Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Attorney Says Shallenberg-r Allowed
Violation of Food Law.
F-nae (-averaor la A or seed af Favor-
XMtmm Coaeeraa Oat af ill
. StatfWlll rr4ar Kvl.
f ' ' - ... tnrfi
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LTNCOLN. June IS. (Special.) Local
democrats and republicans alike yesterday
na tolay hv been dlocuenln the edi
torial fry Edjrar Howard In this week'
leans of tha Telegram, In which the Co
lumbus nan gives In full a letter written
by I. J. TJunn of Omaha, rn which the
Itouslas county man aneerts that ex-Governor
Shaltenberger during hla administra
tion deliberately allowed the pura food
law to ba violated by certain out-of-atate
concerns. . tVhen tha time cornea, tha
Omaha man throuirn tha editorial column
of Colonel Howard's paper, aaaerts that he
win bring; in tha goods to corroborate hla
allegation and. will let . all wondering
democrats In on tha secret with himself.
Wh"a soma of ehallenberrnr's friend
here aaaeVt that Dunn Is wrong, none of
them so far have denied aa assertion made
by Howard ,lh which ha declarea that
; neither revenge nor office disappointment
hava prompted tha writing of tha letter.
In tha article which accompanies tha
tHinn letter tha Telegram's editor allege
that democrats who dare not stand In
open enmity to William J. Bryan ara seek
ing to find a way whereby they can thwart
any move his friends may make to send
him to tha national convention as a dele
gate from this state. Howard says In this
connection: "They dare not leave Mr.
Bryan off tha delegation. Their plan Is to
play tha sneak game, tailing the people
that they ara friendly to Mr. Bryan and
his principles, but all tha time working
against tha him., to tha end that fifteen
of tha sixteen delegates from Nebraska
shall go. to the national convention for
tha purpose of supporting Harmon or some
other corporation candidate, and for the
further purpose of adopting a platform
which will ba a repudiation of every prin
ciple for which Mr. Bryan has contended.
Mlcaisaa Has Like Nebraska.
C A. Dlsbrow, formerly assistant secre
tary of tha Commercial club at Grand Rap
Ida, Mien, Was la the1 city today on his
way to Hastings, where ba will take tha
position of secretary ot the commercial or
ganisation of that city. Mr. Dlsbrow de
clared that when ha first landed In Ne
braska ha was not very much taken up
with tha outlook, but after being la the
State a few daya asserts that ha knows he
will Ilka it Immensely..
According -to tha Michigan man there
ara mora and mora commercial clubs over
tha country adopting the Idea of paid
secretaries for their organisations and he
believes tha time will not ba far distant
when even tha so-called smaller cities of
from S.OQO , to 8,9009 will hava regularly
paid men , to boom their local clubs and
attend ta matters sJong tha Una of- city
commercial development.
Deedsloa la I'lreaea Caarea Case. '
Tha afapreaia .court today announced its
reversal -of tha decision In the caaa of a
minority ot' tha trustees of tha church
of tha Immaculate Conception at Ulysses
against the majority of tha board of trus
ters and Father Murphy, In whloj) the
IdJuafUoa' ifravanttn'te tha -latter frornjhe'
um at, tha church was dissolved by "the1
lower court, i Tha 1 dootslon means That
tha minority . trustees may Institute fur
ther proceedings' to obtain possession of
tha aliurch. but this. It Is thought, will
not ba dona. Tha case In one growing out
of a misunderstanding, disputes between
Father Murphy of tha Butler county town
and tha lata Bishop Bonacum of this
clt . . ;
Stat Holiness Association.
Tha thirty-ninth-, camp meeting ot tha
Btats Holiness association will begin at
Fpworth park near this city Friday. yhe
opening service will ba conducted by Rev.
G. A. McLaughlin of Chicago on that day
and the evening service will ba in charge
of Rev. Joseph H. Smith of Meridian, Mis
sissippi. Several of the towns of tha state
ara making preparations to send, delega
tions to the meetings of tha association.
Including Omaha. Ashland, Fremont. Ge
neva. Beatrice, Oaoeola, Weeping Water,
Aj-Uogtoa and. Sewaxd.
Paaaral Director Meet.
, The Nebraska Btats Funeral Directors'
association met In this city today, half a
hundred undertakers from over tha state
being In attendance. President Eebura
Wheeler of Stella presided at tha sessions
today. - Aooording to Secretary Skinner's
report the) association has at present 184
members. Next year's aeaslon will go to
Omaha, according to tha members ot tha
association who ara In tha majority and
N wha favor alternating between tha state's
f, metropolis and capital.
' rartaar" Seaaol Bllla,
Monday $146,00 was pat dout by tha state
treasury and this forenoon tSO.OO was paid
out, most of the paymenta being on war
rants Issued on tha temporary . school
fund, fund which la disbursed semi-annually
ta the different counties fur tha
support ot public schools. . The apportion
ment this tuath amounted to 137&.00 and
tha money is rapidly being called for by
tha esuntiea.
Objeatlaa ta fireeb: Aajeaoy.
Dopaty Labor Commissioner Quye has
asked ta drive a Greek employment
out of South Sioux City. Neb., aa
agaacy that is said to have been doing
basin era In Bioax City, la., and which tha
labor oonrmlaiiiomir of Iowa lnveatixated on
svoooant aX complaints filed against it. Mr.
Ouya has no authority under tha law to
control employment agencies, though ba
TseUevaa soma officer In tha state should
hava such authority. Tha only way such
agencies, can be reached according to his
statement, la through city or village coun
cils and ofOeera.
' 'After Veadara of Ba Ea-ce.
Deputy Staia Food Commissioner W. R.
Jauawua has ordered tha prosecution of
two farmers, Mark Fender and H aimer
Han awn ot Banna;,, because they are al
iased to hava sold eggs that were bad. Tha
rear at aha deputy food commissioner is
tha aarrytna .eut of hla- recently adopted
policy that all persons who sell bad eggs
ar wha hava bad agga In their possession
, fur sals shall be prosecuted. H Intends to
proaecuta all offenders from the farmer to
tha biggest ot tha wholesale dealers In the
stale and has Inspectors looking: for vtoia-
tuous ot the law,
Ilastlaaa Irssma ta Wat.
' HASTING New June 1A-Spacial-The
unprecedented twt wtakhar at tha last
Seven days taxed the Hastings water
work to a greater aatutU than ever ta itu
' history. la this tima tha eutpea at tha
plant y veraged MM) g&Busie far haor DiiU
aiivl -uu , or 1.SWV.VU ll"ne per day
Tvhvrves the hlHhwt priuua record for a
raj pumping Ws t0,JS gallon. For
ii weeks Uielpuiupe hava been worked
tunatsntly. ,
Detailed Census of
The director of the cenetie has announred the population of Howard oounty.
ti-uruins to lis minor civil 01 visions, as follows:
Cleveland precinct
Cotesfleld precinct
IJannehroe: precinct. Including Dsnnebroa; village
Pannehrou village
Dannevlrke precinct
Kibe precinct. Including Elba village
Elba villa
Falrdale precinct .........
Uaere Valley precinct ..
Kelso prerinct
Ixsan precinct
Leup Fork preciqrt. Including Howard City village
Howard City vtllare (Bnelus P. O
Poren precinct. Including Foecn village
Pnsen village
8t. Llbory precinct.... 1
St. Paul precinct, including St. Paul city
St. Paul city
Ward 1
Ward I
Ppring Creek precinct
Warsaw precinct
Pastor Asks About
' Legality of Menu
For Church Supper
Brownville Preach Writes Food
Commissioner in Eeg-ard to Proper
Naming of Eefrethmests.
. fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Juna 13.-Spec!al.-That they
might not be charged with tha violation of
tha pure food statute relating to tha mis
branding ot products tha pastor of the
Methodist church at Brownville has writ
ten to Food Commissioner Jackson
through Governor Aldrlch, asking If milk,
eggs, sugar. Ice cream flake and flavoring
sold under tha caption of "cream sherbet"
is a misnomer. Rev. Newton Sherman, who
for some time has been debating this ques
tion in his own mind, after a long and con
scientious application decided that Its solu
tion lay only in tha state department and
not elsewhere. Trusting that all concerned
In the case. Governor A Id rich. Food Com
missioner Jackson and himself, all ardent
Methodists, would give tha matter only tha
best of attention, tha Brownville dominie
propounded tha question In tha letter which
reached the state house today. In It the
pastor asserts that Inasmuch as sherbet Is
commonly made mostly of water, the sub
stitution of milk therefor might be looked
upon as a deception.
In his decision Commissioner Jackson
says: "I see no violation of law In using
the preparation you refer to at church fes
tivals." By those who ara affiliated with
other denomlnationa this is looked upon as
a sufficiently broad view. Including, as it
does, festivals given by Presbyterians,
Catholics, Christians, Baptists, Episco
palians, Unitarians or other sects. But
among lodge folks, many of whom often
give festivals following much the same
menu as given by religious dmomlnatlona,
tha decision is much questioned. Whether
they may put tha same kind of milk, the
same kind of butter, tha same kind of
eggs, the same kind of flavoring and tha
same kind of loa cream flake into their
decoctions and then ba haled up for violat
ing the misbranding clause simply because
they are not conducting church festivals is
still a question that may ba submitted in
due time to Food Commissioner Jackson.
Five Taaasaad Dollars TLaaa, Par
tially Covered ly lausaraaea.
BEATRICE. Neb., Juna U. 8pecial.
Tha large elevator of Noreross A Garrison,
located at Princeton, on tha Union Paclflo
road, .was destroyed by fire, together with
2,000 bushels ot wheat and eats. Tha office
and Cribs adjacent tha elevator were also
destroyed. Tha loss is placed at t&.OOO, par
tially covered by lnsuranca.
Frank H. McMastar of this city and
Miss Gertrude Paters Of Lincoln were mra
ried at tha bride's 'home bare Sunday, v
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoyle, living four miles
east of Beatrice, wars badly cut and
bruised in a runaway Sunday in tha east
part of town.
Harry A. Cause 11 of this city and Miss
Bertha Smith ot St. Louis were married
hero Sunday by Rev. C B. Ting-ley.
Judge Pemberton, In tha district court
yesterday, granted a divorce ta KaroMne
Linsemeyer from Andrew Ltnsemeyar on
tha grounds of cruelty and desertion.
Tha Kii Patrick boss company hold Sts an
nual meeting last lugha and elected these
officers: R, J. KUpatrlck, president; W. a.
Ball, first vice president" Jacob Borsekof
ski, second vice president! John Bcharton,
foreman; Albert Plebuoh. first assistant
foreman; John Lascbewskl, second assist
ant foreman; Henry Spahn, secretary; J.
a. Walker, treasurer.
EHeetlaa Is Held aaa Boada Carry by
Lsrse Majority.
CRAWFORD. Neb.. June li- (Special.)-
A special election held here, to vote on
bonds ot 4,000 for a new gravity system
of waterworks carried, HA tor and 17
against.' thus assuring a new municipal
gravity water system within tha next three
Immediately upon taking office on May
t. Mayor Porter, President Uungartord and
Councilman - Hall, - Forbes and Xsnthoft
took stops toward a new water system
which would glva tha city a supply at pure
spring water. Tha next day engineers were
at work on tha project. Plans wars drawn.
estimates furnished and a special election
called with tha result stated.
Tha new system will consist of eight
miles ot . twelve-Inch, pipe, bringing; tha
water to a reservoir on what la knows as
Porter hill. This hill" la 167 feet above tha
main street of tha cjty. giving sufficient
pressure for all purposes. Tha administra
tion has already made arrangements for
wo placing or bonds and work on tha
project will ba commenced at once.
Beaaett'a Body Takes ta Taaajaaasv.
TECUMSEH. Neh. Juna U. CSoeclal Tl.
egraro.) Tha body of George I). Bennett
was removed rrom Wvuka auiuiir. u..
coin, today to tha Teoumseh oemetery. Mr.
oenneu was In tha banking business In
wus cuy I or years, but lived In Lincoln
when ha died, which was Mar A lsotc u.
was secretary of tha State Board of
Equalisation. Mrs. Bennett and family,
who now live at lilt K. street. Lincoln,
will move to Omaha.
attea Mayaralty Caateat DUsateaea.
CLAT CENTKR. Neb. Juna 1A (Bpeeiai.)
Tha ensttaet Inatitatad aver tha alaoUoa
for mayor ot Button la tha oounty court
by Albert Lerwla has baea dlinlsanil, Jacob
Bender wtU Mn ta act aa soayor, be
saving- aaaa atoetaa by taur vetaa. as
shown aa tha faaa at tha rartrma.
West Saw BftaaaU
StJTTOX. kah, Juna Iv-0nnacfaL-A
petition ar Sa cfretaaziaa as fug tha Baaf
actnn railhnad tor aiiiLt. a natsr fxelsjlht and.
paesengiar dapat hia-e. This acUaa. la tha
raauit at a MsumnmuL. Tf''"Tln4 ta tha afl-
taat. that Harvard ta tr gat. a. nay
dapat lnvthssBsn
A Ufa Pvw
by that great health tunic ElactrH Bit
tera.. la tha enrichment at nana, thin biood
and strengthening: the weak. SDo. Fur saia
by Braioa Drag Co.
Nebraska Counties.
iv lwo.
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Fleming of Nebraska ,
Is the Honor Man
Class of Eighty-Three Young lien
Graduated from West Point Mili
tary Academy.
WEST POINT, N. T Juna la-Elghty-three
young man were today graduated
from tha military academy Into tha United
Statea army and received their diplomas
and commissions from Secretary of War
Philip Bracken Fleming of Nebraska was
tha honor man of the graduating elaas and
he was applauded, as was also Cadet
Thomas Jonathan Jackson Christian, a
grandson of General "Stonewall" Jackson.
Class af EJffBteea Will Be Olvaa EX..
plaaaaa Keat Wedaeeday
8EWARO, Neb.. Juna 11 8peclaL The
graduating exercises of the Lutheran Nor
mal school will ba held at tha assembly
room on Wednesday evening, Juna SL The
addresses to tha class will be by Pro! F.
Strlater and O. F. Alpers and tha diplomas
will ba presented by Rev. C U. Backer.
The class rail follows.
Q. F. Alpera, F. Meyer.
F. W. Eggers, J. Noerenberg-,
J. Ehlera. L. Posehl,
Paul Gabbert, C. Rosen koettor,
W. H. Hlnrlchs, A. H. Senear.
C. F. Huebner, W. Schmidt.
O. Kamprath, H. C. Vlets,
V. C. Lang, C. Wyssmaan,
R. F Leuthaeuser. R. Zwlck.
Ashes at tha Avatar Killea at Las
Aaselaa Barlea at Atkla
aaa, Naa.
ATKINSON. Neb.. June 12. (Special Tele
gram.) The dust of Arch Hozaoy, tha
aviator killed at Los Angeles, Cal arrived
here last night accompanied by Mrs. Mary
E. Rogers of Pasadena and was buried at
t:30 a. m. Mr. Hoxsey's mother was not
present, as she was too feeble to make tha
trip. Tha local lodga of Masons attended
tha funeral In a body. Tha aervloe was
simple. Miss Isabella Havens read a pojsn
at the grave, "Hozsey, King of tha Golden
Skies." Rev. A. H. Tork read tha Meth
odist Episcopal church ritual burial service.
Hoxsey's boyhood homo was bora and tha
ashes wars buried In his father's grave.
Mack Damage Daae a tha Ditch ta
tha Vtetalty at Mitchell.
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., Juna JJL (Spe
cial.) Pocket gophers cut a long tunnel
Into the Tri-State canal east of Mitchell,
with tha result that it wUl take soma hun
dreds of yards ot earth to repair It The
canal was running; over 600 second foet of
water at the time, and before it could be
shut off considerable damage had bean
dona. '
Work on the south side section of tha
government system will begin at once.
This is known as tha .Fort Laramie canal.
with Its headgates at tha Whalen dam, and
will cover over 80,000 acres. -. Much of this
land is in Nebraska, and is tha very choice
of tha south side of the river. Engineers
hava bean at work for soma tima past and
it Is now about ready for actual construc
tion to begin. Thla project was approved
by the army engineers on their inspection
here last season.
Cruta Baastora.Ba Tear.
CRETE, Neb., Juna U. (Special.) Nine
teen automobiles full of Crete Fourth of
7uly boosters left town this morning with
flying colors and plenty of advertising ma
terial, to visit towns In tha vicinity of
Crete. Tha towns to ba visited ara Dor
cheater, Friend, Pleasant Hill, Plato. West
ern, 8wan Creek, Swanton, Dewttt and
Wtlber. Different Crete firms had special
cars and tha Crete band and city officials
occupied othera Crete will celebrate-tha
Fourth of July and do It In 1911 style, or
possibly in a way a little ahead of data
Perry Talley will be mars ball of tha day.
Crete and Wllbor, old-time rivals, will play
In two games ot bail.
Hsajs B armed Near Lyaaa.
LYONS, Neb., Juna 11 (Special. )-Flre
completely destroyed tha house and oon
tents occupied by James Holmes on Sun
day morning at about 4 o'clock. The
dwelling is a farm house, northeast of
town, which Is owned by Lee Parker, who
will Immediately rebuild. It la supposed
that tha fire caught from aa Incubator
that was In -tha house.
Odd Fellows ta Balld.
SALEM. Nsb., Juna la (Special.) The
Salem lodga of Odd Fallows announces that
tha order will soon begin work on the
erection of a new bunding two stories and
SOxJg feet of brick, and modern la ovary
Rio' Grande Eoad
Passes Dividend
Stock Sustains a Dec Una the
Action of the Directors is
Xaaia IWiO.
Denver A Baa
tha dMaVoad as tha
company. Tha stoat
since 1301, sad last
tha dn-actora, ft
Uon an tha e3vtiend
Tha stock- fcaT from 0 ta E wftaa
dlvkland news
CANIT JVIBA, Mexico, JXinsr XK ChndUlliBs
ta this saulllai of Btaraora ara tknprandna-
ucder tnaumsrtbof role amf tha amswnnant
Is making etmy efTtirt to protect, a-mwihan
Interests. Com plaints arnii In. however,
of minor couragea lb tha smaller settle
ments. Tha Kay to tha lirtianmt Has Want. Ada,
Juna laDtrectora of tha
Oraada raSwar tadmv naaaifl
waesr. at a nwttug of
wag aWiJiif to Mar se
Feature of Meeting: is Address of T. S.
Combs of Omaha,
Prealdeat Nelleaa Advaeates fosses n
Law a Prewat tha Fraad
aleat Advertlslas; at
(From a Staff Correnpondent.)
DES MOINES, la.. Juna U-(8peclal !
Telegram.) Before the Iowa Retail Jew-!
elers- association today T. L. Combs of
umaha, vice president of the national asso
ciation, delivered an able address on the
making ot headway In the trad a
President Netlson a ftha state associa
tion urged the members of the association
to Join In a fight against fradudulent ad
vertising of . Jewelry. "Iowa Jewelers
stand for what Is fair and just and for
the protection of the public," Mr. NeUaon
said. "At tha last legislature a law was
passed to require that gold and silver
goods must be stamped' to truly Indicate
tha amounts of precious , metal they con
tain. That law was championed by our
asaoicaticn. It. prevents tha sale of fake
roods and Is for the good of tha public.
Wa must now work for this other measure
ta protect the people."
President Nellsen also recommended a
mutual Insurance company. Ha proposes
that It bo organised so that It ba made
operative as soon as possible. This com
pany Is to ba for members only. Other
recommendation of Importance were that a
short course In salesmanship ba added to
tha school ot watchmaking In tha institu
tion already conducted by the association.
Tha Jewelers complain ot the unfair com
petition of department stores and say that
they deceive tha publlo In their adver
tisements. Postmasters la Caafereaca.
Action by tha poatoffice department to
compel postmasters to attend both district
and state meetings is favored by O. M
Conigan of Balrd, president of the Dee
Moines district, which la holding Its an
nual summer meeting here. The Creston
district Is holding its meeting in con
Junction with tha Des Moines district. The
meeting was attended by only a small
Charares Agalast Prtaaaa.
In a letter to Governor Carroll today,
Dave Brant of the Iowa City Republican
charges that prison conditions in "Iowa
are certainly rotten." He also notifies the
governor that he will continue to attack
these conditions until there la some change.
Ha says he will make an Investigation.
His charge was called out In response to
a latter written by Governor Carroll to Mr.
Brant where tha governor' defended hla
administration agianst tha attacks of the
Dske aad Saatard Recaaat Some of
Their War Experiences.
CRESTON, la, - June IS. (Special.)
Meeting after forty-eight years and learn
ing each other's names for the first time
after the life of one of the men had been
saved by the other during the war of the
rebellion, although living over since within
a short distance ot one another, was tha
experience of William Duke, aged 70 years,
of Lamont Mo., and , A. Sanford of
Lenox. la.
Duko was captuted during the war and
Imprisoned in tha south for ton months.
While being taken from Vlcksburg to Mem
phis to ba transferred, the boat's boilers
exploded, and but 900 of the tSQO prisoners
were saved. Duke was-one cf these. Hs
was found clinging to a togr by two men In
a canoe, who rescued him. Being In Lenox
recently, he fell into conversation with
Sanford, and their talk turned to .war ex
periences until eventually they recited the
Incidents of tha rescue, and tha reaouer
and tha reeoed met to know each other for
the first tine.
Iwe Staa Keaarted Dead; bat ta Very
asa Ail
MASON CITY. Ia., June It (8pcUL)
jona, Hainan knows what it Is, to ceaa his
own obituary and to know Just what people
think of him. While at tha Elm. ruvu
driving Prinoe H., ha was thrown by tha
oreaaing oi me noDDies, and the driver
who was trailing him smashed Into the
He was reported to hava died and the
fact was quite extensively published. Mr.
Kathan has many frlenda In Mason City
and' his son, mayor of Osage, was tele
phoned, asklnsr the time of th fimni
To tha surprise of bis friends the mayor
caiiea nis latner to the 'phone and an
swered that "Cards to his funeral hmA nnt
yet been Issued, that he was feeling good
ana wouia greet them at Mason City
June 27.
Fields ta Northers Iowa Pswdaelas
Tweaty Taaa a Day.
MASON CITY, la, Juna lS.-lSneclal )-
About twenty men are now engaged In the
peat Industry at Fertile and are renins-
out twenty tons per day. Peat will sell at
about the same price aa hard coal
Tha Indusry Is going to be developed here,
as tha richest peat deposits In the state
are within a short distance of this town.
All that la needed now to make the Indus,
try a success is a railroad of some kind to
take care of the product without the ex
pense of hauling two or three miles to ths
present point of shipment
Faaa the Eaaaalaattea.
DES MOINES. Ia. June ItPractically
everyone of tha candidates for tha Drake
university foot ball team of next year
successfully passed tha final scholarship
examlnatlone during the last week, and
are making- preparations for next fall's
work. For tha flrat month of fall prac
tice tha men will ba forced to aleep In
tents on the atadlum. The plan will be
considered at length during the summer
and further plans made for the first prac
tice of tha year.
Aviator Mueller
Takes a Tumble
Man and Biplane Fall 125 Feet and
Former Sustains Concussion of
the Brain,'
BfADOT5BT"RCI, Gsraany, Jm IA The
Brat aartooa mcdSmot of tha Rational Yrla
tknx CIrealt race aaaustad hare today whan
Kaxt Mueller fn sraieaai as; to land tad
with ftj biplane from a hefgftt af aaaa
US fas. Tha avhvmr M'niid a concus
sion at tha brain, but at tha aoapltal to
wftudk ha was removed. Be waa thought tt
ha would ryuia.
rnnalO, Juna IT- !nur huralarw Back ad
an a wagon In front ar a score em. that wast
side' hare today, broker asan mat dhar sad
hauled away l pound aata onntalnlng
C2S in cash and HOD worth of Jewelry.
Max K Utah si, owner af the stars, dis
covered the thieves driving away, too lata
to hinder them. The pollca ara now saaii h
lbs: for the safa
Haydens Have Great
Sale from Big Stock
Goods Bought at Startling Prices
Given to Omaha as Wonderful
Bargain Offerings.
On tha ground as one of tha earnest buy
ers, enabled representatives ot Hayden
Bros, to draw the finest lots of goods from
tha Immense SflOO.OOO stock of Tibbs, Hutch.
Ings eV Co., now being sold at wonderfully
low prices by IJndeke, Warner t Sons of
St Paul, Minn. This big purchase Is being
sold at a startling sale at Hayden Bros,
this week. The sale was started Monday
morning and. the firm did one' of the
largest day's selling In Its history. Kxtra
employes were engaged by Hayden'o more
than 10 girls for this wonderful sale, which
Is ur pas sing soma of the greatest ever
held In tha west
Buyers from the largo retail atores of
the following cities were present at Et
Paul on tha opening day of the sale: Den
ver, Portland, Omaha, Bait Lake City, Ta
coma, Seattle, Butte, Helena, Boise, Great
Falls and Milwaukee.
At noon of the first day A. W. Undeke
said the sales had been very large, and
that It looked as though the stock of $600,
000 would bo disposed of before Juna 15,
tha data marked for tha closing of tha
Tha stock Is one of tha finest that any
store of tha Twin Cities owned, and It Is
being bought up eagerly. Hayden Bros,
bought freely because they realised tha
advantages they could give Omaha people
through the large purchases. Tha figures
at which the Omaha firm bought tha goods
are so very low that the stock can bo sold
for prices that will cause wonder by every
one. Tha sale is unique, not only in Its else,
but also In the methods employed In mak
ing It a success. For the first tima In
tha northwest a jobbing house has used
tha department store style ot advertising
In calling attention to Its offerings, and
conducting such a sale.
Goods and prices were advertised In
forty-three leading dally newspapers, Trom
St Paul to tha Paclflo coast A short time
before the sale telegrams began pouring
in announcing that buyers would, ba on
hand from tha dtlee mentioned, and from
hundreds ot smaller cities and villages
thtroughout tha northwest
Foley's Kldaer sXesaedy .
Is particularly recommended for chronic
cases of kidney and' bladder trouble, it
tenda to regulate and control the kidney
and bladder action and la healing, strength
ening and bracing. For sale by all drug,
Tha Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
Natural Laxative
by Physicians
Refuse Substitutes
Bast remedy for
The Dry Gin with
the Flavour"
YOU will use no
other Gin when
you have once
tried the original Coates
& Co.'s Plymouth Dry
Gin it's flavour is
what makes it so dif
ferent. Try it in your
next f ickey, fizz ot '
cocktail note the
Every Hotel, Qii Restaorant
ana iaie nas voaics ec lo.i ii
OdkjiaJ rV-caah Dry Cir- I
t B St
known Bkg world OveT-
P !T7ti fi ri(v
fe DRY p fGlMjt -
ewm .si mMrtt nmumm t
Diaca raiaaa DuvTiuaW 7W
l V
2G to 40 SAVED
If you need a typewriter now or will need ona within
six months from now you should take advantage of our big
discount sale of Rebuilt Standard Typewriters.
"tVe cannot afford to sell these machines at Jprice3
quoted except for cash, but by cash we mean you can: select
your typewriter and USE IT 5 DAYS then pay for it. If
you want to buy a machine on monthly payments you can
get it on our new plan. Rent it for seven months at from
$2.50 to $3.00 a month and at the end of that time. you can
pay the balance. The total price will be higher thf u.i quoted
on our cash sale.
Price Was
REMINGTONS $30.00 to $50.00
UNDEWOODS ..... 50.00
L. 0. SMITHS 50.00
NO. 3 OLIVERS .... 30.00
NO. 5 OLIVERS 47.50
DENSMORE, NO. 4. . 25.00
Blickensderfers, $7 60; Hammonds, $15.00; ChltS-gos, $8.00; prao
ticaJJy new Monarch, $55.00; Fox, $15.00; New Ceutury, $16.00; Fay
Sholes, $15.00; Jewett, $11 60; Williams Visible. $10.00; Junior,
$$.00; brand new American, $17.00. Large rstocic of over 200 ma
chines to select from. Call today and look over our stock. Out-of-town
customers write for special list. We ship on, approval anywhere
B. T. SWANSON CO., Ino.,
1314 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb.
Your Summer Vacation
Plan It Now!
CJ In preparing for your Summer Vacation
you will be interested in the facts; we can
place in your possession about the many :
delightful lakes, fishing and hunting resorts
in Wisconsin, Minnesota and northern
Michigan, with their hundreds of hotels,
boarding-houses and camps.
J Then, there is the big game country in
the Rockies.
J Splendid train service and low rates in effect all
summer. v 1
"The Best of Everything
The North W estern Line
A Harmless, Old-Fashioned
Remedy, Brings Back the
Color to Gray Hair.
Haw many eld-fasaioBsd ramadlas are
Mi asai, wfelea gaas U laow that It
la hard ta Impravs soom af ear grand
Motaars eld -tima, trWd raaiadlas. For In
st aaca. Car kapU tka kslr 4 ark. soft and
glossy aadklaf aqaals aar rrandmotbara'
Sags taa. Altaoofh, y ths addlUoa of
olpkar aad athar hfradiaats, this oM
faaaioaaa hraw has haa aiads awra af.
(aettva as a scalp tofiic and color ra-
You've a Better Lingerie Dresa
So You'll Want "Better" Cleaninfj.
rrfT: ibv.rrTiV'.'
We Day azorraa
a ay aa ln
ISJW ar ovit.
eoraiar aalpnaola at
See Our
Straw Hats
And see the best there is in snmmerh'eati
wear. The braids are considerably finer,
pric? for price, than you enn see elsewhere
and the styles are the ultra of correctness.
A more varied assortment is hard to find.
Soft Braids and Sailors, $1.50 to $5.00
Genuine Panamas .$2.00 to $10
Real Bangkok $5.00
v Wn ..r . u.v li. t
Now Selling
$2O.C0 to $30.00
1860 to 30.00
45J00 to 55.00
37.50 to 65.00
25.00 to 32.00
T5.00 to 47.50
15.00 to 20.00
to 50.00
to 70.00
to 75.00
to 40.00
to 60.00
to 30.00
Full information and descriptiva bookleta
free on request.
TICKET OFFICES' -1401-1403
Farnam Street '
Omaha, Neb.
Nowadays, wbrn onr hair
feU faded or gray, instead of foiag ta
tha tardea or garret for harts aad
maklnf tha "tea" oaralva . .k i-
go ta tha nearest drag stora and ask for
a bottle of Weth's Sags aad 8ul)m
Balr Remedy,
Drmggists ara anthorld to aaZI H
under gaarantee that tha mooey'wia ha
refnnded if it falls to do zaetla taa
roaeoted. This preparaOoa is offered ta tha
pobllc at fifty cents a bottla, aaa !
rerommDtH nA mM k .11 -
K her man 4k. McConuall Drue Caw i
aad Owl Drug Co. i
ai sldu and up we
will clean that exxTuiaita
"Wash Dresa" of your.
We will make It crlp
and comfy end white aa
Wbaa wa iwtiuu tt to yaa
youTlararUfcr -aiaii. thmm laa-