u-.l . , TnE T)KK: OMAHA. TTirKSDAY. .TT'XE 15. 1311. . , 1 J 1 I l M I 1 I ir III I II tr D 1 kyAIn -HX hi m 1.- - , . ., m,mmmmm.Mum , r . SPECIAL SALE THURSDAY STUNNING STYLES IN WOMEN'S New Straw Sailors Actually Worth Up to $3 at 91.08 ' :V Ar aw--: ' Mow tha n l,(KHJf of those new and fashionable banded sailors -for midsummer wear in lavender, gTeen, nacre, black, white burnt, natural gtraw in jumbo braids and mi- f ju--rirnigni ana rou nm actnaiiy -worth up ')Lq,WM'A jrront display of them in' our windowB Tiiurday at 98 New York Importers' Samples and Odd Lots Women's and ' Men's All Pore Linen and Swiss Embroideied , : Handkerchiefs I1in hemstitched fine linen, also fine embroidered initiiil handkerchiefs, fine Shamrock lawn with Madeira corners, , iths-vr cros barred with Armenian and val lace fl A edges, etc. worth up to 35c each big , III bargain square, at, each A V v -" '' Special Thursday in Our. Basement. ,15c Curtain Swiss at 5c V .closed out from an overstocked Eastern jobber his en tire fetock of perfect mill lengths curtain swiss, dotted, fttripeft, checked and fancy colored swiss, suitable for over- drflpea, window curtains, etc. Not one yard made to rcfcvl less thah 15c a yard. These Swisses have been on display in our Douglas street show window, one yard n wide,, sale price, per yard , O C Men's Shawknit and Mercerized Lisle Hosiery; Black; tans, black with maco foot, double heels and toes; some rancy colors and silk embroidered actually 4 r worth 25c a pair; bargain square, south vestibule, pr. 1 3C Women's Fine Cotton and TJ1 TTni Mercerized silk finished, fancy allover lace f atterns.' full iasmowa ana seamless Wack, tan and colors 4 r worth 25c a pair, at .....X3C ' ": 60c EMBROIDERIES, at 25c YARD. 18 and 22-Inch fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroid- rea nouncings, skirtings, corset coverings, . , r choice new designs, nt, yard . J tfC Thousands of yards fine embroidery edgings and insertions 1 1 - . 1 a) . ii 1 . nunareus or pretty acfcigns, worth up to , fM I2'2d a yard, at, jier yard. I 2C Women's 50c Gloves at lGc Pair Pure Milanese lisle, long gloves, 16 button lengths tan. 1 lit 1 n t m - . . Drown ana DiacK; aieo -'-clasp Meets, m white, f r 'black, tan, brown and gray, at, pair. ISC BRANDEIS STORES FORTf-CENT 'ICE AT TOPEKAlC XaniM Capital Get Artificial Product at Reasonable Bate. NO . NiTUSAL ICE DELIVERED V-mm Can Operate (loo - AaTMoaaajat, m4 Aaraey Oeaeral Tnmm A4ailoa at a Es ackttaat Charaa. Conditio, thai mark tha sale and de livery ef to to domaatla eonauinars In Kan CJtr wai Jnblihd in Th Be Tuo dr Tha report from Kanaaa City ahowt Ihet the price of lc there la from 10 to W oonla per-hnndrtd wlht Ima than In Omaha. Coildtttuoa , In Toptka ire oven better than In Kanaa City. The companiea thr deliver Mly rttnnl u, at the rate of M eenta per 'tiurxlred fur partia taking twenty-Mv pounda or Wore al one drllvery, wllh a rebate 4t I per cent when rh la Mid for th eoupo book. Thle brlngt the rat down' t rent pr hundred. Th Wee'a ooreapofident at Tnprka writ: "There are two onmpanlr n Topoka. fnly artlfU-lal w ta oJl t houwiholda hr and both company make th do UveHe and both ha.v- tha aama rate. "At th beilnnlni of the i'tn t,a rom nle annoumod an lnciaa In rate to the email conaumera only, Fur five yearn the rat haa barn 4 t-onla prr humlrixt pounda to tha houarhold and to everyuiu taklna; Una than 1U0 pounda anoh delivery. In th aprtny tl', opmi-antra mad a rate of ) oenta pr liundrvd pounda to houachnld taking at lal Iwvtity-nva pourfda at rach delivery. Thla oa rouimn txioka of WO and i.ooo pounda. thit companlva allowlns I per aent dlaoount fir cah on delivery of th coupon buoka. To homM taking ten pounda at any ulvry th romanlna made a chare of 76 rent prr hundred pounda on th coupon boik, tfc tho aama dlaoount aa on tha Mhrr. . . . i. "Juna , , the 'i rlc f,r th ten pound rhunka wae rhaiVd to to vnta per huh drrd on an ord.-r of it .rny a-'Mteral, who ttireMtriiod a pn inn of th com paniea tinder Hi aiitl-trtiKt lew, t.,ih mn pauln wiaklnaj th m rli- a.d rufurc "T th aato rni. 1 pjM.f ,(m,. ,,in plained that th'-; r..uhl not ci J buy the booka and p"l ji n,... j, ( ,., fct tlm. fi.iy t,i, (.., i, h b!.i ..;'.! i fi . ANKLE STRAP PUMPS TITR 8UBftER FOOTWEAU FOR MISSFH AND CHILDREN. Dreiel'a. ankla strap pumpa fit tha children's frrt. No pinching and crowding, but a comfortable), neat and very tyllab ptrrnp for street or.drms wear. The only sennonable footwear for the chil dren during, these hot summer months. '. -1 t We have them In all leathers for either street or party wear, la welt or turned soles Children's sizes. to 11 Jt.50 Mliafs' sixes, 11 H to 3 ..3.00 Young Women's, 2 to 6 $2.50 DREXEL . , KHOH COMPANY f 1410 Farnom Street. rt ryi RoHablo Dnntin L'vi'l) Tali's D2flil norms AH ill i II " ( Hi Hi I i ixbii a a j a a a a a iu mi. U v v .iJitllUMLJ. t w w i I J. IOj can t.r man awful thing hme bf aatln ft. f. atamr. thm with rrfrj ptirrha). for yowrl 1 II W'e give I II JJ Boys' Suits at S5.00 In Such Fabrics and Workman ship as Usually Cost You S6 ine roiors, patterns and making in thee suit will appeal to all mothers who are looking for the best vacation suit for their hoy- that $3.00 will buy. There nre varions grey, tan and brown, fabrics in Norfolk and single and don ble breasted tyles; many of them with two pairs of pants' to match. Also hand some blue serge suits that will be fine for "dress" wear and special owasions. Sizes range from eight to sixteen years. $4 and $4.50 Suits at $3.45 Boys' Suits in nearly every style and color some with two pairs of pants to match that have been priced at $4.00 and $4.50 the suit ages eight to sixteen years Thursday, your choice at $3.45. 40c Blouse Waists in all colors ages five to fifteen yearsThursday, 25c. 4m Wash Goods at Less Than Cost One lot of colored batistes In stripes, dots and checked pat terns, that reiLlarly sell at 12 He, Thursday, m. , Tr : tVC , Limit of 20 yarda to a customer. One lot of colored llnrn finlahed saltings, worth lc an tha yard, while they last, only IflC Soli J Weathered Oak Porch Rockers, feolarl;r priced at $2.50 lfcondaT--$2.l7. These rockers sre made of specially selected woods and only bolta and screws are used In their construction which Insures ex treme rigidity and the maximum amount of usefulness. As may be Judged from the Illustration, they are comfortable chairs and well worth our regular price of $3.60. Thursday, S2el7 A 53.00 chair to match the rocker at $2.00. StaaainJ. New Summer Coats at Price; That Are HardJ Larfe EflGoh for the Qaa itf. We have been telling you a great deal about dresses and light tailored suits for summer wear now we warn you to come and see these new' slimmer coats. Fully in keeping with the season as regards fabric and tailoring prices of the usual Ben nett fairness. Plain tailored, light weight pongee coats with Persian silk in ' lsld collars and cuffs or large sailor collars with moire silk 310.00 and 312.00 each. r WhlfcejKirKe coats In three-button styles with either large shawl or sailor collars, $15.00 each. TT- Womea's 50c Hosiery at 3 Pairs for $1.00 if. On lot Of Vomiin'i nl.tn .jt ' h.0,i'ery. r V . few mbrotderiI y Included In black, wMi anS plain coior; hava reinforced heei ;?dci0fl." .,z" Jhai aenerally at 60c the plr, whll they last. 36o or three pair for 11.00 New Prices Appear in the-Shoe Store Choice of ur Entire Stock of Woaen's $3 Sommer Foo.wear, $2.25 Not a lot of shop-worn goods but all the new styles of the season in the assortment, priced to. cornel all women who have not purchased their entire supply 0f summer foot wear to be here Thursday. ' ' Velvet pumps and oxfords Ankle atrap pumpa-8-button oxfords with plain, wide toe . Dull leather ankle strap pumps with wide toes and leather bows And patent colt ankle strap pumps with wide toes and leather bows All of the above priced reeularlv at fa.OO, Thursday only 7 f t1 T- . . un tne iarain Tables n k,nd" of xtr pumps in ' vuviw a V SJT Three Idts of odds and ends of women's Ilouse Slippers, worth up to $2.00 the jaa pair, at ....'tVK Tha' house slippers are single strap styles with low heels but also in this lot are to'gh shoes In small sires and some oxblosd Knd Russia calf oxfords. One lot of children's sUppers In sizes from six to ten only; odds and ends that sold when they first cams In stock up to mr 11.60 tha pair, Thursday, choice ...... iiC j (X BESIDES Appreclt Hllvr to be kept all th year In memory of the wedding- day. W carry a beautiful line and would b plsMl to hav you spend a few minute in our etur. ixok for th nama S. XI. LINDSAY, Jeweler 151Q,Doufflas Strcst Who's Your Candidate in Our Free Vacation Contest How much are you doing to make your candidate the win ner? Are you voting every dsy? Ats you asking your friends to cast their vote for your candidate' A vacation at our expense will be a fine thing for some one. Tha. contest continues until July list. Get your voting olip every day from our csshleriwben you pay your clwck. It mesna 1 vote from 11 A. M. to 4 P. M., and I votes at any other time. Bee: how it helps your candidate In tha race Dcgin today to help1 your candidate and watch tha weekly bulletins in our Lunch Itoomi for the standing of tha contestants. ' THE DOSTOn LUHCH OPK.V ALI, NIGHT. iiOH KAKNAM JBia KAKNAM mwimm.iiih m.,., .,. .j...-.- M hi ifiMiiiiisiii iiiisa' " iiiis sin i ii i '' ' ' s fMS. DON'T MISS ONE DAY OF TTTT. nv.v ltt'it nv att nspi- unwrv cjavTfra rar.V GAIN GrVINa DRY GOODS SALE EVENTS. KVei St. Paul Bankrupt Stoclt - Sale Offm acorea of new and certainly matchleas bargain opportunities. Every day the erowda' come. Every day the enthusiasm increases. Watch Our Windows and" Our Ads. It Will Pay You. I ' J .7 Mr: . .Sfci fcJBaafc. j wfc.tfy, t. - '-i, aM f. fc., ni T f S In i mm New ' Offerings Every Day Salt Continues1 . AUJtfeek. Thousands Upon Thousands of Dollars Vorth of Women's Seamless Outer Garments At prices far below the worth of the material alone. Here's the way they go: ' 375 Beautiful Dresses Manjuisettea, lingerks, a'J lace embroideries and other dainty nummer fabrics, delightful assortment of clever designs, all sizes Bale TrrifA c t nir BOv - -- -- ...a... -M . r n - Women's WaDdM- SWrti I Whit Sftro-. Anita am 1 9 Trimmed with 6 rows of taffeta bands and embroidered panels choice $1.50 White Serge Suits All ' newest styles and worth to $5.00, just 125 in the lot, on sale, choice at S2.50 Street and Auto Coats New summer styles, in all sizes plain linens, crash and reps, values to $10, at . . S3.95 600 Linen Skirts-Whites, blues, pinks and tans, regular values to $y.uu bankrupt sale priw 79c Silk Pongee Dresses Nobby new styles with the newest large collars, made to sell at $20.00 choice, at : sin:nn Simond's Silk Underskirts A great assortment, in all J 1 a 1 1 I .m i coiora ana dihck, regular Ko values, bankrupt sale $2.69 Ladies' Rain Coats Silk rub berized, values to $15, just 100 in the lot greatest snap ever, at $5.95 Wash Waists Dainty lawns and lingeries, trimmed with laces, inserting and embroideries. regular $2.00 values Bankrupt sale price.... .". 89o ST. PAUL BANKRUPT STOCK . ST. PAUL BANKRUPT RTnnw $1.00 Fancy Linens 28c An immense line beautiful, new Center Pieces and Dresser, Scarfs, .fresh, new goods, trimmed with Jinerr laces and in sertings; also beautifiilly embroidered; a great line of handsome pieces biggest snap ever offered i ' Oft 41.00 values .V..; r-Sp. KiT. V $1" Automobile Scarfs 29c Thursday we will sell all the fancy Auto mobile Scarfs from the big purchase values $1.00 and $1.25, as dis- QQn played in window Big assortment for selection. Can be used for evening, head or shoulder shawl. 49c and 69c Men's, Women's and Children's Hosiery Oar gains from St. Paul Bankrupt Stock, Thursday Ladies $1.00 and $1.50 Pure Silk Hose in black and colors, : plain and embroidered all perfect guaranteed quality bankrupt sale .prices . ..... - Ladies' 25c and SOc Hose Fine Lisle or Mercerized, lace and gauze. In all colors, sale prices at ......f...l2H and 25 ClUldren's 25c and SOc Hose Fine Hale and pare silk, plain colors, neat ' stripes, Scotch plaids, bankrupt sale prices at .... .'.12 Ha and 25 Ladies', Kten's and Children's Hosv Regular 16c quality, . an im mense line, Thursday, at bank rupt sale price 7H Men's Pure Silk Bote 6 do and 11.00 rallies, In black and col ors, all perfect, sale prices 25 od ,.a3 Men's Shawknit Hose 36c val ues everywhere, In black and colors, all perfect goods, bank rupt ssle price, O pairs $1.00 Men's Seamless How 26c Qual ity, in black, tan, black with white feet and fancies, etc. JO and . 12 Men's Guarantee Socks In all colors, on sale, 0 pairs for 60 5r :SSr X'i z V ) ' v.irn ii . Five Great Rug Specials from St. Paul Stock 30.00 Hartaford and Bigelow Electro Kugs, 9x12 S25.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 10 wire aualltr size, beautiful new patterns, bankrupt sale 1 11-3x12 size, good line of patterns, bankrupt sale Vice- 910.98 1 Price 810 98 $27.50 Seamless Brussels Rags I $1.08 Velvet Hearth Ruga I $9 0O Heavy Aj minster ilusn 10 wire quality. 10-6x13-6 size. 27x54 size, big -range of pat- ' 4-6x6-6 aize. pretty new ekttPiW i i . i . -mo ta I . . m ffl I . - ' oauaruyi wu pun 5xo.l70 i .(Ji.UJ on aaia . A Full Line of Porch Rugs Shown at Bargain Prices. -$6.98 Specials in High Grade Wash Goods Dept. for Thursday French Ginghams, good patterns and fast colors, at a yard ................. ... . 25t Scotch Ginghams, good assortment of colors, 18c ginghams for 12 Flaxon, good patterns, at a yard ........ . 12 Lawns and Batiste, all good colors and patterns, with borders and plain, at a yard 15 Voiles., fancy, striped and plain goods, worth 88c, at a yard 25tf Llnenatte, good colors, at a yard 18j Bordered Batiste, 40 inch wide, at a yard . -25 Specials in tha Domestic P.eoni fer Thursday Lonsdale Muslin, at a yard Hope Muslin, at a yard West Wind bleached Muslin, at this sale . . . . a m i 7 ; U good 7 We seller, ........i..i(v..Kik A good unbleached Muslin, always sold 7V4e, la this sale...' k uwwu ivu tuwoia, eacu ; m m m f fr . uuw un towsii, eaca All 16c Pillow Cases, Thursday . , E 4-in. Percales,- good black and graoe, at a yam f u. llfto Ginghams, good long lengths, Thursday, at 7t lit whites, - 11 Ho Oil or Mustard B "" mnm,i "'"7" IlaydcrTs For Grcsorics-ths Homo of Quality and Low Prices fVmf BB&D THKBB TDOXATB raioia ix wub uunTwnYt I bundle fresh ltallslie.,.. . . S bunihes freni Onions "...1! t fba biat HanJ Pirke Navy Beana S6 I hm ood Jpn Klee, 7 Ho quality 8 Ib'Ailly Japan tlce, lie wf 1 -!hf .Vi,.' iuari''li Boil . .7VjO Bro'mangelon, Jellycon or JaUo. yer Comfenied' MlVk". 'per can! '. JH Corn Flakee, pkr 7J" MU.t.r,i Bardlnea. per can...4o Larca bottlea Worcester Rnuoa. Plckloa or Pur Tomato Catsup, bottle. '.S'o McLsursn's-Peanut Butter, lb.... .lfto The best Soda Crackers, lb So tvt vr vovu naiimii TXXS Will. Thla week will probably cloae tha Pineapple season. V'e advise our cjs tomera to buy now. A Carload ef tha Zartra Taney Siorioa nnaappiea tor Tnoraoay. Each T'U ttc, Ida. lt Per dozen SOo. SOo. SI. 10. l Per crate, any alia THOXATBI,b YOUj fro v: l - - .: --:v - bo I bunches fresh Beets r Turnp... . Sq f-ancy rlpa Tomatees. per lb. . .V. B'ld fancy Cauliflower, per lb. ..two 5!,ryJM;rrI,t Pr auart..lo heads fresh Iiaf lettuce.'.,.. So Large Cucumbers ....6, and fUo t bunches freh Asparacua ,Io 1 bunches Pieplant o LargA inlcy I,emrr.a, 1o. .BOo, a8c, ioo to xcev cooi., Tar haydenb omocsar DiriaimiiT nur. n. Pays :Porch Hammock Swing: Just th- thing for Porch comfort In tha hot dsys a'nd sweltering nights. The prlca Is so low you cannot well afford to be without one or two. $7.50 to $12.00 phone order for one today. Douglas 338. It will be delivered at onca, SCOTT TENT Gc AWNING CO. 814-316 Ho. 12th St, between Famam and Harney. We also bava a full line of tents, cots, camp stools for out-door living. Ask for prices. fTSBESX Where to find The Bee ia (lew York City, IJ, Y, Arthur Hotallna. Grand Central Depot News Stand. Astor flout: , , .., , fTf 3 8ci'' Orn4 Vatral Matlon. ,; ' . , Tyaoft Go's. ,Vir SunJa,' Incluiln'a Hnttl Kalckirhoelier, Hoftinaa Houm, Uatml IUiMUL Holland Haiti pwSal Hotel. Hatal p.lmnot Murr Haul. Waaturt-Aaerla. Ora laloa Haul. k a a" aafc.iaajM-M