... Ml .Ill- III '' I ' " "' " " " "" """" "" "" Ill II I I , " ' ..... 1 . - THE BEE: OMAHA. SATCKPXYV JUNTO ?. 1311. 7 4 il i f i i - -7 n f 'nt. - ..I i i ! ! Men's Summer Underwear and Furnishings Sale I s 7r Men's Cambric Night Gowns $1.00 values .it 49c $2.50 Mercerised Pongee Night Shirts White, bluo or champagne; choice, 98t? 2.fH, s 2..TO and s .OO Pyjamas la ail colors, on sale at OS? and 81.45 Men's Linen Handkerchief -Vai- ues to 25c, on sale at 10e and 12H fn' Hu-penrien All kinds, regular values to $1.23, choice, " 23S 33-. 490 Men's Lisle mod Mercerised So 25c and 35c values. In all colors, per pair, at 12 Hf Pure Thread Silk Son All colors, every pair warranted perfect, values to $1.00. 23C and 45 Men's Guaranteed Sox 6 pairs guaranteed to wear 6 nontha, for 60? l ia -1 , . . . Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases Sample Lines of the Hartman Trunk Company v Secured for cash at about off regular prices and on sale now at prices fully ys less than retail worth. Trunks Worth from $10 to $6X); on sale at....S7.95 to 43.50 Bags Regular $6.00 to $20.00 values; on sale at $3.95 to $12.95 BEST HAT VALUES IN OMAHA --v-v- rhe Mea'i New Straw Hata are here in all the nobbiest new styles Milans, sennetta, Belgians, splits, shinkees, etc. prices 25c to $6.00 Children's Straw Hats-Fine line of new shapes, values to 75c, at 45C r Other Splendid Values Saturday at 25c to $1.50 Corseis and Hosiery Fine Rust Proof Batiste Corsets for summer wear, Warner's, R. G., C-B a la Sprite, Tbom- son's Glove FU iUng. Etc., all m o d Is , a p from ...Sl.OO $ S . 0 0 W. B. Red u so Corsets, special . .$2.00 All sixes 20 to 36. $1.00 and $1.25 Coutil. Batiste and Netting- Cor sets, Ions hip models, witli hear garters front and side. In two lota, at 49 and 75. 50c Bust Ruf fles, at . . . 25 Silk Stockings, 49 25c Lace Lisle Stockings. 12 Hg 50c Mercerised Gauie Stockings, at 25 $2.00 Silk Stockings at 9S? Children's Storking Worth up to 25c, In two lots, special Satur day, at 12 g and 19 Ladles' and Children's Stockings, full sesmleas, on sale, S pairs for 230 FIRST TO MARE A PHOTOGRAPH: Cent nary of Dr. John W. Draper, tie Kan Who Had It BJ2THPLA.CE OF THE TTLEGBJLPH X llmmrr ( Mews. la. De.l-i- (B Traaasalasawa Sa Hew the rtra rtalirs Was Tasts. la toe ola tmildlns of tbe New Tork un verstty ea Waaiimsrtoa square, the birth place of the teiearaph of Mores, there mas taken In 1M the first ptootosrsph of the bumaa fata The phexorrara was that of Miss Dorothy Catherine fraper. ana me msa who took It was her brother. Dr. Jchn William Draper, professor of ehem tctry In the university. He had fane a etep beyond Deuerre and by thla photo graph he estabilahe-J himself as one of the great Inventors of the nineteenth century fTUiar. May m. was the hundredth an niversary o Dr. Draper s birth aa It was celebrated In the auditorium of the univer sity at Aqueduct avenue and One Hundred aad Elhtj'-first street, few Tors. The ex ercises were only preliminary to those ez perted to come later when a "mmittee recently appointed by the university works ut a plan for some fitting memorial of t-e. Draper. It was oa the roof of the old building on Washington place that there was art up a Us tts first thusTaph gallery In tt Ladles' $1-00 at greatly nnderprieed in Satur day's great final clearance. Men's Laundered Shirts $2.00. $2.50 anii $3.j0 qualities, in fino linens, mercerizefl charnbrays. Oxfords, imported madras, etc., soft and pleated bosom, white or colors, all newest style? and patterns; very best brand at ".98c to $1.45 $1.C0 and $1.50 Shirts 49c The best lot of bargains we have ever shown, warranted perfect, all styles and colors, nothing to equal them; at. choice. . . .49c Jersey Eibbed Union Suits $1.00 quality, guaranteed to wear two seasons,. at. .49t $1-10 and S2.0O Union Suits In all kinds and colors, on sale Sat urday, at 6 and 9St Silk Lisle and Mercerised In Jon Salts -White and colors. $3.00, $4.00 and 15. 0 values, on sale, at 81.45. 81.98 ni 82.50 Ralbrtgan Starts sod Drawers Regular 35c quality, on sale, per garment 19c SOr Balbtigan Underwear, Shirts and Drawers In blue, pink, whit and ecru, drawers have double seat, at 25c Men's RalbrlKftan and Lisle Under wear 75c to $1.25 values " 35 and 45 50c Four-in-hand Ties All silk, all newest colors and weaves, t 25 Suit Cases Worth from $2.00 to $25.00; on sale at....S1.25 to S14.50 Rug Specials In Saturday's Sale Seamless Brussels Bogs 8 wire quality. 9x12 site $12.75 SauaUeas BnuHi Rags 10 wire quality. 9x12 site .,..$14.98 Wilton Velvet Roc Seamless, 9x12 size, at $18.73 Best Quality Surface Linoleam On sale. aq. yd 49, China and Jap Mattings Special values at 35. 25t and 20s We'fe showing a complete Use of a in ail mi: lowest prices. Lt ua meaaure your houo for Phadpa and rlv you an wilmit aa to roil. We'r Xzcluatve Kaaalava of Xartaaora BUillara. Liquor Department Specials atarrUa Bra Waiakay, c jar oia. ruii quarts vaa I ar old whlakeya. Cedar Brook, weidon Epnoas ScLenljr; full JU'", ; 91.00 uklrt CaUferaU WtaaL Port. Sher ry. Atieuca and and iluacatel; full quarts aoe Home-mult Gripe Wlna, red or white. pr rallon $1.00 Qt. BotUaw atia-a Oraaa Baaa- a for aSc Try UAYDEII'S Firtt world. To this gallery there came to be: amasd and deUahted all the notables of ! the day. including Theodore FVellnshuyeen. ! the candidate for vice president ua the I Henry Clay ticket. Prof. Draper took the pictures. His , camera was a dear box and hia lens the !aas from a pair of spectacles. Dr. Draper's assistant m thla gallery, the man who rosed the sitters and attended to the artistic details, was Prof. 8. P. B. Morse. no only five years before and la the asm building had operated the first telegraph Una Isasrvlas; ea Dagatm, The pictures taken In this gallery were developed by Prof. Draper, for it was his experiments In recard to lba chemical ac tion of light that had enabled him to im prove the process of Dag-uerre aimoat as sia aa tbe letter's discovery was male known. It was m 1&9 that Dasuerre gave his process la the world, but u was not then adaptable to landscapes ar portralta In tbe same year Prof. Draper anaouaced trat ha bad found the way to pbotocrapk the human face and to overcome those obstacles which mads ths Frenchman s Ptoceas Imperfect and Impractical. In these kodak days the direct tors whkh Dr. Draper save at this time for taking a photograph are Interesting. At first, he aed. be had tried dotting the face of a sitter with whits powder, but bs later found that this was unnecessary. Oa a bright da and with a sensitive plate, he announced, port rails could be obtained In the course of five or seven mlnuiea "The hands of ths sitter." he u:d in these directions te tbe camera Deads of that day, Saturday Snaps ' Suetle and Moire Hand $1.00 values. Saturday 4(c $2.00 values. Saturday wc Pillow Tops aui Laundry Bag3, 5')c vaJue at BOc Ladles" Collars and Jalwts, Sat urday at 25 $1.00 Embroidered Center Pietes 39c 35c Shopping Bags at lc 33c Tad Hose Sup porters 19c 2"ic Tooth Brushes at 1 Oc 33c Silk Taffeta Ribbons ...124 Millinery Saturday Special Sale of Hair Goods Hair Puffs, all shades, values to $5.00, on sale at . .92 and W 50 $2 Hair Switches, IS and 20 Indies long c $3.00 Hair Switches for $4 00 Hair Switches for $3.M 35c Hair Rolls, net covered, at . . . lc SOe Washable Hair Rolls 23c 10c Silk Hair Nets with elastic. for 25 Many other Hair Goods specials for Saturday. 3C0 Trimmed closed in 3 lots: $4 and $0 values, ...98i $5 toj$7.30 values, $1.9S $7.50'to $9jX) values at $3.50 We're Preparing to Make June the Banner Month of the Year in Our Busy Ladies9 Suit Department (1 1 .1.1.1 ijBVTsl! Jl1'? productions choice Pretty Silk Dressea Taffetas and messaiines Dainty Summer Dresses Values up to $7.50 iu also summer challies, in stripes, checks, plain lawns, charnbrays, ginghams and other popular colors; all newest summer styles, worth up to wash fabrics, all colors and sizes, beautifully $25.00; at, choice $10.00 trimmed; at one price Saturday $1.95 Silk Pongee and White Serge Coats All newest styles, $13.00 and $18.00 values, at $10.00 Pretty Lawn and Lingerie Waists Values up to Fine Marquisette and Lingerie Waists Values $3.00, in good assortment of popular styles up to $7.50 and even $10.00; both high and low at $1.45 neck ; great snap at $3.95 A late shipment of Children's Dresses just received goes on sale Saturday at prices far below actual worth of the garments. Children's Wash Dresses In all Children's Wash Dresses In Children's Wash Dresses Val eizes 2 to 14 yrs., values to $1; pretty summer styles, $1.50 val- ues to $3.00, in white and col on sale Saturday, choice. .39c ues; at, choice 79c ors, all sizes $1.45 Women's Beautiful Marquisette and Lingerie Dresses The choicest showing of clever new de signs ever offered; surprisingly moderate in prices; shown at $10 $15 $20 up to $125 Grocery Prices That Save it lbs Best Granulated Sucar 11-09 1 bars Diamond C or Beat-Em-AU gomn -C It lba. Eat Rolled BreaJifaet Oatmeal 152 Mt i.. irMn nr TeJlnw Commeal ..lie Iba Good Japan Rice 4 lba. Taney Japan Whole Rice ..... Bromajia ton. Jeilycon or Jeil-O. pks. Grape Nuta. rS Corn riaaee. pX v.-"'-.';'. .tie iic TV .Uc Ttie Baat No. 1 dreamery Butter, lb. J5c The Real No. 1 DairT Butter, lb lio od Cream Cheeee, lb. FancT Full Cremui Cheese, lb. Neufchatel Cheeae. each 11H ..lie 3c TOWN TALK HATCEN 8 FRE?K EGETABLE PR1CH. Freeh Home Grown Pea, all you want, per qt JYenh Home Grown Sfrtnath, ail you want, Freeh PHome 'drown" Ra'diahee. ' b'uncf.ea for ic "should never rest upon the chest, for the ration of respiration disturbs them so much as to make them of a thick and cli.msy appearance, destroying also the i (presentation of the veins oa ths back, which, if they are held motlnisa. are copied with surprising beauty. "A person la a b.ack coat snd open waistcoat of Uve same color must put cn a temporary front of drab or Teah ouior cr by the Urns that his face aad the fine shadoas of his woolen clothing are evolved bis shirt will be solarised and will te blue and blaca with a white hato around It. "Owing to the circumstances that yel low and yellowish browns require a long time to Impress the substance of the daguerreotype, persona whose faces are freckled ail over give rise to the most ludicrous resulia a white portrait mottled wuh Just as many black dots aa the sitter i baa yellow tmea ' On March S. 1M0. Dr. Draper took from I ths irof of the building the first photo I er-mr-h mv fakea of the moon His nlata was exposed twenty minutes and the Unae was about aa Inch tn diameter The phetorrapk was resented to what eras then ths Lyceum of National History It created a great sensation at the time, aot only here but abroad. Daguerrs s name was given ta the photographle pro cess for many years after this. Exhibit ef Blval Pleta While Dr. Draper and Prof. Moras were busy with tbstr dag-uarreotyping. Daa-uerre sent to this country M- Francois Gouraud to make his Invention generally known. While tn New Tork here he learned the process of portrait irak ng front fir. H 10 a ! I -fEL!AOl.E STOOE j Half Price Your choice of our entire stock of Trimmed Hats, that sold at $7.o, upwards, on sale at JUST HALF-PRICE 3ATTJEDAY Poeitivelv the largest and choieest selection of spring and summer molef shown in Omaha. Six Exceptional Bargain Offerings Saturday Hats To be Children's Trimmed Hata- Four bir lots Saturday: Values to $2.00, at . 9Sc Vnlues to $3.50. at S1.9S Social lots. $1.25. $1.50 W orth Fullv Beginning Saturday at 8 A. M. .Wo men's and Misses Tailored Suits will go at less than worth of the materials alone. With many rousing specials in fl yvfVi 1 1 n qo ri rnorlt'.fr.tt'o r ri o rm onic Money back if you change your mind. Tailored Suits Worth to $25 at $6.95 A late purchase of 373 handsome Tailored Suits, all sizes, including email women's and misses'. Splendid assortment of new colorings, fabrics and styles, regular values up to $25.00; on sale Saturday in one lot, choice... $6.95 that sold up to $60I'0;.in Saturday's sale at, - the People 25 to 50 FTeah Homo Grown Asparagus, 2 bunches tor .ic FYeah f r Fteeh for Freh f..r Freeh for FYiri for Fresh Home Grown Oniona. Home Grown Turnlpa. i Home Gran Beets, Z Home Grown Lettuce, t H me Grom-n Parsley. 1 bunches Sc bunches ic bunche 4o bunches oc bunchea 5c Wax or Green Pram per lb. "He PI T UP PIXEAPPLES NOW Medium sire, each Per doien 0c Medium, larife alze. each 'Wc Per dosen c Si larire aire, each . .le Per dcxen Ill 1 sue. each llc Per ooien 1140 I si in. eawh 15 Per dosen II. Per crate, any aire J5 Draper. Among Gouraud's directions was this: "The person. If a man. musl be dressed la a clear gray coat; pk.nia.Kons of a little deeper hue; a vest of a fancy ground yellow, orange. If possible with figures of a color to mass a contrast; Ute wnlie nssa of the shirt contrasting with a cravat of a gray ground either a little lera dark or more deep than the coat. The toilet of the lady should be of the same shades, and in ail mi biack must b lonstantly avoided. as well a Kreen and red." Gouraud put on exhibition a large number of daguerreotypes made by Daguerre him self. They attracted a great deal of at tention amucg the residents of New Tork Cty and vicinity, eliciting great priise from ail- Tbe newspapers and jouniM of the time Joined In the general praise and gave long accounts of the pictures and the pr-.'es of making them, in reply to demands of readera Washington Irving s roagaxine. the KnirkertKM aer. had this to say as part j of a two-page article: "We have seen ihe views taken !n Paris by tbe 'Daguerreotype,' and have no hesita tion In avowtng that they are the most remarkaole objects of curiouy and ad miration, in the aru. that we ever beheld. I Their cxuuiMie perfection almost iranscends the bounds of sober belief. Let us endeavor to carry to the reader an impression of their character. L-t him suppose himseif standing la the middle of Broadway, wttb a looking glasa held perpendicularly In iis band. In which is reflected the street, with all that therein Is. for two or three miles, taking ta the haziest distance. Then let him take the glass Into ths house, and Cad t& urnjtssigBj at the scute v;w, in Drugs Toilet Goods Tlat Saw JV ti M. Oar Sala rtlces for Saturday. E. L. Graa' T"oth Powder toe S."c Sanitol Tr.th F"WUm ft'r ....1SS 10c Bhlnoia Phu Pt.liah for So 19c William's or N Crxt'catt-a' ?havln Soap for Sa Five Bir$ of Ivory fap for lo 10c Jap Ri-se Mm Ol Ire Soap, at 1 lar f..r ISO I'c Bottio of Hires R.-xitbeer Extract fur 14o J.rc Box Bath S.'i-t for loo JC Site rerci'ie rrfm for .... lOo 25c . Mennen'a. ratei. or Wlliama' Tiium powdr-r f r ISO t' '" Site P-ire Uy droaen Peroxide, extra !- for S&o 5:ie P-jre Hy droaei peroxide at 1 otta for.Sro oic J R or P' it ni Fare pnv Vr for . S5o I5c Vanity Hoxe containina; powder puft and niirr-r. for ISo tl Double l-trlstie i4air Bruahes " at ai-oo iTe and s:.c FlexlMa Nail Hlea for .lOo 50c d t 1 1 1 m a n ' Freckle Cream for S5o EOc Slxe Pond"! Ex tmrt Cold Crefim for a ?o ;.'c Slxe Ijjtmiu P.nxoln Almond Cream for ... ISO SOe Rubber Com plexion Bmahea for S5o $1 IS Two -quart Red Crone Foun tain 8 y r I n a- e for SOo $3 00 Wai 1 1 n a- to n SyrlBBe and bottie. Ituaranteed for 5 venrn for . . . $1-03 Double. $19.90 Domestic Room For Saturdsy 81-90 Belvedere Sheets, s good seller for 75c, Ssturdaj, escb. GOt 72-90 Amangausett Sheet, always sells 69c, Saturday, each 55 72-90 Stells BbeeU, Saturday, each 35 45-U 8tella Cases, always sella ltte. 8aurday, each SS il.isonviKe Bleached Muslin, extra fine; a good sener at liQ, Saturday a yard Sa Ballardvilla bleached muslin, one yard wide, sells 'c, st a yerj Lawns and Baailte. (oud assortment of .-!. .rj and paiterna. at a yard ...10e WLlte troods linni:c. ins cloth. Lawns, basiita. etc, worth up to 1 c at a yard ....., Ida the softest light and shade, vividly re ; tained upon Its surfaca This Is the ! daguerreotype!" World Leaders. ' American dag-uerreotypers were acknowl edged to be the world's leaders. At the worid's fair In Paris, 1K1. when they num bered over lO.OW, the daguerreot yiers of th:s ountry tok the first prize with a remarkable exhibition. In England. Franoe , and Germany the superiority of the Amer ican aagut-rreot ypers waa acknowledged by advertieementi of "the American pro ceaa " T!.e bt daguerreotyper In London was an Ameman. Maval. and la Pans the I same held true with Thomrson. j The 1 noe of dauf rreoiypee varied fmra to SIS. according to the slse and case. I There was no extra charge for wax to , kenp the w1ng-shaied ears from standing out or for wada of cotton called "plump- era'' to fill out hollow cheeks. The re 1 duct ion of t- time of exposure to a mln- uts or so helped to decrease the cost. Ths . ordinary- siue of a daguerreotype was two I and three-;uarters Inches to three inches. and it cet from It to K. The larrest aire was thirteen inches by fourteen, while the smallest as made for a locket. Arhleveaseats la t kessletrr. The man whom New Tork university honors as the first photographer and a great chemist was bora an Englishman. He came to this country at the age of 3, graduated from the University of Pennsyl vania tn Uk6 snd waa appointed pmfeeaor of natural philosophy, chemistry and phy oi'try at Hampden-oydney college in Vir ginia It was from there that he was called 'n l&9 to be professor of chemistry at New Tork university, and he signalised hia chaags ef reawlrncs by announcing al- 1' Ladies' and Children's Underwear Perfect goods at about half the usual retail prices for equal quality. Every item a hummer. Ladies' Lisle Union Suits Worth $1.00, f-IeeveloK. short bleeves or long sleeves, ankle or knee length, with tight or loose knee, high neck or low neck; choice, at 49c Swiss Ribbed Union Suits Lace trim med, oc values; on sale at. ; 35o 50c Jersey Ribbed Union Suits On sale Saturday at 25 Gaoze Vests All kinds, values to 'J.V at Te 9? and lc $2.00 Silk Lisle Union Suits On sale at 9SO Ladies' Muslin Gown, Combination Covers and lrawrrs Values up to St MarrHIa Irawpra On sale Ssturdar. at 40 Ctilldr-ns Mnslin Drawer 19c quality, Saturday, at...."1! Infants' S.V Mrrfn4rel Hhlrtsi On sale at 10 Women's Bathing Suits All colors at Parasols and Gloves A showing of the season's newest styles snd colors, never sur passed, seldom equaled in Omaha. Just what you want st less price. Indies' I'arasols All the new styles, paraxon frames, plain and fancy colors, Persian effects, pongees, fancy borders, linen em broidered and plain ranging. In prices all the way from 75 to S7.50 Chudrea's Paimsola, Sis' abowlnj. price t le up co SLaS- America TUIIU Umbrsllae at seo and (1.53 Kayser'a 13 and lS-battoa SllkaioTee Sunday, June is White Sunday Get Ready for it By Buying at the Big ale of White Shoes, Ox fords and Tumps; Saturday at .... 92.50 and $1.98 Men's and Women's Tan or Black Shoes and Oxfords, in velvet, gun metal or pat ent colt, values up to $1-01 a pair, all sizes ...$2.50 Men's and Women's Shoes and Ox fords, all styles. Including a 3 s trap suede pumps, values to $3.00. st . $1.98 Child's Patent or Dongola 1 -strap Sandal, st Jl.OO. 75 nd t 50 Men's and Boys' Leather Sole Ten nis Slippers, at 50? Remarkable Sale of Pictures G resvt Saving Opportunity Saturday. EXTRA 5 0 0 beautiful framed pictures In one lot, representing values oi ti.au to a, i iu aureineiy low i.gure oi JSC. 1 aey ars large (22x26) gilt frames,- beautifully ornamented with burnished corners. Subjects to suit every taste Scenes, Fruits, Figures, etc. Suitable for any room In the bouse, not a picture worth less m than' $1.50. most of them $1.75 and $2.00 values, biggest ffif bargain In ths city, at sUC Big Lot of SOe Picture Saturday. Z.-V. Sepia Prints, sice 14x17 inches, good assortment of subjects, fram ed in gut mournings, great, snap at 3.50 French Mirrors $1JM French Panel Mirrors framed In antique gilt mouldings, good mirror, with French Prints on top. $3.50 values, at -.81.50 H Oft Regular Frices China Department Specials lYi-inch Jardinieres Regu lar 60c values; Saturday, at 19c Jardinieres worth to $1.50 8, 9 and 10-inch, different decorations 49c Fancy Majolica Water Pitchers Saturday, each 25 Japanese Wind Bella 5 . White Shell China, Cups and isaucers. set 69 Reroraul Vegetable Dishes 10 60c Ltozen Water Glaaaes, at i for IOC Bet Jar Rubbers, S dot. for 25 Try ilAYDEII'S First most Immediately thereafter hia photo i graphic process. He was connected with the university until his death In VZ. Dr. Draper has frequently been described aa a pioneer In the science of prismatic analyala Hia discoveries ' In this field covered a wide range. He even anticipated the Incandescent light of F-dlson whea be suggested as a standard tor photometry for white light a piece of platinum tali of given area and thickness heated to in candescence by an electric current of speci fied strencth. Capillary attraction was ths subject of bis first researches and from them aror his discovery as to bow the blood is puri fied, a mystery which had baffled the sci entists up to that time. It was In V17 that be explained the circulation and puri fication of the blood In a work that at tracted wlda attention. New Tork Sun. FAT PURSES FOR THE BIRDMEN Oti Ou MUllea Offered few Kl lskls, Tears aad Meet I a as la Ea regie. According to the present plans of the European aviation promoters prtaea ag gregating U.Ouu.tM) will be offered to air men during the Tying season In Europe, which Is now well under way. Among the Important events seheduled many of fer a prise list of $0.0 and over. The French government competition for mili tary macblnea beads the list wttb tZeaOus, ah lie ths Prussian aerial tour, starting from St. Petersburg, will net the a vial or ! Cu0.ajO. 1 The strsult uf Europe, organised by The Suits, Shirla, Ticnila. Orot 2.i0, on sale In two lots. choU-e, 49c nd lilies' Mlk Lisle Vt!. All slats, at 2ZC antl 35e Children's t'nion SiHia All slt, on sale at 25c anrl 45c Onldrn's PJark Satin Itlmimers 7jc values, oa sale, at . -23 snd styles, alt!'" to 110 00, 91.08 t S4.9S AU Bilk Umbrellas st 81.98 nn to tS.00 SUk and CluunotselM OIotos li II- button lens'-i. MMf-cia 4c .7So to S1.50 Special sales all day In our busy Children's Shoe Dept. One Shining; Outfit given with each pair of men's or wo men's oxfords above 2.50. sale price. 39c Fruit Picture 25c Size 10x20, iramea in dark brown, 1-ln. mouldings, fruit subjects. Just the thing for dining room, al ways sen at 39c, choice ..25 on Picture Framing. Hardware Dept. Saturday Is a day of Bargains In tills department. 14-ln. Ball Bearing, extra high wheel Lawn Mower ....$.1.63 Garden Hoe, worth 25c ....15 12-tooth Steel Rake, 60c value " 40? 10-in. loose bottom cake tins g Wilson Toaster 15 $1.50. 16-gal. Garbsge can . -08 Any site green screen door and h,ng SDC Any size oiled screen door snd hinges q Ring Sprinkler 49 50 ft. wire Clothes Line jo H-ln. Garden Hose. 50 ft. S4.50 Hose Nozzle .29 Grass Catcher An Grass Hook 10 qt. Galv. Slop PalU 25 London Standard and L Journal v,.. . total prise list of swvo. , Ulla ,um mill probally be further Increased from other cities and towns on the route of the circuit. The chief winner mo. for gZ.), and the runners-up will isa be well rewarded. The Petit Journal of Paris night from Paris to Rome, which starts ths latter part of thla month, will be worth t.-M, while the oversea circuit -Calais-Dover-Folkestone- Boulogne offers 6n. as an Inducement to aviators. In the l.OtO-mlle race around Great Brit ain, starting July 2 at Brook anda. KO.Oug has been guaranteed and the other big event are: Circuit in oaxonr. HT.buO; Alx-les-Baints meeting. Stows); German tour, finishing at Benin. .(J0. French Aero, Tight acrors the Mt-dUerraaeen eea, t&.'Mu; Automobile Club of France (Grand Pnx d Avlatlon. UO.jSO. and Le Petit Paiisien. Parts to Madrid, lit.U.O. Ths total amount of pnxe money to be offered In connection with the right for the International cnam pRinablp trophy, now held by Claude Gra-hame-Whlie. has not yet been announced, but as England is vsrv keen on aviation at proreat. It is probable that at least ttt.tt will be offered ' In prises. There are at least a dosen events for which sums varying from S4.0JS to r.OOO have been annsunced, while flj0.UA) will be hung up at meetings aad tours under arrangement tn Germany. Italy. France Russia and Blglura.-New Tot a Tluiea, la order that ths aSverttaer may get tho beat results for money Invested, he must reach the buyer by tbe most direct and tcliaUs channel. Ths Bee is that chaaaai.