r WANT ADS Wont aoa rw.ifM at any time bat to Insure proper classification mot lx presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening ediUoa and before 7: SO for morning and Bunriay editions. Uant ada received after anch hours trill have their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES Toil WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ona Insertion 1 H rents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent ln aertion. Each Insertion made on odd lays, AH cents per word. $1.50 par Una per month. Hates apply to either The Daily Sunday lie. Always count sU words to a lura. Want ada for The Pea may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner druggist''--th' are all branch offices for Iha nd your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly auu on the same rates a at Hie main office In The lie building, Meventeenth and Far nan streets. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Baura Drug Co., ffl N. 1Mb St. Baranek, t. A.. 142 8. leth 8C Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nab. bimlt Park Pharmacy. 83d and Cuming blaks-B-adiah. tM Sherman ATS. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, fill Military At Caughlin, C. H.. 472 Leavenworth at. Crlsaey Pbartnacy. 14th and Lake Bta. Cooney thm.rnm.vT. $223 South 1Mb 8U Csrmak, EmU, 1204-8 Bout 13th BU k-hler Co., 3S03 Leaveawarth 8t Foattr A Arncldi, tU North 26ta 8t Freytag, J. J., UI4 N. Mb Bt Fregger Drug Co.. 1 North lth Bt Florsuc Drug Co.. Florsncs. Neb. Oraen a Phsrmaoy, Park At, and Paclils, Oretnough at Co., 1U2& South Wta Bt. Ureenougb at Co.. Uth and Hickory 8t. Uoldman Pharmacy, Mth and Lvea oith Sts. Johnson Pharmacy, 1920 Farnam Bt. llaascom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. tth A Hlnterlong Drug Co., list At, asd Far nam tit. Hoist. John. 824 North 16th Bt Huff. A. I... 2924 Leavenworth 8t Johamon Drug Co., SMth and Spalding Kins. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam Bt Kounts Plac Pharmacy, 330$ N. Mth St J-athrop Pharmacy, iuh and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L.. oi9 Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Patrick Drug- Co.. ttmrt N. Mth Bt bar a toga Drue Co., 24 tb and Amea At ttcnaeter'a Cut Plica Drug Store, Uts Jnd Chicago Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming DrSATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES WOODMAN Mrs. Clark, entered Into life, Tuesday, May 30, In Rushvllle, 111. Funeral services will be' held In All Saints' church Thursday, June 1, at 9 a. m. Interment, Forest Lawn Cemetery. T . . h wolid Uoki Wedding jfJH1 r l- n-it Ma . 1 1 n ii ii li i nlli si Hsi m ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmer. 1614 Chicago Bt. UNDER TAKER. D. Its; B-lt69. DUFFY & BOLAKD., undertakers. T. 167ti. J- TJIE PULSE OF THB , WORLD IS NOT MORE INTERESTING THAN YOUR OWN DURING THE HOT DAYS WHEN YOUR PULSE IS RISING TRY A COOL SHOWER A DIP IN THE POOL AT THE MEN'S BUILDING 1TTH AND HARNETT OR A REST IN THE SHADE ... J AT THE ' PARK ON CARTER LAKE THE . al,.g A. HAS THEM FOR YOU Ask for FREE TRIAL. PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing and finishing in the city. MKUKATH STATIONERY CO.. Photo Dept., I6lh and Farnam Sts. T" iron and Wire. Champion hPIirP Fence Co., 16lh and Jackson vuvw Sts. Tei. Douglas 1590, MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE, in sums to suit 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Dollar. yum. UNION LOAN CO. Vacuum Cleaners For rent. Pliuno Webster 3409. -I ICE CREAM "rllng Hyglea brand XVlj-tliU AU ,eadlnK druggists. Harding Ice Cream Co. K. HOWE. WELL BOR1NU. Benson 246. BEE HIVE CLEANING A DYE WORKS, liHl Vinton Bt. Wagons call and deliver. Phone Douglua 4307. Cement Blocks "f'fc ,a,1 " OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO.. Kith Ave. and bahler. Web. te6; B SOU. FIRST class practical nurs can bs en gaged at one. Harney 4W8. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINQ. ARKINd, His a. ljilt. UPBTAIRH. LYNCH BROS. vVeaiunoanu Rfc-PAIU WOliiv. i;0S Jacksou St. D.' 1477. PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department stoles; most select stock of framed pictures - at reduced prices. Omaha Art and tram Co.. 307 S. Jtith. louglaa 194; Ind. A tool. f SUPERFLUOUS hair Dermaneutlv re moved without electrlo needle or Injury to tha skin; lady attendant. 407 McCagua Bide. B. H. Cole Sign Co, D. J788. 1314 Farnam. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all til orders. Catalogue free. Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 100H Farnam. Ind. A 3821; Doug. 4750. Wholesale and retail atreuts for Sherwtn Wllllams paints, varnUli.'a, Carter lead and Keystona. Open Saturday evenings. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75c by th latest patented machine. WESTERN LOCK A GUN RRPAIRl'U CO. 2-' Cuming Sl Open Evening. Phones: Douglas 37M or Ind. B. H302. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FUHN1TLRK CO., Twenty-fuunh aud L Sts.. South Omaha. Money I've spent. But could not rent My house on I he avenue. Till Bee Want Tad. Remarkable lad. Brought tenants galore thank you. ... BRUCE DAVI3. Bl S. rth St. '1 his verse wins a pair of made to mraxure trouevia from the Landeyou Ta.lorlng Co., 214 City National bank build Inx. If Mr. WvU will o.iiim to Th Bee efflce he will be given an order for th truuaera. MAUUAKD Van St Storage. Pack, move, atore and ship 11. H. gooda. D. 1; B J4J. VIRGINIA DARK WINE-7ic a larx bottle. Klein Liiuur Huuse. 622 N. Mth jt. MONEY aaved on painting, paper hang ing, decorating paper; whol-aale: ijulck y.oih. Call A. C. WoUuman Co.. Crouns lilock. Ovv- ' U. Deugl4 IXZi A ISO. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas ML OFFICE STATIONERY Sffj;1 Kotera A Leaxy Co., 1S06 Jackson. D. 1800. OUR letter duplicating work Is Unei- celled. A trial will con vino you. Both phone. Wastarn DjpUcatlng Co., 401 Bee bldg. SCHLITZ famous ATLAS beer on draught at Ed Rothery's. Ill S. 14th St. DAVID COLB CREAMERY COMPANY. HORNBY BLUE PRINT Co.. 6U Bee Bldg ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red S14. CONCE.SIONS and attractions for July 4th. Address Tha News, Plymouth, Neb. WHEN you buy O'Brien's candy you know It Is th best. If Mr. Smith. 2M1 So. 10th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. The New Elk Hotel. Now open; all outside rooms; 35o and B0o by day; week. 2 up. 817 N. 16th. D. 7287. ROACHE8, ANTS, BEDBUGS, FLEAS AND RATS exterminated from your prem ises under guarantee contract; eatlmatea free; Bugdead Insectlde, 40c; large can powder, 26o. Call or writ Rllay Chemical Works, 2d floor, Crouns block, Oppo. post office. D. 8662. A-183. MRS. CHARLES C. H UNGATE, china tiring. 870 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Web. Stfii. YOU'LL always be happy If your wedding ring comes from Brodegaard'a. 114 3. Uth Bt. At th sign of th crown. WD LIKE LITTLE REPAIR JOBS. FRELING ft STEIN LE, Trunk Factory, 1808 Farnam. OREGON RESTAURANT, flrat-claas caf for ladies and gentlemen; Chinese cooking a specialty; open day and night. 1436 Harney. LOOK PROSPEROUS! Wear th Mexl can Whit Sapphire; has the brilliancy, luster and hardnma of a genuine diamond. Send for catalogue, De Long Jewelry Co., 102-8-4 McCague Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. W. 8. HEATON, American furnaces. H. ISO. PAPERHANGERS, use Snowflake past. Omaha Paste Co., Tit S. 13th. Both 'phones. ED ROTTTFRYl Bchlltg Atlas. Full cigars. Caf in connection. Ill 8. 14th St Casady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, BUY AND SELL Mortgages. Bonds. oul U OI1,AjAjWi1te fir Insurance. ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish "Rflth Finest In th West. iUrsiSU Dam llth and Howard Sts. MISSOURI FILTERS A FILTER RE PAIRS. 816 a 20th. Doug. 4714; Ind. A.-2821. GO to the Sodoasis, the newest eoda fountain in town. For the best vers writ ten by either lady or gentleman about Be W'ant Tad selling real estate we will give IS worth of soda water tickets, good at Sherman & McConnell's Sodaoasls, 16th and Dodge Sts. SCALES. SCALES Independent Scale Repair Co.. 110 So. llth 6t. Ind. A-8932. WANTED Attractions for big 4th of July celebration at Petersburg, Neb. Ad dress, J. K. Kvam. Secy. PRINTING DONE WHILE YOTJ WATT- CALLING AND BUSINESS CARDS, CENTS PER HUNDRED. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. S. E. ROBINSON, JEWEL THEATER BLDG., 1511 DOUG LAS ST. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID Into a post. "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place in Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND . ... Corner 18th and Harney Sts. W0 40-h. p., flv-pasangr Overland. .$1. Beven-passenger. 70-h. p. Stearns 2. Mi WALLACE AUTO CO.. 8208 FARNAM BT. Mnrrnv does auto and carriage painting; Di una guaranteed. 2424 Sherman Ave. NEW and 2d-hand autoa, Darlght, Omaha. AUTOS For storage, 88 mo. 810 N. 16th. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel D. 8367. FOR BALE Clean stock of hardware. Implements and plumbing goods In county seat town, near southern central Ne braska; further particulars. Address Y 27 care Bee. WANTED A man to put In a small amount of capital with that of well known Omaha business men for th purpose of building apartment houses on one of the best locations In th city. These houses will bring In an annual net income of 16 per cent on money In vested. There is no better Investment any where than Omaha real estate Improved by good substantial brick buildings. There are Inducement in connection with this investment that can only b explained by personal interview or a letter. II. D. TWOMBLY, 1119-22 City Natl. Bank Bldg, Omaha. Neb. WHAT does a name mean? If you want to know Just try O Brlen'a candles. If William P. Russell, 1742 . Uth ML, will come to Th Be office within three days t. will give him an order for a bo-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. FOR SALE Exclusive right; use, sell or make, in Nebraska only, perfect nickel per. luine vending machine. Nets $3,U to fci.OuO per year, come ana see. 7u4 South lata St. Manufacturer and owner of patent GOOD pool hall, good location, for sal or trade. Inquire 2422 Cuming. . GOOD BUSINESS for sale; must leave city at once; have good reasons lor selling. Call 403 Omaha National Bank. IF YOU want to make good fudge, use Farrell'a syrup. If Thomaa Davis. 173a Crown Point Ave., will coma to Th Bee oTflce within three day we will give him an order for a bO-cent can free. FOR SALE A growing retail and whole sale ice cream business. A money maker. Have been In the bualness for years and want to quit. This is exclusive in this town. For particulars address. Box 7u2. Bigourney, la. h FOR SALE Three-year leas on fli-e- proof garage. bixlOO ft., In live western Nebraska town. 2,ou0 inhabitants and over 60 curs; fine lot of tools and machinery. Small amount of ready money will handle the deal. Address Y 124. car Bee. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. U06 Farnam St. Douglas 6407. MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair gooda. City Nat l Bk. b. miii. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. 3d floor Paxton. D. 108S. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective Aaenrv. Inc.. bonded. 428 Paxlun Blk. D. 131; A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. ZACK ELLIS. 20 years experience. Sn6 Neville Bis., 16th and Harney. Tyler 1136. JAMES ALLAN. 306 Neville Blk.. Six teenth and Harney; phone Tyler 1186. DRAINAGE J. J. 8TUBBS, R 415, First Nat l Bank. W. J. McEathron. C. E . 801 War Blk. J. P. CRICK, 824 Brandei Theater. D. 4210. DRESSMAKING Terry'a Dressmaking College. loth Far. EDUCATIONAL FIRST SUMMER TERM BOYLES' COLLEGE JUNE 5. Omaha's largest and most successful Commercial College. Business, Bookkeep ing Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Parvlce and Salesmanship.. The catalogue Is free. Address H. B. Boyles. Pres.. Omaha, Neb. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA lemons, firing, orders; leave china for firing at coroet shop, Hrandela theater. Mra. 8. H. Smith. Doug. 8737. CURTAINS LAUNDERED. 2R13 uuuimiio Dewey Ave., Tel. H. 1198. F.LECTRIC motors for sewing machines, Arnold Vibrators, hot point electric Irons, electrlo toasters and everything In the electric line to make the housework easier for the housewife. Now being demonstrated by the H. K. Harthem Electric Co., 315 So. 14th St. Tel. Doug. 293. Writ for In formation. lst-class embroidery of all kinds. D. 440. WHEELER'S HEADACHE tablets cures or your money back, 80a Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam. BWITCHES from combings, 81.60; set puffs frea. Mrs. Eclc, 1760 Leavanworth St. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1107 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L Bennett' Flower Dept East entrance. L Henderson. 1618 Farnam, Douglas 1218. -1 J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 8000. HESS A BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St BRANDEIS cut flower dept. New store. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Saleswomen. AT ONCES bright, capable ladles over 21 to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers in Kan. and Mo.; 25 to 8b0 per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. FIVE school teacher for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney St, Omafik, Neb. I- TWO lady demonstrators for work in Omaha stores; neat appearing, good talkers only. Apply to Mr. Keith, Henshaw Hotel, between 6.30 and 8 p. m. r YOUNG saleslady, nice outside work. Good pay. 606 Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED Ladles to represent th Brock Corset Co. In Nebraska. Colorado, Wiscon sin, Minnesota and Iowa towns; exclusive territory; 80 to 2100 per month. Writ A. H. Blewfleld, Manager, 623 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Factory and Trades, GIRLS to learn halrdreaslng. Oppen helm parlors. City Nat Bank Bldg. D. 2396. WANTED Girls to learn halrdreaslng; prices reasonable. Apply J. L. Brandels & Sons Halrdreaslng Parlors. -i WANTED Girls to wrap butter, print room, on second floor. Harding Cream Co., 8th and Harney. Douglas 97. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply 8626 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 899. THERE Is only one kind of lc cream, Dalzell's is th best. If Mrs. L. J. Hoover, 81b So. 22d St., will com to Th Bee off.c we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fin Ice cream. GOOD girl as cook, also one for second work, 8611 Jackson. Phone Harney 1466. WANTED A girl for general house work; no upstairs work nor washing. Mrs. J. C. Colt, 8648 Harney St Phon Har ney 1ZL family of two; steady position. Call Har ney 1781. WANTED Girt for general housework; on car Una. Tel. H. 4918. Good wages. WANTED Competent cook and compe tent housemaid. Apply 206 8. 82d Ave., or phon Harney 206. i WiNTPIUi vlrl fn .mini hnli.MA.lr- good wages. H&rney 6311 GIRL for general housework, also girl to do cooking; private family, three. Phone Douglas 62. Street number, 224 North 18 ih. WANTED A good, experienced cook at once. The Creche. 1824 Harney St. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing; fair wages. 2010 North Twentieth street; Webster 2810. WANTED A cook. Apply at once. 861$ Farnam. Good wages. WANTED A cook. Mrs. W. J. Hynea. Harney 4780. . WANTED A girl or woman to assist In general housework. Call Webster 62. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages; 108 South Thirty-eighth street. GIRL for general housework, small fam lly; good wages. 116 N. 38th Ave., 'phon Harney 2733. GIRL for laundry and general help. Call Benson 730. MAID, to help with work; no washing. Harney 4078. WANTED Day work by clean, respect able, competent woman. Phon Douglas 6336. WANTED An experienced general house, work girl; employ 2d girl and washwoman. Mrs. Klein, 137 S. 36th Bt WANTED A girl for general hlusework. 804 N. 89th. GIRL wanted for general housework; laundress and house man kept. lMh and California Sts., southwest corner. I- WANTED Cook or kitchen helDer. 8013 Douglas St. WHITE girl for general housework. Apply 1426 Plnkney St. WANTED Servant girl, general house work. 4106 Lafayette Ave. Miscellaneous. LADY of executive ability to take charge of an established custom corset business. Exceptional opportunity. Investment, 82), fully secured. Address M-264 Be YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary'a Ave. and nth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. YOUNG womsn. not over 18 years old, wanted In every town In Nebraska. Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming to take up a money-making proposition In your own town. Pleasant, elevating work. Address, giving age and town. G 2i9. Be. WANTED Experienced waitress. San ford hotel. HOTEL cashier, 826, etc.; waitresses. South Dakota; 6 colored maids, 320, etc; 12 house girls, 313, UK 825; cook, ct, room; pastry cook, 800; pastry cook. 840. room; cook for bakery; 6 kitchen women, 830 and 835 ; 8 waitresses, 87, and 8! weekly; chambermaids, North Platte; chamber maid, Brunswick, Neb.; 7 chambermaids, 816. 318 and 820; cooks for Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming and Kansaa; house girl, Cody, Wyo. ; 2 hotel laundresses. 4 pantry maids. 7 colored girls, chambermaids, cooks and house girls. AUSTIN MARTIN, 118 N. 15th. HELP WANTED MALE Agent, Solicitors aad Salesmen. HUSTLING salesman, good pay. 606 Oiuelia National Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Agents and aalesaaasi Coatlaaed. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not Insuranc nor books. Address U 158, car Be. r- A COOL tlm coming for you If you visit Sherman A McConnell's Sodoasis, 16th snd Dodg Sts. For the best verse written by either lsdy or gentleman this week about Bee Want Tad selling real estate we will give 86 worth of soda water tickets, good at th Sodoasis. WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A SELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. T 271. BEE. AGENTS Wanted at once, first class t'lMpu.iLiuu, ui wuiiifinHwiuu. y. rue tuuay. Bartless Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha, LAND AGENTS. Western Louisiana Highlands now offers th best field In the south to locate homeseekers. Its health, climate, rainfall and sure crops are an absolute guarantee of ready sales. Our well developed farming community at Pickering, Louisiana, Is advantageously located near th Gulf Coast, on the Kansas City Southern railroad. Now is the time to make yourself familiar with this sec tion. Liberal commissions. For particulars address J. D. La Brie, 603 Keith & Perry Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. Bys. WANTED Bright young man, not over 18 years old, who is anxious to make good money during th summer. On well ac quainted In th city preferred. Address H 260, Bee. WANTED Flv rsllabl boys with biey. ties; first-class wages Western Union Telegraph Company. 218 a Uth street. Clerical and Office. THE great V. P. R. R guarantees you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires. Address for particulars. II. B. Boyles. Pres U. P. Telegraphy school. Omaha, Neb. I- EVERY Person knows who n J. n'RH.n Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Frits Blumer, 1933 8. 18th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box free. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores(snaps).Jobs. Knlest, Be Bldg. MEN Learn automobile trad at school or horn lessons. Earn 326 to 850 per week. Positions Auto School of St. Louis, (Inc.), 1106 Pin at., St Louis, Mo THREE clgarmakers wanted on a $17 Job; only first class clgarmakers need apply. N. H. Clnberg, lbth and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb. JHHsccllastcowa. WANTED Railway mall clerks: averaira 11,100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept. 218 G, Rochester, N. Y. SOUND MEN 21 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electrlo railway motormen and conductors; 360 to 2100 a month; tine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately iur appuuauoa uia-u. Aaoress X-14V, Bee. WANTED Competent fraternal organ izers to establish nests of Owls. Liberal commissions for services. Write for par ticulars to Lock Box 116, South Bend, Ind. WANTED Keen young man In each town In Nebraska, Iowa, Wyoming and South Dakota; one who knows a great many peo ple In the town he lives In; big money for the r'ght man. Young man not over 19 or 20 preferred. Address, giving name, town and age. F 268. Be. UO 3100 MONTHLY AUTOING. a O. AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. LARGEST A BEST. WRITE. MEN wanted at once. Positions pay well when qualified. Will teach anyone the barber trade In few 'weeks; give com- 5 let outfit of tools and grant diploma, obs waiting. City or country applicants. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 8 Fourteenth St. ' u 6,000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. WrUfor 1,8t- Fnklla Institute, Dept 216-G. Rochester. N. Y. . . National Auto Training Assn. Omaha, Neb. Actual experience In shop and road work; competent instructors. WANTED Man with team or automo bile to travel for dally, paper In every county In Nebraska. I will come and teach you. If you want to make 86 a day or more, answer this ad. Clato Riley, Columbus, Neb. We all Ilka the best of everythtns-: this is also true of syrup. If Mrs. E. Wennlng hoff, 1712 S. 17th St.. will com to The Bee office with three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent can of Farrell's syrup free. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied unmarried men, between the ages of 18 and 3o, citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer, Uth and Douglaa Sts., Omaha, Neb.; Mas sachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. Tenth St., Lincoln, Neb.j 110 E. Third St., Grand Island. Neb. I FOUR Japanese housemen and waiters. Japanese cooks, 3100; man and wife, cooks, 366, 76 and $100; cooks. 360. $75 and $A0; five bar porters, $35, $40 and $50 monthly; hotel clerk, $26, etc.; hotel office boy; man and wife, lunch counter: four housemen, ho tels; man and wife, farm. $40; four carpen ters. AUSTIN & MARTIN. 118 N. 16th. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. HORSES and MULES for sale. 1711 Burt. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. $10. HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. 1667. HAY, $9 per ton. 801 N. 16th St PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. U29 8. 84tb. Har. 8O0. FOR BALE Ten head working and driv ing horses. Blue Barn, Uth and Douglas, near Millard hotel. HEAVY work horse at good bargain. Tel. D. 115. Ind. 1016. DELIVERY WAGONS. Don't waste money fixing up the old de livery rig. Buy a new, hand-made delivery wagon at wholesale. .. Your customers will appreciate It. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO., 1117 Farnam St LOST AND FOUND TERSONS having lost some article would do well to rail up the office of the Omahu A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in th street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Great was the genius. Most sublime the thought, Which first the use of want ads taught. With The Bee Want Tad To pave the way For renting houses every day. EGBEBT C. MISNER. City National bank building. This verse is very good and receive honorable mention. $10 Reward to any on finding a bet ter place to have carpets. rugs, mattresses, upholstering, etc., cleaned ty vacuum system. MYERd, Weoster 6122. O'BRIUN'8 chocolates are famous every where because they are th best. If Mrs. Keenan. 2410 Chicago St., will ccme to The Bee office within thre days we will give her an order for a 80-cent box free. IXJ3T A diamond set in gold setting from my earring. Suitable reward for return of ssme to Mrs C. F. Bpooner. 2X1 Poppleton avenue. Red S236. LOST Lady's I.usnn gold watch, be tween 27th and 17tb and Farnam. "Ray, UT." Inuravid oa inslda case. Return to tM Farnam. Will glv reword. LOST AND FOUND (Continued.; FOTTWn Th Teddy Bear expert clean i UUiU r Uld d).... A-2N26. D. 844. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher man MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN 81LAHT AMD CHATTEL. NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you us 836 or 850 to a good ad vantage? If so, come to us; don't go to a friend. W loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments; 60c Is the weekly payment on a 126 loan and tl.2u is the weekly payment on a 850 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. Writ or phone us and we will rail on you at once. All busi ness confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room U Arlington Blk., 15im Dodg St. Phonea: Douglas 24t, Independent A-24t5. CHATTEL LOAN'S Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1356, A-13S6. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and other, wl.hout security; easy payments. Office in (7 principal citlea Tolman. 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. L. Bide DIAMOND LOANS AT iy2 en large loans; smaller loans at 2Vi and 6 Wf! FTiATAIl Telephone Red 6CII .UrtlAlAlJ, m4 uou,. street. MONEY TO LOAN. Com In and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit f'n 808 Paxton block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-1411 J10VING, STORAGE, CLEANING . . ut o.wnAvjc v.vj. cieaaf lour carpets on your flours; electric vacuum cleaner 804 B. 18th; 809 8. 17U. Doug. 4163. h-XPRESSMAN 8 DELIVERY CO.-Mov Uig; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 216 8. lth. Doug. Ind. U-lMi. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. EXCELLENT BOARD And nicely furnished, clean rooms; hot water all th Urn. 2472-4 Harney bt THE BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam. Rates: Single. $36 to $40; double, $i to $66. ONE or two beautifully located rooms, with board; walking distance; large yard, shad trees, veranda, etc. An Ideal place for summer. 206 8. 25th Ave. NICE and cool, well furnished rooms In good locality. First class horn cooking. All modern; 2022 Webster. LARGE, comfortable, newly furnished room. Cool and strictly modern. First class horn cooking. Finest location; 2561 Dodge. rooms with board. 123 South 26th Avenue. DESIRABLE board and room for gentle men. 80s N. 19th St l irsliked Room. TWO furnished room. Tel. Wsbstar 667V 2619 N. 20tb Bt 2621 HARNEY; furnished rooms with or without board. LOOK A large parlor with large alttlna room ensulte or can b rented separate; also smaller furnished room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car line; everything modern. 1427 N. 17th St Phon Webster 214. NICELY furnished front room, with bad. room adjoining. 220 N. 19th. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms Ingle or ensulte on Farnam St; nice, coot place, shady yard; everything modern. 8228 Farnam St. HOUSEKEEPING and neatly furnished sleeping rooms. All modern; In good neigh borhood, walking distance. 1622 Burt. WHEN you spend your money spend It for the best there is. If Mrs. P. Koopman, 2331 8. 18th St, will come to The Bee office withlng three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. BRIGHT, comfortable north front parlor, suitable for two; modern; nice, quiet neighborhood. 1621 Cass St 2037 Harney St.. one double and on single room. Clean and cool. THREE housekeeping suites and three single rooms, well furnished; close In. 18u6 Chicago. LARGE front room, suitable for two or three, large back room, close In, modern. 1614 Dodge St ONE or two extra fin front rooms, ele gant furniture; all modern; fine, large lawn; walking distance; no sign on house. 830 N. 10th. NICELY furnished rooms In private family, all outside exposure, large porch, close in. 2633 Harney. 'Phon Harney 6987. I- WELL furnished rooms; one suitable for light housekeeping; 2310 Dougla; phon Tyler 1468. THREE large light airy rooms, single or en suite; gas and bath on soma, floor; good location; 2219 Cass. NICELY furnished, newly papered housekeeping rooms, fine bath adjoining, close in; 647 South Twenty-fourth avenue. 2243 HOWARD, pleasant rooms, large lawn. NICELY furnished room, half block from postofflce; alao housekeeping room, $2.00 up. 213 North Seventeenth. THREE furnished rooms for rent. One suitable for housekeeping. Two large rooms, suitable for two or more. One single room. Free bath. Block from cor, 12 per week and up. US N. 26th St Phon Harney 6014. LARGE front room, nicely furnished; suitable for two gentlemen. Also smaller back room. Strictly modern; very reason able; 2421 California. ELEGANT furnished room for rent, finest location, strictly modern; private family; walking distance. Tel. Harney 6u36. NICELY furnished room, Hanscom park and Field club district, on car line. Phon Harney 716. NICELY furnished large front room, suitable for two. 2ul S. 26th Ave. NEW furnished rooms. 1708 Jackson. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suit able for two gentlemen. 316 N. 19th Su BEAUTIFUL room. especially desir able for summer, 3 windows, modern, close In. Best of references. 614 N. 23. lied 4864. -) WELL furnished front room suitable for two. On smaller room. First class home cooking. 2416 Capitol Ave. Doug. 627. ONE large room for light housekeeping; one smaller sleeping room. Modern and close in. 2113 Douglas St. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell's lc cream. If Mrs. K. L. Patrick, 2&04 Frank lin, will come to The Bee office within three days we will glv her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. FURNISHED studio or office room for rent In one of the central business blocks; can also be used as sleeping room. Cull A 43K3. Mrs. L. Moulton, bu6 Karback. DEWEY European HotsL Uth Farnam. FURNISHED rooms, new, modern house, walking distancs. 642 8. 24th St. Tel. D. 7U4. BEAUTIFUL, large room also smaller one modern; close in. 616 N. 23d. Red S421 CLOSE-IN, nicely furnished, cool rooms, for summer; all conveniences. 107 Dodgs. ONE nicely furnished room In quiet neighborhood. Strictly modern. 202 N. lMh. WELL furnished slngls sleeping rooms. 821 Cass. OFFERED FOR RENT Faratehrd Htomi atlaaed. ROOMS Neatly furnished and cool for summer. All conveniences. New and mod ern. lis Chicago. Phon B-29ti. ONE well furnished front parlor. Evry- ming strictly modern. 204o Dodge. LARGE, cool, nestly furnished rooms, sh sultsble for two gentlemen. All modern, walklns distance 7iK M mth Kt $18 VERY large, wcll-fumlshed, newly papered southeast parlor, with bay win dow; with or without piano; nlr bath, plenty of hot water: both telephones; car one block. 2663 St Mary'a Ave. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished In fine locality: all conveniences, at reason able prices. 620 No. 23d St. TWO large rooms facing north and south In strictly modern flat; walking distance; cool place for summer. 181 7 Chicago St Telephons Douglas 6;J9. N1CKLY furnished outside rooms at 2411 Capitol Ave. Douglss 6H32. NICELY furnished room; private home; all modern; would prefer a nurse. Call Harney 4180. LARGE, cool south front room, 2416 Cass. FOUR modern rooms for rent, with or without board. 2116 Grant St. CLLAN newly furnished rooms, 81.50 per week up; also housekeeping rooms; all modern; everything furnished. 648 So. 26th Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, cool place, with nlc lawn. 1220 So. Sixth street. NICE clean all modern rooms, 813 South Twenty-sixth street TWO nicely furnished rooms, cool and airy; West Farnam, easy walking distance. 21 Farnam. 1816 CHICAGO, desirable, furnished rooms, by day, week or month; hot and cold water: close In. , NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 1719 Cumlni afreet. 1 suitable for two; board if desired; private family. 114 S. 19th St. FOR RENT To lsdy. large unfurnished room, with private bath, in modern apart men house on West Farnam; walking dis tance; references required. B 449, Bee. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for ren Uemen. THE CHATHAM. 119 8. 12th Bt DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all cool outside rooms; special week rate. Varnished Fiona a. FURNISHED, modern, 6-room house for summer months. Bern Is Park district and near 8 cor lines. G 424, Bee. 1 nnilT rnnm. nn Wo. TTr,. ... ,i for particulars call at 619 N. 40th or phone Harney 3004. FIVE-ROOM furnished house; all mod ern; rent $35. Phone Douglaa 6938. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell'a Ira cream. If V. F. Miller, 816 S. 22d, flat 4S. will come to The Bee office within thres days we will give him an order for a quart unc oi mn line icq oream. Trnri ppvt . n i rrtt-.. . . ,-i . - - - - .... udi i, 1UIUJBMWJ BiA-iuum inoapm cottage; in good loca iiou. xeiepnone w eoster 8776. Apartments aad Flat. SUPERB nothing Ilk It 4 or i room iiat, an moaern. &a is. Z3d Bt FOR RENT Six-room modern flat, $40 419 N. 18th 6t. FOR RENT Five-room apartment In The umian. Apply tin umana national Bank uiag.. or can Douglaa 164. 8-room, modern flat within walklnar aim. tance, within 2 blocks of thre car Una. Il IM. CHI. ASPly 220 Si. Z2d. RTV.TRrVklUr .nartmanl In .V. Tl . Apply 418 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 1838. SOih AVE. and Pacific, modern elght- wuiu imi, oo. foaeesBion June 1. wrigal o uuuujr, wo oo. i.ow ol f-non jl. iu. VERY modern, 6-room apartment In West rarnam street, Deautlfully located. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM BT. EIGHT-ROOM hardwood finish flat. nw; walking distance. $j0. 60S South 22. NEW modern 6-room apartment: walk ing distance on car line; 4u2 North Twenty fourth street. r- SIX-ROOM apartment in th BrlnvlllUr. $42.60. Oakbridge Inv. Co., D 2167. 1 6-ROOM apartments. eomDletelv modern. Bcargo Bldg.. So. Omaha: above 620 N. 4th 6 rooms, 1800 Farnam, modern; suitable location for offices, studios, dental or aresamaking rooms, etc., for tenants wish lug homes adjoining. THOtJ. F. HALL, 438 Ramge. D. 7406. A -4406. Famished Housekeeping- Roaaaa. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 1719 Cuming street. 660 SOUTH 26th Ave. Two front parlors, piano. THREE rooms, modern exoept heat. 2326 8. Uth St. THREE elegant rooms furnished or un furnished, all modern clos In; no sign on house. 3L0 No. 20th St r THREE partly furnished light house keeping rooms, good neighborhood; gas and bath; all modern. 2707 Dodg. e FOUR completely furnished rooms for housekeeping to couple without children; references required. 366 N. 40th Bt THE HOWARD. 2-room apartment $32.60. The Manuel, two rooms, $20. 21st and How ard. Red 4487. HANDSOMELY furnished two and three- room suites, modern, walking distance, shady lawn, $16 and $18. 604 So. 28th. Unfaralshed Rooms. YOUNG couple can have with private family two unfurnished rooms for house keeping; ' strictly modern, finest location, walking distance. Address D 803, Bee. THREE or four housekeeping rooms; good location; very reasonable; no chil dren. 11. 4-ii5. LARGE, cool, unfurnished rooms, single or ensulte; good location and all modern conveniences. 2701 Dodge. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath room, storeroom, outside porch, nice garden and fruit; modern, except heat, no children, 217 No. Uth St. TWO unfurnlahed front rooms for light housekeeping, bath room floor, recently painted and papered; price reasonable Call 6.16 S. 26th Ave. LARGE, cool, unfurnished rooms, single or ensulte. Good location and all modern convenlencea. 2Y01 Dodge. Houses aad I'oiugtt, SG25 California St., 10 rooms, modern; good condition; newly papered. JOHN N. FRENZEK, BOTH PHONE& HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; movlrg and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 34 City oll.ee. 216 8. 17th bt, 1 Bldg. THS elegant ten-room modern house oa louiii.'UPl luiuer .:! hiiu li.tverport Su will b tor rent May 1; peghborbood most seelrabl. Price $6 per month. CONRAD YOUNG. $11 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1571 (-ROOM cottage modern except heat. 1 block south of Crelghton college. 2608 Cass. K3 Charles St. ( rooms., $15. 1616 N. 20th St., 6 rooms, $J JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. TTmicoa la all parte of the olt llOU&ea Crelgh Rons A Co., bee BliH Houses. Ins. Ring wale Brandels Th. Bldg UNEQUALLED, central. 7-room house. :J N. IMd. VACANT June 1; seven-room house in good order. 'Phone Webster 978. f'M MAPLE St., five rooms, modern ex ctul turnecf, $23. M. Hall Distributor Co. A-tu4, Li. 1M OFFERED FOR RENT ) llonaea aad Cottages ronttaaed. FRED S. HADRA, 660 New Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg., Roll Phone Douglas 4 334. A NEW and entirely modern 6-room cottage; South side. $22.60. Call for the key at office. 7-ROOM. new house; alt modern. 8124 Cass. Inquire next door east. COTTAGE for rent lTO Hurt St. THERE Is nothing better than good syrup In the family. If Ector Hochefor.l. 242X S. i;th tit., will come to The Bee offira within three days we will give him an order for a 60-cent can of Farrell's syrup fre. IT Is worth a great effort to win th beautiful hand-painted china vase, valued st $16 and painted by Mrs. 8. H. Smith, who gives IcKsons and does firing. This vase will b given to the lady who writes the best Verne about Bee Want Tad selling real estate. The vase can be seen at the Corset Shop, Brandels Bldg. $-ROOM medern house: fine location; close to oar line; $10 month; rear of Sua California. Tel Red 4364. FOR RENT Good home, cheap, 31st and Jackson, seven rooms, all modern, thre bed rooms, In complete repair; only $26. Tel. Red 6264. On. Van A Storage Co. packs.moves.storra household goods Fireproof storage; 804 s kth. Branch. 309 S. 17th. Tsl. D. 4U.3. A -131 r To Tha Bee Want Tad l sent an ad, I had a house for rent; It is half past two, I'm not half through Reading the answers he sent. ,M - , DELL F. ALLKN. I06 Dodge St. This vers receives honorable mention. ' 7-ROOM house, strictly m"'irn; 4S03 Ersklne. Nice lawn, shade and fruit; $23 per month. Also strictly modern 6-roon cottage, 20O4 Howard. Phone owner. Ben son 266 or Red 6.'3. r- Clh a hllKtlltifr lmt Is The Bee Want Tad, To consult him Is tlm well spent For If he says "yes,'" It will be a safe guess Your houses he will rent. MARION M. DENNIS. (This- vers receives honorable mention.) ELEGANT G-room cottage for rent, mod em exceut heat. Annlv S!'10 Humllmn sit ZR05 Burt, 6-room housu. Just completed; oak floors and woodwork. 830 a month. Harney 4)00. first floor. 639 So. 31st streets, $16. diaries L. Saunders, 211 South aolii iireci. 1'none uougios H9. SEVEN ROOMS m.-fS-T'TTfTM lrrr ' and hath all ,-i .rn a,.,! ' . , , 1 4. To be completed by June 16. 902 South 2.1th jr iii-Ai. uuur west, or coil at zxs Marcy. Telephone Red W9S. $30. Elesrant newlv AnnnrtA a.... ... In the Ivv. Prlvnte nnrnh rnAUat nl.n. t the city In summer. Jnnitor service; every thing strictly up-to-date. ak.yihi.KONU WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1636. no a. i7th St ... . ,uv.... m iv. iiuuBB, in ana Izard, paved street, fine repair, nothing? nicer, $C0. 6 rooms. 2643 Davenport, good repair, nlc place, $15. Very nlc 6-room house, 833 Main St. Ecnron, on car, eiectna light, $is. Q. B. TURKINGTON, 6u2 Be Bldg. $25 Six rooms, new modern. 8408 N. 84th St. Phon Webster 1677. IN KOUNTZB PLACE, corner of Sheri man Ave. and Spencer, brand new 8-room house, strictly modern, with elegance nd beauty beyond comparison, a class of house seldom offered for rent; will rent cheap to a desirable tenant without small children, or with $400 or $600 oash; a fair rent will buy and pay for this on building and loan plan. Tel. O. F. Shepard, Web ster 667. Stores and Offices. FOR RFNT-Oood 8-story and basement stor building at 1008 Farnam- 8tV-Vtrwi? v floors, cemented basementT Inquire Roala DougTa?1'1 TWO offices. Id floor Crelghton block: P'L" N' uth 8t A1" Thomaa! Agent. 808 First Nat l Bank Bldg. tFJJ1Li!,i?BS, 7oc"rT J,d market la city, with fixtures; a snap. 820 N. 28d. DESIR ABLE offices In th Continental Block; either In suit or single. Alfred Kenndy. 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. BRICK atnra htilMtn.. xj . , xiornev street, three stories and basement. Charlea Doug"' m BUth 18th ,tr-t RTTVPTtt mniijki-n a.lawtM li.ks.d . . -, r . ... . ss..icnj, naat lo cution for hUtrh4r afinn AAna.. Dl Ave. and Grac Bt. Inquire 1844 N. Wth fit lintlBirg J,., OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltar. VAB M T v a a . w . -V . ".f "rs;ain, mahogany offic furnltur, nearly new: sufficient for two rooms; also rugs and Oliver tv Da wdler and stand. Address Box 697, Omaha. PARTY leaving dty will sell cheap side board, kitchen furniture, muslo cabinet dining tab! and chairs, range, etc Call 2017 Miami. Webster S7' . Xdaalcal Ins aata. PIANOS FtJj, RENT. $8 pr month. Player Pianos 810. A. Hosp Co.. 1613 Douglas St Tyawrretera, typbtwriterSTall makes. a.. ..an nmrr. .un...i... ft... ...... " un.iuot wj paying ua 10c a day, payable $2.60 to (3.00 a month All th standard machines; vislbl wrlteiVand nthera anlrf AnH rantal antswjhn.-. i . . manufacturers prices, allowing rental t3 ti vm ti.v, v-a.u or write iur uargalji B. F. SWANSON CO., 1814 Farnam Bt Omaha. RENT an Oliver troewrltar fmm k. Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglaa 291s. KTT an 1. amIIH M. XI... .. . ' a w VI aV a V H WV all VSaW Jf MJBJ WljIltSr B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 1311 Far. nam St KECONn-HANn Ivn.arlf... paired. Cetarul Typewriter Exchange. liii)7 Farnam. lllsMllaaeoaa. SASva rwaratn.kaa -Ith . . . . safes, all slses and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co- U10 Farnam fcs. SECONDHAND dresses, good cendlUoa f7th and Farnam. Mandull Drelbelbla ' New and second-hand sates, inii Farnam. 2DHAND toola and rubber. 416 N. 16th. valued at till i.nlntaH l.o Al... 1, ,. 2543 S. l(-th St., who gives Uas'o'h's and does &;lnK'T,and. n exhibition at the Corset sviniij ft, i vaiaie. 8ECOND-H AND fan. 513 So. ' 12th Bt. LADY'S wheel and tandem. 1522 So. 6th, 111-nnBsn sTr C. Vtra . . lfctViian 1 yer oM; casn- ternia or trad.7 1 S S?7A A -9fi 1 111 at i-' 1. -i a " " Ur OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 308-9 Brandels Theater Bldg Kalherm Nikola. UH-h Uramleia Theater PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUX WILLARD EDDY. U. 8. Pat. Offira clal solicitor. lUlocity Nat. Lank. Tyler 19. H1KAM A. gTUROEH. res:, attnrnev j Urandcis Ttieaur Bldg. Douglas 34i',. PERSONAL MECHANO TtU.'.RAPY Massaxa treatment for rheumatism. r Margaret Uailorao, Nvtll Bin. D. 7781. at m V 1 . aT A 7 n J