TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, .TTJNT! f. Mil. A !1 1in t. Yfliite Canvas Boots and Low Cut Shoes For Hot Weather Wear This selection of White Canvas Boots and Low Shoes is undoubtedly the most Complete in Omaha. Every model is the newest and most highly approved and the quality and workmanship is all the most fastidious could require. ' Especially important is the fact that sizes throughout; the line are complete and unbroken. So popular have white shoes become that many women have had great difficulty in getting their 6ize elsewhere. Anticipating this, we are prepared with this very large stock complete in style'and sizes. Some of these "White Canvas Boots and Low Shoes are made in the special low heel models, with the new and ;r;ei8ru.".d... J3.50 and $4.00 , A handsome line of party slippers in black and white also awaits your inspection. Tift too hi TREASURE FOUND IN THE SEA Great Quantity of Gold Recovered Off Coast of Honduras. PURPOSE OF MYSTERIOUS CRUISE Expedition from Han Francisco on Steamer Eureka Gets Millions Cached by Chilean Crnlaer Year a Asjo. BAN DIEOO, Cal., June S. A message re ceived here from party of treasure seek er aboard the steamer Eurena rays their expedition to recover an Immense cache of ' gjold, hidden by the crew of a , Chilean , cruiser off the Honduran coaat, more than ' twenty years ago, has been successful. The Veasure has been variously estimated at from tl5.000.000 to $ii,0C0.O0O, according to re ports circulated heretofore. The steamer is now headed for this port. The Eureka is in command of Captain Burllss and was taken on a thirty day charter by a party of San Francisco peo ple about two weeks ago, the expedition Is said to have been financed by Harry Krell lng, a well Known club man of San Fran cisco. WASHINGTON, June s.-The movements of the steamer Eureka have given much 5 concern' to' the State and Navy depart ments for a month. The Nlcaraguan min ister hero learned through private sources that the vessel had cleared from Ban Fran cisco about May l. for the Day of Fon seca, on the west coast of Nicaragua, sup posedly with arms and ammunition. Senor Castrlllo, the Nlcaraguan minister, sus pected a revolutionary expedition directed against the government of President Dlaa, though he stated that the expedition might 1 be against another Central American . . .country, supposed ripe for revolt, p .The gunboat Tor ktown was dispatched f from Panama to San Juaa Del Sur and l afterward to Amalpa to overhaul and search the Kureka. Two days ago It re jiorted to the Navy department that no arms bad been found on the Kureka, which -, Is a steam schooner. No attempt was made to detain the Eureka, although the Nlcaraguan minister suspected that it had ' discharged its arm on some of the coast ' Island or trans-ehlpped them to some recasting vessel. i Volcano Colima is i Center of Earthquake ' Two To wm Situated Hear, it Badly Hl't Wrecked Several Livei Loit at Zapatlaa. GUADALAJARA, Mex.. June S. The ' Volcano Colima became active yesterday when the earthquake shocks were felt and i.day is emmittlng smoke and lava. The towns of Tonlla. and Ban Andres were 47 damaged by the disturbances, parts cot them being destroyed. A relief train was sent from here. MEXICO CITT, June . Dispatches from .'Tulxpan. a few mile eaat of the volcano . jplima In the j southern part of the state ol - Jalisco, say that Zapotlan suffered severely from yesterdays earthquakes. The number of victims is said to be large. A church and a number of houses were thrown down and other dwelling places rendered .unsafe, inousanas oi persons ' are homeless. TThe towns, of, Tonlla and Platnaar, situ ated near' the volcano, have been damaged. MOB FORCES INNOCENT MAN TO CONFESS ROBBERY frtenda.oC Armon Klambauah Will . Prosecute Slen Who Tor- tared Htm. --.''. i . "-HARTSViLle; Mo.. June I. It developed today that Armon Elumbaugh, who was forced fcy a mob on May 18 to confess to a rubbery' committed at Rayoorn. Mo., on May 25 was guiltless of the crime. Elum beugh was whipped and driven from the town and now officers are trying to locate him. On Saturday. May Z7. the home of John Hopkins of Hayborn was broken into and robbed. Elumbaugh was accused, but ha made a vigorous denial. The next day a mob gathered and Elumbaugh was threat ened with death unless he confessed. He admitted the robbery and was pun ished by the mob. Elumbaugh's relatives say they will pros ecute the members of the mob. "'' troys Are Dulna Well. VO&TOX. Neb.. June I (Special.) A much ..needed rain fell in this vicinity Wednesday. The crors promise a much larger yield than last year. There Is a much larger ' acreage of wheat sown thla spring than' last and It is making good ehrelber May Hetarn te Dearer. DENVER. June . President Mi Mil, of the i)enver Western league base ball club Ulay received a telegram from Clarke Griffith, manager of ths Cincinnati Na tlonela, stating that he had asked for Waivers on Barney Bchelber, the formar Denver pitcher. It la probable, therefore, that the left-hander will be back with the Denver team within a few days. f rtmrs PROBING COAL ANDC0KE DEAL (Continued from First Page.) made It a condition that the former owners should not re-enter business In competi tion with you or In certain districts?" asked Mr. Young. "No such agreement was ever made that 1 know of." "Is there any agreement, between tho Steel corporation roads and the Hill roads to keep up the freight rates?" Chairman Stanley asked. Mr. Gary Insisted there was not and added that the rates maintained now were practically the same as before the lilll road came into that territory. "There never has been any complaint to the Interstate commerce commission of the 'rates made, so far as I know," he added. - H. W. Llndabury, counsel for the 6teel corporation, added that a complaint on Oreat Northern rates In that territory was now being considered by the commission and on the result would depend the action of the Steel company as to its rates. Mr. Stanley suggested that probably one reason complaints had not been made in the cases of rates charged by the Bteel roads was because they shipped to concerns with whom they had most amicable rela tions. TABOR COLLEGE TRUSTEES HOLD ANNUAL SESSION Vacancies on Board Are Filled and C. K. Jones la Elected President. TABOR, la., June 8. (Speolal.) At the regular annual June meeting of the board of trustees of Tabor college, held here Tuesday, the following named persons were elected trustees of the college: For five years. W. H. Wyant, C. E. Jones, H. T. Woods and F. W. Long, all of Tabor; fov four years, E. W. Davis of Avoca and J. 1. Bobbins of Malvern; for one year, Wll lard Whiting of Whiting and Rev. C. S. Hanley of Shenandoah. Officers of the board chosen for the coming year are: President, C. E. Jones; secretary, M. C. Gaston. The resignation of F. W. Ide of Creston aa trustee was accepted. The local trustees were authorised to hire any teachers needed to fill vacancies; also to elect a college treasurer for the en suing year and to fix his bond and approve the same. It was voted to provide and maintain a permanent endowment fund from certain pledges and funds reoelved and henceforth W per cent of all general donations shall be placed In such fund and 60 per cent shall be used for curVent expenses of the college unless otherwise stipulated by the donors. Nine persons were graduated from the college department, two from the con serxatory of music, six from the academy, two from the commercial department. The degree of D. D. was conferred upon Rev. John Howland, Rev. Frank li. Durhant and Rev. Duane Refenbark. L A. Hill of Mason City delivered the alumni address Wednesday morning be fore an appreciative audience in the Con gregational church. This was followed by the alumni banquet, at which covers were laid for sixty. Rev. V. B. Hill of the class of '81 presided as toastmaster. A base ball game was played on the publio square diamond Wednesday after noon between the college and alumni teams, resulting In a victory for the alumni by a score of 4 to 0. Alumni bat teries: Ellis and Johnson; college, Hall and Mann. Seemed to UlTe Him a Mew Itoatack. "I auftered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried suemed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpeters. edi tor of The Sun. Lake View, O. "The first few doeta of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief ! ana the second bottle seemed to give me new stomach and perfectly good health. For sale by all dealers. DEATH RECORD Mrs. K4 Lnebke. LYONS. Neb.. June t. (Special Tele giam) Mrs. Ed.Luebke, who died at her homo touthwest of here on Monday, was burled Wednesday at the German Luth eran cemetery. Rev. J. P. Kuehnert pra:h ing the funeral service. 8he died from htart trouble. Iliaiua Hia Accidentally Shot. WKBSTER CITY.. Ia.. .June fc-(Speclal Telegram.) Jacob Haley Is dying at ths hospital in this city today. Hs is a prom inent young farmer 'from near Stanhope who accidentally shot himself In the ab domen bunUay with a .&l-ca!!ber revolver. The gun was jointed In the barrel arul exploded aa he snapped it shut. A rtereo Attack of malaria, liver derangement and kidney trouble la easily cured by Electric Bitters, the guaranteed remedy. 60c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. . S7 H PLAN CUT IN HARNESS PRICES ; State Association Tries to Arrive at More Accurate Figure. TAXABLE PROPERTY ON INCREASE Flaarra for State of low Show Total for l.aat Year Nearly Eight lllloo More Over Year Previous. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, June g. (Special Tele gramsMembers of the State Harness Makers' association have launched a state wide campaign to lower the price of harness. "The J rice of harnevs Is largely due to the Inability of the harness-maker to esti mate what it will cost him to make It," said President -A. C. Rlebel of Charlton. The first step In the campaigl was taken when an expert cutter cut the leather for a harness. The leather was then weighed. The amount of leather lost was also weighed. In this way the cost of a properly cut harness was easily determined. From the cost estimated by the experiment this morning a scale for estimating the cost will be made. The members of the asso ciation believe that in this way less loss will occur In their business and a closer state organisation will be maintained. Taxable Property Increases. The net taxable value of all property in Iowa Increased $7,957,177 In 1910, as com pared with 19CS, according to statistics com plied by Joe Wall, deputy In the office of State Auditor Bleakely. The taxable land values In that same period of time In creased $1,360,669, while the taxable value of personal property made the enormous increase of (8,232,779. Redaction In Fines. Judge McPhcrson in the federal court to day ordered a reduction in the fines assessed recently against the 6. P. Pend company and the Anderson Canning com pany, both of Keokuk, on account of viola tion of the federal pure food law. Both fines were reduced from $200 to $76 for the first named and $40 for the other. Swift to Head Eagles. It Is practically assured that Bam Swift of Dubuque, will be elected head of the state order of Eagles tomorrow and that Burlington will be the next place of meet ing. Ilarnraamakera Meet. A state meeting of the Iowa Harness- makers' association begaln in this city to day with about 200 present. Among other things an effort Is to be- made to provide some protection tor the small dealers from the competition of some jobbing houses. Dobbins Pasties Case. In the supreme court this afternoon, Judge Mitchell presented the application of John R. Dobbins, one of the Mabray defendants, who was convicted of larceny In the state courts. He contends that the court ' went wrong on many instructions. Ex-Attorney General Byers will . present-) the side of the state tomorrow. Wanted Court to Reverse Itself. An argument was made before the state supreme court today by attorneys for T. J, Gallagher of Sioux City, asking the court to reverse its recent decision in regard to the time of taking effect of the Moon law limiting the number of saloons in any city of the state to a percentage of the popula tlon. The decision affects nearly every city of the stats and Is driving a good, many saloon out of business because tbey,.se- aecured permits between the time (he law was passed and the time It went Into ef fect, the court holding that all such were illegal. Government Will Handle Mali. The state executive council today made arrangements with the Postofflce depart ment to have the mall for the atate c'apltol building carried to the building by the de partment. For many years the state baa employed a mall carrier with a team to haul the mall and distribute It. Death of Wlllard Eaton. Members of the railroad commission to day received word from Osage to the effect that Wlllard L. Eaton died at his home there today. Eaton was railroad commis sioner until the first of last January, had been speaker of the Iowa house and long prominent in Iowa affairs. He was re garded as one of the moat able and best men that ever sat on the railroad commis sion. He had been in ill health some time, James Miller, superintendent of malls in Des Moines for many years, died last night, aged 72. He was a remarkable man in that thirty-six years ago he, was terribly Injured In an accident when he was a mail agent and had a part of his head and face literally burned off by a red-hot stove. He continued In the service until two months ago. Assessment Principle Settled. In the supreme court today a decision was rendered "In a Des Moines case settling the principle to be followed In the matter of deduction of real estate values from as sessment of corporations. The court held that the arsessed value of the real estate should be taken from the assessed value of the capital stock, and that the courts and, the review boards should take note of the fact that real estate la not assessed at Its full value. The lower court had deducted the supposed real value of the real estate from the astessed value of the capital stock. No 'BootlesTglns;" In Restaurant. The supreme court In a case from Jasper county also decided thst "bootlegging" can not be done from a restaurant. A restaurant man had been found selling Pabst mead," which on examination wa One of Omaha's Young y Old Men Enjoys His Birthday Thirty-three years service as a Justice of the peace would seem like a long life's work for most men, but Justice George C. Cockrell of Omaha, who yesterday passed his 76th birthday, U really an able to serve many yeitrs more. Born In Green county, Illinois, In 1836, he was beginning a successful life when the war broke out. When he enlisted with the Ninety-stventh Illinois he was taken through the seige of Vlckaburg, captured and, through the bitter vicissitudes of that cam paign, lost his health. When he re turned to his home at Jerseyvllle, he was made Justice- of the peace, and few people thought he would last long even In that comparatively qmet work. But he went through twenty-one years of It there and twenty years ago he came to Omaha and has spent twelve of those years aa an ffU-er of Douglaa county.. He has always been a sound republican. His wife, who ia also past the al loted three score and ten is as hale and active as he. Harry B. Cockrell and George M. Cockrell of Omaha are his sons, and he has one daugh ter. Mrs. M. A. Warren of Jerseyvllle, Ilk Several of his five graadchildren are grown men and women. -Today be claims the honor of being the oldest young man in Omaha. Commercial Club is Aroused OMAHA, June T. 1911 Honorable a. M. Hitchcock, United Htstes Sen ator, Washington. D. C: According to a Washington dispatch appearing In this morning's World-Herald, "Omaha will not suffer much as a result of the changea In army departmental and divisional headquarters." The article goes on to say "this Is made clear In a report sent to the senate by the War department today (June th) In re sponse to a. resolution of Inquiry by Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska." If the Information which we have at hand In authentic, and we have It from sources that command our con fidence and respect, but which we must protect, the War department has only treated the matter In a general way and has withheld detail. Which If given, would have made It Impossible, In our Judgment, for your correspond ent to send such a dispatch as he did. From the various newspaper Items and from other confidential sources, we learn that our department head quarters will lose Colonel Gray (chief surgeon) with three clerks and one messenger; Colonel McCarthy (chief quartermaster) with fifteen clerks and one messenger; Major De Vore (chief of staff) with seven clerks and two messengers; Majors Dundy and Las alter (Inspectors general) with two clerks and one messenger, Captain O'Connor (judge advocate) with three clerks. Major Walker (chief engineer officer) with1 two clerks, Major Lord (chief paymaster) with two clerks and one messenger. Colonel Eastman will loose his office of chief commissary, carrying with It three clerks, but re tains the office of purchasing commis sary. We will lose one clerk each to the present aides, who act as chief ordnance officer and Inspectors small arms practice. This makes a total et eight officers, thirty-nine clerks and six messengers , a errand total of fifty-three men. whose monthly sal aries will amount to over $4,000, an average of about $115 each. So much for the loss of officers, offices and men. That la bad enough, but from a com mercial standpoint that Is not the whole story. In the transfer of the chief quarter aaster and , chief commissary from Omaha to Chicago Is Omaha's greatest loss, for the reason that after July 1 all requisitions for either quarter master or commissary supplies for this department will go direct to Chi cago Instead of- coming here and the purchase and shipment of supplies to fill same will be directed from there. The natural tendency of these two de partments will be to buy everything through the purchasing departments at that point. What will be ordered purchased here will be comparatively Insignificant, although the War de partment would have us believe that the retention of a purchasing commis sary In Omaha will give us practically the same business In the future as In the past It looks to us as If out gen eral issue and supply depot, for which we have worked so many years to es- " tabllsh and build up will be practically wiped out. If not entirely, It will be , a long step In that direction. It looks as If the Influence of Chicago In the purchase of government supplies is almost beyond our ability to meet. We have but recently come through a hard tussle with them on Indian sup plies and only auoceeded when, we showed .them in black -and white that , the businesa belonged here and that goods could be purchased to beet ad vantage through an Omaha depot. But with three Chicago men In the president's -cabinet, we do seem to be . up against It. It seems as If Chicago, New York and San Francisco are go ing to be the three market points that are to receive Uncle Sam's favor In the ' future. No matter what fine distinction may be drawn between administrative, territorial or the tactical handling of military divisions, the Department of the Missouri loses Forts Russell, Riley and Leavenworth. These being commanded by brigadier generals, become separate and independent mili tary reservations, so far as this de partment la concerned, and will, after July L report direct to Chicago. The enlargement of thla department by found to contain too much alcohol. As soon as he found It out he quit. But an effort was made to prosecute him because It-was an act of 'bootlegging"' though conducted In connection with a restaurant. The court refused to take this view. Supremo Coart Decisions. R. W. Fordyca, appellant, againat C. H, Humphrey, Taylor county; reversed. August Tetzloff against George H. May, appellant, Floyd county; reversed. Lena Haker against Jewel Tea com pany, appellant. L4nn county; affirmed. Farmers Savings bank, appellant, against W. J. Newton, Lyon county; affirmed. Augusta itelchaner, appellant, against John Born. Btory county; affirmed. W. fc). Bremer, appellant, against O. J. Hoag. Bremer county; affirmed. Harry Barr, appellant, against S. F. Neel. Jasper county; affirmed. Valley Investment company against Board of Review of Des Moines, appellant. Folk county; reversed. Josephine Offll, appellant, against Wit beck & Co., Jsaper county; modified. Take Mine Bxamlnatloa. Eight miners appeared before the Bute Mine Examing board today to take the examination for certificates, four for hoist- GEORGE C. COCKRELL. ( .:..': t ,, ; ,1 ' u - - ju Ta.i ! -- - ra ii ,i the addition of the state of Colorado Is a joke, there being nothing In the entire state but a recruiting station at Fort Logan. - Aa an excuse for alt of this up heaval Is alleged a great saving In administrative expense. We all know Uncle Sam has a peculiar way of handling some of his accounts; that In making purchases for the War de partment account Is not taken of what It costs to transport supplies from the point of purchase to the ultimate destination, so that when the statement Is made that a great saving Is to be affected. It may be Just another case of "robbing Peter to pay Paul." We can see no way of saving very much except through clerical hire, as the salaries of of ficers and the expense of maintain ing offices at the various points will continue just the same, except In the case of Denver, where they are now renting space. If, as seems to be their plan, a large number of clerks will be located In Chicago, they will In alt likelihood have to go to quite an ex pense for office space there, as the army headquarters located in Chicago postofflce building are said to be crowded right now. On the other hand, Omaha la reputed to have the finest and best equipped office build ing for War department purposes any where outside of Washington, with all the room and every facility necessary. To summarise the situation as we see It, we are confronted by a very serious condition. Here is what hap pened within the last year, and, as we have frequently said, If we cannot add something to our headquarters or mili tary possessions from time to time, we will sooner or later lose what we have. Last summer we learned too late to forestall it, although we worked hard to have It rescinded, that an order had been Issued discontinuing disbursing quartermaster's offices here, through which had been ad justed and paid all bills for trans portation expense. This took from Omaha six or seven men and their families, and most of them went to Chicago. This reduced our bank de posits and clearings accordingly. In the early part of this year orders were Issued transferring from Omaha to Denver the purchase of all com missary stores for Fort Russell (Cheyenne), Fort Robinson (Craw ford),' Fort Meade (Sturgls) and Fort Mackenzie (Sheridan), regardless of the fact that 80 per cent of subsist ence stores for these reservations could be delivered at these posts from Omaha at less expense than from Den ver. This change alone reduced the purchases made at Omaha by 66 per cent, measured by the number of men at these points. When the troops re turn from the Mexican border the purchases made In Omaha for groceries, teas, coffee, sugar, spices, meats, lard, ham, bacon, etc., will be only ts per cent of what they were at the beginning of thla year. Now we are to have our headquar ters force reduced to practically noth ing, so that later on the same may be said of Its abandonment as General Wood now say of Denver that under , the new order of . things the loss of their headquarters Is Insignificant, only a matter of seven men. The article referred to In the open ing paragraph of this letter . Is, ac cording to our Jdvlces. misleading to our members and our cltlaena.. ' It does not tell the truth. Omaha will lose fifty-three men, ten departments, and what Is more serious in the long run, practically all of our prestige .as a military center and a purchasing point. Therefore, at a meeting of the executive committee held the 6th lnst. a resolution was unanimously adopted Instructing the forwarding of this let ter to you protesting most vigorously against the reorganisation that will be so Injurious to our Interests and at the same time questionable from a War department standpoint and urging that our senators and repre sentatives give the matter, which Is as important to Nebraska as It Is to Omaha, their immediate and personal attention. J. M. GUILD, Commissioner. Ing engineers and four for pit bosses. The articles of incorporation were filed today for the Modern Woodmen Commer cial club of Bryant, Clinton county, with 110,000 capital. Coart Decision Delayed. The decision of Judge McPherson In the express rate case has been delayed longer man expected, and he has not yet deter mined whether the commerce court law applies to this case, which would mean calling In two other federal judges to net wun mm. A new question has been raised O the effect that no matter how this case may be decided the coal rate case soon to be heard will come under the clause of the commerce court requiring three Judges be cause In that case the Iowa 2-cent fare law is involved and Its constitutionality at tacked. ' FORTUNE IN LAND IS DEEDED TO DAUGHTERS Mr. ssi Mrs. Carl Gronaa Give Real Estate Worth aarer Millies) to Their Two Chlldrea. DENISON. Ia., June l.-(8peclal.)-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gronau of this city this week deeded to their dlughters property valued at $2jO,000. The recipients are Mrs. B. J. Blbbert of Denlson and Mrs. John D. Slevers of Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. (Jrnau come to Denlson as a wagonmaker thirty years ago. His savings, the result of close economy, he placed In lands and finally became poesessed of property valued as above. The lands are In Clark and Spink counties, South Dakota, and Stuts man and Burleigh counties, North Da kota. The Gronaus have yet plenty of means for their comfort through life. Maety-Mne Tears Old. CHARLES CITY. Ia.. June .-(6pecial.) Yesterday Father Luclan M. Foster cele brated his ninety-ninth birthday and he Natural Laxative Water 8peedy Sur Gentle QuickC RtUeves CONSTIPATION J-iUaimos a3j f&rn V an Informal Opening and Special Display of Mid-Summer Millinery Consisting of Over 200 Exquisite Lingerie, Milan, Leghorn, Chip, Butavia and Neapolitan Pattern Hats. Prices on These Patterns are Very Reasonable, Ranging from $6.75 to $12.50 Every Dark Colored Hat Cut to Cost KERN, 1508 Douglas St. HOT AND DRY 1 Our fountain spray will keep your lawn 1 wet and cool the best "-'-Sv !.- h''ss ' ------aaaaaMiaBaasasasaBagisssBnBSWI a Coat and Pants to Order $17.50 g Our Previous to Invoicing Sale - Is bringing us lots of new customers, keeping our workmen busy and', very materially reducing our large stock of woolens and trimmings. -. a-r. JSvery suit In the store reduced from 25 to 40. Every coat ' lined with good alpaca. Every garment well made and guaranteed perfect In fit and style. See the display In our show windows. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-800 South 10th St. Five Steps South of Far nam. feels aa sure of living to celebrate his hundredth as can be. He came down town and visited with all the county officials at the court house and then called upon his old friends 'among the merchants. It was quite a gala day. He was born In New York state In 181 and has had a life re markably free from Illness. He Is now strong and full of vigor. He has a brother living back in the old New York home who la five years bla senior. Marshalltown Mar Be Dry. MARSH ALL TOWN, la., June (.-(Special Telegram.) Unless the district court rules differently than did the board of super visors late thla afternoon, when the board decided the saloon petition of consent In sufficient by 129 names, the city will be dry. The board refused to accept 14S with drawals filed by the wets to counteract the tog withdrawals to the original petition ruling that the withdrawals were auto rnatio. Foley's Kidney Remedy Is particularly recommended for chronic eases of kidney and bladder trouble. It tends to regulate and control the kidney and bladder action and Is healing, strength ening and bracing. For sale by all drug gists. "Stetsons cost mora by the pair, but Use by the year." The Last Word in Shoe Science is Stetson." Stetson Science stands for style, elegance and wearability. Walking and health health and success. Wear a Stetson and you will have these aids to happiness. The Dickey is a favorite style combining smartness with foot-ease. Get acquainted with Stetson foot-comfort' and style. For Sale by HAYDEll BROS. Omaha Agents. RttT J HEALTH TV SSmR AND CHILD. M. Wmaujw'a Soot mi no Svsvr baa bees, owi toi over blXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHVKS lor their CMlLt'KEN W1ULB TKKTHING, wtth FEEKKCT SICCUS. It SOOTHKS the CHILD. SOHTPN the GUMS, ALLAY all PAIN ; CL'KKH WIND COLIC, and I the beat remedy lor DlABRHcKA. It ia ah. aoluiely harmlcae. Be man ant ak for " Mr a. Wiaakiw'a Soothlag syrup," anu Use M eUas kiad.- Tares ly-A" caste boUJa. Hotel Rome Summer Garden Moving Pictures Six-Piece Orchestra Coolest PUc In Omaha. 8:80 Every Kventaf 10 Cents, ANNOUNCES for Friday and Saturday. for the least. t . Liunning Hardware Co., 1612 Harney St. For the Graduate.' , A fitting remembrance for; this important ' commence ment event in the life of a young boy or girl may . be purchased at this Btofe from a wide assortment of just tho gifts that will be most appre ciated. Whether it be a riris bracelet, scarf pin, watch or vanity case, it wiil be the best at its price the best in its part i o u 1 a r class. Don't Merely Buy Inveax. Albert Edholm $ JEWELEU. .- Sixteenth and Harney gts, - DOUGLASS .1 AA9 IRANXUN TAX I CAB AMUSEMENTS. THE SEASON IS NOW ON AT MANAWA. Versoaallj Maaaged by M. 1C Bars OUR NEW BALLROOM A MAGNIFICENT Bl'CCEUS, BEAU TIU'L, AIRV, PERFECT FLOOR, EXCELLENT ML SIC. THOL'8 ANDH HAVE ENJOYED IT AND WERE PLEASED. Otaer Attractions are Batter Tbaa Bver Before. Free Bead Coaoerts Afternoons and Evenings by Oovalt's Band. Admlssloa to Vark FBtB. OH1I11 IDBat UMMX m now i i rwn luronuiii aid xia LLUIU HtUnMnMIYl BTOCJC CO first Time In any Omaha Theater of BAafiTwi... THE MELTING POT Lloyd Insraham aa "Lavld Qulxano" Brgs. lO-U&ej fa -t as SUrt Vaiat Mats. Sunday and We "The Lottery Man," 1 DOUGlAslps