Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 i-- THE
PianoTrade iPW
i : .
uiiiiDiTion ij
u D(oJ
e .. . a
See the Player Piano styles that
caused a furore at the Piano Trades
Convention held in Chicago this week.
j16 identicAl styea of Player Pianos that created a furore and compelled
r5?Tlratlon of a11 attnding the exposition given by THE NATIONAL AS
will be shown here Saturday.
You may see and hear the "last word" in Player Pianos the latest idea
put forth by the world's most eminent builders and make up your mind to hear
and see "something different." Whether bent on purchasing or not, it will
prove interesting as well as instructive to note the strides; the advancement;
made in Player Pianos during the year just past
The exhibit includes "Blue Ribboned" Auto-Pianos
Krell Autogrands, Packard 'Player Pianos, and
the Chickering Electrelle, any of which may be
secured economically, if you
Buy via Our "Club" Plan!
Conteit&ntt Find it Eny to Go Mead
Early in Game. ,
Oaly- nM Wka Staff Will Ma
Their Tuk liar la Claslaar Day
af This 'Exeltlaa R
far Prime.
Many of the contestants In the Ad-Getter
runt reaJUa that the early . fellows are
the ones who should naturally be at the
top. Ther therefore, are going after rote
In the right way; working every day and
net awaiting1 some more "favorable op
portunity." Now U the time to work,
they know, and they are going right after
It Is well enough to wait until the con
test Is far under way before starting If
you have rotes stored up, but If you have
not and none of the Ad-Oetters have
you should get to work right now.
The weather la hot. But It may be hot
for several days or weeks yet. There are
times when contestants can do at least a
Jlttls work. There Is no reason, then, for
waiting for. the future. Now Is the time
hen results can be secured.
Mar Werk Early Better.
The more votes the participants get In.
How, tha less they will have to get later
In tha game. The contestants who score
high now will be able to watch the lag
gards work In the last days of the con
test. It Is always better, when there la plenty
of time, to do a little work every day.
There Is no need now. of course, to over
work. A few hours each day. properly em
ployed, will bring every contestant a large
number of votes. There Is absolutely no
doubt about this statement.
victor. The automobile parade for the
members of the team, which started from
Famam street to the lake, was led by
Mr. Uantg ben's auto and they all dis
played triumphantly the colors of the blue
and white.
Kountze Park Club
Formed to Improve
Organization Will Co-Operate with
Park Board and to Promote
Civic Pride. .
The Kountze Park Improvement club was
organized at a meeting held Thursday
evening in the United Presbyterian church,
Tl.lriy-flrst and Emmet streets. One of
the objects of the club Is to co-operate with
the Omaha Park board in
Kcunise park and vicinity. George W.
Lower is president and Dr. R. E. Marble
has beei elected secretary and treasurer.
About thirty-five active residents sot
Kountze Place were present at last night's
meeting. Fplcndld addrrses were made by
Harry Lawrle. I. L. Biesel. J. W. liarn
hfcrt. W. W. Cl rlstman. Dr. Mullen, George
W. Lower and I'ncle Joe Redmond. The
r.ewly oiganized club adopted the following
reofutlon :
"Whereas, The . Kountze Park Improve
ment club desires by Its effort to Improve
the an-enlty and beauty of the north pari
of the city, and have in mind certain im
provements which come directly under the
Jurisdiction of the Park board; there, be It,
Jnai a committee from the
ciuo oe appointed by the chair to wait
upon the Park board at their pleasure to
mscuas improvements In connection with
Kpuntze park and vicinity., and to report
back the result of said meeting to tha club
i mo next regular meeting.-
A membership petition will be circulated
by W. W. Christman. Sll Plnknev tr..
VI. J TBarnhart- 1807 P'akney .treat, to
" ia will be asked to enroll
and co-operate with the club by lending
their active support.
The next meeting will be held st the
w"" K'ur, comer Twenty-first
Emmet streets, Juns &
Squeals, Cackles and
Coos Rouse Neighbors
Complaint if Hade of Maa
Raises Pigi, Chicks and
Pieeons. v
A look of horror passed over the features
of Judge Crawford In police court Friday
morning when Jan Rublck was hauled
before him, chaired with operating a pig
hatchery, a chicken, ranch and a pigeon
farm In the yard of his home at 1124 North
Seventeenth street.
Jan had been arrested by Detectives
Dunn and Fleming on complaint of several
neighbors, who asserted the squeals.
For Saturday's Soiling that Mean
an Enormous Saving for You
You cannot only save a very substantial sum,
but you can buy the very best styles, the
newest weaves and finest tailoring from the "Broken Lines ' of the
famous tailers we represent.
Selling the enormous amount of clothing we do, deplete? many of
Dur lines early in the season, especially the good ones. In sorting up our
stocks we find an unusual number of "Broken Lines" and we have de
rided to sell these at once.
Not a back number among them, all materials are presented, in
cluding blue serge. Some three-piece and some two-piece, as you like
and two and three button styles. If money is any object DONT miss
this chance to make or save it.
Therefore, all the
"Broken Lines" of
$13.00, $16.50,
$17.50 and $18.00
suits are esrieeially
marked for Satur-.
day pelling. at
All the "Broken
Lines" of .$20.00,
$22.50, $25.00 and
$28.00 suits, are
marked for Satur
day's selling, at
Cfpr-vir Hofo A man's hat is the most conspicuous feature of his wholo
11 a " HctLo outfit, especially a straw hat, and an unbecoming straw hat
spoils an otherwise correct dress, and does certainly jar on the nerves. We think we
are safe in saying that there's not another such showing of absolutely correct straw hats
in this vicinity
$1, $1.50, $2, $2.59, $3, $3.50 elc; Panamas $3.50 up
Mallory's waterproof straws in the regular shapes and the "new pencil curl."
Wash Suits
Put the boy in wash suits for
summer wear. "We've the
kind the youngsters like and the kind which will launder
easily 95c to S2.50
Boys' Scout Suits. .$3.25
Policemen Suits ...1.45
Base Ball Suits 95c
Boya' Underwear ....2J up
Boys' Waist 45 p
Cow Boy Suits $1.25
Indian Suits 95c
Rompers 45c
Boys' Shirts 45 P
Boys' Stockings 15 25 35
Have You Seen
. -
V .
mils im" mKaamtmmtmBmmam'ifmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmtmum nani.
$1.50 and
$3 Box
The new Negli
gee Shirts with
soft collars! They're the latest word in shirts
at $1.00 to $4.25
Soft Collars, with ties to match. ..25c and 50c
Athletic Underwear 50c and $1.00
Cotton Hosiery, 25c and 35c; silk 50
Everwesr Guaranteed Silk Hose; per box three pairs in
Belts, Suspenders, Wash Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, etc.
We Hake
of Every
cackles and coos from the menagerie have
been so fierce of late that sleep was out
of the question in that locality. The Aus
trian bad been warned repeatedly that it
was a violation of the city ordinance to
rats hogs within the city limits. The case
against him was continued until Friday
and be was released on bond.
The GUI Haad.
removes liver inaction and bowel stop
page with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
pelnless regulators. 3c For sale by Bea
ton Drug Co.
Persistent Advertising Is the RoaA to Big
Uraaek aaa Uaaaellr Carrr Off the
Pre Baler Ilaaara at tha
1 '
Creightoa university Introduced another
decided novelty In pulling off an aquatic
Bieet at Lake Uanawa. The events proved 1
Immensely Interesting and revealed some '
fancy aplaahers and oarsmen, the posses- :
slon of which Crelghton scarcely suspecteJ. ;
The program included swims and short
and distance boat races. The boat event :
were all double oared and In - these the '
combination of Hronek and Donnelly ex- ;
celled. They captured the 100 yards and .
ona mile and one-half mile event. Their
experience on the water showed con
spicuously over some of the contestant
who bad had very little practice, fishery j
and Smyth, by steady team work yth I
the oars, captured the first mile and one- !
naif event by a good margin, but owing to !
a alight accident In the middle of their !
course, they finished fifth In the second I
event. Marrin and DeUhant merited a '
cloae second In this event, with Runom '
and reamer third. But the 10u-) ard smtin-
cilng event proved the feature of the pro-
gram. Fcstner won this very handily with '
his long overhand stroke, with "Hubby"
Martin and Carl Ruasum. second and
third, respectively. JJartiu protested the
distance, claiming It too short, and as a
res alt he and Fecuicr wi I appear lr a
match race In the early part of next week. :
The aquatic meet was In conjunction with !
the hand and orchestra picnic conducted by ,
Brothers O'Cuncett In the morning a game
o baa bail was puiud off between the
baatd and orchestra membera. the latur .
winning by a score oi I to t. la the after
aooa the aquatic members played the
musicians and won by a score of i to L
The biggest attraction was the classy meal
arranged by Brothers O'Connell. All the
aaauaemeota were open to the hoys and
they kept klanawa's machinery la motion.
iather Rigge. Father Deolln and Prof.
Aa S generous token from Brothers O'Con
sU a boa of cigars was gives each aquatic
1 ,u ; 11 -v - r i
Ibe Old
Sherman fc MtConnell
Drsf Store tt
16th tnd Dodge Sts.
mm m.
This Is our oldest store,
but It's lust been remodeled
and la now the home of
That's our spacious, cool
downstairs soda room.
Cwl Dro Store
16th and Harvey Sit.
The home of the Onyt
King." and the justly famed
"Owl Sundae. " Need we aay
And It's at the Owl where
Mr. A B. McConnell will
give your wishes his per
sonal attention.
how one who holds a Burlington ticket can tour the Pacific
Coast, over routes that include all of the interesting cities and
much of the industrial development and scenery of the West.
F lCo:Xiii tourist tickets, including California, Port
Ul. ill ,and aD(i 1uet nnd, June 10 to 22d, 'June 27 to
W KJ July 5th, August 7
fCoat tourist tickets, direct route?,
June 10 to 22d, Mune 27 to July 5th,
August 7 to 11th, August H to 17th.
to 11th, August 14 to 17th.
'Coast tourist tickets every
day, including California,
Portland and Puget Sound.
.50 additional on tickets sold to San
National Educational Association membership and validation fees
Francisco June 27 to July 5th.
Denver and Coast Trains from Omaha at 4:10 P. M. and 11:35 P. M.
- r Let me help you plan the most attractive coast tour at the lowest rates.
REYNOLDS, C. P. iL, 1502 Tarnam St, Omaha, Neb
. At our stores you will find just the article you desire
at a popular price and a service distinguished by its
promptness and accuracy.
Proprietary Remedies
Industrial Items
Anti-Germ Disinfectant ....40e and 7&e
Joss Sticks, drive a ay Insects. ISO
sticks fur 10c
HiuniK that unt streak, bottle .. lOo
10c t'oM-enitdted Le ur 1'utifh... Oc
O-Cedar OU s-olish .-fecial Ueuiouetnf
tiun lti our i(,it l-y tveilh and Had-
i-y. are expert detuiaturs untl
tinlKliers 85c, 60c to 9'A 50
isauuuer's Huby r'lour oil, quarts.. 40e
K- Kailuu Tic
I.eJ Oetlar riakca. iu kill moths and
preserve texti.e fabt li a, 1 lb. pk .
at 18o
Huuseliold Aniunla. tottle .. 6o-10c
i!l lin 8herwin-Viliianis Co. MleJ
Paints, Varniati Stains. Kloor
over l.Owo items in thif line.
Paint Brasses K ery kind needed for
till claMites of Immune;.
Gum Caitipl.or, pure. In. tin tu x . 6Se
r'arkins t'amiihor. 1 )b 85c
Kci iiiai'Iehydi-, tifr aai 60c
i'aris Green, to kill potato lugs at spec-
i ly low prict-s.
Bar-Keeper'n Friend. jer pkg .... 14c
Per dozen, $1 5(.
Is our suptrb Soda
Fountain, down stairs,
where the sun's rays
never fenetrate. It is
the refreshment shrine
tor thousands.
we handle all aUndard pn.r. rietary
remediea. obtaining me. in iUOat m-
tijnte direct from the makers. . do
.Tersonally recmintnd" paient
it.edi.inea. Out in 1! instancta leate tl ill
i . .i v.iiijiijiu ior winch It
n.i,0.V'' rut'l"'T .iiiie!f, or his
and . . .
"t are dealara mlv
(Lamuertai, 15c. 25c,
i.'.?pl"i"i f '-". 35c, 45c, ec
V. L L. txreii, p.nne.Jv, 85o ana 8o
Hi-sei lear pile Suppoaitoriea bQc
.Newbros Herplcide 4Se and si!
Ui Copper a Med.cinea... 45c and c
,. ur,'tt;e'"s in omaMa for tne liti
all line of lanuiy tnedKlnes
tandiiuluis tcaeuia Kemedy, 25c. 45c
?i1TulT yV'V"'',6 ' ' ' : c' aa'd itZ
1100 Jjuf s Pure Malt Whiskey (
Tor medicina. ue mlyi gOc
Rexall Hiieiiriiatic lienirdv 460 and 8c
0 kinds Malt Kitracts, doi 1.30
S. lkHd Xledirine . . sa. .na fti t.
1100 Wine ardul for ie
11.00 PlLkliam's i'omi h.utmI f,,r '" ec
tl .00 Dr. Pierces Medicines for .... ftc
Seasonable Toilet Articles at Slashed Prices
Zee Holmes" rTOBtllla for ...14c
Retail 93 Shampoo Paste, hot. 25c
B'.g bottltc Violet Arumooia 15c
acd U3c
Jersey Theatrical Cold Cri-am,
at 2.V, 40c, 65c
50c Malvina Cream for 2c
Kexall Cream Almonda 25c
Ivory Soap. 3 cakes for ....loc
Spacious, handsome and
thoroughly stocked.
207-8 NORTH 16th ST.
IlotH Luyal RuJlding.
jc x-eroxiae i oaiuras) t only ) 7c
Good Toilet Soap, dozen ....35c
1 lb. Mule Team Borax tc
Rexall Col Crtam. X lb. can SOc
Pretty Manicure Set 25c
We are agent in Omaha lor
Madame Vale's Toilet and Health
preparations and sell at cut price.
10 or 12, 25c Tooth Powder
Pastes and Washes, a or 25c
50c bottle Florida Water for 25c
75c Murray Lanuisn Florida
Water for 49c
50c Shah of Persia Soap for lc
All 25 Sanltol preparations . ,14c
15c Liquoxone Toilet Soap, cake, Ac
Good Talcum, box 5-i dor. ..45c
herman & McConnell
Drug Company
Corner Sixteenth ani Bodge Streets.
CWL BSSQ CO., Sixteen! tnd Harcey Streets
bright, cheerful.
very drug
stocked with
store Item for which
demand exist.
S4U ad FARXAM Srti.