THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUXE 9, 1911. 9 1 PERSONAL' MECHANO THERAPT Ptnmtrh trouble. Muuit imimni rw Margaret Haiioran, 2S- Neville Bik. D.7761.' . Iodg M floor. opposite pet- (offlcex Mm. Al)i of Chicago. Doug. 7, ,AME8 -PRR ELECTRIC COM PA I ' tnovod to 0t 8. la BU Dougla ilU. ""H, Mm RlttennoTise. Ml O Boston Bg REWARD will be paid for Information concernlrg Mlchaal xf. Wai.h. Balllnrobe. L,l!r."'. f.1,!?' "'"I Hi mother, nam. Bridget Gibbons, was ray grndmotber. He died near Omaha. H m in the real -ist bustn. Mr. B. Ghson, Chataeugay, xw x . w7. irE.1,?, ?tmltT home Mra. Dr. King. MM W. 14th. Wsh. goat: Ind. D-193 DR. BURKI, disease of women. Omaha. TOLN3 WOMEN coming to Omaha a ;t ranters are Invited to visit ths Teus Women Christian association building at Seventeenth street and St. Mary An. where they will be directed to ultbl boarding pie or otherwise asalatea. Look for our traveler's aid at the Uaio aiatioo. O'BRIEN'S chocolate sura) famous every -wher bMum they ara tha bet. If A. J. Pranveaux, No. lth 8c. will eoma t Tb Bea office within three days wa will glv him an order for a 60-cent bos tree. MM. SNYDER, Swedish Duun, baths, radiator and vibrator treatment Tha Dunsany, Fiat t. llAh and Pierce. Doug. 424. Good Bamaritan-a:, h- ttal Irst Art., council aji uii AS ilASSAQETREAENTi.Mr- Bt8'- WANTED School teachers for nice pleas ant summer work; all or part time; big wrua quic. A a areas 11 au, iie ADEUGHT hair fond arrows fcslr; see Megealh BUt j Co., 16th and me. raver. Farnam. To tell real estate, lo n t hesitate ' The Bee Want Tad to try. What he can do By bringing many to buy. UHs. P. E. CRUMRQCE. M5 Burt Ptreet. Omaha. Thla verse receives aa a prise the beau tiful china vase painted by Mra. B. H. Smtth, SMJ South Tenth atreet. If Mra. Crumrlne will come to The Be offlc aha will be given tb vaa. THB SALVATION ARMT solicits cast -eft clothing, in fact, anything you do not Seed W collect, repair and sell at 1M N. 11th BC. for coat of collection, to tb wr tax poor. Call 'pboa Doug'. MM aa wagons win cell. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing nines, ma. a-im, ioug!s leoa. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney St V B? BEST nerve brscer for men. Gray's Nerve Food IHls, 1 box. postpaid. Cher man a McCcnnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. THE best treat for wlf and baby Is a llsh of Daisell'a ice cream. If P. M. Baker. 1M3 N. Ui h St.. will com to The Bee of fice within three days we will give him sn order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream free. lewwot-to-YwH4.t BHRDL. CM CM CM C DR. EQGER8. private confinement home. kUs Martha fit.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas 62 ' gt-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. S ,lAAIh Ok t.w ..A.n-l HINDOO 1 ABLETS will build. ttraoa, treng-tnen. Wo. BELL DRUO CO. MASSAGE Swedish movement: nothlnc better for rheumatism. Ladles, XI: gentle man, tl 0. Apt. L la Earn am. Hra.. I to a. MAONETTfl treatment. E- Brott. WU Prof Harrttt, Phneuraloglcal doctor. Uttle Want Tad. The hustling lad, Doe bualneas both early and late; He create a deal re In the heart of the buyer To purchase your real estate. L. W. BUNNELL. tsog Fowler Avenue. This ' vers receives ss a prise t5 worth f soda water tlokets from bherroan A MeConnell's Sodoasls, Sixteenth and Dodge. If U W. Bunnell will ootne to Tha Be office be will be given the tickets. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PEDIGREED royally bred finely marked i-otth Collie purges. Frank Mitchell. ih and Grover, Omaha. TOH SALE Two Anpora kittens, Cuming 8t. Phone Harney ItSOT. 139 PRINTING PHONE IND. A -IS2t for good prtnUng. Lyegstad Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. R1ES HALL Ptg Co.. y I IKh. Ind. A-SaM. Lew W.llaber, Printer FEE BI.DO ENTRANCE ON COURT. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OX TITLK. .TETER JESSEN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. EM THE Midland Q. T. Co. 1714 Famam. MKAL EtTATB DC1LEBI. REED ABSTRACT CO. oMaet abstract ftloe In Nebraska. Ka Brandala Theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO, Pi eenia floor. City Nat. bank Bidg. I'lLUCItl' IXrORMATlOV. LIBERAL TORNADO POLICIES Issued by tha Orient Insurance Co. t current rates. , Home Owners Protect your prop erty ai!nt loss by Tornadoes and Windstorms by insuring In the Orient Insurance Co. Alfred C Kennedy Sole Af ent. J0 First National Bank Bide Telepbone 722. CELLARS DUG; all kinds of team work, lad. B 1 AUJ1AA-J Work and Material A-l. featUfactWn guaranteed. W-te7. lTOii N. ii. CARL THOMPSES, cement and brick work. ITU N- Kin. Web. azu, B-iii (y A f v ST( ) Carpenter, Builder. ICAMTT 1 I'V Job work and repairing jll.uuiiuu.. contracun. Lku. 2. MSI)VRY PRICKLAV1NG. PUS OVJlX TI;riNUi CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK, ESTIMATES FREE. N. RAYMOND. 117 N. vth. Doug. 7TS4. A. J. Ireland, mason. B3 N. Vih. rrpi'ti trimming and tr removing. J.i.X..r. v. E, Hoover, tolt Farnain. LANDKCAPINO and unique gardening, by an expert. Flower beU designed. V. K Hoover caa do your grading right and finish It up with a pretty laoascape effect. it Famam. Paper hanging, wallpaper reduced. H. ISO. CITY FHOPtRTY FOR tALal Close In y'Elght-room. all modern house; fur 7''rf. laundr yac. jaunary, gas neater, nrepisxe. lth. etc. C A J bard pin nil 60. Har Oak. white enamel. Dircn 1 e finish. Telephone Har- ni rry H. Putnam, 5110 Burt treet. NK'E suburban lot. 1 block from lar; corner lot. eouin front, seaer, water, elc. uLalr !&. .. . - - - REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR S ALB (Continued tKiO ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. For sale or would trade for acreage of or 10 acrea near cltv. A -room, modern houre. tf2 Fort Ft. would be willing to !oar4 with buver a monthly payment of 130. C W. Baker. r.tS Fort PL. Omaha FOR PALE The home of Mrs. Herman CVhn. 11 8. Sid avenue, completely fur nlehed, will be sold at a sacrifice prior to owner's departure for F.'irop within thirty deys. Ino ilr at the cfflc of J. L. Bran dels A Bor.a -ROOM PNAP. t4S MONTH. Beautiful location at 24 Poppleton Ava Can reserve one room and rent for lio. BHOPEN A CO.. Paxton Block. TWO DESIRABLE HOMES IN DUXDEE Six-room hous. located at VTH Cans St, close to car, sovth front, large lot, larse shade trees. In first clans neighborhood. House Is strictly modern throughout; first class plumbing and heating, nicely dec orated. Price M.&uu. Six-room bouse, locsted at the south west corner of &th and Capitol Ave., on 0-ft. comer lot; large trees; first class plumbing and heating; cement walka; houea nicely decorated throughout. Will make some one a beautiful home. Price I6.2M. Will b plessed to arrsnge to show you through either on of thee bouse at any time. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1C4 Harney Bt. NICE Suburban Lot South front corner lot. 4xl28. on grade, only 1 block from car. Has sewer, water, etc Onn of the healthiest locations In the city. This lot has every essential to a rapid advance In value, aa surrounding neighborhood is now being highly Improved. Price . This Is S50 to 10u cheaper than surrounding property. Phone Webstar 1Mb. FRED S. IIADRA 660 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids. Bell Phone Douglas 4234. Park Ave., near Famam St., a mod ern 8-room house for low price. Twenty-ninth and Hamilton St., a new and modern 6-room house, very cheap. N. 22d St., facing high school, a modern 8-room residence. BEST PLANNED HOUSE IN CITY -''!':. Mv.r. 'We would like to take yon to look at thla place If you are Interested In a desirable Field club district home; It la complete throughout; nice lawn, has garage; 112,000. Gallagher 8r Nelson 490 Brandelg Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Buy Lawndale Acres W have three unsold acres in this beau tiful addition, two at .each and one corner acre for SoOO. One will make six 40-ft. city lots, these lie high and sightly; only two blocks from car and macadam road and terms only $3L cssh and Sl a month. Will sell one. two or all three together. These prices are only about one-half the price you would have to pay for acres so close to ear and macadam road. These acres are located In Florence, a good place to Invest part of your sav ings. It you want further Information call Douglas lo. Hasting & Heyden, ltu Harney Bt. $1,050 HOME Nearly new 4-room cottage near 36th and Fort Sts. Owner, going away, has re duced from $1,300. You will run your legs off and still find no better snap. 6233 North Z6th. F. C. Best, 948 Omaha Nat. Bk. Gilt Edge Investment Three good cottages, modern except heat; always rented and producing monthly in corns of M b. Good location. Price only y,W0. Abuut one-third cash will handle, Scott & Hill, Tel. Douj. ftli. 907 McCague Bldg. Six Room House and Half Acre of Ground Fronting on Grand Ave. between S3d and and 34th Sts. House has nice hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and one bed room dowtutalis, two bed rooms upstairs; fin well and cittern, good cement block cellar; :hr bis lots, with fruit and shade. The ground lies beautifully, with commanding view. Good neighborhood and convenient to Ames Ave. car. Owner will aril houte and one or all three lots, or the vacant lots only, on easy terms. Scott & Hill. Tel. Douglas JOT McCag-ue Bldg. Dundee Must be Sold 4811 Cass Street Only W.'S.-'O for g-room modern home, built; about 6 Hani ago; choice district, full lot. I good barn. LIBERAL TERMS. This is aj bcisain. Onlv K wv ror a-room nome at J21S pacific -tt. On account of ill haltn owner wil sacrifice, laved street, deair sble location. Phone loug. 147. . Geo. Marshall, 21S Board Ttade Bldg. NINE ROOMS All modern cottage of t rooms, well lo cated, in goud neighborhood; full lot, shade trees; A-l house for the money. F'rice. tl HA. Terms. ISO cash, bslance monthly. BENSON k CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block. $775 LOT IN DUNDEE Located on Nicholag street between 50th and 51C. nicely terraced lot. has city watsr. high and tightly; many new homes hul't in tha same neighborhood- This price Is about (100 less than any tot can be ' bought for In this locality. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 Harney Street. LOOK at tha house. SU Lak St.; If you like it- buy ic FOR SALE Five-room cottage, modern, except furnace, kilt No. Uth bt. C Fred HarriaoB and Geu- T. si'Ttoe fes business bars a las. si amana Ngt'l baas. IS acres Ber Mth and Valley Sta fairly gowd bou. but not firuahed inaiaa Pfcuas Uaraey sa! o Lwuga . REAL ESTATE VACANT PROPERTY. FRED sThADRA 660 New Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Bell Phone Douclaa 4334. Thirtieth and Corby Sts. Thirty-seventh and Jones Sts. Fix lots near FAIRACRE8. Park Ave., betweea Leavenworth and ewev Ave. Thirty-fifth and Howard Sts. Dundee Lots Two fin lota, on grsde; semer. wster, gsn; cement walks all In. rrlce, Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block. REAL ESTATE PARK AND RANCH LARD FOR SALB Arkaaaaa. W A., SMOOTH, IH ml rallwav ststlos. m fenced. 3 ulc. small bouse, two walla, two pubh roads U.N00. Union Bank Truat Co., Real Est. DoL. Searcy. Ark. I.0S A. UNIMPROVED eat-off timber land; much fin Umber yet en land; I to I Sal. from Eureka Springs; fin for fruit; ranch and general farming; 7.Mi Bpaclai bargain in Improved farms. (10 to Pa, WM. JENKINS A CO Eureka Sprlaga Ark. MM ACRES neh bottom land, six mile Newark. 119 per sere; terms Fine orang grov. Florida Forty acres; Other Bargains. A, A. Uendersoa, Nswark, Ar kaaeaa. SI TRACTS of land In tb corn and al. falfa district of Delta land; black soil; good schools; landa will double In value la three rears; row rent from U t V par a era writ a wbat you want. F. C. HOLLAND, PIP Bluff. Ara- COTTON plantation; M acres; elegant l-room dwslllng; plenty tenant house; good barn and outbuildings; rich, black loam; will grow bale cotton or 7 busbsis com per acre; woven wlra fence: 300 acres cultivation; K merchantable timber, bard od; healthful location; 4 miles from good town; good neighborhood; near school and cburrb; price gJb.OuO; reasonable terma Address Johnston A Willis, care ttouiaera Trust Co.. Little Rock, Ark. la, g ml. ot. It la cult., lio black alfalfa r clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood; 16. MO, f srl. from town of 2.u0u. near P, O. and school; nearly all smooth up land; 5 cult., bai. timber, clover; 4 al falfa, ( bearing orchard, 13i fenced bog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bidg., nsw barn; dark red sandy Urn; good community; delightful location; abundance good watar; aablact to s-yar toaa IsfiO; terms easy. WM. GILMORa Marshall. Ark. MISUSES BURKS PATTON real es tate dealers. W rit them for lnformstion In regard to Arkansas landa. Monuoulo, Ark. BEST fruit and general fanning lands far price In U 8., In bewrcy Co , Ark. berxl lor booklet showing It to ill land town. W. M. Hanson. LeaUa Ark, OZARK LAND CO... Qravetu, Ark, Rtock ranches, fruit farma. berry fisida small tracts. Instailtnent plan; town'prxi erty. buaiseaa bouses. Writ ua BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICK. All elasaa of timber, tarn, and fruit lands tn-Arkansab, Louisiana and Mississippi, from K u U per acre, Writ J. IK May aolila, Camden. Ark, Caaata. GOLDEN wheat lands for sal. Im proved and unimproved prairie larms, any sis. Albert. Saskatchewan. Woodaa4 Coy, Vratroua. Ssk . Ca-r 1 OWN a section of good wheat land situated less than two miles from grow ing town in Saskatchewan. Will aell for (20 per acre. Address M. J. Can-others, P. O. Box IH. W innipeg. Manitoba. FARM lands in the Canadian west, town lota In railroad divisional points, property In -Watrous. the Carlsbad of America. Writ W. M. Ualbraith, Watrous, Sas katchewan, CANADA LAND Fin half aectloni over aw acres in crop; good wster and build lugs, only tJt per acre. Write tor particu lar. 11. E. Hemingway, Weyburn, 6ask. aa ACRES, oloss to town. Saskatchewan; 170 acre in wheat; lis acre; third cash, balano to suit. Writ for terma 12i Brodle Bu, Fort Williams, Ont, Can. REAL ESTATE I have a large list of landa in the Goose and Eagle lake district, no better In Canada, li. f. Leech, Roae town. fcask. Color a. . NORTHEASTER Colorado wheat lands. flt.M to gU per acre. A few Unproved (arms. IX to U. Writ J. at. Raiaaardt, burling. Colo ISO-ACRE best Irrigated (arm. Colorado; finely Improved, new ten-room i dwelling, barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; it A. wheat; SO A. alt all a. no waste land; every foot under old water rigm; have another farm, can't work both; 40 miles aorth of Lvaver, ten south of Greeiey. C. A. Greoi. dt Mack i.lig . leaver, Colo. FOR SALE Square aectlon, 640 acres. In Phillips county. Colorado; 7 miles from Holyoke, county Scu, 3'j miles from Poole on Holdrege and sterling branch of C, B. A Q. R. R. Eight-room bouse, hardwood finish, cement cellar, granary, I.IajO bu., shedded on both sides, all built last year: i-table for twelve horses; one pasture of 60 seres; the rest of place In one pasture; surface water in It- If sold before harvest one-half of crop goes with the place. Even thing la new and first-class. Price. taO per acre; terms. Owner 79 years old snd can't run It. A. G. Seymour, Holyoke, Colo. California Land W have for sale some of the best val ley land in California, located close to town and railroads, we can oi j an acr in ten and twenty-acre tracts; suit able for growing oranges, lemons, grapes, apricots, peaches pears and all kinds of vegetables snd splendid land for alfalfa. Before you go to California we would be pleated to have you come In and see us snd get further information In regard to this land. Ws make terms as low aa one-tenth cash and the balance monthly payments. Hastings & Heyden, lr. Hsrney gt. leva, FOR SALE or TradeMy equity In "a section of rsw land, t miles of fcorenta, 7 miles Kit Carson snd miles Wild Horse. Oeyenne Co, Colo.; on U. P. Ry.; lays g od. shallow mater district; 1 mils to river; alfalfa grown successfully nearby. Price, t-XJ per acre; emcumbrance $1 op tional at per cent, due May IS, 11 4- Will iraaa tne equity. I ;,.. tor residence of equal value. I also have V section Join ing this wmch Is cleai', so trsde tor town property, aunt price. Wou.u carry back tl.suO on this at ( er cent. Walter ii. bod. N salon. Ia. 1,100-a ere farm T miles southeast Bas sett, Rock county. Nebraska; acres in corn this year, large acreage in timothy and clover. Good a.-t of Improvements. Price. 1J2.60 per are, one-third cash, bal ance easy terms at per cent. CARL TENNIS. Is) f. L. A T. Bldg-.. Sioux City. Ia WE GO to Watson, Canada, May XI; will make a rate of 1 cent per mile each ay to our uuida Crops growing tine; go see for yourself, as this is the I. me to see Just wbat Is doing. In this sy ou can make your fortune by getting In on the ground floor, as we are wholesale dealera Write ua Farmeis' tavls kiank. Crimes. Ia ie-ACRE FARM. Rose county. Iowa: 1X acrea in cropa. rest , pasture; thoroughly tilled. For paruoular address R. J. Grover, Itui E, Graiul Ava, Lwa Motn, la. REAL ESTATE FARM A5D RANCH LA.Mi FOR gtl.E lewa- tlaaed. . ,FR P VLE-f lots, numbers S and 17, block E. Erglewood sddltton. Hlehlsnd J srk. Address J. H. Bennett. Oskaiooea. A RK AL FfTATE SNAP. jO-acre farm In Pocahontas county; cor Jjer right in town; building one block from OeiKit and creamery; ten-room house nicely furnished: fine grove and fruit trees; beau tiful building site facing south: cattle barn 24-foot posts: stanchions for about fifty csttle; two silo bins; room for 100 tons of hay; also feed cutter, corn grinder snd l-hors power sasollne ensrlne; horse t'rn for if, horses, with hsy loft and rain bins; vind-nlJl and three water tanks; farm fenced in six fields; TO acres hog tight. Price. (106 per acre on very easy terms. J. A. CARROLL. Rolfe. Ia. ?V API'P -ii . v . . .w.i . ; ' " i ...u, m it m, i ii , niiuiverv ot isnd, nothing nicer In the stste, ISO00 vi iiiirrcvements an in good shape; sold and soon. I have the exclusive hand ing of this Price, $S5 per acre; Msrrh 1 dllverv: U. r-a V, K-1 -n ew -. . M. Emery. Northwood, la. ATTENTION. LAND BUYERS AND SPECULATORS. Her we are again with a larger list of lands thsn ever before, both Improved and unimproved, at price ranging from I;p0 to Pr acre, according to location. Improve ments, distance from town, etc. Our lands have good. rich, black loam soil with clay sub-soil that cannot be excelled In the state, and. everything considered, we have the best and cheapest lands In Iowa today for the money. Our land Is mostly ail drained. cloe to town, school and In go d neighborhoods. For the best of everything to be had In bargains in land, come and see us, or write. FLYNN BROS. USD AGENCY. Buffalo Center, Is 210 ACRES, fifteen thousand dollars; Fre mont county, Iowa; good buildings; or chard. 12.500 cash. Frank Crawford, owner. Omaha. 160 ACRES and 171 cres ot souther Iowa land. Improved, well located good soil, right price, for sal or trade; ;,oot equity In brick store building; a first else Income property for sale or trad a quick: en land, merchandise or automobile Ad dress Boa a. Diagonal. Ia. FOR SALE Rxceilent rtc-ecre farm la rorn and blue-grass belt, Ada.ns county, loss. Farm all well fenced. SO acres hog tight. lf0 acrea tiled, and all In excellent cultivation; i:-room house, large brick cellar with cement floor, cement walka large new barn and mill, wltlt good Fair banks engine, new bog bouae, other out buildings, all In good repair; good stock and barnyards, larga grove aiid good orchard, four good wells, excellent wster, two windmills. For further particulars address Mrs. Annab M. Mash, 1U Htga EC, Do Moines. la, Im ACRES, Csjs county. Iowa, farm Im proved and well located; price iu per acre; my equity Is U6.MK. Want southern Minnesota or Daketa land, clear. No In flated price considered. One 10-horse-power portable gasoline engins for wbst have you? Address C. W. McCaustland. Cass County. Loraa, I, FOR SALE Splendid farma well Im proved, ranging In pries from to f per acre. This Is choice Iowa land, la well improved cou.u-unities, near town and school There is wore fertile or beau tiful part of the slat 'ban Osceola county. Write for particular V. a. 1 tea mood, SlUey. 'a U0-ACRE Improved farm, 7 milea from Mason City, U miles from small town; (li an acre; easy terms and splendid bargain; 144-acrea unimproved farm 11 milea from Mason City, jfi, miles from two other towns. Only 10 an acre. W have the best bargains in northern Iowa Come and see us. MASON CITT REALTY CO., Mason City. Ia. WANTED A good stock ot general mv cbaodlse. I8.0C0 to $ll,00t, In exchange for good farm near holts la., and cash. Farm contains 164 acres, six-room house, bar a. Kx40, price. (100 aa acre; subject Is H,7; equity. U.O00; . H. Uonsr. I to If, la- Kssiaa. OB ACRES, I mile good town; rned; well Improved; all smooth land; rich blaek oil; good orchard; R. F. D.; phoos; fute surroundings. 661; good terms; will ax chana for hardware. Implement or gea eral marchaodisw W. U, Mute Marina ana. Kan. Wit bawe some choice baraslna In wheat and alfalfa landa fur sale ia Bentaa and Ruah counties; write for list of far as bargain American laveatmeai Company. Holaicgton. Kan . 640 AC K lid. an miles from Minneota, tu sere In wheat, one-third to buyer; new 4-roum bo use, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced, rick blsck sou; bas raised good crop every year siaos broken out. great bargain. (X par acre. Terms. The Hoy C beard Laud Co.. Minneoia, Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP -44t acres. X mile out; 140 acrea la wheal, to delivered lo buyer; level, rich. aep soil' good well and wlndailU; U.&o, term Other wheat and alfalfa lanua. ail aises aud prices. 1 f. tcauhnacar, vwuer aieade, Kan. t3t ACRES 33 In alfalfa; lo-room nouaw iarg barn, granary, etc; two mile t Lerued. Pawnee county; 60 acre pasture, balance In culuvation; rich deep sou, sous oaoce bf water, wails and. miU; term ' Bunts Reail Cw.. aautcnmaoa! tJO ACRES. 1H miles out: M la wheat to buyer; balance pastur 'lbs late raia and aouw assures bumper crop; as floor; fcxs per acre, term W. ii. Cua bertsoa bcou City. aCan. Loelalaaa. VERNON parish. 1.; tb land ef ua (hlne, soli, cliniata, markets, water, beaita, guoa; prU-ea cheap; writ Leeaviii staai att and Improvement Co., C M. ato k ax laud, beo y, Leeavilie. La. LOUISIANA farm and timber laaJa good tor truck, uirn. ca;ti. u.; oa ao w.unt of uutton peat, cheapest lands ua -ai kt HaU, aur laj,ui(, asonre. MJ-,aesota. BARGAIN. 00-scre lmproveu farm, 60 miles from Minneapolis. miles dom good railroid ton, jao acrea under high stste of culti vation, balance fenced and cross fenced, used for pasture and meadow land; &u0 acres of this farm can be put under culti vation; good set of buiidins,. consisting ot i.ouse. one large bsrn and several amalier barns, granary, etc. Price, til per acre; 63.40 casti, lung time on balance, per cent. Can be inspected by leaving Minneapolis in the morning and returning the same evening. Schwab Bros , 12.1 Guar anty Loan iug.. Minneapolis. Minn. SEND for a list of our fine improved southern Minnesota isnda: e have hun dreds ot pleased customer C. E. Brovn Land Co., Offices. Madeua and New Rich land. Minn. ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERS. If you are thinking of Immigrating west this year, write us for decnpt; liter ature of our lands In Minnesota, Jsorth Iiakota and Montana We can suit you no matter what you want and where vou want It. ard can sea you anywhere from 40 acres to 1,000. William E. Gibbons. Lock Boa a, Cormorant. Minn. ltt ACRES li rolls from St. Paul. I mils from Rosemonl; all fenced; black loar ell; 60 acre culu.aied; balance pasture and black oak timber; cny 61 per acre tor Immediate sale; bal cash. lib-acre Improved farm it miles from 8L Taul. 1 Dim from Rica Valley station, L.ue -room bouse, windmill, largs bans and buiioinas. Ml la good condition, biack loam soil, clay subsoil; always beea cultivated by owner; Isu acr under pw. i acres truit trees, mostly apples; balaoce tood umbar land Special price and terma V. jr. e h. W. Auniy. luiiMr s'rea tidg.. "a. Paul. Mina. FINE FARM HOME, lit ACl'.El ir.uu from good town, biack luwia soli. Ail fenced. Largs tiam dwelling, bar granary, macbtn abed etc 1m acre in tie.d 4o acie timber, balance clover and uiii. 'lay and meadow, ideal dairy I asm. til per acr obe- lb lid cash, bai an.e easy imtm. M J. svoia, Foaaioa, Mina A SNAP: Ml-iT BS QUICK; KU-aCKS hupro.ed farm in Murray county, Miane soia; naa firal class bulldibg; fences; spWndtd grove; rcbrd; two mile trout tea a. Writ Job tliudea, Jr., starvi aim- ... FARM SNAP-MO acre lev! prairie land. yu in irou, balance pastjre and meadow; I M .....l.nv- I"; l, r- VI - . .... I i gotiu vuiiun., ' - aivui- Igaaa, alanaalo, REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LASD FOR ALB Mil oatlneed. rOT eotlltV tn ima nnrte In mr.m Minnesota: quarters two mile from good town, having botu tM. new bar fix. wun gaoie root, srnali granary and tenc. Want machine stock or dry gooda Price tat per err Itenj A. Con Wiadom, sllnn. f HAVE a farm ef t3 cr zH miles from good town, at snlle from Mlnne spolts, 100 acres under cultivation; about M acres meadow, balance timber. Caa all be opened up. Rica soil, good house, barn and other building Fric tjg per acre. Also go-acr farm tw anile from good town. 4u acre under plow; is acre timber; good rich soil, 6-room house, tw barns and other outbuildings, windmill, fine natural grove. Orchard fust coav mencing to bear. Pries ll.kuO. easy terma Write owner. Char la k. Hwaasoa. lug River, aiiua. M.000 acre In St. Louis and CsrVos eounue. Minnesota, near ettle ef 1 u luth and Superior, at prloe within the reach ot all. go to 111 aa acr easy terma Fourteen railroads bow entering the tw tie turnlsn chp and quick transpor tation. A ten-uiulion-dollar steel plant Sow building by United feitate Steal com pany, near lands, boil Is ferule and wall adapted to diversified farming, dairy lag and garden truck. N long hauls or trans portation cbarge. but rignt at to door of tb best market of the United States, with constant demand and sigh prioaa Writ for full laformauoa. Botoa Duiuth Farm Land Ou-. ltuv Aiworife Biog Duiuth. Miaav FOR SALB IdO acres of good new hard Wheat isnd, near Walhaiia. Pembina county. North Utakota. For parUcular address owner. A, Lucaawe, til Taira Ara, N. 61 inneajMtila. M-na. BUT from owner and savs commission a K-acr grain and stock farm close t tare towns, school and creamery, LsVacre tieid, about v acres meauuw, remainder limber pastur. fenced and cross fenced, running wster and a full aet of train buildings at Hi per acr Write for term C F. sieia;. w sue . alinn.. K. K. No. a LANS-NoTtoO. 10 ACRES, 7t MILES Twin cities, good tillable soil; stats ruas mailed aitn 46 pa- book for JO cent lio bar t Laod Co., famiU Bidg., Minue apou Mian. MlaeoarU FOR SALE 6 farm targs and smaO. between 6Uasifcippi and klit-wjuu river average - per acr Write for big price UL WliUaiu Crews. Wrgut City, isu. STOP! Don t go a step fuitoer tnaa Dougia county, down lu truj beauufui Luarka, raise anything; corn J lo fee tuta sut per acrw a.i winei ciuos lu pioporuoa, cceapest aoou laud oa ai in. I tw H per acr Flee laiuriuatioa. oiube ateeu a-SLaia Co , Ava, Uu. MISSOURI FARMS lt one better oa earth. Higoly impiuved un acres, rata anything, tan. OUier decided bargaiua Write us. Giiuam ltaiiy Co.. tiuilaui. alu. MISSOURI farm. 66t acres; s-roora bouae; barn; U acrea wheat, im acre cora; level, black dirt; t mile raiiroaa, Sb6 aor. Coaa, s- Uuckstep Reaiur Co.. lOs berry Me. Ut-ACRJi homestead relinquishment for ssus; also on hotel, ons baser, on gensral slur, on saloon, on feed stor Adorees, Lbarla F. Brown, Galata. Wont. CHEAP STATE LAND About L000.0O4 acres state land to be sold on forty years' time. If desirtd; only 6 per cent ot pur chase price down; buyer Uon t have ts live on land; not over l.ZSO acrea sold to one perton. For further Information and description Stnd tl to Fidelity Investment Co.. lai W. tth Bu. Kaoaaa city. Mo. THIRTEEN sections In laen county bear Sidney, one of the beat town in lai Yellowstone veiley; also have otaer land that we are retailing in any als farm ye want. Writ your warn Prtoce ara rlghL lb Hay ward Land Cw, Olsadm Mout. FOR SALE Finest farm In ieaveuwort4 county. Broaddua farm of 1m acres, in Bailee from Fort Leavenworth. 6a.wu0 brio residence. 600 46-year-oid walnuts luv auaa-' niapl trees, natural ga two telepbcue. Ire delivery, m mile trow banta sta tlon; examine premuee ana writs Airs J. L sUroy, uus Fua at, au joMpa. M so-ACRk. farm, all eu.uvawd; tin huus. barn, tenoe flrst-ciauas uuudiuoa; law spring watar. 6 inile trom loan, i smii trow railroad, boutueast atiasourt auuiu grauoa Co., PUKUupuu kio. atoataaa. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, tb coming larm slat. SU.SS m lai par acr. Writ lor oaaurlput a, Shaw at Clara Laiui Coui iauj. tiauaa laaua.. , r-aul. Minn. FOR Hit 1mm Utm V.n. . - . . - - - - , fine trim uuid, oio water nam. beat sec tion of tbe valley; flna propuaiuon lor sub division; lAlr DuliUlbaS, caay IWTUM. All' oroas ewiukr. a t mwu. awal.- Mtkraaka. &M1 B-ra SIX mlla fr 1.-n v- . flue improve men is; land lays good; can maae piendid terms, and tne price is tie 1(1 X-f leaa I h. n arttfiininv , ....... . . pneed at. ior particulars call on or write I U' 1 L-V V A 1 I L V V .... F1NE 610-acre ranch. 12 miles from tr,r quarters tame hay, balance wild bay and yiuitus, iv ucres level, balance sughtiy rolling; heay black soli, two flowing well. 6-room hoube, barn, granary and cnicken house, leiepnone; S to school This is an exceptionally fine ranch and a snap. Will aeil on easy terms. George L. Coians, owner, Atkinson. Neb. It) ACRES In Chase county, Nebraska, 12 miles south of Kisia: U taaen soon will take Hi w an acre; this is a good quarter section and can all be farmed; will taae a good lio or ltll automobue on the deal ana carry the balance. F. A. Garland, Chariton, Ia. FOR SALE School lease, 30 acres, near Lynch. Boyd Co.. Neb. Address J. H Kauipmever. 213 Court at, Sioux City, la! North Dakota. AUCTION SALE North Dakota; choice W ells and Stutsman county farms at public auction June . lull, on easy terms. Write for Information. A. F. Belcner, baits Mgr., Sykeatun, N. U. ONE of the finest farms In Richland ccunty, consisting of 2i acres of good, proouctive land, joining Wyndmere. Fins large buildings, lots of fruit, nice grove snd never-failing flowing well. Pile tai.bO per acre. Easy terma. Marun Paulson Land Co , Windmere, North La kota N FOR SALE An exceptionally fine 140. I mile of elevator, six miles of Wjndmere good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rice river through testure. Fine new buildings, weil of excellent water, windmill, etc., too per acre. This is a snap. Lock Box 12, ymimere. North Dakota Ortxos, FOR SALB 100 acrea choicest sppl pear Cherry, grape land In tke veit six mile ticm town, on Bill fx cm railroad; soil deep vulcanlo ash. 'the Lavile. ur , pru. wibuing fruit. iw acre, live mile from town, aew, mod aiw bouse, bam. tenement; 160 pear prune, bearing. 1.X young tree, l,uuw graoe vine good watar, wood, or wlu sell at acres wun all Improvement. laveactaauoa eulltiteu. C H. iVebaier. The Lalia Or a-, toath Carsl's. LANDS gun per acre made gruwing figa for prvaervea on the Island Orcnards oa easy mouinlj payaieuta baa isiaou ortuarj i ml'Mii i Cbavriealuu. a. C th Dakota. O O HORSE RANCH n.t ranch in northwestern South Da- ! kota 1 fur sale; unlimited range and plenty Uf water, lou a-is patent land fenced: I three icservwirs, twelve-room ram h house, j barn, corrals snd other buildings; fifty lane tan be Irr gated. Prices are right. I own gold mining property and can't handle iih if vou want to raise stot k write to day tor full description of the place and any other Information. Address John T. Beard, Belle Fourche. 8. D. Box X7U. euO-ACRB cora farm, out from Sioux Falta. excei't '-l lUJl' ma. large grov and fruit; ail In cultivation; arte for quick sals t&. sesy t.iina. eiso ii well Improved, easy lar ma. and lia. acrra ui.l.nwoved. Thee r bargaina for quick sal H. A. aUvLusv kwucr. io-x Fall U- ALFALFA THE KINO OF ALL F ARM PRODUCTa 1 biS is n iabd a ba Ft a home ita-; i vlinquiaiimtnia snd deeded laooa i For parUculaia ante a- o. W vudar Cw, REAL ESTATE FARM AS II R ANCH LAND FOR SALE Sooth Dakota- loattaaed. orrn Dakota land for sal. W have a list of Edmund county land for sal at from lit and up per acrw. If interested writ us for particular and w wll ld our price and pocket map. U ru tto land In South Dakota list rt with ua Our motto t "A 8quar Deal to Buys and Mailer." Olv us a chano to pro etir statement. 11 as void Land Co-. Miaa, Ed munds county. South Dakota. ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIV MILXt FROM TOWN. Fslr Improvements. Price tS.tOt Equity. tXeJt. Aaaska Real Estate Co., Akaaaa.ll li. WILL exchange choice farm land near Fterre, tb capital of South Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land; what have you to offer? Weet Land Co.. Plarr 4V. D. If ACRES IN DEUEL CO.. a 1 Close to tb Minnesota Up; heavy blaek oil; dsy su broil; lie very level ax,d all under cultivation. Must be sold with la at days to dose aa satate. Half ef thla year's crop gsea with the price. Ut per acre; essy terms; tl.000 will handle It and rt la snap. No gravel, no stones, n foul weed Aodrws W. r. McOo Lake Preston, sV D. FOR SAL67 Section good, raw land: all fenced; good flowing well: t mile frota Planklngton. a I). For parUcular writ i. E. O Mailey. Philip, ft- Teaaa. WE are subdividing Lin sere or fereiie farm land In Jackson county. Splendid crop very year. Rainfall about right. Incliea. For description, plat and pi toe writ JOHM RTCHET CO., tu E. Heuston t-. San Antonio. Tex.- TEJcAS INVESTMENTS. Buy orchard and garden land neat Houston, th greatest and most prosper ous city In ths south w eat. where value are going up ail th tlm and fortunes mad In real eats I in abort whll Easy terma tf deaired. Address B. C Robert Vla, Tex., and a lb-acre farm la tne Hie Grande valley, where the farmer's cash In come as perpetual a th days 11 .at com and go. S. H. Jackson, Jut First NaUoaai Bank Bldg, Houston. Tax. SAN SABA VALLEY, tb garden spot et Texas, home of th paper shell pecan. Wa tan buy land for you or Invest money, t per cent Bet lo you secured by mortgage o these lands Correspondence solicited Refer to First Nat I bank, baa Saba Nat l bank. Ward. Murray Co.. and ths mem ber la congress from Texas. kuer Burleson Co. Baa Saba, Tex WaahlBgtoa. WRITE for Information about the "In land Empire," also Spokane. Its metronolta Farms, fruit lands, city propel ty. Make our office your headquarters and Informa tion bureau when m our city. IOWA klalti CO., 411 Linden Blk., Spokane, Wash. Wyoming-. WYOMING farm and stock ranch: Im proved, fenced, veil watered. fJO acres. Will be sold best offer next sixty daya Writ owner. Andrew Wilson, Parker, Kan. FOR SALE lt.oot acrea la Laramie county, Wyoming, In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and aheep; will sail with ranch; will exchange for eastern Nebraska of Iowa farm J. T. Bail, Owner. Cbeyeaa. w o. FOR SALE OR EXCH ANGE WK Hrhanr, nmrMir4la nf m.HI u vt Culver. aU-11 O. N. H. Bldx D. 7sSa. 6 ACRES IMPROVED. Do you want a unio In a 6-acra Im proved tract, clone In? For a short tlm only. Easy terms, or will trade for good A-l On is ha or South Omaha property. OR1N 8. MERRILL COMPANY. Room LOJ-1211 City Nat'l Bank Bldg WHEN you spend your money mend It for the best there Is. If Catherine Green, 2!T7 Binney St., will come to Tha Bee office within three da we will give her an order for a 60 cent box of O'Brien' candy free. Much real ewtat Has been sold of late By little Bee Want Tad; Hie woric I fin, in every Una, A wonder 1 this lad. MRS. JOHN D. SULLIVAN. Cl Dougla Street. This verse 1 very good and receives hon orsbl mention. WESTERN LAND FOR OMAHA PROP ERTY. Jno. L. Barber, : City Natl. Bank. FOR reliable sale aid exchange, see D. M. LKAM1NG. sot Brand. Kidx. I'flH iill.V. OR TRinT X 11.,-..- piano for phonograph. Harney 2006. 130 ACRES of well Improved land In Polk county; will trade for city property. Tele phone H 60. Harry 1L Putnam. 510 Burt. Palisade-Colorado I have several choice orchard homes to exchange for farms In Nebraska, Iowa or Mlxsourt. There orchards ar tn the beautiful Pali sade fruit district. Write for particulars. li. K. HOUGH. Palisade. Colo. ' SCHOOL section of land; what hav you? B. bi-i. The Bee. A COOL plunge In Lake Mansws will overcome thst not feeling. If Mr M. Reed j4 Ieavenworth St. will come to The Bee office within three day we will give her a pair ot round trip ticket to Lake Msnawa free. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to bom owners and horn (mild er with privilege of making partita! pay man t aemi-aaoueily. W. H TxauMAa, sal First National Bank building. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO, 64 BRAN DEIS BLDG. CHEAP MONET. Representing th Paa Mutual LIT Jaa Co.. with asset of ever 6il7.tu0.0us, I aw f re pared to accept ail tb good loan st ared on Improved Omaha real eetata business and residence loan uad wiia sut a lay. THOMAS BRBNNAN. City National Bank Bldg. FOR a dainty dessert use Dslsell's lee cream. If J. F. Sturgrun. 3o6P Leaven worth St., will come to The Be office within three days w will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. CataHA property and Nebraska landa O'KEEFE REAL E8TATB CO.. Wit New Gmsha National Bank Building, MONEY TO LOAM-Paya Investment Co I1M to 110.00 made promptly. T li Acad. Wead Bldg.. tub and Farnaaa. CITY and 1 arm. JOHN N. FRENZKI4, LOW RATES, BEMIa-CARLBERO CO-, lle-U Bread! Theater Bid. OARVIN BROrL. Id floor N. T. Lit VM te l.rj.uuu oa itnpioved pioperty. No delay. 5 As 5M9" 'nd fmJ-m property, w a 06 U"CB ME1KLE. furng Bldg. WANTED, FARM LOANS. Klok law. Co., tJtnaha. WANTED City toaa Flrs Truat O WANTED City loans and warrant W. Famam int'h A f" , li Famam gi REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTB Hav you aayutiag t otter tb farm f lows' Any to ap land tor higher priced. gex-eral merchaaata store for Und or ant kuid ef an exenaage? Or hav yes some land you want to sell for csa? 'Ik ene paper that reach the Iowa far rax la ths lie Moine Capital; 44. tut circuiauw sliv; rats single insertion. 1 vcat a word, six insertion, a cent a word. Mwaes Lali cauaai. Dea Moiaea I STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE !wtureque St. Lawrane Root Weekly Railings from MONTREAL Tn LIVKRPoOL. OLAMJOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, llavr Freer Fortnightly from FHILADELTMIA oJ Boa too to Qlaag bpisndid sceaery. shortest passage, low rates. Any tocai agent or ALLAN t C4t.. G-nersi A seat, IS H. Dear bora et, Chicaa STEAMSHIPS (Continued.) ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND OLASdOW, NEW TOFK AND NAPl.R DIRECT, final or Round Trip Ticket bet wee New Term and Scotch. English. Iris snd as) principal Continental point at at tractive rate Send for book ef informs tto Superior Accommodation Excellent Cww Slow Apply promptly for RsesrvaHan t IT.' ?Vn? Anchor -" or H&NDER N HRO' Uecersl Aaent. bicaa, lu. WANTED TO BUY BEST arte paid tor td hand fwrntror, carpet cioUilng and anew Tea, IX lark OOOD WriVffT tn , k. - - - v. yvmi nvara nHfTm snenu and old gold. M. Nathan, lot 6V uttv SELNER pay good Price for rurfUtutWa caipet clothe and shoe D. 60L I WANT to bur a rood,,ii cle. one with cosster brake on it; It must b reHonbi C 6CC, Be WANTED, to buy florist' 1c cheat; must be In good condition. A 661, Be WANTED TO RENT WANTED Rr a voune aminla uu two nice furnished rooms with bath and board. Can rl beat of reference Ad dress E 144. Be. TH a- K-.-. . j . . . . -- . . r . "i or wne ana oaoy is a dish of Dalxell s Ice cream. If Mr. C. ta Th"u Sf;()Lv,,rh St-, will com -w v. . .v v niuiin lilt e-OJ 4.1 V BJ W S Will fr i mn ordr tor Quart brick ot thin ii vi i rati it tree. WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST claaa nMii,i n.,ru gaged at one Doug. J J'ounf men attending school deslr oia aner p. in. Address Braot, :04 Capitol Av W A VTrriri.i. , - -.... mm ,ui vi or aaaistanx In crai prv anri in, .. ... . . t .... oriElnate. dmlc-n ,ii - tl am conversant with modem merchandl- ing. Addres Norman G. Pocock. Colum- bus. O. HOUSEKEEPER wants position, hash eior or widower, imnneditIy. Address O 631. Be FIRct r-T a ce ,, yniucii nurr can P engaged at once. 1'hone Webster 1114. F?KLRED oman wants day work Web, tola. MAN 14, speak German and English, want position. Leon Wolskoff. JOOt Willi WANTED IntervUw with business men , 1 ,,,lrou of securing the service or Bustling young man and Is willing to psy for results. Don't car what your business Is; 1 can increase It. Not out of fornla St" f r,,'reaoe' Hank. ll CaU- SITUATION wanted by gentleman ss E J"..'1' f Jtr. can also do outside work, ahite. Addrets C 6K. Be REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Deeds filed for record June 7. 1911: Paul W. Kuhns and wife to Frsnk Weare. lot 7. block I, Floroma add.. ITS William A. DeBord ,et al., trustees, to Myrna E. Wllkins, lot . block 11, Myers, Richards & Tllden's add 1 Myria E. Wilklns to James B. Nick, erson, lot 6. block 11, cam add 1 Clair H. Hopkins and wife to John H. Flynn. a H ot lot I. block S, South Omaha t William H. Beams, executor, to Eno Bate, lot 10, block M, KounU Place t7oo Enoa Bate to Louie E. El wood, lot 10, block M.Kounts Place 1 Charles F. Weller to Louie E. El wood lot li it gad 14, block 17. Kotintx Place j Kenwood Realty Company to Georg J. Dubler, lou 777, 27a. Kenwood.... OS Burt W. Hill, et al to Mrs. E. 8. Hill, lots 5, and T, Block X Mavlls Garden . Tha United State Real! Estats and Trust company to John Kolocny, ' lot t, block 4, Kounts 6th add V. Edith and husband to EUxo J. AIll. lot 16, block 24, Walnut Hill.. 1 Melissa E. Nelson and husband to Ethel R. Kellogg, lot 1SS. Cbarlaw Height i Adeline May Hoffman to Lillian Miller, part of lot 66. S. E. Roger' Oklahoma and part of lot 22, J. E, Riley g gub LEAGAL NOTICES NOT1CS TO CONTRACTORS. STATE BUILDINOS. Plan and specification will be prepared and on file In the office of the secretary ot state and commissioner of ptfblio land and buildings for the state buildings to be constructed as provided by appropriation mad by the d session of th Nebraska legislature, vlx: t Buildings for Hospital for Insaa. Lincoln tlOO.OOt 1 Hospital building for 8. A 8. horn. Grand Island ti,00t 1 Laundry building at Hospital for Insane, Hastings 10.606 1 School ot Agriculture, Curtit 76.0U 1 Dining room addition at 8. at B. home. Milford . I.K0 1 Dining room addldan at Feeble Minded institute, Beatrice 4 Of ' Plans for th building at Grand Island ar now ready for Inspection. ADDISON WAIT. Secretary, Board ot Public Land and Building. Jl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Plans and specification for a hocpital at Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Grand Islsnd. are now on file at the office of Secretary of State and Land Commissioner. Sealed bids will be received for the construction ot same until noon. June 16, 1011. A DDI SON WAIT, Secretary Board of Publlo t pH and WulMIng JtdlOt EMERGENCY HOSPITAL TO CLOSE FOR WANT OF FUNDS Appropriation Set Astd for Thla lastltatloa 1 El naasted. "Unless th city council makes additional provision for funds for th emergency hos pital this lmsortant adiunrt to tha cltw ! affairs will hsve to be closed for th re I malnder of tha vear." stated II r B w Connell, health commissioner, Wedneslay morning. Th appropriation of R.noo aet ald by the council at the besinnlne of tha vur has been exhausted. Usually tb amount l sufficient to run th hospital, but th prevalence of smallpox In th city baa drained th fund. On hundred add seventy-seven patient have been treated at th hospital this season. With few excep tions the diseass was smallpox. A mal number of diphtheria and scarlet fvr case have been treated. Six ar confined al tha hosultal now nk smallpox, but they ar nearly ready for release. The city of South Omaha owes tha rit tor treatment of smallpox patients. A demand ror in amount will be mad at one. Th city charges 12 per day for treatment. "The only way to get additional fund will be tor th council to past an ror gency ordinance and 1 do not know whether th situation warrant It.'N aald John A. Rine, city attorney. CUPID FURAY MAKES RECORD Iasaes Seventeen Lleeaee to Peopla Wa Weald Wed Reeerd far th Year. "Cupid" Furay, marriag license clerk, was a buey man yaaterday. He issued seventeen license to as many Jun brides and bridegrooms, and In doing so set the record for thla year. Th highest number ever registered in on dsy a a In June three years ago, when twenty-nine couple were give licenses. Persistant Advertising Is th Road ta B.z Returna