Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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i X T
I )
Hav Kooi rrtnt It.
KUetrte Tana nrrass-Orandaa.
Bay Sanaa Bom of owner for t,100,
savin commission. D-STf or H-W74.
Cadt to .aat-a Th boy who ara
tnHre military diploma at the gradu
al In exsrclhe of th hlith achool ara ax
IhkmpiI at ths Hrsndis theater Friday
niornlfi at 10 n'rlmk for a rehsaraal.
aaotfcar District Xacraaaea An Increaa
nf tlilrty-three elilldi'pn rf ar'iont aga in
ths Beala district la shown by tha com
pleted enunciation which wn turned Into
the office of the aacrctary of the Board
of F.dtiratlon Thursday mornin by Mrs.
J. R. Auntie. Tha Ml list consists f m
children, Stt hoy and lt girls. Laat year
tha enumeration totalled .
Surveyor McBride
Wins Decision Over
the Commissioners
Judge Kennedy Makes Ruling Which
Establishes Hit Position and
With a ruling handed down by Judg
Kennedy Thursday morning George Me
Hrlde. county surveyor and highway c m
mlssloner, by an act of the last legislature,
gained a sweeping victory In hi Injunc
tion proceedings against the county com
missioners. Tha case was heard two week
ago, tha court reserving it decision.
Prom a memorandum given out by Judge
Kennedy shortly after the hearing, a falsa
report gained credence that tha commis
sioners had practically won tha case.
In tha ruling of, Thursday McDrld Is
given tha original jiutnt for which ha svas
contending, an Injunction restraining the
commissioners from appointing John C.
Holt as a forman to direct and supervise
the road work of ths county. At a meet
ing held Thursday morning ths board
backed water and reappointed Holt, thla
tlm simply as a foreman of the laborers.
Tha decision gives tha oounty surveyor
tha right to appoint all supervisory fore
men and all Inspectors. Hs will have to
approve all material, work and contracts
above S500 before thy ara legal.
fudge Kennedy found that tha commis
sioners bad attempted to perform work
without the plans and specifications of ths
surveyor, and also, that they had threat
ened to pas bills without his approval
They are enjoined from doing either.
Happy-Hollow Club
is Not in Year Book
Other Omaha Outdoor Clubs Are Giren
a Eating; by Sending In
Their Lists.
The year book of tha Western Golf as
sociation, which has Just been Issued from
the association headquarters in Chicago
contains a list of thirty-four clubs of ths
watt which did not send In their lists. All
of tha Omaha golf clubs sent In their, lists
except tha Happy Hollow club.
In an editorial suggestion to tha mem
bers of tha Western Golf association It Is
suggested that members of these dubs
who did not send In their lists and fees
bs given minimum ratings In all open
tournaments. In addition to this handicap
tha Happy Hollow player will lose ail tha
courtesies of clubs of the association In
other cities.
Thla year tha losa of rating in tha aseo
clatlon will not bY'la' matter of such note
to tha Happy Hollow golfers, as there are
two big tourneya in Omaha, tha Tranamle
stppl and ths Nebraska state. But In the
years to coma It will behoove the Happy
Hollow man to enter in order not to loaa
their ratings.
Heretofore golf at the Happy Hollow baa
been In its Infancy, but with tha course so
much Improved and so many golfers play
ing It will not be many years before that
club also will be holding a tournament on
Us links. Then It will be Imperative to
be in either the Western Golf association
or the Untcd Btatea association In order
that any reoords and low scores mad may
stand as official.
Tkoaa) for Admission to ' Eastern
'School and for Teachers' Cer
tificates to D Held.
Beginning Monday morning, tha college
entrance examination will be held at the
high school under the supervision of some
on yet to be appointed. These examina
tions ara held at the Instance of colleges
la the east, which refuse to admit grad
uates of western high echhools on presen
tation of their diplomas.
Hryn Iar, Wallealey. Smith college of
Northhampton, Mount Holyoke, the Wo
man's College of Baltimore and tha West
ern College for Women at Oxford are ome
Of the Institutions' that refuse to accept
diplomas. A combination has been formed
by thaao Institutions and a uniform list of
question Is sent here.
Tha Omaha examination will b for
women exclusively. In an address delivered
la Omaha recently Dr. Samuel Avery, chan
cellor of tha University of Nebraska,
characterised such examinations as an in
sult to the Omaha High school.
Teachers' examinations fur those who
wlali to teach In 'he Omaha schools will
also bo held next week, Tuesday and
Wednesday being the day set. This ex
amination will be given by a committee
composed of Miss Belle Ryan, assistant
superintendent of sclools; K. U. Graff,
principal of the high school, and J. P.
Woolerjr. a teacher in the high achool.
A Leadta Oalltorala Dr a agist.
"Pasadena, Cal., March S. UU.-Foley
Co., Gentlemen: We have aold and rec
ommended Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound for years. W believe It to be on
of the most efficient expectorants on the
market. Containing no opiate or narcotics
It can be given freely to children. Enough
of tha remedy can be taken to relieve a
cold, as It ha no nauaeating results, and
does not interfere with digestion. Yours
very truly, C. II. Ward Drug Co.. C. U
farsuua. Sec'y and Treaa." Get the orig
inal Foley's Honey ano. Tar Compound ia
the yellow package.
llaele of "The Letter? Una," Clave
Coaely Kow RanataaT at the
If you were an unmarried female and
through your vein there coursed good
led blood containing Just a few corpuscle
that spurred you to adventure, wouldn't
you risk at leat one big round dollar to
buy a coupon, the winning number of
which series would give to you as a hua
baaJ to have and hold forever, such a
handsome ehsp as Jack Wright? Three
million women bought euch coupon a per
tha story unfolded In the comedy. "The
ly ttery Man," now running at the Gayety.
You can ee how it all cam out and who
won Jack, though for much leas than a
dollar, a summer pr'ces of admlalos) ar
the vogue at the Gayety. Shirtwaist mat
inee today,
Identity of Two of the Women is Still
Kept a Secret
Arrastrmrsti foe the Faaeral of the
Dna Mas Held t Peaalnar Tele
STrasa KratrraKy Pla Re
veals Identity.
It developed Th'irsdsy that a fraternity
pin worn by I,em C. Hill furnished the clue
to the Identity of the Joy rider In the party
allh Wayne Moore when he was fatally
hurt nrar Waterloo Tuesday morning.
Hill Is a graduate of Culver and wore sn
A. T. O. pin. He was recognised In the
Frcmnnt hospital by a young man who had
been In college with him and through that
discovery the Identity of the party waa es
tablished. When found lying on the roadside by
Mayor Wols and a psrty of Kremontera,
Moor was unconsrioua and two of th
women hysterical. Hill did not appear to be
Injured and requested Mayor Wola to re
move the number from the wrecked car so
that Its ownership or th Identity of the
occupants could not be ascertained. The
mayor later turned the number over to
Hill, who secreted It.
The manner In which Moor received the
fatal Injuries mystified the Fremonters.
Ths auto stood squarely In tha middle of
the road and there was no Indication that
it hnd struck any obstruction. Moore was
found apparently dying In a clump of
bushes near by.
When the rescuing party from Fremont
realised ths seriousness of tha situation
they proceeded to revtv th Injured with
drinkables found In th wrecked car. The
three women did not appear to be danger
ously Injured, although two of them were
badly scratched and' bruised. Mdbra and
these two women were carried on stretchers
from the depot at FYemont to the' hospital.
Hill and the other woman walked.
Mlsa Ruth McGulre. whom Dr. Van
Camp insist a Is being cared for In tha hos
pital at Fremont, la a patient at the Clark
son Memorial hospital In Omaha. She
was brought thers Tuesday night The
hospital attendants stats that Dr. Van
Camp gave Instructions that all Informa
tion regarding her ahould b withheld.
It waa stated at th Clarkson hospital to
day that Miss McOulrs Is rapidly recover
ing and may bs sufficiently Improved to
go horn In a few day. f
Tha Identity of th other two women ot
th party ha net been publicly announced.
On of tha young women waa reported
to be at th Methodist hospital, but that
report was denied at tha institution, Th
third on had soma bruises fixed up
at ths Wise Memorial hospital Tuesday
night, but left there soon after.
Tha body of Wayne Moor was removed
from the undertaking parlors of Heafey A
Heafey yesterday and taken to his
lata home at 70S South Twenty-ninth street
No arrangements for the funeral have yet
been made, but It will probably be held
today. Temporary Interment will be
made In tha receiving vault In Holy Sep
ulchre cemetery, unleaa tha mother of the
de 1 man sends word to th contrary.
'at Iaaaarurated by Roek Islaael
Electrlo lighted sleeolnc car with .
rooms and open sections every night from
Omaha on Rocky Mountain Limited. Open
for occupancy. Union station, 9:30 p. m.
For reservations apply City Ticket Office.
1322 Far nam street.
Bill Haffke's Boat
Coveted by Thieves
It Has Been Stolen Again and He it
Determined to Break Up
Thieving Practice.
A new Industry baa developed on which
Is profitable, pleasant and Involves no cap
ital and little work.
Tha activity of this Industry is stealing
boats at Florence, drifting pleaaantly a
few dosen milts down the river, selling
them to an easy mark and returning on
tha gains.
Bill Haffks stands in the way of great
success on the part of tha promoters of
this Industry and If hs gets his hand In
soon enough he will smash up the concern.
A year ago Bill Haffks bad a fine row
boat at Florence and when It was missing
ona day ha started out to find it. It was
located In South Omaha, where It had been
sold, and BUI rowed It back fifteen mile
up tha Missouri. Th memory of tha row,
through tha swirling eddies of the river,
tick with Bill Haftka to tht day.
A few day ago tha aama boat disap
peared again and Haffk thinks th pro
moters of th drift-down-iide-haok cor
poration took charge of it. That la why th
business is doomed to a speedy disaster
because BUI Haffka goes hard after what
b does not like and the people who tol
tha boat th first tlm laid up evil in store
for those who havs taken It th second
tlm. Something is going to happen, ac
cording to B1U Haffka.
Night and Daj. Cried All the Time.
Used Most Everything. Cuticura
Remedies Cured Itching in 3
Days. Healed in 8 Days.
"I waa taken wkh the Ron in April, 1904,
sad need saeat vrytbtac. I had a friend
pay me a vhlt from
Cumberland, and ah
advised me to us
Cutleara Homed to
Which I did. Th
car w a certainly
Quick, and I use tbeas
to this day. I had
tnralfciy under mr
ansae. 1 only used
one box of ribs, hut
two Bcwe of Outlaw
Otalment, sad I as
the Owtttar Boas ad
Uta tfcrna. I bona this
will banaflt ethers, as a has ma. after Dr.
and ethers could de nothfcig tmr roe." (hlgned)
Miss Ut Johnson. 1U Slats St., ft. W
Wsshlnglea. I). C.. A.jxfl S, 110.
In a later IsUar Hiss Jehsamo addr "Th
IrauM brawn wtia an anttrtton under my
ansa, ea extenoed wi tewerd my
jraht. smafl I was ao aoia ta ail down.
It kept a eoastaul krhksj and burning all
lb lime, nictl aud tey. I went o nay
ducwi out as eouM do me no goad after I
do ant kneo how many medklnea he gave ma,
and then told a I waM be comprflnd la
So to a skat epeeiallsl. which I positively
rfirwd to do. 1 erted el U,e lira, finally
nuvae up my mind to try Ouiiuura Kero
taites, aud fled Cuticura Fill. Ointnwot
and Soap, and was aatlraey eurea of the itcn
bwr Urea daya after 1 started using them.
The healing look about eight dare. I con
aider Concurs HeaMdJe BsarvekHH, aad
would recomaiead ilieia everywhere. I ho
everyone sufisrtng from any skin wUl
try Cuticura, for R ii aikie foraTermofe."
Tbe Cutkaira ReasKtle afford the speediest
and most enononifcal treatment for skia
and sraJp trooblas. Raid throughout ir.s
world. Poller Iruf A Cham. Corp . sou
props., ut Columbus Ave., boston, Mass.
-Milrd free, sample of Cutirura Soap and
vhhms, wue -p ooua vu sain Ueals
Seven Hundred Are
Qualified to Enter
Omaha High School
Students Will Gather at the High
School Friday Afternoon for
More than TOO pupils, graduated from the
ward srhonls of the city, will report at the
hlirh achool Saturday afternoon for classifi
cation for their next year work.
rr. YVIUIsm M. ravldsnn, superintendent
of schools, request that all graduates, who
llv south of Dodge street, report at 1:30
o'clock, and all other at I o'clock. The
classes entering the high school at thla
time exceed th midwinter classes In num
ber by more than 100.
The Yellow Peril.
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes
when rr. King's New life Pill ar taken.
Guaranteed. ISo. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Those Who ghat t o Chop at Noon
Swadaya Ara Behind Pro
posed Ordinance.
Proprietor of barber shoos, who close at
noon on Sundays, ara behind the nMlnnnM
which would force all barber shop to
close on the first day of the week, accord
ing to Councilman Al Kueel. who Intro
duced the measure by request.
I was asked to Introduce tha ordlnanco
by barbers who do not want to work on
Sundays," said Kugel. "Complaint Is made
that msny of tha downtown shops will not
close at noon while th hrhK in th.
outer districts do. So they want all shops
to close either at noon or all day."
Whoonlna couch la not danaernua whan
the couch Is kent loose and exnectnrallnn
easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It has been used tn many epidemics
of this disease with perfect success. For
sals by all dealers.
Four Are Added, with Perhaps Two
More Thi. Fall.
atatates Provide o There May Be
No Deficiency and Teachers Ar
are of Gettlna Money Al
lotted to Them.
With the placing rf four teachers on the
retirement list and the probable addition of
two others by the first ot the school year,
ths number of Instructors who have served
twenty years or more In the public schools
will be Increased to sistecn. who will d.-aw
IM0 yearly as a pension in appreciation of
their aervlces.
At the lsst meeting of the Hoard ot
Education Mrs. Mary R Newton, Miss
Margaret. Vincent, Mlys Crac Surihorouch
and Miss Emma Brndshaw were placed on
the retired list. Others are eligible for the
list, and It Is quite probable thst at least
two will take advantage of th retirement
Sine the system waa out In operation
In September, 1909, thirteen teachers hav
been placed on the roll, but of these, three
Frances Butterfleld. Villa Shlppy and
Louise Adams have died, leaving ten on
the Hat.
The pension fund, created by statute, la
provided for in two ways. An assessment
ot not less than 1 per cent nor more than
Vi per cent of th teachers' payroll la as
sessed each month. To this Is added one
and one-half times the amount from the
general fund. Tha Hoard of Education la
forced to provide for funds, a clause stat
ing that the Board of Education must
transfer 'enough from the general fund to
meet the requirements In case th assess
ment and the one and one-half provision
do not produce sufficient money.
Foods Are lafficirnt.
Repo-ts that the ft was about ex
hausted were denied officials of the
board. At present the teachers' salaries
are being assessed 1 per cent, which pro
duces about 14,000 annually. With the 16,000
from the Board of Education the annual
receipts. Including Interest, run well abov
the llO.OOii mark. The present expenditure
are th.Wt, leaving a goodly balance to th
credit ot the fund. On th first day of
May th fand waa credited with L1..'4 U,
to which Is to be added the receipts from
May and June.
"L'nder the law, there will never coma a
lime when will not hav sufficient
money to meet the pension pay roll," said
J. F. Hurgess. secretsry of the Hoard of
Education, Thursday mnrnlna. Provision
Is nuilt that It la Imperative for the board
to transfer enough money from the gen
eral fund. TTien we can increase the as
sessment by one-half whenever It l
deemed necessary.
The policy Is to 14' aside something
each year and under the existing condi
tions about one-half the receipt are not
needed at the present time.
Th teachers now on the pension list
sre Ada E. Alexander, Mary I,. Alter.
Lucretia 8. Bradley, Anna J. Olills, Vir
ginia Kennedy, Nancy J. Lewis, Emma V.
Llttlefield. Jennie M. Vclvoun, Nettle S.
Khett and lngleeta F. Ware.
Two Others Wanted In Connection
with Aaaanlt Made on
Jamee O'Malley.
John Tlgh waa arrested Thursday by
Policeman Chic Ferris at Thlr.eenth and
Capitol avenue on request of James
O'Malley, who reported that he had been
robbed and stabbed by three negroes near
the I.yona hotel.
O'Malley Is a railroad man who came
to Omaha Wednesday and after becoming
tired from tha exertion Incidental to secur- j
Ing a Job he lay down to sleep behind a
billboard north of the hotel. Hla slumbers
were disturbed by a negro In the act ot
rifling his pockets, while two other black
men held him down. When the amount of
plunder secured by the thieves only
was M cents O'Malley says each of the
negroes gave him a stab in th back, but
fortunately tha wounds were not suffi
ciently deep to necessitate his removal to
a hospital. The police are looking for
th other two negroes. ,
Th Key to the Situation Bci Want Ads.
JUNE 24TH, 1911
Yoa Baye Jest is Good a Chance to Win This Magnificent Piano as Anyone
On a separate sheet of paper mention the names of the various objects in the above
picture. They represent a few of the articles of the immense Art and Music goods car
ried by the A. Hospe Co. The person not owning an upright piano sending in the near
est correct answer will receive the first prize. Also other prizes, including jewelry, etc.,
to be distributed among contestants according to merits, to the amount of $3,200. Every
one not owning an upright piano and sending in the correct answer will receive a prize.
Winners will be notified by mail. Only one prize awarded in a family. Decision of tha
judges final. Write your name and address plainly on your answers and mail or bring
same to us, together with self-addressed envelope.
Branch Store, 407 Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA.
1 J Va &&SCz&J
From Chicago
Summer Tour Tickets on sale June 1st to Sept. 30th
Return Limit 30 days
New York Central Lines
Michigan Central
"TJUMasw FB, Routs"
Let Us Plan Your Trip East
Also low round trip tickets to Thousand Islands,
St Lawrence River. Adirondack Mountains,
New England, White Mountains, Canadian
Resorts, Seashore and Jersey Coast Points.
CtAVAnfajtn TVsitnai from Chicago every day, including the
s OCYCniCCIl l rains famou, 20th Century Limited, render
unexcelled service, not only train service, but real personal service
to tn traveler proceeding rrotn an Intimate
knowledge of his requirements.
Tickata, darning ear accommodations and full
panlculara wilt b. promptly Iunutia4 an appli
calkm ta rur local a (Mat or to
T. S. Wmsbrands, Ganaral Agent Paaaenser
Dapartmcnt. EVi l Cay National Bank Bid.
Unas. Neb.
BasaaasaaBlasMsasB alaULsBSsasBs . ssjssjsaElr1
Lake Shore
" Tkt RouU atiu 20th Cntwry UhiW"
Comfort for
Your Boy
First omps our Boys Wash Suits
with their styllsii new designs and
tholr great variety nf benutiful col
orings. Whether you buy them simp
ly Tor looks and comfort, or wheth
er you buy them for service, you'll
find these the finest summer gar
ments ever made for boys. They sre.
looso fitting and cool, and are cor
rectly designed to give freedom of
movement. They'll also wear better
thnn any you can buy. We've two
special values in
Wash Suits at
95C and
Other Qualities up to
And a great assortment of Indian Swta. Cow boy Suits
and Romper$ for every kind of boy.
mr nous or
Home of Steln-DUwh Clothes, Kenal Shoes, Steson Hats,
Manhattan Shirts.
ffl "ResortS
Special Excursion Fares
W Central
Augusta, Me $44.33
Atlantic City, N. J.... 43.50
Boston, Mass. ........ 40.60
Bangor, Me 46.80
Buffalo, N. Y 32.00
Detroit, Mich. 25.00
Montreal, Que. 35.00
Mackinaw Island, Mich. 31.80
New York City. $42.00
Portland, Me.; . . . . ,v 42.35
Quebec, Que. ....... 39.00
Rutland, Vt. 39.10
Ottawa, Ont. 35.00
St. Johns, N. B., .... 44.50
Toronto, Ont 29.60
The above are only a few of the many destinations to which Sum
mer Tourist Fares are In effect via the Illinois Central. Liberal stop
overs. Optional water routes In connection with many tickets.
Complete Itineraries giving routes, rates and detailed information
gladly furnished upon application at City Ticket Office, City National
Bank Building, Omaha, Neb.
Round Trips From Omaha to
844 50
Atlantic City, N. J
Asbury rark, N. J.
Boston vta Montreal 40
Boston, direct . . . . S41'
Riiffaln. n. v. o
, ... ... oo a.
Detroit, Mich S25-S20
Montreal, Que 835.00
Muskoka Lakes, Ont.$33,95
New York City ... . 842-845
Quebec, Que S30.00
Portland, Me. . . . ."S42.3S
Toronto, Ont.
Return limit 30 days. Return limit 60 days.
Correspondingly reduced fares to many other tourist resorts in
the eaat
ilivaukee & St. Paul
Low 60-day circuit tour fares to New York 149.40 and up, to
Boston $52.20 and up, according to route selected. Long limit sum
mer tourist fsres to Wisconsin, Michigan, New York State, New
England and Canadian resorts. Information and folders free.
W. E. BOCK, Tickets, 1524 Farnam St.,
City Passenger Agent. OMA1IA, NEB.
IN THE MIDDLE WEST I Family Trade Supplied ta) I V1" -J I
I Lima. Htors, Fhoaca U'sInOoi I I
"ll11aaaassasaaaJ UtUUi liutnpn Jint