The Omaha Daily Bee. A Home Newspaper The paper tint jiM to tie harres briar, i.f.rtiser. tie bnt rtri VEATHX2 rC SIC AST. Ft br.Jit UnaeC-VA. Kor If r neet : led.. VOL. XL NO. -J'--. OMAHA. FKIDAY MORNING. JUNE rJll-TWLLVL PA,r. SINGLL LUPY TWO CENTS. l SENATORS VOTE i LORISlERlXQUIEr; Upper Chamber Decides oa Beae-a-il of IiTeittgitica. Forty-Eiht to Tweaf ELECTIONS CC2DL t TO ACT er TO Zfalax Body of TTppei -Take Charg LA FCIIXTT2 CALLS Ei "E2 Wiscoasia Seaator Proposes meats ta Resolutiaa. SCXTGHX FCa 3TV COICOTTEZ aw rearm Waste toetssew TtnH Oat Wltkaat Fnkr Is- mtismtl 4 lark a, Birealetbvau WA.fHTXGTON. June L Br o ?. the nut today adopted a resoltmrn to re open the InveMtsaticw ef charg-s of brh-rr in connection with the e'ecticTi of Senator Larimer of Illinois. The rwiui:f d;rfrt! the re"iiar elections committee to nuiie Ct Inquiry When the aenaie took up the I.rime ease today Senator La FileTe pt-'H'm1 amendments to bin nIK'nn f mfiiri n u ti provide lor the sein'ttna of f" new senators tn make the re-lnvesrr cailon. three republican and two detnocraa. peaking tn safiport r.t the La Foj.ette resolution. n-or Owti of Oklahoma said there would be no good reason fir wndint the rim back to tie d committee win there were twwm new mm in the annate. ! Mr. Brtatow declared that in the ffirmer i aviuiry sucir of the nonlwri of the com- ; smrtee bad tried to cott on the testimony f aiptead of bringing it out. He alvocatrd ; a new oomujm j Setiasor Brown of Nebraska wants Sen- j or Larimer turned out of the senate without any further mveetisatiim. Today J be introduced a resolution stating that evt- dnca a-ready Ujlpa proved conclusively f that Mr Larimer was not entitled to his ! rat ud there was ao excuse for Isromu i th MpeiKe of anniher inrulrr. ' JTTAHEZ. June L Word was reeeired ' h- rwTuess. SVjiaior Brown's resoia- ! here t-ta .- that the l-stsiimr of the state tion was id on the table with the an- j of Chihuahua, wouid prooably ctmveaa to nourceroent that ha wouid caJ it up at morrow and eiect Ahrajn Gonza.)es as tn pmper nrae and ask its adcptton as a 1 surrutute Sor aJI athrr resolutions of m- TuiT which have been offered. Wreck on Frisco Line at Pleasanton, Kan.! Sereral ?eroa. Eailj Saaieu Up. Amoag HCaom it TSin: A. W. JUtt- vcrUi of Omaha. FOEfT SCOTT. Kan, Jane L-St. Iuls ! San Fmcl-o paacger train St 3. I known 4M tha Southeastern. UnataA. which let ViwhIiIm . . S- W n4M n TT Mi n ui7,-wa jarwir gavaima Born- 4 . ' , , ! rmaaaatnav Kan. Threa Pullmans and an obaarvattaB car turnad aver aad want Aown an atnbaAament. Xo ana waa killed and ao oe waa asi Imiaiy hart. 1M fBua manaea tha to- low'n"- ! Ralph S. Morton. Torek, arm rat j Mra A. W. Lltworth. Omaha, body ! aratae. j O. A. Nmmom, Atcbiaoo. BlatL, shoulder i wrenched. ' W. H Churchill. eandtKtar. Kansas City, Mo., bruiaed. J. J. Bucn. Fmporia. Kaa.. head rat. J- E. McKnitaL baegSLgeman. ICanaaa Oty. Ma. head cut. Tha wreck is believed to have ranstid by a broken rail. The Injured w brought to this city. Seward Farmer is Missing from Home Ourles Biceaba v, VTha Attended Me morial Day Exercises ia Seward, Fails ta Return Home. . . I . . i SHEARS. Neb. June l.-ipeclal Te gram-e-Charies Rioenbaw. one of Seward county s moat prosperous farmers, la suae-1 tag since Tnerday night. He came to Sew- j - Jt mm Aav mw le 1... W t - ' a Bvery ham. A man answering his de - scrintioa was id a tkket ta Aurora. !teb. on Tjeaday night. Sheriff Glilan has trie-j graphed the ahartfr of Hamilton and Mer- rick counties to took tor Ricenhaw He bee a wife aad four aooa and three i-h- vers who are alarmed at hia dlaapearanca. The Weather T. H-v today lowest .... 4 ir.a lMC,rIurt 77; i I re.-iittia T .as a It 1 r iT-i-i aaw jm4tiumua artarll a frum tue cuniu:: V armi. Uirruurt r; Ec-s fr tlx ly ; lnu eateei asi:j March L Jrml W'-W-ii"a 17 ire n Iri-wK:y bur i lie oUy .17 iti, n ) Total ninU.I aioe liarra L L"U..13 ini Kea IftcieaT fin htana 1. H"incni 1 lidifGt y f,ir cur. pertoU h. inches IfH leiic-y tor cur. penod, ixat : H bi'iki , Meairta freea IxtlMa at 7 P. M. fttatiua and Temp. r?'jrh. Pn- ; iiue ut ther T p m Ttalay. t r heeiiae. ciiuI y leiveapurt. cujudy. ........ rnrer, ruiiMly I -r Moines, ciojav tw.Jne htr, pert cloudy.. lmier. pert ciut ,atl P-aJte, eitmay i naOi. part wad? PjU10. fiTt CiOUuT R.m tjr. part cuudy... FT. CliMlttT j"iia '. City, 'art citrudy... .-tira ci.tly For Nehraka "naertled. Far Inwa Lnsettud. Teeseeiatare at O aba TaMreis Hour. 1Zmi U m " , I ? I a. m ! J f u " . Im 18 - - " i ( TTjt V. a. m 75 w S ' 13 m. 75 . Zg 1 v- m - ? rn?,f 1 - "ry V. n- - n rfcT' B- m - . P- m 'Mi w " p. m 75 I p. m laasusilt I EMera. XKi IM'J. 11KIS. TJttl ' 12 ... s p . M ... ... M SK .. H m ... ... ft s ... Ti NS ... H n ... Ja. ... ... ... .. i T X.iti"ates tra.-e of peeriwtatAuau L.A. W bijhii. Lm iatcr. Garros is Second Aviator to Reach the Eternal City i Freaea Aviator Att:tm at Borne ia 5e- Aeroplane. "Silica He Be- 1 cerred it Pisa. ROME. Jne .lisnd Gar-rmf. the F?nrb aviator, was ti:e nd twuat in the l.J r.i'.e Fir- Rnme-T jrn avta ton rare to re a the capital. E irriTed at .! inrH th:s aJtTTj tcn from r:!a, whi, h city he iff. at ". .T this mora- After raes:n- Ter rjroneef.o. landed at Ca:rne Tvlla Paaraa. war betwm F'.?a asd Erme He took on a suppir i,t t ;e! and reumed his C:at It : eaunsated that 3- prscms wjt-n-fcd ihe defnt uf Gai-ros hre. shouts nl "hravo 'Jitrr'i " and "urraj for ; France" Piled the air In a de-.e-mlned rfTirt to over-ajte his ' iwtm rivs;. A nitre Eftiniont who was ' the firM aviator to comoleie the seccnd ue (f the Par-.s-R'.m.Tjr-.n flight. Kj- ' ; lad Gr" martod from Ptaa at a -ioi k tr?: mcrtinff. hoand f ir Rume. who was decayed at Pisa yester-ia;- hy an acndent. which badly 4amaed hje n-.a hine, receii-ed a new aropiane th J mortiir.a After worKina f"ir two hours cn " ' the TTj'it r to perft its tnnvernent. the Frenchman awenitod and ttjirnf. the j(r-d; nun. hnjded ftr this rtix. ' Tatww-l o"r Gnserta aoout eighty j injies eou:h of Flsa it U.i f. ra. ' Vjdart rf-wimed his TJht frm Nice to : 4ay at iSl o'clor-k a. m.. and reached Gen"a three tftor an'i five nunutea laser. , After taAinn on a uppi; of fuel he m.a ascerded and h-a3el for Plaa, which he i reju heil at 12:1$. ! Frey. the German aviator, whose machine 1 ' was tr.aihed at Fta reterda.v is still ; sta-lied at ThaX cry He hopes to have the : j mu biM In ehape to resurna his Cight fore noun. Gonzalez Will Be Elected Governor i HI. I V, y, ri 1 jm r. I Ul jlliilliUiIiU.Ca : : prrrrteinnal f un :ior GfrraJes has been one of the most active of the Maderit j chiefs, and his election w-.jl complete the tha plans of tha 1-beral party successfully installation cf provieionai governors hi j naattrrlaJlsa. This la. according to gossip northern Mexico. j the Cantrai Americaa colony here today. Alberta Madera, an uncle of Francisco j Th, schema provides for making lndepend-Madyra- r arrived here today from mt republics out of tha Atlantic and Pa th city cf Chihuahua to a speclai train to j dfv nr-Ttocea. In tha west tha eonserva- j inform Sen or Xadero of oonditlor.s about , .11 -re tha the larx, body rf tawmtt, Croon, north of the ory would not an- j proach too clo-ely until further dispatrhe. JT1. 17X1" " . T .!uid ToUled J preaem. could he avoided by keeping tha ! rival soldiers apart. MarUaa Lopes Ortlx oaa of tha SBadara . , . with Alberto Mader asut "vniaJneal that three chJefii were cmualBS much trouble la that vtctnity and asked tor laarructlaas aa ; to how beet tn eutreas hhrtn. I "Luna; Tom." one of the insurreru caa- noa. wa nreaented to the riry of E3 Paso today by Fr-ridsca L Madera in a speech a tha tntematifwiai hridga. Ma.yor Kilr resoondnd. Earber Identifies Hing of Murdered Man Testimoay of Cnocei ia Caaiom. Trial Creates Great Commotioa ia Prisoaers' Cage. V 1 1'EKBO. June L Cnorrl. a Xeanolltan I barter, was the star witness at rodafa ntriRff- nf the (mrt n tm ! - 4 hi. . i :rr r-n r cause d aa uproar. The wirnees described The habits of Granaro Cmiorolo. the murdered man. Cuocci said be aaw among the ricira worn by CuocroJo. the one eeouestered bv the rarnhlneers folio wins; the arrest of the Camornsta. The rtn here tha monogram -a c." ud was found, the authorities te mattr-s. of a bed at the home of a woman known as the friend! rf Glue-rhe Selvt The theory of the I ...... I , poiire waa tnat tnia rmg was to be sent j to Luigl Arena as proof of Cnncoole s , death. Tha accuaed mairtains that the ring was placed in the mattress by the Carabineers m an efTort tn manufacture : evidence. j The barber's statement called f irth loud i outmea from the pnxmers' caxe. The ae&nae law-yers recaJed that CaoceJ at a ; prtor era mi nation had tesced that be 1 had aeen no ring aa Caoceolo's ficirers. i Thev demanded that the wirnees be pmse- cured f ir per uty. The oourt. however. ! refuaed. Tha arg-omest betweea evunaej j became ao heated that the president waa I oiHtipeiled ta adjourn the sirtlng. Will Press Butter and Lgg Case Prosecution 2Luter Appoiated by Jiigv Zablsaat ta Take Erideace oa Charges Ag-aiast Chicago Board. CHICAGO. June L Voraua pmaecutioa I r.t the government s suit to enjoin the Chi- j co Butter and Esg hoard fim con trailing prices ef butter and ergs Is ex-1 rwted to f 'llow the recent decisions of the ! Un.ied Si irs surreme court tn the oil j and tobacco trust The Erst step! waa taken today whea Circuit Jjdge Kihl-t saat oa motioa of Federal Eternrt Artor nev Sims referred the case to Charles B Momaoa. who will take evldrnce. INDIV1CUAL CCVJMUNIQN CUPS ARE OBJECTED TO! eseHeI Pmrate4 te Keferwaed heakrwriaa rw4 tm Xew Tor. Oieaattaau prTT3T-RG. June L T the iadrridual ' ctmmunK a eup to he adonted by Qocgre- t i sarii.ns f tha Rfwmrd PTwsbvtettaa ' ctiui-ch and the axample of the aoa of God I tie' , This quetioa ia put to the synod here ttHiav bv the sejunoa af the Third cnumh T ' of New Tort la a memorial vuhuiirred. '7' A raj- luuos m as 'nlro.iuc-l nscunnf ... the ecumenical councj .f mie ci wum M met at Eunbunrh lant .nuer for re- fusing to a low xiunn to Roman M ' t'atsvUe (nasiras ta be rvraeantcd ao i the .rucraa. j FORTRESS BLOWS ; UP; 150 MEN DEAD Crelei TTa-'rf'-y of Zxplouxe Be lieved Cause of Disaster ia Fart j it Majiaua. EYEZYCTE LT BAMISOl KILLED j Strict Ceasorslup PreTiJj aai Detaili Are lackaj. DISPATCHES EEACH WASZLTGT03I ' lotiinj to Indicate Discoateat at j Preseat ia iepahlic. ! PLA5 TO DrVEDE TEESIT0E7 j Llhrrsl rwrtr lui. arhvaalaiai ta 8i aarate taab(le lata Twa DTlaia Pft itfi Lea4m, SAX JTA.w rEL STH. Nkanru. J" L The f-irtress on Tiscapa hi!!. Masairta. ! waa biown up at 1 a. m. yewterdar One ' hundred and fifty acJdiers oeri.'hed in the ; expltjsjon. All the ammun.Uoa. in the fort- resB was demroyed. Tha cause of the ex- ! pinsirm s as yet uniiaaws. Strict cahia i cenont:p has been established from j WASH1VTTOH. June J. One bxindr-d j and fifty peraonw wera killed in tha ex- : pkmion of tha Fortress Laioma at Man atma. Nk araurna. ir.l to a teJesrram to the state depart ment today from Xin , isr-r North trt The rtuw of the explo- suin is not known. ' Mr. NnrtheoTt's diFnatch lndkted that every perm in the pmsTii was killed. 9c the resria-'iaaoo of President K j trad and ue eievatlm of VJca Preatdent j t lax to power, the State department baa i received an advices indicaUns; discantent !n the repubiic. It is conjectured that the &Haster was tha result of careless hand I liss of ei-ploKlvea. ! NEW TORS. Jnne J.-Xicarajriaos in I th:a city were disinclined to beiieve to- day that tie explosion of Fort Lnma was an aoddent. They were sure that it was Part of a plot by the rebels against the administration of Prewdtt Adolfo Diaa and they expert rprira.s tn follow. hessv to Dlv IryakiW. ICHTW ORL.EAXS. Jjne L Nlcarajrua, prohabiy the moit war-torn republic of the tropica. to be split into two aailona if i maid rule, wkile tha new AUaocui "7 rau. rw. ta t5l. at a u planned that AAiJo Hu, .uecaeded Jaan Estrada as president of tha republic ahaii k. chf in th. ew P-fJc nation, wha. Estrada, shall resume reie as ni natdent ot the Al tan tic dlrlaiaa. - t-stra.1. wbe led the revolution against Zetaya. is aajd to be on hts way ta Kes Orleans. It la declared here he will be In favor of the split. Chicago Bartender Kills Fatron Who is Too Fastidious Driux Dispeaser Object! ta Commaad of Customer to Wash. Eaads Be fore He Serrei Bererag-ea. CHICAGO. June L A Utn fastidious re- , quest that a bartender wah his hands be- i fore serrtng a drhik is said to have been ; the eause of a quarrel wbirb today cost , Andrew Plewanek his Ufa. The p .lice are I now srrrh:r.g for Emsntiel Over, the bar-1 tender, who Plewanek's friends declare I strnck their companion, knockinc hun to tha floor and fracturing hts skull a short ! rma after the words. Tub your hands before you wait on me," wera uttered. Plewaaek died at tha county without conadouasesa. hOSpiUai I Insurrectos Present Cannon to El Paso Fraaeisco X. Xadera, Aecompaaied by 800 raarmed Mea, Pays Fraternal Visit to Americaa City. I ZL- June i lugat busdred un- an"et tnsurrectoa. headed by Frandaco L 1 Madera sad aa msurrecto band playing Mexican and American arm. Invaded 3 Paso today. The occasion was tha sejitaca i to 1 Paso of captured by tha "T-enar Tim." i&surrsctaa used ta battle at J The cannon waa giv- for "McGlntyg blue whistler," which waa ! kidnaped from the dry park djrtng the ) war and used ia the siege of Ojinja. j Speeches tn Spanish and Engllae. altaraatad in tha expresaaoa of future friandahia be tweea the two eountriea Great crowds greeted the Insurrectoa with j shafts of "vtva nva Madera." I Indicrments were rerurned today by the ' grand jury agitnat Camel da YllUara and j W. I Dunne, charged with conspiring j against the life of Madero. I Boy Confesses Murder of His Playmate! j Italiia Lad Shoots Compaaioa ia JSrw York aad Takes His Money aad Speads It. XEW Jmm LS"t ocel Carmme i i Jiiiuixio eroae oowu Euay aou aa ill as j Cra tlMl ""o wp" Poura able i " Ucll wtlcB of tour w r apoaainia ur the oeath of Jona 11m The Mlaje boVs body, atuffed into a ha. waa feund last Bight la the cellar ef a tenement la the Italian suarter. Pour ef 1 . 7 " ' arrested, aad while they admitted that be been killed by ana of taa (nut j claimed aw awn lauaaceaca. j Plomaino wept aa ba tuld hts story aad. I erorpmg aa his kn. as. called oa the spirit i ' af Cat dead fj lead eo forgtve mat. H j saad ! : Jotnay Aktir while they ' ever money ! after that the bo.a oanfeaard taey lock 1 tjs dead bay a mosey, lane Ek. aad spent u f-a- caady and siovaag pant are imiee . . ,"y, '.v. sMari rifc hv-s -yyyz- From tha Minneapolis Journal. WOOL SCHEDULE H CAUCOS Hoose Democrat Disease Tariff Meas ure for Two noun. W3L ZJSZR'VQGD EZ7LALTS IT It WM Take af TaTkM e WAJHiyGTOX. iaa i. The desnocratls .wool.tarrff bill, preparedx. the wayn aaat meana eommfrtra of -elis bouse, waa pre sented tn the democratic eaaetnu at noon today. The bill w. reditenuraa af from one-half to rwo-thlrds ia ail wool 'dntSeB. Raw wool itself, which waa free m nrevtoua democratic tanft bill, ia green a duty of X per cent ad valorem, equivalent to from 1 to a cents a pound. The wool bill waa laid before the caucus by Chairman Eurtenn. It waa the Crst indication the majority ef the members had been given of its exact terms. Chair man Underwood undertook aa exhaustive explanation of the measure Mr. Underwood declared the dnries col ierted last year on raw wonl amounted tn Cffl.ewt. The reducticn of the raw wool duty to 30 per cent as proposed, would cut these dunes, be said, to r-5.2.. even under a greatiy stimulated import trade. To reduce these duties further would be impractlcahle at this time, he added, even had the committee deeired to do en. After having been in aeasion two hours it was plain that the caucus would not finish its work today, and that It probably would continue through Fnday and poaa bly Saiurday. Prevleieas ef the SebedaJe. The new duces, torether with the present duties aa figured an an ad valorem basis by Chairman Underwood, are aa foilows: Raw wool, propose, duty 3 per cent; ex isting duty. M.H per cent. Soils, waste. shoddies, etc. proposed dory a per cent; et .st ing duty. S K per cent. Combed weol or tops, proposed duty 3 per cent: existing duty, K6.1S per cent. Tarns, made wholly or in part af wool, propoaed duty St per cent, existing duty, SS.M per cent. Cloths, kmt fabrics and all manufac tures of wool, proposed duty a per cent; altering duty. fT.ll per erat. Blankets aad fanne-a propoaed duty S? per cent, whan valued at lees than a eeara per pound. 41 per cent whea valued at more Than 5s cents; cxtacnf dory, per cent. Women s aad children's drees g-joda aad similar roods, proposed duty per cent; exiting duty liCS per cent. Ready made eiothirg and arriciea cf wearing apparel, proposed duty at per oeat; existing duty. SL31 per cent Bra-da, nbbuna. Insert Jons, laeea. em broidenea. nerrisga. and lis artlclea. Wholly or la part made of wool, proposed duty 35' per cent; existing duty. JT.lsJ per cent Aximnistrr. aubiuwoa. moaueca aad chenille carpeta prtpoaad duty St per cent. exiaCag duty, C tie per cent. Saxony, wtltoa and velvet carpets, pro pueed duty SC per cent, exiwii duty, TtLli per cent. Brussels carpeta proooaed duty 3D per cent; existing duty " a per cent. Veivet tapestry carpeta. printed ia tha warp or otherwise, prortosd duty S per cent; existing duty. C.4S per cent. Tapestrv, bruaet-ia earfxjts. printed Oh the warp or otherwise, propuaed duty Xt per erat. existm duty. per cent. Trebie-irgra-n, three-ply and aJ chain veneta carptfta proposed duty 3s per ceai; exissng duty, ki U per cent. Wool duties and two-ply ingrain carpeta. propoaed duty 2 per cent: exiaung duty. M per rent. Orwntsi riga. prapaaed duty SB per cent; existing d -ity. m ST per ceatt. rvuggets and boamga. printed or ool ored. protvoaed duty S per cent: existing duty, sta pee- cenu -"u7i, sot ouierwiae provided tor, of wool. Tax or cotter, and mail. mart. at aad rugs af eottoa. proposed duty S per cent; existing duty, ekal per cent. The till stales Whene'er ta this act the word "woof is iCanrlnued ea Seeaevd Page I freaM lOaa-HaJf Preaaea Detlee SHIM aw s. The New Chauffeur ! First Bonds Sold i nnpr Nit Hnnnrpri wuuui win AAiiiimuUi Million Mortgage First Jfatioaal SaaJc of Tew York Takes Tweaty HiHioas ef ISew Lvae. SE WTORJC June 1. The asneuneement .'of James J. H1H of the execution of a .mertaUMfs of . SmMjlHI by "the.. Great "yirThem Eailway company was f nCowed 1hy the as a s todar that the Out Vnehtni ham sold" te the "Vat SetJonal Bank ef Xew Turk prr cent fifty-rear bonds secured under its mortirace. It la stated proceeds will be used for gen eral corporate purposes which include im provements aad esneasioas en the Great Northern under way at present or already planned. . . 11 -ao was made known here today that the Bankers' Trust eompaar. New Tork. Is the trustee under the ttmt.OM mortjrae which Is the lsrgest corporate mortgage an record. The Cna Tidal community accepts the mortgise on the Kill system as a precau tionary measure more than anything else. It Is also disposed to associate the pro poaed acquisition of the Chlcaim. Burling ton A Quincy by the Great Northern as a direct result of the recent Standard Ofl and Tobacco dechoona. eince it is generaHv recngntaed that the Northern Paeirie and the Burlington are ia a sense eerapeting lines. Lral. representatives of the Hiil riads declined to discuss the matter today, but it ia known that the mortgage will take care primarily of the Chicago. Bariinn.m I aad Quincy per cent bonds uuiudiit to C.e (. Taf t May Speak in Waterloo, Ia., Next Monday Presideat Tryiig to Make Arraajfe meats to Spead Hour aad ?f with Dairymea. "WASHTNTTON. June L If tha railroads and Senatnr Keayoa of Iowa can fix it. President Taft will make a Crtsf trip from Chicaffo to Waterloo. La., to rpeafc on June Before the stats dairymen ODnventlca. Tha presideat will be la Chicago oa June aad go to Iowa for a stop of aa hour and a half at Waierine and hurry back to Bal timore, arrivUig there in time tn speak at the Cardinal Gibbons celebrants Jane Senator Kenyon left the White Hnuse t3 begin a telegraphic eutipcra to change the eonveimon date fr-ira J ine I to jJne i and the executiva . fr. es began to bom bard the railroads with questions as to a poanbie ached a. a Pauline Wayne, the White House cow, already has accepted aa lnntaii..B to be the guest of the eimteitioo at Waterloo. Church of Brethren Meets in St. Joseph Fifteea Thousaad Members of Sect from All Parts of the World Will Attend Co nitre ace. ST. JOSZPH. Mx. June L The world's conferences of the Chui-ch of the Prethren heJd Its Crst session today In will sot be under full headway until Friday. Reports of standing cosamttees and addresses were the order today. 5evera traiHiaauls af deiegataa aad vuatsrs will arrtve tosnrra moming. when the conference win get duwn ta biuBBcsa The indications are that 21 JUC af the sect wjll be here by Sunday. The ooafereccis nalnit to June K. I. bL Uarvea of Trotwobd. O.. was today led saiiieraier and erul sreaida ax tna President Keltaer at iraXord. LL. eras mads ree.t ng tiers , J M Slouch, mts-aw-savry ta India. wrhic eierk. aad E3ar Bauiwx, Car'is.e. Neb. j Uung to odia.n the decision that has been I obtained aan!Jt the rtandard Oil com- EIG BAjNOUET FOR EDITORS i,n4' "Vwttirp!.w the prr?biem created by what are com , " . ' ""oniy called trusts that la. of enormous Fiid Club to Be the Scene Of Bill- j combinations of corporate capital encaged liaat Affair. !n tetrtate business the aaa-trast law j la radically and vitally defective aad aav AHTOS AILS P3.0TE3ED JQ3. ALL ' ZZZSl? ' WnsnnsF tlhm lltnai at inxa- wa- U ik. - Editors -WUl Be Takes rrees the Ms- Traal Dtreex ea the rield Cleb few the Stta: Arrangi'mesita have been completed by L. Campbaii. 2u the baa4 art to be given Thur sitae evecicg at the Field club b the Nebraska edlt jrs, who will meet in aoauai sesaVnn here. One btiadred autotm?biies will be required to convey the visitors rrom the M tannic temple. Sixteenth aii'nt aad Capitol ave nue, to rhe riub, and nearly all the tiitot needed hare fceen offered. The party will start for the Fleid CltlO aoout a X in the artemoon. JHr .a--npoi states that there will be not tees than 3M editors and ITS wives and pretty daughtera la speaking of the approaching conven- ton Mr. Campbell ,d ThursdaTi "From a buatneea man s standpoint this conveTirion will ba the best for Omaha which has been held in the city with.n re- cent yesra Every new-paper and everv printing supply bouse ia Omaha as well as every hotel is doing something especially for these newspaper men. and we feci we ar not asking toe much when we asa you to bring your automobile and help us boost Omaha aa the city has never been boosted before. " Light on Identity of Body Found in Bathtub , , , , . Decomposed Corpse Probably That of Daughter of Coaaor 0 Grady of Snriazfield. Mass. NEW TCHX. Jone L The Identity of ! Tvee w.TT C'l zxrz zrzTit? vj-tto ocjy - We Cat four month, afer ahe died d" - these greet corpura- prooahly will be settled today. The cor- ! monopolistic trend which are oner, laciest wtl determine th. woman 1' rJw3' toIio t-hs Uses aio real name. Connor O Gradv a Spring- hU'b nuo" h" dealing with field Mass) pubiiEber. will appear as m'thu- of Laera hich are railway aiterta witnes., and if he idenuCos the busbaad aad dcve on te podcy as conditions aad of tha dead woman as tha man who mar- rted his daughter Elisabeth in 1HB7 the police will consider th. identic cation com plete. Vvaa though the condition, of the body prevents recognition. Tha husband, a young cha-iffeur, who calls himself Harry A. Sheih. will be ar raigned la the supreme court on Hj ha beas corpus pro eeainrs de mail ding re lease from custocy. o '3rady aays that the man h.s da-ghtsr marred waa known aa Hugh Aiierton Sherman and that he ithe faiher) had been writing letters to her under that name. It waa the aiacivery of aome of these letters ia the flat with the body that k-d to the not-fli-ation of Mr. O GraJy and his trip here as a witness. Thus far tha police bar. not revea-ed the evidence cn which they determine that the wamaa was murdered- It ia ae-eert-ai. Sowntr. the corater has prucf of this kind and that it ami appear at the inquest- Other imporant witnesses at the Inquest will be women fnends af Schien. The poUia beneve the story by Mjh Mae iake wnl be aa Important Una is the evidence against the cnajfjeur Miss says taat c hieo toid her last March, that hia wife aied of pneu sjonia in Feuruary and was buried in SpringCdd, Maaa Rebellious Arabs Capture Assyr Capital Falls Iato Haads of 2-e-raIa- tioaisti aad 2.0CO Tarkiah j Troops Are Captured. j H'jC IRDA.A rabia, Jme L The rebeiUous j Araba ta Aasrr have caprurad the capital. taaicg as prisoners 3. T'ntifl troopa I They aecurad tl.le baitaries e and a number of large t -ns ROOSEVELT SAYS CONTROL TRUSTS Farmer Preiideat Cucuisei Eeceat ! Decuicoa in Xaese Cue. aad j Tie Elfett. ' AXTI-TSrST ACT IS UZnCTITE i Dco arises Aay Effort to Stx-ag-tiea. 1 Sheraaa Lav. A27TSES ST3L0J5 BEGuXATIGS Mraald Hire Corpcntioas Put ix Cazi of Eailwajv POTTEi OF AI3ECCST1ATI03 Owtam tar K fleet w rkaaae Aet Waald Kemalt la Dvlar. PrmetU eally rtaytas liH Haaaa f C ai aai attaaa. NET TORK, J ine L Theodora Rooee- veit has an ar-.oe cn '"The Standard Oil I I-ecisicTi and After" .n the Outiooa. it in part. "The de-iKin ef the supreme court tn tiie Standard 01' caee has of ro'irse brwucht cut many pr'iponais for aiteaing ur ajtv-tiu.nti itie anti-trust taw. There are tti ciassen of men wnoae rwpective atti tudf in r" to th.a law are in the ory diain, triiaily opposed aad la reruns altruist ider.ticai.y tie same . those mea who wan no interference whatever by the government wita any omhinatiena or cor; and those men who under the pea of being aainet al oomianaijons and big corpora:;un propose absuluteiy to pro hibit their ex-su-nee. "In thnii-'' these two sets of nn are diamtncaliy nfoned. In practice the ac tivities of the -c:cd claea who rja tola-iy t prohibit all corporal iu&s. can only rtsult in practically fil,.ing tae an mi of the first ciaes by leaving tue preeent situ ation unchanged. Actual experience has shown that the ahti-trust iaw does net and can not by any d.ksi be ma.d to do what the extreme aaiaa-nr.ists nf eorporaiiccs desire or as et tnat aey desira Law Dan Sense Gsad. "As construed by the supreme court the any-trust -a v acrotnriisries a eertaia amount of g'xd. and it has been a sod ! . . " " Lu:ns wui escajio eontrol af tha asanded in the latereeta of tile people. The ana-trust law waa framed as tha tltarv thai i, w . . " . - ;. I - a. luai. mv w i i a eaica. I the wheels of progreea la mdustrlallBre, ! and la aa age cf ramisaatSaa to put s i seen to tha cfwililnaffkma imUr whiett bcai I sesa was canied aa. TThiie. as 1 bars ' said, the anti-trust law as aow construed, , dues accomplish a certain amount of stood. it was out of the question that framed as It was ta such a saint and emu oca a purpose, it could achieve ia any but the amaiJest degree what Its framers hoped. and any effort to achieve this purpoae . jriDlV bV maJllna- t.a laar , wul -r-.i, -,,.- - , j suatiot, for tha worse, i btesraaattaea eeeel. "Wn 18 ar";T the enact, ) m11t of drtJC ff-reachW -tgiala- 1 Con w!ucn pul interstate ! b,ilcnM corporations of the tvps of the i sd OH company, the sugar trust, the '. CrJst lika " n- ' D,rt4y' und"r control aad regulatioa ! of St la each and every re- ', ,pect "ttaie ra lroads ara new j IMJt- j "To break up the Suuidard Oil company ' " the receat decuaua has brokea It up. j does a certain amount of rood; but It does ( nut do anything like the amount of good j that would be achieved from the staad t point af the public if tha proper govera- ; - mental body were given tha same auper- isiun and control over it as tha Interstate Commerce eommiHsioa has eslamtsbod over j certain of the railroad, of ut. country. "u ttiay well be that ta tha end go em- 1 control of these great interstate ear- j puratiuaa may have to go much furthe , 'vtn-1 ar.a .ixstiry. Our prima object be to hare the rtuniiamm aer-anr..ian a concnuous admia-stratlva actlna and sot by aeceaiiarlly intermnxent lawwuita,- DIAZ PARTY OFF F03 HAVRE Steasaew Tptrsaata Leaves Term Crvs tew E erepe by Way ed Banu. I VERA CRUZ. Mex. Jwrse t -The at earner j Trlramra. haxlr.g oa board .a-PreeideBt ; I'iai and his party, aailed at 4 a dork : mi. morning f r Havre. Franoe. The steamer goes to Europe by way of j Hai-aaa. Dtax preernt tntentton is to . make his home ia palav. aVeveraee MaaJaeU la aWvter. MT"SK"ITE. -ai.. Jme L-Pbyak-ian. at tendlr.g C. X. Haeil. rormar governor ef Oklahoma. whi a 111 here, today reported r.s condition greatly imjirovad. Cans cf FarrtH's Sjmp. Boxes cf O'Brien ' Caiy. Qart Erict at Dilzell'j Ice Cream. All civM away fres ta thoeo ho Rhl ttslr &aJtea ta tis vaat a4a, RsaJ tt. want ads rtarr day. your no will appssr aomscaio cay be mar. ttaa cues. No pasties ta mtdrm mar gabscrtpe tic la ta get Just read LX sui ada. Tm U Cis wast a4 paas -