Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 9

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- A ' t: Phtladi
! f
. t
Philadelphia Takei Ltdtinj Game by
Score of Fire to four.
"inn Runnlnc Oa
top of Conn's (.rounder
Taarww Ratantaa Omi I
Flaal Innln.
PHILADELPHIA. Jun 9-Philad-1phla
defeated Detroit. 5 to 4. In a cnnfast H!'(J
with exciting plays and which cl'd with
two men on bases, when Collins mad a
running nne-hand stop of Cohb s grounder
and threw th batsman out. Score:
PHlLArnj-HtA. rrrRiMT.
- AB H O A . AB H O A
lor. If...
'runs, ef,
0illn, lb
haa.r, Jb
. 1 1
flraVa, II J I 1 0
R-i'V as ... . 4 I 4
0 l oth rf . . I 1 1 t
(Viwfsra. rf 4 1 1 C
f ntr. Ik I 14 1
1 0 Morlartr, lb. 1 t 0 I
I 0 O Lesrr. ID.. I I
I sianata. c... t
t Ca. r I 1 1
I 1
. 4
' 4 I
Iata. lb ... 4 1 31
ktsrphj. rf. . I 1
"Tr. m...l 1
Taomaa, o... 4 17
Kraua. a.... lit
Wnll'n. ... 4 I 1 4
mil Danovao ... 1 1 t
Touh 34 11 !( U 1
f- H. E.
Batted for O'Lesry In ninth
rtroit o e i o : o o o 14
Philadelphia 0 9 10 10 1 1 (
Twtvbas hit: Deiehanty. Three-base hit:
Strunk. Sacrifice hit: Drake Morla tv,
Strunk. Knuw t. Tarry. Stolen base:
Drake, Barry t2. Iouble play: Krause,
Barry and Davis. Lft on bases: Detroit
t: Philadelphia . First on ball": Off Mut-
reuse. t. Flrat on errors: Phlla
1. li t by pitcher: Fy Krause.
Delchantr. Struck out: Hy Muilln. 1; by
Krause. 7.. Wild pitch: Kraue. Time: 2:K.
Umpires: Egan and Sheridan.
' Napa Drat Senators.
WAPHINOTON. June 9-"C- Young
Pltch-d hi first came nf the wamn against
Washington tola an 1 Cleveland won. &
to I. Young llow-l but five hits, while
Groom driven from the nbber Score:
nrr. "... 4 I 1 0 Milan i-f....4 110 4
01 "on. mm. . I
Jarsanit, rf. . 4
OTtll, lb... 4
fttrm'haxtt, ef 4
Ttrnar. lb... 4
"all n 4
Smith, e 4
Yombf. p.... 4
14 8.Jler. lb. I 1 I 1
i r i i.nit n.. 4iii
1110 El'-rfeld. lb 4 1 I 1
I I 1 Oessler. rf ... 4
0 0 4 M"Bn!e. aa 1 0 7 t
111 run him. lb I I 4
1 1 0 0 Street, c I t I 1
14 0 0 Ur mm. p.... 1 0 0 1
Hultn, p... 14 4 1
.M 1J 27 10 I Millar 140
Total! II 1 r 11 1
W' Batted
I Waahinti
I C.eveland
. Two-ba;
Batted for Groom In fifth.
hinton 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
d I 0 V 0 2 0 0 0 06
-base hits: Grarev (2i. Lelivelt. Sto-
vall. Three-bapo hit: Klberfeld Hits: off
Groom, 9 In five Inninns: off H':pties. 3 In
four lnntnga. Pase on balls: Off Younc. 1
Struck out: bv Oro-m. 1; by Hugl-ei. 1;
by Youns;. S. Time: 1:33. Umpires: Dlneen
and Pernne.
80a Badly Whipped.
NEW YORK. June 9. The Highlanders
turned the tables on the 6ix today, winning-.
9 to 2. In a Kriie featured by the
home teams heavy tattlnir. Faker, Chi
cago's first twlrler. did n"f last out the
first tnnln;. as three of four men who
faced htm h t the ball safely Sire:
AB H O A B. AH.H O A t.
Panl.l. ef.. 4 t I Mclntrn. rtl I I M
Woltsr. rf... 4
Harttell, Ik. I
Ores. If .... 4
S 4 t S !onl. lb 4 1 I 1 0
1 1 I 0 ' 's ltban. cf. 4 1 t 0 i
1 4 0 0 n-vll. lb ... 4 1 I 1 ;
I J,l 1 ZrHer. 1 I I
I 10 1 1 Inuihrnr. If 1 1 1
1 1 1 WHlt. lb.... 4 t 1
1110 Parr, t I 1 I I I
Kalrtt, as.
Tha. lb..
Prlsst. Ik..
Blair, a....
Flahar, p...
Quins, p...
tilt Baker, s e s 1 I
1 ctt, p I t I
K U 17 IS 4 Totals 14 7 14 17 4
0 1 t o V 0 0 V 02
New York...
.4 1201000 -9
Two-base hit
Dougherty. Three-base
Danlela. Sacrifice hit: Harttell. I
Stolen bases: Callahan, Wolter (2i, Cree
(21. Daniels. Blair. Left on bases: Chi
cago, 6; Ne4V York, -In. First on errors:
Chicago, 2; New Y'ork. 2. Double plays:
Blair to Kn'chu Knight te Chase; Struck
out: My Fisher, 3; by fi'ott, 2. Wild
pltcbe Scott. Z. ' HHk: t!f Baker, I In
one-third Inning: off Scott, 12 In seven and
two-thirds Innings: off Fisher, & in six in
nings; off Quran. 2 in three innings. Time:
1:6. Umpires: Mullen ana r.vans.
Clarinda Takes the
' Second from Falls City
Hits Ball Hard and Comet Out to the
Good Shenandoah and Mary
ville Win.
FALL8 CTTT, Neh.. June
Telegram-V-Clarlnda won the second game 'llr. Hyf Love Stolen rs: Bar
of the erica today by hitting the bull hard. ( beau, Sullivan. I-ove. Unke. Biises on
Poors- R H E. balls: Off Links. S; off Rhoadea. 2. Struck
r,.ri 'j. 9 A t S 0 0 1 i Ol-i 9 oiout: By 7 y Rhoadea, 4.. Wild
.ifi At-i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 S 9 ,!P'h: """"a. Double plays: Rhoade to
Falls City.-,.. 0 -u u. w 1 . fv- tn Rsrhean f-ft nn haaea: Tn-
mnny: Falla City, F:nch. Everett, Vander-
hill and Frasler. I mplre: faae.
SHENANIMIAH. June (Special
. . , I . i 1 1 1 1 m yyinifnrmtn aeft 1 t, .. r
V mplre: Klssane. 1
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. June 9. Spe-
rial Telegram.) Maryvllle won an eleven- '
inning swatfest from Nebraska City tudav. 1
8core: R H E
Nebraska City.... 206002001 0-ln ll 7 .
Maryvllle 011004001 1 31$ In 6
Batteries: Maryvllle. Wine, W'Hlsf rd ,
and Diets: Nebraska Citv O Byrne. Hells
and Bradley.. l"nniire: Werner.
Problems of Drpradi all Are Uisrnaaed
la the Blr Cosieutlun at
BOSTON, June 9 Three section meeting
ef the thirty-eiflith annual conference of
Charities and correctors w-ere held here
this forenoon. "Sex hysiene," was the
topic at the Ford hall nitrtlne, which was
addressed by Dr. Richard C. Cabot of
Boston, Mias Laura B. Uarrett of New
Tork. Dr. V"JlUm Healy t-f Chicago and
Mrs. Jersl D. Hodder, superinlendent of
the Massachusetts state reformatory for
At the same hour deli gates Interested In j
temperance ' and the care' of lnerHa:es
held a contlr.ied meeting In Twentieth
Century hail fur further dlscusMon of the '
liquor question The iikui mere 1 rof . 1
A.. H. Patton of ClcM-iand and Dr, Irwtn
Neuff, .of it Ma-achustt hospital lor '
Inebriate. A general discussion of the 1
ueUofi followed the papers.
A section meeting continuing the subject !
of housing and re. nation at Ltrtmer rW.11
numbered imm its speakeis, Miaa Maiy
E. Richmond of New York ai!d M:s Al- t
bion Fel'.ows Pa -on of Fvsnv!'.le. InJ. 1
Two section rveungs l;;rl in pilgrim'
hall and Klngiiley hall continued the Hind
ards of living and labor a 1 tlie securing
and ttaining cf social workers. The labor
meeting" htard arguments for standard
payment and workinK houis for women,
and glrla by Mra Ks inond Robin, pres
ident cf the Womun TrauV Union lsue.
and Mi Jo.-eph k secretary of I
the Nti nai i i...un-.i rj ifsu 1 ne sue
iB i 0f w professional, tralnii.g t-ohool for
social Wi-rket as con hi.rc-a ly ifol.
R. C. M-tTea Cf New York. Prof C. W.
oten of io on ana Prof. u. K. Hayne of
Fiak unUers.ty. -
t nrle tarn's Men Come Back.
WASHINGTON. June 9 The second step
In the gmd.ial withdrawal of tne a". or
force ,f the l'nlte.1 States in the v.cinity
of Mexico was taKen today. President
Telegram.) The locals, won a close game
Ir. m Auburn tlay. Score: R II. E.
1. . L. t A A a a A - -
niinHnuuaii , wvvv i i a
Auburn 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1- 1
Batteriea: Shenandoah. Corcoran and
' JP laft approved a tt' depart
" lMrvtilch return to their loi
L soldiers si tUlveston Tex., a
tar oi'ertmer.t uraer.
osta the 4 '
nd the 15.
This movement will
Vln in s.rew cays
n in Mexico n ad
Tre Improve! situs
de the niilidrasr&l pos
Perslatent Advertising Is the Road to Big
, Standing of Teams
W L Trt W.LFct.
Denver Zf IT. .6F! New Tcirk.... 1? AM
Lincoln ... 77 If .62 Philadelphia Is
Pueblo H 14 10 Chlcaao H .
Sioux Clty...;'4 ML Pitteburic ....Jfi a .MJ
Omaha 23 22.U'Ht. Louie 14 a .fct
ft. Jof-epb...n 24 'Cincinnati ...tJ X A
Ton-Ka JO 23 .44 Brooklyn. ....! JSS
De Moltiea.. 7 40 .14 Boton 11 K .2i0
W L.Pct W.L.Pct.
Kan. 19 .S, Detroit :t 14 .720
Columbue ...Hi .'1 !nj' Philadelphia.. 17 .C21
Mlnneapoila 2S .577 Boeton K tl .M3
Milwaukee.... 27 r Chicago iU
Loulevllle ..2S t .4:2 New York. ...22 -W0
St. Paul 26 .47 Cleveland ....2.
Toledo 24. 11 .4 Wa.hlnirton ..17 11 .X4
Indlanapol. 21 21 St. Ixuls 1 U -131
wi.Ppt W.L.Pct.
it 10 fj rails citr-.-n -17
.14 12 .fClarindn 11
,'Gd. Island
Reward 12 12 .rVW Neb. City. ...10
Superior ...IS 10 .MS' Auburn WW oo
Col -imbue ...13 12 ,X)Maryvllle ... f 11 .4S
Kearney ... .12 11 .8l3 Shenandoah .JU.
Hastings ...10 14 .417,
York 8 IS .I47
Yesterday's Besnlta.
Omaha, 7; Pueblo, t.
Sioux City. 2; Denver. W.
St. Joseph, C; Lincoln. 1.
Des Moines. 4; Topeka. &.
New Tork. . Pittsburg. 2.
Philadelphia, 4: Cincinnati. 1
Brooklyn. 4; Chicago, L
Boston. 1; St Louis, 1
Cleveland. S. Washington, i,
Iietroit. 4: Philadelphia, ft.
Chicago. 2; New York. .
St. Louis, i; Boston. 4.
Toledo. 3: Milwaukee, 4
Columbus. ; St. Paul. 1., 1; Kansas City, W.
Louisville. . Minneapolis, .
Superior. 4: Seward. 0.
'01 urn buff, 1; Kearney, 1.
Fremont. 4. Grand Island. 2.
Maryvllle. 13: Nebraska City, 10.
Clartnda, 12; Falla City, i.
Auburn, o, Shenandoah, .
Game Today.
; Western Leaue Omaha at Pueblo. Sioux
City at Denver. St, Joseph at Lincoln, Ie
I M. .ines af Tlpeka.
? National Ltanue Brooklyn at Flttaburs;,
( ' New York at Cincinnati, Boston at ChV-
caro. Philadelphia at 8t. Louis,
- American Leacue Chicago at Washing
I 1 ton. St. Louis at Philadelphia, Cleveland
aU New Y'ork. Detroit at o Baton.
Amerlran Association Toleda at Mil
waukee. Columbus at St. Paul. Indianapolis
at Kansas City. Louisville at Minneapolis,
Nebraska Slate League York at Hast
ings. Superior at Seward. Columbus at
Kearney, Fremont at Grand Island.
Mink League Marvvllle at Nebraska
City. Clannda at Falls City, Auburn at
Blues Beat Indianapolis by Score of
Ten to One.
Men Are Farted aad the Tat re H
cored by Drive la ' 4.aes
tlon Are Allowed to
KANSAS CTTT, June Kans&a City hit
Llnke hard today, winning from Indianap
olis, 10 to L Tn the third Inrjthf CorrUtofa'
home run Into tha left field bleacher!
caused a row between Umpire Bierhtlter
and Manager Burke of the visitors. The
men were parted and the-three nine scored
by the drive allowed to stand. Score:
AB M O A . Ail H O A K.
THrbau, lb . I I 1 1 Hallaaaa. rf . 4 1 1 4
nitdwr lit 4 Woodruff. It 4 1 ,1
lors. lk 4 1 11 r 0 Hoffman, ef.4 1 0
Hyatt, rf ... 4 1 t llouasr. Jb.. 4 t
moot. rf.. . S S Oeli. lb 4 I S I
SnlllTSB, -el.. I 11 MrOartT. P . 10 4 1 I
.,MM a a a a m-miM.a at. a a a a a
I rw.iM'. Ibil 1 0 4 Mow, aa... 1 Sit
! O Conaor. a.. 4 I 0 Lank, p 1 I
Fhnaaaa, p.,
SO 1 M II 1
I Totals. IT It r II 1 .
i Indianapolis 0 000001 001
1 Kansas City 10400221 10
I Two-bae hits: Barbeau. Downey, fulll
I Special van. O Connor. Three-base hits: Parbesu,
dlanapoll. 4; Kansas City. .7. Time:
Umpires: Blerhalter and Wieddige. .
Brewers Support Nicholson Well.
MILWAUKEE. Wl.. June 9. Nicholson,
backed by good support, won for Milwau
kee. SiAre:
Barrsit, ef ... I 4 Nllea. lb 4 41
Cbarlaa. lb.. 4 1 I 1 Hl'rbm's. lb 4 I 1
Jonaa. lb ... I 4 4 1 Flick, rf 4 It
Randall, rf . I I 1 0 Hickaxan, If. 4 1
St on.. If I It Hn'nb'rat, lb 4 1 I 1 1
Clark. 2b I 1 1 Bursa cf ...1 i
Levis, sa ... a 111 Bronkie, as.. I 1141
Marahall. e . 4 1 1 1 B Carlara. C... 411
Nirbolaan. p 4 I 1 fans, p 1 1 1 4
Totals It T 17 t 1 Totals
M....--i.ef 1 ti 1 1
Toledo 0 0 0 0 2
Two-base lilt : Lewis. Flick.
II 14 ll 4
v u i c
1 o 0 03
hit: Clark Home run. Bronkie. Pastes on
balls: off Nichols ,n. 2; off Pate. &.
Struck out: By Nicholson. 2. Time; l.Su.
Umpires. Hats and Eddlnger.
Many Killed by the
Earthquake in Mexico
Volcano Sends Oat Stream of Lara,
Which Flowi Down Upon
the Towns.
MEXICO CITY. June 9 Special dis
patches to the Dlaro and the Herald re
fort much damage from the earthquake
In Zapatlan In the state of Jalisco. The
railroad station and 230 houses were de
stroyed. It is believed that many people
er killed and Injured, but the number is
n t known. At the ranches and the smaller
towns in the district great damage has
been suffered.
According to these specials Collma suf-
ftrt-d great damage. The volcano of that
r.ame emitted strearr s of lava on the town
cf San Andres and Tonilitla, where many
bouses wei destroyed, but no details are
gicn of the extent of destruction.
Telegrams from - Zapatlan by way of
C.uada.ajara Indicate that thirty-aix bodies
have been recovered at that point In addi
tion to forty-four Injured who are in the
hospital. It is estimated thirty-one houses
in that locality, chiefly shacks, were de
ttroytd. The stores also suffered. In
Tuxiaa three killed are reported.
Sua Ik a rater Waaklsglus and Oregts
('aaaaanltlee Planning for the
ttnanka Laaat Show.
PORTLAND. Ore. June 9 8pertal.)
Southwestern Washington will exhibit at 1 lieved In free wool, some duty was neces
tbe Omaha Land . show. Space was en- ry at this time to prevent a treasury
gaed today by Secretary Barnes of the j deficit.
Muineicra v asningion ieveiopmeat j
league, on which to place their display in i
j October.
. I
that southern California counties will
unite to the biggest California exhibit that
has ever been s.nt to a land show, and
Alameda. Freeoo and Tulare counties are
also is take part. Oregon commercial or. through paenger hauls than the aggre
gamxatlons are now arranging with the'sate rat of fares to intermediate points,
land show management for a large block i?6 "ew r,,'a ar '"h)0! to complaint.
of space for different Oregon eommunltiea
U Or PoRshtd Golden Oak Finish; Genuine Leather Spring Seat r lvv HI y
!lJ 1 'JHiil !
P Anything Anywhere V: iL s-1--- : : V
A without first getting liu- nSTVaSXZ " ft''&V A
u btvtVric4. vrM m
r This Rocker is of masalve 7 ' I S vtfl hi hS '
A proportions and superior con- , J I yii C" fJt wi lire A
li structlon, extra well finished. T j 1 ' Ul il
y made of solid quarter sawed -ysS flM j
)r oak In the rlcJi brown fumed W Prl VVlii r
jf or golden or early English U I sZZiS ' VflSll fY iJ ' yV J
II finish. Has genuine leather j- I sl" ft aLI iVNff jCtZj It
1 full spring seat. Easily worth 2L utei '.JSs Of Ifl0ltlliy JA-Z W
r 12 would sell at that tn CJiJniis5 liB???
most any store but Rubel s. T niiaru: 7" PflYHICntS rsS A
U Beautiful . 1 Tpw Extra Heavy Silver Plate f j Un p
H Thla andsome Cold Meat Fork matches the other piece in tha American Beaaty V V J I n
pattern which we have recently had on sale The fork measures eight Inchea in ii
11 length. Is made in soft satin finli-h and has gold prongs. It 1 nigh grade ware, S 1
U heavily plated witti purest sterling sliver. a i I aiaiias- U
P 17 Verni$ Uartin Go'd Bronze Bed s-'5 Tw p
V f . A massive, rich appearing Bed. heavy I A 1 '4,
fi f tf In Altf t 2-inch continuous posts, alt sizes, in Ver- 1 1 I J , (1 aLatH II rf
l ' SQLID OAKw nis Martin, gold bronxe finiah. quantity VV J VUl I ll
1 sufficient for all; exactly as advertised, wiaar s
) DRESSER pecuu at Clearance y
f Made of selected W J'"' ' ' ry flonW''oP,neffec!tdUOt t(
VI "drkmanthVp Vi'l 1 Q j tl " V I I f S" 'f
Americans Win .
Coaching Marathon
W. H. Moore and Alfred Vanderbilt
Take First Prizes in Their Re
spective Classes.
RICHMOND. June 9. American divided
honor tn the coaching marathon which
wa run today in connection with the
Royal horse show at Richmond, which
opened today.
William H. Moore of New Y'ork took
first prize for private coaches and Alfred
O. Vanderbilt of New York secured first
prise in the class for road coaches.
Nineteen competitors started from Hyde
Park for the show grounds at Richmond.
The entries Included the best known
coaches and teams In the United King
dom, besides the American competitors.
The success achieved by the Americana
In previous competitions facused the atten
tion of the big crowds of spectators on Mr.
Vanderbilt's gray -and Mr.' Moore bays,
and the ' bestowal of winning rosettes on
the entries of the Americans la their re
spective classes was no surprise.
Dillingham Elected
Committee Chairman
Preliminary to the Iavestig-ation of
Lorimer Charges, but No Date
for Beginning Inquiry.
WASHINGTON. June 9 The first meet
ing of the Lorimer Investigating committee
was held today. Senator Dillingham of
Vermont wa formally elecied chairman.
No date for the beginnir.g of the Inquiry
was fixed.
A caucus of the democratic members of
tb house has been called for next Wednes
day evening to fill vacancies on a number
of committee and to take up other busi
ness No announcement is mad to
whether tariff measure will com before
the caucus.
Debate on the wool tariff of the revision
bill wa resumed today In the house. Rep
resentative Hull of Ter nease declared that
he iielieved the paraage of the measure
would "break the backbone of republican
I protection.
He said that while he be-
Rates Effective lest May.
WASHINGTON. June 9-Perm:slon was
miMlon to th Uve Oak. Ferry Gulf;
Miasourt Pacific. St. Louia A Iron Mouu-
" tain, international a- ureal Nortr.ern and
Baltimore A Ohio Southwestern railroads
nw.r'ti, iuu ai inai-xira vmr unLix atar
Insijrrectos Are in
Complete Control
Gonzales Starts for Chihuahua
Assume Duties of Provisional
Governor of State.
JUAREZ. Mexico, June 9 Apparently In
different to threats which he said were
made against him. Abraham Gonzales left
for Chihuahua today to take oifice a?
provisional governor at the same time word
came from Chihuahua that Miguel Ahu
mada, fi rmer federal governor, has left
there. With the exception of the presence
of 6,000 federal troops in the city, the gov
ernment affairs are now entirely tn the
hands of the insurrecto officials.
The residents have been kept in a ner
vous tension because of the friction be
tween the federal and insurrecto forces.
Diaz Hears News of j
Quake by Wireless j
June 9 General Porfirio Diax received
news of the earthquake in Mexice and the I
arrival of Senor Madero at the capital by j
wireless late last nignt. while his steam-
ship was sbout 1.00 miles due east of
Cape Hatteraa. j
Dial read all eagerly. He expressed 1
great sorrow over the earthquake disaster
and desired that bis sympathy should be
communicated to his people. He said that
he hoped the casualtlea would rrove less
serious on further Investigation.
Diax is enjoying hi sea trip and de
clare vigorously that he is much Im
proved In health. The weather has been
fine all tie way.
Francis E. Louutia Cives Twrstr !
Thousand Uollirt lit Aid In
Study of ll-ta-nae,
NEW HAVEN. Corn. Ju-e 9 A gift of
W& to aid g.nrral research in the sturly '
cf diseases at the Ya'e Medical school was
anroirced by Secreary An?on Phelps
Stokes. Jr . of Yale university today from t
Francis E. Locmls of the class of 14.'
Further gifts rf !0(r toward the end.iw- .
nient of the university clinic and to fie ;
Fenjvlan exploration fund for the Yale ex. I
prdltlrn nnder A'sl'tar.t Prcf Hiram B-rig- i
ham al'O was announced. F r -.e eiplr ja- '
ties fund a total of sbojt tll'.Ou has been .
pledged. . ;
The Wright roemoriaj committee hai
.turned over to the treasurer of the urover
tty SiTS.frsJ toward the amount subscribed
for th Wrght mtmorial dormitory.
Saarn srnrt In fl Tin.
LONDON. June 9. Pig tin spurted
sharply tooajr acd reached ISA tut cah.
10; 1911.
beating all previous record. The advance
was due to bear covering and the market
subsequently (Propped almost as rapidly a
it advanced, closing weak at 2, although
above yesterday's closing.
Boat Bonnd for Kansas City.
' ST. LOUIS. June . The tunnel type oil
burning steamer ''heater arrived here from
New Orleans todxy enroute to Kansa
City. The boat ! owned by the Kansas
City-Missouri River Navigation rompan1
and will depart tor Kansas City tomorrow
It Is planned to have the boat, which ran
navigate In shallow water, run between
here and Kanras City.
, The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ad.
You Accept
on Faith when you rot
You get higher grade
Woolens In VOLLMER S
CLOTHES than are of
fered in any other clothes.
And It Is tlie grade of
wool in materials, rather
than t,bat they're -AU
Wool" that gives the de
sired appearance and dur
ability. In VOLLMER'3
CLOTHES too, you get fit
and workmanship that are
pre-eminently the finest
style that Is-Hie most
authoritative satisfac
tion such aa clothes rare
ly give. They stand for
what they are the best
clothes It is possible to
make the best values
that can possibly be of
fered. You . can and
should verify this.
515 to 535
Our $20 Blue- Ssrge
Suits, at
Expert Clothes Fitters
107 So. Sixteenth Stretv
XIic Omnhn
Vhat Does This Picture Represent?
Your Name
Street and Number
City or Torm
After you have written la the UUe ot Us book, aave the coupon
and picture.
Do not send any coupons until the end of the contest la an-
Remember the picture represents the title ot a book not a scene
er character from it.
Catalogues containing the names ot all the books on which th
P'litle pictures are based are for aale at the Business Office of The
Bee 25 cents. By mall. St cents.
Rules of the Contest
AO saawssts are ailalMs t aoaar tkte naaitast aaaaet aaaaloraa at the Onsakn Ban and
aniaaa-i s tasar taaniUaw Baan ear, smr Meantr-nae Sara there wul aa rskllaasa la
Tka aVae a saasjara vhlaa wilt sairaaant tae naane mt a Sana. atiiaia ansa sistnis
tear will aa a Mask far ta aontaata nt t nil tn tae tit la ot the baaa.
Oat eat hot Us sl.tara an kiaaa as4 nil aa Ua oaans an aataar el the feoek an
aad yasar nana aa 4ra saatly aa siaanir ta laa awacat srevtdse.
N nmnauaoa wll a si a. a 4 a las ear la wklak ansvars ta ua slstam an he
saaaaaa Each itara raareaaou aaUr ana UUa at a ana If ye are not snra f a
UUt anal wis t n4 la ssor than na answer t aaak aiotatra, yen aaa ea aa. BUT
not mors rtUM nvs akrauu win. aa accarrsa to a.nt oni r ictus a.
Innalia ' anawars will nat asantj ksaanat asalaaiant II isnait atwarar la aaa gassaa.
alor raw sate aewr aaaai na as in an Ike awnae laasin. atatra aa saeai s
aaad tae aaUm aiisaara. aui sasaas t a la ssasi naaakar aaaai I k kas taaaiawr m
aaolBf ia ta asL
WbiU net akaatatair luisarr, M aa eaatraMe that th 4ara shM la sack ssva
ta aaat la with Ua aaawara ,ln areas thai ail aaawsra a nnllaras. AAalUoaal aastnras
aad nar aa aHalaae at Ut Rls of Th Baa ar mall or In aaraoaa.
Whan roe kas ail savantr-fls aiataraa, fast an utsan tosaihar an arias ar nvaU
tkarn ta Ta Omaha Baw, aadn nl I the awoaJoaerar Oantaai BaUtaar. rvis will a
aaraie U the aaniastaata sanllsg la fa aaresst nantsar of lartiii a la"iaa la eswnt
at tw or lira sua as aailns tha mm asmaar at aseraat saiauaoa. tb aaeaoa sln
Ua snuuiar aamkar wt nir saaaona la ku ml el aasnars aril aa laalars aruiaar. la
sast of lass sarsan asrlo ua aasae aatnassr lanai t and nslaa ta mm aumaar I
niaoua, th sarasa aba, sat at aasarsrs as aaial aaaiu saaisaraaV, la Ua aauan nt
tit fall laasing enmitta, will rmira ta itnat srtae.
Only o lias, ef aaawara mar k amlttaS kr a as I sat a ill
Tha aaa af U so up. as la not ekilamiaa-r anao Ua aootastant. and ah aaswor aaaay
W sakmitia in any Iscihla mannar tka aontaasaal mar maacs,
Svaro vUl h aaaa strtsur aaariag u u merit mt ah an a rata na.
ni name of mora . tkaa ane sarata mast aC aa nrllaan nana any asaa iiraaae
Tha s wares ell fca aiii kr Ua C'sntaat Baiaar aaa a 1 i In n at weU-kaeea sat-
tssus. wkaaa unn will k aanawnnl later.
Tha Oantaai la limit la u M1 eetna tettttary: Wahrssks. Wrmlaa. that aantan
ac aaaa araaa aaax nan laaiaaina asm nninoa, an
as tha Blank Hills OvsutaL .
road records, and today ranks
among the leading motor cars. For both service and speed, this auto
will make ail excellent possession. It is a real Joy-tnaktvr. It Is fully
equipped and is lust like accompanying lllustratlDn. The famous
Apperaon warranty goes with this car. The prize may be Inspected
at the Apperson Sales Rooms. llOx Farnam 8t
Second Prize
Value $760
Not everybody, can play a piano
Sot everybody would Ilk to. The
ll-note Kimball player-piano, worth
1769. which 1 th second grand
prise, will furnish music for you
mhether you play or not. It 1 a
aonderlul Instrument, and wul make
some home a nappy piece tor every
member of th tamll. Even Grand
ma can play this instrument, It
sister wants to play It without th
mechanism, she simply has to lift
s lever. Tbla player ia exhibited at
tn A. Hospe store. 1 5 1 - Pouglaa 8b
Fourth Prize
Value 9233
A tlos Columbia "Regent" Orafoa
eia and t-P worth of lecords form
tbe lourtii grand prize. This excel
lent luscruiaut la on of tr.e beet
nianulajiuied. It la built of finest
mahogany throughout For aay
laniliy this Instrument la simply a
musical gain. It is sure to Increase
tbe bliss of any home It will draw
the taniliy closer together and form
insane of entertainment night after
tilght .Thla Orafoaoia Is now ex
hibited st the Columbia Phenoabaoh
company eaeacy. 111-1. Faxuaus
g Slj !
fT"--i,r w . '
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
VaAJsTJE $140.00.
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2.
Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee
Dec's Great
First Prize
Value $2,000
A 12.000 Apperaon "Jack Rab
bit" Touring car. Model Four
Thirty, with five passenger capac
ity. It is a great car in a great
contest. It has many speed and
Third Prize
Value $300
This piix Is a beautiful lot tn
A. P. Tukey Bon's Her sddltlon.
adjacent to Hanecoin park and Cen
tral boulevard. It Is lot 4 of block
eight, en Thirty-third street, and Is
sbxllft feet, The street car tl ie runs
along Thirty-second Avenue. Just a
block from the alt of the lot. Some
young couple, perhaps, alii ber erect
a little cottage in ' nich to live for
year and Isara Who caa tail what
lucky person will get this Ideai tell
Yau may be tha oaa
. i