Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 16

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o tahi B M Ad-Getter99 Cositest
Jon V. Beat, ill S. SUh St.... 54
Prank Squlrcn, 1111 Madison At. 25
Boca Tobln. 80 No. 2th 8t 24
Eaitbar Kntghu, S601 Davenport Bt...2J
Wm. Cainpan, 641 S. Kth St.. ..,.17
Clarence Block, 124 N. i7th St. ..17
Warren Ece, 11 So. Hat Ava ..It
Daniel Onioning, 4612 N. 4th Bt. 15
Jaor Allen. 1124 Bo. 29tb St. ....14
Jamea Vlckerjr. 724 N. ISth.St. ..12
Clarence Stock. 124 N. (7th St ..10
Albert Anthony, 2712 Ante ......10
Olive Atkinson, 1M2 Emmet St. ..10
OUt Atkinson, ltot Emmett St... 10
Joale Aukland. 4214 N. 2tb St... 10
Lillian Anderson. 2218 Maple S t . . 1 0
IJewey Beats. Sll 8. 24tb B1......10
Louis Bailer. Benson ....10
Louis Bailey .202 N. 20tb St..... 10
Elal Bloom, 4821 California St.. 10
Florence Barber. 2542 N. 28th St.. 10
Helen Basler. 4800 N. 24th St.... 10
Leslie Baufht 8420 Spalding St. ..10
Wilson Bryan, 1811 Emmet St.. 10
Adah Barrio. 4021 N. 27th St.. .10
M. L. Blaswe, Mt Ayr.. Is. 10
Prank Boch. 2715 Camden Ava.. 10
A little work each day, a few votes each day will
win a big prize and pay you well in commissions
10 per cent commission on each ad you secure; each paid want ad counts as a vote
each day it appears. " -
Come to The Bee Office and see Bee Want Tad Editor. He will tell you how to get votes.
Get BEE WANT ADS. Paid ads count as votes. Little
ads count as much as big ones. Each day the ad appears
counts as one vote, regardless of the size of the ad. For in
stance: A 10-line want ad for one time will count as one
vote, while a 2-line ad appearing five times will count as five
votes, although it cost the same as the 10-line ad run one
time. So get the ad to appear as many times as possible.
At the end of the contest, August 19, 6 p. m.. the one
having the greatest number of votes to his or her credit,
gets the first prize; the one getting the next largest number
of votes gets the second prize, etc.
A little work each day, a few ads each day, will pay you
well, and you will probably win a big prize in the bargain.
A Beautiful Ludwig Baby
Grand Piano--$750
At Tit,.
TU1I Bruder. Benson ....10
Ben Brisbane, 1430 Evana St 10
Bryan Campbell. 2202 N. 21st St 10
Margaret Cain. 1817 Grace St.... 10
Louise Cralchead. 2228 Burdette St, 10
Wm. Campeh. 641 8. 2ii St.... 10
Geraldln Caasldy. 4808 Douclae
St 10
Lydia Crosby, 1(12 Burdette St ..10
Bam Cohen, 1208 N. 24th St . .....10
Margatle Clapp. Weat Sanson ....10
Anna Chlstensen. Bemon 10
Lora Cuberson, Benson 10
Kdward Coons. 648 8. 2th Bt ..10
Violet Cain, 218 Brown Bt ....10
Ameta Carow, 2821 N. 4th St ..10
Lucy Coe, 2217 N. 26th Bt 10
Critchfleld. , 2624 Templeton ..10
Howard Doug-la. 4412 Douglas ..10
Mary Deane, Benson 10
Nina Dixon. 822 Evana St, Benson 10
John Dwlfry, 4524 Burdette 10
Elizabeth De Lor. 2726 Ames Ave. 10
Durward De Buae, 4104 N. 28th
Ava 10
Mary Doherty, 6100 Florence Blvd. 10
Mildred Erickaon. iM Howard ..10
La Verne Everson. E78 E. 28th St 10
Fred Eyler, 211 Blnney St 10
Guy Eldrldge, 1206 Blnney St ....10
A beautiful high grade instru
ment that will bring joy and con
tentment into any home. An in
strument you will be proud of all
your life. It is worth any effort
you might make to get it. To
those who have a musical educa
tion it offers the highest quality
in the maker's art. To those be
ginning their musical education
it offers a broader scope for their
This Baby Ludwig may be seen
at any time at Ilayden Bros.
Piano department.
Address all Inquiries
and requests for infor
mation to
Bee Want Tad
f fit
J lu Ml V I Vi
Florence Kill. 2118 Spencer St ..10
Edward Erickaon, 6118 N. 14th St. 10
Corlnne Elliot, 281 N. 34th St ..10
Roy Ebner, Bennon 10
Howard turbuah, 1214 Main St
Benson 10
Alpha Field. 3440 North USth St 10
Mildred Foole, 1130 Park Ave. ..10
Clyde Fratt, 260 Emmet St 10
Lucy Garvin. 124 8. 38th St 10
June Grove. Benaonhurat, Benaon 10'
Glen Gardner, Benaon 10
Paul Gaines. Benaon 10
James Gallagher. 1823 Grace St. ..10
Dave Green berg. 617 So. 24th Ave. .10
Eather Garrard,. 3411 Sherman
Ava 10
Walter Gileon. Neb. City. Neb 10
Victor Gould, 4728 N. 52th St ....10
Dlna GrOflS. 1823 N. 27th St 10
Dave Greenberg, 617 So. 24th Ave. 10
Victor Graham, 472'J N. 36th St. ..10
Ernest Hanaen, 809 N. 47lh St. . . 10
E. C. Harvey, 1623 Missouri Ave.,
South Omaha 10
Ervln Helm, Hamburg, Iowa 10
Oacar Hedwall, Bennon 10
William Hamilton .2318 X. 1 2d St 10
Louise Hoffman, 1020 Military
Ave 10
Heater Hilligaa, Benaon 10
. Endrlcia Hanaen. 604 Main St,
Benson 10
The Bee Pays You For All You Do
ONLY PAID WANT ADS count. On every ad you get The Bee pays you a commission of
10 per cent, whether you win a prize or not. THIS IS YOUR CONTEST AND GIVES YOU
Get busy start at home. There la something
around the house around every house which can be
sold; something which has no value to your folks, but
would be worth a great deal to someone else. Get an
ad at home first. Then go to your neighbors, they prob
ably have a baby carriage, a bed, a couch, Ice box, stove,
table, chair, rug, desk, piano, phonograph, chickens,
cat, dog, cow, norse. Incubator or an automobile and a
hundred and one other things, which will sell and bring
them good money if advertised In The Bee Want Col
$140 Each
A Graduation Scholarship Course in the
Omaha Commercial College, comprising com
plete course in Business; Shorthand, Special
Banking, Preparatory Courses, Principals of
Agriculture, Business Agricluture and Sales
manship. These prizes offer an education to the win
ners, and starts them in life with the necessary
knowledge to make their efforts in the business
world a success.
The management of the Omaha Commer
cial College, 19th and Farnam, will be glad to
discuss any point relative to the scholarship at
any time.
Seventh and Eighth
$GO Each
Two National Pace Follower Special Bicy
cles, 1911 model, for boy or girl. The bicycle
fad is growing in popularity each day. It is a
recreation that affords a healthy exercise com
bined with the pleasure of paying visits to
places which were out of your reach before.
These bicycles are on exhibition at the
store of the Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chi
cago streets.
Erwln Hinckley. S10 Locuat St. 10
Kalph Henderaon, 1020 Chicago St. 1')
Dennis Hogan. 8122 Q Bt 10
Harry Holzman. 1823 Paul St ...10
Wllti R. Howard, 4722 Capitol
Ave 10
Helen Hetnzmon, 4101 N. 27th St. 10
Elizabeth Hart, 2604 Sherman Ave. 10
Erwln Hum," 121 Mandereon St. ..10
Walter Halaey, 3720 N. 28th St. ..10
Pearl Ineby, Benaon 10
Jeael Innea. 279 Fcrt St 10
Minnie Jacobson, Irving ton. Neb. 10
Cora Jones. 342 Reed St., Benaon 10
John Jenkina, 121 Blnney St 10
Marllda Jannson, 8710 N. 17th St. 10
Selma Jerpe. 1826 Spencer St 10
Harry Johnson, 1627 Locust St ..10
Klstler Joaephlne, JBenaon 10
Albert Knudsen. Wler Ave. Gro
cery, Benson 10
Waldemar Knudaon. Benson .....10
Axel Knudsen, Benson 10
Florence Kelly. 2427 Eraklne St. 10
Edward King, 700 N. 41st St 10
Henry Kiene. 2705 Fort St 10
Earl Lancaster, 3109 Sherman Ave. 10
Ray Lewis, 129 N. 37th St 10
Minnie Lohrt, Irvlngton. Neb. ....10
Erneat Lancaster, Benson 10
Emily Lear, 47J4 N. 28th St. ....10
Helen LofCman, 3030 Stone Ave. 10
Stands Ax Equal Chance
Henry Llndmler, 2489 Ellison St 10
Hazel Lauaten, 2817 Pratt St ....10
Maurice McMlckel. Benaon 10
Phllomena McCaffrey, 2214 How
ard St 10
Mary G. Marmony, 186 N 43d 8t 10
Rueben Melchotr, 904 8. 83d St ..10
Iddla Marah. 1811 California St 10
Isabel Miller. 428 N. 84th St 10
Dav Much neck. 934 Ava A Coun
cil Bluffa 10
Madeline Mulvlhlll. 602 8. 27th St 10
Irene Murpny. 207 N. 20th St ..10
Claude Morrow, 619 N. 27th Ave. 10
Sylvia Moakovltz, 2014 N. lth St 10
John Murphy, 4602 Burdette St. ..10
Marjorie Murphy. 1911 Willis Av. 10
Harry Malouah, 1605 Lothrop St. ..10
William Miller. ISO N. 18th St ..10
Margaret Mobs. 6301 N. 23d St ..10
Fiorina Moller. 2717 Meredith Ava. 10
Verna Mathews, 4110 N. 23d St ..10
wmirred Mulr, Z52S N. 20th St
Marie Muxen, 210 Lake St
Walton Meyer, 2802 Sahler St. ..
Hazel Nelson. 843 Curtis Ava
Glenn Orr. Benson
Louise Peterson, 422 Garfield St..
Benaon 10
Charles G. Peyton, 4608 N. 24th St 10
Robert Patten, 1801 Locuat St ..10
Charles Prawltz, 2703 CaindenAva 10
Frank Peterson, 2601 Manderarem. .10
umns. , Maybe your neighbor wants to rent a room, or
buy something, or needs help of some kind or wants
to sell their home or rent a house. Write them a Bee
Want Ad, collect from them at the regular rates, 1H
cents per word. If run only one time or ONE CENT A
bring or mall the ad and the cash to BEE WANT TAD
EDITOR, who will credit you with a vote each time the
ad appears and pay you a commission of 10 per cent
for your trouble. Remember the more times the ad
appears the more votes you get.
A Beautiful Watch,
Either ladies' or gentle
men's solid, gold case watch
with T. L. Combs & Co's.
Special Movement. Selection
left with winner.
This beautiful time piece
is one that anyone would bo
proud of. It will satisfy
someone's desire to own a
solid gold high grade watch.
This watch may be seen in
the window of T. L. Combs
& Co., 1520 Douglas St.
G13 Eadh
Two full memberships to the Y. W. C. A. for one year, including the Gymnasium and choice of
the Educational classes.
Every young lady should belong to the Y. W. C. A. Its elevating infl uence is felt the world over.
These prizes will appeal to those who wish a place to spend an enjoyable hour down town.
When you are down town, drop into the Y. W. C. A.
S13 Each
x Two full memberships in the Y. M. C. A.
for one year, comprising all the member
ship privileges, including the gymnasium
and swimming pool. These prizes are up
lifting and elevating to mind and body, and
should be eagerly sought after by- those
who wish to make a place for themselves in
the world. Visitors are always welcome at
the Y. M. C. A.
John Peterson, 2114 Maple 10
Oscar Peteraon, 8th and Locust St 10
Edward Qulnn, 3122 Burt St 10
John 8. Reed, 204 Mt 49th St 10
Joe Rubensteln, 810 N. IfcttwSt. ..10
Van Rueben, 23 N. 19th St. 10
Florence V. Russell, 411 N. 40th St 10
W. B. Bulla. Superior, Neb 10
Clare Rofaky, 2417 N. 18th St. ..10
Madeline Resetter. 2308 N. 22d St 10
Raymond Richard, 1492 Ogden St 10
Helen Snow, Benson 10
Myrna Roberts, 2713 N. 2th St. ,10
Elizabeth Redman. 1I02 Spruce St. 10
Clarence Sterns, Kennedy St., Blk.
62 10
Erna Schmidt, Benaon 10
J. H. Slert. Benson 10
Irene Sage, 208 Dewey Ave. 10
Robert Banberg, T. M. C. A 10
Marie Slegele, 410 8. St., S. Omaha 10
E. H. Sagert Norfolk, Neb 10
Harriet Sherman. 132 N, 38th Ava 10
Alfred M. Schung, 108 N. 40th St.
George Scott. 2811 Dodge
Henry Smith, Flak Tire Works
Sn Sweacev. Lenox. Iowa . . .
William Stetnhouser. 2816 Douglas 10
Mildred Stafford. 120 So. S6th St 10
Frederick Storx. 101 Wirt 10
Will Scores. Pender, Neb 10
George Sorensen. 6603 Florence
Boulevard 10
Read the Rules Carefully
Any boy or gfrl under the age ot
21 years is eligible, except em
ployes of The Omaha Bee and
members of their families .
Only paid want ads brought in
or sent in by contestants count as
Each paid want ad counts as
one vote each time the ad appears.
Want ads from Omaha real estate
dealers and those already adver
tising in The Bee do not count.
All -ads subject to investigation
and rejection by The Bee.
Only bona fide ads will count;
ads found to be of bogus address
and inserted only for the purpose
of getting votes will be declared
void and not counted.
Cash must accompany each ad.
As The Bee runs Domestic Help
and Situations Wanted Ads Free,
Ad-Gttters Contest
In space below fill in the name of some ambitious
boy or girl friend and send to Bee Want Tad, Editor,
care of Omaha Bee.
This coupon entitles nominee to TEN votes.
Nominating votes will be allowed on first uomi
nating coupon only.
Age City
Your mother, father or anyone can fill out this
nominating coupon. Do it today. ,
Miriam Stephens, 4019 Hamilton
St io
Frank Stlmson. 1418 Emmet 10
Roaa Srhlffrneyer, 201 Fowler . ,u
Ernest Stage. 242.1 Ames 10
Ruth Seaton, 28;6 Ames ljt
neien naniora, 4S.'" i-iornce Mlva. Ill
Eather F'atle. 22 So. ISth Ht.
Rennle Telkner, 1715 Wehater
Mary Tohln. 969 No. 2Mh Ave.
E. L. Vageltany, Grand Island
Herbert Voss, Bryan St.. Blk.
Gall Wright, Benao.i .
Ruth Watson. 1613 Madlaon Ave.
Florence Walker. 2787 Capitol Ave
viarence wagner. ezl Bo. 28th St.
Albert C. Wedemeyer, 4402 N. 28th
St 10
Gall Webster. 436 Capitol Ave. ..10
Owen J. Wilson. Ill N. 38th Ave. 1)
Dorla Whlted. 251 Corby 10
Howard Widenor. 2608 Manderaon 10
Dale Williams, 2219 Bancroft ....10
Agnea Weaver, 2119 Emmet 10
Margaret Woodward, 2(66 Mander
aon 10
Arthur Walker. 3927 N. 22d St ..15
Arthur Walker, 3642 N. 2Mb. Ava 10
Grace Welber, 114 Locuat 10
Ruth W. Wilier. ICS Blnney ....10
Helen Waloott 2411 Blnney 10
Morris WarrU, 2208 Maple St ....10
all contestants are obliged to take
such ads with the same courtesy
as a paid ad. Domestic help and
situation wanted ads cannot be
counted as votes.
No entry fee is charged. The
receipt by The Bee Want Tad Edi
tor of a nomination blank, prop
erly filled out, constitutes suffici
ent entry, and counts as ten votes
for the candidate. Only one nom
inating blank will be counted for
each contestant.
Receipt books will be furnished
all the contestants on application.
The Ad-Getter contest will close
Saturday evening, August 19, at
6 p. m.
The standing of the contestants
will be announced weekly.
The contest is limited to the fol
lowing territory: Nebraska, Wyo
ming, Iowa and South Dakota.
$50 Each
Two Ladles' Suits, to be
made -to measure in any
Style and material which
may be chosen. Style, tit,
workmanship and quality
fully guaranteed.
These suits, will be made
by the Noelty Skirt Co.,
who have a reputation for
turning out only high grade
Goods and methods ot tail
oring may be inspected at
any lime at the shops of the
Novelty Skirt Co.; 214, 21b
North 16th Street.
1 1