THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JTTXE 10, 1911. 'JiMaebrtW Young men who wear SAMPECK CLOTHES may ever depend on the correctness of their appearance. They con tain all that appeals to youthful good taste; are exclusive in style, graceful in every line and perfect in workman ship and f itl . ' . ' ' ovs 1918-1220 FAENAM 8TEIET on record 'here, and It reached 92 degrees s4 It o'clock. Local showers in northwest ern Nebraska and a drinle In northwestern Kansas were the only rains reported this morning. LINCOLN, Neb., June a A temperature of n degrees was reported at the weather bureau hera at 10 o'clock this morning. This waa the aame as yesterday's record at 10 o'olock.' ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June . The tempera ture hers at 10, o'clock waa 90 and indica tions war that Thursday's mark of 100 would be reached by this afternoon. HUTCHINSON, Kan., tune 9. A tem perature of M degrees was registered bare at 11 o'olock this morning. BRXDBHAW, Neb., June , (Special. -Yesterday was the hottest day that this vicinity has experienced alnoe July 20, 1894. The wind from the south baa been blowing at a blglt velocity for over two weeks, but yesterday capped the olunax. At I o'clock p. m. the thermometer registered 103 de grees and at 1:15 it had gone up to 106 degrees.-No rain, to speak of, has fallen In this locality for two weeks and the pastures and oats crop along with gardens are pretty severely scorched. Corn, which is small, does not seem to. be suffering any yet, and is clean and looking fine. POSTMASTER GENERAL APPROVES POSTAL BANKS Glvee Oat List of laaittloa Wklck Are aallf Icil to Accept Honey for Government, KFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. June . (Special. Tele gram.) Postmaster General Hitchcock to day approved applications of the following banks to quality to receive postal aavlnga funds: , Nebraska First National, North Platte; First National, Columbus; First bank, oCl umbus) Columbus Stats, Columbus; . First National, Piatt smouth; German National, Columbua; First National, Holdrege; Fidel ity National Aurora. Iowa First National, Albla; Red Oak National, Red Oak; Savings and Trust company, Red Oak; First National, Colfax. South Dakota First National, Lead. Wyoming Bank of Commerce, Sheridan; First National, Sheridan; Rawlins National. Rawlins. J. J. Donahue, chief of police of Omaha, and Mrs. Donahue and J. F, Borghoff and wife, also of Ohaha, are In Washington for a few days 'on their way to attend the convention of International chiefs of police, whloh meets In Rochester, N. Y., next Tuesday. Chief Donahue la here to attend a meeting of the board of governors of tne association, of which he is a member, Major Sylvester, chief of polios of Wash ington and at one time a resident of Ne braska, will see that Omaha's police execu tive Is given a good time. Wooldbe Suicide to Hospital. NEW YORK, June . The young man who tried to hang himself In (he West hide Young Men's Christian association building Tuesday night and when revived said he was a son of Henry Sherman Boutell of Illinois, former congressman and now minister to Switzerland, was dis charged today on a charge of attempted suicide, but sent to Bellevue hospital for examination as to ms sanity. "The Milwaukee part of the story is alone worth more than twice the price of the book." Brvtklyn SUudtrd Unit. DAWN O'HARA The Girl Who Laughed A ncvel by EDNA FERBER DAWN O'HARA'S Irish it meet! the German en vironment head-on and Mis Ferber'i readers ' profit by the collision." (N. Y. U orld.) But besides tne fun I here's bravelv concealed paihoi and a love iorr that makes the book' thoroughly human and satisfying. vMlsese by STOKES l. 3J net Distinctive Summer Clothes for Young Men Tb most popular clothe! now worn by young fellows throughout the east are those with the short, soft roll coat and natural shoulders the new form fitting garment Of special Interest to the young men of Omaha Is the fact that we are the only firm here showing this very correct new style. Make It a point to see it. It's another worthy production by SAMPECK, that master craftsman of clotaesmaklng. Among the most popular warm weather I clothes Is the English Norfolk two-piece suit as shown In the Illustration. It's largely worn by young fellows who want something different and by no means ex treme. Colors are straws, browns, greys and blues. $20.00 and $22.50 tcstc Bolt of Lightning Burns His Clothes H. S. Mahan, Prominent Mason, Narrowly Escapes Death at Callaway. CALLAWAY, Neb.. June .-(Speclal Tel egram.) During a thunder shower last evening, H. 8. Mahan of this city came near meeting hla death by lightning. His brother and himself, who are In the well making business, were returning to town when a bolt of lightning struck the former. Two small holes were made by the bolt through his hat brim. The bolt then struck him on the chest, following the left side. His hair was singed as well as his mustache. The skin was burned on the right side of the chest. His watch chain melted, although the watch was unharmed. The left leg of his overalls was split to the bottom on the outside of the leg, his shoe torn from his foot and his sock set on fire. He waa rendered unconscious and remained so for several hours. One of the four horses waa knocked down and dragged for a considerable distance. Ralph, the brother, was rendered unconscious, but earns to himself; but in trying to get hold of the lines found his lower limbs useless. ' Mr. Mahan Is today able to explain the feeling, but Is bedfast and feeling very sore. His limb is burned badly. Mr. Mahan la the newly elected master of the Masonle lodge of this city. Six Eeported Dead and Many Injured Mistake in Orders Besponsibla for a Bad Wreck on Santa Fe in New Mexico. , ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., June . Santa Fs passenger train. No. S, known as the California Limited and the fastest train on the Santa Fe system, due here at 11:30. met a tie train near Domingo, thirty miles north of here, at 10:iS this morning and elx are reported dead and a large number injured as the result of the collision. The limited, train was loaded with Cali fornia tourists. A train of nine cars with hospital supplies and surgeons left here for the scans. i Among the known dead are A. W. Qreen, engineer t the tie train and the fireman of the limited, name unknown. Mistake in orders is supposed to have been responsible for the wreck. I At 2 p. m. the list of badly Injured in the Santa Fe wreck near Domingo waa re ported as between twenty-five and thirty. There are five or six probably fatally in jured. A. V. Green, engineer of the train Is not dead, but fatally hurt. Two mem bers of the train crew, names not known, died about noon. The wreck occurred at a sharp curve which prevented the trainmen aeelng each ether. The engines were demolished, The tender, baggage and express cars, diner and one coach of the limited were plied up in the ditch and the passengers were obllgod to chop away the debris to release a num ber of badly Injured. Burlington Will Run Trains to Coast Hill and Gould Lines Will Inaugurate Through Service from Chicago to San Franoisoo. CHICAGO, Jose l By an alBanoe be tween the Hill and Oould Interests It Is announced that the Chicago, Burlington ft Qutncy railroad will inaugurate a through passenger service between Chicago and San Francisco on June U. From Denver the Burlington wfU route Its trains over the Denver A Rio Grande and the Western Pacific. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE UNAFFECTED BY FAILURE Closlas; of Blrkbeck Oauk Thursday Afternoon Produces Scarcslr a Hlppl. LONDON. June .-Ths Stock esohangs was practically unaffected today by the suspension of th Birkbeck bank of High Holborn yesterday, with total liabilities of $l3,3M,9ia Consols opened at from to 1 lower than yesterday, but quicklj recovered to yesterday's close. Small crowds of anxious depositors had gathered about tbe bank since daybreak, but the crowd when at its largest was prob ably less than 1,000 persons. Pathetic scenes were witnessed In the neighborhood of the suspended Institution all day. Many of the depositors were elderly men and women whose whole life's savings were behind the closed doors. ' A staterr.ent given out by the directors was that the bulk of deposits are amply secured and this had a reassuring effect and It Is the general opinion In the city that .the. suspension will not be such, a disaster as was at first feared. BANK DEPOSITS INCREASE Gain of Two and Half Millions Orer Jane of Last Year. Loans Alio Shaw Heeltfcy State Im the Repert Iaaard ta Hespoaaa ta tbe Call of the Comptroller. Bank deposits In Omaha's banks are S2.3G6.9X6 greater this June than at this time laat year Ths total amount of money deposited in Omaha banks, according to the statement being made up for the national comptroller of the currency for June 7, was M.989.C74. while laat year when the comptroller made his June call there were only $63,622 189. This la regarded aa a moat substantial growth of Omaha banking concerns, as business conditions are no livelier this year than last. Loans have mads an ap preciable advance also, according to the statement, showing that the alleged tight ness of money Is exactly the opposite. . Sines March 7, 1911, when the comptroller made his last call, there Is a gain of 127.381. This Is also regarded aa a good omen of big gains and business booms com ing, aa there is generally as much money In the banks In March as at any time of the year. The South Omaha banks are showing a steady growth. .Deposits. June 30, June 7, Omaha National..., First National .111.576.700 1U,21S,47 1I.WMf.IM ll.inx.i. u. 8. National 10,24. Merchants' National S.0N8.824 City National 2.032, Zl Nebraska National 1.57,326 Corn Exchange Nat 1.012,(t00 8. O. National 8.042 62.1 Union Stock Y'ds Nat... 4.030 2.1S 10.8H9. 9.n 6.542. 2S4 J, 239,87 1.78ti,40 1. 'isi.'isg 7,010,504 2. trr.618 1,3B4,77 Packers' National J.OS2.730 Live Stock National.... 8U7.708 Totals $63,622,189 256,989,074 Loans. June SO. June 7, 1911. 110. Omaha National First National V. 8. National Merchants' National... 7,627.0n 7,434.4X7 .1 7.442.2UA 7.02O.M2 .74,W2 ,840.da 4.415,290 tHl.629 1,037,6114 1,157, 171 1,018.04 2.6B3.782 l,6(.2r.l ESS.Htil 4.fW8.;3 City NaUonal 1087,088 971, 565 i.04F'.06 4.358.438 1,809.69s 752.791 Nebraska National 8. O. National Com Exchange Nat Union Stock Yds Nt... Packers' National Live Stock National.... Totals $27,246,481 $86,877,264 Deposits. Mar. 7, June 7, . 1Q11 Omaha National $12,042,080 $11,789,779 First National 11.525,748 10,809,951 United States National. 11.457.KW ii.2ift.M7 corn t.xcnange 1.262.832 1.181,135 City National Nebraska National Merchants National Union Stock Yards Nat Packers National Live Stock National... 2,003,001 1,862.443 9.415,961 6.S29.539 2.020,14 1,043.375 2,239.897 1,786,480 B.642.2H4 7.010.504 1068,618 1,364,779 Total -...$56,962,683 $56,989,074 Loans. Mar. 7, June 7, 1911. 1911. Omaha National $ 6.799.882 $ 7,434.437 First National 7,069,832 7.020.542 Lnitea mates National.. 7,250.625' Corn Exchanga 1,015.655 City National , 1,894.067 Nebraska National....... 1.032,317 Merchants National 4,640.787 Union Stock Yards Nat. 3.994.790 Packers National 1,414.868 Live Stock National 745.191 6,840,829 1.045.606 2,087,088 971.668 4,558.363 4.K8.486 1.909.698 752,791 Total .$38,837,901 $36,377,264 HYMENEAL Rtss-Fellotni. CULBERTBON, . Neb., . June 9. (Special.) Miss Haael J. Fellows of Culbertson and Mr. Charlea 8. Ruopp of -Omaha were married Tueeday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Fellows. A delicious three-course dinner Was served, in the midst of whloh the bride and groom stole their way out and left in an auto for an extended honeymoon through the New England states. On their return they will make their home at Stelnauer, Neb., where Mr. Ruopp la engaged in the drug business. Await Is Not Made Public. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., June 9. -The federal Board ef Parole,, after considering the applications for parole of 800 Inmates of the federal prison here, completed the work of Its present session hers today and adjourned. Eleven bankers appeared 90 foie the board, but the result of the board's action in their cases will not be known until announced by Attorney Gen eral Wlckersham, There are how 1,131 prisoners In the federal penitentiary here, the largest number In the history of the institution. BANK STATEMENTS . , 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Omaha National Hank, at Omaha. In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business June 7, 1U1L RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 7,434,437.6$ Overdrafts secured and unseoured J.00J.14 U. a. bonds to secure circulation 760,000.00 U. S. bonda to secure U. S. deposits 400,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 23.00000 Bonds, securities, etc. 73y.CtU.3tf Banking nxusa, furni ture and fixtures... 100,000.00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) I1,401,W0.84 Due from state and private banks and bankers, trust com panies and savings banks 474,693 8 Due from approved reserve agents l.?0.f 61 Checks and other cash Items ,8.66 Exchanges for ol ear ing house 1W.376.1I Notes of other na tional banks 38,700.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and rents 1.8G0.M Lawful money reaerve in bank, vis.: Specie ....$1,092,704.00 Legal ten der notes 1X4,210.00 l,r78.14.00 4.S5S.129.S5 Redemption fund with IT. S. treasurer 15 per cent of circula tion) S7.6iOO.00 Tot al .... . . .( $14, 111.7 94 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus fund 2uO,O00.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 401.SM.I National hank notes outstandlns 76O.-O00.00 Due to other national banks $3.764. SUM Due to slate and pri vets banks and bankers 10.17 M - Due to trust compa nies and savings banks l5.fett Individual deposits subject to check.... 4.128.697.71 1 Time oertlflcatea of deposit fcM.STlM Certified Checks 61.064.J4 Cashier's checks out standing 441,292 M U. 8. deposits tl4.eu7.ST Deposits of V. ft. dis bursing offloere.... 18S,461M-. 117,TI0.70 Total... 414.141.T$M Plate of Nebraska. County of Ioulas. ss I, J. H. Millard, president of the abovs named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. J. H MILLARD. Pres. dent. Correct Attest: W. H. Ht'CHOLZ. W. M. Bl'HOF.SH. C. H. BHOWN. Directors ubacrtned and sworn to before me this Sth 1,iv tkt Julia. UlL L. D PALDT!?. Nwtary PubUe. I raV". ......... 9n )M Mil DDI I I cents Cuocci Not So Sure About Seeing Ring Cammorra Trial is Resumed in Italy, with' Neapolitan Barber on the Stand. VITERO, tlaly, June 10. Cuocci, a Nea politan barber, was again In court at to day's sitting of the Camorra trial. Judge Romano, who conducted the earlier Inves tigation Into the murder of Gennerao Cuoc colo, and before whom Cuoocl had testified that he saw among the rings wore by Cuoc betrs following the arret of the Cam- Colo the one sequestered by the Carabln bcers following the arrest of the Cam- morists, confronted the witness. The ring Is regarded by the prosecution as an im portant link In the evidence connecting the accused with the murder of Cuoccolo and his wife, Cuocci today walvered as to whether he had seen the ring and he was threatened with protfeoutlon for perjury. Judge Romano said he had gained the conviction of all the fifty persons gath ered at the Ida tavern banquet In Bas' noli. May 26, 1906, when th death of Cuoccolo waa decided upon ' and added that all the members of the Cammorra were equally guilty. The Judge dented he had Abbatemagglo, the Informer hand cuffed and brought Into the preeenceof Jacovlttl, the coachman of Enrico Alfano, the alleged head of the Cammorra, for the purpose of Impressing Jacovitti and forc ing him to testify against Alfano. This statement brought about an exchange of Insults between Abbatemagglo and Alfano, the latter declaring that the scene was purpesely arranged to Intimidate his coachman. Man, Wife and Two Children Killed Sheriffs and Posses Are Searching the Country for Oregon Murderer. PORTLAND, Ore., June 9. The bodies of a man, named Hill, his wife and two children, were found today In 'the Hill home at Ardcnwald, a suburb of this olty, The woman and children had been beaten to .death with an axe. . Two sheriff's posses and hundreds of volunteers are' searching for the wild country around the town for the murderer. MEET IN ANNUAL CONVENTION Members of the Associated Harvard Clubs Talk Over Old . . Times. MINNEAPOLIS. June 9 Harvard men of classes dating from '65 to '10 and coming from all over the country, with one mem ber from China and another expected from Japan, attended the first session of the an nual convention of Associated Harvard Clubs here today. A feature of the day waa the meeting of Henry M. Rogers, '82, Boston, the oldest graduate of the eastern delegation; John Blgelow, 'SI, and J. K. Hosmer, '65. Min neapolis. Among those attending was Dr. M. R. Edwards, head of the Harvard med ical school, Shanghai, China. HERE'S A i ii I vr forth Man Who Shaves Himself William's Trio Package is the handiest assortment x on the market one shaving stick; Violet Talcum Pow der; Jersey Cream Toilet Soap. Each of these are in a silver nickel plated container. It's Worth $1.00-To You for 64c And this Hot Weather Means SHOWER BATHS We are agents for the celebrated Knickerbocker Bath Sprays. The most perfect spray manufactured one that makes a shower bath possible in every home. Prices, $1.25 to $5.00. $2.00 Monarch Bath Spray $1.25 $1.50 Monarch Bath Spray $1.00 $1.23 Monarch Bath Spray 85c 75o Bath Caps 45c 50c Bath Caps 25c BEATON DRUG CO. FAUN AM AND Coat and Pants to ONE HUNDRED SPECIAL LENOTHS OFFERED SATURDAY We must reduce our stock before Invoicing. Every suit In our store reduced 25 to 40. We use good Alpaca linings and the best grades gf hair cloth and canvas. Every garment guaranteed to bold 1U shape. We guarantee perfect fit and style. MacCorthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-300 South 16th St. Five SU-ps South of Farnem. Transfer of Coal and Coke Property is Completed Monong-ahela Company Turns Plant Orer to Frick Corporation, De- , spite Grand Jury's Action. riTTSBURG, Pa., June . The federal grand Jury today continued Its Investiga tion Into the affairs of the Pittsburg Coal company and the Monongahela River Ci n solldated Coal and Coke company' relative to the transfer of coal and coking proper ties valued at $17.800,M to the M. C. Frlrk Coke company, a subsidiary of the United States Steel corporation, to ascertain whether there has been any attempt to make a monopoly In the coking Industry. The transfer negotiations were approved late yesterday notwithstanding the fact that the government probe into the matter had been started . by . the hurried reassem bling of the May grand Jury. E. J. Taylor, chief engineer of the Pitts bury Coal company, who was before the grand Jury when adjournment was taken yesterday, was the first witness called to day. He will testify to the location of the coal ooncerned In the deal and to the sup ply of coking coal In the Pittsburg district. Girl Teacher Shot by Chinese Student Miss Christine Shaw of Orono, Me., Se riously Wounded by Celestial She Refused to Marry. ORONO, Me., June 9. A confession that he had shot Miss Christine Shaw at Orono Inst night is said by the police to have been made today by T. S. Linn, a Chinese stu dent at the University of Maine, arrested Immediately after four revolver shots, one of which took effect, had been fired at the young woman on an Orono street. At the hospital In this city, to which she waa taken. It was stated today that she prob ably would recover. Linn Is alleged to have told the sheriff that he shot Miss Shaw because she had caused htm "mental torture." He said he had known Miss Shaw, who Is a graduate of the University of Maine and a teacher In the Orono High school for four years, and two years ago asked her to marry him. She refused, but they had been on friendly terms since that time. Miss Shaw had done much to assist Llnn In his work at the vniverslty, and from his statement today It was evident, the sheriff said, that hs had misinterpreted her kindness. Berber Tribesmen Attack the French Engagement in Morooeo, During Which Number Are Killed and Many Wounded. FEZ, Morocco, June 6. Vla Tangier, June 9.) The Berber tribesmen made an auda cious attack today on the French column as It was moving toward Meikenes, a large Moroccan city, thirty-four miles southwest of Fez. A force of native cavalry com posed of 600 men engaged the Berbers and succeeded in driving them back. The French losses were five killed and twenty wounded. The' tribesmen suffered many casualties. 4 ' " LONDON, June . The correspondent of he Temps at Marina, Morocco, today tele graphed that a clash had occurred be tween the Spanish troops and a force of tribesmen at Soul Arba Dekert. " The Spanish losses were 100 men killed. The tribesmen suffered a loss of probably sixty dead. The Spanish were reconnolterlng In force at Soul Arba Dekert, when they were attacked by the trlbeamen. The Spaniards retreated. ' ' The Spanish commander has sent out a strong force with machine guns to punish the tribesmen. Hunting for Two Other Men. PHILADELPHIA. June Joseph Mar tin of this city, charged with being one of three men who fleeced J. C. Brodskey of I w xorK out or io,ooo at a fake faro game In a North Broad street house yes terday, was held In $10,000 bail by a police magistrate today for a further hearing next Friday. Detectives are searching for the other two men. SPECIAL. 15TH STREETS" Order $17.50 8? High But NOT High Priced It is true that this store handles only the best of everything in the way of apparel for mankind, yet its prices are consistent, exceeding moderate, as low as any and lower than many when quality is reck oned with. If clothes at $25 and up is de sired we are conceded a foremost position, yet the clothes we display under $25 are splendid examples of value giving, in proof of which we ask you to inspect the line of suits on sale here Saturday at Our exhibit of bot weather clothes Is large and satisfying, the prices starting low and running up to (30. Tomorrow we h j specialize on a line of finely tailored, perfect fitting Sk J 2-plece Suits, at $4i--C Nainsook underwear, cool and comfortable on torrid days; union'; suits or two-piece garments ...?........ 50 UP Men's Negligee Shirts, double turn-back cuff, with collars attached or detached, SI. 50 S2 83 an1 "P Straw Hats in all desirable braids $1.50 to $15 -BrjswninSiif 'g & Cq The Ooolegt Store in Omah. R. S. WILCOX, Manager. LIU Round Trip, Daily $QQ60, 32.00 md 34.00 3 Toronto 00 md 34.00 0 Niagara Falls IQQOO and 34.00 0 Buffalo $yff60, 41.00 md 45.00 ffU Boston Fast trains at ctnvenitftt hours with all lines east. Liberal KATES favorable stopover privileges. You travel in luxury inc. enjoy "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. NWI798 Buyirtt Wedding presents may be purchased at this store frith every assurance that the articles will be distinctive in design with guaranteed qual ity and unsurpassed beauty. l4ie assortment i so varied that you are certain to find a gift which will be aTrproprtat and y6t not he frtrjHkcxted bt the list gtvea the "tariff axi groom. V.'e argu ywa MmtriRamtllnn nf firm stock bettor "huyiufi eHBewlMnju IJonl Mnrfy Qnj imvrlL. Albeit Edholm SX ilxteunih Typewriters for rent, three months for $5. Many who read this ad have paid as high as 5 a month. Tbe high eost of living Is coming down. CENTRAL TYPE WRITER EXCHANGE 1007 Farnam. Handlers of AU Makes of Typewriters. bADU tD'C 4 i 1 UAIP BALSAM Am iMsva.iMf nm nair. 4 VtotuiAm ft miutmiit f"win. 1 w .... ffal la ta bslatArft Ortf .v.: JJ'i JJ'' 'J Htur to urn Youthful Colr. E " 1 rS.M. SMle d eM It hair fMUm. fcsitst i 1 t smd.t' f lMwg.Sf Beat Prs Paper. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oat Dollar Pr Year. Class EAST Until September 30 $QQ80, 38.80 md 39.10 wO Saratoga Spgs. OU Montreal iyiAOOind 45.00 l New York City 11350 1 nd 44,50 HQ Atlantic Cifv S133Eind 48.35' ' Port and mall direct connections in Cbicag? return limits and if"" .'.' Why Do They Make It So Good? i THE BEER YOU LIKE Cons omen' Slstrtbstsral Mi Nittler, 3224 S. 24:1 St , Omsht Frt4 EItoii, 2524 0 St.. SUi 0sss C. Gtttt, Ceeecil Blulli, Uwt MANAWA More Popular Than Ever This Season. i H. M. Darnett, Manager Thousands are Overjoyed at the ., Beautiful New Ballroom. Other Attractions are Equally Pleasing. Oo for a Cool, Pleasant Evening at Lake Manawa. FKKK MAM) CONCICUTS AF. TKHNOON AXI FVENIXO UY (XIVALT'S IJA.M). Admission to Park FREE. OMAHA'S IDE ' IVMHM SHOW LLOYD INGRAHAM A".DTo"Ji co. Urst Tims la eny Omaha 1'heuisr ol " a13L-. THE MEL I INQ POT i.tovii liisrurism ss "Duvld Ouixano" Sf s. 10-86c; ftw at 5o Shirt Want M. Tuss., Titers, end Hat., 10, SOo feUinilu) unit Viirfk- IIib Uultcry Man ts. Hotel Rome Summer Garden Vaudeville, Moving Picture and Orchestra Coolest PUre la Oniuha. 8:30 end 9: 15 P. L Daily. 10 C'cuu. mm in