Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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j -
!s Real Estate Exchange of Condi
tion of the State.
TfyiT.y rrln,.OT Pelats Oat a
Rrarfr for Ero.loa, Whlra' He
Say a, Wastes Too Mark
of thr Soil.
TEin; hli hearers to lln? uo In sympathy
w'th an all-round development of Ne
braska to th extent of estabMshlnR Indus
tr l rr,ncern, t m ,he arlcuur, rnn.
oltions, George K. Ccndra. profeor of
economic geology, fnlversltv of Nebraska,
delivered an instructive arldres on
conservation at the Heal Estate fchanzo'i
I iuncnMin w ednMidnr. Tie ncclare-1 that It !
f ' trtf-a that Nebraska I fitted onlv
" lor an acrlrultumi
With the usf of a man Prof. Condra !
. . ..... i qui in various region of the Mate,
explained their climatic and other condi
tion, and told how beet to utilize th re
sources. In the eastern part of the state,
all alone th v:i
I.ind la wanted, he declared fruits. e?pe-
cany a ih.. oonld be irown t advantage.
In the loea reelon. which covers about
a quarter tf the eastern Dart of Nebraska,
he declared that too much land Is wasted
by eroflon ITe pointed out a remedy, and
also d.-clnred that the los of humus and
nltropen In the soil Is caused bv Ignorance
as to what crops to grow and how to
stow thtm.
He also pointed out many Interesting
conditions In tho fand hill reelon, and told
of the work that Is belna; done out there
r T rise Utl IVdrfl er
"Sodoasis," New Soda j LAD DROWNS AT CARTER LAKE
Fountain Room, Will j ginkl
Be Formally Opened j
Tooth Applies to Xary aa
Elsateeata Illrthday, bat
The hope of a lifetime was blighted In
less than a minute at the navy recruiting
station Wednesday morning when Jack
Hanger of Chapelle. N. M , was rejected
on account of defective eyesight when he
applied for enlistment
Wednesday was Rangers eighteenth
birthday. All his life he h as been wanting
to Join Uncle Sam's blue Jackets. He could
not Join before his eighteenth birthday and
for the last two year he has anxiously
been waiting for the great day to come
he would be old enough to Join.
lirlght and early on the mom of his
birthday he appeared at the Omaha re
cruiting statlor. long before the doors
were opened. He was like a child with a
new toy when he was handed the applica
tion blank to fill out. His weight waa
all right when he was placed on the scales.
The eye test came next. In this test b
was supposed to read twenty letters t
, distance of fifteen feet, first with one .v.
and then with the other. His right eye
jaw the twenty letters perfectly, but when
"Vrled wUh hia left y' "OP8 r
VjVneT the nary began to enimble; after
ted efforts to read the twenty letters.
J" Without success he gave It up.
l left the iwcruitln tarim vi-
y-ed with tears and he wore the look of
one who had fallen In the
But Jack said he would get la the navy
If It takes another tea rears. Ha went
to an occullst for treatment on his left
eye. and will remain In the city until ha
la able to take the test perfectly.
Frleads . Gatkav art the i Paatoa sua
Pswaewt Him with a Flae
Ira C B Jen, recently promoted from
general claim agent of the Northwestern
lines weat of the Missouri to a
ttorney or the road, waa tendered a fare
Pea banquet by friends at the Pa
Tuesday evening. A shots un. the best that
could be procured waa presented him as a
token from Omaha friends before he left
for Chicago.
Fifty g-uesta were present at the dinner
given In Mr. Belden's honor. Including the
leading officials In the Omaha offices and
railroad men of other roads. H. J. Bell
made the presentation speech.
R. C. Richards, general claim agent of
Chicago, acted as toaatmaster; Frank Wal
ters, general manager of the lines west;
8. M- Brad en. general superintendent, and
J. Lapps, assistant superintendent at Chad
ron. made shert talks.
Mr. Belden leaves June 1 for Chicago to
nasi hia new duties.
I Sklaaeal fraaa Head tm Heel
was Ben Pool. Threat. Ala., when dragged
over a gravel roadway, but Buck lan' s Ar
nica BaJve eared him. So, For sale by
Beaton Drue Co.
i h.e
No vounsr woman, In the Joy of
coming motherhood, should neglect
to prepare her . system lor the phys
ical ordeal she is to undergo. The
health of both she and her coming
'Id depends largely upon the care
i ;he bestows upon cerseii during we
I ' -tit in (r ttinntha. Mother'a Kriend
prepares the expectant mother's sys
! tem for the coming event, and its use
makes her comfortable during all the
term. It works wun ana lor nature,
and by gradually expanding all tis
sues, muscles and tendons, involved,
and keeping the breasts in good con
dition, brings the woman to the crisis
in splendid physical condition. The
baby too is more apt to be perfect and
strong where the mother has thus
prepared herself for nature's supreme
function." No better advice could be
given a young expectant mother than
that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a
medicine that has proven its value in
uss frieivd
book for expect- . . .
ant mothers which contains much
valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
Is Your Health
That' what it aorfs e fH a week's
tre truant of CASCAiBTa. They
do more foe- row than aay nasdUlna
oa Earth. Blckneaajrenarall shows
and starts tret la the Bowels and
irrr: CASCABSrS cor these lUa.
Ift to easy to try why not start te
t';M and cave) aeip in tne sooraiogf
Arrangements All Complete at Sher
man & McConnell'i Beantifal
Surcease Parlor for Thursday.
'Podoasls," Omaha's newest and pret
tleet soda water room, will be formally
opened Thursday In the basement of the
Sherman 4 McConnell company's drug
store. Sixteenth and Dodre streets. It la
a roomy, cool and attractive place, where
Foda fountain patrons of Omaha will find
the best surcease from their thirsts during
the hot days of the summer. The large
room haj been arranged In what the own
ers of the store believe to be an Ideal
manner. Many soda water rooms are
small, and when patronized by many peo
ple are congested. To guard against such
a thing the owners of "Sodoasts" made
their room large and arranged it so that
eighty people can be seated at one time
without crowding.
In addition to looking after the crowding
of the place the owners have provided for
keeping the room cool. One shall be able
to drink at this place without feeling the
effects of the hot sun, for a delightfully
refreshing atmosphere will always be pres
ent. The room also la "fly proof;" patrons
will not be called upon to "swat the files."
The fountain, of Italian marble and
solid mahogany. Is the most beautiful In
this section of the country. It Is so at
tractive that one Is Immediately Im
pressed with Its worth. Lrge French bev
eled mirrors, located several feet above
the floor and back sgainst the wall at the
rear of the fountain, reflect pictures of
those who sit or stand before the marble
Spreading around the walls of the room
are other French plate-glass mirrors In
"gun-metal" oak frames. Beautiful oak
benches are located below the mirrors. All
the woodwork of the room, with the ex
ception of that on the fountain. Is of "gun
metal" oak. The many tables are made
of this wood. Borne of the tables have ad
justable seats, which swing out to permit
customers to be seated.
Each lady visitor on Thursday will be
given a floral souvenir, and for the open
ing days the fountain room will be dec
orated In red clover. Entrance to
"Bodoasls" Is from the main floor of the
drug store. Steps lead from this floor at
the south side of the room and directly
in front of the main entrance to the
roar DlToreri Graated Darlag Term
Which Closed Taeaday West
Point Notes.
WEST POINT. Neb., May O. (Special.)
The adjournment term of the district
court of Cuming county extended over
from January has been closed sine die. In
the case of Nellie Cousins against Ira
Felix, a statutory ease, a warrant was or
dered Issued for the arrest of the accused.
The automobile damage case, the first cf
Its kind In the county, wherein Peter
Moody sued W. H. Hansel for damages for
Injuries alleged to be caused by defend
ant's auto approaching his team without
warning, the verdict of the jury was for
the defendant. Divorces were granted at
this term aa follows: To Helena Olthoff
from Ontge Olthoff, Emily J. McE3htnney
from Alonio D. McElhlnney. William Jug el
from Uxsle Jugel and Louise Pearl Kroe
ger from August W. Kroeger. The two
boys who were charged with highway rob
bery were exonerated by the Jury. In the
ease of the Leo Grotte Manufacturing com
pany of Omaha against Charles F. Putsler
a verdict was rendered for the defendant.
Crops throughout the county are showing
marked good effects from the periodical
rains which have fallen at intervals dur
ing the last three weeks. Corn looks well.
Is of a good color and firm stand. Almost
all the crop Is up and some of it quite ad
vanced. Bmall grain could not' look better.
Grass It making good growth, as also are
pctatoes and root crops generally. Gar
dena are thriving and the prospect Is for
a bountiful yield of all kinds of fruit, apple
trees especially being leaded with fruit.
Cherries also will be a large yield, plums
not so much so. but taken altogether the
year will be marked by an enormous fruit
The mania ire of Miss Adele Romberg to
Edward C. Miller waa solemnized at the
home of the bride on Thursday, Rev. O. II.
Hemkln, pastor of the German Evangelical
church, performing the ceremony. The
young people are the children of old set
tlers and will reside on their own farm
near West Point.
Mrs. crotfcea Meier, an aged inmate of
the St. Joseph's Home for the Aged, was
found dead in her bed at the Institution
thla morning. Bha waa a former resident
of Howell, where the body waa sent for
Interment. Her only eon, Joseph Meier,
resides at Dodge.
Mr. Herbert Poet aad Mlsa Fera Leet
of Llaeola Will Be Married
Nest Week.
FAIRBfRT, Neb., May H -CSpeclal )
Cards have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Leet of Lincoln announcing the
approaching marriage of their daughter
Fern to Herbert Poet. Mlsa Leet Is a
former Falrbury girl, having lived here
for a number of years. Fhe was graduated
from the Falrbury High school in the c aa
of W4. The marriage will take place In
the First ITeshyterian church at Lincoln,
followed by a reception at the hri. a k.
Quite a number of her friends In Falrbury
wii anena tne wedding, which will be held
June at I o clock.
Captain C. E. Adams nr RnnH x.n
ered tho Memorial day address here Tuesday.
The barbers of this city have organized
a base ball nine and played their first
game with Jansen. The umi waa .
sided affair in favor of Jansen and resented
in a score or rr to X.
A change has been made In the manage
ment of the Falrbury roller mills. W. H.
Lea has purchased an Interest m this con
cern and will take charge June L
While Attempting
Across the Fond.
to Swim
William Kaanear of foath Omaha
Dlaappeare Brian the Sarfaee
' la Sight of If oadrede of
William Kannear. a:ert u years, of
South Omaha, while swimming In Carter
lake near t'ourtland beach. In full view
of hundreds of spectators on the shore
and several boating I arties, drowned In
about twenty fe-t of water. The accident
occurred at 8 o'clock Tuesday night and
at an early hour thin morning the body
had not been recovered.
In company with W. V. Runzel an ac
quaintance. Kannear was attempting to
swim across the lake. He had reached a
point opposite the bathing platform, which
Is on the Iowa and Nebraska state line
near the middle ot the lake, when he gave
a scream and disappeared from view. He
was seen to sink by several witnesses on
the shore. His companion came to his
rescue, but Kannear s body never came to
the surface after sinking the first time.
Body Is Xot Foand.
An effort waa made to notify William
Kannear. the boy's father, but he and his
wife had gone for a visit and could not
be reached until almost midnight. In the
meantime volunteer divers made vain at
tempts to locate the body. A dredge, un
der the direction of Officer Darwin, a
special policeman, was brought Into service,
but It failed tin ts efforts.
Onlookers on the shore thought Kannear
waa trying to alarm his companions and
paid little attention to the noise until he
failed to reappear above the water. Of
ficers were notified and boats sent to the
rescue. In the big pavilion close by a
lively waits was being . played by the
orchestra and the happy laughter of the
merry dancers was heard above the
screams of the drowning boy.
Kannear was employed In the lard de
partment of the Cudahy company. Efforts
are being made to locate the body.
Caae la Dlaaslaeed by Jadae Altstadt
for Lack of Jartadte
tloa. George P. Cronk waa brought before Jus
tice of the Peace Altstadt Wednesday
charged with adultery on the complaint of
his wife. Cora L. Cronk. but the case was
dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. Mrs.
Cronk, who had no lawyer, was unable to
push the case because the crime Is subject
to Indictment by the grand Jury.
Mrs. Cronk alleged in her complaint,
which was filed May 27, that her husband
had deserted her May I and since that time
has been living with another woman. Cronk
waa arrested Tuesday by Constable Mld
dendorf and released on bond by the Jus
tice. When the case was brought up, A.
W. Jefleria, lawyer for Cronk, raised the
point of Jurisdiction, and the case waa dismissed.
Oao Woanaa Declares Tar Driven by
Saadell Was Maklna Forty
Miles aa Hoar.
That the machine which ran down and
killed little Harry Drefa last summer waa
going at the rate of forty miles an hour
was the testimony of one witness Wednes
day morning In the Sundell trial. Carl E.
BLndell, a contractor and real estate dealer.
Is charged with manslaughter for the death
to Order, for
Thos. Kilpatrick & Company have arranged
to make skirts to your measure latest styles
well tailored for
$1.50 for the Making
This price applies on all Dress Goods or Silks
bought at our store, and there will be no ad
vance on the ma
terial. You will be
charged only with
the actual amount of goods required. Several
models to select from in addition to thos e here
Voiles, Serges, Mohairs, and all classes of Summer Wool
and Silk Goods, made from these models.
All measurements recorded, and orders filled in their numerical or
der. Delivery promised positively within 10 days from date of order.
There will be a great rush to take advantage of this offer, for thou
sands of Omaha ladies know how well made the Kilpatrick tailored
skirts are.
Will sell at Silk Counter, 1250 yards of messalines and high grade
foulards, on June 1st, at 69c yard. New goods this season. All worth $1.00
per yard. j
TEuoa Elilpatrick
of the Drefs boy, as the driver ot the auto
mobile. ' '
Mrs. Veretta B. Paxton, 15 Hamilton,
was the witness who putthe speed at
forty miles an . hour. Id this' estimate,
however,- she; stood alone, td othjw wit
nesses testifying to a, rata at between
twenty-five and thirty mIla's.jThe lawyers
for the defense are Inclined to scoff at
Mrs. Paxton's testimony, pointing oat the
fact that the accident occurred while driv
ing up a steep hill.
Other witnesses who swore to the leaser
speed were: Mrs. Lucy Talbot, 8515 Ham
ilton street; William E. Werley. KU Ham
ilton street; Floyd I. Swift, OX Hamilton
street, and Henry Flnke, 1112 North Tblrty
llrst street. !
mm ttiM
Beer Satisfies
Did you ever notice tliat tne main
wno drinlfl it is never quite satisfied witn
any otter brew?
He Beer of Quality
is so distinctive so satisfying so delicious
it appeals to people who select their beer
as they do their food and clothes
to satisfy themselves.
a case
Tee Pasat Ceaaasy yy
1M7Lesveawerth,0al VA
TskDsas7.A.147 VA
Plenty of Heat In the
Iron, lone In the Roon
This is the Electric Flat Iron that makes ironing
a day of Comfort instead a day of Toil.
It appeals to every housewife because it saves
time, labor and perspiration.
It docs the work right.
Costs very little to operate
Telephone Douglas 1062 or Ind. A-1278 and we will
have one sent to you for 30 days' trial FREE.
f itcxlITt ae a
K at.-aaat, aflJtfi
ik awtaa,
week's M
ata. Itif iM sailcs
e4y at T let tea af Iadlaaola Wreck
Taaeaa t Mllllaaa, Sea., by
His Pareata.
OXFORD, Neb., May SI. Special. The
father and mother of R. B. Wilson, one
of the victims of yesterday's wreck, whose
body waa taken off the relief train here
yesterday afternoon, arrived last evening
from their home at Mllllgan, Neb. They
left with their son's body on No. ( for
Milllgaa, where Interment will be made.
The body ot James K. MacCoR also here
la charge of Undertaker Le, waa shipped
on No. I this morning to Denver, la ac
cordance with Instructions received from
his brother at that plaoa.
sMsamaaaaiaaaaMaaaaaaMiaMBTMiiii in mi &JJmSBBSBBEBBBBBBBBHi "TJCSSBBgJagBgaMaTa'igv
mm umi m&mm
Omaha Electric Light
and Power Co.
JUNE 23d, 1911
Law Rates ta the East Via Nickel M
Chicago to New York and return. C7 00.
To Boston and return. C0& Correspond
ingly low rates to other eastern points.
Uo sale June IsL Ingutre of local aent.
or write John T. Calahan. A. O. P. A., M
West Adam SC. Chicago.
THE RALSTON UNIT, and other choice lands, comprising 14,000 acres of the govern
ment Shoshone project, within three miles of Powell, Wyoming, will be open to entry June
23d, 1911. '
Come with me on June 20th, Homeseekers' date, and let me help you select a valuable
claim. My party will arrive at Powell in time for you to inspect these fine lands and make
your selection before the opening.
This is the land for which so many settlers have been waiting, and is part of the rich
valley surrounding Powell and Ralston, where over 400 farmers are already located. You
can see the bumper crops now growing on these'government irrigated farms, which will be
a demonstration of the value of irrigated lands under government canals in the Big Horn
YOU HOMESTEAD THE LAND and buy water rights from the government at actual
cost, on the ten payment plan, without interest. The government Shoshone Dam insures per-
maneni ana ample water tor all time.
JfEW FOLDER, Just from the preeg; contain a map and plat of theae farms and
plctureg ghowlns crops grows last year, alao the dam, storage lake and several farm
awnea. Send for It vncK.
D. CLEM DEAYEB, Immigratioi ArtaL 1C34 Fimsa SL, Omaha, Reb.
f at r n
j I mm
Fiftk A
asxi rtv-ointh Street
The coolest Hotel in New York, overlooking Central 7
Park. Convenient to theatres and shopping district.
Stable Rooms, with bath . . $4, 15 and $6 per dsy
Doable Rooms, 2 bads, with bath, $6, $7 aad K par day
Oaf &- Terrace, Summttt GaWe with Fuim. String Orcktrm
Sptciml Jtanta during I km Seaman sr 5aM
The Wass-Coptey, Boatoa, bow aader aoeatractioa, eneae May
1st 1912, aader tease aaaaesea as The PI ass. New Yeik.
saa-agsmg Dvecte