WOMEN'S MIDSUMMER WAISTS Lew neck and sailor col lars, barred lawns and dotted Swisses, Ctg worth $1, at....wwv New Store Second Floor. idc Dotted and Embroidered Swisses suitable for Dresses and Waists, in base ment, yard 4c Thousands of Yards of the Genuine $1 SAPIIO DRESS SILKS AT 49c NWno registered and woven on selvege. Kapho is the most famous silk known for ' its lustre and fine wearing quality. All the new street shades and evening shades WONDERFUL BARGAIN 75c and $1.00 EMBROIDERIES at 49c 27-inch Swiss embroidered flouncings in new English eyelet, floral and blind ef fects, ruffled flouncings with lace inser tion; also 24-inch embroidered allovers for dresses and waists. Many are worth up to $1.00 a yard IOs GINGHAMS in Apron Checks large and small yard in basement. Women's Pure Linen LAUNDERED COLLARS Klnborntely einhroulor 18-in. Fine Embroidered Flouncings, Skirtings Corset Coverings Medium and wide edgings, also wide in sertions and galloons' and bands of ev ery design; positively worth from 25'j ed in Dutch, Hyron and Sailor shapes; actually worth up to r at OL and pastel colorings. Limit, 15 AQp vards: t. vard...' vt up to 50c a yard; on sale 10c at. w i - Bargain Squar Main Floor Main Floor Nw Store Main Floor Bargain Sauare One Big Lot of Misses' and Junior's Wash Dresses Ginghams and lawns made to sell aa high as $3.50, Cf OQ special vl0 Xtw tore-Second noor Thousands of Yards Fine Embroidery Yard Wide BLEACHED HUSLIN CHILDREN'S DRESSES Afei 2 to 5, wirth op to $1, at 39c SECOND PL00R COTTON FOULARDS Dots and floral de $.$ principally dark C colors, al . . I BASEfENT Pure Silk WINDSOR TIES Checks an! Plaids, re;olar.25c Ap ralues, it, ea." Percales, Chambrays Wit. CUt uf Eis .1 Cotton Fabrics Wart, is ta BISEMENT English Voiles I s Checks. and barred, 60c quality AT Dress Goodi Section, at... 19c 5c Tari Main Moor BASEIEUT I Main Floor Bargain Square H as - n Wt mm mm mm . " nmrTi oi n rrr-n ri n ; ; ! nnmi TirwBnMwririwiFirTTTWTTMTriiinntfl 1 wn iinwiiTiir-" .. - m- r-"" m'mm'mmm SSBBBBBasSBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBi mW lHMHl naoaaaiwanBnaMMiOTSMaaaMaMM JSSBBSSaSSBeBBaSBasaaBBBBSSSI BSSSSSSSaBSBSSSSSSaSBSSSSSSBSSasa HMHHMIM H Fine Embroidered Bands and Galloons Elegant, lacy deslpn in cro chet, Venlse, Baby Irish, combination and blind re lief; worth up to $1.00; at, yard 25c and 39c Oa Bale on Main rloor WOMEN'S HOSIERY Pure thread silk, double eoles, spliced heels and toes, black and all col ors; $1 quality, Q at, pair )vi On Halo Floor Haw Stora LONG SILK GLOVES Elbow length, double tipped fingers, in Milanese and Tricot; black, white and colora; worth up to m $1; bargain square SU at, pair Wtft Kala Floor SHORT SILK GLOVES White Milanese or Tri cot, all sizes, worth 50c, at 39c Main Floor Women's Strap Slippers Juliet style, remnant lot of 100 pairs, worth .$1.50 a pair, HP basement I til 10,000 Yards of Very Best Mercerized ;. Table Damask In mill lengths, regular 75c quality; OQ basement. . OUX All Pure Linen CRASH TOWELS Red borders, size 18x30; V2Vc values, fp basement, each . . AH Axminster Rugs 36x72 size, Oriental and floral patterns; $4 and $0 values; third floor; at 2.59 GRAFF NEW SUPERINTENDENT, Principal of the High School is to Suc ; ceed Dr. Davidson. . $PECIAL MEETING IS HELD I C V. Graff Haa Deea Prlitclimt of the Omaha Illah School for the I. nut Thrre Year II U Thirty- ..' ' Nlaa lrara Olil. X. ! Htlls T7. Oraff. for three yenrs prlnt-ipal f tha hlnh school, was elcctitil superin tendent of the public schools of the city for a term of three year at a vtleulal meeting of the liuiird of Education. Hi salary n placed at $1,200 annually, tin Increase of 1000 over that which he received aa principal of the hlKh school. ; The new superintendent succeeds fr. W illiam H. Davidson, who after a success ful administration of eight years here, has accepted a call to the siiperlntndene of the schools of Washington. 1 V. Mr. Graff was selected with i'tie ili.-sont-Ing vcte. Member yourke vutlrvj in tin negative. HourWe wn not opposed to the naming of Graff, tut llmunl.l ic ehnt't be elected for one yrnr, lnsiad ot ilm- . After his election, the new MtrlntetuViv, was ecorted Into tl!0 hoard room. .herv In a n"at hpeich, l.o lluinl rrt the nu'inhere for the honor inferred' on him and pledged hl ! t nf;.ii-ts to hep the schools on the hleh plant wtci It. ImviO.son ha put them. ' Previous to the l1"i'1!oii, Hie rrs;na;loti of rr. liavld.snn wan uiccptel. lr. David son was plm'ted for a term of tine tai-s at a salary of ;'-j at tho last motting of the- board. Mas llora In Itrd Oak. I Mr. Graff, who l . j S'jra i .1 ui liorr. In Ued Dak. la., lu I T-, l i Iv J he gradu ated from the Lake lVi t irulu-jse at lake Koresv. III., tukln:; tho A. I'. .Ii'viu-e. I'he next year he took a yi- '. -ci ad'iulo courte t Chicago unlrrity. nftvr which lie taught In various Rclioolf In "intil he came to Omaha In tile fail of His tlmt servlce.-t a" an in.-t; u"t r were at Clinton, la., v. here .e lainsot iJttln'nna Greek In the hl;,'h school fo.- one ear. Then he was elected to the pi inolpahlp Of the Hed Oal schools. a'pi..-ltlon v hU'h he held lth marked- nuei lor three years. In 1!M, he aec.-pled the pi in 'limlship of the Marshallton. la . public xrh'tol.i. Re maining there for three yea.n. lo Ihtn went to Kockford. 111., and remained tline ntll he was called to tho Omaha vchool succeed A. II. Vaterho'j as pilncpa! a the high school. Mr. Graff has two children. Iioth daugh- and the other 1 year. A. tie sssBssssasssssaasssssssssssssssssT jasssssssssassssasssssaaasBssssa ssaaaawssawsBSBSssBSBsssassBSBi - Great Cas From Eastern Manufacturers Who Were Badly Overstocked They Were Willing to Accept a Loss on Thousands of Dollars Worth of High Class Dependable Merchandise At the Opening of the Summer Season in Order to Get Cash Here is another instance where Brandeis cash brings the biggest bargains in the United States to the people of Omaha. Eastern manuf actur. ers were anxious to sell their surplus stocks; Brandeis bought at low cash figures. Thousands of dollars will be saved by the women of Omaha as a result of these purchases. The Goods From These Immense Purchases All Go On Sale Monday FRENCH LAWN , 46 inches wide, 5(Jc quality, basement,, yard 35c LISLE TISSUE Woven, Vollea in Btripes, ' checks and plaids; 27 inches wide; base- gm raent. per Z)C yard v Specials Women's Summer Apparel Women's Practical New Lingerie Dresses $10 Beautifully made; second floor, at. V" Womefl's Two-Piece Linen Suits Newest and most CIO C(l comfortable and stylish midsummer suits, at vAfcUtlv Women's New Shantung Coats- ,10 Just the thing for 'summer wear, at ..' V" A Special in Wash Goods Section Main Floor High class 42-inch to 48-inch English and French bordered Mar quisettesbordered and printed voiles, thin Swisses GQ etc., actually worth up to $2.00 yard, at. . '. vOXj 15c quality CURTAIN MADRAS BRUSSELS RUGS 9x12 seamless; Mill lengths; In $18 'values base ment 5ic third floor , .5 1 White Canvas Children's Slippers Two-strap, style, all Full Lace Worth up $3 pair; sizes; old . 98c store was married to Miss Margaret Conger of Clintoji la.. In 1SD7. The Hoard of Education has made no mUtalte In the rclectlon oT Mr. Graff," ald lr. l'avldson after tho e'.eetlnn. "He In a thorough school man in eery respect and will reflect honor und credit on lh scl.oo'c." Tnlk of Successor. The vacancy In tho prlnelpalshlp of the I l?h school resulting fiom the promotion of Mr. Giaff will not be filled for two nionlhs at least, according to members ot the board. Dr. E. Holovtchlner ttated that the board uld take its time In naming a successor. "We don't want to rush Into this." said he. ."We have plenty of time." J. F. Woolery, Nathan 1ernntein and Miss Kate Mcllugh, all members of the f.iculty of the high school, are mentioned in connection with the position. "No change will bo made In the head of the German aeparimem as nas oeen rumored, " said Dr. Davidson Saturday afternoon. ' Miss Abba Willard Howes will be retained as the head of the depart ment. Ferdlnant Stedlivger, appointed as a German teacher at the last meeting, will be assigned to a department in German. Doctor Who Carries His Pardon With Him Has His Tine Remitted by Mayor Dahlman Before it is As sessed. When the case against lr. Palmer Find ley, charged with exceeding the speed limit, was called In police court Mitunlay morning the doctor upeured with a docu ment signed by Mayor Dahlman remitting ids fine.- The mayor wrote that lie had investigated the charge against "-r. Find ley and found there was no evidence to 4iiport It. In. Flr.diry wn., arrested while on Ids way home Friday night by Motorcycle po licemen Morgan ami Jiiiier , who, tcLtifled tl at Dr. Kindles- was traveling at the late of twenty-five miles rn hour. Jud.e Craw ford fined the doctor 115 and costs, vl.lcli he was not reijulred to pay, as It had al--sdy been remitted. Wtyle taking his second spin .n lis new auto Friday nlglit theiarhine refused to respond to the manipulation of it. F. N'eble, editor of the Danish liuneer. bnd lurte1 to run too fast to keep within the fpeed limit. The flying squadron saw Air Neble Lilting the IiiOi places n the tViural boulevard and t-vestid the editor. Judge .Mr. .Ni'l'io wit liot ,-e; ti i. ecu .1 t'-.o t.'se Crawford decided Saturday morning as of an automobile, tlv and cou would about suit tha case. Hand Embroid ered Batiste Mulls, Marquisettes, Piques, etc., base ment, at, yard 25c to $2.98 Checked Dimities Men's Silk Thread Hosiery Plain colors, 60c and fine Persian Lawns; base values; store Pair. . . ment Yd. Size Curtains 9x12 Best Brussels 'Rugs Seamless, $20 values; to each. 49c third floor, at OFFERS TO SEND BACK COINS Highwaymea Tell F. E. Teller How He Can Get Property Back. POLICE WORKING ON ROBBERY Three I'ninasked Footpads Hold Up (Iccopnnts of Dsxif at Sls tcenth and Grace Streets Frldar Mght. Four city deteetlvea are hunting through Omaha for the three highwaymen who held up and robbed F. B. Teller and Michael Glannou at Sixteenth and Grace streets :ae Friday night. No clue to the rubbers I as been discovered up to noon, but Cap tain ot Detectives John Savage Is confident the three desperadoes will goon be caught. Tha horse and buggy driven by the vic tims of the holdup returned to the Palace stables at 8:30 Saturday morning after showing evidence of hard driving. The horse Is believed to have been driven to within a block of the stable and then .al lowed to make its way back home. Mr. Teller said today the bandits dis played the coolest kind of nerve while go-In,,- through his pockets, and that when h? r quesud them to not rob him of a tare $10 g.ild 1 lece and several antique coins one f the men sa'.d: "You have been adver tising for rare coins right along, so you can advertise for these that we may know where tn send them." Following the In structions of the robber Teller Inserted an ad In The Bee today. At the time of Cue lioiaup Teller and ninnnou were riding In a buggy at six teenth and Grace streets. Three highway men r topped their horse at 11:30 o'clock at nivht and robbed the two occupunts of $10 and some tare coins as a Sherman avenue street car loaded with people returning from Courtland Peach was passing. Then at the points of revolvers they forced the two men f r m the rig. got In and hurriedly drove away. Teller and Gtsnnou, the victims, ran two blocks to telephone the police. The emer gency automobile with a squad of detec tives w as rushed to the .scene. A thorough search cf all the thoroughfares In the neighborhood was fruitless. It was thought the bandits went to South Omaha In the rig. The 8outh Omaha police were notified and a search for them In both cities was begun. About Itf of the money taken from Teller belonged to the Tracy Cigar store, where he is employed. The horse and buggy wss one hired from the Palace stables. From Glannou. the rohbers got nothing. Wher ' vpan geng through my pockets.' said Glannou, "I turned and looked at him. He covered his face with Bis left arm acd with his light pointed Women's and Men's Fine Sheer All Linen Handkerchiefs Plain and fancy initial, nar row hemstitching, 25c fl ft value, at. 1"L , 27-INCH SILK CREPONS New Shades will launder well 50c values, fit.:..-...::...::..... Main Floor-Silk Dept. 25c SILK DEPARTMENT , Kala Floor .' 36-inch Pencil Stripe Messalines; $1.26 value 79 36-inch All Silk $1.25 Natural Pon gee, at 69 27-lnch All Silk $1.00 Shantungs, at . ...49 20-inch 50c Japanese Habutai, at, yard .29 Mill Lengths Pillow Casing and Pillow Tub o 1 d 25t ing, 18c values; baBe ment, yd.lOC the revolver at my face and told me to look the other way." Glannou and Teller saw the men stand ing, one on each corner of the street as they turned Into Grace street to go north. The three holdups surrounded them, one holding the horse's head while the other two came to the sides of the buggy. Besides the $40 belonging to the Tracy store, the I audits took a rare $10 gold piece and a number of antique coins. A valuable watch, they gave back after Inspecting It. "The bandits asked where the rig be longed," Teller said, "and on being told, said they would see that it was returned." Club Manager Asks Injunction Against the Police Officers Would Have Policemen Kept Away from His Club Rooms Makes Strong Charges. Injunction proceedings were filed against J. J. Donahue, chief of police, and Henry W. Dunn, acting chief, by Charles E. Cole man, manager of a colored , club at 209 Soufh Fourteenth street, in dis'rlet court, Keeking to restrain the authorities from al leged Intimidation. Coleman charges that the two -officials told 111 in that unle-s he sold out to 'one Woods, that he mlgnt place his gambling house at Thirteen and Farnam streets In the room occupied by Coleman, that they would mrco him out ot business; also that men close to the de fendants offered to buy him out. Coleman, as manager and president, runs a small catering business and a number ot pool tables In connection with the club, which lie calls "The Independent Political and Social Club." He gives the member ship at 230, with tho price of membership at $3. Coleman alleges that for the last three months police officers, by con.itant nagg ing aad threats made to memo. r. have almost entirely destroyed his business. In his petition he asks that the police cf fleers remain away from his place ot nuslness for the purpose of Intimidating members ot the club, by at least a distance of one half a block. Ualldlna Permits. Richard Collins. 3Ol South Tenth, frame dwelling. I2..SUI; C. Hub m. at.30 Grand ave nue, frame dwell ng $1 00: Mrs. J. Womurk, For' lei h and Wright, frame dwelling $1 bin); H Goldstein. tVi Deaven won r. frame bari, $:,"; Joseph Nevatie. V. Cliailts, douola bilek dwelling. Vt.oou; N orris Ac Martin. 815 North Thirty-first, frame dwelling. $3,500; J. M. Ilvland. ti North T wenty-foun h, frame dwelling, $'.o00; James T. Fiangan, 1521- Hall avenue, frame dwelling, tl Mi; James T. Flanagan. IzZi Sherman avenue, frame dwell ng. 2 54; J. A. Morsn, ilZi PratU frame dwelling. $:.&00. $i2.$o i z&fflex h rr MMMWWWW-- ' ""!- MMLULIM Men's Outing and Negligee Shirts Worth up to $1.25, old store special, each 59c June Sale of Wall Paper After our busy .wall paper season we are in an excellent position to offer all wall papers in small lots, consisting of two or more rooms at remarkable bargains. i 50 Patterns of Duplex Oatmeal Pap ers, all new 1911 goods, that have - been selling as high aa 75c; Monday, per roll, at. 25c 35 Patterns of .Special Papers, all goods, sold up to 36c a roll; Monday, per roll, at. . . . Bedroom Papers, our entire worth up to 25c a roll; Monday, per roll, at 15c line, 7ie 4&in. Wide French Lawn Worth 26c, base ment Yard. Seersucker . Ginghams Best for chil dren rompers; base- 71 ment, yd. I 2 10c Men '8 Outing and Negligee Shirts Worth up to $2; old Printed and Plain VOILES 19c values, 27 wide; base ment, yard . . 98c U. P. BRIDGE BONDS RETIRED County Clerk Authorized to Draw Warrant for $158,000. ELSASSER ASKS FOR ECONOMY Payment of Sixty Dollars Monthly hy (ointf to the Associated Chari ties t'anees a Heated Debate. Bonds were taken up for the first time In the history of Douglas county Saturday when the Board of County Commissioners authorised the county clerk to draw a warrant for $158,000 f jr the retirement of an Issue known as the Union Pacific bridge bonds. The bonds wera issued July, 1871; they were retunoeo twenty years later, July 1, 1S81, and made payable July 1, 1911. A warrant was also directed for $20,000 on Interest. A resolution, Introduced by Peter E. El sasser on the plea of ecouomy, to do away with the $0 a month that the county hac been paying Into the Associated Charities as the salary of one Investigator at that office, waa laid over for a week after a hot fight on, the part of ill sponsor to get It through. Flsasser argued that work was light at this time of the year, three claims a day on an. average being all that was allowed, and that he could take rare of the work himself. John C. Lynch sided with Elsasser on the grounds that they ought to do everything possible In way of economy, but went far ther, stating that there were at present three men In the county store at South Omaha with nothing more to do than to wrap up a few packages ancFdrawIng good wages for it. With a member of the Painter's union present, Q. J. Plekard Introduced a motion appointing Frank McArdle. a farmer, In spector ot the painting now being done on the county bridges. The resolution was passed In the face of strong opposition from i.ynch and Elsasser. Wlnaaa Wins Bloe Ribbon. RICHMOND. Enaiand. June JO. In the early Judging at the Royal horse show to day Waiter Wlnans won the blue ribbon tn the class for double harness horses of fif teen hands and under. William H. Moore of New York took second and third place with Phillis snd Menella and Vesta and Whitewall Arle. respectively. A Horrible Death results from decay I sg lungs. Cure coughs and weak lungs with Dr. JCIng's New Dis covery. 60c and $100. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. 10c Extension Sash Curtain Rods Special in basement, each 5c Men's Silk Lisle French Lisle and Mercerized Underwear Worth up to $1, at per garment, 59c Parlor, Dinning Room, Hall and Store Papers, 'light and dark colors, worth up to 15c; Monday, per - m i roll, at SjC 10 Patterns of Good Papers With Bor der to Match, worth up to 10c; o Monday, per roll, at.' OC An Excellent Selection of Gold Papers nice With Borders to Match, worth up 35c; Monday, per roll, at I2ic Men's Lisle Hosiery Worth up to 26c pair; old store ;airPe.r..12iC Axminster Rugs Values up to $30, 3d floor at . $17.98 15c Batistes From the Bolt. Dots, stripes, figures; basement. r yard 3C inches 10c Aged Woman is Dead as Result of Burns Sirs. Hermine Getzschmann Dies Sat urday, Following Accident of Day Before. - Mrs. Hermine Getzschmann, the aged woman so severely burned Friday at her home, 142S Martha street, died at 1:10 o'clock this morning. Her clothing caught tire from a gas stove while she was re moving a kettle, and before assistance could reachXher she was fatally burned. - Mrs. Getzschmann would have been 77 years old next July. She was numbered among the rapidly thinning ranks of early pioneers of Nebraska, coming to Belle vue from Germany In April, 1&8. With her husband, who died Septem ber 10.1901. she encountered all the vicis situdes of early pioneer life In this state and her sweet and wholsome life was the Inspiration of her host of friends. The deceased Is survived by eight children: Paul Gctxschmann, Mrs. Amanda Anthes, Mrs. Mary Relnholz, Charles Getzschmann. Mrs. Hed wig Wlttges and Johanna Getzsch mann of Omaha; Mrs. Emma Spitko of Salt 1-ake City, I'tah, and Mrs. Martha Meyer of Papllllon, Neb. Services at home Monday afternoon and Interment will be In Prospect Hill cemetery. A FAT WOMAN ' MATES SOCIETY Fat people have to get into clothes that are designed for people of normal phy sique. The men wear dress suits and look like comic pictures. The women wear low necked dresses to their evident humilia tion. This is why It Is often said that a fat woman hates society. Fat Is as much the mistake of poor ne.ilth as anything else. The things that make fat should be msklng good blood, bone and nerves. The secret is that the digestive machinery is out of gear. The Juices make fat In too large quantities. This fat Impedes circu lation, cramps the heart, oppresses the liver, crowds the lungs and interferes with the stomach. Marmola Tablets are harm less. They are taken after each meal. They help digest that meal as nature In tended It should be digested. They remove the fst already made at the late of from 12 to 11 ounces a day snd they leave no flabby skin or wrinkles. Ti.ey sre sold wherever drugs are sold, or In the same category with harmful patent fat reducers, i They contain Marmola, Cascara Aromatic , and Peppermint water. If you do not care to call upon your drugslst, sand 75 cts. to The Marmols Co.. fit rarmer Bldg., De troit, iiich.. end they will send you a , large, full size case uy return mall In : plain package rostage nald. Adv. Edgings and iiortions. up to six inches wide, fine needlework; also all kinds fancy wnsl; laces, worth Ql ' a up to 10c yard t 2v Kala noor Haw Btor. PART SILK TISSUE Part lisle and silk tis sues in stripes, cheeks and plaids; mostly light grounds; worth to 35e yd. Light and cool and very 4 r desirable, at, yd.AtJC Ob Bala la Basement, Women's Fine Gauze LISLE HOSIERY Black, white and col ors, some silk finished mercerized ; double soles, no seams, flCf 5c grade, pair. 13l Mala noor. Women's Fine Ribbed Gauze Union Suits Low neck and sleeveless ; umbrella knee, lace trimmed; main floor; suit 15c Women's Fine Lisle LOW NECK VESTS Low neck and sleeveless; 25c quality; main floor Each 15c Best Grade DRESS PERCALE Best grade, light and me dium colors;- , basement 0 flC WOMEN'S OXFORDS 200 pair, mostly small sizes; worth up to $3.00 pa a pair QJg to UHBunjeui 50c grade 72x90 Bleached Seamed SHEETS in basement, at, each 29c Full Size Crocheted BED SPREADS Marseilles patterns for summer use; $1 val ue; basement, i 59c Fire Destroys and Burglars Steal Is when your home Is closed for the summer. GIVE your Jewels, bonds and private papers the SECURITY af forded by our strong vaults. Private safes rent for $3.00 and upwards yearly Storage for Trunks, $1 monthly. Better attend to this TODAY. Omaha Saft Deposit and Trust Co. treat LstsI Entrance to Tanlts. 1814 ramam Strest. nil) KRUG BREWirJG CO, Coaawmer' Distributors I Ms Ni.ll, 3234 Se. Z4tk Jt. Oa.k. tut EiTcft, 2.24 Q St, S.sti Osusa C. (mm, Cssaci! fiksfit, I in Your daughter may ba per mitted, eafely, to rad Tha Baa. No exaggerated aorountn ot crime, bo (11th, no scandal, no dime novel sensations, but all tha newa. For Wealth of Health 1 HI V