Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1911, Page 2, Image 3

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    TIIE BEE: OMAHA, - TirtTRKn AY. JUKE 15, 1011.
in .1
Makers and Jobbers Exhibit Wares at
. Pes Moines Convention.
State Board Will Not Admit that
Jadges Hare .HUM I'adec
Stalate to l.tmlt Sea-
tenera, .
Vacation Footwear For Children
Vacation days 'ate hard on children' shoes -how hard every
mother knows. Shoes for summer playtime must be strong, while
they are comfortable'. ' They must be alioes to stand the wear and
tear of lake-shore pebbles ana the sharp rocks of mountain camps;
of the damp grasses of yard and field and the mud of river bank.
Your beys and girls will be "everywhere" this summer, scamper
ing over all sorts of .places heedless of results bo far as footwear,
is concerned. : . '
For their own.eomfort, and your own peace of mind, the children
must be well shod.' ' We' are especially well prepared to protect them
and you against vacation shoe troubles.
Barefoot Sandals, sizes 6 to 8. 81.15; 8 to 11, gl.35; 11 V4 to
2 .v$1.50s
Outing Shoe's fan boys to play ball In; made of black duck, with strong
elk soles; sIms 8 to 21 85: Jtt to 0 .. , , ,..l)5g
Athletic shoes for' boys and girls; made of strong, soft kangaroo leather
with elk sole .. 4'. .. , 31, 25
Rubber Boled Tennis' Shoes in black and white 70
toy Scout Shoes, tan elk leather with welt soles of elk leather, the most
durable outjng shoe or boys; sizes 9 to 13V4, 52.25: 1 to 6 $2.50
Just received a new shipment of Children's dress ankle tie slippers
and pumps in wfciiei Sea Island canvas and black velouie.-...
proved hy conditions In ther Industries,
due to the tari. fy f -,,
"Tour afumynt atld' dfuhonefst policy
have failed to put tireed" Into the mouth
of the people," Mr. Martin rally shouted.
"You gav us a dose of your theories fh
1ST, 'It ipoRoed flieNoV!! tVskotan, "aad,
by Jingo, we dont-want-any more of it."
(Continued from First Pago.)
always open to fluctuation through the
hostility or favor of .i those who, for the
time being-, were In power, always onn
to manipulation for- yife trusts themselves."
Fifty New Lawyers.
The largest Uat of candidates for de
trees was hdi -of the applicants for the
legree -of bachelor of arts, of whom there
Were 16S. The oaths wera administered to
fifty net lawyers by ' Justice Enilln Mc
Clain of, the. Iowa bench.
Honorary, degrees we're"' conferred upon
lumeroue candidate D. D. Murphy,
tlkader, la., of the lawk Stat Board of
A portrait in oil t . thn . late President
Beorge Thacher, V: jl'-was presented by
Ihe alurxhi and old' faculty members to
the utUvnrity, .he. . presentation speech
telng made by j-Itev,; O, K. Parkar of
Jrlnnell, formerly professor of history at
the university. firjf Qmjrf: Edwia .Maa
Lean, p'rtxldent of Iowa university, re
iponded.'1 The oandidetc f or'aSgree lrf the "various
lollegel were presented to President Mao-.
Uean and other official by 'the respective
leans, as follows: Liberal arts, Prof. W.
J. Wilcox; 'j law, Prof. Charles Noble
Gregory ; median. Dr. James R. Outhiie;
.iomeopathlo -.medlolne. Dr.. Oeorga Rayol;
lentlstry, Dr. l'W. 8. Hosfordt-pharmacy,
rof. W. J. Teeters; Dr. Carl B. Seashore;
ippllcd clence, Trof. W. G. Raymond.
(Continued frm 'F(r Paige.')' "V."" .
0 examine .tftem. lr. Garrett was pari
Iculsrly ipslirtwt Upon gutUnc ,tnforinHoir
h regard U the purchase of . Baltimore
efinery-ln lSi (; '., ';.;
Mr. Helka, 41d .he," had Saver heard the
report titat control,, of : was gained
through a Ibaivby a .'"diimmy"-who riV
Iente4 the American i, Sugar JHfiViIng; com
aaay .;, i.V. .; ;v ,
Secretary Prermaa irodme4" tb -minute
took At tbe company,- showing the out
fight purchase of a majority at the- fHock
tt the Baltlajiar reflaery for 'lSJ,a j
"Where la . the-' retnoiutiuli showing', the
Ibandonment or th palUmbre piahr,rri-.
luired Repieeautlve Mltiy,;"";
"I am not Sure' there la'one."; replied Mr.
freeman. y J ' . '. t, v-J '
Mr. Heike aald that "he did not know"
hether any sugar had bean refined at the.
taltlmore plant after1 lt purchase by the
traerlcan. 'V - :. .;..;, ..
Representative' Garrett ' uueli.nad - M
&4k. cloly a'boOt !,ir;e' pu'tt-haae and
iloalng of the Pennsylvania 8uar RefAlng
wmpany's plant at Camden. X. J"..
"It waa ttoorly leoated." aalS Mr. Heika.
"Tet you were wUIU.g to Ty 1700,900 4Saa
-Tea, air." ' - ' ,
He waa unable te threw nirht.- on the
ranaacUoaa by which' tlie Atnerloaa gained
bntrai of the Pennaylranla company. The
teaaaylvania refinery, be said, waa not
erated after It feir Inia the hands of the
MadU. t. I.tereated.
Representative Madison expressed Intar
t , la the statament Mat Here waa not
liuch dMcusHloa of bualnees at -directors'
oeeUnga. Me asked if there were , not
ther strong men I' on Lhe boards beaidea
yeaident tiacmeyer, auvh aa John X.
Sintona. .'..'..'
Mr. Uelke amid Mr, faryonav waa a Uw
tar and knew Utile about rvXlnlng soger.
"Eat fcaaat tba Americas made, its money
lit of Inanlpulatloa. of stock end, organic
loci Of eoisHtratfons. rattier thaa out. of ra
ining; sugar?" Inquired Mr. Median.
Mr. Halke waa not wllln ,to area to
bat. nor te acknowledge that, stock Had
tea watered by tae Amartoaav pXXldala.
That the Ajnerlcaa oompany, ander rrea
lent Havemeyer'a admlnlalratioo.' frowoad
1 tbe giving; of lnXorinaJius) regarding tbe
iapeny even to atockholdera waa brought
yt. r . " . i
To roi lowing reaolutiea adopted at the
todiboldera' meeting January li mt, waa
"Keaolved, Thail any lufurmatloal of a
aaeral efcaraoter whloh tae dlrectara may
Ct to eoake ytiUle asajr be furnialved ta
U atocaholdare ad tbat'so Xurtbar In
raoatiaa la te be givaa to the Individual
teckbUdera," r , .. .
Hev. Naramaa rtaae rieU Oalltr.
BOSTON. J una llj-U. ulri at rnfHv
frrred In the n.ldt af his tesllmutiy in the
rnltsd Ktetea dlotriu eourt today by Rev.
urniaa Plaaa, fi-iur praaidaue of the
Udwrnabie lnveatiueat oorapaxijr, who la
fe ti-sal for unto tba Boalui In. furtherance
f a frautlulent acheiae. CbarWa 11- Hwuks,
aa praaidant. and Jutin I. Traiiiasrn.
aa trwnimr, plaadrd guiity to t. hnH-l"
raua. All thr will b ftawl loata4 of
airsoaed. to is aaderatuud. , ,
Winnebago Indian
Bill Eeintroduced by
Senator Brown
Measure Will Allow; Them to Present
Claims' Ag-ainst GoTernment to :u
1 the Court of Claims.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June lf.(SpecikI Tele
gram.) Senator Brown today reintroduced
hie bill of the last session authorizing the
Winnebago tribe of Indians to submit
claims to the court ofclalma. ' This bill
was favorably reported to the senate dur
ing the closing hours of the last aesalon,
but was not passed upon. '. "
Representative C. H. Sloan, who delivered
the memorial address last night at ' the
ceremonial session of the Knlgt-.ts of
Pythias lodges of this city, waa today .'the
recipient of many congratulations from
those who attended the exercisea, including
a number of Sloan's colleagues who are
knights, and who, without any parti0nlar
announcement, were' In the audience. W.
E. Andrews also delivered a ahort-address
and It looked as it Nebraska waa running
things in Pythian circles.
Presidents Pass 7
Executive Will , Give final U,aelap,;
T la' the Omaha Postmas- .
' ter Case.5 ' ..
WASHINGTON. June ttTha. matter of
the charges against Postmaster Thomas
of Omaha have been referred to President
Taft for final settlement.-according 16 the
report that Is current here. s -i .'"
It la stated that the. Civlt. gervloe com
mission reached a Scotch verdict in the
eaae, ."guilty, but not proven," while
Poetmaeter-' General Hitchcock found,. , an
opposite verdict, holding the' charges were
sustained by the proof. ' ' ' " "
1 As the; sppolntment 1 in, the i hhids ef
the president,' the matter' has been y eferrad
t km ; for jjdecieMi. - . -',.? ' ( I
-.1 r'WaldroaTarlor..-
4. r
,Th wedtlincr .of. Miss Tiotnuna i Taylor,
da-yghUr- d jdrt an.4 Mrs. . Jathoe H. Tay-
or to Mr. Clement JWaldran,; rook place
edneday,vehln(B at. tiia -Klrsi Ch rattan
urebA Riv.'? J-M. ' kersey officiating.
jTbe bride wore- white embroidered chif
fon over wkjl aatlni an caiclcd lilies of
tne vaney. ihe arje's .long; veil, waa held
la plaoa, by 'a .p&ad olarp, and -she wore
peanl, and diamond lavaller, a.' gift of the
groom'..- V - . ' . , .v.-: . ,
, jMW June-Areevy.'Bnad.ot Iwnor. wore
,piruw guinea vet yenow.aun Trimmed
wlt pearl' 'trimmings' and " eacrted white
lilies. The' brtdesmalds Mlsa Jnien Pat
terson and "Miss Jessie Spence, oi-e white
chifpn. ovor,,' while satin -with, paaijl trlm
ntlngs aod tarried arrnfuls -of .greens.
me fncu(n a irM. recoptlon was
hwld at the .bride's ioaje,-j -doh -waa decor
aed .Wfth 'greens and llliee. ot valley.
Thou aasuitajc throughout tbe iKtoms wera
iouaiii jarrtt and Aii Mv South
raayd and Oilrfs VtrgJni-EliatJ i
.Aftef p. short wedding trip etft the bride
and. groom will return, and sperii a' couple
of weeks la -OmSha," tiefore" goiiVg to their
oome irt tieach. N. D. '-( :
A Krla-fctfat RiserlesM
with blllouanesa, malaria and eemstlpatlon
ra ajuiokly overcome by taking Dr. Klnga
New Xifa Pills. . 2&c For sale by Beaton
uruf co.
Hebeena Llae Blewta.' .
SHUBE1RT, Neb.. June ll-8peelal.)-At
the district convention of the Rebekah
lodge held In Ehubert the following offloera
war elected: President, Mrs. Grace 8hu
bert, Shubert; vice-president. Mrs.
Boal. Auburn; warden. Mr. Charlotte
Imler, Shubert; treasurer. Miss Flora New
man, Auburn; secretary, Mrs. Ella Taylor,
Bhubert; chaplain, Mrs, Mat tie Rhodes.
AAiburn. The convention will be held In
Auburn next year. The district embraces
the lodges in Richardson and Nemaha
counties.- One hundred and twenty-five
delegates were la attendance at Bhubert
1 Brow far Jad. f Pert Rl-a,
WASHINGTON, Junal4.-PresMit Taft
ha appointed foster V. Brawn of-Tenna
at present attorney general for Porto
Rjoo. as, United State ulBtrict Judn of
Porte loco, succeeding John J. Jenkiii of
Chipewa k'alla. Wis., deceased. Mr. Uro ten's
pumlnatlon was mi it to the senate today.
oautiful Tcoth
Tliere are bit"-'fw people 'who' have
thaia Good teeth everyoua might have
ti ibt wouia s la- xr. iiradbury.
eulokest.. easiest and least , . painful
tits only" methods employed by aa and
neaareos or our P
out ef th city, will
both In
11 nd
rill xlaaiy tall von aiML.
i uvuuli wura And our uo-io-1m.ja
way af dung thins,
work I rum ur
C r0 W BS- a n-kiH4 c
work froul
fit from 14 00 ta
er tootn. Flat as tnat
fit from 4 OS to til SO,. t-aUUesa xtrA-
tloa of teeth. Nerv
of teotik rainuvl
tlbout t
ttu year.
Ubout burling -rou. ' Wor?" warraoteJ
IV Teara Suuaui IdraHss
DE8 MOINES, June U. (Special Tele
gram.) The State Association of Jewelers.
In session In the Coliseum, brought to the
citythe finest display that ever accom
panied any state association meeting. Man
ufacturers and jobbers are In rivalry for
the most brilliant exhibitions of their wares
and diamonds and fine Jewelry worth a
vast sum is on display. It haS been decided
that th eaRsoclatton will come to Des
Moines again next year for the convention.
Howard Carpenter, sales manager of the
Rock ford Watch company, talked on the
subject, "Tact, II Importance In the Busi
ness World." Discussions followed and
then a talk on the subject, "Time and Its
Tendencies," byGeorge B. Irving of Chi
cago. Joe Goldston of Bennett talked on
th subject, "The Country Jewelers' Bat
tle;" Louis Tred of Durant on Taking In
Repairing," and C. R. Runkle of Lisbon
on. "Cost of -Doing Business in the
Smaller Towns."
T. W. Heron of Omaha, president of the
Royal Indemnity company, opened the
afternoon session with an address on the
suojeci, -me Model Salesman." In every
respect the convention is the best ever had
by the Jewelers.
rtcht Over Parade Law.
-njrman hows, of the atate parole
board., in reply to criticisms of th board
which have been made, stated today that
th- board will not recognise the rlrht
of Judges under th Iowa law to limit the
tlm of aentences under the indeterminate
sentence law in any way different from
that contemplated by the law. The board
unit tk. . ...
... wu.u, juuSes .nave clashed a
great aeai on this point, but some of the
Judges stilt insist on deciding In advance
how long the sentences shall last. At
torney general Cesson naa threatened the
nerin or ureene county with removal
unless he comply's ' with- aa order of a
Justice court. It appears that Sheriff Wil
son, in accordance with past custom. In
stead of aending an offender to Jail for
inirty oays, permitted him to run at large,
t'Aking personal responsibility for him. The
attorney general has notified him thht this
cannot now be done under Iowa law.
Osersaer Breeders Meet.
The annual summer meeting of the Iowa
Guernsey Breeders" .'association waa held
today three miles southeast ol Des Moines.
About eighty members of the association
were present. They were gueBts of owenrs
of the farm, at luncheon. Judge W. B.
Quarton of Algona, president -of the as
sociation, presided at tba business meeting.
A constitution and by-laws was adopted
and plana discussed, tor the winter meeting
at Ames. - . .
t . - su-age. mt Lincoln Haloed"
LINCOLN, June . 14. (Special.) 'fire
which" Broke out early thin morning In the
Wunderllch Havllk garage at Twenty
Fourths. 'and O streets destroyed automo
biles and supplies to the amount of $12,000
and damaged the large building, belonging
to tb,e senior member of the firm, to , the
etent of S8.000. The fire department, only
half a block away, waa compelled to niaJce
a hard' fight for a few minute, but finally
got the fire' under cohtrbL vJ
n . . .... m . . .. ' 1 '
juue n. nan in tne caes
"4 Lillian Graham, a chorus girl, and Kthel
Conrad, an Illustrator, charged with: the
shooting of W. K. D. Stokes, a millionaiie
h9remant was reduced today from 135.00
to 116,000 .each in the West Side" court.
Btokea la rapidly reoovertng. '.
An Automobile
r Accident
William Porter, of the New York Stock Ex
change firm of Erickson, Perkins &' Co.," was
returning to New York from his country home on
May 22d with a party of friends. Just outside
of Paterson. New Jersey, in avoiding a (drjverless
horse and cart his automobile ran into a ditch
and upset.1! Bis friends escaped serious injury,
but Mr. Porter was crushed under the machine
and died June 1st.
On Feb. 5, 1903, Mr. Porter bought a $25,000
Accumulative Accident Policy of tbe ETNA.
LIFE, on which he paid four annual premiums of
$125. Under the ten per cent yearly ACCUMU
LATION FEATURE the insurance increased to
$32,500. - - j
a On Oct, 22, 1910, he bought a second Accu
mulative Accident Policy for $25,000, paying a
single premium of $125.
m So for $625 the ETNA LIFE on June 2d
paid $57,500. Weekly indemnity and surgical
operation fees added $1,107 more, making $53,607
'in all.
w Annual Premium
IIow can an automobilist with any business
foresight go a day longer without Accident Insur
ance? The ETNA LIFE has paid over $16,000,
.000 because of accidents.
tna Life Insurance Co,
hahtfoiid, coim
JOHN dale & son,
310 Ramge Building, Omaha, Neb,
.(TOrtJb fiS1 Qfiftrj QfivMyJ
Specials for
8-lb. sack
"Lotus" Flour 91.Z0
lb. (10c) Jap Rica, for
. .7e
a 6 akes Fel's Naptha Soap
M 1 lb. fresh crisp Pretiels ,
n 1 lb. Soda Crackers
Strictly fresh Eggs, per doa. 20c
- Our best country Butter, in sanl-
(3 - tary Jars, per lb. .-. UAe'
K S Pka. Toasted Rice Flakes S5o
Qt jar Queen Olives 50c
: J
II MsT fisMWriUsUi in si s list il &-S&MMmtmM
Golden Jubilee is
Still Drawing Big
Crowds to Yankton
Indians and gullet Pierced Stage
Coach Typical of Pioneer Says
Attract Attention of AIL
TANKTON, 8. D.. June 14 -(Special Tele
gram.) Dakota's golden 'jubilee continued
to draw crowds of pioneer settlers to Tank-
ton. A great civic and Indian parade was
the main attraction today. An bid stag
coach that was 60 year old before th
territory was organized, half a century
ago, was in the procession. ' -t ha kept on
going west until replaced by the steel
rails. For many years ' it ran between
Bloux City and Yankton, and from here to
Dead wood. It Is e battle-scarred vehicle
and show on Its venerable sides many
puncture 6y bulleta -and -even rent in Its
cover .caused -by the shafts of arrows hav
ing been attacked by hostile Indians or
murderous white men. - ' (
There are more. Indians, cowboys and
cowgirl in Tankton than- have been seen
in years. With these relics of other days
appear the smart rigs of today, automo
biles, beautifully trimmed,' ' firemen, and
fanciful -creations of business houses. In
hard fougtit r ball game. Tankton de
feated a Wagmf team, drawn from the
reservation country, the score being 10 to T.
"A Mid-Summer Night's Dream." by th
college, is to be given tonight in the open
air on the college campus.' A great hit of
the week is a women's minstrel, given by
fifty young socfety women of the town,
who have ' produced ' the bones, tambos.
cake-walks, - skirt dance and children's
dance. , , .-7 t..r,... .
The returning pioneera come . from, all
parts of the .union, and .Canada.. Former
Governor William Jane) .with his remark
able, memory and .unimpaired faculties. Is
a center pt attraction, always ready te tell
of the days when he was the Intimate of
Abraham Lincoln and, was Dakota'a first
governor. v. ...
The remaining Uuet4y of the jubilee
promise to be. vary , ,buy ones . and still
greater crowda er.ptedM many. pe
clil.trainabafveeejl arranged foft,s,.-. ..1
k - . . 1 1 'Ml'11 " '
' A Daaa-erops .Woosid . .
rendered antUieptlc,7 by. .Bucklen's. Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns,
piles, ecetma and salt rneum. 25c. For
sale by Beaton' Drug Co. ' '. '
C5 G,&r2 C53 C,C,St
uxat - iisi
Qt- Jar large Mansanlll Olives,
for ......,;,...-. ..,.,,.S3c
10c Valencia Sweet Oranges, ptr
dOl. e a e e e '. 4 e e OC
Watermelons (on Ice), each 4 (Hi H )
to 75c
10c Lemons, per dosen ..... .20c
1 hll ri AS Till-nf rts ' a Ttutt IO.
. Celery, Faaejr - Head Lettuoe. Q
Mushrooms, Caateloupea, Mint. U
Limes. M
Look for this Sign on Leading Garages
Wedding S II vet'
If you are considering the
purchase of a wedding gift
of silver vou are nrired to
.; visit the Edholnrstore before
making a final decision. Gifts
'of silver should have a per
manent value they should
,be cherished for generations.
The broad selection of silver
pieces and sets diversity , ot
stylos .and patterns range', in
price at the Edbolm store affords
opportunity for getting just such
gifts as will be monuments to
mark tbe wedding.
Don't Merely any
. Jeweler -
Sixteenth .
and Harney
Stop at any qda fountain.
dub, buffet, caft lunch
room or hotel.
Fer-Hil-Ue is ths Great
Sellsr Everywhere
FiMCl-lM lsm't like any ether
Btuaioer drink.
tt cools tba blood fey eleanstng
It ef imporlU, toalo yolaoas, etc,
tbsreby making yea able te go
tareagb ta bet a lamer meatus
la eemXera.
Cold drinks shook th stamaoh
nerve aod wbea the raaotiea
oaoas yea are 'better thaa erer.n
Fr-laU-lM la aarved oeol aot
ehllly. It oools tbe bleed gradu
ally and aatnrally.
That's keoeus Ter-Mll-Xe
laare th blood ef Imparities,
toils poison. seo.
It" th . greatest summer
arlak eve prodnoed and It haa
th most deUoloae flavor ever
pat late any dxiak.
TamUy sise' bottles aUvrd
dally to any heme by
Alamiio Sanitary Dairy Co.
(atfg. Xileaaaeo.)
rhose Aate A-4411
JS1S Taraam Bt.
What Is an Optometrist
' A person who is scientifically qualified to measure the
defects of eyesight and to prescribe the proper glasses
therefor. The following are the Optometrists of Omaha:
The only bunch of retailers that
of business at noon Saturday during
Coat and Pants to Order $17.50
We hare reduced the prices on every Suit in our store. How
ever, the workmanship, linings and fit are not reduced one bit
$40 Suits reduced to $30
$50 8ulU reduced to 40
$35 Suits reduced to , $28
$45 Suit reduced, to . $35
Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and style.
HacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
S0a-80 South lOlh BU
You cannot know what a good tire is on- Jv
til you try a Michelin properly Mated
- ilw-
Malted Milk Bread
Children Need Healthy
Energizing Fctod
Malted MU Bread gives .est to
the child appetite because It I
a near predlgeated a It la pos
sible to make bread "ind it Is
therefore easll) ana quickly as
similated and bunt Into new tla
ue. It taste a good aa it look.
Try It v.
Bo aad lOe per toaf. .
Save tbe tahals They're ValnaU
7 lO Sxrath Sttth .
noaasi Barney 36S6J lad. A-1381T
. Frestt Every Uoy at Vour Grocer a.
If you believe that the women
of this cotnmuultr have self re
spect and Intelligence 70a canst
admit that most of them read The
Omaha Bee.
have the nerve to close their places
June, July and August
sa SI
Five Steps South of Faroam.
i '
Uricsol is not an experi
ment, not a cure-all, but a .
tried and proved remedy
that has been performing '
wonderful work lor yean. '
The formula is that of a
chemist of forty years ex
perience, '
rr inaNoioxLTCcsz ;
Uricsol positively has no
Injurious effects upon the
stomach, but rather assists
digestion and strengthens
the digestive organs.
Don't waste another day
before investigating Uricsol.
If your druggfst does pot
have it, send one dollar to
i the California Chemical Co,
Los Angeles, and a bottle
will be sent you prepaid.
CJerSeadfcf FrwELkt
CaHforcia Chemical Co.
32S Nw Aigh St. U AafaU. CaL
oSaleaaBeeHmaeaatr '
Shersna 4 XcCmmII Dref Ca, - :
Owl Dreg Ca, Caak. Kti. f
The Sunday Bee
Is anxiously awaited by
those who ar gpeclally' - '
Interested In lands, . tba
sort that buy and sell
and encourage others t : "7
do likewise, . -J
Theater Cooled by lead Air.
4&.3-?xjrir- OBtAstA-SI
lr;t Tim In any Oniaha Tr.etr ot
eoa Taaag'e
No Ters, No Blrhsj Just Ha-Ha.
vgs. 10-asei fw at S6o aust Waist Mats.
Tass, Xuars. and kat. 10. ao
8un at Week "Tba icoa4 to Yaatarday."
More Popular Than Ever This .
H. H. Barnett. Manager -. .
Thousands are Overjoyed at the.
Beautiful New Ballroom. Other
Attractions are Equally
Oo for a Cool, Pleasant Evening
at Lake Manawa.
Admission to Park FRB'"'!
Vai!d8ili3 nl Pboto Plays.
Oroaastra BfrhaBt aracf
( sivssaag
aSaUasiaa 10 Oaate
t. ;