THK.HKK.' OM ATI A, WlOEsTRTUT, JTJ!vR 7,1911. 12 tfpafffiauiMiai art: Anvmrjxr MUZi 1 r HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX MEN'S SUM MER WEIGHT SUITS, $22.50 and $25.00 Values, special lot on sale, at Tnnraday la Oar See Our Trimmed Hats at $5 Nothing to Equal the " Distin guished' Hats at $5 5V Saturday Jt. Is tba 4- Biff 'Vy of Stan's ' mrnish- Bala ot Bits at tl.SS 31 IIP H li H t i y fj r nr n it. U1C GHl R. & K. OTCKICS TKAUfNO 1 )J STAMPS ETEltY TIMF.. J ON OUR SECOND FLOOR Women's Shantung COATS THpkp Ijoncr Shantunir Coats are thff most practical of all coats for mid summer wear, vv e show a great va riety of new styles, in two special t r'r'n:'r:i::;...J5and Jio These new wash frocks are in all colors; i ' the styles are all new this season. $T jij Special group on second floor, at...v k wwur tav rrrriry c!t-ct oTriuipa TVia nrnr.tirvnl nVirt. fnr everv-dav wenr; v? well tailored and made of sneciallv good quality of gray worsted. Will give splendid service. A special $C group, at ... v WEDNESDAY SPECIALS ON MAIN FLOOR. U 45-Inch Imported Hiffh Grade Silk Embroidered H3Q . . - A W " - V". Voile Skirtings, Worth up to $3 a Yard at, Yard. ..-I & Exquisite new designs in black on white, also the new shades of coral, blues and lavender, etc., on white, grounds worth up to $3 a yard at, yard ; $1.39 1! S"'' J 18 and 22-Inch Embroideries, Worth Up to 50c, at 25c. E Flouncings, skirtings, corset coveHngs, wide insertions and y J galloons all choice, new designs. Many worth, 50c (T Tj a yard bargain square at, yard. Women's Mercerized Silk Finished Lisle and Cotton Hose Fast black, also tans, white and light colors, full fashioned, regular made and seamless, worth '25c at, "I lUt pair. SPECIAL Wash Goods Section. 38-inch lisle thread fancy voiles all Bhades, in cluding cream, white ana pastel Bhades. These 59c voiles, at, yard 29c SPECIAL Silk Section. All our 59c and $1 36-inch jol and 27-inch all silk TussaTi ijK 11 J T pongee siiks ai, yara i 39c - 49c - 69c THURSDAY IS OUR SPECIAL SALE Women's Untrimmed Mid-Summer Hats Hundreds of horsehair, fine tagal and French chip un trimmed shapes not one worth less than $5, many as high as $10 Thursday, your choice, at $1.98 THURSDAY is our BIG SHOE SALES SAMPLES AND SHORT LINES OF EST LOW SHOES From the Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. of Omaha. THE BARGAINS WILL BE AMAZING. Wnmon'a rmfpnt hc nTirl tn kir. nvfnrHs. wnrfh ifc fiO to j. in fc rnir ot 1 fl , Women's Blucher lace oxfords, worth $2, at : . .98c Men's shoes and oxfords, worth up to $3.50, at $1.95 Women's soft kid oxfords, worth $2 pair, at .$1.35 Girls' oxfords, worth $2 and $2.50, at ....$1.39 Bovs' and Girls' Barefoot sandals, worth up to 75c and $1 pair, at 49c THURSDAY IN OUR BASEMENT SHOE DEPT. BRANDEIS STORES ?JmQ &acs3 ftrrQ fSoc20 4HB&!d Saes 5we0 3 omasa's nrmv rOCS OXHTBA 'Specials" ia Oar Fresh Fruit taJ Vegetable Dtpartneat 3 larg bunches Asparagua .104 1 2 ears Sweet Corn 50 12 bunches Radishes 10 Fancy Head Lettuce 5 and 10 Strawberries, choice, per box t 10: fancy, per bos . . -15 fi SOe JuJcy Sweet Oranges, per dox B at 20? A 4S-lb. Lotus"' Flour ...$1.20 Strictly Fresh Peanut Buttr (Our Own Make), per lb.- .... 2 Full Cream Brick Cheese, per lb. l -15, Fine Celery Relish (Bulk), per 20t Stuffed Mellow Mongoes (Table RelUh), per dozen .... . . 50f Our Best Country Butter (In San lUry Jars), per lb 20 tKZB& Q5tt& Go Qva Caaak C& Ce5 ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS 4 . All correct forms In curren; social usage) engraved in tho best manner r.nd punctually delivered when premised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY i - and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 HOWARD ST. . morm txw. f7 XlWf 11111114111 Both Practical and Comfortable ' Without doubt, you will be pleased with our showing of dainty, sturdy glnghsm dresses for these sweltering days styles suitable for both home and 6treet wear. " The majority of them have yokes of allover em broidery In new designs, and either square or round Dutch necks a few high neck styles for those who prefer them The prices quoted on these fine dresses will also be matters of lasting satisfaction $6.95, $7.95, $8. 9ft and $10.00. Combination Dresses of high grade ginghams with white waists of embroidery or embroidered In colors or white; the very newest styles trimmed with buttons, narrow braids and self or contrast ing materials; all sizes In pink, lavender, light blue, black ana white; $6.95 87.05 $8.05 and $10.00 uest you forget we remind you of the suit sale which1 con tinues. CHOICE OF ALl TAILORED SI ITS IN Of It STOCK formerly sold up to $45.00 each, while they last . . I 1 1 II IS Aw $15.00 Women With Small Feet Can Save on Shoes On the bargain tables, Wednesday, women with small feet will find a great collection of shoes in desirable styles, that were regularly priced up to $3.60 the pair, at $1.69. The assortment consists of patents, tans and velvets In sites two to four and AA, A, B and C widths. ' Choice, Wednesday, at. $3.50 Dorolhf Dodd Summer Footwear at $2 45 Dorothy Dodd patent colt, four-eyelet tie oxfords with turned soles, high arches and short vamps; all sizes and all widths, regularly sold at AQ ylQ $3.60 the pair, Wednesday, pair ptt4u One Lot of Tatent Colt, Ankle Htrap Pumps and Dress Oxfords, In new, down-to-date styles, $3.00 and $3.60 values, priced as a leader for Wednesday's business, at, per . pair $2.45 $1.69 Summer Corsets at Special Prices A special lot of clean and desirable corsets made of cool batiste and strongly boned medium bust styles with long skirts and embroidery trimming and high bust styles with medium hips and lace trimming regular $1.60 and $2.00 values, your choice, at ' 98c Kayser's and Fowoe's Silk Gloves for Summer Wear are to be found In ample variety at this store not a stinted collection, but a stock that will satisfy every need as regards color especially the shades that are hard to get and sizes. These gloves are made with scrupulous care and In such a way that will fully satisfy the most particular. Double finger tipa and reinforced 1 tops help out the wearing qualities. A Kayser Noreltj Silk Glore at $1.25 the Pair Finely made, four-button lengths, with narrow tucked wrists. Come In black, white and all colors and sizes. ' Xaysf Wrist &natli (Moras In black, whits and all colors; SOo, TBo and 91.00 the pair. Xayssra Wrist X,nfkh Olovas in button lengths, with double finger tips and topi, come In wlilte only, a very special value at flJIS the plr; AH elxea. Career's ia-button Xenffth CHores In black, white and all colors, 91.00 aad 91,75 the pair. rewae's 18-button reafftb BUk Gloves, In black, white and all colors, special attention Is called to the very -large asortment of hard to-get shades In this celebrated make 91-00, and $1.78 th pair. i Groceries Underpriced for Wednesday and Thursday Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack 91.30 1 lb. itenneits Capitol Coffee . ...80o and 30 stamps. 1 lb. Bennett's Golden Coffee . ..S6o and 20 stamp. 1 lb. Assorted Teas Mo and 60 stamp3. 1 lb. Tea Sittings , 160 and 10 stamps. 10 bars New Style Laundry Soap 2 So S pkgs. Swift's Pride Cleanser . .SSo and 10 stamps. 1 can .Walker's Chile Con Carne . .150 and 16 stamps. Two Jars Peanut Butter 30a and 10 stamps, t cakes York Violet Toilet Soap 350 and 10 stamps. Pkg. Cream of Rye Breakfast Food for 15o and 10 stamps. bars Electric Spark White Soap SSo I cans Hullel Beans with chicken SSo an l 30 stamps. 3 large cans Columbia Milk SSo 80c can Llbby's ABparagus 80o Can Broclcport Orated Pineapple lOo and 10 stamps. Double Stamps on Granulated Sugar. Bargains From the Hardware Store 12 and 14-inch ' "Hob White" Lawn Mowers, regular $3.50 val ues, at $2.75 S.VOO Ball Hearing Lawn Mowers, at . $3.08 Stiongly Made Grass Catchers, at, each 49 Good 25c Grass Shears, at 10c?. All Steel Hose Heels that will hold 100 feet of hose, $4.00 values, at $2.50 Children's 3-plece Garden Sets, at, each 10 5c 'Kxtra Heavy Hetinned Sauce Pans with heavy round handles, 6 quart size, at 22 Heavy Blue and White Enameled Tea and Coffee Pots, In two to five Quart sizes, values up to $1.50, choice 49 Sale of Sanitary Folding Metal Couches LIKE THE ILLUSTRATION $3.60 values, at $2.75 $4.76 values, at .... S4.0O $6.76 values, at $5.00 f.4.50 Pads or Mattresses to fit the above couches, at $3.75 made ot felt and will not pack These pad a bard or lump. GhicagoDeach Hotel (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN PLAN) An Ideal resort delightfully situated on Lake Michigan, 10 minutes' ride from Chicago's theatre, shopping and business district. It combines the restful quiet of country and seashore with the attractions of a great city. Here, surrounded by beautiful lawna and flower beds, you can obtain every hot weather comfort; you can aleep in cool, airy rooms; refresh yourself In the surf of the smooth, sandy beach, and find best of food temptingly served. The grounds of This Finest Hotel en the Great Lakes adjoin the great South Parka, famous for their golf links, tennis courts, lagoons, lakes, boulevards, horticultural displays, etc. Those wishing quiet find the secluded nooks they seek, while others enjoy all the sum mer gaieties. The touriat, transient or sum mer guest finds always a hearty welcome. ' Illustrated beehlet esj re Quest ta Manage 1st MvaV mm4 Lake here, Chieag Mi Barefoot Joy Thre Is nothing a child will en Joy more, during the summer sea sonthan a pair of Barefoot San dals. . Cool und easy on the foot and lined with a soft, porous leither. Harefoot Sanduls for children crow more popular every summer. We are showing several of the best styles, In all sixes. They are Inexponslve comfort. $1.16 $1.35 $1.50 Provide the children with Hare foot Sandalu and let them enjoy a full measure of summer com fort. Fry Shoe Co. THE SHOERS lAth and Douglas Streets. ABOVE ALL IN QUALITY IT T V y For Honie Consumers -PHONE- Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119 UJm. J. Boekhoff i Retail Dealer. ; . s Office, 803 So. 7th St For Wealth of Health I FRED KRUC CQ Ooasaaseni' PtstTfbntetsi Ma Nidler, 32)4 St. 24th St, Omkt tnt Elvcn, 2S24 Q SL, S.stk Osukt C Cbu, CmscU Bsjlb, Iiv NERVES WMfin PT1T? Weak and nervous men r uuu r .ho flnd lhelr DOWeP to wurk and youthful vigor one as a result ul uter work or mental exertion should take OKAY'S NERVE FOOD - FILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and ue a man agaan. 11 Box. 3 Boxes 12.50 by mall. ISZSHAM II MoOOHirX.Z. DBTJd CO. vor. mtn ana voan owl DBuacoHfAmr, Co. lath and Kara? Sts. Omaha. Bsa LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. STATE BUILDINGS. Plans and specifications will be prepared and on tile In the office of the secretary of state and commissioner of publlo lands and buildings for the state buildings to be constructed as provided by appropriations made by the zza session or me rseorasaa legislature, vis: t Ruiidinaa for HosDltal for Insane, Uncoln 1100,000 1 Hospital building for S. & B. home, Orand Island 16.000 1 Laundry building at Hospital for In.una Haatlrma 30.000 1 School of Agriculture. Curtis "a,WO 1 IMninir rnnm addition at S. & S. home. Mllford 1W0 i ninlnr room addition at Feeble Minded Institute. Beatrice ...V 4 i0 Hans for the butldlntrs at Orand Island are now ready ror inspection. ADDISON WAIT, Secretary. Board of Public Lands and Buildings. IS Plans and specifications for a hotpltal at a 1.1 . mwA ti llnr.' ir,,m OrAnil lMlund. nurai... - -- " - --. are now on file at the office of secretary M . ' . .. . m. A f nnl inMmlil.ilinHr I.HU 1 - VII Ol.lO V. " - ----- bids will be received fur the ronstruction . ' ..-.II - 1S 11 .III. vl sarov uiiiii iiwviti uh . . KOK WAIT. Hecratary Board of Public lianas ana BUiiaings. jixtiu. GOVERNMENT NOTICES B A I LEY (EL M A C H NTIISTU Bm. eqalrvv Aaiital fffln la th middle imi .Twl4 AeaUstxy at reasonable prloaa. farceialn (ullaia, Jas Ua itm wota. AJi lau-iais caxefull siarillieS af ia e WRB VXOOtl. TAXTOX ULOCH PBXJPOaALS FOK RKPA1KS TO POST Hoapltai, Etc, Office of the Uuartar- maaier. Kort lok. K'ebtaaka. Ma? 1 lall. Bea-Le4 propoaala, hi trtiut.-ate, tor repala:- Ing all exterior wood ana metaJ wore c Post MusnltaJ and Dead Houaa, two etiars uid and furnl.i-hiTiB p-vr arreen doors a&d wtsdowa, furolnninc swinging f r ti. repalrisg Ulnvg Juaju enr g asa oea regutars, furulabing and inaiaiUnK torec baxb tu Its and ena uiliial, la Post UupjUiai conatrurUng clukin teae; farn-bj two new Aotb and repairing iur supply pdpaa of Dead House; and tapvlfiat liruahea, giaaa. peonis. e-n uar nas el Poat Surgcum. will be reoNved aC this of tu-m omJJ 11 A. it. June U11. and than publloly oiraned. A cu-UUa chaik for IS mt oent af the axnoujit ox the pmpaaaJ must accompany revrii bid. Blank forms and Information caa be obtained at this offlra- nvelupas eosttaiaing propoKals aboiUd be Indursa -Trioaia for Ksiiuii s to rust tlusiutai. ana aaaroaaaa Hi Lip tain Campbeli . BatMOck. tuaftermssiar Big Special Purchase u p s ON SALE, BEGINNING WEDNESDAY The proa tost lot of bargains ( bargains) sliown in Omaha in many soasona. Don't miss tliom. 5C0 Glen's and Ladies' Umbrellas, all now stylo handles, made to sell up to $3.50, on sale Wednesday, in two lots, at, each 98l' and $1.50 500 Fine All-Silk Umbrellas, with silver, gold and pearl handles, made to sell up to $10.00 at, ejwli $2.J25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50 Finest Line of Parasols in Omaha, all newest colorings and styles, most attractively priced, at, from 98c to $7.50 Children's Parasols, at, each 19c 25c and 50c Ladies' Bathing Suits, big assortment of styles and colors, $1.98 to $7.50 Children's Umbrellas, 18 to 2-4 inch sizes, at, each . .49c and 98c Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits, at . .49c and 98c Domestic Room Specials for Wednesday Lawns and Batiste, all good patterns and colors, at yard . .' . . . .7 Lawns' and Batiste, 15c grade, for 10 Mercerized Foulards, In stripes and figures, good quality, yard . .10J 36-Inch Percales, In black and white stripes, and checks, at, yard 10 Blue Indigo Prints, fast colors, at, a yard 4 Bordered Prints, good assortment, at, a yard 5 He A good bleached Muslin, Satisfaction, yard wide, 10c grade, yd. 7Htf A good Unbleached Muslin, extra good quality, sold always at 10c, at, per yard 7Hf Bath Towels, good size, 16c grade, Wednesday, each 11 81-90 Lexington Sheets, extra good quality, always sold at 69c, ca. 45f 45-36 Parkvllle Pillow Cases, always sold at 15c, each 11 We Advise Our Customers to Put Up Pineapples Now -A carload of extra fancy Florida Kncapples. on track and extra flue. Medium slzo, each "Ho per doren 8,10 Medium, large size, each 84c Per dozen 90c 36 size, large, each 10c Per dozen $1.10 30 slie, extra fancy, each 12 Ho Per dozen 60 cases liome grown Cherries, packed 24 boxes to case, nt, esse $1.85 Monday's prices on all Qroosrlss, Bnttsr, Ohsesa and Crackers. Town Talk Hajflsn's Frssh ra table Prices I Fresh .lome-grown Peas, all you want, per quart 0 Fresh Home-grown Spinach, kit you want, per peck 6c Fresh Home-grown Padlahes, 8 bunches So Fresh Home-grown Onions, bunches for 6o Fresh Home-grown Turnips, ' bunches for j..tfa Fresh Home-grown Beets. 8 bunches for 5o Fresh Home Grown Lettuce, 8 bunches for So t Fresh Home-grown Parsley, bunches for .....5a Fresh Wax or Green Beans, per pound 7o OOtTT FORGET TRY UAYDEN'S FIRSTS PAYQ kS) "Vim J The Wedding Days Are June days. Every lady enjoys silver to furnish her table. When you get the Invitation, spend a few minutes in our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street PjjA -.- ... Ill I I J - -J-.l ,-JJI.; ljjJI.J. uJUH. 'i 'j.' ": iff t-i r - aij i itn () If you can't make a living in Eleven months you won't in Twelve What hnveyou done to replace the brain tissue and the meat tissue that you have worn out? , You are stale and stilted; you need an overhauling. Go to Colorado and make a new man of your old self. Take a Rocky Mountain air bath. Soak your pores in the tingling, ambition-laden ozone of the Rockies and return home with a balance in the bank of, virility, against which you can check out a full year of as hard-as-you-please labor. Any way of going to Colorado is a good way because it gets you to Colorado, but the best way is . Rock Island Lines 40 Dovr, Colorsdo Spring 4 Putbloth tint wars' a tfiitmi tb lmt word la emmfort Splendidly equipped fast trains for Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the Pacific Coast provide electric lighted sleepers in which the air is always fresh berths as . bis as teds, dining cars and observation cars. One night on the way. Let me tell you about the very low fares. IlluitroUd bookUtt frtt far tk atking. 2. S. HcNally, Division rassenjer Agent 1323 faraaas St.. Osaaba. Nsb. nttoi ii it .if. irititi't . i l cs Uuaika, Hav 4U I nf- " 1 rv Uuartarmaster.