Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE CMAHA srnAT BEZ: JTOTZ 4 1311.
Ctott Artnr-iew ?-- r.,-:
- j mu va.a ir" 1 i t
1 1
3niiji Action.
BVayss Ta
aa-e Call far Cae-
dltlaa at State Bi
akl ta Ifes
alias N
Trom a Start Corre-pnndent.)
LINCOLN. June 1 "twit
-Alleging tha Master P'umbers' association
this -!ty la aa unlawful -jombinarttm. the
errant aitomcT I afflra :a a. elating tn
bring an action which will 'muata its
unmca. What course w!I b pursued
ha not been dnter-ninetl. bin it :a proh
aUe -hat 'tic l instil ol .v'" Ke 'n the
f ru: i ji ; -
A miLir f - - j - i rvrtu .
tfo ma- a-.mii.a.iu -h v e..b r of
tie "ranifc iimi hii ou.iii; nisd aru A-ti-r
effecting a tie-up . ih wiiin y jrutn had
been enaoied in the pat to drive nun.
members out of bnntneM beraune nt their'
AiUtT to boy auppllea at lowr pnrea. ;
. i
T?i sua further aaserted that befiDra,
.oinin h had bea told tax tmieva be
did mt ha wiuld be fnroed out of btne-a.
Coutrry Attorney Strode baa the oanin of
ail tha Srma represented In the a.leset
"rtn." and f tJie eult marted will name
thero aa defradanta ro the actios asktna;
the court to order tha unlawful dinbina-
tlnn dlnntred. i
Tr mm r-rm ,fcy ,r. j
mmn to rna monthly report or mmim
Treaeurer Craorge there are on hand of un-
a-ust an amount totaling 1
This represents the permanent ,
arhool fund, the permanent unlvarslty
fund, tha agricultural college enduwment
ftiad and the normal srh.xrl endowment
fund. Cf this amount the permanent
snhoai fund ocmpr-eee C'i.T7t F.
Tha total trust funds now lnmsted agl
Kreaoue K.?TifaS.II. The funds Invested are
aa follows: Fermanent school. B.:T.a.3.
peraianat university. OSH. W an cul
tural college endowment. BS3. S7 M, normal
andowmant, ITT.nt.:-4. Of this amount
a.7!w.Mt.a Is invested in bonds and tlSL
9.04 In university fund warrants.
April 9 tha state treasurer had a total
of l.08a,;ma on hand. Tha balance on
June 1 was sT91.SaO.3S. Of this amount
O-Saa-A In eash on hand and Sn.3W A run
oa dsposu In state depository banks. Treas
urer George has ceased to issue a monthly
statement showing the amount of state
funds In each depository bank.
Curing tha present month the stats treas
urer will nay out ;n the form of
tha semi -annual school apportionment fmm
tha temporary school fund. The balances
April 36 and June 1 in the stats treasury
wat a aa follows:
General fond J i7 VS 12
Tnpnrary school 3fl).-trj
Mir m.
C.iT 3
i7 47
Tamporarr umverMty..
Hosntai for tnaana.....
rVrmanant arnool
Permanent university..
Agricultural college en
dowment Norma endowment ..
Normal Interest
Peru normal library....
State library
Agricultural and me
c.iamcal arts
TTnitet 34a(ea experi
sa t
L5B7 t
lD.'-waoi 9l
ment station..... aMoT
T"nivermtT cash S1.T4T )
Penitentiary ' '
Kearney normal library .f.7T
Orthopedic hoepilal..... TT..4
Freat reset-ee I..25
Inst, cash 1S.I' 1
Tilvereitv Income..... 1 T5.J
Fire mra!!!loi .34 t
Wayne normal library. fr
a 1
lfi.-tl" X
rr vrr s
Totals. n. .: 21 ssum:
Call fas' Bank Cawditloaw
Secretary Royas of tha stata. banking
beard has issued a call for the staosnaent
of tha condition of 571 hanks of Nebraska.
Thirteen of this number will not ha re
quired to pay attention to the mandate ba-
they have transformed their state
ahartars to national since the first of the Graduating exercises of the class of 311.
ysr. There ar s stata hanks now doing i Fremont High school, were heid at Lar
Busmans la the state, which is a smaller j son s opera bouse last evening. Diplomas
number than for several years past. Six j were presented by Superintendent Water-
Blew stata banks have been organised since
January 1. Last year s record included i Dwight A. Archer. Irene Brown. Louis brated during the last week wrth an eiabor
tba organiration of twenty-em-hi new state j Oark Brown. Louis C Branlns. John A. j ate series of exercises and festivities. Sun
aaniu and the nationalisation of but eight ; -rrr,n. -taxmiei Cohn. Myron L- Corey. dar evening the baocaiaureate vermon was
for the entire twelve months. The yeer J Mvra B. r-eLxmg. A-fred W Fowler. Irv-1 delivered bv Her Mr Hayes of the p-i..
pranoua. Bd, fifty-five new stata banks ,nc a pm,t. Everett B, Hammond. Dan b-ter!an churoh. The great feature erf the
t1 organised and but Ave such concerns j B Heine. Bobert C. Hibben. Ruth Hallo- j occasion was the daaa play "Cupid at
war nationalised. j Nna c H.U1. Buth C. Jena. John Vasaar.-" rendered at the opera house
3aw Creaa Bala. j p johM0n. Mary P. Kandnck. A.lcs BUng. j Wednesday evening. Thursday evening ths
rood Commissioner Jac kson has pro- Gustavo C. Marquardt. (Jertrude H- Mount, j commencement waa held at the opera
mulgatea a new rule tn regard to the test- j Wcnonah H. Perrtgo. Ellraieth Jewell Per- ', house. The address was given by Dr W
IBS of cream throughout the stata It William L. Phiillps. Helen E. Sterner. ' Lawrence, pastor of tha Fr p-h.. '.
wi ""' '"' Leoia C Van Anda, Andrew J. Williams,
aubstanca mean that payment for cream Vmon H -white. Charlotte A. Lass. Ethel
WiU be delayed until the day after Its J D MoWTW Man. Peters. Jeans M- Stew
dallvery to ail purchasing stations. Ths' p.ord JanmntlL Howard W.
niUng which is .Ite on thia U Jar Kmmm Rvtonmoiu Elltaheth
point la as follows: J jweil Perrtn took first honors.
Ragulation 1 The accurate testing of I
creaun tiT Its butter rat an operation! . w .
hat requires great -are and exactness at! SQUIRREL ADOPTED BY CAT
aa 1 1 i1 stop. It requires st iesj '.limy min- ,
utaa to make a test and it is :mpoeailie ; lun Cll V ! PCfAPClTIII
fur the agent to test the lei Irenes of rum i miU r"iiilVl lJ rtiWtrUw
as they are rereied and gie 'he test tile!
nWCZZTZ .""r,,".
P-irsuant to the ukivh facts it la hereby)
ruled by ths food, drug and dairy com-j
nuMOLtfT that samples of cream anail te
grouped and teated t "he tiii .if earn
A.v . receiots or the following momma.
tha samples to be kept :n closed ;ars emieo. p. Monroe exhibited In his simp wtn-I
being held. ' dow today a eat acting as mother to a .
In oroer to prevent any evasion of the "
above ruling it IS further r-lleU mat ttle.ioung umoer aiuirm, i.ia J oung emui-rei
payment in whme r in pait ror cream
ahail be suspended until ' tie fu. lowing on,
or the time of the next deliver"
Payment fur cream pnor to the iav fol
lowing anlvurr aa a means f se-ur-ng
buMnisa or of taking lovanlae .if an
other operaior is a vnnatinn of the r-iie
and punisnaoie under the law.
a v w Dairy laapeanr.
Oaveraor has appointed Ivan Mc- i
KUilp trt A. bum dairy inspector in pim e .
af Will ""oroes. resinned. Mr Firhas waa
ana of tha most efficient inspectors of ths '
drpartmrr.t. Mr. Mi K-lllp ia aom to graa- ;
uste from the agr-cuitural college. He 1
has dlstinguiatied himself while in college
by winning pikt es on national stock juau
lntf Uun and by wtr.mrg the l a-hinar-
sicp oiferod hy the Amerti jji
sad Bast FUa.
Judicea R.a and Root, both en the stata
supreme bench, todsy filed papers asking
tiiat their names be placed upon the
pnroary bailota as -an ill dates for- the re-
aubilcaa re-aminaliim.
j. E. C-bwy ,.f Beatrice baa filed nom -
lnatloa pap-r as a republican oanuidate
fcir ;uu;e of ths rtute supr-me court. Mr. wtiO la the cumuiit-r uf tn Xa-
Baska Miuuti-a. was a cacdiiia' e tw-i years:
but was deli-sird at ths pnmarre.
ale. i.aaaa UaaraMi.
Miss Gracs E. Munran of this year's
aimduailng ciaea of '..Vn an verity u day
received notice that had been voted
tha Wellewey C. A.umnae aoc!a.t"n
scnolaiaii.p T.a frlluweitip cames wtth it
8 and la availatoe fir armual' "r
fur the M. A. degree at ttiat .rut turn a.
Charles Hinwaao Mlasiaa.
aitWAli). Ni-!l. June S- Sli-:i
Ch-.a rtir-ni.a teha -iisarir-d on
May a. a will miasm. P. auihontiea
hrra have Irunel the Uluv river but fuund
ao trats of him Hs had sn-aa of mi
aast ia buy land.
Eastings High School :
Graduates Bis: Clas3
r-i sTgit 3i?iom
Thursday Emin? Comnence-
meats in Other Citir.
rtA.-rrrNfw. Nen.. j me l arc:ai .
PTty-'hree seniors the Haatinca High
-bonl. comprising the 'srge-t --a-a rrr
graduated from that Institution. r-vd
llpiomas last night at the nminfTHTmrtit
"--v-tees 'n Kerr "r house. Lpar4 ns
j from the long followed lflom. the ciass
i had no pak-r from outside the member
ship. The miutatory and o atlon vu by
I Theodnre P"-an and the vsiedl--tury and
! oration by Norma Canon. The following
S'""T "f."""
Beatrtre Laogena
Ruth i.rrr
Lorenao Mann
C:ar ilev-r
I'rta Oilier
Elaie .ilemn
L'eMe M xire
Hattle Mrir"
Vra Mi-" r"tey
A -tome tto
r i r nee i pu ks
:ia-"i Par-s
i. Ke Parxer
A.i-et Rn PV
HiTOiJ ruee
Haxrl Robineon
Fa il Srmeeter
tiaiel hnu
rtna Tr-m nnter
Loina T'den
Viola U-r-'.na;
Arhur Vanre
Mar- Vaettne
Beame Watktns
CIaxTire Tairer
A.vma Blomenkamp
- tamp
:aarr Bowies
Ma 3rnnan
U'nmivan Brooke
Miirha 3uTzlr-;a
Nir-r.a ' 'arwm
: xn . -n
" ruir
": v . : -.. .f
''i'..(J -'.n- ,n
udi ey C ' n.a
4 r. uT-on
Cejla ir'ieni-r
Emma P-ienrer
Theouor" r"ma
A. ice iiwr1y
'T-rte ireenf.el
J'llla iinlineTTe
Harr-r :-ia-ward
Ruth Hoiinea
Hester Hoon
!arKe Johnston
nita jTrnt
Helen Jones
The president of tha class. Paul Sclnealer. J
Jr.. has recently been nominated hy Senator j
Hltrhcock for midshipman at Annapolla. I
Wednesday aiht the senior ciaae pre-
"trf r. "The Clrrtimmantlai. -
at the Kerr. The seniors aeaumed the
of tha
aaa play this year and cleared!'
atxmt en, through the dlscontlnuanc-a of
.. .. .
NORTH PLaTTS. Neb.. June r Spe-
" , , . . . . .
ami.) iraduatlng exercises of the high j
school of this city were held last evening
in the Kth theater, which were well at
tended in spite of the severe storm. The
address waa by E. H. Evans and the diplo
mas were presented by J. C. Beeier. The
president of the class. Clark Lenoyt. was
mrioualy sick and ina place was taen by
one of tha members of the daaa. The class
comprises the following-: Corbln Jones.
Will Votaw. Ernest Casey. Victor Haill
gan. Charles Tlgtia. Hariey Orr-eeon. Clark
LoCvryt. Beeale Smith. Alice FTtxpatrick.
Jennie Lincoln. Lena AtcWson. Sarah
Brand. Ina Plener. MabH Waiters. Agnea
BaiceweiL Haien Smith and Era Ax tell.
Aldrich Says WiU
Not Try for Senator
Governor Announces 3a ii Tot Can
didate to Succeed Senator -Brawn.
CProm s Staff Correspondent-)
LXNCOLN. Jane 1 Special. Goreernor
Aidrich. following the requests of many
friends to enter the 312 senatorial raca.
has announced that he will not harken
and has accordingly made a definite
declination. "I have soma work which I
deatra to do in tha governor's office."" said
he this afternoon when asked about the
matter, "and I hardly think that It would
I be right for me to oppose hi tjiant Senator
Xorrts Brown. Ho waver. I bear reports
anitn mass roe oeiieva o "in iut
a hard time to secure a re-nornlnatlon. I
' have other things to consider and cannot
I .f HWnw mi llil rmmlldal frfr the
senatorial trapv"
Tatar y-la taarali lUnlTa Dtaiaaaa
tar Taatr Work la tha
FRJTMONT. Neh.. Juna 1 'Special.
t bouse to the following thirty-six graduates
i Little Srra.aer r.a.d hy Baya
Takes lata raid aad Tesarrly
. .
PT-aTTSMOnTH. Nen . June t i Special.)
was found by the bevs of Mr. C. 8. Stev
ens, residing in the south part of the city,
and the little squirrel waa taken to their
boms and placed wrth the cat. which had a
litter of ynung kittens. The young sfjuirrel
waa almost as helpless aa the kittens, and
the oid cat adopted it at once and allowed
:t to take nourishment.
K- " aaahairaur Seweeia arrhar He -
Naaaara, aa Pieaarat af First
NORTH PLaTTH. Neb.. June 1 Spe-
ual . A meeting of the board of directors
uf 'he Ftrst National bknk jf thia city
heid yesterday at winch Arthur Mc-
- Nir.ara. who has beeo prauadent of the
nana for a number of years, resigned. E.
: F SeeOerser. the vice prdeci of the ,
j bank, was elected preeldent. ;
Advice ha been reenved here bv Deputy ;
, ilerk Prraaer of the olatrct court of the;
: United Stales that the federal court aef '
j for June li tn tiis aty will not be he'd
' and that tins court will not meet until ,
i -
Dlw tahrtrvalty i(bi.
rHEau.VT. June 1 aia-c3ai.
A.thtmgn the primaries are ovr two
months anead candidates for county 4
fieera are getting reaJy Tha ahta-iffs ot
flce aiij'tars to br the aae must desired;
i ttir- refupiiraca and tour dmocrais nave
tiled. Sa tar there are but I to
darmtaVata. for oounry cierk : una repub- -.
lean for treasurer, ai.d a .an for other "
' ouuuty orflcea. Judga Hoilenuack a fritiiis
' 'Ied. bnng aim iut as a
; candidaie tur another term on the lim.-ct j
j &ecn. The sedition if Boone bounty to ,
, this Judical diairtct may maaa some illf- t
j farenca with, its political anmstaxion,
Secretary of Board of Clianty Tusti
State List; ration.
Ceadttisae Brtrrwam Hn as
as fsa Be sees nap fishes
Cir Criwiir4 Stare e(
til Howelral.
P-m a "taff (Jorreerxmdent.)
LINCt.-L-V. Neo.. June 2. ipeciaa. Joel
A- P'per. eTetarT "i the Stale 3oar4 of
' "hrty and Corrwrtiona. tn a report to the
Ctivemur says that the .nauif tioapltaAa of
the state are crowded in the neighborhood
t ane-wxth of 1 per cent of tha total of ,
Nebraska, s pomiiatlon betng confined
therein, a notaols Jicreaae during the last
ten years.
Secretary PTper s report !s aa follows.
"During ths last few davs I have vusited
-he different hospitals that care for tha
.nsane. aj of which are crowded at the
preeent Mine, the me at Lincoln seemingly
more so than the others. At the data of
my visit there, eighteen of the patients
were reruird to sleep on ths Coor and
anout : '.hree-Tuarter beds ware acoommo
aaUng two patients each. At this institu
tion I found VI patients where ths archi
tectural pana were intended for only 3D.
Ta better aorommodata those already there
and to make the required room for those
now waiting admission, there should be no
unavoidable delap in the constriction of tha
two buildings provided for by the last legis
lature. The administrative force are taking an
active interest hi the we;fare of the pa-t-.enta
as is especially manifested In an en
da vor to segregate those affected wrth
"At the Hastings hospital I found LU1
- ""."a
reputation as a model pi ace for caring for
ihs insane and with the further possibilities
t will enjoy In the near future by the ax-
tri accommodations afforded In occupying
be permitted in classification.
"While sanitary conditions at the hos
pital were excellent, yet the sewer outlet
should be extended at a greater distance
from this buildings and to a point where
the fall will be greater and the flow more
iwift. as conaideraola odor now exists for !
some distance after the present outlet.
Ceadirloma at Norfolk.
"At the Norfolk hospital there were St
patients and twenty-four ww out on pa-
role. I believe this institution waa never
under better administrative control than
at present. The accommodation for Tils 1
number of patients has been made possible
by attin up one of the baaementa intended
tor storage purposes as a dining room for !
the femaie patients. .Tn the completion I
.jf the new rn.n.iin -ui !
i date about 11 patients, it is hoped that it j
will not be neceaary to continue the use ;
,7,;, "
Q ' "1(UKn " T' P,
mi nil. . .
- - .. uj'u fTiBtnwii equippea
building In the state, which will grra the
benefit of what is generally known as tha
water aure system, which has become quits
popular in most of tha other states.
"California recently appropritted CJM.OOs
with which to build a hydro-therapeutic
building at each of Its fire Insans hos
pitals.. At the tare hospitals there ara
li patients being cared for; a Utile mora
than one-sixth of 1 per cent of tha entire
population of tha stats. In U only one-
eighth of 1 par cent of the population of
the state were cared for in ths stata Insti
tutions. Either Insanity Is increasing- mora
than the population tarn ass or growing
uieiiuuoiia pisoas
a greater number in their care.
"Needed repairs were being mads at all
tha institutions ad at none of them did we
discover anything that showed a lack of
consideration for those Intrusted to their
re- At ail of them food was served tn
sufficient quantities and of a palatable
Or. W. Lawenea af Llaoala DwU-vo
era Aaaaal Addrewa ta tha
ST. PACT. Neb.. June 1 Special.
The rwenrj"-thlrd annual commencement of
the St. Paul Hlsh arhnnl h. - !-
church of Lincoln.
x. V. T. A. for Graad '-t-in.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. June . Spe
cial. At a meeting of the board of fifteen
directors last night It was exoasud aa the
unanimous judgment of the enmmittae that
the Taung Men a Christian asanetation
should have commodious and permanent j
headquarters in Grand Island, and that i
j October 1 anould be the time for the open-
i in or the campaign, conditioned upon a j
j favorable crop and satisfactory financial
conditions In the meantime the board !
contemplates agreeing upon general plans
n orner to place a somewhat adenuats 1
idea before the public at that time aa to I
what will be accomplished with the Eu.m j
expected to raiaa. this to Include the
cost of a ate.
Saay Asia ta Caavrarlaa. ,
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. June 1 Spe
cial. At a meeting last evening of the
local committee on the convention of the
State Sunday school association, to be
heid next week, it was found that about
j fa places for delegate have been found in
were well in hand for the hradquarrere
the corner room of the Reese building on
; Four-h and Walnut streets only a few
t doors from the onnventlon auditorium
and that the prospects as to the attendance
i were never brfore ettr, though ths reg-
istrauon at tha Kai-nay convention was
I C"m" r'araaar feLlllaa hy LlsPanalast.
lMPEPLkJ- NiO.. June X. special.
Charles A. Monisomery was killed br
:intning durrng a rain and etertneal
'orTn ast ea-emng. Mr. Montgomery was
prominent and wl-to-do farmer of tna
southwest part of tha county, hems greatiy
interested in advanced raetnods of agncul-
TrT .. . mmmmmm mmmm
Ten Days
hs pis- of corf as
proreia lu rhiniaaniti that
rafff-mr, the dru ia cwfee,
hurts hcau, ha" art aoal acraca.
"Thera'a a Rasoa
Fairbury Saloons
Are Ready to Open
ZJgit -lea Appiv for License, but;
Only Six "Will 3e Granted Waen '
Council Yefn Taesday.
rAITlBrmT. Neh.. Jme ,t ?pe-!aL
The r-ity rnunrll of F.rtiurr will meet ;n
retilar eeaon Tuesday -nor-im and will
thrn (T-rnt ;iinwa to -be x aaito ns to
open for biiFtneea. wttira they will do a ,
oon aa the papers hv Seen simed up. ;
These saioonaeer'ers have helr places ail
3re4 up in readinewe to open. These ss- j
ioona will open, provided, of course, there
ara no remonstrances Cled attain Ft them.
There are some rimurj of rrmihi hut it '
,, prhir trr Taeecay. Two i
of the applicants for saloons wi: be ft
out. aa the number la Jmited to tht. Tha
license this year will be SLS instead of
O. .On. An ordlnancs waa paeeed this wee
fortnddina; lunch counters in salocas and ,
j extends the restrictions imposed hy the '
i stale law. It Is prrmded that there shiul
I be no obstruction In tha windows; that the
I bar snail be within twenty feet of the i
front window, no wtne room flhail be al
lowed and tha furniture aiuul be limited
to two settees, a table and chairs.
The body of the late Joim Carer was
broucht to Fairbury Saturday tnurnins;
and tha funeral serrices held from the
Eaptlat church at 1 p. 31. Her. S. 3. TaT!
preached, tha funeral sermon and the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Znstneers had
charaw of tha services, r-eceaoad was a
well known passenger ena!neer on
division for many years.
During: the last week County Judge C. C.
3oyie issued marrtage Ucenpes to the fol
iowtng parties: ileorge Seachord. 1 and
Mildred HatfTeld. 19; Bdwarl i. Pheips.
IX and Iva 3owder.
Aarriaralraral Batldlna; at N
Cearral Calleaw rne fraa Deet.
CITNTHAI. CTTT, Neb.. J-ine 1 .apecuU.)
Hord bail, the new asri cultural building
of Nenrsika Central college, was formally
dedicated yesterday In the presence nf a
large audience, consisting of the students
and theer relatives. Delegates here at
tending the Nebraska yearly meeting of
Friends and numerous farmers who are
ed in the institution were present.
There were addresses by former County
Superintendent Fred Marsh. Prof. George
! eeka, lnrtr-irtor in manual training :n the
E"n"rrr srhooia. and Regent Coupland of
1,18 s,ate" university. Rev. F-ank W Dell.
superintendent of the F-ends yeariy meet-
DK- mmd" thf d-ilrxtorv prayer,
Th" hail corr KZ. 'X. tt.vW of that sum
bWn contribution by the late T. B.
Hort tB "h0M hmor th" b,I1"1,n w"
?mwL t tf" biaI,r
"r contrtbutlons of the farmers In this
this jurisdiction. There was E.1D0 to be
paid the building when dedicated and when
lh exercises commenced yesterday
I - subscribed. Mrs.
t. a
Hard has agreed to furnish and equip the
interior of tha building.
Castas Vaiewlctarlaua.
GRAND ISIAND. Neb.. Juna rr Spe
cial, j The graduating exercises of ths
Grand Island High school were held
Thursday night. Cf this, the largest class
In the history of the schooi. Miss Ladle
M. Coates waa the valedictorian, taking; aa
her subject "Cold Storage. " The second
honors were divided between Miss Edith
R. Boeck. who gave the salutatory oa
"Photographic Ghosts, and Miaa. Has!
wuLm jr turers Removal Sale
H ami Item, who haii an essay an 'Vur ? i-ture."
WT2T POI?fT. .Veb.. June 1 ?neclal.
I. P Hoeenrieid. the noted peony grower,
who has a ten-acre field at recnies on hi
farm east of the city, has announced that
his will be the jut year he r enintg- n
'he culture of theee flowwrs In '.'umnt
county He has bought a fnr-y-ecre traot
if and near Omaha, upon which he nd
h:s son Heno have planted o ,n peonies,
which w-11 be !n bionm next season. Mr.
R.eenneid ships his flowers ail over -he
United States, from the AliantiC to the Pa
cific. road ictLowa ui ieuick
Twsareera Jmtm Fareaa mm Highway
fas Caalrte4 1m Tw-a Oaja.
CSNTTCAI. CTTT. M., June t Special, i
The two days" good roaua building
.ubilea waa concluded last evening and a
stretch of good road In Merrick county,
running from east to west atong the line
of ths Union Pacinc for for-y miles is
about oompteted. The mad ofTcers .n the
districts through which the road passes
had prepared tha way for the completion
of the work by having aU tha grades
turned up and everything ready for the
volunteer workmen to go aonad. putting
on tha surface and the Snlahing touches.
Tha principal probem aa to overcome
ths sandy stretches and thia waa done by
hauling muck and clay onto the sand and
mixing tha two sol la Ths am k was under
the direction of II. E. il at feller, president I
of the association, and Joe A. Hays, sec- '
rerary. assisted by district foremen. ;
There are still soma parrs of the forty- .
mile snatch on which mora work to
be done, but there Is plenty of money In '
the treasury to complete it. j
Laadla Beeasses C easier.
SEWAJUJ. Neb.. June 1. Special.) H.
I. Lands has taken the position of cashier
of the state bank of this place.
Stewl-aaUereal Fleer IaaletYd a
Chief Caaaa af issraat
el tie.
A Londoner, apnarntly a doctor, wetting
in tha Medical Chronicle, glvea us the ;
startling announcement that American-
made flour is the causa of appendicitis, j
And. strangest of al. It !a ths meta.llf j
Iron" In the flour that renders It so fatal
to the human appendix. At firm one is at ,
a loss to understand why Americans load ;
up thr Cour with iron, and how they do i
It. Dr. Corner explains as follows: The
American epidemic of appendicitis was
contemporaneous with the gyndlng -if flour !
by means of steel, fluted rollers. Three !
rollers quickly wear away and have to be
replaced at frequent Intervals. What be- I
comes of the minute steel dust ground off
the fiuungs Why, ;t goes into the Tour ;
of course, and there s your appendicitis ail j
accounted for.
Thia steel dust, so snred oat af the
bread and pastry by the appendix, settles
I l
here by virtue of lis weight, can are irrlta- ,
tlon. which leads to inflammation, suppura- '
tion. consternation, operation, etc This
brilliant piece of dlaarnoals reminds one of '
Sherlock Holmes in his best form. It i
would be impertinent to ask why the gritty
particles from tha stones originally used ;
in grinding flour were not so potent in i
causing appendicitis aa the steal dust: sad
It la plainly mere carping of the Medical
Record In Its report to the Chronicle to say j
that "during a single hoar's rids on a rail.
road on a dusty summer day one swallows i
mora Iron than could ha found In a year si
supply af bread." New York Press. j
Tremendous Sensation
Over 200 Claaay Higii Grade Pianos sacrificed at ndicnlnxxaly low
prices. Every piano marked in plain fig-ores, with, reckless regard
for value or former price.
Harriiy a year since we located our factorr branrti in Omaha, and for tne
second time the enormous growth, of our husineaa aaa made lanfpr quarters a
necessity. To properly care for our ever Increasing buaineia) Una time we pro
pose to profit by past experience, and have leaned tae large, core ino 'Moms nd
beaanfiil building, corner lsrji and Farnam, only a few feet from our present
wore, especially well adapted for our needa !n fact tile building waa espec
laily armnged for ua at a ianje outlay of money, so aa to hav a store in every
Iartlcuiar commennurate wliii the class of pianos we seiL
fiathisg Ressnred. Every Piano Ordered Sold, Re
gardless of Yates or Former Cost. Look!
Read! Reflect! Then Act Quick!
New $250.00 Pianoa, only
New J300.00 Pianos, only
New S350.0O Pianos, only
New $400. 00 Piano, only
New $500.00 Pianos, only
Remember these pianos are Brand Sparkling Naw. timiiutl and hacked
hy tha manufacturers' own name, reputauon and money. Genuine Segerstrom
P'-aona $400. 10 to $750.00 at gfeaCy reduced prices.
Put $10.00 in your pocket and come rgat in. Don't wait a minute. Pay
balance on smallest munthiy payments lmaf:natile. If you have not got $10.00
go borrow it- G it. $10 Oo narer meant so much to you in a.1 your life.
On top of All Una to every lady buving a piano we will giva FREE a ren
ame diamond ring. To men we will g:ve go id watches, as long aa they last.
If you live out of town, a deposit, and wa will hoki any piano you select.
Segerstrom Piano T.lfg. Co.
1383 Farairj Street, Cnihi, fte&raska.
Bpn r?ni!S5 0alr Wtlhia Three aTnadrad hClss
Military Pm-11oi
the KrM
ef Warka
Ptaat at
Reen. the home of the rr "at Inrp j
mn vnrtu s one of 'he mort onnenicuous
xamries of a ne-mao town. It is prsv 'list rears oid. Tn ifU. when
he f?r"it cr-.cible funara for caning steel
was set up hy a poor hard -voTking young
man. Frederick Kr-ipn. the tmal popula
tion of Eawn was -lmler a.-.m.
In 11 it was IfS.jW. .-if which tlie Kropp
contingent numlierod about .. This,
and a rreat deal more, ia eesentlailv the
work of one man. and It la nn parallel led
!n the history of Industry. The corrxira
tion now owns iron and anal mines and
ttt 4..TS houses.
The products from K. lrm's are varied.
Compare this with the highly speriajxad
ndltion of the industries in this country.
The Krupp's fame is chiefly associated
with war mater" ala. but ail ktnda of fin
ehed and unfinished materials for rail
roatla. engines, tooia. milla and other in-dustr-al
appliances ara tamed out In large
and small cman titles.
Ths shops have been built at dlffeieiu
dates and vary accordingly, but as a whole
hey possess in a marked degre that order
and cleanliness which are the most dls-ting-ushing
features of 'ier-nan fa-toriea.
This extends to the foundries, where one
usually finds dust, smoke and confusion.
A spedaity hers is ths casting of very
arge ingots of emcible steel. It is a re
narkable sight and an ohiert lesson in
"Jerman methods. Ingots of eighty-five
tons are cast, a feat which la not attempted
in any other place. The steel is melted in
small crucibles, which are carried by hand,
and therefore contain no mora than two
men can lift.
Scores of such emrdhles go to the mak
ing of an ingot of oonsiderahls nre, and
they occupy many fumacea. which are
ranged on both sides of ths foundry, with
the ingot mould In the center. At the
signal the funaces ara opened and tha
cmeblea drawn out and seised by a small
army of workmen, who mn them down to
the mould and pour them in.
It is clear that to do tha thing oa a large
scais perfect method In preparation and
Jrder in execution are necessary. Tha
manenvra is carried out with military pre
cisian and promptness. In a moment the
piaco la aglow with the white heat of tha
furnace, the figures run from aj adea
and come staggering down in pairs with
the pots full of liquid steel. It la a scene
af Intense activity, but without oonfision.
The most striking feature of German
iron and steel factories :s their clean, or
derly and well kept condition. These quaJ
tlr seem to be universal, and they ex
tend to the dirtiest and most untidy de
partroenta. The German foundries ware
a revoiauon to ma. Thy are aa clean and
weu xept and almost as light as any other
aefs Magartna.
Poiaresl rhuasnraaha.
Jore0" " " t
it taes a diplomatic elevator boy to 1st
a man down easy.
team to depend upon yourself: so many
peopie can't io that.
A man with mora dollars Thau sense
manes a noise Ilka an easy mark.
Ln t expect to land where yon expert
when you ;ump at conclusions.
People who write articles an how to maka
money know a lot on paper.
Every nusband knows now to manage a
wife but did you ever see one do It?
Nothing annoys some peopie mora than
being compelled to mind their own bua
nees. Women have queer Ideas of a good time,
but they seldom have a dark brown taste
next morning.
As a roie wheal a man puts on a Mean
nellar and has nut shoes polished ha seems
to think he is well druasnA. Chicago News.
wiiasa a jmx Baal Buses Wiia taa avaama
HUMORS Cr The Yin. v.... v
A eat Jaae. a Toa the nrtl
Maktag the He af It
"War has ta hum. r. no ojss t.'.aii vrv "
remarked "o.onel D. C.l!lcr :n A i. iv
ingtotl . "T?ut -huee .in "hs tnM'le -a:ini t
aiways w ;t. ' he !dnd. C-.mnel Cn.ii-t
hails from San Dlero. CiU.. and l-ar !:
title of "-Honel" hy virtue of ;iavn vn
a member of nme for-ncr Cai.for-iia ov
emor s staff.
"San C leiro has seen a little of the Mex
ican revolution, and the little it has er
has been funny San Diego is irnten
miles from the border, and riitht n t!-
border is the little Mexican town jf Ta
Juana. Tla Juana :s Siianish fcr
Jane. J'wt why the Merit -ui of taome for
mer generation named a town Aunt Tar
ia hard to understand. Tiers is nothing
about the place to stunreat an old lady
"When the insurrection began to asrumi
propemnns the Mexican of3ria.a derlared
martial law in Tla Juama. which ia a p.aca
of some .TOO inhabitants, and with remark
able sagacity they excluded tmm the son
covered by this marlal law :hose portior.s
of the city of Tla Juana .n wtiich the
aaioona and the curio t ires are lorated.
Aside from the fat-t if there being cus
toms house there, it la difficult to find any
excuse for Tla J iana axi ept the sa.ooni
and the curio stores.
"The effect of this romsrkahle procedure
has been that In the city of San Diego
today you can hear the barkers for the
aghtseeing automobiles stioutlntf through
their megaphones something like this:
" 'Sea tha war for one dollar- for one
dollar we take you to the war and bank
"What they do for the dollar is to haul
tourists down to Tla Juana and point out
the camp of the United States rejr.illlrs;
also the namp of the Mexiran regulars and
hte brush-covered slopes of :he adjacent
hills, on which, they explain, the lnsur
rectos are hiding. The chances are that
there ara not more than eleven Ineurrectoa
within fifty miles of Tla Juana.
"War correspondenta swarm in San
Diego. Tou can distinguish them by their
new khaki nulls, leggings, sombreros and
a pair of field glasses. They onngregnts
at ail hours of ths day and nikht In ths
spacious corridors of the U. 9. Grant hotel
and orraslonaily they r-ish to the telephone
booths and caj up Tla Juana to aafft 11
anything has happened.
"The battle of Teaxarte was really quits
sanguinary while It lasted, but It lasted
only about fifteen minutes. In that ttma
the Mexican regulars, who had marched
from Ennenada. almost completely wiped
out the band of lnsurrectos who had heen
hovering around Tescarte for several
a. Washington Post. '
Fares mt Habit.
Tired and" dusty a parry were remirnlng
by rail from a nottaay trip, dlmukuia, a
little haid man. dropped otf to sieep. On
the rack waa a ferocluue crab ;n a bucket,
and when .-eimpxms went to men the. crab
woke up. and finding :hins uuil :n the
bucket started expiormg. r-nwn it feal.
ailehtlng on .-ilmpkin s siiouioer. where it
grabed -he man a ear. The paneenirers
gapped, but SlmpKins nmv snook his sieepy
anad and said. "Letgo. Saraii: I teil y
I've been at the office a.l eve.-ungl"
Her Act.
"Well, have you heard the news" asked
a fnend. brightly. "My wife and I ara
going on the vaudeville stai;e. A clever
friend haa written an act for us. and wa
ara going to put it on next ween.'
"Good work, old man. ' we exciaimed en
thusiastically. -What is it a song-and-dance
act or a society sketchy
"Nrttner: it is a mciniiii.g'.ie."
"A monoloajiieT "1 uioukiit you and your
wife were both in the act "
"We are. But do vou know my wi fey
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
.44a j
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