Real Estate e mm i a r w - r R. all E .3 ft si It O tp o o s tu o3 fll 03 5: REAL ESTATE carr property for sale) tContinued.) , CLOSING OUT '"NORWOOD" The Addition With Character On Omaha's "Prettiest Mile" UWe hare only a few loU left In tola Tine tract of CTound, EJrerr one of : a good lot. $700 to $875 , COME OUT TODAY , a look over Miller Park, NORWOOD ADDITION and the "Prettiest Mile" pt Boulevard In Omaha. $60,000 flrorthi of lots have been sold alnce the Where others are buying. "NORWOOD" Is located Just across 24th street from Miller Park and on both sides of the Florence Boulevard. In closing out the remaining lots we will sell them on easy terma. Come out today. Salesmen on the ground. NORRIS & 100 Bee Building. HOMES FOR SALE 113,600 An xtra well built 12-room hour.e, with all modern conveniences. Including nardwood finish, haidwood floors, mantel and grate, bookc s-.s built-in, laun dry tuba and cltr; south and east front corner lot; very sightly location; con- t onnnX'" to Btreet , a". chuuhes ;ind sihools. Easv, terms. - i .uw-une of the most dvslrnble homes on the west aide car line, north of Hanscom park; rooms, with ull modern convenience. Including hardwood finish and i a ? vat"" htat: east front. lot.; barn. I b.vuq Nine-room house, with hardwood finish and oak floors In first ' story,, four bearooms and bath In second story, Jne finished room and storage space tn at- . , c- tem heat; lot 0x132 ft., facing on the high school grounds. I a very choice fc-room home, with OOxHoH ft. lot, south front, on Lafayette Ave between 37th and 3tth Sts. This Is one uf the mo.t desirable mtdlum-aixed homes In the city, with beautiful lan, natural forest trees, fruit, etc.. located S." ,h" boulevard In an extra good neighborhood. . I t.JOO Eight-room modern hours, with oak finish, oak floors, hot water -heat and all conveniences; lot Kxli-s ft.; on Itfth St., south of Eeway -A. uUtn 1907. Owner moving to Lincoln, . G.300 Ten rooms on first and second floors and three, finished rooms on third floor- Jasl. nt ,ot: neighborhood.. Some property with two lots. 19,000 ' u.ow-Lignt-room modern house, with oak finish, oak floors, tiled bath hot water k "i VrX conv'nl'nee; full lot; on paved street. In one of the best nelgh- kwy ?,ortVood" Omaha, two blocks frem car line. Owner leaving the city. 5,000-Uood. eumfortable fc-ioom mod. house, with lot 60x160 ft., on the east side car -line north of Hanscom park. I J,00-Seven-rooni modern house, with oak finish, oak floors, hot water heat, full lot . Pvcd street; built In 1!K8; clear exc pt part of paving. 1 I 3,250-Klght-room house, with five bedrooms, city, water, gaa and sewer; lot 60x150 nuved street; two blocks from car line. I 3,250-A very desirable l'i-story modern cottage, with one bedroom below and two bedrooms and bath upstairs; south f front lot, 424x160 ft., with flowers, shruba nd garden; one block from Harney car line. I t,IU0-FTve rooms, modem except furnace, full lot, on S4th St.. southwest of Hanscom ' ON FARNAM STREET IIILiL $1.000-Large modern house, with oak finish, oak floors, hot water heat- lot BOxlfiS t and garage; on 37tli tft.. south of Farnam. ' n., 112,000 A very df.lral.Ie it-room nuuse. with hardwood finish and oak floors In fir.f story; four bedrooms and bath, sleeping porch and sawing room above" east front ot. Wxl66 ft.; barn; SW blocks from Farnam car line. A very desirable home In a popular locality and very cheap. 7 aeslrble W.000 Ten-room, modern house and two east front lots; one block from Farnam car I 7.500 Same house with one lot. $ .000-Elght-room modern house, with east font lot, on 3th Ava.1 one block from farnam car line. Owner will take other clear real estate for hi equity a( J. II. UUMONT & SON, Phona Douglas 490. r- FRUIT FARM Adjoining the oity of Council Bluffs, we offer a 16-acre fruit farm, with new U-room fully modern house and all other necessary equipments that go to make a happy home. The owner iives there now, but having lately gone In businexs in Omaha wants to sell and would take a nice home in Omaha as first payment, balance your own terms. The price la I Liu AW. and if you purchase at once you will get this year's fruit, which will amount to some $2,000. Some one who wants a niee home that will make a living for him can get a bargain In this. F. C. Best, MS Omaha National Bank Illdg. Phones lout;las X..J0 and Harney 3711. A FINE COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITY HOUO 7-room fram? house: gas and elec tric llghti. city water, beaut, ful trees an 4 shrubbery; large lot. 50x 1W; good barn. Altogetiier a very deslratile pU ce. I'lea-e look this over and make us an o(f r. 1S N. 1Mb St. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Kntlre Third Floor Ware Block, Southeast Corner 15th end Fa: nam. Phones: 1'ouKlas 17M; A 11SS. Owner Must Sell Owner has left the city and must sell Ms all modern dwelling, located In the Field club district: large corner lot; paved Street; dwelling contains large rooms and reception hall; fully modern. Price only (4,ii0. immediate possession can be given. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310-312 Brandela Theater. One Day Bargain $5,000 FOR $4,000 Hit Floienee Blvd., l-room house, mod ern, eaat front. Mx213. fruit and shade, lhls la the best buy on the boulevard If tiot said by Monday evening, will be Uii drawn. . Moll & Seay D. A-JiKS. tio B ard of Trade. Lots, Trees Walking Distance On Bherwood Ave., one bloek eaut of fherman Ave. Choicest vacant property In maha, city water, gas, sewer and eement walks Beautiful lan;e maple trees on Eery lot. Price M0. Ixmk at thesS today,' ere are only a few left. Armstrong-. Walsh Co. Tyler US1 310 8. 17th St. A BARGAIN Nine-room house In fine epalr; modern except heat; lot is tftxifcO; 'Wi LAfaiM Ave., 1'bone Harney &0. REAL ESTATE CITT FROFKRTY FOR SALB (Continued.) addition wag put on the market Buy MARTIN Doug. 4270; A-4270. lflOS Farnam St.. Omaha. Three Houses South 92.760. 2815 South 12th, 6 rooms, all mod ern except heat. $2,260. 2529 South 12th, 6 rooms, on one floor; partly modern. At the northeast corner 16th and Vinton. $2,000. 1102 South 2 2d, 5 rooms, all mod ern; one of the nicest cottages in the south part of town. A. P. Tukey & Son 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 21S1. Six Room House Must Sell 450 Cash $1,750, at $25 per month. Good house, on paved street. W. U. GATES, Room 64 4 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1294. t- 41st and Davenport ' $5,150 Seven rooms strictly modern, only two years old. VYajted quarter-tawed oak first floor; hard pine above: fine sleeping porch: large attic; fine basement partitioned off with furnace; laundry room and fruit cel lar. House is partly stucco and has a very attractive appearance; paved street. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler lilt. 110 S. 17th St NEW FOUR-ROOM HOUSE AND HALF ACRE 112,000 Near Krug Park we have a splendid bargain for a man of moderate means. S2&0 cash and III a month vtlll buy this little home, and we do not think you will ever have an other opportunity to get anything like it at as low a figure. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire Third Floor Ware Block., 6. E. Corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Fhones Lowglas 17&1, Independent A-IUL C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. afortos fat uslncsa baxcuius. lis uaba Nat l klaaA REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB (Continued.) A Few Acres in Fairacres can be bought for $1,000 each. Terms $250 cash balance easy payments. REMEMBER that one acre is equal to FIVE 50-FT. LOTS. REMEMBER ALSO that many 50-ft. lots adjacent to the Ten, Twenty and Thirty Thousand Dollar Houses in Omaha bring from $2,000 to $6,000 per LOT. THE FAIRACRES DISTRICT will get more houses costing from $10,000 to $30,000 during the next few years than any district about Omaha. Think a moment, then figure what an ACRE in FAIRACRES can do for one, AS AN INVEST MENT, besides furnishing a most desirable place for a home. Brick Business Property on North 16th St. $ 4,600 Buys a one-story brick building. In rood condition. In retail business district, renting for $600 per year under lease for three years. Lot 26.4x124 feet. Investigate at once. ' West Farnam Homei 110,000 Ten-room residence, In splendid Dodge; lot 60x146 ft. Owner left city. Immediate possession, t I.S0O Nine-room modern residence; hot water heat; fronting east on Turner Park. f 7.600 Modern eight-room residence on corner lot. Fine shade trees, beautiful lawn, paved street Owner leaving for California. Wants offer at once. t 6,600 Nine-room modern house, oak finish, east front lot. paved street, one block from car line. Near Mr. Joslyn's fine residence. New Forest Hill Residence $ 7,000 This Is a brand new, strictly modern residence, located In one of the choicest oorners In the S. 10th St. district. The house was built by the owner for a home and is as handsomely finished as some of the most expensive residences In Omaha. This property .must be seen to be appreciated. If you will phone us we will be glad to make arrange ments for you to Inspect the property at your convenience. George & Co. Ninth Floor City National Bank Bldg. ,- k -:; - , .;. :.v.r ,w"-t. '' ' t ' " " '"'': ' ?1 ::::-.": ii I V '-ltl Xtitt . f 3 - ID - - -r-r-rt HjsHrj. Ti ' ' WEST FARNAM HOME, SEVEN ROOMS, MODERN, $5,000 405 North 31st street Cream of locations, near Mr. Yatea' beautiful place. House has reception hall; large living room; dining room and kitchen with butler's pantry on the first floor. .Three fine, large bedrooms and bath room above. First floor, with the exception of the kitchen, Is finished with fine quarter-sawed oak. TCltchen and bedrooms have maple floorg and birch wood work. Large attic over the entire house reached by wide etalrcase. Full cemented basement with laundry and furnace room. Brick foundation walls and porch pillars. In short this is one of the most modern and completely up-to-date homes In all this beautiful district. The price Is right. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY TMer 1526. -t 75x136 Feet 35th and Dodge All street Improvements In, lot filled some and slopes to rear; a bargain In that lo cation for f 1.800. On east side,, north of Dodge St. West Farnam Home ill una ' vow -l -' ' ' " J , block from Farnam; 9-room kind; billiard room, garage and private drive; 00-ft. lot. large shade trees, iu,uw. North Side Home C...a. VAi An Xf anairann flt Wsnt fit pvuiii a i win v va - .is. l. d a mAn av thAiia larva manlA t r0kfk JLU KV., iiviirj o r-- " ' H large rooma, mantel and fireplace; porch run i una vnrii y i i" vln in rear; pretty shrubbery and flow era; w ft. lot all for $4,3). A very home like place and you could not nearly dupli cate It for this price. Harrison & Morton m Omaha Nafl Bank. Phona U?A. 'Prettiest Mile" Best outlook on the "Prettiest Mile" (Florerce Blvd.), s-r. new house, lot very deep. $7,000. Harrison & Mrton 44x132, $45,000 . Next First Nat Harrison & Morton Large Omaha Plant Suitable for manufacturing or wholesaling. .0i square feet floor space, fully equipped Ample trackage. IOO. Harrison & Mcrtou. Tower Corner $12,000 N. W. corner SKth and Webster esidence corner In Omaha.); not offered before. Harrissn 8c Morton (Sole Agents). DUNDEE Two south front lots (each 60xl28, 4th and Wakeley Ava Price for both lots. $1,200. BENSON at CARMICHAEL, 042 PaxtonBlk FOR SALE No. t Smith Premier type writer: goos as new; make offer; leaving city. Webster 110t REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB (Continued.) neighborhood, near S2d Ave. and ' 210 South 17th St. i 1 . Real Bargains WOOLWORTH AVE., corner, opposite entrance Hanscom Park. 9-Room house modern, but not new. Make an offer. NoUTH BOl'LEVARD. 8-room house and lot. 2,S0O. Harney St. at 25th, 136x112, 12,000. Will divide. WEST FARNAM. 3?d Ave., U-room house, large lot and stable, $10, Ot). :th St., 9-room. new house, one block from cars, all hardwood finish, sleeping porch, etc., only JS.O0O. Apartment House Best located one in West Farnam dis trict; we can make a special price on it for a few days, earns about 15 per cent, only $7,503 cash required. Thomas Brennan CITY LOANS AT LOWEST RATES. Financial Correspondent for National L4fe Insurance. Pennsylvania Mutual life Insurance Co., Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. Tel. D. I.M. hOii-blO City Nat. Bldg. TineIfarm- SO ACRES ONLY 4 MILES WEST OF OMAHA. CITY LIMITS ON MACADAM IZKD ROAD. 2 housuD, barns, granaries, chicken house and other buildings, water system, 10 acres of apple orchard, 3 acres in grapes, 200 cherry trees and other kinds of fruit, all beating; S acres in alfalfa. 12 acres In grove and pasture, balance under cultivation, 'there Is no nicer place In Douglas county, and the price Is right. only 30,ui0 cash leqjlred and long time will be given on balance; no trades will be considered. J. W. ROBBING SOLE AGENT. 1W2 FARNAM ST. PHONE DOUO. 629. I . FRED S. IIADRA 660 New. Omaha Nat l Bunk Bldg., Dell Phone Douglas 4334. Thirtieth and Corby street. Thirty-seventh and Jones street. Six lots near FAIRACRES. Park avenue, between Leavenworth and Dewey Ave. Thirty-fifth and Howard street. At It E At, K FOR I UU 10 Acre Fruit Ranch All In bearing fruit of the choicest varieties; good 7-room house, barn and other Improvements; lays flue, near Ames Ave. car line. This ia a great opportunity for some one. J. W. Rasp Co. 689 Brandela Bldg. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big Peturns. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANCH LARD FOR ALB Arkaasaa. . W A SMOOTH, IH ml railway station. I0 fenced. cult., small bouse, two wells, two pubilo roads, 12,600. Union Bank 4k Trust Co.. heal Est. Dtot. Bearcy. Ark.- I. f A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine timber yet en land; I t I ml. from Eureka Springs; tine tor fruit; ranch and general farming; 17 60. Bpeciaj argaia in Improved farms. 110 to S3. WM. JKNKIN9 CO.. Eureka Nprlnga Ark. lOt ACRES rich bottom land, sis mllea Newark. 110 per acre: terma Fine orange grove, Florida Forty acres; 7.6oa. Other oargalna. A. A, Henderson, Newark. Af fcaasaa. 10 TRACTS ot land la the corn and al falfa district ot Delta land; black soil; good schools; lands will double In value la three rears; row rent from t to II par acre. Write us what you want. F. C. HOLLAND, Pine Bluff. Ark.. COTTON plantation; 4M acres; elegaat le-room dwelling; plenty tenant bouses; flood barn and outbuildings; , rich, black am; will grow bale cotton or 76 bushela com per acre; woven wire fence; 'Ml acres cultivation; 900 merchantable timber, bard, a sod; healthful location; i miles from good town; good neighborhood; near school sad church; price Liu.OuO: reasonable terma Address Johnston A Willis, car Mouthers Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark. BEST fruit and general farming lands for price la U 8.. in 6orcy Co . Ark. Send for booklet showing f to tit land bear town. W. M. Hanson, Leslie, Ark. OZARK LAND CoT. Qravette. Ark Etock ranches, fruit farms, berry fields, small tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty, business houses. Write us. BK8T IN AMERICA FOR PRICK. All classes of timber, farm and fruit lands In Arkanaas, Louisiana and Mississippi, from 15 te Ko per acre. Write J. 1). itey Boltls, Camden, Ark. Id, inL oat 1 In cult.. 130 black alfalfa or clover land; fair imp.; good neighbor hood; (5, aw, s v.l. from town of t.wv. near P. O. and school, nearly all smooth up land; K cult., bal. timber, 26 clover; 4 al falfa, f bearing orchard, lib lenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bldg., new barn; dark red sandy loam; good community, delightful location; abundance good water; fct.iiuu. subject to 6-year loan t&OO; terms easy. WM. GILMORB. Marshall. Ark. MISSES BURKS & PATTON real es tate dealers. Write them for Information in regard to Arkansas lands. Momicclio, Ark. Cauadaw GOLDEN wheal lands for sale. Im proved and unimproved prairie tarma, any tlxe. Alberta, Saskatchewan. WoodbvaJ Coy, V auou. bask.. Can. GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. Get your tickets with the Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd. Personally conducted excursion to Last Mountain Valley .Saskatchewan, Canada. Special low rate on June ti. liilL Bee J. I. Watt about it. 2122 Locust St., Omaha, or phone Webster 2JD8. I OWN a section of good wheat land situated less than two miles from grow ing town in Saskatchewan. Will sell -for I JO per acre. Address M. J. Carrot hers, P. O. Box 277, Winnipeg, Manitoba. FARM lands In the Canadian west, town lots In railroad divisional points, property In Watrous, the Carlsbad of America. Write W. M. Ualbralih, Watrous, Sas katchewan. CANADA LAND Fine half section; over 200 acres In crop; good water and build ings, only per acre. Write for particu lars, H. EX Hemingway, Weyburn, .bask. 820 ACRES, close to town, Saskatchewan; 170 acres In wheat: fly acre; third cash, balance to suit. Write for terms. 126 Brodle St., Fort Williams, Ont., Can. REAL ESTATE I have a large list of lands in the Goose and Eagle lake district, no better in Canada. H, P. Leech, Rose town, Sask. California. GET A FARM IN SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA For a short time we are offering soma of the finest land In Kern and Los Angeles counties for $40 to V'jO per acre. Now la the time to( buy. Good land in southern California 1b a limited quantity. Better drop In and talk It over; if you can't call, write. State Land Company 622 Bee Bldg., Tel. Red 40,18. Cvleraa. NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat land a 112.60 to 116 per acre. A few Improved farms. (20 to lii. Write J. B. Reinnaidc. Bterllng. Colo 180-ACRE best irrigated farm. Colorado: finely Improved, new ten-room dwelling, barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; 60 A. wheat; SO A. alfalla: no waste land; every toot under old water right; have another farm, can't work both; 41) miles north ot Denver, ten south of Greeley. A. Gregory, uj Mack i.ldg. Denver. Colo. 1J0 ACRES, 12 miles from Denver, three ciuarlers mile from railroad; good water right, with private reservoir; 20 acres al falfa; 5") acres grain; modern house; other buildings good; excellent fur poultry, hog raising or dairy. Price $100 per acre, worth Jlii. Address, J. W. Hlne, Littleton, Colo. YUMA COUNTY, COLORADO. lfiO acres. 70 acres In crop, fenced and cross-fenced; 2-room house, 28x14; ban, granary, chicken house; S horses, 4 head rattle, 2 farm wagons, tools, harness etc. Possession at once, with this year's cr p. Illness compels owner to sell. Farm, with everything on it. $2,000. M'GEE HEAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. I Idaho. TOU must get rich. If you do get rich at all. by using the anie methods that have made other men rich. You can't make your efforts count for enough to ever get very far ahead of the biggest fellows that you know, much less of those you simply hear about. write to FRANK RIBLETT, ALBION. IDAHO, for Information on how to make your money earn most. Pingree, Idaho There's room for Investor, business man, merchant, lawyer, artisan, la borer in this new wonder country of Idaho. Write right now for full in formation, free booklet. Address Pingree Townsite Company, James K. Burton, Secretary, First National Bank Bldg., Ogden. Utah. BEFORE BT'Y I NORLAND INVESTIGATE IDAHO. "THE WONDER OP THK WEST." A state where the United Slates govern ment haa spent millions of dollars In re claiming land, and where there Is still laige traits with futures. We will give you information worth while If you will drop us a card. Address The Idaho Real Estate A Investment Co., Oakley, Cassia County, Idaho. WHEN answering advertisements fom d In the Want Ad columns, please mention The Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM AM D HANOI LAND FOR SALB (Continued.) laeraw 1M ACRES, Casa county. Iowa, farm Im proved and well located; price S126 per acre; my equity Is $1..'M. Want southern Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In listed prices considered. out 10-hor-power portable gasoline engine for what have you? Address C. W. McCauStland, Casa County, Loraa. Ie 160 ACHES and 173 acrea of southern Iowa land. Improved, well located, good Soli, right price, for sale or trade; ;,uua equity In brick store building; a first class Income property for sale or trade, quick; en land, merchandise or automobtlea. Ad dress Boa t. Diagonal, la. WANTED A good stock ot general mr cbandise, $9.00w to $12.0o0. In exchange for good farm near Rolls, la., and cash. Farm contains 164 acres, six-room house, barn, lx0. price, $liM an acre; subject to $,!. equity, $8,000; F. K. Loonier, llolfe. la. FOR SALE or Trade My equity In "4 section of raw land, i miles of Sorenta. 7 miles Kit Carson and 9 miles Wild Horse, Cheyenne Co., Colo.; on U. P. lly.; lays good, shallow water district; 1 mile to river; alfalfa grown successfully nearby. Price, $20 per acre; emcumbrance $l,a0, op tional at ti per cent, due .May 13, 1H14. Will trade the equity, $1,&0, for residence of equal value. I also have hk section Join ing this which Is clear, to trade for town rioperty. Same price. W ould carry back 1.6O0 on this at per cent. Walter 11. Boyd, Newton, la. FOR SALE Excellent rev-acre farm In corn and blue-grass belt. Ada.ns county, Iowa. Farm all well fenced, 60 acres hog tight. 1A0 acres tiled, and all In excellent cultivation; 12-room house, large brick cellar with cement floor, cement walks, large new barn and mill, with good Fair batiks engine, new hog house, other out buildings, ail In good repair; good stock and barnyards, large grove and good orchard, four good wells, excellent water, two windmills. For further particulars addresa Mrs. Annan U. Nash, Ukie High St.. Pes Molnea. Ia. FOR SALE Splendid tarma well Im proved, ranging In price from $0 to $ per acre. This is choice Iowa land, In well Improved con. u. unities, near town and schools. There Is . more fertile or beau tiful part ot the state Mian Osceola oounty. Write for partluulara, T. S. Kcdmood. SlWey. 'a. - 1,100-acre farm 7 miles southeast Bas- sett, Rock county, Nebraska; 200 acres In corn this year, large acreage in timothy and clover. Good set ot improvements. Price, $22.60 per acre; one-third cash, bal ance easy terms at 6 per cent. CARL TENNIS, 220 F. L. A T. Bldg., Sioux City, la. WE GO to Watson, Canada, May SI; will make a rate of 1 cent per mile each way to our lands. Crops growing fine; go see for yourself, as this is the time to see Just what Is doing. In this way you can make your fortune by getting in on the ground floor, as we are wholesale dealers. Write us. Farmers' navlitgs Bank, Grimes, la. 120-ACRE Improved farm, 7 miles from Mason City, 2 miles from small town; $75 an acre; easy terms and splendid bargain; 134-acres unimproved farm 12 miles from Mason City, miles from two other towns. Only $40 an acre. We have the best bargains In northern Iowa. Come and see ub. v MASON CITT REALTY CO., Mason City, la. ATTENTION. LAND BUYERS AND SPECULATORS. Here we are again with a larger list ot lands than ever before, both Improved and unimproved, at prices ranging trom $jo to $a0 per acre, according to location. Improve ments, distance from town, etc. Our lands have good, rich, black loam soil with cla sub-soil that cannot be excelled In the state, and, everything considered, we have the best and cheapest lands In Iowa today for the money. Our land Is mostly all drained, close to town, Bchool and In good neighborhoods. For the best of everything to be had in bargains In land, come and see us, or write. FLYNN BROS. LAND AGENCY. Buffalo Center, la. A REAL ESTATE SNAP. 320-acre farm In Pocahontas county; cor ner right In town: building one block from depot and creamery; terw-room house nicely furnished; fine grove and fruit trees; beau tiful building site facing south; cattle barn 44x80, 24-foot posts; stanchions for about fifty cattle; two silo bins; room for 100 tons of hay: also feed cutter, corn Krindei' and 16-horse power gasoline engine; horse barn for 1.1 horses, with hay loft and grain bins; windmill and three water tai.k.-t; farm fenced In six fields; 70 acres hog tight. Price. $105 per acre on very easy terms. J. A. CARROLL, Rolfe, la. 240-ACRE estate, all the very choicest ot land, nothing nicer In the state, $0,000 or more of Improvements all In good shaiw; 3'i miles from two good towns. Must bo sold and soon. I have the exclusive hand ling of this. Price, $S" per acre; March 1 delivery; Vj cash, balance at per cnt. G. M. Emery, Northwood, la. FOR SALE 2 lots, numbers K and 17. block E, Englewood addition, Highland Park. Address J. 11. Bennett, Oskalooba. la. 210 ACRES, fifteen thousand dollars; Fre mont county, Iowa; good buildings: or chard. $2,6u0 cash. Frank Crawford, owner, Omaha. 15 ACRES BEAUTIFUL' LAND. 4 miles of bualnn ctntr Council Bluffs, all fine, level upland, with excellent road to city. No bulUVnss, but very preay t' site. No fimr piece rf l.ind anv where than this, and It Is cheap at $2..n0; $.'jOO cah, balance long time at 6 per c.-n. M'flKR REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St., Council Bluff 10-ACRE PLACE. $1,10). ' t miles of city limits Council Hiuffs. all good upland, about V. in alfalfa. Good road to city. No buildings, hut nlc build ing si:e; $2T4 caMi. balance long time at 6 per cent. M OKE REAL ESTATE CO.. 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs Kastss. t ACRES, $ miles good town; fenced; veil Inipioved; all smooth land; rich black soil, good orchard; R- F. D.; phone; fia rurrounuings. VA: good terms; will ex. chsnge for hardware. Implements or gen eral niercbaniilaa W. H. Mott. Hsrltigioa. Kan- FOR SALE One of the beet grans quar ters In Woodson county, Kansas, 2', miles from town; finest stand of hay in years rlKht now; great' bargain for quick sale. Charles W. Simon, 218 Emmet St., Omaha. 'Ai ACRES, two mllea from town, nearly ail bottom land; this Is an excellent corn and wheat farm and is a baigain at the price, $6 per acre. K. '. Searlea, Euston, Kan&aa Leavenworth county. WE have some choice bargains In corn, wheat and alfalfa lands fur sale In Bentoa and Hush couutlae; write for list of faria Lai fain,. American investment Company, Uoisington. Kan- MS ACRE, six miles trom Mlnneola, M acres In wheat, one-third to buyer; new I i ovra houae, stable, well, mill, tank, pas lure fenced; rick black soil; has raised good crop every year since broken out; great bargain. $36 per acre. Tarma Th Key C. Beard Land Co.. Minneuia. Kaa. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 144 acres. 1W miles out; 130 ecroa la wheat, H delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soil good aell anu wliidnruU; $j.2u); terms. Other wheat and alfa!fa lands, all aisrs ana prices. u. m . acnunmscaef. ow aieaae. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM CM. LAND FOR ALH Kaasa oatlnaed. m ACRES In alMlfa; le-room house. large barn, granary, etc.; two mllea ta Lamed. Pawnee oounty; 60 acrea pasture, balance In cultivation; rich deep soli, bua danca ot water, wells and mills; $21, lot terma Bums Really Co, Hutchinson, Kan. 120 ACRES, 1H mllea out; K0 ta wheat. L to buyer: balance pasture. Tbe lata reus too IDUW avvuim uuin(.. v.vr. n,n fl floor; $22.6u per acre: terma, W. B. Cut berlaon. bcott City. Kan. Laatslaaa. VERNON parish, l.: the land of sun shine soil, climate, markets, water, health. food; prices cheap; write Leesville Resi .state and Improvement Co., C. M. Mo- sariand, sec y. Leeavuie. LA. LOUISIANA farm and timber lands. good for truck, corn, cattle, ete. en ao- ccunt oi cotton pesi, cneapesi iaaaa o( market. Hall. Klder a Ben at Monroe, Louisiana. M:-tarota. FARM. SNAP 830 acres leval prairie Ian. 200 In crop, balance pasture and meadow; , good buildings, $76 acre. Morebart & Atchi son, Mankato, Minn. BARGAIN. WO-acre Improved farm, M miles fron Minneapolis. S miles from good railroad town: 2ii0 acres under high state of culti vation, balance fenced and cross fenced, used for Pasture and meadow land: 609 1 acres of this farm can be put under cultl- I vatlon; good set ot buildings, consisting of house, one large barn and several ; smaller barns, granary, etc. Price, $14 per 1 acre; $.1) cash, long time on balance, f ! per cent. Can be Uisiected by leaving Minneapolis In the morning and returning the same evening. Schwab Bros., 123 Guar- I amy Loan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. , BUY trom owner and save commission $00-acrs grain and stock farm close ta I three towns, school and creamery, Uv-acra ! field, about SM acres meadow, remainder ' timber pasture, fenced and cross fenced, running water and a full set of tram buildings at $J6 per acre. Write for terma. C F. Flalg. Wade. Minn.. R. R. No. LANDS NO. 660. ItSO ACRES. 78 MILES Twin Citlea; good tillable soli; state map mailed wlta 46 page book for SO ceota. Hobart Land Co., Paeatx Bldg.. Minna apolis. Minn. ' BEND for a list of our fine Improved! southern Minnesota lands; we have nun-' dreds of pleased customers. C. E. BrownW Land Co., Offices, Madella and New Rich- land, Minn. ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERS. If you are thinking of Immigrating westf this year, write us for descriptive liter ature of our lands In Minnesota, North,! Dakota and Montana. We can suit 'youJ no matter what you want and whereJ you want It, and can sell you anywhere from 40 acres to 1.000. William E. Gibbons Lock Box 8, Cormorant, Minn. , 60.000 acrea In 84. Louts and Carl tea counties. Minnesota, near dties of I u luth and Superior, at price within the reach of all. $S to lit an acre, easy terms. Fourteen railroads now entering these two citlea furnish cbep and quick trans por tatlon. A ten-mUllon-dollar steel plant now building by United States Steel com pany. near lands. Soil Is ferula and well adapted ta diversified farming, dairying 1 and garden truck. No long hauls or trans. I portatlon charges, out Hgnt at the door ol the beat markets of the United States, with constant demand and nigh prices. Write for full Information. Boston 4s lJuiuth Farm Land Co., 1st Aiwortu Blag., Duluth. Minn. FOR SALE 100 acrea of good new hs-.l wheat land, near Walhalla, Pern hlne rounty. North Dnkota. For particulars, sddrers owner. A. Lucaase. 217 Thiiu Aa N. Minneapolis. M.on. 108 ACRES 16 miles from St. Paul. J miles ' from Hosemoni; all fenced; black loam soli; 60 acres rulti.ated; balance pasture , and black oak ttnlber; cn.y pi- acre ' for immediate sale; ha!' cash. ISO-acre Improved farm lti miles from St. Paul, 1 mile from Itl'-n ' Valley s'.atlon; ' nine, room houre, windmill, In .:, ham and ether buiiain.s, :ll in good conditloa; black loam soil, clay subsoil; aluay been cultivated by owner; i acir.s under piow. t acres lruit trses, uiotlly apples; balance ood timber land. Special price and terma W. F. ei R. W. Monty. Pioneer Presg i Lldg.. St. Paul. Minn. 6E.Ni) for Hot ol our fins Improved southern Mlnnefota lands. W havg hundreds ct pleased tiiumeri. C. L Brown Land Co., oiliuvs Madella and Net HlchUnd. Minn.-- tS.OOO equity in good quaiter In southsrsl Minnesota: quarters two miles from Kood town, having nooi 2tx30, new baraj 32x10. with gable roof, sioa'l granary enJ) Isnce. Want muchin stock r dry goods, i in. (Shi per acre. Benj A. Ccne. Wliiuoni, Minn.-. FINE FARM HtiMK, t ACHES. 1 n. i ts from guoil town, black loam soli. All fenced. I.arg- !um, iHelilng. barn, granary, machine slu-or. etc. u acred in field, 40 acies tiinour. tulance ciovvr snd timothy ami inaiiu. Ideal dairy! (arm. fJu per acre, ube-third cash, baU an a easy term. 3i. t. hoib, frussioa. Minn. A SWAP; MUflT BE QUICK; 2O0-ACRH improved Jurin in Muiray county, Minae. seta, hus (li,t class, buil.iings. tenets; spleiidlu grove, urcnard. i wq miles from tO'.Mi. Write J-jtM ilo.Jiu. Ji , mn.n Mlno. I HAVE a farm of 1W acres VA miles from good town, jo nu is from Minne apolis. 100 acres unuor cultivation: about Hi acris meadow, talance tiu.cei. c,aa si, bo opened up. Rich soli, uouU hoiiee. barn and oilier builumgs. l'i,ce Ui w" acrea. Also sO-acre laun two miles fio'B aood town, 4u acres under plo; l cr limber; good rich soil. 6-joom house, uu barns and other outiiuiidings. wmdaii'i fine natural grove. Ju.t com mencing tu bear. Pi Ice U.jD, rwj li n. Vtrite uor. Charles av aMansoo, j-.ig Itivei, Miuu MINNESOTA! MKADOWLANDS AND KLO()DWJ)I SETTLEMENTS ST LOUIS COl NT Y. NEAR DULL VH riirmerr, garden m anl ..i..uu Ideal climate; rlcli soil; abundant rainfall' eroat croita llfiin, ,.r rui , , -- -- - . . i , i uii our own line fii'(uiiit train beivue. i!(,at .na:- 1 " i niiicm-it. j-rice low. terms essy, HomeserkerH ansls-til. l.te.a.ul'd free. Write LAND COM H. D. I R R It., 109 Wolvln lildg., Duluth, Minn ' UiMosn. FOR BALE 5 fsrms. large and tmi I. between Missiseippi sail .Vll,-jurl -ivere. average 3n per acre. Writ, for pig prices list. William Cres. Wrignt :it , ilo. 8TOP1 Don't go a step uun. ins? Douglsa county, down m beuutifui Oraiks, iaue anyllilng, coin -u .u s, uui.i. els per acre, ail other crops In pioportioo. cheapest good land ,u cai.n. tv tu yju acie- Kiee Intoriuatlon viiobe Real k.t Co, Ave, Mo. - MISSOURI FARMS Bene rctter oa aHb Hignly imp, uvea it-j an.-., ra anything; $4 uther docideii Pariuia Vwueua. Gilllurq Aea.ty Co., Uiloain. Uu- THIRTEEN sections In Uwtj county near fcluno, one of the best towns tn the Yellowstone valley; also have ot-r lsm tl't J1''" retailing in sise larn, yw want Write your wants. Prum r rigT. Ibe Uayward Land Uiendine. M..ui 12-ACRB homestead reilnsiulshroeVts fir sale; also one boiei, one baaery, one geaval store, one saloon, no feed nnra. Ailur, CharUa F. Brown. Ualata. Mont CHEAP STATE LAND About 10no acrea state land to be sold on forty eats' time. It desired; only 6 per rent of u--cbaae price down; buyers don t have in live on land; not over 1.20 acres o,d t one perion. For further Information ail description send $1 to investment Co., L W. Mb 8L. Kaiuaa City, Jo.