St. nr5? ,v"rV foot under eld wat"? rtiht farm lwo ml1" f-"m ood town; 40 aciei
have another farm can't work both in und'r plnw. 15 acres timber, good rich soil.
WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. L.. "X rof 'dV.?" ZnZ S ijT?
NRW HOME 'AND GARAGE. f- A- Gregory. 4n Mack Bldg. rrjli'JSrbi.r'pVlc;;
T rooms and bath, oak finish, full two '-0'"- 3.j0(; tasy trms. Write owner. Charles
Stories, never occupied, east front, corner vnnTun,rTrR.. . ... . . E. wanson, Kik River. Minn
lot. full cement basement, cement walks NORTHW ESTERN Colorado v. heat lands. : ,
and drive ways, sodded yard and screena. J' -w " 15 A few 'Improved LANDS No 5T lo acres T mile,
paved street, among fcood homes. Price. Urms. 230 o 225. Write J. B. Relnhardt, Twin Cities; good tillable sofl state man
14.160 2700 or more casn. balance monthly. Sterling, Colo.- malled w lth Vpage hook for l cenf.
See this Its a home you will like. Phone : s , Hobart Land Co.. PhenU Bldg.. Mlnneap-
owner. Herney H20. Iowa. 01Bi Minn. '
.Z01', farm "TnTlles southeast Has- FOR SALE-ISO acTe77fi?ooTnew hard
ern house, close in. want smaller no;. sett. Rock county. Nebraka; 2fl0 acres In wheat land. near Walhalla. Pembina
w2Le,i1,". on if."!. co,n tnl" y,ar- 1rKe kcrcsg In timothy county. North Dakota. For i-artlculara ad-
24.MO. 40 lakton block.' and clover; good set of Improvements, dress owner, A. l.ucssse, 237 Third Ave
- Price, 22a. 50 per acre; one-third cash, bal- N., Minneapolis, Minn. ''
ance easy terms at per cent. 1 .
T SAIVJ IKSNiSi 8END for llst ut ow "n Improved
I lfCf 111 T-, B:g.t scuthern Minnesota lands; we have hun-
vlVJV AH SIouk City, la. dreds of pleased customers. C, K. Rrown
Eight-room, all modern hou.e; fur- ' a real ESTATEIrT" n0lc" Mad" nd
ace. laundry gas heater, n- fJ. rdon.bck'm ' A SNAP; M lstIq tK - -.cTTin7-
bath, etc. Oak, wtilte enamel, Dlrca depot and creamery; ten-room house nleelf proved farm in Murray county Minnesota-
and hard pine finish. Telephone Har- !Vn'lh'?.: ,f,n F?' .,nd ,rult lrr; beau- has first-class buildings, fences, splendid
n SO Harr H Putnam 6140 Hurt V, UL b oild,lnK te fpl" ""Uih: cattle barn grove, orchard, two miles from town,
ney B0. Harry H. Putnam. B14U Burt 44w a4.foot pf)!ltl,; stanchions for sbout Write John llolden. Jr., Garvin. Minn.-
Bteet. fifty cattle; two silo bins; room for 100 tons
. f hyi lo feed cutter, corn grinder and FINE farm home. 220 acres. 2 miles
lf-borse power gasoline engine; horse bain from good town; black loam soil All
ONE ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED fo.r 1? . with hsy loft and grain bins; fenced; large frame dwelling, barn, gran-
A-KB" "lu"l"r 'M',MJ' windmill and three v-ater tanks; farm ary, machine shells, etc. 10 acres In field
One of the most healthful, productive prd "J? ,lVeJd!l h0"'"1"- acres timber, balance clover and tim-
and llfe-surHy-worth-llvlng places around Prlc' l0i Pr acre on very e asy terms. othy and meadow Ideal dairy farm. 2.16
Omaha. Rather handy to good school, car A- CAKKULL, Boire. la. per acre, one-thtrd cash, balance eaay
line and paved street. It haa a 6-room .. . . , ,, r- rma. M. J. Kolb, Fosston, Minn.
modern house; this land Is entirely set out J . AC Improved farm, 7 miles from --
In grapes and all kinds of small fruit and """" C,tyl J""" r"m mall town; 27 23,000 equity In good quarter In southern
so many small things to make up a home, f" 'c"' ,rm nd apifndld bargain; Minnesota; quarters two miles from
Immediately adjoining Omaha on the west. irl""cr,,.UB'??Proyid .f,rm. 12 m"A rm good town, having house 2x30, new barn
Price. 23.r75. ason City. 2H miles frjm twj other towns, 8ix40. with gsble roof, small granary and
If you want Something you cannot get on'y f,40 n cre' .We hav the bMt bar fenc- Wan machine, stock of dry goods,
every day, then let us show you this, as It "'" " northern Iowa. Come and see us. Price 290 per.acre. Benj. A. Cone, Window,
la well worth while. Remember the entire MASON CITY REALTY CO., Minn.
summer Is before you. Mason City, la. . .
ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, W.OiiO acres In St. Louis and Carlton
Rooms 1212-1214, City National Bank Bids; 1"0 ACRE8, Cass cnunty, Iowa, farm lm- counties, Minnesota, near cities of Du-
A proved and well located; price, 2126 per luln and Superior, at price within the reach
t.ff sore; my equity is lltf.500. Want southern of all; t to 212 an acre; easy terms; four-
tDOUv Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In- een railroads now entering these two cities
... . . flated prices considered. One 10-horse furnish cheap and quick transportation. A
cash, balance easy terms buys the 8-room, power portable gasoline engine for what 10.oou.000 8teeI plant now building by the
modem house at South Thirty-fourth, have you? Address c. W. McCaustland, United States Steel corporation near lands.
Et front lot. SOklM feet, paving paid. Cass county, Lorah, la. Soil is fertile and well adapted to dlversl-
Only 3, ,W. 1 fied farming, dairying and garden truck.
nrT T"f T ATTENTION. No long hauls or transportation charges,
MY LAND BUYERS AND SPECULATORS. butris'jt at the doors of the best markets
O j I Her. we .r. ..1.. t.h . . . ' h United States, with constant demand
land. tnl?. ll.ft. )J.V- i?.? .'rer 'i"4 0f and Mh V"0'- Wrlt or u" Information.
D. 1510, 134 Board of Trade Bldg. "vr J8or. both Improved and Boston A Duluth Farm Land Co., 160 At-
" unimproved, at prices ranging irom 2ov to. worth Bldg., Duluth, Minn.- v ow l
. t-t- -i-k T- r , nr M) per acre, accord ng to location, Improve- - '
kAKP RAkItAIISI mnta, distance from town, etc. Our lands mi..-.i
1a11J lJXilXVJ XlliN have good, rich, black loam soil with olay Mlaaoarl. ,
PRICa 22,360-Seven-room houss. rood- ;nd'0LLih"n'ii'?;M tns state,
eiu except neat: ilrsL uainent auO- u.i. ana' evrthlng considered, we have the . .
ance like rent; ImmediaU poeas"on D'8t and cheapest lands in Iowa today for FOR BAI.E-Flnegt farm In, Leavenworth
newly repaired! PhonT Haxney 1WL One he money. Our land is mostly all drained, oyxnty BroHddus farm of WO acres, 1
block to car and achool clo" to town. achool and In good neigh- mll,?8 'rom For' Leavenworth, 26,000 brick
borhoods. For the best of everything to be ''donee, 600 46-year-old wain ts, 100 sugar
Six-room cottage, modem except heat. nad bargains in land come ana see us maple trees, natural gas, two telephones.
In good condition; clone to car and or 5,.. . . free deMvery, 1 miles from Ssnta Ke sU-
school; rent 217; water paid. S81 N. Jlat. FLYNN BROS. LAND AGENCY, tlon; examine premises and write Mrs. J.
W PU AWf L. Ktrby, 1108 Felix Bt. St. Joseph, Mo.-
VV. rrCAMK, FOR BALE Excellent 240-acre farm In ,
'Phones: D. 8600; A 8tL 1)14 City Nat'l Rk forn ana b'ue grass belt, Adams county, . fOR SALE 8 farms, large and small,
ml-lly INtl ""'. Iowa; farm all well fenced, 60 acre- hoi between Mississippi and Missouri rivers,
BY OWNER, modern five-room home-' tlht- 160 acres tiled, and air In excellent average m per acre. Write for big price
large sleeping porch; walking distance cu'"yatlon; 12-room house, large brick William Crews. Wright City, Mo.-
Addrsss A 18. care Bee. ?e,lar wltn cement floor, Cement wa ks.
, large new barn and mill, with good Fair- THIRTEEN sections In Dawson county,
2S0 CASH, balance 210 per month buys an,f nln.e. new i.g house, other out- fear Sidney, one of the best towns in the
M ft. lot, 48th and Capitol Ave. Prlc 2850. buildings, all in good repair; good stock Yellowstone valley; also have other lands
P. O. N1ELHON & CO, ana barnyards, large grove and good or- that we are in any site farm you
702 Omaha Nat l Bank. Phone D. 2204. cnl. four good wells, excellent WaUr, two want. W rite your wants. Prices are right.
. windmills. For further particulars address The Hayward Land Co., Glendlne, Mont.
8-ROOM, new cottage, J lots, near 41st Wra Anna M. Nash, loiti High fit., Des 1
and Sprague. Big bargain at 11,500. Moines, la. ,. . - MISSOURI FARMS None better on
P. O. NIELSON & CO., - , earth. Highly Improved 180 acres, raises
. , , 240-ACRE estate, all the very choicest of anything, 8S0. Other decided bargains.
C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for 'and, nothing nicer In the atate, $4,0tX or Write us. Gilliam Realty Co., Gilliam, Mo.
business bargain 1 raeb Nat l Bank, more of improvements all in good shape; ,
miles from two good towns. Must be STOPI Don't go a step farther than
OO OUT to Rourke park and root for oId and aoon. 1 have the exclusive hand- Douglas county, down In the beautiful
Omaha. If F. L. Wilson, 817 No. 24th St., llnf Ot this. Price. 286 per. acre, March 1 Osarks, raise anything; corn 30 to 00 bush
will come to The Be office within three ?uX?ry casn, balanoe M.-'per cent G. els per acre, all other crops In proportion;
days we will give him a ticket to the base M- Emery. Northwpod. la,r cheapest food land 00 earth. 25 to 220 per
ball (am. ... . j-- acre. Free Information. Gross Real Estate
1-- FOR SALE Splendid farms, well lm- Co., Ava, Mo.-
FOR SALE A business lot .a bargain If Proved, ranging in trie from 280 to 290 per : ,
taken at one. For particulars address acre. This is choloe Iowa-land, in well lm- 80-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine house.
M. B. T .. Box ift, Fremont. Neb. proved communities nesr town and schooia. barn, fences, first-class condition; fins
" 1 ' 7- ; la n? rnor I'"" or beautiful part spring water; 2 miles from townt 7 miles
iwc,' B1U$ "n4 Valley Stas fairly of the state than Osceola county. Write from railroad. Southeast Missouri Imml-
tt.yOUiiM oV Douii 4. 1lor-ParUcular- r- iiadmoni Blbley, gratlon Co.. Piedmont. Mo.- '
. : 1 no . i t u. 1 '! 1 1 MISSOURI farm. 350 acres; 6-room house,
Ae, J . ,r R 5AX,?Two ,ow ""rnbers 1 and 17, barn; 100 acres wheat. 200 acres corn; level,
block iunglewood addition, Highland black dirt; 3 miles railroad. 2ti6 acre. Ohas.
KIVB ACRES IMPROVED. Park,. Address J. H. Bennett. Oskalooaa, E. Huckstep Realty Co.. Elsberry. Mo.-
Do you want a snap in a s-acr lm- - , . .
proved tract, close in? . Foe a short time ; ' M.,
only, axoeeding.y easy terms, or will trade WANTED A good stock of general mer- moniana.
lcr good Al Omaha or South Omaha prop- ohandlse, B,000 to 212,000, in exohange for
rty. good I arm near Rolfo, la., and cash; farm 320-ACRE homestead relinquishments for
Thla has the making of an Ideal country contains 164 acres, six-room house, barn, sals; also one hotel, one bskery, one general
home; immediate possession; crop and gar- ix40. Price, 180 an aore, subject to 2,74o; etors, one saloon, one feed store. Address,
den in; remember the enure summer is equity, 28,tM0. F. R. Loomer, Rolfe, la. Charles F. Brown, Galata. Mont.
Dexore you. . t
b.KiJJ?.?;wU,E,RIHLL; CO,MPA?Y14,. . iS?. ACIiES. nd 173 er of aouthern WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA
Rooms U12-U14, city National liank Bldg Iowa land. Improved, well located, good the coming farm atate, 212 60 to 220 per
; ' soil, right prioe, for sale or trade; 7,(XW acre. Write for description. Shaw St
RCnl CCTATP aqulty in brick store building; a first-class Clark Land Company, Hackney Bldg., St.
nCHI COIHIC income property, for sale or trade, quick, Paul, Minn.
FARM AND ua.iCu Au FOR SALE! on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad- , i
. dress Box 3, Diagonal, la. FOR SALE-Bitter Root Valley 820 acres
Arkavasa. ,pn B . . - A fine fruit land; old water right, best seo-
L. SALE OR TRADE My equity In hi tlon of the valley, fine proposition for sub-
232 A.. SMOOTH, lta ml railway station. rJS"V,!? w 1nd1 "" of oorenta, 7 division; fair buildings, easy terms. Ad-
ICUfeed.1 LrJl"; intowJw-SS: CheTn'.1 Wo"? IrTv 'r". t i""' E' ' ev.n.vtlle,
VritWtrPUL .Ualw w.te, Mctf lil.'o ;
irast I.O.. it! a,st. upu. oearoy. Aik.- Tty. taiu grown aucceasfully nearby. Nebraakaw
1.100 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber f,n?i f .plT acr,i noumbranc 21.2&0. op-
land; much tine tiraoer yet on land; t to the SaultTV sm t li.i5iWJ!J . FINE -ac' ranch, 12 miles from town,
ml. from Eureka Springs; line tor fruit; vaiu i htv. L . ot ""arters tame hay. balance wild hay and
raaon and general iarnung; 7.60. Special -.Zr:? ,. f,A! .5 . ii f0"00 Jo'nlng paature; 400 acres level, balance slightly
bargain U improved larma. HU to 2JU. ,ftia w2.c. .h v?nf,Mda.,l lKWn. P.iU havy black soil; two flowing
WM. JMK1N 4k CO.. on thu S"aP.,0uldn7y ba?k 1' 5-room house, barn granary an"
lCiueka opriugs. Ark.- Sfi JrS V- P lt,r Bo't1, chicken house, telephone;, V mile to school,
r wewton. ia. Thu u an exceptionally fine ranch and a
LMW ACKlfi rich bottom land, six miles : snap. Will sell oh easy terms. George E.
Newark, 1 per aore; terms. Fin orange ICaaaa. v Collins, owner, Atkinson, Neb.
grove. Florid Forty acres; Si.suu, Other -
bargain. A. A. Henderson, Newark, Ax- 220 ACRES, I miles good town; fenoed, acres 6hi miles from Emerson, Neb.;
kansaa well Improved; all smooth land; rich black "na Improvements; land lays good; can
soil; good orchard; R, F. D.; phone; fine make splendid terms, and the lrice Is 310
M TRACTS ef land In tae corn and al- surroundings, 6; good terms; will ex- to 226 less than adjoining places are being
fait dlstrlot of Delta land; black sou,; good change for hardware, Implements or gen priced at. For particulars call on or write
eohools; lands will double In value In tnree cral merchandise. W. H. Mott, Herlngion, J- K. LENNOX, ALLEN, NEB.
years) now rent from 2a to per aore. Kan. .. . ,
Write us what you went. -. 180 ACRES In Chans county, Nebraska,
F. C. HOLLAND. WB have some choice bargains la corn, 12 miles south of Elsie; if taken aoon will
1 Fin Bluit. Ark. wheat and alfalfa lands for sal In Benton 217 60 an acre; this Is a good quarter
' and Rush counties; write for list of farm section and can all be farmed; will take
COTTON plantation; 40 a ores; elegant bargains. American Investment company, a good luio or 1911 automobile on the deal
10-room dwelling; plenty tenant houses; Holaington, Kan. and carry the balance. F. A. Garland,
good barn and euibuliulngs; rleb, black ' Chariton, la.
ioawi will grow bale cotton or buehels 0 ACRES, six milts from Mlneola, (00
era per aore; woven wire fence, low acres acres In wheat, one-third to buyer; new North Dakota,
cultivation; 2ou maronan table timber, hara- 4-roem house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas- .
woodi healthful location; 4 miles from good ture fenced; rich black soli; has raised AUCTION SALE North Dakot.- ehMn.
town; good neighborhood; near school and ol crop every year since broken out; wlis Ji? stutsmaVcountv famat nuSJ
church; prloe 2-v,vU; rsasunabls tsrnis. great bargain. S5 per acre Terms. The auction June U1L o euy Zi
Addra Johnston Wsll... oar. Southern Boy C. Beard Lani Co., Mlnla, Kan- ft PintortnMtoS. a7f. Be"her? Sals Mgr
IsD, 1 ml. out. 10 In cult., UO black alfaJta 28 acres. 2 tulles out; 120- acres In wheat; ' .
or clever land; fair Imp.; good neighbor- Vi delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soli;
hood, to, 2u, ml. from town of 2,000; near good well and windmill, 26.260; terms.
P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up- Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all sues
land; M cult., bal. Umber, 26 clover: 4 al- and J"10.?- r' Hchuhmachar. owner, yr-ir Ranch for aale- 4 200 acres- Wv.
lUo-.V b-Sr EPA' e'Bra.n?y ACRES.' IV. mile. out. , wht; S,lor.2.tyw.trrchDrfkd,iirer RV
loatnt good oontmunltyi delightful location; to buyer; balanc pasture. The Ute rain l,Vlce) nd terrnl adds. iwl 1
abundance good water; Ja.ouu. subject to ftl and snow assures bumper crop: level .. STa-luSh? Z. N D ' U
yer loan wi terms easy. floor; 22 to per acre; terms. W. B. cul- " ' ra, jnjj.
v M. ijiLjuKK, bertson, ticott City, Kan. , j m
Mai shail. Ark. 1 -
ACRICS St la altaifa; l-ra bouea.
BEST fruit and general farming lands arge bare, graaary, etl twe Bailee li -
town. W. is, Henson, Leslie. Ark. Snoe of . TillVm W.
OZARK LAND CO.. Orav.t. Ark.-I sr.. uHnlo Vwin'well10'
Btock ranchea, fruit farme, berry fields, ' T - f.j M Iali 't.rmi' xf lif.'
small tracts, installment plan) town piV L.aUl.auw Paulson Land Co Wvn,im!r2 Mv, rli"
rty. Business house. Write ue tot. wyndmere. North Da-
VERNON parish. 11 the Imam ef sua
BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. Shine, soil. clUuaie. market, mmtmr. ksth. FOR BALE An .r.ntlnn.n- .
AJ1 classes of timber, farm and fruit lands ae-.,- prloea eneap; wrlu LeeevUls miles To lelevaloV " i n iTw,.,1"1'
In Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. U-te and Improvement C.. C. heavt Mack n wSd - '
from li to IS Per acre. Writ J. U. luv. krlad. Beo' v. Leeavill. ' S000 r Dlac". .soli. Wild Rice river
uoida.CanjdTn.Arr- aflala' -'. through paaturs. Fine new buildings, well
1 , LOUISIANA farm and, Uad .Thi.1 V?' 'L-ie ".V
C . .oKt for truok. -ra. atU. . mTil wyndmere. North tlmlxm. B U
rcuat ef cotton pei, cset laade eg tiiioi. rurn aota-
GOLDEN wkeat lands for aale. Im- foarket. Hali, Slder 4k ateaott. 44. are, Oi-..o '
proved and unimproved prairie farms, any teuisiaaa, "
Is. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Woodhd "'.
toy. Walroua, bask., Can. at. laeseta. FOR BALE 10 acres choices apple, peer
. , cherry, grape land In the weet. six miles
REAL ESTATE I have a large list of 1M ACRES IB miles from St. Paul, t miles trom town, ons mile from railroad; soil
lands In the Goose and Eagle lake district, from Koseuaont; all fenoed, black loam soil- dssp volcanlo ash. The Dalles, Ore., prise
no better In Canada. 11. p. Leeoh. Moa. e acre cultivated, balance pasture and winning land.
town. bsk. black oak timber; only 146 per cre for lm- loO acres, iM miles from town, nsw, mod-
1 . mediate sale; half cash. ern house, barn, tenement; 260 pear prune
FARM lands In the Canadian west, town 13o-acr improved farm It miles from St bearing; 1,600 young trees, l.OuO grape vines :
lots In railroad divisional points, property Paul, 1 mil from Rich Valley station; good water) wood. Or will sell 80 acres
U Watrous. ths Carlsbad of America, nine-room house, windmill, large barn and with all Improvements. Investigation
Writ W. M. Uelbraith. Walroua, other buildings, all In good condition: solicited. C. H- Webster, The Dalle, ore.
satchewan. black loam soil, clay subsoil; always been . .
-"-. ' , T ; eulUvated by owner; 1st sores under plow, Beath Dakota.
CANADA LAND Fine half section: over I acres fruit trees, mostly apple, balance
200 acres in. crop; good water and build- good timber land. Speoiel prioe and terms. i0 ACRES IN DEUEL CO 8 r
"Jl VViw; wr:,bu.PCUp fei.F-- PuLin"' C'o" tVrlnoS line" sVaty'btack
lara, H. g. Hemic way. Weyburn. Baaa.- Bldg.. Bt. Paul. Minn.- ,0,,. cl4y ,Ub.oll; Ilea very level and all
23. ACRES, elo to town. Saskatchewan; FARM. BNAP-220 acre, level pralrl. ffiftF&ZJti? llLfof oSHWi
17 acre In wheat; 219 acre; third eash. land. 2u0 In crop, balance peaturi and ?,os .goes " Uh the ri l ws'.m
balance to suit. Write for terma 12 meadow; good buildings. 276 acre. Morehart limy terms sJOOO will hadlslt ah it ?a
brodi St.. Tort WUUams, OnU. Can.- , Atchison, Mankato, Mlna.- nrl I "ny "NogVaVeLno itone.d no foul weeds"
lAdrees.'WiMiifrsai'Tsi.alW.ii-. .
Soath Dakota-
4o-ACRE corn farm, out from Ploux Fslls,
excellent Improvements, large grove end
fruit; all in rultl ation : price for quick sale
t. easy terms; also i'W well Improved, easv
terms, and 250 acres unlmproed. Those are
bargain for quick sale. It. A. bilvlus.
owner, sloux Fslls. S. D.
We have a list of Edmunds county land
for sale at from 219 and up per acre. If
Interested write us for particulars and we
will send our pi lies and po ket map. It
you own land In South Dakota list It with
us. Our motto is "A Square Deal to Buyer
and Seller." Give us a chance to prove our
statement. Haavold Land Co., Mlna. Ed
munds county, South Dakota.
Fair Impro ementa. Price, 26.800. Equity,
tr,40 Akaika Real Estate Co., Akaaka,
t. D.
WILL exchange choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for
good Iowa or Nebraska land; what hav
you to offer? West Land Co., riene.S. D.
FOR SALE Section good, raw land: all
fenced; good flowing well; 6 miles from
Planktngtnn. 8. D. For particular write
J. E. O Malley. Philip, 8. D.
FOR 8ALE-M0 seres Improved, valley
farm land. Brule county, South Dakota;
running water, telephone and rural mall;
easy terms. Address the Whltbeck
Lumbard Bank, Kimball, S. D.
This Is the land we have. Free home
steads; relinquishments fcnd deeded landa.
For particulars write F. O. Wonder gt Co.,
Buffalo Gap, S. D.
Buy oicnard and garuen lands near
HouKion, the greatest and moat prosper
ous city in the auutnwest, where vaiuea
are going up all the time and fortune
made in teal relate In short while. Kaay
terms if ueslr-d. Address E. C. Robert
son, Vela, 'lex., and a lti-acre farm in the
H10 Grande valley, where the farmers
cash Income is as perpetual as the days
that come and go. '8. 11. Jackson, 7utt First
National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex.
WE are subdividing 2.2UU acres of fertile
farm land in Jackson county, tiplendld
crops every year. Rainfall about right, 44
inches. For description, plat and prices
212 E. Houston bt., San Antonio, Tex
SAN SABA VALLF.Y. the garden spot of
Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We
can buy land for you or Invest money, 7
per cent net to you aecured by mortgage on
these lands. Correspondence solicited. Re
fer to First Nafl bank, San Saba Nat'l
bank. Ward, Murray & Co., and the mem
bers In congress from Texas. Kelley
Burleson Co., 8an Saba. Tex.
Sooth Carolina.
LAND0 2500 per acre made growing figs
for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on
easy monthly payments. Sea Island Orchard
Company, Charleston, 8. C
WRITE for Information about the "In
land Empire," also Spokane, its metropolis
Farms, fruit lands, city property. Make
our office your headquarters and Informa
tion bureau when In our city. IOWA
REALTY CO., 411 Liudsllo Blk., Spokane,
WYOMING farm .ni4 a.k r.n.w. I
proved, fenced, veil Watered. 820 acre
will be sold best offer next sixty day
Writ owner. Andrew Wilson. Parker,
FOR SALE 10,000 acre in Laraml
county, Wyoming, in Golden Prairie dis
trict; suitable for farming; now stocked
with cattle and eheep; will sell with ranch;
will exchange for eastern Nebraska or
Iowa farm. J. T. Bell, Owner, Cheyenne,
WE exchange properties of merit. H. H.
Culver, 812-13 G, N. B. Bldg. D. 7886.
FOR reliable sale and exchange, see
D. M. LEADING. 688 Brandels Bldg.
I have several choice orchard homes to
exchange for farms In Nebraska, Iowa or
Thesi orchards are In the beautiful Pali
sade fruit district.
Write for particulars.
H. It. HOUGH. Palisade, Colo.
WELL Improved 140-aor farm, 2hi miles
from una u.i 10 exci...e ,ur a .eimiai
stock of merchandise. 3126 per acre. Mort
gage, w,6w, 6 per cent lutei'est, to run to
1H15. 120 acrea of this farm under culti
vation. J. G. Cooper, Osceola, la.
218,000 gilt edge lnoome property for good
farm. Owner write A 4, care Bee.
U0 ACRES of well improved land In Polk
county: will trade for city property. Tele
phone H. 60. Harry H. Fufriam. 6140 Burt.
ERTY. Jno. L. Barber, 828 City Nat'l Bank.
RAILROAD eating house doing a monthly
business of from 21.200 to 22,600. for sal
or trade for land. Address A-l, car Bee.
320 ACRES, northeast Oregon, to ex
change for Income brick or cement "busi
ness building. Give value and full descrip
tion In first letter. Address J. A. Lory,
Laurens, la.
Do you want a snap in a 6-acr Im
proved tract, cloae In? For a hort time
only. Crop and garden In. Immediate pos
session If desired. Easy terms, or will
trade for good Al Omaha or South Omaha
Room 1213-1214, City National Bank Bldg
FOR SALE Or trade. One Maxwell,
model Q, four-passenger, new: one Max
well, model L D, 14-horse, 2-cyllnder, good
repair, 8 months old. Writ Marsh Real
Estate Co., Trenton, Neb.
FOR SALE or exchange nine-room. mod.
ern house, close In; want smaller house;
will exchanga on cash basis or sell for
24,600. 408 Paxtnn block.
LOANS to home owner and home build
er, with privilege of making partial pay
ment semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 601
First National Bank Bldg.
Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ins.
Co., with asrets of over lli,ouo,0uu, I am
prepared to accept all the tooC 'oans of
fered on Improved Omaha re.- estate.
Business and residence loan mad with
out delay. ,
City National Bank Bldg.-
M4 ttKAiSDlltt BL1LUING.
3100 to 210,000 made promptly. r. D.
Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam..
MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investmsnt Co.
CITY and farm. JOHN N. FREN7EK.
210-312 Brandels 1 heater BlUg.
GARVIN BROS., Sd floor N. T. Life. oO0
to 3100,000 on Improved property. No duluy.
5 & SVo on c1t and f1-" Property. W.
O B. MikE, M fumge Bldg!
Co., Omaha.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Land.
o jveer ai nfiAL coiAl Jll CO.,
1011 New Omaha National Bank Building.
WANTRD City loan nd warrant. W.
Farnam Smith 4V Co., 12a0 Farnam u
FOR a dainty dessert use Daliell s ice
cream. If C. G. Campbell. 136 N. Sith St.,
will come to The Bee office within three
days we will give him an order for a quart
brick of this floe le cream.
Have you an thins to offer the fsrmer
of lows? Anv iheap land for hlfhsr priced;
a general mervhandlMt store tor land or
eny kind of exthanse? Or have you com
land you want to sell for rash? The one
inlr that reaches the l-owa ftrmets I the
es Moines Capital; t3.ii0 circulation dally;
rate single Insertion. 1 cent a Word; six
Insertions. 8 cents a word: ' Des Moines
lallv Capital. Des Moines.-la.
- Tlcturesque St. Lawrence Route.
Weekly Sailing from
Fortnightly' from
PHIIADELI'11IA and Boston to Glasgow.
Splendid scenery, shortest rsag, IdW
Any local aaent or ,
ALT .AN CO., General Agent, ,
12J N. Dearborn St.. Chicago.
Single or Round Trip Tickets between New
York and Scotch. F.nsUsh., Irish and all
principal Continental points at attractive
rates. Send for book cf Information.
Superior Accommodation! F.xcellent Ctil
sine. Apply promptly for. Reservation to
local scents of Anchor Line or HENDER
SON BROS., Oeneial Agents, Chlcege. III.
BK8T price paid for 2d bend. .furniture,
carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D, 371.
I . . , , ,. . .,
BEI.NER psys good prices for furniture,
carpets, clothes and shoes. D. 6401.-
WANTED Refined couple will ventilate
house summer months for use of ear, or
he housekeeper for remuneration. A- V,
ROOM for gentleman, modern, private
family; also good car service. A It, Bee.
To The Bee Want Tad .
I sent an ad; .
I had some furniture for sale, - .
I have no kl?k.
For he turned the trlckp
He never was known t fall.
D. F. ALLEN. 1606 Dodge St.. City.
. ' r
IT LOOKS like a big game today. If
A. L. Olson. 8517 Ames Ave., will com to
The Bee office within three days w will
give him a ticket to the ball gam at
Rourke park.
WANTED Young couple want on or
two furnished rooms for light housekeeping
In private family. Address, A 21, -Be. . -
FIRST class practical nurs can be en
gaged at one Doug. 7838.
WANTED position as night 'Watchman
by middle age man In coal yard or whole
sale house. Call Douglas 4423.
FAMILYWASHING. 31.25. 'Phone Har
ney 4128.
MIDDLE AGED lrdy wishes A position
as housekeeper. Mrs. J, L. Short, 404 East
WANTED Situation as practical book
keeper, accountant, clerk or other clerical
work. College and personal reference J.
W. Nlewedde, Gen. Del., Omaha.
WANTED Plain sewing to do at home:
reasonable. 1910 S. 19th tit.
LADY wants position at sweeping and
cleaning. B-6513.
, MIDDLE AGED man Want position s
janitor in office building. Call Dougia
4423. t
DAY work wanted, house cleaning ot .
washing. Call Web. 8866.
lady want day work. 929 N. 17th St
Phone Webster 615.
WAK i tu-L n or clears u aM line-
eUon commission. Box V, 1144, David City,
WANTED A position as chauffeur by a
young man able to do own repair work;
beat reoommendation furnished a to char.
v..... ... uiftiia tfunuuon, ia.
AUTO mechanic wants work In hop;
reasonable. A 20, Bee.
FAMILY washing done. 3125 per week.
Phone South tt. . . -
DENVER. Colorado, June 10, 1911
Sealed proposals will b received at the
office of The Field, Fellow at Hinderllder
Engineering Company, Denver, Colorado,
until 2:00 p. m., June 36, 1911, for the excava
tion of canals and the construction of head
works, wood stave pipe, flumes, pumping
machinery, etc., for the Grand Valley Ir
rigation District, at Grand Valley, Colo
rado. Thla work Involve the expenditure of
more than IIM.OOO. . ,
Plans, specifications and other particular
may be obtained at the office of The Field,
Fellow & Hinderllder Engineering Com
pany, 436 Century Bldg., Denver, Colorado.
A deposit of 20.00 will be required for each
set of plans and speolflcatlons taken from
the office.
Junel3d7t By J. A, Smith, Secretary.
Plans and specifications for a hospital at
Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Grand Island,
are now on file at the of floe of. Secretary
of State and Land Commissioner. Sealed
bids will be received for the construction
of same until noon, June 16, 19U. ADDI
SON WAIT, Secretary Board of, Publto
Lands and Buildings. J6dl0t
London -Paris 'Hamburg
Pres. Llnsoln. June II, 1 P. at. Blueeher, jeae
84. "Kali's. Ail. Vis., Jas M. Cleveland, Jaly
wiu call at Firm evil. s ' Chereevrg.
XRIti-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant.
ISO West 2aadolph Sk, Chioag-O, U r
local .rente, .
County Hospital '
Expenses Are Cut
a Thousand Dollars
Investigation Started by Commis
sioner Lynch Bean Fruit, Accord
ing; to Auditor's etur
With th auditors' return of the report of
the expenses at the county hospital for th
month of May, showing a decrease of al
most 11,000 over th preceding month, Joha
C. Lynch, county commissioner, who
started th Investigation of. condition at
that county Institution, 1 feeling exultant.
Tbe expense for the month 'of April
amounted to 26. 764. 90. Th May report shows
that th expense for th last month bav
been 24,807.45. s decrease of 2947.46.
When the sum of $118.75, paid out for trees
and shrubs, an expenditure never before
experienced and In reality an extra, I
taken from th May expense column, th
actual difference In running expense foot
up to th sum of 11.064.20 dlffereno In the
running expense of the two month. The
um I almost a one-fifth cut.
Th srand jury In its report .character
ised th management of th ' hospital a
most lax and unduly extravagant, placing
the blame upon Thomas O'Connor, the
county commissioner who I chairman of
th hospital committee.
Lynch brought out the significant fact
that there had been an Increase of aa
average of over 21,000 a month for tbe first
four month of this year over the first four
months of last
Balldlagr Permits.
R. Vandver, 4707 North Fourteenth ev
nue, frame dwelling. 2600; T. J. bpUlmen,
4114 North Twenty-fifth, frame dwelling,
21,600; Frank Goodrich. 41M California,
frame dwelling, 21. i; Mr. Mine Dale, 22uS
Harnev. frame ..ruffe tlfrfi- VI r- ir r ......
t02 boulh Thirteenth, alteration, tod.