Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 15

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Northwestern's $23,750,000 Chicago Passenger Depot
a 7 V.
Stock Tires Won
Indianapolis 500-Mile
International Sweepstakes Race with
three of the original Firestone regular
stock tires on Ray Harroun's victorious
Marmon still running and in perfect
condition at the finish.
Cars that used competing tires were
compelled to make as high as fifteen
stops for tire changes.
Firestone Tires Outclass All Others
in Durability.
Use Them on Your Own Car
an.-!-? JS"S
" 4Tl'tfS
1 1 fj !HgSJJi '
I JfiJ
3 5 .
i: j ?- -i c ; t; -" ; -soKi J
I j t--U ,5 ,. ., . J
r v. r - i -.v- - - Z' I
rcw Chicago station open I
Yin Yir a-nH tl Tin finf) -Bl-rmA I
xitb X ears and J.750.000 Sequired
lor iortn-westeni Depot.
7lw Teraimal la Dm1it tm B
Omm of th riant Architeetwrml
Fatar mt the Wlady
Vfrm rw of work and a cost of J2X-
TSO.000 have brought to a flnlah the splendid
new Chicago atotlon of the Chicaxn,
NonhWMtuni rAllfrn. TmIh wA a v. -
OmahB-Chlcaao train, will be the am to i
pull Into the new station at :5 this morn'
Ths new terminal la one of the finest
architectural features of the city a splon
dld struov wt classic design, the essen
tlsi fesira which !s a great colon
naded entrance or portion of lofty propor
tions, monumental In type, that towers to
a height of V3B f.-et above Madison stret.
Before this imposing front 's a br.iad pave
ment or espmnode frorr ivhich rise the
granite columns that guurd the Inner vesti
bule. The esplanade is lighted by monu
mental brans lamp standards, from which
clusters of electric ilghts blaze at night;
and four big clock dials, each twelve foet
In diameter, look down from the granite
There are six other public entrances to
the building, and the stairways are so
1 ample that if placed !ld- by side they
would form steps UO feet broad.
23U.4MMI I'aparitT.
C3 rowing traffic requirements have made
this improvement a necessity. The Wells
street station, with ea,.;lty for handling
W. 009 passengers per day. was overtaxed,
and the new termlnai, with facilities for
taking care of people ev-rv twenry-
four taaurs. needud to take its piaoa.
The) Trmla hU.
One of the most important features, from
an architect's point of view, is the treat
ment of the train siieti. Tbis siructure is
Me feet long, extending over three city
squares. The sixteen long tracks which
occupy the tmed are covtred by what la
known as the Uiiu uhjI." in which the
graceful curve nf the roof iv. r each ra:r
of tracks is broken by a concrete slot or
dart, running the luntth of each track
and so plated that the locomotive funnels
discharge through it into the open air.
The roofii are of courne, covered wluh water
pronfing material.. Skylights ore or w'.re
glass and sufficient lu extent to ugnt every
part s the train shed. In tins, as In track
elevation and variuus other trmsporaUon
Improvements, the Nonhwemem has
takes the lead and acted as the pioneer
Nothing of the kind has ever before been !
trted In Chir.o. and .t : s.ud tu be a
marked Improvement in the construction
of railway tenulnnis.
The train shed concourse lies also re
ceived lo the architect s iiluus a treatment
that is far a.iperlor to th-i uhuiuIv seen.
Instead of being an open upace, fenced of;
from the trai.i ruiM-i y ir or o,.. r.
iron work, it is. as a matter of fact.
Amply a great ,kutiuc . comp.cteiv
eucloced In glass aud meiji. 'vuu a 3'.a'
and metal ruuf. maainii an airy. tr:tni.
cleaa noo iiH feet by feet. At either
end of the concourx great ia-ray- vt.m
municaua directly aith the street, and cai)
stands are reached without g iiiitf i:.rouii:i
the station. There is .o a U.ny ;o
the street flour of the station proper
These broad staurways between tile street
level and the train shed level of il.e ter- 1
minai are of such u:m that piaced side
by side they would iuim a stair iver J :
feet broad.
Trarkas Fae lilt lea.
The fact that liiero a. sixteen separate
gates leading out :o s J.I'fyJt
tracks la the train shed shows the vast
siae of this grand concourse and Us i :o.
lty for disposing of the ontinuai tbrontrs
of incoming and outgoing travelers in an
orderly manner, without error ur cunfu-
Viewed from ens of the balconies above. , station building, train shed and various i tb:s number would be provided for the
:t nraoents a must Impressive picture, as 1 street subways on tne approatUiea the op- train capacity of the new terminal Is five
dues also the top view of the steel and con- 1 eratlon of elevators, ventistlng fans, re- j or six times that of the old station,
urets construction ro.if of the tra.n shed, ' f rigeratlng system, signaling and lntr- It is with one exception the largest rail-stretx-hing
out for three soud bioajt from j locking systems, and Lha heating p ant way terminal 1n the L'nited States, and
toe Maun : on street structure to the exferne comineta providing la each case a surplus I involves an Mtlmattd expenditure of about
end ef the train shed oa una street. 1 fur ruturs growth, nearly l.i9 H P. is
The baggsgs Is handled to and from the 1 required The boilers, engines and genera
Uagage rooms, whicn are ao the street tors are housed In the power plant st Uie
jia. witn eiecma trucas ana aug eiecine
trucking bRa the length of the uin
iU dane a'raI' wUh- There are special chutea
for tanJ!lBK maii lo trom poBl.
office nubntation. irhlch Is directly beneath
the train shed. Provlalon la made for the
heavy suburban traffic by a stairway
leading down from each platform about
midway the length of the train shed, to
the suburban concourse, which is on the
street level below and opens directly upon
Washington street, which runs under the
station. Suburban residents may go quickly
to and from their trains without pausing
through the main station "i1"-- tbsy desir
to do so.
The information bureaii la upstairs upon
the train level floor. In the great waiting
Ample means of communication by wire
is provided In elaborately equipped tele
graph offloes, and telephone booths are
placed In various parts of the building far
the use of both city and long distance
The eab and motor carriage stands are
under cover. In fact, everybody can ar
rive and leave the termlnai under oover.
either by cab. motor carriage or street car.
Another part of the great spaon is de
voted to the care of Immigrants. Here. In
a olean and well lighted apartment with
tile floors and enameled walls, is a
waiting room which, with Its accessories,
surpasses anything that has heretofore
been provided for that class of travel.
There are bath rooms, tnilet rooms and a
tlinins; room, where for a small sum the
Immigrant can get excellent service, lunch
room, kitchen, laundry tubs, and every
conoelvable means of adding to the com
fort and cleanliness of the immigrant who
is so fortunate as to hold a ticket reading
over the Northwestern Una
Lobby is Laasiortamt.
On the street level, the essential feature
of the whole floor is the great lobby. The
Madison street entrance opens directly into
this public concourse, which has an area
of W feet by 2S0 fc-et. Surrounding it are
ticket offices, cab offices, news stands,
bag sag checking rooms, telephone booths,
a motor carriage office and a well stocked
nhup or store In which may be purchased
uractlcatly everything that a traveier is
iikely to be in need of. from a handbag or
; ai-Kane of snoe polish to the usual fruits,
candies and ma'.enals for luncheons. There
'a a lunch room, ou-cupylng a room 50 feet
by feet. iriiLTs '.unrheun can be had
quickly, conveniently and at reasonable
price. -
The ticket offices Immediately ad'otn the
entrance to this great lobby on the street
floor level. They axe couunuUiuus and
fitted with a number of features that en
able ticket sellers to handle large crowds
of people In the ahoruiat possible space of
On the second floor, which Is the train
shed levul. Is a splendid marbia-llned
"n- lu" u". xt "lie
anu in reei nign, wun vast Sarrel-
vaulted oelllng. The walls are treated with
series of columns or colonnades corre
sponding somewhat with the main in
trance. The lighting arrangements of this room
are of a most brllllunt character. On this
ftoor there is. lu addition to U19 treat
waiting room, one ef iLm finest dlnin
ro.ims in the country.
On th. a main floor Is also a ladles' wait
ing room, a beautiful apartment, reached
by sepm-ate elevator service Connectei It are retiring rooms, baths and
toiiet arrangements, ail of which are in
charge of a curpm of maids and attendants
Ths sanitation la as perfect as modern
sciejice and generous expenditure can
make it. Even the public toilet rooms are
arranged on a moat extensive sea.
xeverul rooms are provided where
formed servants are In attendance
and aiiere a snia.1 lee la required. All drtnk-
lag fountains are the new bubbing-up !
type and cooled water la supplied lo tiu-m j
thiouuh s circulating system. In winter
the building is nested and ventilated by j
fresh air drawn from above the roof,
pul uer steam eoiis and then filtered !
r.rouyh a sheet of failing water Ia sum- j
mer the air is oooled by the aa:ne system. !
ror the e!ertrlo
- ... . 1 19 m 1 . 1 , .it?
sxueme northern end af the staaou.
S -X:. 'J ..v-.:
, ( -
United Workmen, to Have Floral and
Memorial Cay Celebration.
Prasnrsusa ( !peeckei and Xmsle Butk
AftrsimBi and Eve a in a" (ravxil
nautte'r WsJIlns ( David
City to Seak.
Floral and Memorial day exercises of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen will be
held under the ausptoas of Union Pacific
lodge. No. 17, Ancient Order of United
Workmen. Sunday afternoon. June 11. at
2:30, at Rivet-view park. Meet at Tenth
street entrance to park at I p. m. and
march to pavilion or grandstand, where
the following prosram will be offered:
8nng America Assemblage and Ancient
Order of United Workmen. No. 17. band.
Invocation Rev. Charles W. Savidge.
Introductory Remark Chairman. Past
Grand Master Jacob Jaskaiek.
Dirge Dolores Ancient order of United
Workmen. No. 17. concert hand.
Address Grand Master Workman A. M.
Walling, David City.
Song -Nearer M . God to Thee Assem
blage and concert band.
Ritualistic Exercises Assisted by No. 17,
detrree team.
Music reelected Concert band.
Fallowed by a concert by Union Pacific
lodge. No. 17 Concert band both after
noon and evening.
Ail lodges In Douglas county are earn
estly requested to attend and assist in the
March Mollis Lee.
overture Lutznplul.
March 1-hoebe Jane.
IntermezK First Heart Throbs.
Waltz Come. Josephine. In My Flying
Quickstep Young America.
Pntroi America.
Waltz Woman s Love.
lai Reverie.
bi Evening Bona;
Rait Trombone eliding Jim.
March Stop. Hton. St:n.
Overture American Triumph.
Spanish Intermexio La i'Ltimi
Cornel Solo In Aff.T Years, hen I Am
old. Mr. Namestek.
March Explorer.
March American Triumph.
Overture Village Life.
Saxophone Quartet Cupid's Ctiartnu.
irfiilcKstep Ancient Order of United
Workmen. No. 17.
Waitii Le Baiser The Kiss. '
Melodies of our Own Cuiintry.
Iadepadeat Order ef Odd Fella we.
The members of the Patriarchal militant
branch of the order are looking forward
to a successful meeting of the cantons nf
this Jurisdiction, which will be held at 0"i
Fellows' hall in this cltv on Friday. June
16. A business meeting will be held in
the afternoon, at which the question of
changing ih order from a r-s merrai
formation to a battalion formation wlil b.
taken up and decided. In the evening
Canton Eara Millard No. 1 will confer the
ia equipped with modern aopllannce anl
represents In Itself an investment of
nearly $l,0i0.0f0.
The t rehlteetaral Kffvt.
Regarding the exterior of the new ter
minal, too much cannot be said In com
mendation. Messrs. Frost and Granger,
tha architects of the Lasaile street station,
have had charge of the design and have
visited and studied the world's principal
railway terminals at London, Liverpool,
Pans. Vienna and Edinburgh, in search
f r suggestions that would help to make
this new ststlon at Chicago the best that
money would bulid. not only as to gen-
eral architectural effect, but particularly
with a view to making it most nearly per-
feet for the practical use to which it is to
be devoted.
More than a trains a day use the Wails
street station for arrival and departure
muu -' 1 UIKl Ull EiKlUm OlUreaAS in
u. mj Many plana have been inv
gated. studied, exhausted and discarded,
that this n-.ay be said to be an Improvement
juiH.a aiiyvaing ever built by any railway, t
r ', ;., '..Ln: :-'.- -I--J"
. -
anton degree on a class of candidates.
All of the cantons in the mate have hen
asked to bnng their candidates to this
meeting for initiation.
Omaha lodge No. 2 will have work in
the first degree next Friday night.
Beacon Iodide No. S will iiave two can
didates for the initiatory degree Tuesday
Crusader encampmnt No. 77 'will have
twelve candidates for the Royal Purple de
sree next Fndav meiit.
South Omaha Indue No. 14 will put on
the Initiatory degree tomorrow nlpht.
Benson iodce No TA w'll hold memonai
wn-ices at , Mount H ire cumetery at 2
o'clock nex? Sumiav afternoon. June 11.
Wasa Indue 'o lxi w-il liave wort in thj
initiatory decf-e next W.-ir.csdav night.
Daarmar R.-bekah Ind-e No. IK will nice
next V'dnesdav evn nT ui its ha.l Twenty-second
and Ciminn streets.
Hesperian er. amtimr r.t No. I had elc'-ei
t candidates for the Patriarchal detrree las:
j Thursday nis-ht. Thl encampment will
; put on all three of the camp degrees
t.ns month and expects to havn twenty
candidates for the Roval Purple degree on
Thur-day. June 3.
nutn Kehekah lodse No. 1 will have de-
gree work next Saturday niifht.
Nine of the seventeen Omaha Odd Fel-
lows lodges elected officers last week as
fnuna c-iaie hi me .,o in: n:iam m.
Torr"y, nobie grand: W T. Evart. vice
?ran.l. beaxon lodire No. J: Samuel F.1-
. :';:--:v-:
wards, n.iule grand. H. W. Howdle. vice j vorai solos, "Night.'' "Come lo the Gar
?rand. i uth Omaiia 'odt'e No. !X: C. G. . den," Miss Blanch Bolln. A so-lal hour
.-utton. noDle grand. r M. Reedes. vice
srand. Wasa hxve No. iv: p a. Ander
noble grand; He'ge 'Ver.ant. vicn
grand. Dens, n lixlse No. TH: E. C Fuller
noble grand; Jonas Frv. nee ranne
mg ludge No. 21. Chrs Jorgensen. nohle
-and. . v.'.- ra...l. Itut.i
lebekah Imlge No. l: Ciara Yiung.
-.obie grand; Laura Marcher, vie
?ranj; Johanna Slra'.vn tecretary:
Alma Neilstjn. tr'-ssurer: Veda Kastman
ind Cltmentlno Nicklas. aasemblv del-.--ates.
A.pra !mitf. o n .fen
nie Smith, noble grand. Sin Burtlck. vice
grand. Mrs. William McPermid. secretary;
Mrs. Fred Ettr, ireasurer- Ottie Eiter.
asfemhly delegate. Cru.-ader E.'icampmfi
No. 3TT: M. Reew s. chief patriarch , Fred
erick Lush, senior warden; Renee Aughe
hiifh pneit; A.liert Hi-i. Junior warden.
ivy Kehekah lodge Nj. .TJ will h
gree work next Thurdav evemnir
j Dannebrog lodge No will put on the
first degree next Fnday nltfht.
, Fratrrnal Ordev ( Faslee.
Omaha aerie. No. met Thursdac evn-
' Ing and enjoyed one of the largest sesnons
1 of bmthers held this season. In view ,f
hot weather. It was 'letprminrd utn
to eliminate the weekly meetms and to
meet semi-mor.thiy Next meeting will
be heid Thurs-iay evening. 21d inst. Worthy
Presiuent William Kennedy, who presided,
announced that in view of tha forthcom
ing convention of the Stale aent in I
Ca.umbus Z. 11 and 14 tnat.t a special visit
would be made to Plattstnouin Thursday
evening, next. Ad brothers no may find
it ouaveuent to vUlt P'attemouth are ra
1, 4TJi- Ji 'i
T i : i-.
"5 ?
quested to notify the secretary, so thai, if
possible, automobile accommodations may
be provided.
C. W. Britt, chairman of the boosting
committee, announced that some valuable
prizes would be offered to the member
securing the largest number of elected
candidates during the lifetime of the spe-
clal dispensation, secured by Worthy Presl-
dent Kennedy from Grand Worthy Presi
dent Grady, on his visit to New York some
two weeks aan, and which dispensation Is
good until the August 15. providing for an
initiation fee being reduced to S.
The first pnre will be a handsome gold
watch, and several other valuable prises
will oe put up.
Woodmen of the War Id. J
Alpha camp No. L Woodman of the'
World, will celebrate the twenty-first an
niversary of the organisation of the camp
and the order on Wednesday next, at which i
time they will initiate a class of candl- ',
dales. Refreshments will lie served and
J a good time pmmisrd. It is expected the
sovereign officers will be present to assist .
In the celeoralion. !
Royal Achatei.
Union lodge. No. UCi. elected the following
officers fur the last haif of the year last I
Thursday evening: President. J-mea Rich;
me iireeiaeni. George w. smart; secre
tary, C. F. Sllnferiand; treasurer, Kate
Chumpenol; chaplain. Minnie DavlK; mar
shall. Rozena .V.athouser: guard. Jeremiah
Darnell; sentinel. Autrist E. Grieb: captain
of degree ataif, Mary Waish; trustees. H.
C. Dunn. Lirzie Petronnet. Alice L. dlinger
iand. Refreshments of punch and nabiscos
were fcerved.
Omaha lodre No. 1. Royal Achates will
eiem uuiixn nxt ruesaay nighu June S.
Mcmbi rs am requested to bear this in
mmd and come out and elect your
dates for the several offices.
Entertain Woman's Relief Corua. I
Mrs. Peter Gerrie and Mrs. Marsjnret i
ii. Cn.n entertained the memoers of
Caster's Woman s Relief corps at a pretty
Mother Goose. ' party Thursday attenioon
..t '.he residence. il south Twenty-fourth
-treet. The houte was decorated with flags ;
and pink and whita peonies. The centtr
was of sira.l jiii; fi entwined with
ferns. Th-jse present were Mexdames Retn
nut.n, McKenna. Ashtun, Wood. Yaiton.
Alien. P-ipr. Smith. Taska, Auston, Byrd.
ifoiey. .Sione. Clark. Ensier. McjJnde,
Gwjun. Lockner, MciCann, M ltotea Fee nan. '
Schlen, Pepper.
I C . D. mt 112,
The United States Daughters of 1M2 held
Its regular meeting- at tne home of Mrs.
I Clinton Miller Friday afternoon, after
I snort ousinuts session a musical program
! was given: Piano solo. "The Butterf!
I 'To a Wild Rout." Miss Nina iareetr
followed, during which refreshments were !
served by the hote?-s aeslMed be Mra C. :
W. Muilin and Miss tnizabeta Fry. j
Raral A rea u m .
L'uion Pacific council No. ;u,9 of the
fuiyai Arcanum will meet Tjesdai' evening
at the Metropolitan club. New members will
be admitted and a general discission :n-
duiged In as to the nature of
during the summer months.
he meetings
M leer lie inui.
The P. E. O., so :ely will meet Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. F C. New
comb. j;lb Wirt street. Mrs. Newcomb will
oe aeslMed by Mrs. J. A- Bryan.
Ladles auxiliary ui the Brotherhood of
L01 o.'.'ioMve Engineers will give a card
party at their nail In the Ancient Order of
1 Ln:u;d Work:neu 1. ir.ple Monday, June i
Omaha Tnt. No. iCnights of the alaca- j
bees met in review on Fnuay
evening in Bargfit s nail. There were two
caiididait-a prexent ar.J received the tree 1
degree; there mere :niea aiuiuanis who
aeis balloted on. Several visiting Sir
ICnights were present and were heartily
elioiued. A picnic is beil.g ta.aed of by
tne air Kiiignts to be held Jointly with
the Lady Ma.aoeea
j OeaiatlF Frlatht
josses aes sufferers from lung trouble till
I they learn Dr sting's New Discovery wl'l
1 ht.p them. Ute and tL For sa.e by Beaton
Drug' Co.
The Omana lies s rat boot., overs' Con-testThirty-ntne
(nsea. ou caa en tar at
I I . Nmrii ' "j w"ki """jl
Ik Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. j
"America '3 Largest Exclusive Tire and Rim Makers"
Are You a Loyer of Nature?
If so, kike a ride down to Bellevue or
Fort Crook on the intemrban line. Lots
of wild flowers and the foliage ia beautiful.
You will find Fort Crook an interesting
place to visit. The ride id delightful, and
refreshments can be had at the Bellevne
waiting station.
On Saturdays, cars leave 24th and N,
South Omaha, every thirty minutes from
12:30 p. m-, until 7:30 p. m.; Sundays every
twenty minutes from 1:00 p. m., to 7:00 p.
m. Next car 7:30 p. m. Service there
after hourly from 8:00 p. m., to 12:00
Intemrban Railway Co.
a few years. All high rollintr laud. So low land. No flat land,
and So waste land and on main line or railroad. Investigate
by seeing SU to 73 Omaha people who have vial ted the land
and bought, and been in our homes ac Haines, City, Florida,
where six brothers of ua live.
410 First National Bank Bldg.
4 or 5 goo! men wanted to Bell good land.
The Satisfactory Move
ia the one that's made promptly where everything keeps movinf
along until the work is completed. These are tha kind of moves w
23 years of experience, courteous willing employes and ampl
equipment is your guarantee of our ability aa well as your aati of ac
tion. When you're ready to move, 'phone ua.
( ILKprcMatimMi's DeiliTery Co.)
216 So. 17tb St. Ground Floor Bee Bldtf. 17th St. Sldt
PhoiMM D-lf4. Ind. A 1314.
I Li
An attractive office,
in the heart of the
baa a lew vacant offices tUat are
are kept thoroughly clean, and are inviting rooms during the hot sum
mer months. New elevators that will give this building excellent ser
vice are being installed. Janitor
Hers is a List
offices which
valuables. The room is -kxly-.
aVOOK 418 Having a south and west exoosura. nrni'ii tr,.m u .. , .. .
City Ha.1. ard moat always a cool breexe from the south. Tl'.ui space C
is lx.uv and is weil iignienl. with very reusonauia rent, per :no. Sid.oO f
IM aa On the sixth floor next to the southeast comer, wnere the after- f
noon sun will not roast during not weather. There H vauit about I
feet nouara in this room which affords atoraira anao ..- ., 1 n. I
SOOsf 330 Northwest corner room, and the only large sing's room vacant
in the buudi.ig. There is a total of su iqur teet .,f vo.,-e and has a
large tlrepi-jf.f vauic This coum be arranged to m..a two urivaie of
f.Lfca ana a receptlou room, and reats at tha small sum of, per mo.
t utBumo ni ivAjuia 4ca mm vm uatunia ran noua
oar kajit arax ow aoxLoigu.
Thai New elevator a art being installed.
The Bee Building Company
Bee Business Office. 17th and Tarnani Sts.
Coma in and see Dr. T. E. Sample, the
Florida land man. and find out now you
can buy a good piece of land and improve
same and make you an income and home in
cool and wtll ventilated,
city, is a business asint.
aa choice aa any in the city. They
attention, light and watar are the best.
of a few choice
are now vacant:
and reins fur,
per montu. . .
! 4