Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
The ConnoU Blnffs Ofrios of
The Omaha Bee Is at IS Soott
Street. Both rhones 43.
1 avls , drugs.
Wedding rllver at Lefferrs.
CniTigaiift, undertakers. Phones 113.
Wooilrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 325.
Lewis Cutler, f uncial director. I'hone D7.
1'1'RE UUI.U WEDUl.NU r.NOS-Lfc.F-
I I'.IU fi.
Li oadw ay.
.-ee tli- new 1:U wall puper patterns at
l orw ck c. .'1! tSoutli Mnln street.
Call 142 for a use of (land's Peerless
: eer. J. J. KMn Co., distributors.
.icctillsls' prescriptions accurately filled
il.e fame day it l-a-ffert Big Jewelry
The place to huy wedding gifts. Bee our
window display. Fauhle Art Shop, 333
l roadway.
Itrv. J. M. Williams went to Manning
y.-Mcrday afternoon to deliver the com
mencement speech at the town high school.
Hi will r.turn t h lit morning.
A temperature of m wim general In
Council ItluffH yenterclay nn.i In several
of the liiRtpft portions of the buslneHs
streets thermometers Indicated 111 In the
F. M. Van Arnam, who left Council Bluffs
a number of years ngo. and for several
years has been located at Sheridan, SVyo.,
has returned lo the city with the Intention
ol maklnK It his home.
Sicretury F. E. KuHtman of the Young
Men .1 i lulstian association left yeiiter
day for Columbus. O., to attend the fc.m
p.uid otiliei s' axHoelui i. He expects to
. (.onu about a week.
1 ne iittlt cavity oImcov ered In the newly embankment ot the Kenton street
'i tunc, proved to be an enormous cavern,
be vei n I wairon loads of brickbats, cinders
and earth were required to fill It.
After three years' absence on the Faclflc
coast Harry Schmidt 1s home on a visit
to his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jnclb Schmidt.
He Is located at Tacoimt, with a good po
altlon with a financial institution.
Newell McGeorge has begun a suit In the
district court against the International
Harvester company asking a Judgment for
auO for alleged wrongful selsure of an auto
delivery wagon and $1,000 damages for the
Injury sustained by his business as the re
sult of the loss of the vehicle.
A number of seablrds, entire strangers
to this part of the country, have been sail
ing over Council Blurts for the last few
evenlnKS. They are umall white birds with
black tipped wings, and appear to be very
anxious for somebody to direct them
toward the nearest body of salt water.
The funeral of Mrs. Elsie Harris, who
ended her life on Thursday by hanging,
was held yesterday afternoon from the resi
dence. The attendance was very large and
the expressions of sympathy hearty and
sincere. The services were conducted by
Rev. J. M. Williams, pastor of the Broad
way Methodist church.
Judge Walter I. Smith will return from
Kansas City this evening. On Monday he
win return lo Ht. Paul to complete hla work,
there for the present term of the circuit
court of appeals. Mrs. Smith will accom
pany him. They will be in St. Paul a week 1
or moro and will then go to northern
Michigan, where Mrs. Bmlth may remain
during a portion of the hot weather.
Onu Council Bluffs woman was in the
wreck on the Frisco line near Kansas City
when the train went over an embankment,
fim was Miss Francina Oursler, daughter
of J. M. Oursler, general agent of the
I n Ion Pacific, and resided at 404 Morning-i
sioe avenue. Miss Oursler Is a teacher at
toe Ini School for the Deaf. She was re
turning from Morganstown, N. C. Hhe was
vi ry slightly injured, escaping with only
few slight Injuries. j
John L. Templeton, for years chief of
the Council Bluffs fire department, and
now at the head of the fine flre-flghtlng
lorce at Muskogee, Okl., Is In the city, ac
companied by Mrs. Templeton and their
son. The young man graduated this week
t the Kearney (Neb.) school, and his par
ents came all the way from the southern
home In be present and take him home.
They will remain In the city several daya
the guests of some of their many friends
Judge Wheeler and a Jury In the district
court heard the evidence yesterday In the
stilt of A. C. Mill against J. U Monsperger
and others Interested in the management
of an'allcgcd vicious cow. The cow attacked
and severely Injured Mrs. Mill last October
near her home on Avenue J and Twenty
ninth street. Judgment for Ifl.OOO waa asked.
After an hour's deliberation the Jury re
turned a verdict for the defendant. The
Case held the attention of the court all
The high school faculty held Ita final
meeting of the year yesterday after
noon. The event wts given a social tint
by a luncheon at the Grand hotel. A
number of short and bright talks occurred.
Prof. Brlndley .who has been a member of
the faculty for the last three years bade
farewell to his fellow laborers and received
their good wishes for his success In his
new field at Fort Dodge. Additional Inter
est was given the meeting by the presence
of Prof. s. L. Thomas, former principal
of the high school.
The petition In the suit of Charles A.
Horner, a former police officer, against
Dr. J. H. Cole was filed In the district
court yesterday. The original notice was
served several weeks ago. Mr. Horner was
shot and badly wounded by a negro des
perado, and hla suit Is based on the Injuries
received by X-ray burns while Dr. Cole
was seeking to locate the bullet which
had lodged near his spine. He asks $10,000.
Horner was pensioned as a result of his
Injuries, and will draw (35 a month from
the city as long as he lives.
George W. Adams, president of the Iowa
& Omaha Short Line railroad waa arrested
Leaterday upon complaint of William A.
-ewls, owner of a farm extending through
two sections, who charged him with mis
demeanor under the Iowa law requiring the
construction of fences on both sides of
railway tracks on all land acquired within
six months after possession la taken. The
new line which la In the last stages of
completion has not been thus protected.
The Information was filed In the office of
Justice Cooper. Mr. Adams waa found
hard at work near Treynor and brought
Into town by Constable Baker. Mis own
recognisance waa taken and 'the court per
mitted him to name the date for the hear
ing. Mr. Adnms thought a moment and
made It ninety days. Before that time the
fences will be constructed.
Leonard Paulque. who stormed the central
police station armed with a repeating rifle
and two big revolvers, bent upon releasing
his wife, whom he believed was Imprisoned
there, had fully regained his senses when
ho confronted Pollco Judge Snyder yester
day morning. A few hours In Jail had re
stored his momentarily dethroned reason,
and he realized the tragedy that had been
averted by the coolness ot Officer Crum.
He was very penitent, especially after find
ing! that the charge upon which a warrant
had been Issued for tho arrest of hla wife
was of such a trivial character that she
was promptly discharged when the facts
were presented to me court, juage rnyoer
let the man off easy, imposing a fine of
J:i"i und costs and exacting a bond ot aj0
from him to keep the peace.
Robert Wtlley, SI years and ( months old,
died yesterday at his home, 150 Ulen avenue,
after a six months' Illness from dropsy. Mr.
Wtlley had resided at his Glen avenue
home for forty-six years and had lived In
this vicinity for more than two-thirds of his
lile. He owned one ot the choicest iruu
and vegetable farms in this locality, lying
I nrtlv inside the city limits at the end
of East lierce street. Quite recently a
portion ot It was bought to enlarge the
Culholtc cemetery, and tombs are now shel
tered by the protecting boughs of apple
tiees planted by him many years ago. Mr.
Wllley was born In England, January 11,
IMS. Friends who desire to view the body
may do so on Sunday afternoon between
i and 4 o'clock preceding the funeral, which
will be private at sundown. The request Is
made that no flowers be sent.
Dr. O. O. Smith, pastor of the First Con
gregational church, was called up by tele
phone a few daya ago by R. W. Jones of
ltenderson, who made a number of kindly
inquiries concerning the work of Rev. J.
W. llanley. pastor of the Peoples' Congre
gational church of this city. Mr. Henderson,
w ho is a prosperous and helpful cltlxen, be
cmc interested In the work of Pastor Han
ley through the reports made public at the
I event session of the State Association ot
Congregational churches at Waterloo and
the district association meeting at Creston.
Later a letter came to Mr. Smith from Mr.
Junes asking for some additional Informa
tion In connection with the work, which
was promptly answered. Testerday morning
Dr. Smith received another from the Hen
derson man Inclosing a draft for 1UU as
contribution toward the new church
building found necessary lo meet the re
quirements ot the rapidly grow lug and de-
Council Bluffs
Both Parties Bedouble Energy in
Conteit in Ninth District.
Almost o Speaking Has Taken Plaea
Nlnre Hot Dare Are Poor for
Campaign Tollers Farm
ers Duar.
Interest In the special congressional
election which takes place next Monday la
reaching the acute stage. Elnce the demo
crats have concluded that the election of
their candidate, W. F. Cleveland, Is neces
sary as the first expression of national
confidence In the work of the democratic
branch of congress so far In the special
session, they have concentrated In the
district the power of tho whole national
It Is now admitted that the plans for a
"whirlwind campaign, with a national
speaker In every school house In the dis
trict," were only abandoned because the
old wheel horses who have directed the
course of the democratic mule team con
cluded the republican plan for still hurst
was better than the braes bands and
blazes of oratory. They recalled the fact
that wherever Bryan spoke In the Iowa
campaign last year the democrats were de
feated. The democrats only decided to
make some speeches after the reeublloans
eased up a little In the personal canvass.
The campaign managers have discovered
that the farmers will not come out at all
to hear a campaign speech In the busy
month of June, but every voter In the
district has been directly communicated
with and the way to hla duty clearly
pointed out to him.
Bluffs Storm Crater.
For the next forty-eight hours Council
Bluffs will be the oenler of the political
battle. The republican manager will make
no effort to attract support to Judge Green
by impassioned oratory or fervid appeals
to political patriotism, but the democrats
have decided that some political thunder
shall shake the akles. Consequently they
have arranged a boiling meeting at the
Dohany theater this evening, when Judge
Martin J. Wade. Candidate Cleveland and
Emmet Tinley will be the speakers. There
will be brass bands on the streets and
plenty of enthusiasm In the vicinity of
Broadway and Sixth street. But while
this Is going on the skirmish lines of the
enemy will be thrown out in all directions
In other parts of the city.
The campaign has been singularly free
from personalities and bitterness. Judge
Green has been tireless In his work, con
ducting his canvass with the dignity and
sincerity that has characterized every act
of his official life, ana tie has added to
his strength by the force of his character
and his candor and fairness. While there
are ao many elements of uncertainly to be
reckoned with, auch as the refusal of the
farmers to quit their fields to vote and
apathy of aome of the republicans, the
friends of Judge Green are extremely con
fident of his election.
A dozen republican automobiles have
been engaged for work at the polls on
Monday, and many voters will have the
opportunity of free rldea to the polls.
The rolling; Places.
The work of preparing the election
booths In the city waa begun yesterday
when County Auditor Hannan began send
ing out the ballot boxes. Following are
the location of the polling places:
First Ward. Second Prlni T
Anderson, contractor, 207 East Broadway.
Second Ward, First Precinct Hansen
carpenter shop, 23 Bryant street.
second ward. Second Precinct I P.
Service, 734 West Broadway.
Third Ward. First Precinct 101 lmiu-th
Third Ward. Second Prixlno ana cnth
Main street.
Fourth Ward. First Trlnt-n,...
Fourth Ward. Second Precinct 7oa M-
teenth avenue.
Fifth Ward. First Piwlnpt-rniiniv
Fifth Ward, Second Precinct County
Fifth Ward. Third Precinct rrlnu.
store, 2326 West Broadway.
rHxin vvaro, irsi Precinct County
Sixth Ward. Second Precinct Pnlhnn
residence. 2MO West Broadway.
oixin wara, j nira t-reclnct Firth and
Locust streets. East Omaha.
WE WILL all have to own up that our
fruits and vegetablea grown right at home
are away ahead of the shipped goods. To
day we have home-grown strawberries,
boxes for 25c; home-grown peas, 26c peck;
beets, S bunches for 10c; turnips, 3 bunches
for 10c; cucumbers, t for 16c; wax beans,
I2c pound; the long green asparagus, 10c
bunch; head lettuce, 6c; radishes, lc each;
onions, lc; pineapples, 16c each; chipped
beef, 30c. We still sell the same kind of
coffee, New York roasted, at 25c pound.
Bartel A Miller. Phone 36.
One Bidder So Mach Lower Tnaa
Others that Promoters Ask Him
to Figaro A gala.
Bids were opened yesterday for the con
struction of the concrete work In connec
tion with the Lincoln memorial monument
that la to be erected on the historic spot
at the head of Oakland avenue where Abra
ham Lincoln stood In the summer of 1869
entranced by the beautiful panorama that
made such a deep Impression upon him.
Funds for the monument have been col
lected by the Lincoln Monument associa
tion, of which General O. M. Dodge Is
chairman and to which he has contributed
a large amount of money.
Four bida were filed and there was such
a difference between the highest and the
lowest that the association Instructed En
gineer Etnyre, who draughted the pinna
in accordance to the wishes of General
Dodge, to confer with the low bidder and
let him be sure that no mistake had been
Big Raage la Bids.
The Hds were filed by Peter Nelson, who
asked $3,200 for the Job; B. A. Wlckham.
who figured the coat at $2,960 as the limit
and agreed to do all the work at cost, sub
mitting all bills tor material and labor to
committees; Norgard A Bon, $2,750, and
Nets Jensen, $2,433. Jensen's bid waa so out
of proportion to all of the others when
such experienced concrete workers as Nel
son figured the actual cost. Including $400
for lumber for the moulds, and Wlckham,
S2.K0, by uMng lumber that had been used.
that the committee was sure Jensen had
made a mistake baaed upon Inadequate
knowledge of the plans and the require
ments of the specifications.
The association Instructed Mr. Etnyro to
go over the plans with him and explain
them, indicating the large amount of x
pensive hand work of an artlstto character
required, and not permit him to take the
Job at a price that would cause financial
loss or inferior work. A large amount ot
Important white cement is required, and
chipped granite Is to be used for the sur
facing to make all the cement work cor
respond with the granite shaft that la to
constitute the monument Itself. More than
I'd cuble yards of the moat expensive kind
of artistic work is to be dons.
Council Bluffs
Drlree of Automobile Not Foaad
Reapoaslhl for Death ot
Samntr Cllllnsky.
A coroner's Jury Inquired yesterday Into
the death of Sammy Ollllnsky. the 13-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ollllnsky,
who was Instantly killed Thursday evening
by an automobile driven by John Erler, and
decided that death was due to an accident
for which no person could be blamed.
The testimony of a number of witnesses
was taken, all of whom saw the accident.
There was no conflict In their stories. The
boy waa returning from hla father's store
at 1001 Broadway to his home, 2015 West
Broaway. With a number of other boys
he had climbed upon a wagon belonging
to the Nebraska Telephone company going
to Omaha. The driver compelled the other
lads to get off, but the little Ollltnsk
not observed. When the wagon came nearly
boy was riding on the side step and was
opposite his home he leaped off without
observing Erler's big touring car that was
approaching from behind and had turned
out to pass the wagon. It waa not ten
feet behind him when he touched the
ground. The fenders on the wagon con
cealed the boy from Erler and he did not
see him when he swung off the wagon and
a fraction of a second later the child dis
appeared beneath the automobile.
Dr. M. J. Bellinger, who was called im
mediately, testified that death had been
Instantaneous from a broken neck.
Arrangements had been completed for the
burial ot the boy on Sunday, but at the
request of the family the time was changed
and the broken little body was laid away
In the Jewish cemetery yesterday after
Work oa Heparins of Broadway Will
Await the Completion of
This Task.
, With plenty of men waiting to begin
work and unlimited quantities of material
on hand and all preliminary preparatlona
completed. Contractor Wlckham has been
compelled to suspend work on the Broad
way paving, owing to the tIg task put upon
the street railway company by the change
of grade, which required the lowering of
the tracks on Broadway above Main street
from four to six Inches.
Mr. Wlckham, however, has put his men
at work repaying the first block of South
Main street, and Is making some record
time In getting out the old granite blocks
and preparing for the new pavement The
west side of the street was rlean ,
and the required filling finished yesterday.
loaay the concrete gang will begin work,
and within a week or more the bloc will
be finished.
The street railway company Is not delay
ing the work of lowering its tracks, but
has as large a force of men at work aa can
be used to advantage. They tolled like
ants ten hours yesterday in the hil.t.rir,-
sun under the direction of Foreman Mike
Moore and removed the filling between
the ties for a distance of several blocks.
When this is finished the whole length of
the tracks can be let down In a few hours.
When this is done the old rails will be
taken out and replaced by steel weighing
ninety-seven pounds to the yard, the heavi
est street car rails made. The paving work
can begin whenever the ties are brought
down to the new grade.
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers reported to The Bee
June 2, by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company:
B. F. Cook and wife to C. A. Hlnkle
and wife, lots . 10, 12. 13, 14. 16. 16, 17,
18 and is, block 1, Morningside add.
to Council Bluffs; and part of nwU
seVt 30-76-43, w d m
William H. James and wife to M. H
Oderklrk, lots- 18, 19, 20 and wH of
21, block 14, Highland Place, an add.
to Council Bl 'ffs, w d 1 200
F. J. Day and wife to Warren Bher- '
bondy, lot 6, sub of lot 48. In O P
of Council Bluffs, la., w d 1 100
W. Moore, trustee, and wife to El- '
dora Smith, lot 208, Belmont add. to
Council Bluffs, w d 210
Four transfers, total $9,610
N. Y. Plumbing Co.-Tel. 200. Night F-1702.
Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following named persons.
Name and Residence. Age
Albert D. Campbell, Council Bluffs Z!
Ethel B. Hhubert. Council Bluffs 24
W. L. Johnson. Des Moines 22
Gussle King, Omaha lo
Drink Budwelser. King ot Bottled Beers
Refrigerators that save Ice. We have
the Tukon and Economic refrigerators, $9
up. P. C. De Vol Hardware Co.
Mills Medical Society.
OLENWOOD. Ia., June 3. (Special.)
The mid-summer meeting of the Mills
county medical society, held here Wednes
day, was one. of the most enjoyable In
the history of the society. The following
physicians and guests were present: Drs.
Christie, Hastings, Scott, Parsons and
Campbell, Malvern Merritt and Yates, Em
erson; Craig, Henderson, Rush, Om&ha
Glenwood; Bacon, Pacific Junction; Drs.
Malcolm Campbell and Walter Scott, Sen
iors, Malvern; Drs. Agan, Heater, Plimp
ton, Donelan, DeCarson, Lange, Moon,
Bldwell, Qlenwood.
Papers were read and discussed aa fol
lows: De Oarion, "Unity In Action;"
"Cases of Obstetrics." Craig; "A Surgeon
In Each County Society," Campbell; "My
Observations In Eight Yeara" of Osteo
pathy," Rush. At the conclusion ot the
program, which waa carried out at the
Masonic hall, the party were taken by
waiting autos ten miles In and around the
city, the ride drawing to a close at the
lake, where an eight-course dinner was
Coancll Blocks Project.
FORT DODGE, la.. June $. (Special
Telegram.) Interesting litigation Impends
between the city of Fort Dodge and the
Northern Iowa Power company, recently
Incorporated to build a hydro electrlo plant
above the city, limits on the Des Moines
river. By a two to one vote the council
forbids the - corporation to construct the
dam for which the company let the con
tract today. W. W. Sterna, a Humboldt
banker, heavily interested, characterizes
the action as a Joke and aaserta that legal
counsel Informed their company the city
has no power In this case. City Solicitor
Mitchell holds the city has Jurisdiction
provided by state law.
Fort Dodge Scholaraalaa,
FORT DODGE. Ia., June $. (Specfkl
Telegram.) The yearly presentation of
scholarships to any college for the entire
courae, possible under the terms of the
will ot a former Fort Dodge man. Harry
Hawley, ia made this year to Ella May
Wilson, who has $-100 per cent of credits
out of a possible 64. and to Paul Gust arson,
who in addition to completing his high
school course with high rank has been
a prominent debater, prominent athlete
and has been graduated la a heavy music
course and In shorthand. The Iowa univer
sity scholarship was granted to Ruth
Sparry, also a prominent debater.
Thirty-Five Get Their Certificate!
from State Board.
Mi Implicated la Attempt to Loot
Coaatr Tresiary Likely to Hare
Close Shave In t oart at
Dei Molars.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, June 3 (Special Tele
gram.) Thirty-five law students, who this
week were examined by the State Law Ex
amining board, had the distinction of form
ing the first class for many years that
was wholly successful In passing the ex
aminations. Certificates will go to every
r ne excent one. who la not vet old rnourh
and his certificate will Tie withheld until
he Is of age. Rev. H. H. Sawyer, the state
superintendent of the Anti-Saloon leae-ua
work, was among those who passed the ex,
ami nation.
Stronar Testlmonr la Case.
Developments In the trial of James 0"Cal
laghan accused of complicity with Al
Rhodes and two others in trvlnir in hnak
Into the COUntv treasurv. tnrileata ttial
probably O'Callaghan will be convicted of
me i crime. Rhodes gave testimony Impli
cating the defendant and hla atorv w
so straightforward that nothing has been
brought forward to break Its force. An ef
fort was made to Impeach the testimony of
Knodes. O'Callaghan had been a clerk In
tne county treasurer s office.
Pabllahers Make Good Case.
Des Moines Publishers made a rood cm
today before a special examiner for the
interstate commerce commission in the
matter of their application for an order
to reduce the freight rats on paper from
tne mills to Iowa points. They showed
that the rate to other points not further
removed from the mills was 3 and 4 centa
lower than to Des Moines and that this
discrimination Is carried on throughout the
West. The examination was hofnn Riuiii
Examiner Anderson for the Interstate
commission, who will also take up a num
ber of other complaints.
Eight Saloons to Close.
The operation of the Moon law. flzlna-
the number of saloons In a city at a certain
period of the population will have the ef-
xeci or closing eight saloons In this city as
soon as suits can be brought against them.
Thus far the city officials have failed to
act for the enforcement of this law, but
now will order the licenses revoked. The
eight licenses were granted after th law
went Into effect.
Will Enforco Road Laws.
Attorney General Cosaon today mailed
to county attorneys In the state a letter
calling their attention especially to the
laws relating to highways and the need
of their enforcement. He Includes ' the
opinion of Special Counsel Lee on the In
terpretation of the new road drag law
and states that under this law It Is up to
the county supervisors and townshln trus
tees to have the law enforced. Road drag
ging Is made compulsory Smder the law
and failure to do so Is a misdemeanor.
ine piain intent of the legislature waa to
have this work continued right alona- this
year and every year, and, although the
iaw is somewnat ambiguous, yet It Is the
duty of all road officers to continue th.
' Dee-traction of , Weeds.
The attorney general also Insists upon
enforcement of the law of the state re
garding noxious weeds and has included
to each county attorney a copy of the law
in mis regard. The law requires that
persons having charge of the h'Khway.
shnll keep them clear of noxl r
and land owners can be requl ,ut
their weeds along the highway f
Conferenre Is Finished.
The conference of the heads of atat.
tutlons was concludedo here this forenoon
wun tne reaoing or a paper on the Institu
tion garden and Its value hv vtv o. .
f iuv.i-
lng of Cherokee. There waa also discussion
of the paper by Superintendent Kuser of
Diaie inaustriai School for Boys on the
need of industrial tralnlna- at tha i.ti...
Hons. It was disclosed that at practically
.c, uuo ui me institutions there la some
form of industrial training.
Takes Advantage of New Law.
A $0,000,000 corporation of Nw v..w .
day took advantage of the Iowa law as to
Paying Incorporation fee only on that part
pai siock or the company used
in Iowa. This was MacArthur Bros, of
New York, contractors, who paid on $10 000
of capital stock to be used In Iowa. Other
corporations: Albla State bank, capital
$25,000; Magic Chemical
port. $10,000; Conroy Building ft
v.nuuu, onroy, 13,500.
Examination for Medical Corpa.
An examining board for the Iowa Na
tional guard, headed by Dr. n. S. Falrchlld
of Clinton, has before It tori a v a
examination for commissions In the medical
ri" VI ,n guard. These will be for the
organisation of the new corps In Des
Moines. Another class will be examined
Des Moines suffered a $10,000 fire early
today when flames partially destroyed
the plant of the McDonnell Iron and boiler
works. The cause of the fir. i. ..w
U - - -'iniiunii,
started In the engine room fh.
room, boiler shop and the second story ot
... 'ukuu!. were oadly damaged by the
flames. Three lines of hose were laid by
the firemen. They extinguished the blase
after a hard fight. The loaa Is partially
covered by inaurance. The McDonnell
boiler works was visited by 4 disastrous
flrse several weeks ago and the plant badly
Member from Sixth District Makes
Address to Voters la liarrUoa
LOGAN, Ia.. June $. (Special.) Before
an audience of betwian 160 and too voters
here at the opera houae last evening, N.
E. Kendall of the Sixth district, discussed
the political lrsucs of the Ninth. Mr. Ken
dall paid a glowing tribute to the history
of the republican party achievements, but
condemned reciprocity measures now
pending as unrepubllcan. Mr. Kendall's
statement that he had voted twice against
the measure wr.s applauded. He urged
the voters to support W. R. Green, re
publican candidate for congress, as the
reciprocity measure would be harmful to
the farmers and waa the entering wedge
against tariff.
W. R. Orchard of the Nonpareil made a
few remarks urging the voters to support
the republican candidate for congress.
Judge Green was also present and In a
brief speech stated that he had always
been a republican and that he was op
posed to the reciprocity measures bow
Gregory Accepts Deaashla.
IOWA CITY, Ia.. June ..-(Special Tele
gram.) Dean Charles Noble Gregory re
signed as head of the college of law and
accepted today the deanabip ot the George
Washington university, Washington, D. C.
The Key to the ettuatieoj-Bea Want Acs.
Dick Ferris Elected
Head of New Republic
of Lower California
Former Omaha Man Chosen by Insur
rectoi in Tia Juana Connection
with Junta Severed.
TIA JUANA. Lower Cal'fornln, June 3
The lnsurrectos In Tia Juana sex ered con
nection with the Mexican liberal rartv
Junta today, elected Dick Ferris president
of the new republic of Lower California,
and decided to wait upon General Tryce
before choosing a new g.nerat. Tryce to
have the preference If he returns. Me t
expected Bunday. Ferris Is a promoter
oi ivos Angeles.
This action followed an adit reaa tft the
Insurrectos, who now number about l.v
men, tty ixiuis Bates, a rebel captain. A
new flag and new constitution are belna
It was not denied this morning that the
situation In Tia Juna was gloomy. The
men were out of ammunition and atiiinlie
and were said to be on the point of selling
their guns and quitting Lower California.
EL PASO, Tex., June 3. Abram Gon
zales, elected yesterday by the Chihuahua
legislature as provisional governor at
Madero's dictation, declared today that
federal and Insurrectos would be sent
Jointly to Lower California to put down the
socialistic Insurrection there. He said per
mission had been granted by the Inltcd
States for troops to go through New Mexico
and Arizona by train.
Wok Ferris ia well known In Omaha
where for a long time he and his stock
company were general favorltles with
theater patrons.
From Omaha, Ferris went to Minneapolis,
and from there to Los Angeles, where he
was the promoter of a number of amuse
ment enterprises. Last fall he was a can
didate before the primaries for lieutenant
governor of California, and later manager
of a big feta at Santa Monica, which In
cluded automobile racea and a festival
featured by conUnulng all night under arc
Tho Twentieth
Eeffular price
a"TJ. i- -lull K R v
rvi'1 In
Mr i IK A' "Aa-XLr. .. r
FWt. ' JIM
The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1.00"
The Cosmopolitan
Begnlar price for both 1 year. . .L50
The ISraniieth.
Eegular price
The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1.00'
iWoman's Home Companion.... 1.50
Begular price
The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1.00
Woman's Home Companion.... LfiO
McClure's 1.50
Begnlar prioe
The Twentieth Century Farmer. $1.00
Woman's Home Companion.... 1.50
McClure's 1J50
Review of Reviews . . . 3.00
Regular prioe
South Dakota Cities Feel Severest
Effects of Tremor.
Two riate t.laaa More Wlndoirs
llroken Italldlaae Hock at
Mitchell Felt la Iowa
and ehraUa.
IlLilON, S. I Juno 3 (Spt.-lal Tel.--;i
am.) This city and toiis with.'n u
i.i.llua of 10i miles ft It a pronounced earih
.uiike shock about 4:W )etrilay r.;..r
Here dishca rattled, chai dcicis ; rem). I d
nml bullillnns quivered, i no iMii.e ki;i
vore fronts wore broken and peo; lo lu-l.-U
mo the tret3 and onto lawn.
(iicult court wni in sea'.on and wltti
the vlbtattuii occurred all from th.
Itilldlng. Occupimts of b-.itld nt
c'eiks and business nun .kaci.t-i their s.a
t ens.
MITCHELL. S. !.. June .". - Special Tel
egram.) A Plight shock of un earthquake
was felt in this city . -M . ut 4'J
o'clock. It was of sufficient f'ice to Jar
(loora In resld. nc.s in the cu-turn part of
the city, while In the southern part the
force seemed to be a trifle gi eater. A m.m
ittlng in his offices there wa moved bck
and forth twice three or four inches. This
point seetned to be. the end of tho quake.
Out at Plankinton the Jar wa great :r
and bottles were knocked from a shelf In
the telephone office. No damage was re
ported at either place.
Tremor Felt at Slonx City.
SIOUX CITY, la., June 3. A distinct
seismic disturbance was felt here stei dav
afternoon after 4:45 o'clock. People in
bushier blocks were shaken by the tremor.
Although the local weather bureau has no
seismograph, the telephones In the office
were kept busy for thirty minutes answer
ing Inquiries regarding the disturbance.
Reports received here from Mitchell and
Miller, S. D., and from ' Valentine, Neb.,
tell of earth tremors at thoe points about
the same time. But one disturbance was
at'" ,
Itrtt irtS notiOLAJt v
li ; : -w m r a -k. t .,; ; I:
.-ivtyvtwiiiii to
Ti "W- All
eV' l Utki w aU
tr,Yr ' s 'v
rviii."! vai3
uk uir
TriVS'- ,lai jf
ark 'r. li.' ;.'i I OUT AVW 1 r
.teitmne tAl;ioluM;nnU.,
Tour Favorite Magazines at Cost
Bead our great combination offers with the best mgazinfi
jrablished Make np your list now.
Ctatnry Farmer. $1aXT1
Maganne J-w
Ow lrte
for both 1 year. . .$2.00
Century Farmer. $lJXh
Crn TrU
for both 1 year. . .$2.50J
for both 1 year. . .$2.50j
for all 1 year . .. .$4.0oJ
for all 1 year $7.00
Bend your Subscription at once to
felt here. It lasted about thirty seconds.
Ml 1. 1. Kit, S. !.. June 3. An earthquake
chock ne distinctly felt here about
clock ynKlrr.liiy.
VAI ENTlNi:. N. Iv. June S. n earth.
iiuakc shock was unite strongly fe't on tht
second floor of buildings here at 6 o'clock
cMer.lny. It fiom three to five
ci-ond x.
Omaha Bandit Shot in
Fight with Detectives
Two Highwaymen Trailed to Their
Rooms in Denver Make Stand
Against Police.
UI'VVi'l!. .Tone 3. Tr.ilcd to tlnlr room,
I'm hlif hvn men msile a stand aKalnst
1 1. rep j!ctectlvr tonicht nnd In thP battle
-Alilch followed ono of the handl', .la'iies
lynch, whs probably fatally wounded.
;"ninlc Incc. companion of Lynch, was
taken Into custody. Incc declares he rams
lo'io with l.vncli ii hot! t three ago
from Ptnnh.i nnd that Lynch I? an ex-con-!ct.
having errved a sentence In the Ne
braska penitentiary. Tnce is 13 yaie old
nnd l c Is a Htatlomiry fin n ,n.
l.ouli Elehler, Horn Ma Months After
Pareata Are Divorced Mother
Marries, Again.
KANSAS CITY. Jut"- S.-A son. of whoso
existence his father never knew, appeared
here today to Inherit the fT.OOO estate of
William Elchlor, who died here recently.
The son Is Louis Itchier, H years of ago,
of Solomon. Kan.
Hlx months after William r.ichler and
his first wife Were divorced twenty-one
years ago. Louis was ho 4i The mother
never spoke to him of h's when he
grew up. She married again and Louis
then left her.
Meanwhile the father married again. Ha
and his second wife were soon divorced.
When the elder Elehler died his estate
went Into the hands of the public adminis
trator. The estate wilt be turned over to
his son.
Ontr 1,25
Ow Frtaa Onlr 1.25
Oar 1.60
Out Prlo- OaJy 1.60
Ow PtIm Onlr 2s 40
OsjrMMtalr 2195