TIIFBEE: OMTiA, MOXPAY, .TTTNT: Cubs Tie Giants for Lead in National T, pa mi p Rarp- ftniirfcpQ Thqp fn .Anfalnnoo J ANTELOPES DEFEAT ROURKES Appleg-ate's Delivery Prove! Puzzle to the Viiiton. FINAL SCOBE IS FOUK TO TWO Mehoff ; Knocks Oat Himf Ren William Hwirfi Tkrrf-Raw Hit Fonr Sacrifice Hit Klrrrn M fttrlke Oat. MXCDLN. June 4 Omaha could not hit Applegnte with any success snd Lincoln won, 4 to 2. Score: LINCOLN'. An. n If. O. A. E. agnler, tK t'nglaub. 2b... Miller, cf Colin, rf Cnrkman, 3b... McOormlrk. If. Thomas, lb Stratton.' c Aplegate, p... 4 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 10 10 0 Totals J9 4 27 12 1 ' ',, OMAHA. AB. R. It. O. A. E. Pick, Sh 10 14 10 Kane, lb o 0 ' ft 0 0 Williams, rf 1 1 1 ' 1 0 0 King, rf..... 4 0 0 2 0 1 Srhnoover, If 4 0 0 8 0 0 Kneaves. aa , 2 0 0 2 1 0 Agnew, c 2 0 1 4 3 2 Kail, p 2 0 0 2 4 0 Total '...... 27 2 4 24 .. 27 2 4 24 12 Unroln 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 4 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Run batted In: C.agnler, Cobb (2; Nle hoff (2). Home run. Nlchoff. Three-baae hit: Wllllama. Io!ble play: I'nckmtn to Thomaa to Stratton; (lagnler to I'nglaub to Thnmaa; Hall to rirk. Left on baaea: Lincoln, 5; Omaha, ri. Smten bases: Oagnler, Unglaub t2t. Miller. MeOormlck (2). thomaa. Sacri fice hlta: Applegate, Kane, Wllllama. Ag new Struck out: Applcgate, 7; by Hall. 4. Baaea on bnlla: Off Applegate, 4; off Hall. 4. Wild pitch: Hall. Time: 1:40. em pire.: Gondlng and Fox. htogixs pnors TWO to DGIVEn Dra Molnea Pat t'p a Poor Exhibition of .Raa Ball in Second Game. DENVER. June 4 Tha Pea Molnea team ptayed poor ball and lost both (tame today to Denver, the flrat name. IS to 3, and the second. 14 to 1. The aecond irama on He Molnea' part waa the pooreat baae ball ever witnessed on the local around. O'Brien pitched both name and the vlaltora were unable to do anything with hla delivery,.- DENVER. AB. R O. A. E. 2 3 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 7 0 0 2 0 1 2 4 0 8 0 0 2 0 27 14 1 O. A. E. 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 40 1 0 lit l 4 8 8 1 2 1 0 0 20 e o o 24 14 i TJnvd. 2b-ss. .. 0 Iraore, cf. Csastdv. rf. .., Bea't tt Onlllln." 3h. 1 (nil say. lb. ... Co"v. aa Wrldcnaaul, 2b. Hrahr, c O'Piieo, p. ..... ... 3 Toivla 37 13 1 DBS MUINK4 AB. R. H. Anderaon, rf. 5 0 0 Colltgan. as. 4 13 Turtle, if. s i i Mstt'rk. cf 4 l J Dwyen lb. 4 o 1 Korea. 3b. a 4 0 0 Graham. 2b 8 0 0 Lynch, c .1... 3 0 0 Bens, p. ...t., 1 0 0 Herachy., p. . '.. 2 0 1 Fachant .. 1 0 0 Total .....34 - Datted for Bens 'in fifth Denver Tla MaItim 0 0448002 13 0 1 1000100 3 - ........" w v v i v v a riimen naaea: j.ioya. Brail. Mttlek. Korea Oassldv. Two-ba.e till: . Curtis. Three-base- hilar' Beall. Ollmore, Herech Home run: Qulllln. Sacrifice hit: Ca.'sldy Struck out r By O'Brien. 4; by Ben". 3." Paaea on hails: Off O'Brien. 2: off Bens, 8; ? ' i"' I rn' P'y: Lloyd to eldeneaul to Llndaay; Mattlck to Lynch. Wild pitch: Bena. Hit by pitcher: tiraham.- I .eft on baaea: Denver, 2; Dea Molnea. 7. Innlnga pitched: By Benea. four; 8 runa. t hlta; by Herach, four; 6 runa 3 hlta. Time. 2.02. ITmplre: Morgan. 8roret. aecond game: DENVER. AB. R. H. Llovd. ih-aa O. 4 i l o 2 0 13 3 1 2 0 A. 4 1 0 0 8 8 0 4 0 0 3 18 A. 0 3 0 0 0 0 I 3 0 0 I 2 2 1 1 1 3 Ollmore. cf . Caasldy. rf Mesllr It Weldensaul, lf-2b,.,. Qulllln, 8b.'. Llndaay, lb Coffey, aa Khman, If McMurray, c, O'Brien,, p 3 11 X i 1 1 8 0 0 Totata, 41 14 18 27 . DE8 MOINES. AB. R. H. O. naeraon rr an Cnlllgan. aa K n 1 Curtis, If 4 j i Mattlrk. cf 4 0 1 Dwyer. lb.. o 1 Lynch, lb j i o 0 Korea, 3h 4 0 3 Oraham. 2b 3 o 0 ba. hant,. c 4 0 0 Oalgano. p. ,..,....,.. 0 0 0 McKee ...... 4 0 1 " Totals.;.",.'. .38 1 11 24 10 1 5"BVt'"' ...J 6 0 1 1 4 0 0 -14 Dea Molnea. w.. 000000101 Stolen baaea, ' Uoyd (2), Ollmore, Qulllln. Two-baaq.. hlta:.. MoMurray. Weldenaaul. Three-baae hlta: Ball. Llndaay. Anderaon. Btru.-kjout! By rBrten. 2; hy Oalitano. 2 h'Te! Ba "n balla: Off O'Brien, 1; off OalKano, 1; off McKee. 1. Double pay:- Lloyd to Coffey to Llndaay. Hit by Pitched ball: , Ollmore. Graham. Left on "J i S'U f ; 1Vs Molnea. 8. Innlnira pitched: By daltrano. one and two-thlrda (runs 8 hits ); by McKee. six and a third (runa 8, hits' 10). Time: 1:46. Umpire: Moriran. - TOPEKA WHS FROM THE SIOUX Rallr la Laat Half of tha Nlath Does the Baalaeas. . TOPEKA. Kan.. June 4-Topeka batted out victory In the laat half of the ninth, defeating Sioux City. 3 to 1. Up to this time the visitors were In the lead with a run made In tha second. Score: TOPEKA. AB. R. H. O. A. E, O. 10 Rlckert. If Hafford, lb Thomaaon, cf..., Whitney, lb Hupke, as Breltenateln. 2b., Crompton. rf...., Hawklna. e. ...... Clark, p Beecher 8 0 0 1 A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Totals 3 10 27 IT , SIOUX CITT. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Andreas. 2b Stem, lb HartmaiK aa Ketghbora, rf Miller, c Wagner, cf Welch, If Rellly. 8b W ilson, p 4 8 t 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 8 10 Totals 30 1 5 X Ran for Whitney In ninth. One out when winning run scored Topeka ,.. 0.0600000 31 (Moux City 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Three-base hits? Neighbors (2. Sacrifice bits: Hopae, Hawkins. Double plays: Clark to Whltpey: H afford to Breltenateln to Whitney; Rellly to 8tem. Stolen baaea: Rlckert, Thomaaon. Baaea on balla: Off a Wilson, 3. Struck out: By Clark, 3; by Wlteoji, .empire: pnoemaker. Paalllloa Defeats Waterloo. WATERLOO, Neb.. June 4 (Special Telearam In a same looaely plaved bv both teams, Papllllon defeated Waterloo by tha enr of 17 to 5. The local team cut tha atrtn- end allowed the balloon to aot,r hlxh In the air. and when It came down Papllllon had annexed aeven runa. The aame teams will piay Munaav. nt terlea. Papllllon. Khcde and lHenges Waterloo,! Sumner. Payne and Miltun. Persistent AdVnrilalng la tha Road to Big Returns. , Standing of Teams : WEST. LEAGUE. NATL LEAGUE. W L Pet W L Pct. V-nver N 13 .5fi7 New Tork ..2 1 .lt floux Cltv..4 16 .6IH Chicago 25 la .n Llnoln M 15 . 6' Philadelphia M II tH Pueblo 21 14 tvo Pittsburg ... ?5 IS .5SI St. .Ioeph..20 2t .4s; 8t. Ixiula ...52 30 . 5l't Omaha IK 21 .47.V 'Inclnnatl ..23.4 Topeka 1 21 4T.1Brooklvn ....It 8 ,84 le Milne. 6 37 .110' Boaton ....II 33 .2"fl AMER. ASSN. AMER. LEAGUE. WLTctl WLPct. Kanaa Cltv.3f 17 . WDetrolt 34 12 .7 folumbua ..79 )9 .tvt Philadelphia.. 2 1 .1 Minneapolla M 25 .Mo;Boaton 23 li St. Paul ....21 25 .4Vi Chlcago 21 18 .m M Iwaukee ..23 2J .4ifljNew Vork ...21 21 .W Lotilavllle . .22 27 .4lscieveland ...IS 27 .400 7n''',0 K 29 ! St. Ixiula 14 31 .311 Indlanapoll 21 29 . 420, Waahlngton...lt 2S ..IIS NEB. LEAGUE. MINK LEAGUE. W.L Pct W.I Pet. Or Island. ..13 9.691(Falls tlty.,,.10 4.714 Fremont ....11 9 .6nOClarinda 10 i 67 Seward iff 9 .62ti Auburn 8 7 Kearney ....10 ( .62HNeb. City 8 .429 ('(ilumbus ...11 10 .624 Marvvllle .... 8 3 .fi"i0 Superior .... 9 1 0 .474 Shenandoah.. 8 13 .INS HaKtinga ... 9 12 .42i Vork 7 12 .36, Yeaterday'e Reaalta. WESTERN LEAGUE.' Omaha. 2; Lincoln. 4. Dea Molnea, 8-1; Denver. 13-14. Sioux City, 1; Topeka. 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boaton, 3; Cincinnati, 26. New York, 5; Chicago. 8 Brooklyn, 2; St. Loula. 7. , AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Minneapolis. 2; Kanaas City. 6. St. Paul, 1; Milwaukee. 3. ioieio. 1: Co umbua. 7. Indianapolis, 3; Louisville. 4. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. Haatinga, 1; Seward. 7. Kearney, 8; Fremont. S. ' Grand Island, 4; Columbus, 5. MINK LEAGUE. Shenandoah, 2; Maryvllle. 3. Varaes Today. I Weatern League Omaha at Lincoln. Des Molnea at Denver, St. Joaeph at Pueblo, Sioux City at Topeka. National league Philadelphia at Pitta burg, Boston at Cincinnati, New York st Chicago, Brooklyn at St. Louie. American League Detroit at Waahlng ton Cleveland at Philadelphia. St. Louia at New York, Chicago at Baton. American Aaaoclatlon Minneapolla ' at Kanaaa City, St. Paul at Milwaukee, Toledo at Columbua, Indianapolis at Louisville. Nebraska State League Superior at York, Haatlnga at Seward, Kearney at Fremont, Grand Island at Columbus. Mink League Clarlnda at Auburn, Falls City at Nebraska City, Shenandoah at Maryvllle. CREIGHTON JUNIORS TRIUMPH Swamp Other Classmen in First Track Meet in History of School. ROLL UP FORTY-TWO POINTS Foarth High Team It Second, with Thirteen, and Freshmen, Come Third, with Twelve Feat. ner Gets High Score. In the first track meet in which Crelah- ton college athletes ever umnaM ih, Junior class grabbed the silver trophy cup ana first honors with 41 nolnta. tk nv competitor was the Fourth High class with is, then cama the Freshman College class with 12 points, and tha Third High a close fourth with U credits. Second High col lected . First High 7, and Specials S. Julius Festner of the Junior class took first Individual Dlaca and won th Indi vidual cup with 14 Dolnta. with riirv nr tha Third High and O'Connor of the Juniors tied ror second honors, with 10 points each. Festner Good Point Getter. Festner won flrat in the runnlna- hi4 Jump, aecond In the standing broad" Jump, me anot put and the high Jump, all field events. Duffy won first places In the 100 yard and the 220-yard daahea, making a time of 0:10 for the 100-yard distance. o Connor was the distance man. innii first In the mile and one-half mile. The meet was the first ever held consequently the records made will hardly stand when the track athletea of the sdhool meet again after a year's training. Enthusi asm Is high In the school snd it la iik.iv that a good track squad will be developed cciore two years, as there Is Dlentv at mm. terlal. The reaults: 100-vard daah! Iinffv Thii t,i-.w . . Lamphler. Juniors, second; Burn.' Flrat High, third. Time:. 0:10. 220-vard flash- iMiffv Thii 111.1. Burn. Fir., itirt '.'r iJi 8 ''." Second High. thirdTime: 0:26. - w-yara run: Murphy, Fourth High, first: Clarke, first high, second; Norrls, Juniors, third. Time: 1:03H- SMJ-ysrd run: O'Connor, Juniors, first: McOulre. Second High, second; Moore, Juniors, third. Time: 2:38. Mile run: O'Connor, Juniors,' first; Moore Juniors, second: R fnnn.n .Timing kii Time: 8:48. ' """" 12-Dound shot nut. Timlua vnr4i, vrii. flrat; Festner, Juniors, second: VnurV Freahmsn, third. Distance: 37 feet. 1 Inch.- Wlffh Inmn. MTltilrA aA.H lw .1 . . a- --- v. .... , L'v lURIl, iiriiii Festner. Juniors, second; Hamilton. Fourth nmn, mira. neigni: o reel, ifvfc inches. Standing broad Jump: Derlnger. Freshman, ftrnt F,lnP .innlrtra SAMnn T n . Frrihman, third. Distance: 9 feet 34 inches. Running Broad Jump: Featner, Juniors, first; L. Ryan, Freahman, second; Murphy, ruurin man, inira. j-naiance; is leet. , 4 Inches. ' 0-yard hurdles: Gouvreau. Special, first; Morris, Juniors, second; H. Council, Juniors, third. Time: 0:11. Lamphler, Miller, Tobin and Featner, first; r rniiiaa ihii), aeu-ona; rouria nign team, third. Tug-of-w ar: Freshman and Fourth High teams pulled Juniors and Seniors over line. DIETZ TEAM TOO STRONG FOR ROD AND GUN CLUB Former Administers Defeat ta tha Tana at Twenty-One ta Five. Two Carter Lake ball club cam to com bat Saturday afternoon and when tha smoke and steam cleared away the ' Diets club had walloped the Omaha Rod and Gun club, 21 to 5. The Diets warriors were too strong In batting for the Gun club twlrler and twenty-one hits resulted. McLean, Hall, Drummy and Spellman did great work for the Diets In batting, while Etsenhaft, the Diets pitcher, allowed only seven hits and fanned the hoodoo number thirteen. Saturday the Diets will play the Burling ton Headquarters. Score: Diets 1031017 21 Rod and Gun 000410000 i Batteries: Diets, Else n hart and Hachten; Rod and Gun: Fletcher and Tost. Hrts: Diets. 21: Rod and Gun, T. Errors: Diets 3; Rod and Gun. 8. Struck out: By Elsenhsrt, IS; by Fletcher, 3. Baaes on balla: Off Fletcher, 1 MARYVII.LB TAKES HARD FIGHT Shenandoah I.oeee by Bear of Three ta Two. MARTVTLLE. Mo., June 4 (Special Tell earam The flrat Sundav aame nlaved in the Mink league thla season draw a large crowd this afternoon. &e gttme was transferred from Wednesday. Nfaryvlile won in a narairougnt contest. Score; R 11 F Maryvllle 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ft 10 3 Shenandoah ...0 0003000 03 4 3 Batterlea: Maryvllle. Wise, Oawald and Diets; Shenandoah. Duran and Castle. Um pire: Davidson. The Key to the BUuatlon Bee Want Ads. SEWARD - DEFEATS HASTINGS Local Team ')Win8 by Score of Seven to One. VICT0ES SECURE EARLY LEAD flear? Kaoeks Oat Two-Base Hit Hill Striken Oat Serea Men, While Hanson Fans Fonr sad Perry One. SEWARD. Neb., June 4.-(gpeclal Telr gram.) Seward and Hastings played here today to a fair slsed crowd. Seward win ning by the score of 7 to 1. It looks very much aa though Beward county would like to have Sunday base ball. The attend ance was about 600. Score: 8RTWARD. HASTtKOS AB.H.O.A-B. AD H O A I Rnblnaon. mm i i f i a w. - ... ..... (Voltr. b. Hanry, lb.. Purn. if.. Wallr. e . ... Fullan. tb. SiiotiiI, rf.., Wat, Cf.-. ., Hannm. p. Total.... .114 t 0ree. tb... 1 1 0 . I 4 19 t 0 Rromler. cf.. 4 0 16 0 .41100 Donnelly, .. 4 t t S 0 .4140 a Conk., lb ... 4 I I 1 0 .1111 O'Rnea. rf.. 4 110 0 . t .0 I 0 0 Hutrh'aon, ra 4 1 I 0 4 411 PlrPre, If.... 4 0100 4 0 I PYrrr, p 1,1 I 0 Hill, p I 1 t 1 , i im u m H Totala M M 4 Hastings .W V V V V V V 1 W 1 Seward l 0 3 0 0 1 1 1 7 Two-baae hit: Henry. Bafes on balls: Off Perry, 8. Wild pitches! Hill, 2. Struck ovtr By Hansen, 4; by Perry, 1; by Hill, 7. Time: 1:46. Umpire: McDermotU Grnnd Ialnnd I.aaes t'looe. Game. COLUMBl'S. Neb., June 4. -(Special Tele gram.) 'olumbus won Its flrat game this season with Grand Island. Score- GRAND laLAVTt. . OOlAMBl'l, - AB H 0 A B AB.H.O.A.B. Mrl.r. rf.. I 1 10 Meliell, If.. I 110 Smith. .... 4 1 I 0 (lorbMt. lb . 4 I I 1 0 MrKlbben. If 4 1 1 1 Outimer, 2b. 4 4 I look- 4 i 1 0 OR Brown, n 4 I 1 4 1 ArtnM'ng, lb 4 14 1 Learh, cf....f 1 4 0 0 JnHfrrt . e .... 4 I 4 t 1 B. Brown. 8b I 1 1 I Mrhll, lb. I 1 1 t 0 Rxlura, If... 4110 Ward. tb.... I i 1 0 Topple. I 0 10 4 Hirtmin. p.. I 1 0 1 0 Klmll. p.... I III Wllaoa 1 0 0 0 0 T.ti. Ttuun, ToU"-- " ,ru 1 Batted for Hartman In ninth. Grand Island 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 0-4 Columbua 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 8 Earned runa: Grand Island, 2; Columbus, Two-baseJ hits: McLesr. Ward. Three bnae hits: Jokerat, Hartman. Home run: Brown. Sacrifice hits: Ward. E. Brown. Leach (2). Stolen bases: Smith. Marshall. Ward. Melxell. Corbett. Double plays: B. Brown to E. Brown; B. Brown to Outsmer to Corbett. Struck out: By Hartman. 2; by Klaaell. 2. Baaea on balla. Off Hartman, 1; off Klaaell, 1. Paaaed ball: Copple. Left on bases: Grand Island. ; Columbus. 8. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Held. Kearney Wins In First laalag. FREMONT. Neb., June 4.-Spee!al Tele gramsKearney won in ' the flrat Inning by hitting Hoffman hard. Hargls got a home run by the ball being lost In the grass. Fremont was unable to hit the ball until the ninth Inning. Score: i KEARNEY. FREMONT. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B. U Ormr. rf . . 4 1.1 0 Bannett, ef .. 1111 nnwnlna. lb. 4 1 1 I t Rnue. ef.... 1110 Black. If I I I 0 1 Kullen. lb...-1 1 11 0 0 Paalea, m... till I Thompson, a4 1 4 Clair, lb.... I 1 1 0 Bonner, .... 1 I T 1 Haraia. If.... 1110 Neff. rf 1101 H. Orar. ... 4 '4 Turpln. If.... 4 10 M'kurth, lk. 4 1 1 0 Carer. 3b.,.. 4 0 0 I 0 Wrtstit, p..., 4 0 0 OJohnann. lb,. 4 10 10 ' . Hoffman, p. I 0 1 0 Total! 11117 1 -4 Campbell,-p. 11 1 l ' . . TotaJo...:..M TNlil Gray out. buntmg third strike. ICea rnev A . a tt .1 a . a m Fremont 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Earned runa' irn,.nv .a -r. . Johnson. Three-base hit:Tu'rpin. Home run: nargia. oaaei on Dana: urr Wright, 4; off Hoffman, 1; off Campbell, 1. .Struck out: By Wright, 4; by Hoffman, 2; by Camp bell. 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Campbell. Hargls. Paaaed ball: Bohner. Wild pitch: Wrla-h wit.- nt u.ti... a i - one-third Innings; off Campbell,-4 In five on iwo-miras innings, umpire: ftlcK.ee. GRINNELL LOSES DUAL : MEET Close Contest at Cedar Rapids Settled by Four Points. " HALF MILE. RELAY DECIDES Laat Brent - of 'Afternoon Goea to Grinnell In One Minute Thirty Fire Seconds, Taklnar , Meet.' CEDAR RAPIDS. June 4 fSneclal Tel.. egram.) Cornell lost to Grinnell In a dual track meet at Ash nark this aftemnnn b tho score of C6H to S1H. The meet waa un usually close, the results hineinr nn th. last event of the afternoon, the hair mil. relsy. Summary; . 100-yard dssh: Sherman of Grinnell,' first: Hovev nf Cornell um.. a . i Cornell, third. lm.7 o:l6s """ -One mile: Boyack or Grinnell. first; TUn?wiJ. .rnel. ond: Finger of Cor- 1.)0-V.rt4 Klirgllshti TTw a,. n - -tJ ,a . . . - - , -is.i wa vti Kill-, , IlrHL , m .i?.f .0rinne. erond; Clinton of Cor- iniru. iirnu; VlHh. 440-yard dph: Lott of Cornll, first; Daw. tmotSornt'il cnl; Fordice of Orlnnell. third. Tlmo: 5:42. i 230-yrd hurdle: Lusted of Cornell. flrt; Pv.V,l0Crornil-ilcond; Jan of Orlnnell, third. Time: 0:27. Half mil run? RtvanAN s t a. . Tucker of Cornell, second; Kenslnser of wr-yira oejin: novey or CVmeM, first: SherVrlAJn sf riplnnall aaranil . ' atvuini. ii m latOil or Cornell, third. Time: 025. . Miie relay: Cornell. Time: 117. TvH.mlU lilri II Tnhn Mtf t I 1 Mt a. Hair of fsrHnnihll tpA . nell, third. Time: h:0ft. nmir-miie relay: Grinnell. Time: l:3Mi. Dlstruti thrciw TtTvumm a1 rnsii i , . - -- vm. imil, A 1 1 L . Orlnnell, third. Distance: 107 feet, 6 Inches. ono. put; nunirr or jomeu, nrst; Kramm of Cornell, second; Oruwell of Cornell, third Distance: 84 feet, XI Inches. Pn a vault Ritas t Pam.m a.a of Cornell, second; PetHt of Orlnnell,' third. Hih Jump: Jones of Orlnnell, first: Clln- Petltt of Grinnell, tied. Height: t feet. 6 incnea. Broad jump: Wlederrecht of Cornell, first; Bslr of Grinnell, second; Bair of Grinnell, third: Distance. 31 feet- John Paul Jones is Best Mile Runner Cornell Lad Only Li Ting- Man with Chance to Lower Professional Secord. ITHACA, N. T.. Jus 4 -Another John Paul Jones has written his name In letters of gold on history's pages John Paul Jones, student and athlete, of Cornell col lege. Ithaca, N. T. The Jones of today has proved himself the premier mile runner of the world and his name has become a household word wherever the great American press has en try. John Paul Jones la a mere youth, juat Mrued years. He weighs 148 pounds. It Is hot so many years ago that his fam ily physician In Washington, his horns town, looked at him sorrowfully, felt his pulse, tested his lungs and shook his head hopelessly. "Ha hasn't many months of life," was the doctor's verdict. An ath letic course of treatment was suggested ard this peerteaa athlete of today bears little rasemblsnoe to the stooped-over, hoi low-cheeked weakling of a short time ago. 1 Jones Is the only man In tho world today trat looms up as having a possible chance to lower this professional reoord. IflfTt-eH ON - INMtM't. luit, , a. ltt ati . r.r ai iT A. I $VKln rAMCW DAD CLARKE OUT FOR GOOD Famous Old Pitcher Dies from Stroke of Paralysis. WON OMAHA'S FIRST PENNANT Was Star on Tram In 'RO, 'OO and '01, nnd Afterwards IMtrhed for the Mew York Glnnta. Here passes one of the veterans of the game,, a man whose name will be recalled by the older fans, and always with pleaa ure. for "Dad" Clarke was a pitcher of those good old days of base ball to which all cling so fondly. Hla passing Is thus briefly told by an Associated Press dis patch received at The Bee office last night: LORAIN, O., June 8 William Clarke, well known to baae ball followers years ago as "Dad" Clarke, pitcher of the New York Nationals, died In a hnapltal here to day from a stroke of paralysis suffered several aays ago on me street. "Dad" Clarke pitched for Omaha in 1R8, under the management of FVank Selee, and with ' Charlie Nichols, he was the cauxe of the pennant coming to Omaha, the team winning the championship of the Western league In decisive fashion. Just before the season closed, Clarke was re leased, 'that he might loin the San Fran cisco team, which needed help. The pen nant was safe for Omaha, and so "Dad" journeyed to the coast snd by his wonder ful work pitched San Francisco Into the championship of the Coaat league. This is perhaps the only time on record when one pitcher waa a factor In winning two pen nants In different leagues in the same sea son. " Two More Reasons Here, . In ISM and 1191 Clarke was again a mem ber' of the. Omaha team, and with Eddie Eiteljorg was the mainstay of the celebrated Danny Shannon bunch that was lesding the race when the season exploded In the latter . year. - His last game for Omaha was pitched against the Lincoln team, on which were such celebrities as Jesse Burkett. Jack ' Rowe, Dave Rowo, Harry Raymond. Hank. O'Day, Red Ehret. Parke Wilson, ''Monkey" Kline and other whose names are famous In the annals of base ball, and who were unable to score a run off Dad"" that' day.: up the next year, on the New York Glanta, for whom he jHJ much excellent service and with w)iom Tie spent a couple of sea sons. It. was wh,H he was with the New Yorks that he 'got his revenge on "Pop" Anson of Chicago. : Before Dad ever came to Omaha he had hired to Anson as a pitcher for Chicago. Anson watched him pitch part of. n ' inning and then chased him. "Get out of. here!" roared Anson, as he hustled Dad off the field. "You couldn't even pitch hay!" Struck Anson Oat. Dad remembered thla, and the first time he faced Anson, and It was on the Chicago grounds, he saluted htm with some reflec tion on his ancestry. Anyone whoever listened to Dad In one of his explosive moods need not be told just what he said. He hsd a most picturesque vocabulary, and was never at loss, for an epithet, for he coined them aa readily as he needed them. Along with one of his most min utely descriptive and offensively objurga- tlve verbal outbursts. Dad shot the ball at Anson, and the latter In surprise let It go by: It wsa.a strike. Dad grinned, and sent up another, with another round of abuse. Anson let It go by, and It was a strike, too. Then Dad was beside himself with glee. He danced around the box. calling on all the ' catalogued goda and some unknown to watch him strike out the great slugger, and then he turned to the plate. "Here, you bltnkety-blank double-blanked Swede, see If you can hit this." he shouted, and he shot a straight one over. Anson waited, and swung with all his force and missed, and Dad had his revenge. He had struck out the great Anson, the man who told him he couldn't pitch. And what la more, he did it twice in that game. ' Anas Gets Even. But Anson got back at Dad on the Polo grounda a little later In the season. Dad was pitching and New York had Chicago beaten. Two Chicago runners were on bases and two runs needed to tie. Anson waa coaching at third base, and as Clarke waa getting ready to pitch, ha called to him, "Here, let me aes that ball." With out thinking -Dad shouted, 'Take It. you " (the same kind af a Swede he had called him In Chicago), and flung the ball with all hla force. Anson stepped to one side, the ball went Into the bleachers and two Chicago runs came In. In 1901 Dad pitched for Minneapolis In the Weatern league and made hla laat appear ance In Omaha with that team. He won his game here, visited -with some old friends and went away. His habits were those of the older clsss of ball players, snd he saved nothing from his pay. At various times during the last ten years he has been heard of In connection with smaller teams, but he hsd not been prom inent with the game. - Frank Handle and some of the others of the old guard In Omaha will hear or the death or Dad Clarke with much regret. BIO BLANK FOB HAPPY HOLLOW Y. Sf . C. A. Team Dralws Ona Score la Tlsht Game. The T. M. C. A.'s defeated the Happy Hollow club In. a close game on the Young Men's Christian aaaoclatlon grounda, 1 to 9. Lewis and Wilson pitched airtight ball. neither allowing a hit, and only three of Reed's men reached first base. Lewis pulled off ona of his sensational pitching stunts, striking out six men In the second and third innings. Falconer waa the heavy man with the stick. Score: R.H.E. Happy Hollow. 0 0 0 0 00 4) 1 Y. U. C. A....0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 Batteries: Happy Hollow, Cass. Burnett and Eastman; Y. M. C. A.. Lewis, Wilson and Dolphin. Persistent Advertising la th Road to Big Returna. CARDINALS HIT BALL HARD Win Third Game of the Series from the Trolley Dodgers. SALLEE PITCHES GOOD BALL Five lilts Ranched with a Raae on Ralls In the Slith lnnlnaT tilves St. I.oals a tiood Substan tial Lead. PT. IXH'IS. Mo., June 4 The local team hit Rrorklyn's pitchers hard and won the third game of the aerie. The vlaltora scored one In the third on two singles and a sacrifice: the incala scored two In the fame inning on a base on balls, a alncle and a double. Tour single", a triple and a base on balla In the sixth inning netted five runs for St. Loula. Rro-iklyn sored one in the ninth when Coulson tripled and scored n Hat aer'a error. Score: BROOKLYN PT. Intl. AB.H.O A K. An. H O. A E. Tnolev. aa... 4 raubrrt. lb.. 4 Wheat, If. .. 4 Hummal. lb. 1 rtavlilaon, rf. 4 Oulnnn. rf . . 4 Xtm'rman, lb 4 Brrson. e. . .. I Sranlon, p. .. 0 Knntxer, p.. 1 MrRWran .. I stark 1 mlth. 2h . . . 4 1 I 1 n Hautier. aa. .. I 0 Kllla. It 4 0 Knnelrhr. lb 1 1 Kvana. rf . . . . 1 0 Miaprr, 3b. . 4 4 1 5 a (I tan too t 1 TOO 110 0 4 0 0 Oaks. rf.... 4 1 0 Pll. 0 Ballre. p. 0 T. .(.. 0 ...: ll r 10 t Totala 11 14 14 1 Pstted for Rergen In ninth. Batted for Knetser In ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 St. Loula 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 1-2 -7 Two-baae hits: Smith. Daubert. Three baae hlta: Mower?-, Konetchv, KnetsiT, Coulson. Paaea on balla: off Pallee, 1; off Scsnlon. 3. Struck out: Iv Sallee. 3; by KneUer, 1. lilts: Off Scanlnn, 7 in fixe Innings; off Knetxer, 4 In ihrte Innings. Tinie: 2:10. Vmtlres: Klem and Emalle. Record Made for Hlta. CINCINNATI. O., June 4 -Cincinnati Indulged In a slugging feat while Hoaton waa piling up eight error, and the combi nation retained tn the local tram winning by 2 to 3, the record score in the National league for the aeasnn. Twenty-three hlta, with a total of thirty-six bases, were maile off Koaton'a three pitchers, all of them sharing nhmit equal. Score: BO8T0V. CI.VrtXNATI. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. I 4 1 Bencher. If. .. 4 1 1 0 0 Tenney, lb... 1 j u u r.rniti. 2b 4 1 o 4 1 1 0 Altlier. 2b. .. 1 1 1 1 110 Ratra. rf 1 1 4 0 1 1 1 Buk. if 1110 4 0 0 Hnhllurl, lb 1 0 1 0 1 Mil. bell. rf. 4 1 0 1 0 1 Dnwnfv, aa.. 1 I 1 1 4 11 KHtnond. aa.. 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Grant, lb.... 4 1 1 1 0 10 Mrl-ean, c... R S 4 1 0 1 0 Smith, p .... S 1 0 0 0 0 0 Brhrelher. p. 2 1 liolllna. cf... 0 Spratt, aa ... 4 0 Miller, rf.... 4 1 Inserton, If.. 1 1 Ooode. cf-lb. 4 0 Btmnfaldt. lb 4 RarlnVn, c... I Fartuaon, p. 0 Curtla, p. ., . 1 Paraona, p. .. 1 Wheedno ... 1 Totala 11 I 24 11 I Totala 44 tl S7 11 1 Batted for Parsons In ninth. Boston 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 08 Cincinnati 7 0 5 3 0 1 1 9 26 Two-base hits. Mitchell. Grant, Hobllt xel. Altlzer. Threee-baae h t-: Downey, Beck. Hohbtzel. Home run: Grant. Hits: Off Fersuson 4. with none out in the first; off Curtis. S In three Innlnirs; off Paiaons, 11 in five Innings; off Smith, none in four Innlnita; off Schrelber, 8 In five inn'ng. Sacrifice hits: Hoblitzel, Sweeney, Collli s. stolen baser: Beschar, Uate, Mitchell, Downey, Beck, Mobilize!. Double plays: Mclean to Altlzer; Esmond, Altlier and Hoblitzel. Left on baaes: Bostrn, S; Cin cinnati. 8. Baaes on balls. Off Ferguson, 2; off Curtis, 2; off Parsons. 7; of Schrei- Der, z. Hit by pitcher: By Parsons, Hn lltze!, Fchrelcber. Struck out: Bv Curtis, 2; by Parsons, 1; by Smith. 2; bv Schrelber, 2. Wild pitch: Curtis. Time: 8:05. Um pires: Rlgler and Flnneran. Chlcaao Ties New York. CHICAOO, June 4 Chicago dfeated York before an Immense crowd, 6 to 5, tying the visitors for first place ,ln tha fiennant race. After two men were out n the eighth inning, Tinker and Kal8-r singled 'and Kllng and' Archer each doubled, tying the acore. A Texaa leaguer off Amea In the ninth gave the locals the game. In the eighth inning Tinker hit a swift liner tn Wiltae's stomach, and he did not. recuptrate till after the game. A single and an error by Kalaer gave New York their first run; a triple ind a single netted another, while one nit, with ragged fielding,, gave the visitors three more. Score: CHIPAOO. NEW YORK. AB U O.A E. AR.H.O.A B. Stieckard, If. 4 Bchulte. rf. . . I Fofman, lb.. S Zlm'rman, 3b I J. Doric, lb. 4 Tlnkar, aa... 4 Katur, cf... 4 Kilns, o I Arehr, e.... 1 Brown, p.... 1 Mrlntyra. p. 0 Baler 0 1 1 Derora, rf . . fi I 0 0 0 1 0 L. Dorla. lb. 1 1 4 1 0 1 1 Fletcher. 2b. 1 1 1 1 0 ( 1 Snolaraaa. cf 1 0 4 0 0 t 0 Murray, If.. 4 10 10 4 0 Mrrkla. lb . 4 0 10 1 0 0 1 Brlawell. aa. 4 4 1 i o 1 Devlin, 3D... 1 1 a 0 0 0 Myera. c 4 1 4 0 0 1 Wlltae, p.... 4 0 10 0 0 0 Amea, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totala n 734 11 0 Totala II IS 27 M I Ran for Kllng In eighth. One out when winning run was scored. Chicago 0 20000OS1-6 New York xoisvuuu o o Two-base hits: L. Doylse. Brown. Kllng, Archer. Three-base hit: Fletcher. Hits: Otf Brown, 7 In eight Innings; on MCln tvre. none In 1 Inning: off Wlltae, 14 In eight and one-third Innings; off Ames, 1 In no Inning. Struck out: By Brown, 5; by Wlltae. 4. Bases on nans- uii wnise. 2: off Brown, 3; off Mclntyre, 1. Time: 3:10. Umpires: Johnstone and Eason. SHAMROCKS AND GIANTS TO MIX Battle at Sooth Omaha Park Between Amntenra Tossy. Two games are to be played at the Shamrock park. South Omaha, this after noon. The Shamrocks meet the Omaha Giants, the crack colored team which de feated the Kanaaa City Stars last week, and the Hoffmans meet the Hanscom Parks, led by Pete Hawkins. Sergeant a Clair of Fort Crook will officiate aa umpire. The game will be called promptly at 3:30. Take the West Q street cara The following Is the Giant-Shamrock lineup: Shamrocks, Fagan Horan Clark Kennedy Graves Yost Corcoran Ray i Mason Fletcher Smith Giants. Anderson . .. Johns .. Allison . Johnson .... Allen ... Smith Jackson . .. Maon Wllllamj ... Uiulu Ford ...Second ... Short ... Center ... First , ... Left ... Catch ....Third ....Right .... Pitch ....Pitch ....Pitch RESULTS IN THREE-I LEAGUE DaaTllle, Waterloo, Peoria aad Rock Island Win Games. DANVILLE, June 4. Danville bunched hits In the second and third and won from Qulncy, S to 3. Score: RU E. Danville 6 11 1 Qulncy 3 8 3 Batterlea: Klrwin and HHdebrand; Spen cer. Walker and Forney. WATERLOO, June 3. Waterloo aoored three runa In the third and beat Daven port, 3 to X Score: R.H E. Waterloo 3 8 4 Davenport 2 0 0 Batteries: Stowers and Wolfe; Dick, Crabb. Walsh and O'Leary. DECATUR, June 3 Hovllk held Decatur to one hit In eleven Innings, winning. 2 to 0. Score: RHE. Decatur 0 1 0 Peoria .3 8 0 Batteries: Rustenaven and Johnaon; Hov llk and Jacobs. ROCK ISLAND. June 4. Rock Island won from Dubuque, to 6. today. Score: RHE. Rock Island I 8 Dubuque 6 13 3 Batteries: Lakaff. Dellar and Custer; Akers, Rogge and Boucher, Kreits. Tabor Defeats Malvern. TABOR. Ia., June 4. (Special Telefilm.) Tabor High school baae ball team defeated the Malvern High school team here Fri day afternoon. 14 to 7. Batterlea: Tabor. Ellis and Mann; Mal vern, Boyer and Piatt. Captain of lows Team. IOWA CITY. Ia.. June 4 (Special Tele gram.) Schmidt, flrat basemsn on the uni versity team, waa chosen captain today. McClure and Peters Tie in Golf Play on Country Club Links Each Lands with a Score of 2 Up on Colonel Bog-ey Honors Decided ' in Special Match This Week. A. A. McClure and Ralph refers tied for low score In the play for the gulf slick pin given by the Omaha Country club tournament committee as a prise. Each had a score of 3 up on bogey In match play. The club tournament for the directors' or the secretary's cup will probably be held cither late this month or early In Juiy. Following are the scores of Satur day's game: A. A. McClure, 2 tip, Kalph Peters, 2 up. K. M. Moraman. 4 down. r . H. (ininea, 2 down. J H. Its lint, 4 down. 11. K. Fprague. 7 down. . J. Foye. even. M A. Hall, 2 down. 'T. I.ln.lsav, i down. H. M. Pickens, down. . F. McUtew, 8 down , John W. Rfdlck, 1 down. M C Pe er.-; 2 down. A. Itedick, 6 down. Ralph Peters and A. A. McClure are planning n contest for the possession of the sold stickpin, to take place some dav mis weeK. Hets are even. NEW COUNTRmUB LAUNCHED Seymour Lake Country Club Holds First General Meeting. LOTS ALLOTTED TO MEMBERS Tiers of fottaur, r, to Rr Dalit Above the Lake rinh llonae- of Lobs nnd Stone -Oarage to Re Erected. Amid the sylvan shades of Seymour park, the Seymour Lake Country club held Its first general meeting Saturday afternoon, the chief feature of the occasion was the distribution of lots adjoining the lake to the stockholders. Sixty lota were awarded by the lot to the stockholders who chose their locations In order of allotment. The cottages are to be erected in two tiers upon the hillside west of the lake. A third Plat of sixteen lots was laid out on the north side, but the board of directors have not derided whether the last place shall be uaed for cottage sites or whether a third tier of cottages will be erected In the rear of the first two rows. After their numbers had been called the men were allowed ten minutes In which to select their site within the prescribed radius. The club site Itself comprises seventy acres of land In and about what is known as Seymour park, where formerly stood the mansion of Dr. George Miller. The club i propose to erect a club house built of Min nesota logs and rock. There will be a garage equipped with all automoblllng con veniences and the club will develop a strong tendency towards making the place a mecca for atitolsts. It was said at the meeting that the Douglas county commissioners had nrrim. Ised to connect the Q street boulevard with Center boulevard by a macadam road. wnicn wouia open up a new Ingress Into the park and one more sightly than the present entrance. Arrangements for the admission of associ ate members have not yet been completed. It waa said that the Initiation fee for as- memDers would probably be 130 with as much again for annual dues. The matter will be decided at a later meeting. Fifteen of" the stockholders are from South OmaHa, while forty-five belong to Omaha. Tho officers are II. K. Burket. president; J. P. Lord, treasurer, and W. B. meek, secretary. Mrs. Raymond Heata Sties Sutton. PHILADKLPH f A, Pa.. June 4 -Mrs. F.d ward Raymond of New York, formerly Miss Louise Hammond, holder of the tennis championship of Pennsylvania and other eastern states today defeated Miss Flor enoe Sutton of Los Angeles, Cal., In the challenge round, two sets to one. Cardinals Sell Pltehera. ST. LOUIS. June 4. Pitchers Zmlch and Hearn of the St. Louis National league team were sold to the Louisville American association team today. They will report at once. nine Sox Win. Walnut Hill Blue Sox beat the River view Juniors. 14 to 11. at Rlvervlew park Saturday morning. Frtarntful Spaains cf the stomach, liver torpor, lame back and weak kidneys are overcome by Electric Bitters. ' Guaranteed. 60c For aale by Beaton Drug Co. H r ana arfjV ffjU n if an. Beginning June 11th hMSAg. direct to Oklahoma Cttj, Quckuha & Lerjrtoa TiaTe Hasttet" Now you can go to Okla homa without a sing! eecoods loss of business time via tha Frisco. Leave Kansas Gty at fir p. m. ria Tb Hustlei at the cod of a busine da) reach. Oklahoma City Ufort breakfast next mofo- some ia is iog.7a.mon the Stew through Bonrice to the Meteor uwrosri Oklahoma City 9:30 a. m. Write or ask for free particulars. I i t nvtm m . OMsssa Passenger Tlaaal OrHaa, KANSAS CITYJEATS MILLERS Minneapolis Loses First of Series by Five to Two. RH0ADES PUZZLES THE VISITORS Fnrh of Minneapolla Two Hans ta Dae to an Krror llnaantnn and Love Srrnre Two-llaaa Hits. KANSAS CITT. Mo , June 4 -Minneapolla lost the first game of the aeries here today to Kansas City, 5 to 2. through Inability to hit Rhoades safely. Each of the visitors' runs wss due to an error. Score: MINNEAPOLIS KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O. A R All H. O A M'rvirm'k. aa 4 mil, lti 4 fraath. If 1 Wllllama. 2b 4 Kftaaman, rf. 4 rawnio. cf.. 4 rVrrla. lb ... 4 Owena. e. . . M 4 Fatteraon, p. I Smith 1 oil v BirKeau. JV. I 1 t 0 10 0 Gantnvr, It . 4 I tt 4 0 10 0 tn. lb .. 4 I t 0 10 4 0 Hyatt, rf.... 1 I s t I 110 0 Sullivan, rf 4 ! 1 a a 110 0 Corrldnn. ra . 4 1 t I 1 0 4 5 0 Ilowncy. ih.. 4 1 1 I t 14 10 Jamea. c 4 1 10 0 1110 Khoarlpa. p . 4 t 0 I 0 00.04 ,. - Totala... 11 V 1 I Totala 14 7 It'll a Hatted for Patterson In the ninth. Minneapolis ........ tt polls tKl 1- 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 City j.. 0 0 0 1 0 0 fi Kansas Two-hnse hits: Rossm;fq, Love. Maaea on balla: Off Patterson. ,i off Rhoadea. 1 Struck out: Hv rattfarana.. 3: bv Rhoatles. 7. Sacrifice hlt r.nrrtn.i- Hyiitt. .Molen bases: Barbe.i'M, Owens T .. . . 1. 1 . . 1 . . .1 ! J . , . . niiiKiv tm,vi. imitnti in I iiHvnrv in Minneapolla. 8.' Time! !:0r. Umpires: Kd dlnger and Hit yea, ..,'."'', pouahcrlr la Invincible, MlLWAf K'KK, Wis..' June l-Dougherty waa InvliK-lblpr todav, Milwaukee winning bv .1 to I from St. Paul., f'hroh waa easv. and sfler Milwaukee had marie three rung In as many Innings. Stclger was substi tuted. Only Mxtrrn m n faced him In the five Inning -he .workr-J -Two wild throws hv Charles In the ninth gave the visitors their nnlv run. Score: MlLWAl KF.K "fT. PAt'L. AH.H O A K. AR.H.O.A K. mainnvT, Cl.. o . 1 o -larftl. 11 ... a 1 1 S A Charlra. lb.. 4 114 2 Iwlcliantv, rf 4 1 I 1 0 14 0 ft M'rntin'k. 2b I 1 0 t 0 I 0 0 0 Autrry, lt . 1 1 4 110 0 lUl.tnn, cf . 4 0 1 ft 0 II 4 a nmlar. .. 1 1 t so 1 ! 4 0 S.aiicar. r . .. 4 1 S t 0 .lonaa, lb. . . . 4 Randall, rf.. 4 Stone. If .... 4 Clark, Sh ... 4 Lwta, 1 Marha. c. 1 l 7 Z " unwell, lb.. 4 0 0 1 0 pougherty-, p 8 rty, pi I 01-a (-, ft, p...,, 4 0 V- f- tftolarrp 1 1 4 I a I 27 17 2 .-. ' . ' t v I- Totala.,'..!. It 4 24 11 ' Totaii Milwaukee .....,...'. 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -S St Paul ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Tvo-bae hlta: Clat ko, Stelger, Mai shall. Charles, Lewis. Hts: ( ff t'hech. S In thrte Innlnss: off Stelger, 1 Jn 'five clnnlngs. Ieft on hascf: Milwaukee, ; St. Paul. 9 Baaea on balla: Otf Dougherty, 5; off Chech, .1. Struck out: By Dougherty, 1; bv Chech, 2; by Stelger. S. --Time; 2:10. Umpires: Ilandlhoe and Owens. - Foley's Kidney Remedy Ist particularly recommended for chronia cases of kidney and bladder 'trouble. It tends to , regulate , hrjd .control the kidney and bladder action and Ir Valine, strength ening and bracing. For sale by all drug gists. " ' ' . - Weddril at Osmond.. OSMOND, Neb.. Juno 1. (Special.) Fri day evening at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. B. S. Ieedom, of this place, occurred the marriage of their son. Joe W. Leedom, to Miss Jessie A. Smith. Will A. Marek and Miss Gertrude Leedom attended them, while Rev. .J.. II. Hurd of the Methodist Episcopal ehgrch said the words that united the lives of these two young people. Mr. Leedom has grown to manhood. In Osmond, and is Junior editor of J.he Republican. Miss Smith has been primary teacher tn ' tha public .schools here for the last two years. Whooping cough Is not dangerous when the cough Is kept loose, and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It hss been us.-d in many epidemic or this disease with perfect success. For sule by all dealers. Don't compare prcc compare f"e !. You get the quickest, smooth est, cleanest shave with the EVER-READY At all Local Stor I si ass mm wm asa am a ess I aleeer. (Chio ksha 9:15 a.m., jjt Lavton 11:15 a.; m.) Returning, leave jvawton trw p.m.,iv.uia boma City 11:30 p.m, art. V 1 A f 1 Kansas City 1 :15 p. m, next day." I Travelers to Oklahoma City i and Lawton can bout enjoy ?zz 1 lie 11 ustlert superb equip- meat of electric lighted drawing room sleepers, electric ighted chair cara and handsome dining cars serving delicious, whole Fred Harvey meals. an addition to the splendid Oklahoma City provided by leaving 9:30 p. m. reading . , wn n. Agent, Prixa Lime Jaaaasaa Base,