THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, fTHNTS 2, 1911. i aial emuant Day Here Are Special Sales That Will Mean an Actual Saving of Money to Every Woman Who Comes to Brandeis Stores Friday. WASH GOODS BARGAINS Best Dress Uinluims, large assortment of styles and colorings, perfect lengths, many corded effects, new and desirable Ol 0 at, yard 0 2t Plornl patterns, stripes, chec ks, tissues, batistes and summer and dress lengths. A saving 3c to 5c on each yard; at, yd Fine Muslins that are barred or striped, for making men's, women's and children's summer HI e l Hp underwear, yard wide; at, yard 2v"I"l Printed Scrims and Madras that j 40-lnch -wide Unbleached Muslin, are worth up to 18c yd., 1 J 2 widths. Make splen-. I mill longtha; at, yd 02 C did wide sheets; at, yd.. . U2C ISc Mercerized Dress Cotton Foulards over 6,000 yards Fancy ltg-ht and dark Iiress Percales, one yard wide and worth 12 Vic; from the bolt on sale at, yard 5c rniAT in de sirable mill remnants, yd. EYIdAV Forenoon. R til 9 A. M. Short ennths of 'rinted Sllkollne and various short lots 4 of cotton stuffs C Friday Afternoon Beginning at 1:30 We will sell very Tine White Goods, such as soft finished muslins, nainsooks, lingerie lawn and fine Persians. Many pieces 40 Inches wide and worth I up to 15c a yard; at. yard , , .UjC Remnants of Wash Fabrics at 10c SJ All the remnants of fine Wash Goods that sold from 25c to 50c a yard lengths from 2 All this season's fabrics on per yard FEI1NANTS of LINENS in BASEMENT Remnants of extra heavy fleeced Table Padding, 64 Inches wide, worth 86c; at, yard. . . . .10 Remnants of fine Table Damask, good lengths, worth 60c; at, a . Vard - r'. . . . -If) Large- bemmed Mercerized - Nap kins, all good deslgnsi worth $1 a dozen; at, each Q Remnants of Table Damasks and cost to Import. , DRESS FOMS SruoiT' Brandeis Is headquarters for the complete Una of Hall-Borchert Dress Forms. All sizeex in all the various styles . T . . A dress form is an absolute necessity to .every woman fitting and trimming her dress. - Black Bust Forms, perfectly shaped, all sizes from 32 to 44; est each, at. . . $1.50 made, at ... , HALL.W)ncHERT Ilall-Borchert Adjustable . Hall-Borchert Adjustable . Perfection $10.00 Peer less $12.00 .... . B o;y a'; ', A 0 e Wash Pants Bloomers, at 22 Boys' $3 Wash able Khaki Suits, ages 7 to 16, double breasted coat, t -91.08 Men's $ 1.6 0 Odd Wool Vest ..4S All These Great Bargains on Sale Friday in Basement Clothing Dept. Men's and Young Men's $10 Worsted and Light $)50 Colored Cheviot fl Suits at V A fortunate purchase enables us . to offer such great bargains' In Boys' 40c Blue Dealm B 1 b Overalls, ages 4 to 12 25 Boys' 14.00 Suits, with extra pants to match at ..$1.08 Boys 76c Wool Knlck er bocker pants ..45 new, up-to-date suit is well lined and perfect fitting Odds and ends of small men's and boys' Long Panta Suits, sires 30 to 36 breast measure, mostly light colors. Every suit Is worth 7 B. at $2.50 M BRANDEIS 2z0 2anO S5airfiO peciah" ia Our Fresh Trait 100 market baskets, fresh, large Mweel I'eaa, 60o 4 I'lain ietiuoe . '. So I bunchsa Home Drawn Beets .. 6o t bunches New Turnip 64 New Ited Trluinli Potatoes, pk, 9bo Fplnath,. peek So i lb. tin lotted or Deviled Turkey, at lOo Quart Jar Queen Olives 6O0 IZe& Zt fyswrQ OMAHA'S PtTKB 1 J rOOD CZRTXl Vs' Tcople are becoming more and more interested in the development of the Great Northwest And The Bee, .which ha? been tmtirins in' creating this interest, ia read by a vast throng. Advertise your land in The Bee. 1b 'At TV Sstnr- r Great lll Mli'ti' and Chil dren's Bammir '17 IN OUR BASEMENT Striped Ginghams for mak ing summer petticoats and a very good grade of fast color apron check ging hamslong lengths, r at, yard , 31 sprays and figured lawns. organdies perfect waist of HI if A ffi 2"lv Plain Colored Per- rales, yard wide very fine quality on aale at, r. 6ic yard .... From 9 till 11 A. M. we will sell standard Dress Call coea at, yard 3ic to 10 yards. sale at, 10c Extra wide Cotton Crash Towel ing, red border, 8 VAc Quality; . at, yard (j 15c Baby Bibs, made of heavy Turkish toweling with the word "Baby" woven In pink or blue; at, each .. aOt Extra large Huck Towels, frnge& or 'hemmed ends, 'with turkey red borders;' 10c and 13 V4'c val ues; at, each oTVa Crash Towellnga at less than . - . F re n c h Model Gray Bust Forms, the fin Fun Forms, black Jersey Bust withstand bust forms and mire aklrt; $2.50 each,, at. . . $4.98 ADJUSTABLE DRESS FORMS Hall-Borchert Prln cess Adjustable ... $15.00 Hall-Borchert Adjustable BuB '--$3.50 Boys' 40c Shirt Waist Blouses with collars attached; on sale at, each, only 25 Boys' $1.25 Base Ball Suits, quilted pants, shirt, belt and cap, at 75 sssssaasassssssasas Boys' 1.50 W a s h a b le Russian and aallor blouse ults . .40 Men's 11.00 Odd Pants t .,$1,50 Children's 40c Romper Play Sulfa ..10 Boys' 8.00 Cheviot .doa ble breaiMd suits; at, each $1.60 suits. Every $6.50 STORES m aeiO fSzjz&Z) s&ftOftQ J and VefeUtle Bfarfnieat Jar Stufed Olives, assorted lOo, 15o and S9o Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb... I So Imported Swiss Cheese, lb 36o "Iahus" Creamery Butter, in cartoi.a. lr lb asc A. Our Beet Country Butter, tJ sanitary Jars, per lb BSe V from BrandeU Model Farm, K per dozen g6 EC QiwmrQt riwERs cacQk fn 9 f .7" "X. W" "'A ft J V li I I 1 f rnrC Out I.dle Home I 1 J 1 rllLL w,tn "ch or Style Book, at u u s Bargain Friday Events in the Ladies9 Apparel Section About 150 Foulard Silk and Lace Net Dresses, beauti fully made and stunningly finished. Values to $20.00, Bargain Friday, choice, at .....$10.00 White Duck Wash Skirts, worth up to $4.00, for $1.98 About 100 Tretty Serge Suits, in tan, navy and black, all smart styles, worth to $25.00, Bargain Fridav, choice, at, each i..... !$15.00 One lot of Lingerie and White Lawn Waists, that are mussed and soiled, also broken lines, values $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00, choice, at . 69c A big group of soiled Underwear, including drawers, com binations, corset covers, short skirts, values to $1.25, at 59e Infants White Dresses, sizes 2 to 5 years, made of white lawn and madras. These are slightly mussed, values to $2.50, at, choice : 81.00 MISS RICHARDSON THK LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERN REPRESENTATIVE: Comes to Bennett's for Friday and Saturday. She wires that she will be glad to meet all our friends and customers, promising them Inter esting Information regarding all the New Ladies' Home Journal Pat terns and their history. ; Final Clean Up Shoe Sale 500 Pair of Ladies' 01 tQQ $3.50 Oxfords, pair . . . ; V 1 iDy This is the Final Clean Up Sale of all our broken lines of Ladles' Summer Foot weir. 50b pairs are now on the barraln squares For quick disposal, all styles, all leathers and all sizes are here. Hetter shoes for li9 has never been offered. We promise perfect fitting footwear lor nil wo men In this lot However, we may not be able to (tive you lust the wanted style and leather In your size Come Friday If you want u4 iA real shoe bargains. None better j I nM anywhere, $3.60 values, go at... vswr Bargain Friday Offers the Greatest Silk Values Omaha Women Have Known $1.25 QUALITIES FOR 89c l One big lot, including pretty new MeBsallneo, Peau de' Cygnes and Taf fetas, In stripes, checks, plaids and black effects; also a lot of pretty Persian and Novelty Silks. These are Bilks worth xp to $1.25 a yard, Friday, your choice, at, yard . 39 BSSSBJBSJSJBSBBJBSBSI BJK iaaMSaSMMSHSaBM MBSBBASBiSBSkaBMSSSSSSSJBJjggaasBaaiaaBSBBaBSBBasBBBBB Two Big Corset Bargaiiis Triday Those that sell regularly for' II. RO and IJ.O0 in medium -high bust and long hips, sheer string, lace trimmed, double hose supporters, made of batiste, Frltiny, the broken lines, go, at . i ..m. ......... .1 .' .S1.09 .And a big group of odds and ends of nner moaeis, witn tne nign dusi ana emnroiaery trimmings on coutn, .fully equipped as the above models, go Friday, etyjpy yelal,, at ....see 1 Wash Goods Cut Their Price Friday And on Just the frabrics you want: Colored Batiste. Striped . Poplins. Colored Voiles,: la pink, Alice' and Navy Blue; Novelty Voiles, In Stripes and Dots. These are our regular 26 cent qualities. None better anywhere, ' Friday, . choice, at, per yard 5 ' STOCK BBSUCXVa SAX.S - BOUSE FURNISHINGS r sices Duor bblow cost JBo Grass Shears for ISO Garden Hose, 12c quality ....lOo Gas Ranges, 18 Inch oven with broiler, simmering burner and safety. latch door, (18.00 values, for 814.88 815.00 Gas Ranges, go, at . .B10.S5 Screen Door Fixtures, complete with screws, 20c set. at ....So The Gem Veetaile Peeler and SUcer, 2So values, very useful. at, each .154 14 Inch Lawn ' Mower,- special, at, each .- 83-88 98c Heavy Tinned Double Rice Boiler, for 39o Crockery Specials Friday Jelly Tumblers, one-half to one-third pint size, per dozen 15 Jar Rubbers, 3 dozen for -. 25 Table Tumblers, six for. . . .' 15 One and 2 quart White Granite Jugs, each 10? Big Linen Sale Friday 60 inch Mercerised Table Damask, extra heavy quality. In a beautl- xui asorimeni oi paiienu, duo quality, Friday, at, per yard 33o 17 1o goods, Bargain Friday sale! inco. unDiertcned unen urasn. at, per yara -.. Fish and Meat 2,000 pounds Baby Halibut, pound Fresh Carp or Buffalo, at, pound 20c Irish Mackerel, pound Choice Corned Beef, at, pound Pork Chops, special, at. pound Bargain Friday Bennett's Excelsior Flour, at.' per saua and (0 stamps. Queen of Pantry Wastry Flour, 24 pound sack for ...91-84 and 40 stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, lb 3S and 80 t. tamps. Bennett's Best Code, 8 lbs. 91.00 , and 60 stsjnps. Tesja assorted, pound ...Me i and It stamps. Tea Slftlnsn, pound 18o and 10 stcunrs. B. C. BaUng Powder, 6-lb. cAn.fLOO and 100 stamps. Fresh Mads Union Coukles. lb. ISM Swift's frlde Cleaner, t pkga. 86e and 10 stajtips. Electric Spark While Soap, 6 tiara fur M Hulled Beans With Cbkkaa. 1 cans for aae and 80 stamps. Llbbr's Asparagus. Oo cms tor SSM Brockport tiratsd Itnaapple, can for lee and 8 stamps. Cheese, full cream, pound ....Ms ' 1 snd 10 stsmpa. Cheese, Virginia 8 Iks. pound SAe ' and 10 stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mutoeasnl. 8 purges for ...... BSe . and 40 stamps. . 30c can Old Mission JUpe OIItm, fur . ! i i d ::b-r m v b " a :w 'B h .- " i' .ill""' 1 ""Mi " .'1 'SJLL ' if j si r r ai j i I tin Journal Pattern the New Bummer li si R Bi H I i I; to k 9. i! I! ft P: B tJ b: ! our models that are adaptations from Remnant Sale of , Dress Goods At less than half price,' pieces in all lengths from 1 yard to 10," remnants from our regu lar, grades, worth from 50c to 75c, choice Friday, at, per yard ............... 25c Infants' nd Chil dren's Hosiery Sale 25c' Silk Lisle Hose, In all col ors, Including black and white, Bargain Friday, pair .... Q Children's Medium Weight Rib Hose, 15c quality, Special Fri day, at, pair ) Bargain Friday Domestic Specials Large Size Bed Pillows, our regu lar 18.00 values, extra special, at, each 69o All the Leadlnf Brands 'of Cali coes, In all colors, Friday, choice, at, per yard 6o Sale Friday 10 .8tt . . . 10 -6H 12 H Grocery Specials 1 cans ' Bumham's ' Tarpon Bay Clams, for 16o Oalllard Olive Oil, bottle 88o and '20 stamps. Quart can 8. W. C. byrup, for.. 10c Ten bars New Style Boap for ,.86o Cream of Rye Breakfast Food, per package ISO and 10 stamps. Double Stamps on Granulated Bugmr. Sweetheart Toilet Boap, 6 cakes 880 and 10 stamps. Pickles, assorted, bottle., 10c and 10 stamps. Macaroni, Star or Crescent, 8 pack ages) for 8So and 10 stamps. Safety Matches, 1 dozen boxes lOo Tuna Fish, for salads, can ....AOe and 10 stamps. r rrenlwa Battariae, 1 la. Brlok. at aao A IT7IOIZS OOKBIHATIOH Brpscaal rrloe aad Bztra Stamp. 1 bottle 8niders Chill Sauce 8 -IS 1 bottle Oaillard's Olive OH. . .21 1 can Solder's Pnrk aod Becns .18 1 la. can U. C Biktng Powder .24 1 Jar Ulllett's MuuLard, large .16 B b Total Special price ..... and TO stamps. ..-81.04 UiULsl 1 DON'T 10c Ladies1 White Handker chiefs at 2c This store will lx bristling with wonomy barKslns Friday and Saturday. Thouaixln of people are tak ing advantage of this, the lowest prlrrnl store west of New York City. Kverjr man, voman nnl chlltl that works for the dollar, should not fail to take advantage of this, the only IIAKOAIX store In Omaha. AVe place on special sale for these two days seasonable merchandise at prices that manufacturers cannot heat. XEVB DEFaBTMINT 15 to 25 Men's and Toun Men's 8ults. Look st our sale price. No store, only the Fnir, can Rive you such remarkable low prices. Thee suits have patterns and colorings that are correct and up-to-date. Made In plain snd fancy fabrics, and of quality guaran teed to wear. Trousers are pent. seml-ppK and the conservative model, snd you can lake your choice of cloth, such ri worsted, cosol meres and serges. There are 900 suits: range from 83 to 50. In regulars, slims and stouts. The entire lot goos on snle Friday S:3f a. m. at the unheard of CQ rrr low price JJC.4 0 Men's and Young Men's Trousers, 8 to tl.bO values, nvide from the best of woolens, all 1911 models, sizes SO to 50 walHt, 30 to 36 length. Light and medium weight, mnde by a noted manufacturer, and you can take your choice from 701 pnlrs, not two pairs alike In the entire lot- consisting or blue ana iancy nix- ronsisiing or oiue ana isni-y -m-lures, serges, also plain nnd fan'y B.ors,eds-your S2.75 :holce ' tur W( choice 76c Boys' Knickerbocker Pant, slite to i7 , nrLt at 4.00 and 5.00 Men's I'nnama and Imported Straw Hats, all sizes, up toldate styles; your C" ff choice for $8.94 and Yi,ou 1.50 Araw Hats, many shapes, at 50c 4.00 Men's Coat Style Silk Shirts, collars attached, only in gray and cream color, sizes 14 to 1,4S Come early and take your choice. When we say silk, we don't give you mohair as a substitute the real silk and the best qualrty. 75c and 81.00 Men's Fancy and Tlaln Percales, Madras and Solsette, coat and plain, every day style Shirts. We guarantee every one not to rip. We give you a new shirt within 90 days If any one you purchase Is not satisfactory. Take your choice, 160 patterns A'2i at 60c value Men's and Boys' Blue Work Shirts. Only one fault. The sieves are a little short, and yet that Is not a bad fault while the weather Is warm. Sizes 18 to 16 only - fW two to a customer AVfV- i 1.00 values Men's Porosknlt or ribbed union Mult, in cream ana ecru colors, long or short sleeves; your choice 44c 85c values Men's Mercerized. Fancy and Plain Color Hose, double toe and heel your choice "I 0 800 patterns XJO Men's $1.50 ' Khaki Pants, S8c Every Burner at Convenient Height A Cabinet Gas Range Eliminates Stooping Everything is in easy reach and you may stand in a normal position. - , , , . There is never a strain upon the back to lift a scuttle of coal or to rake out a fire, or to lift a bucket of ashes., The Burners are all at hand and so arranged as to save Gas because one set of them serves both ovens and the warm ing closet, which is economical. The Cabinet Gas Range IS THE PERFECTION OF CONVENIENCE Price Connected, $28. 00 Attractive Terms if Desired. Omaha Gas Company ji" For the June Brides Xlsk' grAm TraTeUnf Oooda. Ws have the larg-art aad seal selected stsok ef Ttran, rnxm oabss snd BAOS to ta city, at the lowest poa slble yrloe. Wi are la tbe tMthnr Ooada u1mi sad know , wkat leather Is. W kavs bo tnttatloas. Alfred Cornish . 8c Company unu, sAssiztt axo TXATXiasTO OOODS rttome IoaT. S414. X810 raraaja BH. WORRY-WATCH US Be Men's Black Hose, 114, pair only 15c Men's Kour-ln-lland g Wash Ties Vj 10c Men's Fancy and Plain White Hemstitched Hundker- K chiefs UKj 75c values Men's White Muslin, Fan cy Border Night Gowns your choice, with or without collars, pocket in every gown, 39C 4.00 Men's Oxfords. With the begin ning of the reason, we place on eale for two days. Run metal, patent and tan, also wine colored leather. In button or lace, in low or high heels; sizes 6 to 11 take your choice on bargain counter 2" flfl No. 8, for pJ..JO 1.50 Men's Canvas Shoes, leather soles and heols, all QSC The ladles should pay particular at tention to the many bargains we of fer. I Thousands of customers have been added to our Urge list. SBBBBBSEI Outgrow. Your Glasses? Save the strain on your eyesight. It Is often the cause of headaches and rapid deterioration of eyesight. An examina tion will be made by our expert opticians and we will supply you with the proper glasses that will be con. tor table and cor rective, glasses that will preserve your eyesight to within a few degrees ' uf normal vision. We also make a specialty of lorgnettes and read Ins glasses. Hrlng us your own glasses, or we will make a special ex amination for this purp'jMO. Globe Optical Co., 218 South 16th Street TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Fum Paper. SCHOOLS.. Rocliford College (18U-U) ForWtsM . ftscklsrsVTll. st.rki.r tU I. lb. o.i, 4 .ll,r for M im tttm Biadle Mral.wklrt hM bfta etaS llie flrat rauk in sralarahlp by the ( f Kacalla. Sr tr ( h Hum J11U . CtTUmt. rk. .. II. B Prrslerat sizes 9H to 2c GROW 25c Value 8 Ladies' Back Comb, 5c LADIES' DEPAATMEICT For Krlilay and Saturday we offer . 1.50 arul 82.00 Trimmed an.l Un trlmmed Hats. Much values and low price an a scarcity. Perhaps 00 hats In this lot your choirs tVVy . 1 50 Muslin Petticoat. Al quality, trimmed with' embroidery )SC and lnces; your choice, . . . . . 1.00 Persian effe-t Petticoat. A Ifreat barnaln we offer 4 G5C you at only 60c valnns Soft Flulshed Muslin Petttcoatt ( IOC at 1.B0 LAdles' UmbrelUMt H. U and 2 Inch, the best 6r toffeto. steel -rod and libs, fanoy or plain handles a big- bnrgaln . SOC your choice , 1 values Ladles' black white or fancy Colored Milk Hose, all 37C ' sizes, your choice 25c White Silk Ktbbon, 4 Inches wide, fancy effect, on fti 5c special sale at yard . . 10.00 and H5.00 Ladle' Silk, Rub lpr Lined Italnooats. 200 In this lot, plnln and fn''y colors. Yotir choice only for Friday and SG.98 Saturday 15c Ladles' Vests, pink, blu and white colors your . JJC choice I 00 values Ladles' -c MQ Waists 76c values Ladies' 4 1? Waists A-' Children's and Girls' presses, in f rtn- cy patterns and slso plain. white all neatly trimmed, A At. 980 and XlJ Costs you double at other stores. Hememher for Children's, Misses' nnd Ladles' Shoes we lead for low prices. '- i i 76c Corsets, guaranteed rust slid perspiration proof, go on. Ail sale Thursday We place on sale todiiy, 674 Ladles' and Misses' Wash - Dresses, values range from 3.00 to 10.00. take your choice st...: One-Half Price 16o values Children's and .Misses' Black or Tan Hose, Bear In mind that these are TSrs bargains. The Fair store guarantees) you satisfaction or vour money back. Goods will be exchanged any day, but positively not on -Saturdays. Dealers as well as consumers are In vited to attend our special sales. Remember there are Many would-be Fair stores In Omaha, bur- the only and genuine Fair store Is atonth eost corner 12th nnd Fsrnarrv.-'Look far the large "3PAia sign over the sidewalk In front of the establish ment 25c Men's v: Athletic Vests, 10c uwasiisjjLWjitiwaMWjawiuiiiiiiuiui.i4jB1rs A ar TO Sies er turn s. assets" Hotel Loyal Opposite the Post Oflice OMAHA Fireproof Europe n RATES Roooan without Bath, tl.Msnd fl.S With Bath tlM snd up. J Frifin rnR Weak and nervous men ruuurun whu tna t)1Bir ,HJWer , NERVES work Bud youthful vigor none as a result of over work . or mental exertion should take GHAT'S NKKV12 KOOD PU.U3. They i will niHkM vuu eat and slfcei ind & man asum. 81 Hox. 8 Roxps V IA by mail. IIESMAS a MaOOBTBTs:Z,X. DSUO CO. . Cor. leth and Oodsa Btrtsts owl Dana company. Co. Xtii and atainsy Mta. . Omaha. Has tfbe Bee aims to print a paper that appeals to intelligence; not to an appetite for scandal and sensations. 1 t