Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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1 Ei
r " i-t rA r"? nmm . v a -Te 1
lswX n jlsJL ssLr s
I t -!
I 1 I Ask for a R. Otms Traalae; Sttampsj with AU I
1 ynrch.esa. They May Be Bdeemaw with eanUf nl JJ
Jy yremlassa. Lj
1 ciTn)
aay w
SJe ef
up to
t 1 L
-a. 'I
. SI k
hi r
-N. I
Special Sale of Gloves
One of the Most Remarkable Values from Our Big
Cash Purphases from Eastern Manufacturers.
Long gloves in 16-button
lengtn tan, brown and
black; also 2-clasp effects,
in tan, brown, gray and
white. A' most extraordi
nary bargain regular 50c
H..oTSfT oil
yiucuiij' 14.11
sizes: on . I
7 TO1
big bargain
square, main I
floor, at, a JLL
pair. . .).
$1.25 Tine Swiss EMBROIDERED SKIRTINGS at 69c Yd.
New wide band effects; also 27-inch flouncings new ar
rivals in hnglish eytJet ,llornl effects, combi- g
nation Japanese,, etc. Actually worth up to
$L!p a yard; bargain square, at, yard. ......
Fine-embroidery edgings and in
sertions, nainsook and cambric
thpiiP?Tids'Vt ynrda of all kinds,
I"! rntKiMn siuare, worth
op-to1214c.'.t y
worth H
ard ;.;.?C
Fine French val laces and inser
tions, plait vals, linen torcbons
and fancy wash laces; all kinds
worth up to 12V&C
yard, at
jonn, j. uiam nesi jnmii tape, six Doits, I BtK) yard spools Rood
basting thread 2Vc
Hlx' Cord . maohina
thread, white (,
or black,., spool v
Shoe Polish,
or paste , t .
I hitch tape, six bolts,
J. . King's SE(M yard
spool thread, dozen
spools ..... .10
Folding Coat Hang
ers, nickel plated,
at 5
Drees Shields- Fine nainsook, on
sale at, per pair ...... 7 V4
llarvettes -Dig assortment, worth
up to 35c, at 10?
Four Great Basement Specials
We wlU 861175 full bolts of
white flaxon, very desir:
ablejior waists and 4 A
dresses', at," yardV. . . .IOC
Full standard dress percales,
yard wide, light and dark.
' colorings1; -at, per OA
yard.'-. . r. : . . . . . . . . v2
Double fold .very fine yet
heavy bleached muslin, also
soft finished long1 '
cloth; at, yard. . . . ; . . UL
10,000 .yards, various kinds
cotton goods, long lengths;
on bargain square a
at, yard. . . M 2
$75,000 Fire Sale
Complete Stock to Be Sold Regardless of Cost
Knives; Ifazors, Safety llazors, Carving Sets, Table
Cutlery, Sheers, Manicure Sets, Bath Room Accessories,
Toilet Articles, Brushes of all kinds, Bath Towels, Pocket
Knives, Lawn Sprinklers and Garden Hose.
r;..;:44.07 Douglas Street
Rest .equipped dental office In the middle west. Hlshaet
rada deuilsu at raaaooabia prtcaa. Porcelain tltltnsa, Jusl
lae tha loutn. All Instruments carsfully sterilised attar eeoa
Corner lflth and Farnani Streets. Omaha, N'eb.
Assessor Joins in Board of Equaliza
, tion, with Pickard Chairman.
learceae ef Over Tkrca Million Dol
' tare la Shuwm for tho Coaaty
Prraonal I.tst la Nrarlx
j, ; i in . ,
. Tna county '.commt solonpra Inrt Tuesday
m rnln and orKmzv(J therpselvea as a
beard of iowtl?'rtion, with W. O. Shrlver,
founty afHitss' r. ' a tnembrr. -The b ard
will nit, tot- Hwenty ay. Oscar J. P ckaril
H rlrrte chatmian. Tha assessor" re
turn for" rnl .cttute wera ready, but at
the personality ttaa hud not beoii reached
the bonrd aoiourtn-dl until the afternoon.
Douglaavoutu? rial estate,' acrordtnn ta
tha ansrsaor'a flurea. howa the fcub.Ian--tlal
Incrediie In actual value over laat year
of BffiLi'i Aatoaxed on the bavla of 20
per cent of tha actual value tha prectneta
ehow In com.parlvon with laat year aa fol
low: '.'''
Mr. McBrlde explained that he had In
reality aaved the county money by the
change, aa the work at that time waa light
and no man waa employed In hla aon'a
111. 1910
"muha !,'.': .....S1S.SM SWT SiS.t.l.
Pf' m 42. 410 970
t'hicano SI4.010 SM
1iiukI 2U".4V4 fC'.olS
Iundee ' 411 M 4 3T7.7S
l-'at Omaha'.. :i.S,'7 3 as
Kikhorn .. a..., i'l Ul i.tnh
Hohence l2i S;0711
Jvfflron ir.'.TOi") 3f71 .35
VcArdlo ." i.T'J .T77
Millard 'Si MM .
t nlon , i.... . L'4!.riK . no 7
Val'ty , ' ... . SIT 6 I
Wali-rloo 2-','l,' v 2i'.'!4
Clnnlarf v. 12 71) K.l'.O
South Omaha ,'v 1.1C7.4 . i.a3o.t
.. i ' .
Total., '........'....Sil Jtl.101 ' i:i,4T.7W
BitilnK an c wiiy efimnUHyloncra the board
unanlmouxly vuuJ to reoujiblder the claim
of Ueorge MelUUle. jr., for t'ji In wagea aa
ae Inspuclor, which, was diaallowed several
wceka agu- and allowvd the claim.
Voung Mcllrtle wa shlftrd from the
office of Tl fiitiicr, the county aurveyor,
to temporarily fill the position of Prank
McArdle during a sickness of the latter
tfct leated for a period of fourteen days.
Crawford Prepares
f of a Big Frontier
Celebration'in July
Arah Hungerford Closes Deal with
Baysdorfer Brothers of Omaha to
Exhibit with Aeroplane.
Arah Hu'n:erford of Crawford, Neb.,, Is
In Omaha arranging for concessions and
events for the Quarto-Centennial Celebra
tion and Frontier exhibition to be held .at
Crawford July 1. 1, 3 and i.
v The exhibition will cousin of chariot,
lioman standing, pony and harness races,
bronco busting, roping, steer throwing, I
etc. Colonel iKxid of Fort Robinson, with
his command of over 1,000 men, with par
tlclpate with military maneuvers.
Mr. Hungerford just cloned with Bays
dorfer Kros., of Omaha for an exhibition
of air flights with their aeroplanes.
The town of Crawford Is years old
this year and haa shown a remarkable
growth In the last two years, Its popula
tion Increasing from 7Ei to S.tWO since Vaw.
F. S. Rexford, 615 New York I-lfe Bldg.,
Kansas City. Mo , aaya: "I had a aevere
attack -of. a cold .which settled in my back
and kidneys and I was In. great pain from
my trouble. A friend recommended Foley
Kidney Pilla and I used two bottles of
thenj and they have done me a world of
good." For sale by all druggists !
Baltimore- 4lhl Ballruad. ,
; Ijbw Fare Bummer Tours via Washington
to Atlantlo City and other Seashore Re
sorts. New York,.Boaton and New England;
points. Tickets on sale daily until Sept.'
X'th. Long return limit. Liberal stopover1
privileges. Consult nearest Ticket Agent
for particulars er address W. A. Preston,
T. F. A... er B. N. Austin, a P. A., CWoao.'
Men, We've a Suit For You
Bought the entire surplus of a prominent maker on
8'ich terms that we can let you have them for
Regular $18.00 to $28.00 Kinds
The assortment consists of the finest all wool
wo'rgteds, casslmeres, fancy mixtures, etc., In the wanted
shades of tan, brown, blue and grey, as well as a splendid
ran re of fancy stripes and mixtures.
You will note especially in these suits a very high
efficiency of workmanship, all the good styles of the sea
son and fabrics and trimmings of a quality you will be
pleased to wear and remember.
An ample size range for all .requirements of flgnre.
New White Serge Skirts
for the summer girl and the woman, who is highly practical
in her wardrobe for the varying Beasons. Finely tailored
from the choicest fabrics, charming in style they leave littlo
to be desired in a separate skirt.
Plain Gored White Serge Skirts, with paneled backs, st 93.05. A
White Serge Skirts with paneled backs and two tucks at each gore.
S.!J each.
Plain Tailored White Serge Skirts, of a very wide, diagonal weave,
$10.00 each. '
Clearing All Tailored Suits in the Store
Choice of the entire stock, worth up to $45.00 the suit, made of best
suitings in black, navies, tans and greys white serge also Included
at 915.04).
j ,
Extremes of Size' Meet in
, this &ala of Women's
Canvas Oxfords
and Pumps
One Lot of Women's White Can
vas Okfords, In two and three-eyelet
styles turned soles, plain toes
and white canvas covered heels
all small sizes, from 2 to 4 regular
2.00 values, at 98c the pair.
One Ixt of Women's Wltfto Can
van Pumps, with ankle straps and
leather heels; good styles,' but all
come in large sizes, ranging from
5 Mi to 8; excellent $3.00 values,
specially priced for Wednesday,
at $1.05.
Save on Summer Corsets
Medium High Rust I tiste Cor
sets, with long hips, soft boning
and embroidery trimmings com
fortable models, made more espe
cially . for small , women regular
$1.60 values, at Oc,
High Rust, Medium Hip, Batiste
Coi-twt , with good, strong hose sup
porters) non-rustable - boning - and
lace trimming; regular $2.60 val
ues, at 00c. -..
Underwear Bargains
' The fastidious woman and the
woman Inclined to economy, will
be pleased with these three Wed
nesday bargains.
The Genuine Kayser Italian Bilk
Vents, with fine lace trimming and
real hand embroidering slightly
soiled from display, but otherwise
in perfect condition and considered
exceptional values at $4.00 and
$6.00 choice Wednesday, at $2JK.
Women's Lisle I'nion Suits, with
lace trimmed umbrella knee
regular Empire styles $1.60 val
ues, at 98c the suit.
Girls' Low Neck, Sleeveless, Lavce
Trimmed Union Suits, In sices 7, 8
and 9 years, worth SSc; a special
number to close -out, at. ... . . .15c
A Seldom Equaled
Towel Bargain
It will be long, long time before
you will again be able to buy such
towels as these at the price. They
have become soiled In display and
some of them were soiled in their
cases before they were unpacked,
but the quality is In no wise Im
paired and they represent full value
to you. J ! '. . "
Extra larpre size cotton and pure
linen Turkish bath towels, that are
actually worth -85c and f 1.00 each
limit of si to a customer Wednesday
only. .
49 c Each
Large SUf ',Hfemmed Bed Spreads
of an extra. height, well worth our
regular price of $1.00 each, a good
assortment of pretty patterns, Wed
nesday, at 85c each.
r '
Dress Goods "Remnants at
"Hal! Price
, A cleanup, of all remnants rnour
dress goods stock, including lengths
varying from 1V4 to 6 yards and
patterns suitable for suits, dresses,
separate skirts, coats and ' waists.
Values range from 602 to $1.60 the
yard. , Wednesday's price
25c to 75c
Up to 31.23 Silks in One
Lot at 39c
Choose from finest grade Mesca
lines, Peau de Cygnes and Taffetas;
In stripes, checks and monotone ef
fects and beautiful lustrous plain
taffetas. Widths are from 19 to 27
Inches and. former prices - up to
$1.25 the yard.
Choose Wednesday, at.
Books For Graduation Gifts
The greatest variety of well selected and appropriate books for
graduation presents is to be found at this store. Nothing Is more pleasing
oracceptable and we believe that more books will be given for graduation
presents this year than ever before. We have prepared accordingly. -
Here's word of p. few of them- suitable for graduates of grammar,
high or private schools, colleges and fraternities.
My Golden School Days, 50c.
School Girl Days, cloth, $1.00.
School Fellows'. Days, cloth, $1.00.
The Girl Graduate, novelty binding, 91.25.
The Girl Graduate, Varsity Edition, $2.00.
My Alma Mater, (a college man's record). Ivy design, $1.23.
My Fraternity, povelty binding, $1.25.
My Sorority, novelty binding, $1.20.
A Great Dinner Ware Sale
Of Particular Importance to June Brides and
" All Lovers of Geod China
Whether it Is an old set that needs replenishing, or an entire new set
for every day use or special occaalon, this sale will entirely meet your every
requirement and fully satisfy you In a financial way. -
Over 100 Open Stock Patterns to Choose from
Havlland ar Co
Tlieo. Haviland ,
O'haa. Field Havlland
Hoyal Laulton ,
Foley Art
Crown Ierhy
Chelsea Ware
Knallsh China .'.
Herman, Austrian and French China
English Keml-l'urcelaln Ware
And Many Othera
Per Cent
Chin and Porcelain Ware, 10Miece Dinner Sets, neatly decorated and
stippled with gold, formerly priced at $20 to $25 the set CI A AA
only forty In the lot; while they last, choice at..) VlUiUU
From a Grocery Store That Satisfies the Pocketbook
as Well as the Stomach
1 Larse Cans Columbia Milk ..j.a6e
for k'60""1.0 Bi"r". White Soap
S?!?".A,un"i Bn with ' Chicken!
with 10 si am ps gSo
0 Can Old Mission Ripe Olives SO
0c Can Llbby's Asparagus SOo
Large Jar Olllett'e Mustard, with JO
atainpa . jD0
1-lb. Full Cream Cheeae, with 10
sianipe , ( oc
Betu ett's Capitol Flour, the sack
1-lb. Helinelt s Capitol of tee, with
j 80 atainpa SOe
1-lb. Bennett's Oolden Coffte. with -0
lamps .aeo
1-lb. Assorted Teas, wltu 60 atanu
. for 4Se
1-lb. Tea Sifting, with 10 stamps lee
Quart Can S. W. C. Table tiyrup loe
Can lirot kport Orated .. Pineapples,
itli & stamps lOe
Bottle F.-nntt s Capitol Extract, with
li stamps ' leo
5 lbs. io Jdp ft'ce SSo
1-lh. Can B. C. Hjklnu Powder, with
20 stamps Ho
paikaxBS 'sterling Ulosi tetsrch,
' with St stemua iia
10 bars New tlvle Laundry Soeu &e
4-lb. package Hold Xuai, with i)
stsmpa 300
sack Diamond Cryetal Si-It.
with SO stamps SSo
Pint Can tiail.ird s pure Olive Oil 4O0
t rskes York Kona Toilet "ap. with
I lv stamps iao
Meat Bargains
No. 1 Pot Roast
t- 8H and H,c
3 lbs. Choiie Stoak. at. .
Boiling Beef, the lb
Choice CoriiCjl Iieef . . . .
Largo Keg Herring . . . .
SMARTLY dressed, high step
ping Young Men, who must
always have "the thing" In Shoes,
will wear our Tan Footwear.
We've the awellest.Tsn Shoes
that ever covered a foot.
Our perfect Service In fitting Is
an insurance against gaping, slip
ping or any other unsatisfactory
feature of a Shoe. .
There are eeveral new shades In
Tan Calf leathers; some plain models
and others -with handsome pei'f ora
tions. The new hlg-h toe, short vamp
and high heele are strictly correct
Oxfords. Ties and Pumps.
$3.60, $4,00 to 95.00.
Fry Shop Co.
16th auid Douglas Street.
Why Do They
Make It So Good?
3 BasaaeaBSBaaaaBBsBsasaBSBBBBSBaaessBasBBssssaBBBBBaBB W
mm ft- iinr ii hi ir- in mm sin iismisiimbj Z
Cons tint ere lMetrl sate '
Ma Nitlkt , 2224 Sa. 24lk St, Ornkt
tni Elm, 252 Q St- Sesth Osaka
C Ctist, Ceucil BlsIU, fen
Wedneedav aad the balaaee of thle week, wore -than 40,000.00 worth cf
useful Merchandise will Tee placed ea eale at nearly H o' former prices It
le ear will that makes the way) we are rotaf to wake, la the future, as Ire
the past, every easterner fcappyj Xvery department la - thle new Tsarf ela
store haa hundreds of articles It wust sell rerardleee ef former p rices.
Ceme and bring year family an friends with you.
flS.00 sad $90.00 Pretty Bilk Poulard.
and imported Pongee lrewes, all
fho,r. y:r: 97.os
In the Annex you will find srrentMt
values In leather Hand Bags and fcu.t
S.00 Oew Hide Leather Olnb Sag,
choice of IS, 18 or KtMnch tC f IU
lengths, leather lined ..V,',-'
$7.00 Genuine Cow Hide Leather
nit Cane, Jt-fir' IK-lnctl lengilit
leather straps on Outside CA i
all around, on special sale r
$3. SO Matting- Bolt, well'lhtt'd
brass lock, and key. Just the thing
for Indies' traveling or Kolnn on a
vacation: on sole nil this Ci C
week, your cholte p M-.fU
91.SO.te $3.50 valnes Ladles' Mid
aummer straw Bats, trim
med, your choice
ta.00 Ladles' Leather, oats., .flCJ..
strap House snipper . . ....
91.OO valuee Ladies' SUk Xose, double
heel, all colors always, nn
sale here, at choice l'v'
$3.50 Ladlea' Skft Bilk Waists, many
pretty shades to choose from- CWf
Your choice .
ase Ladles' Bilk Windsor Tlos, Qq
16o Children's School Stockings, in
black and aa. fine Jersev ribbed,
double knee, tiecla and toes, tf
fast colors, only
$3.00 and $a.B0 Ladlss' Patent and
. Kid Bhoes, sixes are 2, iV, 8 end
H. to close out. at your K(f
choice w.
fa.00 and 99.60 Ladles' Patent and
.Viol and Oa Blood Ozords, sixes
S. 1 and 14. take your Kir
In the Men's department we' offer
remarkable low prices on seasonable
merchandise. .
91.00 Muslin 'Wight Crowns, with an.l
without collora, sizes 14 H to -10
18. our choice s
91.M Leather Belts, the greatest val
ues ever offered, elsea to, 82, M
and 16; colors that will match any
trouser, your Choice ' 39C
BOo Belts, an colors and else, -f Qn
.11 -M.t-JKJ
16o value Men's Oarters,
naJr . i . .
ZOo inn Bauds or Blasvs Sold Of
' ere. ualr ... .. . v. . ...... ,-V
16o Panoy . Colored Xose,
Paacy Pore-lu-Xand Wash
leo ranoy o Plain White Baud- r?
86c Man's Blbhed er Poreskalt 1fA
BOe Children's White Dresses, -t r
sa:es i to t lut
SSo Lalae' aad Misses' Dressing Sao-
qaea, rigured Uwn, Short i tg
sleeves Xf
91.60 Band Embroidered Chemise.
made of fine Muslin and U(ln
UHibon drawn OUly
91.8S Black Petticoats, fine cloth,
embroidered flounce, with 74r
extra under flounce
$3.00 White Mnslla Xaad- fQt
embroidered Petticoat ol
94.00 SUk Pettlooate, It 0-f QQ
different colors ifX.JO
15c Women's Teets, pink, blue or
white colore, plain or fancy rt
yoke, at
at '
BOe Ladies' and Misses' porm Pitting
Union Suits, 20c, extra slses, same
Handsome Summer Wash Dresses,
for Misses and Women. Kvery dress
s properly made, neatly trimmed,
every one handsomely designed In
this season's styles. The fabrics
and colors are up to dsts. Many
of these dresses are white. Reg
ular selling prices. $2.00 to $10. on.
our prices for this special
......... 03c to $4.98
916.00 Linen Dresses, made of pure
irisn ijinen, only 7 dreses eri
from our large stock.
Take vour choice
Children's Barefoot Sandals, Shoes
and Booffsrs, II 00 and $1.60 vniuei.
to make them move fiir
quick UOC-
93.50 and $t.00 Ladles' Oaforda and
Pumps, your choice vlcl, arun metal,
patents. In button, lace, straps and
plain vamps. Every pslr either
nnnd turned or Onod Tear welt,
high, Krench, medium military or
low heels, always $3.60 and $4. To
make this a busy store, B' T4
take your choice for . . . ."P--
Values like we give and prices
that no one cap meet, bring large
crowds to this store.
93.00 valuee Bllpovt , . Halnaook'
Clowns, many different yoke dn
signa. Fancy embroidery trimmed.
Tour choice, Square or CQp
round necks OUj
916.00 and 930.00 Man Tailored La
dles' Suite, east room. We have
out of 0 Just 14 of these suits
left to be closed out These Lb dies'
suits are made in serges and fancy
mixtures, sixes 14 to 44; this as
sortment of, colors Is large in blue,
tan. fancies and few black. This Is
your greatest opportunity to buy the
f restest value in the United States,
or this unheard of low CQ 7K
price A-
fie values x,aaiss' staea
SUk Coats ...
' T
j ( Consumers' Dlstrikutem 11 ll
I ad I If
Plsaae take aotios that this store has beeome one of the west Inter
sating attractions for Omaha . shoppers. Low Bents,, ns deuvsrles, ao eol
leotors and because we buy and sell only (or cash -enables ns so oidersell
all In oompsUUon with ss.
Always at
S." E. Corner
12th and
Farnam St.
Look fe v the
Large Pair Sign
In . (rout of
our 11
n ii
II I si. ' " If
" . . . . rifflf " "" " "' . . . ' ' XE
SI ' .earn- k sV iif
I "Specials" in - Oar Fresh
rruit ana vegeiaoie uepi. ft
Large white Cauliflower, eacn
at : ..10c, 15c
bunches Turnips
12 bunches Radishes
bunches Onions
5c it I
tlOc I
.15c J !
Large Egg Plant, each
4 lbs. (10c) Jap Rice
4 cakes Maglo Washer Soap 15c
per 0
0 Fresh Roasted . Peanuts,
. quart ..........
3 cans Sunset Milk' ..... .25c
t j .... ,
15 can Imported Sardines 9c
$1.00 bfeavy, well made Clothes ft"
Baskets, each . ,05c jj
QoSCSg (JlwW C,WvT (,uivtu i
i n n - B -' d&i&K
net a..
Augusta, Me
Atlantic City, N. J....
Boston, Mass
Bangor, Me. .. . .......
Buffalo, N. Y....
Detroit, Mich.
Montreal, Que.
s v
44iC0 .
The above are only a tew of the many destinations to which Bum
mer Tourist Fares are In effect via tha Illinois Central. Liberal stop
overs. Optional water routes In connection with many tickets. '
Complete Itineraries giving routes, rates and detailed Information
gladly furnished upon application at City Ticket Office. City National
Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. -
Mackinaw Island, Mich.- 31.80
New York City; . .... $42.00
i ' '
Portland, Me.
Quebec, Que. ; V.
Rutland, Vt.
Ottawa, Ont. :
St. Johns, N. B. .j .
Toronto, .Ont.
For Home Consumers
Doag. 119; Ind. A-2119
t7tn. J. Doeklioff
Retail Dealer,
Office, 803 So. 7th St.
Our specialty 133-line zinc half,
tone at two-thirds of tha
price of copper halftone.
1311 Howard Street.
Cool, , inviting offices give comfort t "v
during the long hot days of summer. V
affords rooms that are thoroughly . ventilated aud cleaii to
make them refreshing offices wih a cheerful, regaling atmos
phere. New elevators are now being Installed that will give some
of the most rapid service la the city. , , . . .
'.. : . ' , ,
Here are a few choice offices , ;
that are vacant just at present. ' ' J
'BOOM 0O2 Almost directly In front of passenger elevator -on tMrd fl.ior
i nis la an exceptionally oou location on account of convenient anu
neniai price, per niontii Sio.tiO
liavlps a south front
BOOM 416-418 A desirable suite on the fourth' floor next to" the Oily f'sll
Very cool In surnmer and rent Is reasonable, per montlp .. J0.C(
CO ,
BOOM 413 Good Inside office. UHxlT. with a vault ln.'urtfiecliun In.
side rootlis are cooler In summer than outride. The prtce on tnw i.e'
month- la , .,.', . . , . ;7.0i
BOOM S09 Is 14xl feet In alze, also facing on the bourt, , Ti.ia rr., t
A as n.1 CSS t n SkS Vlirkllt silai . '
well llgbtsd and rent per month Is
The.fJew elevators art being ipetctlled.
Ust t'uw fsitf,
' - The Bee Building Company i i ' J,
Bee Business Office. ' 17th-and Farnam Stv . i ,