Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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ia"ensaaesasBBnanne .
New shipment of
real Irish crochet
and real linen
cluny lares and In
sertions, bands
and motifs.
Fine Embroideries
For Graduation Dresses, Lingerie Frocks, Etc.
27-inoh shopr Swiss embroidered flouncings, in dainty Eng
lish eyelet, Japanese effects, floral, blind relief and combi
nation effects; also 24-inch fine embroidered allovera for
dresses, waists, etc., and ruffled flouncings for
children's dresses, etc; worth up to $1.50 a flOf
yard; bargain .square, per yard, at " f J
18 and 22-inch fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric embroidered
flouncings, skirtings, corset coverings; also insertions and
galloons endless variety of pretty new designs; Et
many worth 5()c a yard, per yard, at wDC
Genuine Swiss manufacturer. Exquisite new designs, very un
usual effects on very fine fabrics. Colors are white, black
on white; also coral, light blue, Copenhagen, lavender, green,
pink on white grounds. An unusual lot actually JA
worth up to $3.00 a yard, per yard, at fyiiOv
In dainty lace, Baby Irish, Venise and combination Japanese
effects; also English eyelet and
actually worth up to $4.00, per
Silk auto scarfs, hat drapes, auto hoods, evening shawls, lace
scarfs, dew drop beaded scarfs, Persian and ombre shaded
scarfs, etc.; 2'l up to 3 yards long; worth up to AO
$4.00, each, at , VuC
Plain all silk with silk soles, heels and toes; also silk embroid
ered boot patterns with lisle soles, heels and toes; . LA
black, white and colors; worth up to $1.50, at 0 VC
Monday Specials in
Washable Couch Cov
ers, 60 Inches wide
Monday, each. . . f)gt
Filet and Bungalow
Nets, 48 inches wide,
worth up to 60c yd.,
Monday 20V
Plaid an,1 stripe etamlne
40 Inches wide, In
cream and Arab color,
worlh up to 60o, Mon
day, at. yard 45c
Lac Curtain In new
spring patterns. These ,
curtains arrived lit
tle late and should
have been sold at $3.60.
they go at pair ..93.60
Curtain Htretchers, new
shipment JUBt received.
Latent Improved
stretchers, at.
each Jl.25, $1.98, $2.80
Porch Shade, finest Im
ported German wood
web shndes, 6x8 feet,
at $3.98 and $4.98
Career of Francisco I. Madero, Leader
of the Insurrectot.
Ham 1.1 fe ' of the Family, Public
Activities and Characteristics
Wealth? In Ranks, Lands,
Cattle and Robber.
Francisco I. Madero. Jr.. the leader of
the Mexican Insurrectos. was born forty
two years ago on his fathers large
hacienda, near the well known town of
Parras. In the state of Coahulla, about
twenty kilometers from Saltlllo, the capi
tal of the state. He Is about five feet and
a half tall. Is heavy set. has large, Sympa
thetic, dark brown eyes, llis countenance
Is frank and pleasant and shows the high
est marks of Intelligence, education and
While FTanclsco I. Madero, Jr., has the
reputation In his home town, Parras, and
elsewhere In the state, especially In the
capital, Saltlllo. where he Is well known,
cf having been healthy, bright, good
Matured, though somewhat quick tempered
when a boy, no one seems to remember
that he then displayed any particular talent
for leadership or for any profession or
other occupation.
He received his education In a prepara
tory school and the State University of
Baltlllo, Coahulla. and In the capital of the
republic, where he finished his law studies.
He also attended school In' San Antonio,
Tex., New York and In California, being
a student In the agricultural department
of the University of California In IKM.
His studies of the codes, especially of
the digests of the great Juares, upon which
the republic was founded, led the logical
mind of .the student to compare those laws
with the administration of them and to
his astonishment he discovered that ths
"law" In his dear Mexico was not either
In the spirit or the letter of what ths
republican codes of Juares had mads them,
bu were, to use his own Idiom. "La ley
es lo que manda el Dlax," or the law la
what IMai says. So he left his desk and
books and consecrated himself to ths cause
of the revolutionists of his own stats some
two years ago. when his life-long friend,
Uc Miguel Cardenas, governor of Coahulla,
on being re-elected, was not permitted to
take his seat.
Hum Life el the Madera.
Ths home life of ths Maderos Is strictly
Catholic: In fact. It Is catholto In every
aense of the word "catholic" generous in
thought and action, kind, roimlderate and
loyal to the family circle,, to their poor,
to their countrymen and to their country.
They are of the Roman Catholic religious
faith, but their creed Is not dogmatic and
thslr faith Is not blind. On the other hand,
ths principles of the "universal brother
hood of man" have leen lUDtilled Into the
sons for many generations and which all
have made a part of their life.
The Maderos are of the highest standing
In the uommunlty where they live. Thsy
liave always been among the foremost
leaders In every prognssivs movement and
Ibe open advocates of Justice.
Ths grandfather of Franclsou I. Madero,
aios of
15c embroidery
edgings, Insertions
and galloons, eye
let, blind relief
and baby patterns,
at. yard .-7H
floral designs;
yard, at
Drapery Department
Hammocks We are
showing the only
complete line In the
city, at 08c to 6.50
Window Shades:
Linen Shades, ixt ft.,
at. each 89o
Linen Rhodes, 8x7 ft.,
at, each 3So
Oil Opaque Shades, 8x7
ft., at. each 40o
Fancy Holland Shades,
8x7 ft, at. each . .60
Jr., was a Spanish grandee who came to
the country that Cortes had added to the
realm of his majesty Don Carlos V, the
then king of Spain, when the descendants
of ths Aztecs and Toltecs and the Innumer
able tribes of Indians of whose origin we
know but little, if anything, were still
carrying the yokVtf Spanish cruelty. He
was a man of wealth, position and educa
tion, so In a style befitting him he estab
lished his family on a largs estate In a
fertile valley then famous for Its vine
yards, near the center of which was a
flourishing pueblo. Parras, a typical Aitec-Spanlsh-Mexlcan-Indlan
town. And there
the father, grandfather and the Insurrecto
Madero all were born and there is still one
of the homes of the large family.
Many of the Coahullans who have gained
fame are of Axtec origin, being descended
from Don Ventura de la Pas, grandson of
Xlcotencatl, the main chief of the Tlasa
callans. who under one Galrva, a mission
ary, In 1592, was one of the heads of sev
enty families which then settled In the
present state of Coahulla; others are
purely native Indian blood, there being
many tribes in the state, each having Its
own strikingly different dialect and cus
toms, while still others, to which Is1 now
added the present famous name of Madero.
disclaim a drop of any blood but pure
Mexican runs through thejr veins, the blue
blood of the Coahulla kind.
Ths word Coahulla, is of the Nahuatl
Indian dialect and means 'flying snake."
The word has always been a symbol of
liberty for the tribe from which the name
of the state is taken. Its members dom
inated that part of northern Mexico for
many centuries and were noted for their
love of Justice. It was this tribe which
Joined ths Spanish missionaries and helped
to put down the murderous tribes which
attempted to exterminate the vanguards of
Christian civilization.
For What the state Is Fauons.
Coahulla Is famous fur It rich and ex
tensive silver and copper mines. Its many
fertile valleys, lu vat tracts of majestic
foierts, its variety of climate. Its many
rivers, its springs of highly mineralised
water, both hot and colu: for its large
number of excellent publlo educational In
stitutions, for Its cumpuluory educational
law, for having the largest percentage of
population which can both read and write
In the republic, and for being a cultured.
prorreslv. petrlotlo people.
The capiial of Fiancuco I. Madero' na
tive state Is full of monuments to the
memory of IlluMrlous men and ihelr
achievements. Facing El Pslaclo, the slate
houe. Is a beautiful little plasa known
as "La IMasa de la Independence;" In an
other part of the city Is still another small
park with a fountain, many trees and
flrwers, which bears ths name of L
Plata de los Hombres Ilustres." A large
statue of the hero of Pueblo, Zaragoxa, a
on of Coahulla. stands as a guard to ths
ftvat Alameda of the city, facing Calle de
Victoria, named in honor of the first presi
dent of the republic, "Victoria."
"Caa Blanco." a large two-story adobe
house, situated on La Calle, da Inde
pendence, one of the principal streeU of
kaltlllo. th capital of the Mate, is con
sidered a sanctuary by Coahullans. for it
was in tnis house that t ie poor priest
Hidalgo was in hiding from the tnercllea
Unusual Interest
New ArrivaJs of Those Smart
and Practical White Serge
Coats A special QIC Aft
group, at vldeUU
4vtiuiaun iiiiiktu vu m
sheer white fabrics.fiK"
Many are elaborately tyQI
lace trimmed and em
broidered, all new
ideas for mid-summer
wear. We have as
sembled attractive
groups, at
$10, $12.50, $15
These dresses will be
more popular this sea
son than ever before.
Many show the practi
cal lace and embroid
ered combinations.
The variety is large,
and the values are ex
traordinary, at
$5.98 and $7.50
High Grade Sample Waists at One-Third Off
We have bought of a New York Manufacturer of fine lingerie and linen waists, his
show room samples of dainty, pretty waists, slightly soiled and mussed from handling.
Your choice Monday, at one-third off their regular prices.
Coma Direct to
Sheer Lawns and
Batistes, exquisite
floral printings,
dress" lengths, per
yard, at 6Vc, 8M:C
and ...10c
40-inch wide bord
ered Batiste, made
to sell at 25o yard,
from the bolt, per
yard, at ....... .5c
new lot
One Entire Bargain Square will be devoted to a very special sale on White Persian Lawn
All mill lengths, but without a doubt the greatest white goods bargain ever offered. Many
worth 19c a 'yard, per yard, at.. . 7VzC
Spaniard who were pursuing him. With
him were Andreas Quintans Roo, a young
patriotic lawyer, and Dona Leona Vlcaria;
who gave all of her vast wealth ,when less
than 18 years old to Hidalgo to help him
fight for Justice. In the state house hang
a life-size painting of the girl who thus
fought for the Independence of Mexico.
And there she Is reverenced as the heroine
of Saltlllo
The very air of Coahullla. and especially
Saltlllo, is electrified by the breath and
thoughts of her thousands of citizens, who
for generations have been educated to free
dom, and to those who know the truth
there la no surprise In the fact that a son
of Coahullla has gone from tha cradle of
liberty and Instituted a revolt against Its
What the Maderos Own.
There 1 little that la really good in the
state of Coahulla that the Maderoa have
not owned a large part of or do not at this
time own. The quaint Aztec-Spanish, In
dian, Mexican town, Parras, situated about
half way between Saltlllo and Torreon, is
practically controlled by the Maderos or
was up to the time of the uprising and still
Is unless they have sold their vast hold
ings. The street railways, electric light
plant, water, much of the town property
belong to the family. They own all the
principal vineyards for which the place Is
renowned, the winery and the ancient wine
cellars, made by the native Indiana under
the direction of Spanish priests In 15.
The cellars with their cssks and hogsheads
made by hand with the use only of the
crudest Instruments are In dally use to
day and in a state of perfect preservation.
The value of the vineyards and wine cellars,-
now equipped In the most modern
manner for making various grape wines. Is
almost Inestimable.
Thousands of acres of rich grazing lands
on which vast herds of cattle are fattened
-ach year for the market extend for many
miles around the town of Parras and lead
oft to the mountainous regions, which are
covered with valuable timber. Vegetable
and small fruit farms are everywhere in
evidence on the valley lands owned by the
Maderos. From them hundreds of Mexi
cans live free every year. The Maderos
not only put their poor brother men and
women In a way of doing for themselves
by giving them work for which they are
paid, but they give them all their food,
houses to live In and a percentage of the
profits of the crops they help to raise.
They likewise encourage all to try to be
come owners of property, and offer them
every reasonable assistance to effect that
In the Knbber Iadaatrr.
One of the mot profitable enterprises
owned by the Maderos Is a big factory for
the extraction of rubber from the guayule.
the famous scrub rubber tree which grows
prolificacy n the mountainous region of
Coahulla. Kx tensive areas over which the
valuable tree grows are owned by Fran
cisco I. Madero and family. The extrac
tion capacity of this factory Is about 20.000
pounds of crude rubber a day, and as the
cost of extraction is Iras than three cen
taves a pound, which Is all tha expense the
Maderos have, as they owa the trees, the
profit Is big, even with guayule as low as
JO cents a pound, which Is much less than
ths writer ha ever koown It to be quoted.
The Madero holding ar not confined to
of Summer Dresses
w 'fa .
the Big Wash Goods Sale
50c Dress Linens at 15c Yd
Bought from tha U. 8. Customs House
The coolest of all fabrics for summer wear
will make pretty and serviceable frocks, suits
and dresses . In shades of blue, helio, laven
der, green, tan and natural linen color. This
nas just been received by A
Will be sold quickly, 1
Monday, at, per yard
the state of Coahulla by any means. They
have many land and commercial Interests
in the stat of Nuevo Leon, their commer
cial interests In that state being principally
In the capital, Monterey, having large
holdings In severs 1 banks there, El Banco
de Nuevo Leon being one of them.
The Maderos are known throughout the
republic as wealthy haciendados, bankers,
merchants and cattle raisers, as well aa
educated people of culture. Without one
exception the Maderoa have married Into
families of position, education and wealth.;
Into families who are In sympathy with the
ideas of the liberator, Francisco L Madero
Jr., and if aid from them Is needed to help
further the cause for freedom they would
heartily and munificently respond. San
Francisco Chronicle.
ifeml-Centennlal Celebration of First
Battle of the War at
George C. Round of the little town of
Manassas, Va., wants to receive a postal
card from every veteran of the civil war,
whether union or confederate, asking for
a program of the celebration of the fif
tieth anniversary of the first battle of the
war. which will take place July 21 next
It la requested that the postal Include the
name of the writer, hla army service and
a brief patriotic sentiment. The cards thus
received are to be preserved forever In the
Carnegie public library as perpetual me
morials of an extraordinary event.
Lieutenant Round was a United States
signal officer during the war, and he Is
now one of the leading citizens of the tovn
made famous as the scene of the first
battle of Bull Run. Through his energy
and that of a committee a celebration ha
been arranged which has attracted the at- 1
tention of even the president of the United
8tates, who will address the blue and the
gray at their love feast at Manassas if he
can leave Washington. Lieutenant Round
is a member of Manassas Picket post of
Union Veterans; and associated with him
ar Captain Westwood Hutchinson, adju
tant of Ewell camp of confederate vet
erans; Dr. Hervln U. Roop, president of
Eastern college, and G. Raymond Ratcllffe,
president of the Manassas Business league.
The exercises will take place, appro
priately, at the Junction of Grant and Lee
avenues, the two principal streets of the
town, under the shade of trees grown dur
ing the last twenty-five years. They will
Include a spectacular representation con- I
listing of forty-eight maidens, each repre
senting a state In the. order they were ad
mitted to the union, each clad In the red,
white and blue, and bearing the name of
the state across her breast. These maidens,
singing the nstional airs, will represent
the reunited nation, -so eloquently typified
by Jhe military histories of the men who
have arranged this celebration. The Man
assas Jnbllee colors will b a unique ar
rangement representing the cordiality
which exist between union and confederate
Veterans. Tha prevailing design will . be
red, white and blue of the Star Spangled
Banner, but the confederate battle flag
will appear here and there, showing that
peace and harmony exist between tha two.
Tb badge to be worn at the celebration
Fashionable styles in those
Fine Shantung Coats Ex
tremely popular for A A A
summer wear, at
These suits are practi
cal as can be for every
kind of summer wear,
a tai!
j at-
finished as smartly as
tailored suit. Many
ideas this season,
$15, $12.50, $10
These dresses are prac
tical for every day
wear, white and the
most desirable summer
shades, smartly fash
ioned. A splendid va
riety, at. $5.00
Hundreds of new lin
gerie and tailored
waists, beautifully
made; special, at
$1.93, $2.50, $2.98
in the Basement
Dress Prints, fancy
dress lawns, special
Monday forenoon
only, yard, at SVjjC
Monday afternoon,
beginning at 1 :30,
we will sell Persian
cotton challies, from,
the bolt. Limit 24
yards, per yd.,
are being worked out on the same principle.
A feature of the celebration will be a
new national hymn written by Mrs. Mary
Speed Mercer of Elm City, N. C. which,
with words expressly arranged, has been
adopted by the committee as "the M&nas
saa National Anthem." The public school
children of Manassas are now learning the
music, which la said to be exceedingly good.
The chorus runs aa follows: 1
America! All hall to thee!
Thanks be to Go, who made us free.
North, south, east west, hand clasped in
United, we, thy children, stand.
Grant avenue In Manassas la the finest
residence street of that historic town. It
was dedicated October 9, 1902, by excursion
ists from the Grand Army encampment,
then in session In Washington. On the
corner of Grant and Lee avenues It la
projected that aoma time statues of those
two eminent generals will be erected.
"The Hebrew nation had a custom of a
Jubilee once in fifty years," said Lieuten
ant Round, speaking of the coming cele
bration. "All debts were cancelled, all old
scores wiped out, and there was rejoicing
throughout the land. Moses commanded
that the trumpet should sound for the
Jubilee on the tenth day of the seventh
month. As Moses hit on so convenient a
day for us w propose to do as he com
manded. We will open with a grand spec
tacular and musical festival on July 10,
After that we will have some minor event
of interest to those who desire to com and
study the battlefield at their leisure. Our
full program has not yet been arranged
but will be sent out in a few days to all
who apply for It. The great day will of
course be the 21st, when President Taft will
address the citizens of the reunited repub
lic and shake handa with the blue and the
gray. The exercises will take place near
Manaasas Junction and can be conveniently
reached by rail or motor car." Boston
Hero of Bride's Dreams Revealed In
the Pungent Atmosphere of
Love's young dream got an awful Jolt
in the Bronx, borough of New York, when
Mrs. George W. Weller. a wife of eight
days, learned a terrible secret of her
young husband's life. Weller is a good
looking chap and his wife la an idealist.
She Just knew that George possessed a
poetic soul and that if he would only
apply himself he could become a second
She sat In their neatly furnished flat
at 643 East One Hundred and Thirty-ninth
street building air castles. The soft spring
winds blew gently over the fields in their
new dress of cool green, laden with the
perfume of budding trees and flowers, but
the rumble of the elevated railroad and
the clang of trolley cars drowned their
It brought thoughts of a moonlight night
on some pleasant stream and a canoe glid
ing through the purling wavelta with
George at the paddl and herself, a
Hrlnkley girl, resting on silken cushion
in the bow with her whit hand trailing In
tha warm, caressing water.
George, who had bea dressing In an-
for Monday
Ton wm find the
greatest Taxletle
of really new styles
la Shoes' at
Women's Summer Pumps
.In tan and black Corduroy velvet and
black satin. Short, stub lasts, Cuban heels,
flat tailored bows, hand turned and sewed
soles; these pumps have that short, graceful,
chic effect. You usually have to pay a little
more than we ask you, all sizes are
Misses', Children's and Infants' Barefoot Sandals All sizes
in tan calf, with protected
In Wash Goods Department Basement
Very fine quality with an exceptionally high lustre, and la popular for
evening gowns and street wear, in solid colors. About 75
shades to select from, 27 inches wide, at, per yard
Mercerized cotton Poulards, very
stylish materials, in great variety
of patterns and colors, 20c val
ues, 30 inches wide, f a i
at, per yard ..... Iu2 C
82-lnch Superfine Printed Organdies, white and tinted grounds with
floral printings. 60 designs to select from,' 9C
32 Inches wide, at, per yard ....LoZ
Sheer white dress material for graduation dresses, marquisette, hand
embroidered voiles, batistes, mulls, French lawns, embroidered St Gall
Swisses, organdies, etc.:
Satin Ribbon, striped and plain
marquisotte, 27 Inches wide,
special, at, yard 25
40-inch English Voiles, at per
yard 15 25 39 nd
up to $1.25
Sheer Handkerchief Linen, 36
inches wide, at, yard 29
Linens for
Fine hemstitched Huck Individual
Size Towels, the most popular size
towel shown, 60c values, at,
each . 39
Fine German Bleached Damask
Pattern Cloths, scalloped edge for
the round tables, beautiful pat
terns, worth up to $10, at,
each $5.98
Beautiful Linen Huck Guest Towels
hemstitched ends with place for
monogram, 50c values, each 25
Our best double Satin Damask
Table Linen, full 2 yards wide, all
the new stripee and floral pat
terns, worth 11.60, yard SI. 10
other room aa fast as he could In order
to catch an express train and get to work
on time, burst rudely Into the room,
dashed up to his wife, made a dab at" her
and kissed her on the noae and rushed
for the door. He atopped for a moment.
"Say, wlfle." he called back, "have me
a niea thick beefsteak smothered In
onion tor supper, will you?" and was
Mrs. Weller fainted as the door slammed
behind him. Could George, her George,
her husband, with the deep blue soul, eat
beefsteak and onions and like 'em? It
seemed too horrible. It must be aonic
nightmare. She pinched herself to find
If she was awake. She waa.
That night when George came home his
wife was missing. He rushed around
madly, calling upon hla wife's name. He
found a note. It read: "Dear George
I've gone out. Just wait for me."
r.Hrn waited, but while he was wait-
in he looked about the room. From a
sate cache In the sofa 160 was mtsalng.
He rushed wildly about the room, calling
nnnn the name of his 60 bucks. Then ne
looked in the bureau drawer. His Jewelry
was missing. Then he looked at his even
ing shirt. His cuff buttons and gold studs
nrM miMinir Th carDets. which were
fnalled down, were still In the flat. Then
, George rushed to the police station and
called for a warrant
"Why did she leave you?" George was
asked. "Did you quarrel?"
"No," said George, "we had no differ
ence." Then he remembered the beef
steak and onion.
Lat that night George heard that his
wife was seen at a resort dancing with a
fireman a hero of the smoke clouds who
rescued beauteous maidens. New York
State of Delaware to Hare a Two-Million-Dollar
ltot, 110
Miles I.onif.
A boulevard 110 miles long, acrons the
state of Delaware, Is to be built at a cowt
of J2,jO,000 by T. Coleman du Pont, preBl
dent of the du Pont Powder company. The
right-of-way Is to be not less than 100 feet
nor more than 20 feet. A state commis
sion will select the right-of-way and super
vise the building, and It lu to be deeded to
the state when completed.
One plan Is to have a twelve-font road
way at each side of the boulevard, with a
sidewalk and trees on the outer edge of
each roadway, an electric line on the Inner
side of each roadway and a walk with two
row of tree forming the middle of the
boulevard between the two electric trolley
line. But the final form of the highway
and the exact route will nut be decided
until after the survey ha been completed
and the entire subject hss been considered
by the comnilmlon, which will act in con
junction with General da Pont and hi
engineers. General du Pont does not think
that the boulevard should go directly
through any of the principal towns, be
cause it would frequently be subject to the
disadvantages of sharp turns and it la
probable that In many casea the way would
be too constricted for a boulevard.
"1 do not think any of ua fully realize
tha benefit good road will mean to tha
Extra specials 'VJ
every day in oar
two great popular
Shoe Section.
toe styles, at. .. . 49cJ
27-ln. Cotton Voiles, in black
and white, narrow Bt.ripcs; also
plain shades, 27 inches wide, 16o
values, at, per
A beautiful range of 32-inch. Flaxon
In checks, plaids, stripes and
plain, 25c value, at, yard . -15
50 pieces of 32-lnch white satin
and corded stripe madras shirt
ing, 35c value, at. yard . ..1f
Cotton Crepe for underwear in the 1
nlnfn OrkH BDaratirlral aff(riA ctn-V
clal, at, per yard 15
June Brides
All our fine Japanese Hand Drawn
Lunch Cloths and Scarfs, worth
up to 14.00, at, each ....$1.49
All our Japanese Hand Drawn
Scarfs and Lunch Cloths, worth
up to $3.00. at, each ...... .08
24x24-lnch Double Satin Damask
Napkins, to match the above
damask, at, dozen $3.75
Finest Imported Satin Marseilles
Bedspreads, scalloped edge with.
the cut corners for braes beds,"
worth $7.50, at, each ...$5.00
tate," Ceneral du Pont said. "It would
tend to develop It from one end to the
other and bring our farmers nearer the
market with their crops, and let people
who know little of Delaware come here
and see what we have and locate hare.
The French have enough roads to go I
arounu me worm xourteen limes. Kept up
by the government, and horses there pull
three to five tons on the roads.
"In offering to build this, road I want
to say that I have no ulterior motive what
ever. I wanted to do something for tt
good of Delaware, and at first I thought, f
a hospital, then of schools, and finally I
thought that good roada would really do
more for -the state of Delaware than any
thing elsrf I could do."
This boulevard may well prove to be a
most lasting monument to the family whose
name has been closely allied with that of
Delaware since 1SU2, when E. I. du Pont da
Nemours founded along th Brandywlno
the powder works that have become tha
greatest of the kind In existence. Manu
facturers' Record.
A Ilarhelor's Reflections.
No sooner do the furnace coal bills com
down than it's time to pay fur summer va
cations. The great thing in an argument la to let
the other fellow do the talking- till ha dta.
proves himself.
A man can think he can afford chaiw
pagne In a rentauiant but that bottled a.
The longer a man can be devoted to a
girl while courting her, the shorter he can (
n.ici no nisi i ics HOT.-ntjw lurt 2 reus . i
The highest point of woman's hap
piness is reached only through moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child
within her arms. Yet the mother-to-be
is often fearful of nature '3 ordeal
and ghrinks from the suffering inci
dent to its consummation. But for
nature's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and in Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
great value to every expectant mother.
It is an oily emulsion for external
application, composed of ingredients
which act with beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
system Involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the Buffer,
iug.through which the motherusually
passes. -The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother in the,
comfort it affords before, and the helrf
ful restoration to health and strength
ii uiiurs aoout alter baby comes.
Mother's Friend
is for sale at
drug stores.
Write for our
free boolc for
expectant moth
ers which containa tnuli ..1..t,1.'
. -.ww - vaiuaun
information, and many suggebtiosi
of a helpful nature.