Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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,T oo, Frist It.
51ctrt raaa BBriees-Orasaes.
Omaha stor v,patr Work.
rart and riowar TtML
) T STbST P-lr.ta fpnm fine
nd forfeit') bin rig n police court for the
month or May exreoded all previous rc
M. The total a approximately aiSOu.
- Bonds jhscxlptlona for
the new issue of Cnitad State government
bond will be r --reived at th Nebrsska
Nsttonal bank, whre blanks and Informa
tion will b supplied without charge.
Ous Burf-larr, theft and larceny policy
protfite against theft by ny person On
tiudlng rvar.t. lawfully or unlawfully
upon tha pretnlso. Other good features.
Hutton. IH brandel Bldg. Phon Doug
las 1S70. -
tleta Tislts Here John Kleth. former
ranchman at Sutherland. Neb., and now
making hi heme at Hollywood. Cal.,
where several other Omaha people bav
winter homes, la visiting old friend In
Omaha and "Incidentally paying up a few
taxes," a Kleth put It.
Coaditloa of Mr. Xoe The condition
of Lira. Julia Hose, who was bitten by a
bug while workinK In her garden Is still
Serious, but no Immediate danger 1 an
ttciated unices complication seta In. Mr.
Ko la mother of J. Frank Rose, on of
the clerks at th Hotel Rome.
k sTw Circus When th Bar
num A Bailey circus comes to Omaha
July 12. It may break In a new circus lot.
Th advance agent axe negotiating for
the ground at Forty-second and Leaven
worth streets. Th Buffalo BUI show may
also exhibit on this lot when It comes In
Mull Safer Oraad J ory Arthur V.
Mullen, who conducted the prosecution of
the ouster suit against Chief of Police
Donahue, will appear before th county
grand Jury Thursday morning, presumably
In connection with the enforcement of th
Albert act. Tha summon were served on
him just befor b left th city for Lincoln
Monday . -
Dearer Ooe to Billing D. Clem Dea
rr ljnmlgraUon agent of the Burlington,
left for Billings Wednesday, to make prep
arations forthe big homes eekers' excursion
that rood 1 planning" on Uomeaeeker day,
J una C. Mr. Dearer will return to Omaha
befor. that day and h expects to lead
out more than 100 fanner to aettla In th
Big Horn basin.
. Cut 'Worms Ax But Cut worm are
reported to be at work on th corn in the
low lands of tr state, but It la not thought
that any BTe&t damage will b done by
them. C H. Wright has Just returned
from a trip over th slat and he reports
that corn la up and Is being plowed. "In
th low lands I found som of th corn
weedy and the cut worm at work," ay
Mr. Wright, "but with clear weather for
aWhtle I think th worm will disappear.
STonmaadl Apartments Cold Th Nor
mandj Apartment House company ha
old th Kormandia apartments located at
Park avenue and Paciflo street. Th prop
arty goes to Edwin L. Harrington of Cali
fornia, who buy It as an Investment. In
exchange, John 8. Knox, one of the prin
cipal owners, takes over C2 acres of land
bins; south of th city on Fort Crook bou
levard. It Is reported that th tract will
be platted Into acres and placed on the
Zarertlg-ate Short Baskets A represen
tative of th Coffin Box and Paper com
pany of Minneapolis arrived In Omaha
Wednesday morning to investigate th
holding up of a consignment of baskets to
Trimble Bros. John Grant Pegg. Inspec
tor of weight and measures, prohibited the
unloading' of the baskets because of an
,s.Uege4 shortage In measure. A test de
TetopeJlhai th baskets would bold but
even-eighths of a bushel. Th company
contend that the baskets are not auppoaed
to be bushel measures and will urge that
they b delivered.
Nebraska Charities aa Coirweflem
a Aawthrr Date frees the
Prison Coaa-rees.
At a meeting of the stt officer and
executive committee cf th Nebraska Con
vention of Charities and Corrections, held
Wednesday morning In th city taa'l. It was
decided not to hold the annual state con
vention in conjunction with the National
Prison association, which will convene In
Omaha October II to IS.
Instead an Informal meeting of the social
worker will be held In October and the
annual convention early in the new year.
Whether to hold the regular onventlon
In October was a topic of spirited debate.
Fome member ennterded that th two con
ventions rhould be held simultaneous y;
ether he'd that th state convention should
be a separate affair. This latter view
finally prevallf-d after discussion, which
lasted the greater part of th morning.
Dr. William M. Davidson, chairman of
the committee cf Y which has charge of
the arrangements for the National Prison
association's convention, told the charity
officials that he would be g!sd to have the
two conventions at the same time, and that
th two organisations could work hand in
band. Will Campbell cf th public. ty bu
reau of the Commercial club also spoke
in favor of tha combination Idea.
Members of the charity associations,
however, felt that their affairs might be
lost In the shuffl and urged a distinct
nnventlon. v
Rev. Edward A. Fredenhaeen of Kansas
City, Mo., secretary of the Kansas and
VIouri division of the S'X-icty for ths
Friendless," announced during the morning
that hi organization was planning a cam
palm of Nebraska and that subsidiary so
cieties will be formed throughout the state.
-The objvet of the society," said Mr.
Frcdenhagen. "is for the prevention and
cur of crime, reclaiming and rrat ration
of criminals, and the relief of the friend
less and distressed."
it-rs at Fort Creek Will March
to Ash lee fer Practice
ss Maaeavers.
The annual target practice of the troop
stationed at Fort Crook will begin the tat
ter part of next week and will last for th
next twelve weeks. Two battalions will
particl(ate at the practice.
The second battalion of the Fourth in
fantry will leave early next week for the
tro-dir march to AahlanJ, Neb., where a
target range hss been secured, for this year
nly. The diktanc from Fort Crook to
Ashland is about forty miles and twenty
miles will b mad by troop each day.
A Hldicelaaa Crrsr.
The Be ef Tuesday evening and Wednes-
sy morning took unwarranted liberties
with h advertising of the Bena, tt store
fHrectlv beneath 'Bennett's " so rli known
as the ignatue to all th Bennett adver
tising. a"ht have been found "Dressmak
ers Forms Brandels New Stock just In.
each lt.
The copy sent to th Bee from the Ben
nett store read ' Brand New Stock, Etc"
The U.nnett store treated the error la
full good nature and the H hastens te
Inform tn public that th form hi ques
tion ar not "liraaJel Forms' and ar to
be found at th Ueaaett siore
Candidate! Not Able to Be Present at
This Time.
tatlstlee Belaa Gathered by rere
tary betwetl eesa te Paver
Reesevelf a Prearetwlve
Candidate fer President.
Th meeting of th exectitlv committee
of the ProrreMiv Republican league j
called for Wednesday afternoon In th of- i
fir of J. L. Kennedy, has been deferred
to a later date on which all of the candi
dates for congress can be present. Both
Senator Norrls Brown and Congressman
George W. Norrls. who were expected,
wrote to Secretary Shotwell informing hire
him that It would be Impossible to be there
at this time, congress being still In ses
sion. Senator Brown letter, which con
tain som Interesting suggestions. Is In
part ss fellows:
"I very msch regret that It Is Impossible
for me to get away, because there ar a 1
number of things I would like to talk over
with th men who ar determined to pro
mote the principle for which the league
"These principles rsn only be advanced
successfully by uniting all force who be
lieve In them In a steady and constant ef
fort to support them. Our chief danger,
a pointed out by President ex-Roosevelt
in a letter to u here, la a divis
ion of th friends of the movement among
themselves. The moment we begin to fac
tionise and divide our force m the Interest
of any one of our number for some par
ticular offioe that moment the cause for
which we stand begins to lose the support
that belongs to it. The league is for th
advancement of governmental policies and
not for the advancement of any particular
Individual. Under the Nebraska statute th
rank and ftl are permitted to choose all
their officers and to express their choice
for president at a primary. They should
be permitted to do so and to exercise their
own Judgment in that regard without dic
tation or suggestion on the part of any or
ganisation whether It be our own or som
other organisation. Our fight is for a
cause and not for men.
At present a number of the country news
paper of the state are taking a poll In
their different communities to determine
a preference for a presidential candidate.
When the figures ar completed they will
b turned over to th progressive league.
Secretary Shotwell says that data gathered
up to the present time strongly favor
Theodore Roosevelt a the progressive candidate.
Retires Reports Shew the Frwlt
Crop W1U Be a Revelation
Soli and crop in Nebraska are reported
to be In good condition br tha vmLW rmn
reporti of th Burlington and Northwestern
lines. Rain is needed in some parte becaus
of the hot winds which bav blown over lb
6ome damage has been done to winter
wheat near K earner. Aurora and Button
and near Wymors and Table Rock wheat
la said to be heading rather short. Tha
general condition, however. 1 verr a-rmd
and a good crop will result.
Spring wheat Is In rood condition an
the corn is judged to have been benefited
rather than hurt by ths extreme wth.r
of the last week. Potatoes are in aood nmi.
dttkm; pastures and meadows in only fair
hap as yet.
Fruit crop in Nebraska this summer a
to be a revelation to the scoffer who as
elt that this state cannot grow fruit. The
prospects ar for a bumper crop In all
kinds of fruit. v
Potatoes and mnr beets In tha north
western part of the state are a little ai
coming up, as the dry weather which has
oeen prevalent in southwestern Dakota
have been felt in that part of the state.
Heavr Da ma area Awarded 11 1.1.
f Maa Killed by Train at
Verdict for $12,000 damages sealnst the
Union Pacific Railway com Den r tnr tha
death of Harry Richelieu, a brakeman, was
returned in district court this morning.
Buit was brought by Mra. Chartott.
Richelieu, administratrix.
Richelieu was killed while switching at
Valley. Neb. May. 1910. His foot was
caught In a frog and he was run down and
crushed to death by a string of cars.
'Cornell nay yell and
litiraru Uabl
Aim! all lit eibere
bie Unoia Ah !
But trained os Camp
bell's Soups as
111 h i t ersse
th Use."
Speak up loud
When you ask for
Campbell's Tomato
Soup make it plain
that CampbelVs i
what you want.
No use accepting
any second-best when
you can have the best.
Insist on
There's a flavor and
richness about this incom
parable soup that is the
envy of s o u p-ra a k e r
Judge it for yourself.
The ' same with any of
Campbell's Soups. You
are the judge.
21 kind lOcac&n
Just add hot tea ter,
bring to a boil,
md serve
Joscm Camtiiu.
x I
Look for thej
Tine (Gipoaittosti
Ever held this early in the season, will occur at this store
next Saturday. The small lots of our regular stock will be
sold at end-of-the-season prices.
See a Few in Our Window Now, and Watch For Our Friday Ad.
HI6ft KtmT. -
w w . J
Send for the
Knox Recipe
Book Today
'imm sssiS Gelati
has introduced countless delicious desserts and dainty dishes into
thousands of homes. This pure, uncolored, unsweetened Gelatine
is as much a staple in the up-to-date home as butter, eggs and salt.
Almost every dish can be improved with Knox Gelatine. It garnishes the
meats, gives body to the jells, thickens the soups and gravies, and is the basis
for hundreds of delicious desserts.
T-a 'V- "
llsillalOicjllai.VH. iilTiYlS si a 1
I I n . I Sk.1 Rl 'U1S.SC I'.'III'iEl Sk.H .ll'I
ll'I'lf 'Hl'l.l ' Hl'lltl't'I failll
-. J0HN5TCWriUYU5.A.
i box Knox Sparkling' Gel a tine. 1 quart tweet
oailk. t enp cold water. 1 cup ncar. 2
oaaee (rated chocolate.
Soak felatine in cold water fire minutes.
Boil tweet milk with infer and (rated choco
late and a little salt are minute. Thea add
dissolred felatine, stirriaf constantly. Flavor
with rsaills, and pour into mold. Serra
with whipped cream.
The above is a sample recipe from
our illustrated Recipe Book, "Dain
ty Desserts for Dainty People,"
sent FREE for your grocer's name
Pint sampU for 2e stamp
and your grocer' i amt
.318 Knox Av Johnstown, N. Y.
The Knox Package
Makes Two Full
Quarts of Jelly
You Can Broil Bake and Boil at the
Kitchen Hours are Shortened
WhereThere is a Gas Range
1 1 1 1 1 1 iX
rlV fww does
fa ' v
I T' i Ir-Vr r
BECAUSE, there is no fire to care for and
nothing to clean up. The whole meal
may be pre par ec" at the same time,
which is economical, and,
Gas Range
ita work with neatness and
despatch, there is ample time for
ble Oven Ranees Cost.
Connected, $20.00
. . ar
ii W H
Xlic Omaha Dec's Great
Booklovers' Contest
no. 68 TanrmaoAT. ran 1, mi.
What Does This Picture Represent?
Your Name
Street and Number
City or Town
After you bare writua la the. title of tt book, aave the coupon
and picture.
Do not send an 7 coupons until the end of the contest Is an
nounced. Remember the picture represents the Utie of a book not a scene
or character from It.
Catalogues containing the names of all tbe books on which the
puzzle pictures are based are for sale at the Business Office of Tbe
Bee 25 cents. By mail. SO cents.
Rules of the Contest
ar aiiatbls to Miiar Lsla snstaat uaept amsloTss of th Osaka Bs an
nambars af taair Umilin. Bask car. tor arantr-CiT Sirs, thsrs wul ka r lm
Tha Baa a slciar vbick U1 raaraatsii tk oaoM at a kaoa. nata aaa swtar
ISar wtll k a klauk far tha twuKam ts nil la tas till of taa kook.
Cat oat sots tk slctara an kkans mat Oil la tk ra ao sstkor of las Book aa
sad raw Dam so sra aaails as 4 suialy la tk spaa rmlMf.
N rsnncUana vii ka slaca aa I aa wa u wkick answars to tas atctaras mi b
sacara. Katk s.ctara raaraaaou oolf ana tiua of s soak. If roa ara sM an of
tltla anl viak to stud la snora than soa aoswar to aaxk slctara. fo soar oa aa. BUT
lncorra aunrars will Bat ha aatuu-4 asalaat aoauataais U asnaat aoswar te saw rna.
Mora taw as anawar atooais sat ha at oa tha aun eoaaoa. asua aaasc abui ka
aaad far aatra soswara. ail ana wars t tha sasas aasahat abaa ka has tosaiksr is
aaoSlB B tha ML
WbUo sot aaaolatatr it, tt Is adnata that th 4taras shaml ta aaeh asa
ba saat la with taa aaawars ,1a oraar tkat all aaawars ha aatktraa. AaSIUoast tat ara,
ud soapooa Bus aa aklaiaa st th fna of Tha has br Baall iir la faraoa.
Wbea roa har all aaTwatr-flia ststaras. faatan iksm toaUar as brtns ar mall
taam ta Tha Ooaaha Baa. aAdraaaa la ths Bookiavan- Osoiaat Bailor. Prtaas win a
awarSa ts tha laniasunts ntlnm la tha larsaat Baahar at aorraet aulatloaa. la aai
of tw or mar, saraona aarla tha aama amoiDar of lanaat amaoana. taa saraon aatn
tha aroaUar sasiker of aatra aDaaona la kla at of aaswars U ka aclara a lunar, la
avast of two ,rariaa haTta tha saaas aanikar aarmt aa4 aalag taa sara Bamaar of
aaaaana, ts srsnn waaaa sat of aaawars is Blast n Baity srapan. ka taa
ths tall JaScing aoaUBUtaa, wtll raeslr tha Urat arlaa.
Oalr oo list of auawars soar ka shrams kr s aoa taa taut.
Tha aa of tha aoaaana Is as oMiaatarr aaao taa aaaiaotant. a4 ah
as ajRWiut ta aar lasia isnBar taa eyntaataat s&aj? B,tsia
Swards will h tna4a atnctlr aaasralr ta th Bkartt of aarh aaaarmta lat.
TTi aasna of mora thaa aaa aartm maat not ha wrtltao apoa aar on inaiia
Th awards wll ka mass ar th Coataat SViltar sa4 a aaaainim, as wail-aAowa aft
isans. WBoaa aamas win
TVs Coataat Is Hauls to ta toil nm tasntarr: Mahraaka, WrasBins. that soriloa
1 low wast at kwt Bat IKlaaln bas Motaaa. aa that swsuoa at Suath Dakota Sanaa
ss tha Black Hills DaMrtat.
First Prize
Va!u $2,000
A $2,000 Appersoa ' Jack Rab
bit" Touring car. Model Four
Thirty, with five passenger capac
ity. It is a great car in a great
contest. It has many speed snd
road records, and today ranks
among the leading motor cars. For both serrlce and speed, this auto
will make an excellent possession. It is a real joy-maker. It. Is fully
equipped and Is just like accompanying Illustration. The famous
Apperson warranty goes with this car. The prlxe may be Inspected
at the Apperson Sales Rooms. 1102 Farnam St
Second Prize
Value $750
Not everybody can play a plans
but sveryoody would Ilk to. Th
tl-tvet Kimball player-piano, worth
(760, which t th second sraai
ptixo. will furnish music for you
whether you play or now It la. a
wonderful Instrument, and wiil mak
sum hum a bappv piac for vry
member of th famll). Even Grand
ma can play this instrument. If
sister wants to play It without th 4 .raaQji
mechanism, she simply has to lift fcjgjr 1
a lvr. Thl playr la exhibited at
th A. Huap ator. 1S15 Lmuslas St
i -f , ff.j it' ; ' I
p-r-r- I 'f? -f-' r--rl.i.
Third Prize
Value $500
This pris 1 a beautiful lot In
A. P. Tukcy 4c Soa' liar aJdltlon.
adjacent to Hansc-Jin park; and Cen
tral buulavard. It 1 lot 4 of block
eight, on Thirty-third street, and la
sOaUft feet. Th s'.iost rar il l run
alons Thlrty-aacond Aveuu. lust a
block from th sit of to lot. Sum
you'if toupl. perhaps, wll, her erect
a int. cotiax in to iir tor
years and cara Who can tall wlw
lucky person will est this ldesl lot:
You may b th ona
Fourth Prize
Value 1253
1200 Columbia "KtMM" Grsfon
o!m od HO worth of records form
tha fourth srand prlss. This iei
Icnt lnsiruiiiit Is on of th best
nianuls.'luied. It Is built 'f fltieat
mahogany throughout- Kor ajy
fanmy tuts Instrument Is simply a
musical em. It Is sure to Increas
th Llia of any burnt It will draw
the family closer together rd form
means of entertainment nlsht after
r.lsht This liralon.jla is now a
tubiied at th Columbia Fhonoshapti
Company'a asancy, J111-1J s'anuaia
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
VALUE $140.00.
Five Prizes of $10. Tea Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2.
Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bcc