Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Appropriation Measure Upheld by
District Judge Troup.
tK ssBssassess
Dr. Cnenell, Fnthnr of Ordinance,
a .seats Systematic Plan nf Tie
" mnvlnsr Herbage Free to
" ' -
"Such a condition enlsti that the city coun
cil was Justified In passing an emergency or
dinance appropriating $17,000 (or the collec
tion and removal of garbaGc." said A. C.
Troup. district Judge .Monday" morning.
and for that reason 1 will deny the Injunc
tion asked ty the plaintiff.
"However. If tho ordinance affected any
other than the public health of the city I
would be disponed to grant the restraining
..! '
Sueh wua the decision of Judge Troup
when ,' the request for an Injunction
against the city council waa tieard on the
application-' of James Whelan, an lnd
pendent garbage collector.
Whelan instituted proceedings to restrain
the members of the council from proceed
ing under the ordinance, passed at an ad
journed session last week. The ordinance
appropriated $17,000 from any available
funds to used for garbage purposes.
Whelan's attorney's recited In their petition
that the ordinance was Illegal In that no
emergency existed and If It did, funds al
ready apportioned could not be transferred.
"Judge Troup'a decision settles the valid
ity of the ordinance unless the plaintiff ap
peals," said W. C. Lambert, assistant city
attorney, who represented the city. "Under
this decision the city can take the money
from any appropriated funds or go out and
borrow the money, if such Is deemed ad
visable. However, the plaintiff Is given
forty day to perfect an appeal."
Under the plana of the health depart
ment the $17,000 will Vie used for the collec
tion and disposal of garbage for the re
mainder of the year The scheme, aa out
lined by Health Commissioner Connell is to
divide the city into eight or twelve districts,
employ teams and drivers and collect the
garbage free of cost to the householders.
A. superintendent and an assistant super
intendent will tie' appointed by the mayor
to supervise the work.
The ordinance was passed at the sugges
tion nf Dr.' R. W. Connell, who stated that
unless provision waa made for the collec
tion of garbage, epidemics of fever were
.'L Medium
Vt 4VieTd.
mm i m
lie A.
Ham- f K
mocks ,
Closely TH
Woven, sk
1.60 ffc
sin. A
at 98e mV
Tuesday's Special Bargains $
(Srcat ash Purchases I
And Tuesday's Bargains are some of the Greatest of the ParchMe.
Pine Lawn Kimonos with embroidered scallops and Per
sian yoke and sleeves dress lengths second 3Qa
floor, neirlieree department Uw fi
75c UMBRELLAS at 37c
Both Women's and Men's Umbrellas, in a variety of
styles of handles, good frames, a big bargain
on main floor, at ; . . . . V I v
Abstracters Remove
Competitive Methods
Forming an Organization to Maintain
a Uniform Schedule of
. .Price.
Following a season of strong competition.
In which prices "have been cut down to the
bone," aa one man expressed It, the nine
abstract companies of the city are forming
an organisation, the primary . object . of
which la to maintain a standard price.
Certain dealers have been working on the
plan for some time. Others have held out
against joining the organisation. It la said
now that the definite formation of the body
will be announced to the public In the latter
part of this week. .
8. M. Sadler of 8. M. Sadler Son, stated
that the organisation will be along the
lines of the real estate exohange, where
ideas for tha advancement of the business
and the protection, of the trade may be ex
changed. Meetings .will be held at regular
lntervs.1. . . . i
The real estate men have been getting all
tha profits In, the abstracting business,
prospective ' members of the association
aver. Another abstracter stated that prices
nve been out in the strong competition
down to the. point where the companies
"could not pay office rent"
NET and LACE WAISTS at 25c
Women '8 Waists with embroidered yokes and 9Rft
jabots, in basehent bargain cloak dept fctiw
25c SUN BONNETS at 9c
Women's, Misses' and Qiiidren's Gingham and Cham
bray Sunbonnets, worth up to 25c a special'
bargain nt
35c HOSIERY at 15c
Women's, Men's and Children's Hosiery, some are silk
finish and mercerized full seamless, in black, 1 'f P
tan and fancy colors, worth np to 35c, at Jv
10c EMBROIDERIES at 3ic yd.
Here are excellent , examples of needlework, up to six
inches wide; also fell kinds of fancy wash laces, p
worth np to 10c yard, at, yard ......... V 2 v
75c EMBROIDERIES at 49c Yd.
27-inch Swiss embroidered flouncings, English eyelet, -floral
and blind relief effects, ruffled flouncings with
lace insertions; also 24-inch embroidered all- flOf
swmva or rial T70 rn w
f V CI Of C4 le 7V.1 J x .see.
35c EMBROIDERIES at 19c Yd.
Fine embroideries, corset coverings, skirtings and flounc
ings, in new designs worth as high as . IQft
ovv j aiu, J " ......
. ...... i
J5 Women's fine silk Elastic Belts, with assorted 1 Rft
elaborate DucKies, at, eacn - -
' i - 1 " 1
rnminlollou Seat ' by Committee
Bad Officers tttve. Reasons for
The Omaha 'Woman's club by Its educa
tional committee and its officers, urge the
Board of Education to elect Miss Kate
McHugh to the ponition of principal of the
Omaha ingb. school. In the following com
munication: ' ,
"OMAHA, June li To the Board of Edu
cation: Gentlemen-AAe the election of Mr.
E. U. Graff to the superlntendency of the
public schools of Omaha has left the posi
tion of principal of the high school vacant,
we. the members of the directory of the
Omaha Woman's club, acting for the club,
wish most heartily to recommend to your
favorable consideration Miss Kate A. Mo
Hugh for this position.
"Her many years of faithful snd ef
ficient -service ' aa an educator in Omaha
are well Known to you, and we firmly be
lieve that if you elect her aa principal of
the Omaha High school she will discharge
the duties of 'the office to the best In
terest of the school and to the entire
satisfaction, of tho pupils.
"Chairman Educational Committee
Omaha. Woman's Club.
"VIOLA. J. CAMERON. President
"EDNA R. .NELSON. Secretary.".
Sk ! from lIoo to Heel
was Ben Fool, Throet, Ala., when dragged
over a gravel reaaway, but Bucklen's Ar
men eaivo. cured bin. 2&o. For sale
Beaton Drug Co.
A Harmless Remedy; Restores
Color to Gray Hair and
Makes It Grow.
Draft) everywhere comment on the
fact taat they ar selling large quanti
ties of sag for Baking old-fashioned
"sag toa," sack as was need by our
gTaaeaaotsera for promoting the growth
of their hair, meklag It fluffy and beau
tiful abd restoring its natural eoler.
The demand for this well-known herb
for this porposo has been so great that
on manufacturer has taken advantage
of the fact and has placed on tha market
sn Ideal "sage tea." containing sulphur,
a valuable remedy for dandruff and r
scalp rashes and Irritations, called
Wyeth's Bag and Sulphur Heir Remedy.
The manufacturers of this remedy,
authorise druggists to sell It under guar
antee that the money will he refunded "
It falls to d exactly as represented.
This preparation Is offered to tho.
public st fifty cents a bottle, and Is
rec at mended and sold by all ornggists.
Bherman ft McConnell Drug Co..
and Owl Drue Co.
until you get ready to go for your vacation, before V "v
having your watch put in order. Lt us have it now f yzZr.
so it will bo ready for you. Iook for the name R
S, XI. LINDSAY, Jeweler VW)
1516 Douglas Street Vm
by i
. Botldloff Permits.
John Diets. Thirty-sixth and Brown, brick
dwelling. U.: Wolff Krane, 2421 Hamil
ton, repairs, l-NM.
IL.siinidl I3tlif2Siiii
Lan Wkete It's Best to Farm
Thinking about buying land? Want so know th
oil and cllmat beat suited for certain farming?
Our Land Bureau gives fro Information about
oil. cllmat. conditions In all parts ot th country.
I W's bav gathered data and can tell you what
rou desire to learn.
Writ th Land Information Bureau. Te
Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha. Neb., today
and your questions wilt get prompt attention.
Free loSoirmaitioo
mmammmavmM.wmm i. .1.
t expect!
TIN NO. 2.
Cleaning Hade-Orer Garments
Many women laboring under the Impression
Lt dry cleaning will mane any guruicni
new. Iise tliclr dresses made over, put on new
mining, and then snd them to be Dry Cleanei
them 10 tomt home looking like brand new garments.
- ...... ..... r .v.w Mv mudn-over enrmenis inuui'i
K. w.t I'innrd. after beiar Dry Cleaned, In order to
stains, thread murks, pleat marka, etc.
not remove. '
They shoirtd b sent to the Cleaner after being ripped and
and heioro being made up njruln. Flat !. can be wet cleaMtrl
and roftnished on the cylinder so It will look like new, material.
IT the trimming needs cleaning a end It separate, It will cost
no more than when on the dress.
If the garment Is not to be entirely ripped apart remove the
trimming and buttons, lei out the nems. etc. ana men eenu
the e'eaner.
It Is our aim to eo-operate with our patrons in order
they may have the beat work possible at reasonable
Phone or write for our complete Price Hat. Out
of town work, receives prompt attention. Express
patld one way on tl.00 orders.
that Dry Cleaning will
The Pantorium
1 a: - - a g w
STever sUskTonr
Health to Qaencn
Your Thirst.
Drink Isco
No deadly bac
teria In It
No ' accretions
of dirt.
No "bad" taste
to lt.
Isco distilled
water la drawn
fresh every day
and delivered In
sterilised glaoa
containers, at
We place a
aaattary cooler
in your office or
mune at 16c a
month and
l-e It every
day for 11
OaJl o Tkamm Sengla
! I
it it
1 J
y ;
8, & II. Om-n Trading Stamps are Rl with H
pnrcruises at this atorr the) lntrt on
the money yon spend.
Lingerie Dresses at $3.95
Up to $12.00 Value N - '
Jast one lot of about forty-five dresses are Bet aside to
go at this price, because they have become mussed in hand
ling and display. All the favorite lingerie dress materials
are used in the making, and laces and embroideries for the
various trimming schemes.
Also a few linen dresses, in many colors included at the
above reduction.
Some Women's Bathing Suita
chosen from th largest and best stock of bathing suits w ,
have ever shown.
Women's bathing suits of black or bine cotton serge .
kilted skirts and bloomera, $2.25 the suit
- Women's bine cotton serge bathing suit, trimmed with
white bands, and black bathing suits trimmed with red bands,
92.50 the suit.
Women's mohair bathing units of a handsome navy blue
shade, trimmed with white braids; $3.f0 Rfl.RS and
$4.05 the suit.
Monograms for trxbroidery Work
We wish to call your special at
tention to a new stencil mono
gram that will enable you to ao
your own stamping. They save
time and - money, and with one
stencil you can produce as many
monograms ' as desired. Prices
range from 6o to 38c each, accord
ing to the kind and size.
However If you prefer to have
your stamping done away from
home, we are in a position to do
If quickly and satisfactorily.
. Art Needlework Section.
Meat Bargains for
. Tuesday Only
Pork Chops, the lb. llC
Corned Beef at .... 7Vc
Pot Roast, the lb. . . 8V&C
Boiling Beef, the lb.' 4VC
Large keg of Herring,
at ............... tpc
The Largest China Store in the State
Suggests Suitable Tedding Gilts
, In addition to being the largest china store in the state,
it is also the best in point of quality, variety and fairness
of price.. You can find everything that is useful in decora
tive in fancy china, bric-a-brac, vases, cut glass, etc.
Some special prices for Tuesday's selling: .
, One lot of fancy china placqnes, salads, berry sets,
. cracker jars, plates and tete-a-tete sets; worth. up to $5.00,
at your choice for $2.50.
Separate tables are also arranged With very special of
ferings at 25 50 and 98f.
Htanffer's entire line of hand painted fancy china, pur
posely designed tor wedding gifts; a great. variety of pieces
regularly priced at from 11.00 to $30.00, at 20 Per Cent Dis
- y
Bee Business Office.
17th and Farnam Sta,
CourVn (6urVr (j5uSrQi (u
t omasa's rrB &
5 "Specials'' - fa Our Fresh &
f Fruit and Vegetable Dept jf
S 4 bunches New Beets 5c I
Florida Water Melons,
J. each 60c f
jj 4 bunches Pie Plant.. "5c
t 4 bunches Plain Lettuce, J
J for 5c j
30o Lemons, per doz.20cj
j Celery, Mint, Limes, Red O ,
Raspberries, Black Rasp- j
berries, Head Lettuce,
Sweet Cora. j
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per ,
dozen , ,: 20c ?
Our best .Country Butter
(in sanitary jars) per "
pound . 26c 3)
Full Cream Brick Cheese,
per pound 15c !r
(JoSC J,ufcf CuKrk (JbuiVrk,A
A.attractive office, cool and well ventilated,
in the heart of the city, is a business asset.
a, . . i
has a few-Vacant offices that are a choice as any in the city. They ,
are kept thoroughly clean, and are inviting rooms during the bot sum
mer months. New elevators that will give this building excellent ser
vice are being installed. Janitor attention, light and water are the best-
Here is a list of a few choice
.offices which are now vacant:
BOOM 416 Having a south and west exposure, protected from west by tha
City Hall, ar.d most always a cool breexe from the south. This space
is 13x20V and Is well lighted, with very reasonable rent, per mo. fia.00
BOOK 646 On the sixth floor next to the southeast corner, where the after
noon sun will not roast during hot weather. There t a vault about 4
" feet square In this room which affords storage apace for stationery or
'valuables. The room Is 9-8x19-4. and renta for, per month .616.00
3LOOM sao Northwest corner room, and the' only larse slnsle room vacant
In the building. There Is a total of 380 square feet of space and has a
large fireproof vault. This could be arranged to make two private of
fices and a reception room, and rents at the small eum of, per mo. 60.00
zr ntTEKBSTKs zir xwutos mvacm sua vu bboakdzsto rxmsT nooa
, The "New elevators ar being installed.
The Bee Building Company
iiP Taft's Dental Roras
These are the days that foot
troubles are the bane of suffering
women. No season of the year
brings out foot ills aa do these hot
dry days. Don't suffer with burn
ing feet. We have a shoe that
will give you solid comfort dur
ing the, hot months In
Comfort Shoes
They are the correct fitting,
best wearing shoe ever .put on
your foot They are made of the
finest kid leathers lace or but
ton oxford or high styles.
Prices from $1.75 to. $4.00
1410 Farnam Street
Y3any New LotcTiiooday
. from tho
Si. Paul Banliropt StGGfi
Greatest Bargain Giving.' Money Saving
Merchandise Event Ever Known in Omaha.
and Ads.
snd Ads.
Untrimmed E3ats,
Values to Qfin
3 each,
12,000 Stylish Untrimmed Shapes, including Milan and
Tagal braids, hair braids, chips, etc; immense assort
ment of very newest styles; valnes to $3.00; choice, S5c
Snaps in (.tidies' Suit Department
China Silk Waists, valnes
to $3.50; Bankrupt salo
price 95c
Women's and Misses' Wash
Dresses, values to $7.50;
Bankrupt ' Sale price for
Tuesday .. $2.05
Women's Panama Dress
Skirt s blue, gray and
black, $5.00 values-rat,
each ., $2.95
Women's Gingham Under
skirts, regular 75o values;
Bankrupt Sale price. 39c
Women's Colored Princess
Slips, $3.50 values, big va
riety; Bankrupt Sale price
Tuesday .. . .... .$1.50
Women's Tailored Suits,
values to 4 $20.00, newest
styles; Bankrupt ' sale
price Tuesday , . . .$6.05
Women's $1.25 Percale Wrappers, sale price . .50c
cssalincs and Foulards at Half
All Silk Foulards and Messalines from the St. Paul
Stock, all spring shades, ' including figures and polka
dots; great snap at, yard 38c
Motion Sale Tuesday
Pc Gold Eye Needles, Bankrupt
Sale , Price l
15c Horn Dressing Combs, Bank
rupt " Sale Price ....... .
8c Cotton Tapes, Bankrupt Sale
Price 1
6c Pearl Buttons, Bankrupt Sale
Price, per dozen 1
BOc Shopping Bags, Bankrupt
Sale Price, each -If)
5c Machine Thread, Bankrupt
Sale Price, per spool . . . . 2 V4 e)
5c Silk Threads, Bankrupt Sals
Price, S spools for '.5s
5c Nursery Pins, Bankrupt Sale
Price, 3 dosen for ...... 5e
25c Round Garters, Bankrupt
Sale Price, per pair . . . -10e
lOc Collar Foundations, Bank
rupt Sale Price 1
10c Pearl Buttons. Bankrupt
Sale Price, per dosed . . '. . 5
25c Hand Mirrors, Bankrupt Sfcle
Price.... r...... -lOtf
15c 'and 25c Hair Ornaments,
Bankrupt Sale Price 5
10c and 15c Lyle Elastic, Bfthk
' rupt Sale Price, per pair . 5
8c Black Darning Cotton, Bank
rupt Sals Price, yard . . i .'ls
lOc Collar Buttons, Bankrupt
Sale Price, per doeen -.1.5
25c Needle Books, Bankrupt Sale
In the Domestic Room Tuesday
Fruit of the Loom, genuine article QV
Lonsdale, at a yard
S. W. brand, good bleached Muslin, at a yard .. . . 5
Unbleached Muslin, extra heavy, 70 grade, at a yard .,v:,5,
Lonsdale Cambric, at a yard 10?
9-4 Rochdale Sheeting, extra good grade, at a yard ;18
9-4 bleached Lockwood, at a yard 1 ........ . .... it. . . . . .V22
9-4 unbleached Lockwood, at a yard 201
All 76c Sheets.-each 59
All 15c' Pillow Cases, each ft 12 He
36-ln. Percales, good patterns, at a yard ................. .5,
25c Scotch Ginghams, 33 inches wide 15
12V4c Batiste, good assortment, at a yard . . ., , . .SHe)
8 V4 c Batiste, good patterns, at a yard ............ . .y, 4.. 5
Nurses' Stripes, at a yard n. . . . .5
White Oooda, including Lawns; Dimities, Long Cloth,, Fancies of all
kinds, worth up to 25c, at a yard , . . .10.
High Grade Hash Goods Department
Egyptian Tissue, genuine article, good assortment of colors and pat
terns, In this sale, at a yard . . .15k
32-ln. Scotch Ginghams, good patterns and colors, 19c grade, in this
sale, at a yard 12H
Batiste, Bordered and Plain, all colors and patterns. In thJa sale,
at a yard .......12H
Silk mixed goods; good patterns, always sold 89c, In this sale,, at
yn-d ... 25
Skirting Pongees, plain colors and fancy stripes, regular IStf goeds,
In this sale, at a yard ......,...,......,, ... .,lg
Kiigs. and arpet
$13.75 Tapestry Brussels
Hugs 9x2 . size Bank
rupt Sale Price... $0.48
36x72 Axminster Rugs
values to $4.50, at. $2.08
$30 Wilton American Ori
ental and Wool Smyrna,
9x12 rugs .... 13.08
V2-W00I Ingrain Carpets 2-
ply, 50c value, yard 35c
Here's Some Prices That Are Interesting for Tuesday's
Sale 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent Saved on Groceries.
Fancy' Full Cream New York White
or Colored Cheese, per lb. ISO
10 bara Beat 'Em All or Diamond C
Soap .ISe
4S-lb. sack beat Family Diamond H
Flour Isl.lS
4 lbs. fancy Japan Klce, 10c quality.
. for
Iba. Good Japan Klce.THe quality,
for "0
10 Iba. beat Rolled Oatmeal 860
lb., beat Hand Picked Navy Beans
McLaren'a Peanut Butter, per lb.. 10
Corn Flake., per pk SVfcS
Condensed Milk, par can TVo
The best Koda Crackers, per )b....Se
Potted Meats, per ran Vfce
011 or Mustard hardlnes, ran 4e
t lbs. best b'Hk Laundry 8lrrh.-.SS
BVTTSm aD OUIll irxciuB.
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, ib..SO
Fancy No. 1 Country Butter. lb...S3e
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb lse
The beat fresh Ke. P.r dos...lTV.e
Full Cream Cheese, per lb lfte
Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese. ier
'b. ;.lSo
ut These Veretable IMoes.
It WU1 surprise tea.
I bunches fresh Hndlnhes So
bunches fresh Onions .....So
Freh Spinach, per peck Ac
New Potatoes, per lb
S bunches fresh Meet, or Turnips. So
Fancy Hlpe Tomatoes, jper
Fancy Cauliflower, ter lb ,70
Fancy Marrawfat Pes., per ouart. So
Fancy Waa or Green Beans, b.,.fHo
head, fresh Ieaf Lettuce. ........ &o
t head, fresh Head Lettuce So
lrge Cucumbers. ...... .Se and ?H
t bunch, fresh Asparagus ie
3 bunches Pie Plant Se
Iarse Juicy lemons, dna SOo, SSo, Oo
Large Florida pineapples, per dnvtn,
at. r rWe, SUo, lOo and lme
Te Keep OeoL Try XaySen'e Oroeery
. Department rtrsti
Ciahi lei Cold Stcnji Cs.,
-lit Bust itr Sirls
ia4. Aaaaa. -
1 1