Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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rniiu iun nDnnurr uinvrTit' f. nr rib., naru; short dears
uimuu nnu rnuuuuci nmnivDi i v" iv-rd: thickens, nr. ernns.
Market Conditions and Sentiment Are
Entirely Reversed.
Tilth Cooler WMlkfr la Bight and the
HI Derllae In WkMi Rronaht
Out Heavy Cora Offerings,
l.rndlit( Wrik Tone.
OMAHA. Juno 10 1911.
Market condition and sent. mint wrre en
tirely revr ril Imnieiliately after the open
frill iIiIk morninK- Wheat lnd'ii who had
been ta)y bnver.i hrituso of the ex
treme hot w'ather changed front and un
loaded tlielr holdings on an unxupporti d
market. The inrerajt fur howers and
cooler wrsthcr was uppermost In all minds
and the price of wheat dropped
With cooler weather in Bight nnil the bi
dVcllne In wheat hruiiprltt out heavy 0irn
ffeilhKs. riMiik (he market a weak and
aaler tone In spite of the recent Ktrengtli
Heavy hedging sales of cash wheat cou
pled with abort nelling on cooler tempera
lures gave wheat futures a 3c break. Caah
wheat aold lyc lower.
The corn market lost Ita anap when
wheat broke and prediction of rain with
Increased country offering were all used
by the ahort sliers. Caah corn waa un
changed to He lower.
Primary what receipt were C4.0O0 bu.
and shipments weia 31G.0OO bu.. against re
ceipts lam vear of 34,00.l bu. and shipments
Of 439,000 bU.
Primary corn receipt were 815.000 bu.
and shipments were 2M,om bu.. against re
ceipts last year of 572.000 bu. and ahlp
Dienta of 276.00O bu.
Olearanree were 1.17.710 bu. of corn. 19.200
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
J71.500 bu.
Uverpool closed unchanged to ld higher
on wheat and d to d higher On corn
The following cash sales were reported:
WHEAT No. 2 hard: 1 car. 874c. No.
S hard: 1 car, Me. Rejected: 1 car. 80c.
CORN No. 2 white: 4 carl. IWe. No. S
white. 4 cars, Mc. No. 4 white: 1 car,
6:Hc. No. .1 color: 1 car. Mc. No. 2 vel
low. 4 cars, 62c; 1 (art, Klie. No. 2 mixed:
i car. .V.'c; 2 cars, 5l4c; 1 car, 614c. No.
! mixed: 6 cars, 61'jc. No. 4 mixed: 1
car. Me.
O.'.TS-Standard: 1 car. 87c. No. 8 white:
rars, 3KV.c: 13 cars, 3&l4c. No. 4 white:
8 curs. 3 No. 3 yellow: 1 ear. 3ie. No.
4 ye low: 4 cars, 3.V,c. No grade: 2 cars,
3-c, 1 car, 34c.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT-No. 2 hard. sr.siSflc; No. S hard.
M'aSTc; No. 4 hard, 82fri85r; rejected hard.
73V2c: No 3 spring. 8vwi0c; No. 4 spring.
u.., 4 uurum, ntzM'ic: rs o. a ourutn,
TORN No. 2 white, 3a63'c: No. t white.
R2r(lc; No. 4 white. 52',.rf62V: No. I
color, 524&.'c: No. 2 yellow, 6144f52c; No.
I yellow, ilfidwc ; No. 4 yellow. 60
HViC, No. 2, bnyaMc; No. 3. nltyffUVio; No.
4. 604(i5lc; no grade, 47'84S4i.c.
OATS-No. 2 white. !&71,e; standard.
IKVa37c: No. 3 white. ii Vo'38i,ie; No. 4
white. S5SJ3tV: No. I yellow, 36a38'4c: No.
4 yellow, 35'.a.3fc.
BARLEY No. 3, 82(6c; No. 4. 74t?S4c,
f""d- &85c; rejected, 543)o.
RYE No. 2. 84(J85c; No. 3. 83&i4c.
t'arlot Hecelpts.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chicago ;5 643 183
Minneapolis 153
v.m,iz 1! 0
iJuluth (2
Feat ores of the 'trading and Closing;
Prices on Doard of Trade.
CHICAtio, June 10. Wheat prices came
down with a crash today, especially tor
the July delivery. There were signs that
the big holdings acquired In the May deal
hud been largely hedged for July and Sep
tember and that a leading source of supply
waa therefore available no longer. Peeling
at the close was demoralized with laat
sales lc to 3e under last night.
Torn finished Vo to 'o down, oats off
VaSc to c and provisions at a decline
of 15c to 40c.
Promise of cooler weather started the
selling, which weakened the wheat market
to a point where atop-losa orders disclosed
the hollowness of the situation. Appar
ently, the principal trader on the bull aide
had successfully conducted under cover of
the hot weather acare and without at
tracting notice a series of hedges In distant
months. Offers by Winnipeg tradera to
sell at remarkably low figures In Buffalo
had a further tendency to upset prices
As the market had been bulled of late
chiefly In view of possible crop Injurv
from the extreme heat and dry weather,
the probability of a change to lower tem
perature and plenty of moisture helped to
bring about a complete change of front
on the part of local tradera.
The close waa virtually at the low point
of the week. During the session July
ranged from 88Hc to 92c, with last sales
3 V net lower at B8Hc.
Belling of corn waa heavy. July fluctu
ated between MHc and 6&c, dosing easy
o off at 64c. Cash grades were weak.
No. 2 yellow finished at MMe.
Oats possessed more strength than other
grains. High and low point for Julv
were 384e and 87Sc, with the close He off
at 87Hc.
The week's big run of hogs counted
against valuea In the provision pit At
the final bell pork waa down 334c to. 40c
lard leas expensive by 174c to 20o and
ribs were off 16e to 20c.
Prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up
dike Grain company, telephone Douglas
2473. 708 Brandela building, Omaha:
JMiio; turkeys. L",il ; ducks. geeae, jc.
HITTKH-Uull; creamery. 17'22a
MldS- Iaower, 11c.
Receipts. Shipments
Hour, hbls 4 0 .9o0
Wheat, bu 17 000
Com. bu 7!U) 4-'.0f
Oats, bu.
((notations of the Day oa V-Iojs
NEW TOR K, .lime 10 -FIX5UR-Oulet ;
spring, patent. 14 9tf.viS: winter straights.
13 4 .00; winter putents. S4.10W4 R0; spring
clears, :t.7.v(M. 10: winter extras No. 1. 13.35
113 60; winter extras No 2. H1.V&3 2fi; Kan
sas straight. S4.I.Vti4 30: receipts. 20,jo7
bbls : shipments. U.Mfi bbls Hye flour,
onlet; fair to good, f4.ft.Vao.15; choice to
fancy, f 2. 2Vn 5. 60
roilXil KA 1,-Stcadv; fine white and yel
low. tl.l3ttl.20; coarse. SI Ileal 15. kiln dried,
WHEAT-Ppot market, weak; No. i red,
!f.c: elevator, and 74c f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth. JI 04 f o. b. afloat.
Futures market: Rains In the northwest
and cooler weather generally turned the
wheat market very weak today and prices
broke over 1c per bushel In response to
heavy liquidation. The close showed T
lSc net loss. July, OH 13-l!'a9lc. closed
at !ir."i,c: September closed at 95c. Re
ceipts. 106A0O bu.; shipments, 2.502 bu.
CORN Spot market, easv; export new
No. 2 corn, f. o. b. afloat. Futures
market was without transactions, closing
ni minal. Recelpta, 43.876 bu. ; shipments,
87.872 bu.
OATS Spot market, steady; standard
white. 444c; No. 2, 4Sc; No. 8. 44c; No. 4.
43Wc Futures market waa without trans
action, closing nominal. Receipts, 6S.426
HAY dull; prime. SI 40 No- 1. tl 3:.;
famllv. tl2.W&n3 00; beef hams. f2s.50 28.60.
HOPS-Firm: state, common to choice.
1910. I"vgn2c; 1909. 2ig22c; Pacific coast, 1910,
2aoLf,c; 1909, ltvg-lfte."
HIDES Firm; Central America, lHJfi
LEATHER Stendv; hemlock firsts. 234
27c; seconds, 22'234c; thirds. 19920c; re
jects. 14?i16r.
PHOVISIONS-Pork. steady: mess. S17.75
tf18.00; family, f 18.0019.50; short clears.
l.i. iMi 17.00. Mcef. quiet, mess. fll.75'&12.00;
iniiiuv, tii.twFr! io.w; oeer nams. w.txarx a
Cut meat, firm; pickled bellies. 10 to 14
pounds, 10 Vol 3c; pickled hams. 13Hc.
I.ard. eaay; middle-west prime. f8.3fVif846;
refined, quiet; continent. t8 75; South Amer
ica. t!. 86; compound. 7Vrr7c.
TAM.OW Quiet; prime city hhds.. 6c;
country. 5Hfr6e.
BL'TTEK Harely steady; creamery spe
cials, 23ft 23 u.C; extras. 2Vjrarc- firsts. 20'4
Cal'lc; seconds. l:HJ0c; thirds, lSc; state
dairy, finest. 22c: good to prime. 2Va'21e:
I common to fair, 174119c: process specials.
i:"ii:t'4r extras. N'c: firsts i7(SH7itc- sec.
onds. 15Uf?lf,c; factorv, current make,
firsts. 17'-c; seconds, le'inc.
CHEESE Firm; old skims. 610c; new
skims. 2V't8v4c.
EGQS-Steady; fresh gathered extras,
lS(fi20c: extra firsts. lCS'17c; firsts. 14Siffi:c;
seconds, 13VMc; fresh gathered dirties.
No. 1 11c; No 3 fVfjiOc: dirties, poor to
fair, 8J?9e; fresh gathered checks, good to
prime, .X'nOe; poor to fair, per case. S1.O04?
210; wf.'.rn rhered. whit. 17Wloc
POUl.TRT Alive, steady; western spring
chickens. 30c: fowls. 16frl5V; turkevs. 16c;
Dressed. Irregular: western broilers, 18322c;
fowls, HHigHc; turkeys. 13frT6c.
Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae.Tes y.
July.. Sept..
July.. Sept..
July.. Sept..
July.. Sept..
July.. Sept..
Rl he
July.. Sept..
91 W2
W 88
1H 89
66 4
If 40
16 30
S 321
I 60
i 87V
8 S7V
I 16 40
15 30
8 82V4
8 60
S 7V
644 64S, 66
6 66tra7
64T 64V 654
S6V 874 88V
8"V 88S 894
89!39V(TH 40H
IS 10 16 12V,' 15 62
14 2Vij 14 97 15 30
8 17
8 80 I
8 17V,'
8 16 I
8 20
8 32H
8 SO
8 1741
8 S7H
t 60
8 87
8 374
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR steady; winter patents. S390W
4 46: winter straights, ttVUHZt,; soring
tralghts. f4 009i4.26; bakers. S3 40 4 60.
RYE No. 2 2o.
BARLEY Feed or mixing. 66ffl75c; fair
to choice malting. 85&9Kc.
8EEI) Flax. No. 1 southwestern, noml
rial; No. t northwestern, nominal. Timothy
$8.00$ U.OO. Clover, fl5.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. SIS 28
916.17. Lard, per 100 Ihs.. f8.92Vi. Short
ribs, sides, loose. T 608.25. Short clear
Idea, boxed, 8H.12Vi8-2S.
Total clearances ot wheat and flour were
equal to 274.000 bu. Primary receipts were
S24.0UO bu.. compared with 8M.000 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated recelpta for Monday: Wheat
SO cars; corn. 428 oars; oats, ITS cars; hogs.
86 000 head. '
Chicago Cash Prleea Corn. No. t 64
t4c: No. t. fSVSjMc; No. t white, 64&
Wo; No. t white, &4ijjf4'1c : No. 2 yellow. 64W
jtc: No. t yellow. MtfMW Oats. No. 2
Siic: No. 2 white. SSc; No. 8 white. 873
Sac; No. 4 white, Ki&Mc; standard, 38ff3s'-o
BUTTER-Steady; creameries. I7fi21c:
dairies. 1617c
FXX1S Steady; receipts, 16.008 cases- at
mark, caaea Included, llllc; firsts, 13c
prime firsts, 14c. '
CIIBESIO Steady: daislee. llSnic
twins. 104jrilc; young Americas. llVtfllWv
long noms. lli6Tlc. t"'c.
POTATOES Steady: choice to fancy old
Toff-: new si.6al.eo. '
POin.TRT Unchanged : turkeys 12c
fowls. 13c; sprlnis. 223r25e.
VEAL Steady; 50 to 0 lb. wta., 8aUc
80 to 86 lb. wts., 8(Ut4c; 86 to 110 lb wis'
lati 10V.
Chicago Receipts Wheat, tl cars; corn
643 cars; oata, lid cars Estimated Monday:
Wheat. 20 cars; corn, 428 cars; oats, 179 cars.'
St. I .oats General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Juna 10 WHEAT
Lower; track. No. 2 red, 8fjjlc; No 2
hard. 90toe. Futures, lower; July. 8J0
September, SDc
CORN Lower; track. No. 2. f4Hc: No 2
white. 66c; July, 64c-
OATS Lower; track. No. S. SStfSSe; No.
I white, 40c; July. SSc.
RYB Firm: K.c
rl)UR Steady: red winter patents. 84.30
4f4.70; extra fancy and straight, f3.auiff4.10;
hard winter clears. IJVV-t.106.
HETrTD Timothy. tS.OtVriS 50
WRXN Dull; aaoked. on east track, fl 00
Ol Gi
ll AT Firm; timothy, fl8.0i32 80; prairie.
?00r16 60. v
PROVItION-Pork. firm. Iard. un
changed; prime ateam. IMJH'Sa 2u. Dry
salt meats, unchanged: boied extra'shnrts
88 37H; clear ribs. tS.37. short clear f 71
bacon, uachaaced; boxed extra aborts,
Corn and Wheat Region Balletla.
Record for the twenty-four hours ending
t 8 a. m. Saturday. June 10. 1911:
-.. .Will
Station Max. Mln. fall.
Ashland, Neb
Auburn. Neb
R'ken Raw VaH or
Columbu. Neb
, 98
.. 94
,. 98
. 99
. 98
, 97
lllheetaotl Mh 10O
Fairburv, Neb... 102
Fairmont. Neb... 99
Gr. Island. Neb. .100
Hartlngton. Neb.101
Hnatlnir Meh
Holdrege, Neb
.Inrnln sjh
No Plntt. VoK
Oakdale, Neb...,
Omaha, Neb
Tekamah. Neb.
Valentine, Neb
Sioux City. Ia.,
A Ita. Ia
Carroll. Ia
Clarlnda I
Sibley. Ia
Minimum temperature
period ending it I l in
No. of Tamo
District. Stations. Mas. Mln.
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Columbus, O...
iouisviue. Ky....
Indlananolls. Inri
Chicago, 111
St. lyOUIS, Md,,.,
Minneapolis, Minn. 80
Kansas City. Mo.. 24
Omaha, Neb 18
88 8 .00
62 .00
92 68 .00
98 70 .00
98 70 .00
98 70 .20
,55 M -60
100 ' 72 ,00
98 Its sa
T r , WMlhap an(l,iHj ... . ,
..-w " .uxunuou over me western
and southern portions and extended over
" i ue corn ana wneat
region during the laat twenty-four hours
a , , , u, ,,ver were again
general In Nebraaka, Kansas. Iowa and
- """" weatner pre
vailed In the lake region and Ohio valley.
. . - . ' " Bnicr,i m ine upper val
leys, and lighter and scattered showers oc
curred In Nebraaka and Iowa. A fall of
i.iu incnes occurred at Crookston. Minn.
. . - A WELSH.
Locaj Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
Kansas City Grain and rMTUUsi,
KANSAS PITV Mn Tn. in nr.F. .
Cash, Wic lower; No.'t hard. 8793c; No "t
hard. 82roie: No i rH mmul. xt- . Zl
84fiR5c: July. 84'4e. selle're. ' '
CORN Market 6fe lower; No. 1
mixed, la5e; No. 3 mixed, Ue; No 2
white. 56Vg50c; No. S white, 66(S6f.o:
July, 644c. sellers.
oa ris i ncnanged; No. S white, 38S9c:
No. 2 mixed. 3t!'y37c.
RY E Kni90e.
Vf A Y Steuri v : rhnli, HihaIh t maii m.
choice prairie. fl4.2&15.00.
BUTTER-Creamery. 20c; flrata, t7c;
seconds, lnUc; packing stock, 15e
EGGS Extras, 18;; firsts. 12c; sco
ends, 7'xC.
Recelpta. Shipments.
Wheat bU 29.000 28 000
Corn, bu 58.000 009
Oata, bu 9.000 16,000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
.Tuly, 94fJ4i-ic; September, 914c; December
917e: No. 1 hard, Wc: No. 1 northern
94Vfef96c; No. S. 893c; No. 1 durum
RARLEY 9233c.
CORN No. 8 yellow. 61V3e.
OATS No. 3 white. 36.fr36Vc.
RYE No. I. 89c.
FLOUR First patents. f4 .70(34 90; second
patents. t4 60r04 70; first clears. S3.403W
second clears, f2. 102 76.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL, June 10.WHEAT-8pot.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 7a 51; No i
Manitoba, 7s 81: No. 3 Manitoba 7s d
futures, steady; July, 6s 10d; October, ta
CORN Spot, new American mixed
steady, 4a 8d: old American mixed, firm'
6s 4d: new American kiln dried, quiet 4a
lOd; futures, strong; July, 4a lOd; October.
4s 111.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. June 10 -CORN-Lower; No 2
yellow, 63c; No. S yellow, 634c; No. S
mixed. &SV:; No. 4 mixed, 61c; no grade
43?. 1
OATS-Hlgher; No. 2 white, S8c; stand
ard. SSc; No. S white. S73.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. June lft-Wheat-No 1
northern. 99citl 00; No. 2 northern. 974W8c:
July, 8n-VS7 8s4c; September, 884ie8o.
OATS Standard. SSc.
BARLEY Malting. 66g98c.
Dalaih Grain Market.
DULUTH. June 10. WHEAT No 1
northern, 96Sc; No. 2 northern. 924i96c
July. 95',c; September, 9eijtfV2.
Cotton Market.
closed quiet; middling uplands, 115.90- mid
dling gulf. S18.16; no salea.
changed: middling, 15c; no sales: re
ceipts. 611 balea; shipments. 90S bales:
stock. 9M bales. ,
New York cotton market, as furnished
ry Logan Brysn. members of New York
Cotton exchange. S16 South Sixteenth street:
Minth. Open. High. Low Close
J"'V 15 75 15 77 15 60 15 66
AuKi- 15 17 16 19 15 07 16 IS
September 13 94 13 9 13 63 13 84
ijc0' IS 64 13 66 13 62 13 64
December 13 64 13 65 13 64 13 66
Wool Market.
ST LOUIS Juna 10. WOOL Irreirular
territory and western mediuma. 17aric
fine mediuma, 1601Vc; flaa. XlijjUVa, .
rtlflUI I TUT CTtPV UIlDVrT'tomo"- ta,r "- tSE-U76; shorn lambs,
UiliAnA LI ID OlUOa CIAHMjI " choice ,t&io. 10. shorn lambs, lair
to good, f.i 7ijm .25; teedin lamos. snorn.
ers, shorn. H 'XKu vol; tri, good to choice,
piiwih, i.av, ewes, lair v iuvu, buui u,
f3 5O-rf4.00.
Beef Cattle Show Some Strength for
the Week.
l.amhs Twenty-Five to Maty Cents
Hlajher for the Week, While
Sheep Command Good and
llreat Prices.
SOUTH OMAHA, .lure 10. 1911.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Mondav 4..' 6.614 ,i.2t
Official Tuesday S t"9 1I.0U4 3. ('06
Official Wednesday 4.32 in. 470 ,9I
Offical Thursday 2,887 17.314 1.171
official Friday 'i;i4 l".)-i ui
Estimate Saturday 1'4V 7.0T9 -
Six days this week. .. .17.235 68.867 16.608
Same days last week. .. .14.847 63.748 15.1X.'.
Same days 2 weeks ago.. 18.39 1 62.6' 22.9L'
Same days 3 weeks ago.. 20.478 66.870 22,u!4
Same days 4 weeks ago.. 18.722 60.233 .2l
Same days last yea- 13.233 40.47 12.9611
The following table anows t'ia receipts
or cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, as compared with
laat year: mil. 1910. Inc.
Cattle 44S.onfi 42b. 9.4 21.01W
Hog" 1. 219,845 963.308 266.5:7
fheep 921,440 628.540 92.900
The following table shows the average
prices on hogs at South Omaha for the
last several days, with comparisons:
Demand for All t Inssea of Stock la
CHICAGO. June 10 CATTLE Receipts,
estimated at 200 head; market steady;
beeves, fj.l'.ftit) 50; Texas strct-rs. ft 5orLj-:.7.'.;
western steers. $4 Ti'.j i 6.' ; stockers and
feeders, f;;.Soii5.70; cows and heifers, f2.tu
6.80; calvt'S, 5.Wu8.25
HOUS Receipts, estimnted at 11.000 head;
market generally steady: light. tti.OOtoti ,;(5;
; mixed, V.9vv6 35, heavy, ti.muti; rough,
i.oHi6.0D; good to choke heav. fti (KVi6 i'.;
SHEEP AND IA MBS Receipts, esti
mated at 7.000 head; market steady; native.
f3.UKtf4.M; western, f;l.2,V(i 4.w; yearlings, ft "5
'ihkLM, lambs, native, f4.2o'o.65; western,
tl 2.KS4 M.
Dates. 1911. 1910. 1909. 1908.1907. 11906. 1906.
1...I f 74' 811 7 14' I 361 f 101 6 70
2... S 76 16 7 191 f 29 (21
S...1 t 77': H 7 SB S 23 6 051
4. .. J 9 06, 7 34 r, S 99 1 6 Wl
5 09
6 1
k It
I 8 82. 7 301 t Sll 6 98! 6 241 S 21
I S 88H, 0l I S 26 5 98 6 30 6 22
6 H4';i 9 151 7 321 If 0'i 881 6
I 6 82 I 9 291 7 31 6 27 1 8 0S 6 87 1 .' 20
I i 894 t 32 7 S7 S 27 f S7 S U
i I 9 35 7 40; 5 27, 8 06, o 5
Kansas City live Stock Market.
Receipts, 0 head. Including 100 southerns;
market steady; native sters, S5.0o'gti.36;
southern cows and heifers. t3 0Oyl.7i; na
tive cows and heifers, f2.7abti.15; stockers
and feeders. f4.MU(t(6.25: bulls. f.1.7ru5 00;
calves, $4 507.50; western steers, f4.75o.10;
western cows. HOO(n4.75.
HOGS Receipt. 4,000 head; market strong
to 6c higher; bulk of sales. f6 15.u6.2o; heavy,
ti 106 20; packers and butchers, fti.l5'u.25;
light, pi l."JjO .A.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 200
head; market steady; muttons, f3.40tt4.0u;
Lambs. fi.50w7.Ou: fed wethers and year
lings, MW(4 oo; fed western ewes, f!.-
Recelnta mrA nn.i., a 1 1 .. - ...... a
UIHjiuniUIIII Ul IIVV ami;, ail
tne Inlon stock yards for the twenty-four
"r" enaing at 3 p. m. yesterday:
C, M. St. P C..Hogs Sheep H-s...
Missouri Pacific 'i
Union Pacific i
C. N. W.. east 4
C. A N. W west 1 ta
C. St. P., M. A O S "
c, H. A g., east 7 2..
C, B. A y., west 19 33
C, R. 1. A P., east .. 1
C.. R. I. A p, west.. .. .. 1
Chicago Gt. Weatern. .. t
Total recelpta 12 107 8 "l
. , , Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 9S8 .
Swift and Company 2 051
Cudahy Packing Co... 211 1,178 ...
Armour A Co i gjj7
Swift and Company, K. C. ... .... 439
Other buyers 2
Tt' 21S fil04 439
CATTLE; There were no cattle of any
consequence In the yards today, the supply
being, aa usual on a Saturday, too small
to make a market. For the week receipts
have been very fair, showing a considerable
gain over laat week, although running
somewhat behind the average for recent
The demand for beef steers haa been
very fair throughout the week and prices
on most days have been quoted aa steady
ttr,on- At the close of the week desir
able kinds of cattle are generally 10c and
In pme cases 1016c higher than laat
week a close.
Strictly dry lot cows and heifers have
been good sellers all the week, with prices
fully as high as any time. On the other
hand grass stock coming Into direct com
petition with the cheap southern cattle as Is
usual at this season of the year, showed
more or lesa weakness every day and prices
gradually worked a little lower. Bulla and
stags have remained about stationary, but
veal calves are around 26i&50c lower, so that
It takes a very good calf to bring 87.76.
While the sharp break In the prices of
stock cattle and feeders last week created
a somewhat better demand, still the coun
try Is never a very free buyer at this sea
son of the year and Is leas so than usual
Just at present for the reason that pastures
are a little dry. Still there haa been a fair
trade taking the week as a whole, but the
under current of the market is a little lower
and the feeling weak.
yuotatione on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers. S6.65&6.15; fair to good beef
steers, S6.0OSj6.60; good to choice heifers,
t6.0O5.6O; good to choice cows. S4.S0..vm:
common to fair cows and helfers.-S2.G0y-l.iri;
ooa io cnoice siocicers ana reeders. S5.00
$5.40: fair to good stockers and feeders,
ft.6u5.00; common to fair stockers and
feeders. f3.60(84 .50; stock heifers. f4.266.20;
real calvea. 84.5037.76: bulla, stairs, etc .
f4 0035.15.
HO8 Another hog trade developed with
plenty of creditable phases. It waa a ses
sion of lively trading on bulk at figures
5m10c higher and weak trend toward the
extreme close did not apply to very much
business. Almost all of a 108-car aupply
changed hands at advances before 10
Butchers, light mixed and bacon weights
made up the big end of recelpta, and offer
ings ot lard character were the exception to
the rule. Shippers aa well as buyera for
packers supported the market with orders
more or less Insistent and all classes of
stock moved with equal freedom. About
12 per cent of total offerings went to trad
ers whose purihaaes are usually of a specu
lative nature.
Heavy animals sold around 86.86 and good
butchers settled ut a range of t5.90&3.00.
Fancy light grades reached f6.20, a tof
lr,it la 10c higher than yesterday's limit
and a quarter above high price a week ago.
A slight widening of range during the
week finds a reason In a better control of
trade In heavlea than In bacon grades.
Packera have been forced to elevate all
welghta. but the Improvement In 200-pound
stuff has been moat pronounced. At pres
ent, the average trade la about 30c higher
than laat Saturday's market, despite the
fnct that receipts give a heavy total.
No. At. Bh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Ft.
M (Tl IN lit l .124 40 00
4 826 ... 6 It 11 tl3 lh t (NI
It 161 ... 6 86 71 14 ... AO
68 281 140 6 t (8 841 340 40
64 814 40 6 80 71 Ill ... 00
47 840 ... 1 80 78 840 2U0 00
84 810 160 8 80 4 234 ... So
4 l 140 t 80 M 257 180 4 00
42 212 ... 6 80 84 27 ... 100
M 284 ... 1 80 : !o8 40 00
42 2U 1SS I 80 C2 237 40 4 00
(8 287 180 8 80 44 230 80 00
84 246 40 I 80 77 22 ... o
80 248 80 6 80 18 23 80 4 00
(8 17 240 80 it 214 120 4 00
41 808 ... 8 8 17 ::i ... o
42 287 ... t 88 So Ul ... 4 00
64 27 80 6 80 44 2i4 140 4 00
M 278 80 8 8: 4) 21 ... 00
46 374 ... IKt (7 !31 ... 00
68 281 ... I 88 78 237 120 4 00
48 847 84 6 N 71 238 40 8 00
70 246 8 f 88 78 212 K'O 4 0
16 244 ... 6 86 44 238 1M In
43 271 144 6 85 t 244 ... I IN)
7 281 4t 88 76 218 120 I M i
88 248 40 8 84 131 40 8 OS '
74 244 80 6 86 41 2.S0 80 IM
48 24 44) 6 86 68 : 40 4 84
80 281 80 I 84 74 218 180 8 08
48 284 80 I 84 72 227 40 4 06
47 167 ... I 84 78 Z2i ... 8 06
44 174 ... I 88 84 :4 ... 8 OS
44 lS 0 84 77 320 8 4 04
44 141 140 6 88 20 217 ... 4 0
61 318 ... I 86 64 221 140 I K
86 176 12 6 84 87 W4 ... 46
61 140 US 6 86 78 213 ... 4 1
81 14 ... I 86 81) 187 ... ( 10
11 268 ... I 8 86 ? ... o
41 171 240 4 w. S 214 ... 1 IS
40 170 270 6 84 N 180 84 4 10
16 240 80 6 S7V 80 lit ... 4 10
42 2-4 140 I 7Hi 12 181 6 10
81 JM ... 4 80 74 102 ... II
84 244 40 4 40 41 IKS ... 4 16
81 234 14) 6 00 78 187 ... I 16
76 2 140 4 04 86 184 ... It
46 238 80 4 40
SHEEP Only two cars of southern sheep
arrived and they were consigned Ulrect to
a packer, ao that the open market pre
sented Its usual Saturday appearance of
X aeaaonable run of stock this week con
sisted largely of shorn weatern limbs.
There was not as much variety to offerings
as during recent weeks, only one shipment
of wooled Mexican lamba showing up be
sides an occasional small string of sheep.
The wooled 61 ex leans were the last of the
Oould feeding and sold at 17.66 on Monday,
this price being only a dime under the sea
son's top tor fed classes.
The first two daa of trading witnessed
big improvement In prices for lambs, but
the demand at and sine mid-week has
oeen rather particular. Bu)ers avored
high dreaaera and neglected In-between
and common grades, with the result that a
big portion of the early advance on ahoddy
tuff disappeared. All lamba except strictly
good and choice kinds, are closing about
2td5oc higher, while extra quality bands
show net advances of 60ta4sUo, S7.10 being
top for the week.
Business In old sneep haa been too small
to afford much of a teat of trade, but
prices paid average up relatively high aa
compared with those in force at Chicago
and elsewhere. Generally steady with a
week ago would be the aafest way of de
scribing the market. Nine loada of southern
graaaers were Included In total offerlnga,
out seven of them were consigned direct
to packers.
Quotations on sheep and lamba: Spring
"M. I.oala Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jure 10 CATTLE Receipts,
200 head; no Texans: market steady; ia
tlve heef steers. S5.0U(&3.40; cows and hell
ers, f3.0LK86.25; stockers and feeders, t3.0i.'ai
6.25; Texan and Indian steers. f4.U.0j;
cows and heifers, f3. Omit 5. 00; calvea In car
load lots, I4.yvii7.75.
HOGS Receipts. 8,000 head; market
steady; pigs and lights. f.00.30; packers,
15.756.15; butchers and best heavy, .U'u
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 500 head;
market steady; native muttons, S3. 75(4 25;
lambs, 6. 00-87.50.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, -00 head; market steady; steers, to 25
tl-6.20; cows and heifers, fa.OXs.00; calves,
HOGS Receipts. 5.000 head; market
steady to 5c higher; top. $6.20, bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300 head;
market ateady; lambs. fj.5Og7.00.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five principal
western markets yesterday:
came. nogs, oneep.
South Omaha.
St. Joseph....,
Kansas City..
St. Louis ,
.1,040 85.000 8,700
Local Seenrltlea.
Quotations furnished by Bums, Brlnker
A Co., 449 New Omaha National Bank
Bid. A.kd.
Corn Kxchangs Bank ttoek 9b 94
Council Blufli, U . 44l. 1814 101 101 31
City of Omh school 1831 10 1 104,
Cudihr Packing Co. 6l. 18:4 M e
Dear A Co., 7 . tl. pfd 103 4 104
Fairmont Creamery lat g. 6 p. e SSsfa 100
Fairmont Creamery pfd, 7 p. e 86 loo
Kanaaa City O. A B. 7 p. 0. pfd 88 100
Kanaaa City 4i. 1830 10344 104.4
Marlon Co.. la.. 4Ha. 1821 104 106 01
Omaha Watar (a. 1841 IS' M
Cinaha Si C. B. St. Rj. 6a, 128 . v. .. 84 H.'H
Omaha ft C. B. Ft. Rr. 6. 1814 101 111'-,
Omaha ft C. H St. Rr. pfd 6 p. a... M 83
Omaha ft C. B. Pt. Rj. com 64 10
Omaha Oaa 6a. 1917 87V, 984
Omaha E Ia. ft P. 60, 1ISI H 9
Packard Motor 7 p. e 107 108
Patera Mill 4 p. c. pfd 9H6 lot
Union Stock Yarda itock o 91
I nlon Stock Tarda 6a, 1631 89 , 100
Brattle 4a, 1920 1014 101.66
Wlaa Mamorial Hoaptlal 4a, Irtl 140 101
Dry Goo4aS Msrkrt.
Wide dress ginghams for the spring trade
ate being opened. Brown and bleached cot
tons hold steady and quiet. Tarns are
quiet. Linens and burlaps remain steady
and In moderate demand.
Coffee Market.
tures closed quiet, net one point lower to
two points higher. Sales, 10,500 bags. June.
10.83c: July. 1090c; August, 10.81c; Septem
ber, 10.84c; October, 10.50c; November, 10.48c ;
December January and February, ! If f
Ma,.h a.n4 A I lOJ?..- Vt A . 1., ,c. D '
coffee, steady; l:lo No. 7, UvliUUi-; Santox
No. 4. lie. Mild, quiet; Coi-ilo a, I.IuKh-.
4JMAII4. lifiVKntl, MARKET.
BUTTER Creamery. No. i delivered to
the retail trade In Mb. cartons. 23c: o.
I. In SO-ll. tubs. 21c; No. 2, in 1-lb cartons.
21c; 1'McMl'K sank, solid pack. (lair;.
In 60 lb. tubs. 14jlt-v; market ihar.ges evny
CUKKSE-Twlrn. HSi '15c; young Ameri
cas, 16c; dalflcs, 1jc; triplets, lie, llmlieri'er.
lhc. No. 1 buck, 15c; imported ips. .wc,
Ooincstlc Swltis, ;.'c; block Swiss, l!c.
I'Ol LTRY l'ressed broilers, under S lbs,'
fo.00 I'er dot ; hens' lie, tucks. 10c; duckj.
lM geese, l.'ic; turkeys, 24c; pigeons, uer
dozen, fl 20; homer u,uab. ) r dm., ft.oi;
fancy sijuubs. ,ir ii i . J.50, No. L pr
am , f3 00. Alive: Hioiu rs. 2uc: 14 to IVs
lbs., and IS to 2 lbs.. i'Oc, smooth legs, lie.
teu, 10c, old roosters, kc; old ducks, fjll
featheied, 13c; geese, f ill i feathered, ,'c;
turiicys. Ulc, guinea fowls, 2uc ;uch; pifc
ona. per dox., jUc, homers, per dux., f.; co;
squabs, No. 1. per doz.,; No. 2, pvt Uo.,
btc; old tut keys, He.
FISH tall ti-ozc!i-rickerel. 10c; wh'te
15c; pike, 14c; trout. ,ic; large crapplcs,
6420c; paniHli niacUerel, Uc, eel. 18c; bad
dock, 13c; tlounclci . Uc; green cattlsn, 16.1:
roe shad, HOc each; shad roe, per pair,
40c; Irog legs, per doit., 36ctnfJ.uu; salmon.
10c: halimit. Xc; yellow perch. 6c, buffalo
6c; bullhead. 14c.
iieef 'uts-.No. 1 ribs. 12Vc; No. 2 ribs
HVfcc; No. 3 libs, lovc. No. 1 loin, Llc;
No. 2, loin. 12c, No. a. 12c. No 1 chuck,
oc; No. 2 chuck, 5c; No. i chuck. 6'c.
No. 1 round, lo'jc; No. 2 round, loo; No
3 round, 10c. No. 1 plate. 6'c; No. plate.
5',4c; N. 3 plate. 4-'4c.
FRl'ITS Hananas: Fancy select, per
bunch, S2.25iii2.50; Jumbo, per bunch, 82 75
3.76. Cherries: Ho, tie grown, per i4-qt.
C;ise, 82 00. Mates: Anchor brand, new. 30
1-lb. pkgs.. In boxes, per tiox, f 2 00. G.ose
htrrics: Home grown, per 24,-qi. c ise. 82 f.
Lemons; l.lmonelra luand, extra famy,
3"0 sie. per box. J," 50; ;!0 size, per Lox,
t..OO; lxima Llnioneira. fancy, .KW size, per
box, S7.00; 300 size, per box. f7.."0. 21 1 and
420 sizes, 50c per box less; Cymbal brand,
300-3X sizes, per box, M.7:,r7.O0 Oranges:
Camella Redlands Valenciaa. all sizes, per
box, 14 00; fancy Valencia, 80-Is? 126-150 and
smaller slues. $3.75; California Jaffa
oranges, 150 and smaller sizes, per box.
1.75. Pineapples: Florida. 24-30 36-42-48
sizes, per crate, J.I ,00. Strawberries: Home
grown, per 24-qt. case, $3 00.
VEO ETA ELKS Beans: String and wax.
per hamper. f2 50; per mkt bwk., i0ctf$1 00.
Cabbatte: Southern, new, per lb., 4c. Cu
cumbeis: Mot houBR, l'i and 2 doz. In box,
per bnx, fl.;.0; Tixas. per bu. hamper, fl.76
Kjcg I'lant: Fancy Florida, per doz.. 81.60
(&2 00. Oarllc: Kxtra fancy, white, per lb.,
12c. Lettuce: F.xtra fancy lenf, per doz..
40c Radishes: Per doz.. 20c. Onions;
Texas Hermuda. whit", per crate, 12 25;
yellow, per crate, $2.00 Parsley: Fancy
home grown, per doz. bunches. 45c. Potatoes-
Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock,
per bu., $1.00; new stock, in sacks, per bu.,
$1 fin. Tomatoes: Texas, per 4-bsk. crate.
MISCRLLANFiOrS-Almond. California
soft shell, per lb., ISc; In sack lots, lc less.
Rrazll Nuts: Per lb., 13c; in sack lots, lc
less. Filberts: Per lb., 14c; in Hack lots,
lc less. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb.. 8c;
raw, per lb., HiC. Perans: Large, per lh.,
16c: In sack lots. 1c less. Walnuts: Cali
fornia, per lb., 19c; In sack lots, lc ltss.
Honey: New, 24 frames, $3.75.
The .Merchants atlonal Rank
at Omaha, In tha State of Nebraska, at the
close of business June 7. 19' 1:
Ioans and Itscoun!a $4,549.814 96
Overdrafts. secured
and unsecured 6.448.K8
V. S. honds to secure
IT. circulation 3X0,000.00
V . S. bonds to secure
V. S. deposits i,OH)00
Ponds, securities etc 57.430.28
Ranking house, furni
ture and fixtures . 110,000.00
Due from natlonnl
banks mot reserve
agents) 6K,,5S.12i)
Due from state and
private bank, and
hankers, trust com
panies 423.011 08
Due from approved
reserve agents 893.973 76
Checks and other
cash Items 13. 504. .'..1
Exchange for clear
ing house 128,701.67
Notes of other na
tional hanks 3;,9O0 00
Fractional impel cur
rnc , nickels and
cents 198.70
l.anful money reserve
In hank, viz:
Specie 491.77000
I-Ral tender note. 91. 335.00 S. 694. 877 84
Redemption fund with
I'. S. treasurer (5
of circulation 8.300.00
666 61
Total $5,008,971 75
apltal stock paid In f 500.
Surplus fund 500,
Undivided profits less
expenses and taxes
raid 65.
National hank notes
outstanding 3s0.
Duo other natlonat
banks St.2S4.45Tt.49
Due to state and pri
vate banks and
banke-s 602. 64 99
Dividends unpaid ... 2.312.00
Individual deposits
sublect to check. ... 3.257.958.18
Demand certificates
of deposits 76,00
Time certificates of
deposit 891.617.58
Certified checks 34,268.54
Cashier s checks out
standing 122.72091
17. S. deposits 14.3n.8! 8.544. 675 :5
Reserved for taxes.. 16,706.58
V.MtliV rATIO Teatfc Mm,
(nloa rarlftc
Depart. Arrive.
Fun Fran. Overland L. a I 46 am a 7:41 prt
thina and Japan F. M.a 4.U pro a 6 45 ,v
Atlantic Kxprees a 8:46 a
Oregon Fx press a 4:00 pre a 6:10 pm
I .os Angeles Limited .. al2 46 pm a 8 jo pm
Denver Special ..a 1:04 am a 7 27 am
.oloiado K.xpress. ..a 8:60 pm a 4 60 p
Oregon-Wash. Limited. alJ.oU pm a v.v p a
Noith Platte Lex a I all:.u pm a 4: 4.1 p-
Orand Island Local ... a 6 li am alt j,i ,1 n
tstromaburg LrtKtU t1.' 41 pm u 1 .
Ctilraae Jk IS urlk .. rairra .
Twin City btprcs... a i:4n am
Moux City Local a 3 4o pm
Minn, ft Dakota h.x a !: put
twin Cilr Limited a :4j tm
Minnesota kxpress
Carroll Local a 7:00 am
Daylight Chicago a 7:4o am
1.1 ita.u l.mai au':ix nn
Coloradu-t. iaKJ a t:lt pm
Chicago opeciai a V pm
t acltic Coast chliaKO..a ;. pm
ixs Ai'KvIe- Liiiuieti. . .a i:5u pn
Overland lniited a 7:55 pm
Cat loll laocal a t:JU put
1-not ... a v.. 1
Cedar Kaplds, Sioux City
and Omaha
H tbl liOUNJ;
Long Tine a 8:00 am
Nui loiu-i 'alias ;a 6.'"J am
I onK 1'me-L.incoln a i:ij cm b i:li pm
Leadwood-tto. SpiinKa a J:65 pm
L'axper-Lander a y:o put
Freinont-Aibioo b 6. yin
lili'uaii-hrrat Weatrra
in to pm
S p(q
a 8.16 ai
J.S" am
n w a, a
a 8 .) .r-i
a 12.. '.1 ant
a a:
J:-' l'i 1
a 11
a 1 p..,
U' in p.a
a 8 15 am
aio 00 aiq
J ,4o ,q
a 3:36 prq
all 00 arq
Mo 16 p(I)
a 6:20 pm
b 6.20 prn
a 6
all 00 aiq
t I m pns
Total f8.006.971.73
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss:
1 Fred P. Hamilton, cashier of the above
ramed bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Correct Attest .
. Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
9th dav of June, 1911.
Clearing House Bank Statement.
NEW YORK. June 10. The statement of
clearing house hanks shows that the banks
hold f38.S40.200 more than the requirements
of the 26 per cent reserve rule. This Is an
Increase of fl.590.S50 In the proportionate
caah reserve as compared with laat week.
The statement follows:
Loans ,
LegaUtenders ,
Reserve required ...
U. 8. deposits inc.
.$1,362,413,500 f6.78:4,SOl
. 315,508. S00 4.2S8.600
74,ii::,9ii0 '72.100
. 1,406.3:10.000 10.502.600
45.4!6.8"0 33:i.800
. 390.422.7flO 4.216.500
. 351.5S2.5iX) 2.625.650
38.840.200 1,690.650
1.572.0(10 i,m
7. 293. aw
1 516.700
1.412.965.800 20,149,500
45.490.700 371.200
393.027,300 8.810.000
353.241.450 5.037.375
39.7S5.S50 3,772.626
1.579.300 e.L'OO
Summary of state banks and trust com
panies In Greater New York not reporting
to the New York clearing house:
Loans $1,212,962,000 t 433 600
Specie 123.696.200 n.026,100
legal tenders 19.397.400 28.300
Total deposits 1.338,867.700 fi.SSSoOO
$1,351 .80L4O0
Legal tenders
Reserve required ...
U. S. deposits Inc
London Parlg Hamburg
Cincinnati. Juna 17, IS, A. M Pras Llnnnln
June "I. Bluecher. Juna 24. Kala'n. Aua Vlo.
Juna !4.
will Tall at Plymouth and Char hour..
Rltt-Carlton a la (Jarta Reataurant.
Priiloinrr WO CKTISXI
UlUIOlllK. By the 17,000 Ton
- I D. .1.
Tha flrat to leave
Naw York October
21. 1811. Tha aecond
to leara San Fran
cisco Fab. 4. Mlt
Annual Rvant Trlpa
In Oct. 1812 & Feb .
1813, by large Crula
Ini 8. S. Victoria
160 West Randolph at., Chicago, S1L, or
local agsntsv
110 DAYS
The thrifty household the
Intelligent family not the vicious
ncr the stupid haa money to spend
with advertisers. Toe Bee. read by
the Intelligent and thrifty, there
fore a moat powerful and bubloeas
. hlcago Limited a 6.4e pm
iwlu City Limited t k:0 piu
1 win City Limned
lain City K-vpiraa a i Ju am a
i.hicano Ivxpicaa
llllaola testral
Chicago h-xpir.-a. ...... .a 7:00 am
Chicago Linulea a pin
Minn.-dt. faul Ki o i:ou am
Mlon -be faul ia2 a :uv pm
Omaha-SC Louis Ex. ...a pm
Mall and Kkpiva a 7.02 aiu
Manb y Let t.rout C J m v.Uu .u
1 hivawo, Itock. Island v Pad
Rocky Mountain Lti...tU2:3' am
1 lie Mountaineer a o:4n am
Omaha Day fanpress
1 hicago laocai 1 ass....bl0.t am
Chicago Kxpics a4:iupm
Lies Mome.t Local Pass. a 4: pm
Chicago-Nebiaaka l,iu..a o t pm
The Mountaineer a 8:01 am
lo al Pass, to Lincoln. a 8:4t am
Colo.-Cal. Kxpreas a 1 lo pin
Okl. 01 l ei. raXpreas. . .a (:uu pm
C'hi.-Neb. Ltd. Lincoln
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..all). 45 pm
(.kliaao, Mllnaakt A at. a
Overland Limited a 7:60 pm
uinaija-chnato Kx Ui.ioein
Perry Local a t 68 am
Colo.-Cal. Kxpreas ....a 6:uu put
Coloiauo Special a 7:42 urn
Perry Local b 5.15 pin
Itaauuri i'acUte
K. C. & St. L. Kx a 20 am
lc. C. 4k tit. L. k.x all:U pm
7 :M aViJ
a ,jv prQ
:4v 8m
f 45
a 8:00 an)
a i'.io'a'.a
a 8:25 am
all. 15 piu
uiu:L a i
alO:35 pm
a 1 :4o am
a 4 . .iu pn
blu l: tun
a 1:1" p.o
al2:L piu
a i.4i am
a 6.40 am
a 4 00 pm
all to a.i
o:oa pm
Jo am
12 aiq
11 :tj'pm
J J5 piu
4i.o am
l-'.IA. am
a 7 .40 am
a 6:o4) piu
UarllBStoa fctallux aetlt aaal Maaou.
Ilerllactoa .
Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm
1'uget Sound Express.. a 4.10 pin
Neuiaska po.iiti. a 4:20 am
black Milia a pm
iatiiL-uln .vjaii b l.M piu
Northwest Express ....all:J5 pm
.stbiaaiva pu.iiia a b.mV a Ul
Neluasha Kxpieaa a aiu
Lincoln Local
hchuyler-Plaiismouth,..b 8.U5 pm
Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm
piattsmouth-lowa a 8:1s am
Rellevue-Platt!mouth...alJ.'Ju on.
Chicago Special a 7:16 am
Denver Special all: 35 pm
cmcafco li.ioH a 4 . 111
Chicago bast Kxpresa..a 6:d0 pm
Iowa Local a :1.. am
Creston (la.) Locai b 3:30 pm
M. Louia Express a 4. i j.ui
li.. C. & St. Joseph alU L put
K. C. 4k St. Joseph a H li am
K. C. St. Joseph a 4. JO pin
3 4 pm
a t:4o pia
a :10 pm
a J.4j pi:.
"I" 15 :m
a 7.00 am
a f lv p.,,
a lo pm
0 a. 11
Dlu.iv av.
a ':5u sio
t 4:68 am
8:40 pm
all: 16 pm
a 7:00 am
a J:oo .,,i
a a vu aiu
hlui.TO am
bl0:46 am
il:j a. 11
a i:4o am
a s:iv put
V.'ebater Statloa -IBth aad IVebater,
Chleaao, t. Paal. Minneapolis a
OmaMa .
Depart. Arrlva.
.b 8:25 pra bl2:05 pin
C :
Floux City Extreea.
Omaha Local
Sioux City Paaa
Twin City Paaa
Moux City Local ....
Emerson Local
..b 8:48 am
. .0 8.28 am
,.b 1:55 pm
i Dm
b 8:25 pm
b 1.-10 are
' 1 ' m,tumBSkmmWBkWtBkWSkWBkTBKU
Its JKewaird
The Bee win giye away more than $3,600 in prizes, to people who solve picture pudes in the great
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This wonderful Apperson "Jack Rabbit" Touring Car, Model Four-Thirty, with five passenger capacity,
is a premier machine. It is really a "Jack Rabbit" of the road and spins smoothly over pavements and country
highways. It has many road and speed records, and ranks among the leading motor cars of the country. It is t,
wonderful car in a wonderful contest. Well equipped, it will go to the contestant who has the largest number of
answers correct, or that contestant who, if there are several with the same number of correct answers, has th
neatest and best prepaid set of answers.. This Sterling Car is now exhibited in the garage of the Apperson
Company, 1102 Farnam street. Just step in and see it, then you will want to join the Booklovers' contest, if jux
have not already done so. Follow the pictures daily in The Bee. They are educational and will keep you reminded
of this automobile.