Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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incoln Assumes Lead in Western League; Millers Take Another Step Down 4
Lincoln Wins Interesting- Game,
Three to One.
Wolverton Replaces Applegalo tor
Lincoln Whu Pitcher Loin Con
trolJones dels Tkrrr-Dai
Hit Two Two-Raiirri.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 81. Lincoln wen
from St. Joseph today In an Interesting
game, t to 1. St. Joseph could not hit In
tha prdlnchrs. having; tn left on bases.
Wolvrrton replaced Applegate for Ltn
colln when tha latter lest control. Score:
- A B. R. H. O. A. E.
Cannier, en ... 8 1 1 I 3 1
t nglaub, 2b 3 O S 1 4 2
Cole, cf 4 0 1, 5 0.0
Cobba. rf 4 0 1 0 0 0
Ixindon, 2b 4 1 i t 1 ' 0
Miller. If ... 4 0 110 0
Thomas, lb 4 10 7 11
Strattnn, c .. 4 0 1 1 . 0
Applee-atn, p 0 0 0 2 0
Wulverton, p ......... 0 0 0.0 0 0
Totala '..,..33 7 27 11 4
;An. R. H. O. A. K.
Kelly, rf 5 0 1 0 0 0
Powell, If t 0 O f 0 1
Jones, lb i.. 4 0 1 IS 0 0
' Itellly. 2b 4 0 0 2 1 0
Zwllllng. cf 8 0 110 0
Uosnett, c t 0 0 4 8 0
Meinke, aa 4 0 0 3 4 0
Hamilton, 5b .......... 2 1 0 0 4 1
Hanlfan, p 1 0 0 0 7 0
Kern 10 10 0 0
McChciney 1 0 0 0 0 0
Tolala 33 1 S 27 19 2
Ratted for Hanlfan In ninth.
Halted for Powell In ninth.
Itncoln ,.0 1100000 1-1
St. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Three-base hits: Jones. Two-buM hits:
Kerna, Dundon. Struck out: By Hanlfan,
4; by Applexate, 2; by Wolverton. 3. Baae
on balla. Off Hanlfan. 1; off Applegate, 4
'Double plays: Apeiegate to Htiatton, to
Thomae; Unlaub to Dundon. Left on bases;
Bt. Joseph, 10; Lincoln, 6. Time: 1:53. Um
pire: Shoemaker.
Eourkes Ready for
Game with Kaws
Colts in Fine Fettle, Despite Jar of
Wreck at Indianola Play
i,' '
Showing no 111 effects aa a reeult of the
wreck at Indlansla Monday morning the
Omaha, bane ball team arrived? home aafe
and aound yeeterday afternoon and , de
clare themselves in perfect ihapo. The
Kawa will arrive thl morning for a two
daa serfes. The first game will be celled
at 3:45 o'clock thla afternoon.
The aecond and last game of the series
will be played tomorrow afternoon. It will
alao be ladlea' day and tha uauat large
crowd will be on hand to give the Rourkea
the "big mitt" FTed Pfeffer. the new
pitcher, recently acquired from the 8t
Louis Browna, la expected to arrive either
today or tomorrow, but will not be uaed
. until the team la on the road.
A fur the game tomorrow afternoon the
Rourkea will leave for Llnooln, which Vlll
begin a thirteen day trip on the road.
The teams which the Colta will meet on
the trip wlU be .Lincoln. Pueblo, Topeka
and Convert, TM rrtajortt oit the remain
ing games of the season wilt be played at
bora after the return of the team from
the next trip.' , . v
The car wnlcn" Vaa occupied by the
Omaha tea. Mid Pa, waa not overturned
In the wreck, aa waa the one which car
ried the penver team. Not a one of the
Omaha boya waa hurt, although they were
all given a bad scare, and every man
thought he waa Injured until the open
waa reached. The car with the Denver
playera waa completely turned over and
the only one to receive lnjurlea waa Presi
dent McGIU of that team.
"I thought aure every man on the Omaha
team waa put out of commission," aald
J Joe Kneavea. the Omaha ahortatop.
"Every man looked out for himself and
I can't aay how under the sun I ever
got out of the car, and the other boya
are Ilka me. I knew when I got out of
the car I waa aafe."
All that could be heard at the baae ball
headquarters last night waa the wreck
and for a time baae ball waa forgotten.
The lineup Of the playera tin today's game
will be: t
Omaha. - ' ' Topeka.
kTAv.. Flrat Whitney
Nlchoff Second Breltenaieln
Pick. ...:.".'.'.V...'.'.V. Third "t"0!
Kneavea Short J?01 .
Kcl.uonover I" "lok,rl
King Center Tomaaon
Wllliama...,',' Kmht c.rompton
Oondlng...... Catch Hawklna
Alijw Catch K,rn
Keeley Mich Fu?at"
Rhodee I 'Itch - Cook
Kentreaa Pitch B?1
Lota IUch a- V.lekrl"
Hall Pitch Buchanan
Durbin Pitch McUrath
President Cordially Greets Hie Fellow
Otlse , front Angnsta,
, Georgia.
WASHINGTON. P. C.', May St "Ty"
Cobb, champion batter of the Detroit
Tigers" and of the American league, and
Pitcher Lively of the I'etrolt club shook
hands with President Taft today. The pres
ident has known Cobb for several yeare
and always remembers that he halls from
Augusta, Us., where Mr. Taft has spent
many weeks In vacation time.
Hollo Ty" said the president "How'a
my fellow eltlsenf" '
Major A. V. Butt, the president s aide,
who also comes from Augusta, gave a
luncheon for Cobb today.
The presMent expecta to attend the le-troll-Washington
game hereee tomorrow.
Mam C-ollege Conon Resigns.
IOWA CITY. la.. May 31.-Speclal.)-Carroll
Kirk, best known In Iowa athletic
circles as "Chick" Kirk, haa resigned I the
coach's position at Simpson college, Indian
ola and will enter business In South or
North Dakota. He wse the long time
Hawkey star and captained the foot ball
and bsee hull tfams here.
t'tlOli I NDtmiKAK
Never before have we shown a mors
excellently varied line or Summer
Munslug wear. It's an assortment of
colors and qualities that will rind
prompt buyers among men folk who
appreciate the real thing. It's made
for comfort; It's the "underwear with
out a regret." Prices run from
S3 1.00 to 92.0(1 a Hult
Your choice of knee length with
inch Ineeam and full length insearo;
quarter ' length sleeves, athletic no
sleeves, or full length sleeves. Better
not wait too long before you sec this
First Time Discoverers Hate Had No
Buns. " '
Superior Unable to Find Hanson and
Loses to Seward, Fosr to One-
Kearney Wins with New
Man In Bos.
COLVMBVS. Nb., May 31.-f8peclal Tele-RrBm.)-Columbue
lost todays game by
failure to hit Rouse, their flrat shutout
thla season. Rouse allowed but two scat-
ierea nits. Hcore:
TIltMWr. rnuTumta
Binrtt. ef.,4 I l' 0 Met.ll. H.Vl " " 4 i s
.......... ....... . , , ir,pi,, IB... , ante
Bohnr, e....4 t 0 E. Bravo, lb 1 1 I I
"' rf I t A 0 0 B Brows .
f'Slfw IK A I aa A A I I I I Z
....... 7 w v V IWaltin, CI.... 1 I 1
TJirpin. If S 1 1 1 0Mlum, lb.. 4 I J
. . w w w maun, ii... v V t 0
J.rd, 4 I I I lCorbrtt, ..... 1 t 9
KotSaaai ta. . . . . at a. - - a, & a a
Toti m iniu Touts m i rr H 4
Fremont 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 2 07
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
u,.'d run": Fremont. S. Three-base
nit i Carry. Hacrlflce hits: Booth (2). Ful-
i m, i oppie. stolen bsses: Bennett.
Turpln. Ward, Copple. E. Brown. Badura,
Struck out: By Rouse, 4; By KlKsell, .
Bases on balls: Off Rouse, 4; off Klssell, i.
mi uy imcnea oan: uv Knuse, l; by Kls
sell, 1. Time: 1:50. Umpire. McKee.
nome Ran Wine for Kearney
KHiPVrT V.k U... . ,e i., ...
. ' ' " . ' ,r o.. I 3CU1UI lei
egram.) Kearney defeated Grand island
here today In a sensational game. A home
run by Downey In the last half of the
iMM.n mane tne winning score. McLear and
Watson each made home runs the former
makina three scores u..rn.u .
hits and five scores off Morse In the first
iiuiiiik. eivarney tried out Werby, a new
pitcher in the first four Innlnas, In which
he fanned five men. The Industrial school
uanu nuenaea tne game. Score
. , AB.H.O.A.B. ABk.O.A.l
urar, .. 1 Q o, IS.. I I I
Do0r. ib.,4 1 1 OHmllh u. 1 1 t A
Blsrk. 1Mb., f 1 J 1 McKlbbm. If 4 t
. uoon, of I 1 I t 0
Cl.lrs, lb ... I I I lAr nrooi, lb 4 1 11 1 0
1 s Marshall, lb. 4 0 1
"rr. " 1 14 0 OJoltaral, C....4 111
Trlmbl. If., I 110 OWataos, rf... 4 110 0
Mas'k rth. lb I I I 4 Moras, p I 14 10
Werbr, p.... 1 0 0 11
IL'W:9'! 1 1 '"'rt m i u ii t
u-'wi .... u g g
Totals...... 14 15 17 16
Batted for Werby In fourth.
Kearney 5 OOOOOQ21-8
Orand Island 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 17
yarned rans: Kearney. ';' Grand Island,
5. lrst on bails: Off Werby, 3: off Wright,
1. Left on bases: Kearney, ; Grand Island,
. iwo-base hits: Paglea (2. Home runa:
McLear, Watson, Downey. Struck out: By
Werby,- 8; by Wright,, 2; by Morse, S.
Paased ball: Jokeret. Time: 1:65. Umpire:
tt. H. Held. .
Howard Wine Easily.
SUPETtinn N.h vi .. at ,u I., m-.-
fr -T 1erlor could not flnd Hanson for
... una uieaiii runs ana Beward
woa handily,
AB.H.O.A.I. 1 AB.H.O.A.B.
Roblnaon, nil I I 1 Allan, of ?J
JVlr, lb... 4 1 I Itoyl.. rf I ill!
Hanrr, lb.... a lilt Orr, lb 4 1401
Burna, If.... 4 IdoD'wall, lb 4 1 t 4 4
Wallr, 0...,. I 111 Spuinan, s.. 4 I 1 0
rullan. lb... 4 1 I tr.B'k'wi 1(4104
!. rf.... 4 1 I 1 JMlchaals. H.I I I I I
' II IDB'ei'ti, lb I ill 1 1
Hanson, ...4 111 4 Olbaon, I 441
Totala ti a rr in . 71 "Z "Z. 71 .
n - - w . ....... v ., A. a
Beward tii 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 04
SuporlOr 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Runa: Cooley, Henry, Wally, Tullen, Al
len. Sacrifice hlta: Henry, Burna, Coyle.
Stolen hM- r..l . ' J;' 7.
c- -- ---rj - v . , vujio. .riie runs:
flX?.riA.2- Tkw-baj,l"t:; Wally .First on
ballet Off Gibson, l.-TBtrutk out: TBy ftan
aon, 6; by Gibson, 3. Itf on taea: Beward,
f: BUDSriOr. 8 Ylniihl. n)... ti Z
- - . . v. K ' J IIO.ID. VU
1 T tt """X; Pad ball: Wally. Times
York Bsaglea Game.
TOTtK N.h ir.u a. ... .
v.w 1 . 1 . '"V'x.i ieiegram.1
lOrk lost tA it ...nn. t .. . . .
errore and poor headwork. They outhit
Hastings, but 'ihompson was wild, passing
;lV.?1..,nen " hitting.- Hutchlnaon twice..
Wllklna Ditched ilnnH k... u :
overcome the errors. Watson of Hastings
waa put off the grounda In the sixth
Inning for disputing a deolalon. Score.
i -o B'dbrook, lb ?' 0 1 A i
Watson lh ilia a c. ., ' " ?
Klln.-b-;.l i . i iUlnr.ltl tilt
Don sal lr. . 1 I I I J"
0.0k,, iv... ,4 , ii,;v:::::i
u onm, n.. a a a o Thomoaon. a. a l . i
Plarca, lb.... 4 1 1 1 1 Buchanan, e' I 1 I 1 I
SlaMsr, "JJJJ WllklaaTV.!: I lit
TIT 111 ToUls Tt WH II "
Pierce out atumot to bunt third .tnw.
Htstinaa a 1 a 1 1 n a ta
York 0 10 0 1110 a a
- v u11.11. 1 iirrruasv mi.;
Btruck out: By Thompson, 6; by Wilkin,
wt, nmuio-ir, o. rirai Dsse on Daiis: i jli
Thompson, ; off Wllklns, 1; off , Slndelalr.
I. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Dermott
Sunstar Wins '
British Derby
by Two Lengths
FaTorite, Owned by J. B. Joel, is
Easy Victor in Big Eace at Ep
son DownsSteadfast Second.
EPSOM DOWNS. Mav U RnarlanA'. hln.
ribbon turf fixture, the Epsom Downs
Derby of 132.500 for 3-year-olds, distance
about one mile and a half, waa won hv
1. B. Joel's Sunstar, the favorite. Lord
Derby's Steadfast waa second and Royal
Tender third. Twenty-six horaea started.
buns tax, the winner, le a brown onlt hv
Sunrldxe. out of Dorrla. Ha won th lArm
guinea stakes, at New Market on April 2
last, ana cas been a steady favorite at 7
to I in the betting
Phryxua finished fourth. Harry Payne
Whitney's All Gold and Loula Wlnan'a
Adam Beds, the only two American horses
to start, were unplaced. Sunstar won by
two lengths. - .
The presence of King George and Queen
Mary tended to make the coronation Derby
a record one. On the famous Downs wr
tens of thousands of persons. Including
many Americans.
Muck American money waa placed on
Adam Beds, John Madden's colt, which ran
under the colors of Loula Wlnans, and
Leopold de Rothschild's Pletrl, ridden by
Danny Maher; the American Jockey.
King George and Queen Mary, aocom
panted by other members of the royal
family, arrived on an early train from
London. With them were a number of
royal visitors from other courts and many
of the lords and ladlea of the oourt'a house
bold. The derby entrlee this year numbered
twenty-nine, although several of these were
withdrawn before the start.
Tha Joel colt Sunstar ruled as a strong
favorite throughout the early betting at
about T to 4. with King William at U to 2,
and Pletrl, Colllne. Steadfast and others at
varying odds, the Canadian entry. Del
D'Or, bringing up the rear at L000 to L
The Whitney and Wlnans entries figured
In the betting at about 40 to h The betting
on the rarea today was on an unpre
cedented scale.
Among the Americans attending were'
Alfred G. Vanderbllt. Mr. and Mrs. James
Parmelee and Gorge Q. Broadhurat of
New York. ...
Leading Members of Rourke Family-XVI
? . I i i4 : ;
-V- : :X .'1
1 t ' "
' I "
t -;:;:.
1 -,-T
Have Lead Over New York When
aln Stops the Contest.
Wolte rilea Oat to
' When a Hsnvr Thnnderatorm
. . Ends All Play fo K.
WASHINGTON. May SLWaahlngtoa de
feated New York 3 to 3 today In a six
Inning game, a heavy thunde rstorni stop
ping play after Wolter hA fii -..
nlngham at tha beginning of the seventh
.uiiiiiH. ocore: '
.... AB.H.O.A.B. ar u a 1
MUas. ef I 1 s 1 0BI.H et. ?' I I 0 i
Oonror. K... I lot 4 Woltar? rf...l lias
Lallrait. If. I 1 1 0 Hartaail, lb I
Oaaaler, tt... I lit ., If. a J J a a
McBrWs. kh. I 1 1 I Knlsht, lb... I 1 I 0 0
Cua'bssj. lb. I I , i ORoaib. lb... I I 1 .
i" J OJ.hnaon. ...
Alnamith. s.. I 4 I I 0 Blair, e I 0 10 1 0
Groom. B-...JI 1 9 1 0 Wsrhop, p... I 1 4
f4' 14 111 l"S Totals 1 1 u "l "l
(Game called on account nt rain .
Washington 0 0 1 o' 3' 0-3
New York 0 0 0 2 0 ni
Two-base hits: MoBride, Roach, Knight.
Sacrifice fly: Warhop. Saorlflce hlta:
Cunningham, Blair. Double play: Warhop
to Blair to Hartxell. Left on bases: Wash
ington. B; New York, 7. First base on
balla: Off Groom. 8. Flrat base on error
Washington, 1. Struck out: By Groom, 2
by Warhop, 7. Wild pitch: Groom. Time:
1:18. Umpires: Perrlne and Sheridan.
Eight of the Ten Winning; Cars In
the Race Equipped with
. Mlchelln Tires.
Charlea Men, driver of the National
car which won sixth place In the 500-mlle
dash, formerly lived in Omaha and has
many friends In this vicinity. While here
he waa employed as a driver by the Na
tional Motor company. Since that time he
has won several notable trophies In some
of the national motor events. H. E. Wil
cox, manager of the National Motor com
pany, waa a spectator at the . big race
yesterday and will arrive home tomorrow
"The terrific pace which waa maintained
for 600 miles In the race at Indianapolis
yesterday was a great demonstration of
tha strength now employed In the making
Winners in H.S.Golf Tourney
' 1 ' 'i '
; I 1 ?
- - . .
. 4 I
of automobiles and equipment," said Ler
Huff, manager of the Omaha branch of the
Nebraska-Bulck company. "Thla Is partic
ularly so with regard to the tires used, as
that is the part of the machine thai I
subjected, to the greatest strain. The light
nlng' speed r causes the tires to melt ii
many Instances and the brick track t
the Indianapolis speedway would brin
about conditions not exactly favorable.
"The faot that Sight out of ten wlnnln
cars were equipped with Mlchelln tin
Is abundant proof that they can "stanu
up" under the most trying circumstances.
Practically all of the trouble In these big
races Is caused by poor or defective tires
and the car that wins must have the best
"footing" In the world. The record made
by Mlchelln tires in this, the greatest of,
all motor racing events, lias never been
surpassed to my knowledge,"
George Vogelsong, who haa been assist
ant manager of the Omaha branch of the
E-M-F company for the last year left
with his wife for Indianapolis Sunday,
where they were spectators at the Memorial
day race yesterday. From Indianapolis
they will proceed to Columbus, O., where
Mr. Vogelsong will assume management of
an E-M-F agency.
Orleans Wins front Oxford
ORLEANS. Neb.. May 81. (Specials-Orleans
won a last and snappy game from
Oxford yesterday at Oxford. .Score
nlnff": R.H.B.
"'"'ans 0 1 0 I I f 0 U 2
Oxford ..........0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 00 . .
amterles: Orleans, Reynolds and Shoe
maker; Oxford, Bloom, McMerln and Elder.
. IHuwaci-Up.
1 . lr-r 1
Standing of Teams
W. L.Pct.
..22 12 .647
..23 14 .639
N'ew York ..26 14 .041
Philadelphia 26 15 .635
Sioux City
Pueblo ..
St. Joseph,
Omaha ..
..21 13
eUtChlcaxo .. ..23 16 .005
..20 13
.607 Pittsburg .. 23 17 .676
..ID aa 474 -t Louis
.. 1 18 .613
..17 21 .44
...14 26 .350
...10 21 .244
..17 10 .472idnclnnatl
..10 20 . 44 U Brooklyn
Dea Moines.. 6 32 .135 Boston
W. L.Pot.l
Kansas City 27 14 .61
Columbus ..27 17 .614
Minneapolis 24 24 . 500
Paul ....21 2 .511
Detroit 32 11 .744
Philadelphia 23 16 .6WJ
Boston 22 17 .601
Chicago .. ..19 17 .638
New York ..18 21 .463
Cleveland ...18 24 .420
Milwaukee ..22 24 .47S
Louisville ..20 26 .43o
Toledo 31 27
Indianapolis IS 27
a WashltiKton .14 2ti .360
,413 St. Loula ...14 28 .333
n d Island.
6 .6671 Falls City
8 8 .872
Beward ....
Hastings ..
Columbus .
Kearney ..
Superior ...
,. S
. s
. 8
S .625Clarlnda
t .683
6 .63
I .683
8 .833
7 .633
8 .6211
S .471
Neb. City.
8 .467
S .438
Shenandoah . 3
413 .260
1 Yesterday's Resnlta.
Pueblo-Sloux City) train delayed.
Lincoln, 8; St. Joseph, L
Philadelphia-Boston; rain.
! rooklyn-New York; rain.
Chlcago-Plttsburg; rain.
C nclnnatl. 2-8; St. Louis. 4-16.
New York, 2; Washington, 8; six Innings.
Milwaukee, 4; Kansas City, 5.
Minneapolis, s: cl ram, o.
Louisville, 2; Columbus, 8.
Indianapolis, 8; Toledo, 1
Fremont, 7; Columbus. 0.
Seward, 4; Superior, 1.
Kearney, 8; Grand Island, 7.
Hastings, 8; York. .
Maryvllle. E; Falls City, 4.
Shenandoah, 2; Clarlnda, 1.
Auburn, 8; Nebraska City, 2.
Games Today.
Western League Topeka ' at Omaha,
Pueblo at Sioux City, Lincoln at St. Jo
seph. Denver at Des Moines.
National League Cincinnati at Bt. ixuis
(2), Chicago at Pittsburg.
American League Detroit at Washing
ton, Cleveland at Philadelphia, St. Louis
at New York. Chicago at Boston.
American Association Indianapolis at Co
lumbus, Louisville at Toledo, Minneapolis
at Milwaukee. St. Paul at Kansas City.
Nebraska State League Seward at Su
perior, Hastings at York, fTemont at uq
lumbua. Orand Island at Kearney.
Mink Leaarue Maryvllle at Shenandoah,
Auburn at Vails City. Nebraska City at
Defeat Underwood Indiana by Score
I Ten to Two.
The Council Bluffs Merchants defeated
the Underwood Indians In a rather one
sided game at Athletlo park yesterday
afternoon by the score of 10 to 1 Score:
AB H O A B. Afl H.O.A
Olbaos, lb.. 4 0 4 1 1 Hagartj, lb.. 4 1 14 4
Pbllllpps, as. I I 1 I 1 Hudaa, It... 4 1114
Ulnlcua. lb.. I t 1 I I Tlmii. s I I I I I
B.aua rf 1 4 t I Scbueldsr, aa 4 I 1 4 I
Scaoiaa. If.. 4 111 Wllinott, It, I I II I
Ooir. cf I 1 I I Baonalt. 4 I 4 I 1
Wahl, lb.... I I I I 1 J-..TT, lb.... I 1111
Dulf. a 4 I 10 1 Ckarlaa, rf.. I I
Faunas, p. 4 14 14 StAm'k. u, I I I I I
Touts W U IT 14 I Totals It 4 14 10 4
Earned runs: Merchanta. (: Underwoods
L Bases on balls: Off Petersen, L off
Bennett. L Two-base hits: PhlillDDS. Bean
Ian, Ooff, Wahl. Hegarty. Home run
Hodge, tstruck out: By Petersen. 7: By
Bennett, a Double play: Uloaon to Wahl.
WUd pitches: h-etersen. X. Left on Paste:
Merchants, 8; Underwood, S. Umpire: Roy
Sinclair. Scorer: Beck. Time: 146.
Beatrice City Lensrne.
BEATRICE. May . (Sosolal ) The
Beatrioe City Baae Wall league opened here
yesterday for the season. In the first
game the tk-lasorbllls defeated the Bone-
heads U tit t and In the second same the
Noodles defeated the Doodles bv the score
of 7 to 3. These teams are composed al
most exclusively of business men of Bea
trice, and considerable friendly competi
tion Is being iuduid In between the mem
bers et the teams.
Columbus Takes Seventh Straight
Game from Louisville.
Lesaard Scatters Hits and la Well
Supported nt Critical Times
Colnmboa Bnnrhea Hits on
COLUMBUS, O.. May SI. It took Co
lumbus an hour and thirteen minutes to
get the seventh straight game of the sea
son from Louisville, Lcssard scattering the
hits and being well supported at critical
times. Seven of the eight hits Pflester al
lowed came bunched. Score:
D0LCDBV., . - LonsvtLi.g
AH H O A t. in HOAR
O'RwrKa, Ik) 0 0 I 0TUMn,n, I i T '
Hlnrhm n. If 4 1 I 4 0 Howar4, lb . 4 t 0 I 0
Conralton. rf 4 1 0 1 I l,nnox, lb..l I 0
Downa, lb... 4 114 0 Harden, rf.., 4 0 I 0 0
Perrtne. lb.. 4 I I 4 1 Or'ahai,. lb
Mahl ng, aa., I 1 I 4 1 Stanahurr. It I 4 I I
i.ZV. 1 ''"a ? J 2 5"nl". ' I I 0 0
B.mla 4 I 14 1 4 Hiiah.a. 1 I 1 0
Lassara. p... I III 0 Fneatar. p... I 1410
Tot... rtinn"i,r,,hr 11111
Batted for Fflester In ninth.
Loulsvllla . A.AAAA..
Columbus 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 3
ttioien ease: Downs. Sacrifice hit: Htane
bury. Two-base hits: Conglton, Odwell.
Stanley, nlinhi. ,,i .. ,-. . t 1 . . . ,
llng t Downa. Bases on balls: Off Issard.
3. Struck out: By Isswrd, 2; by Pflester. I.
': i ". umpires: uierhalter and Wed
dlge. Brewers Rally Falls.
cTr; Mv 31.-Tn the ninth
Inning Milwaukee for the first time showed
?h!r,h2 for. 1. few n1ln"t,,, It looked as
though the visitors would tie the score
VVIth one out they scored two runs, and
but Marshall's foul fly was taken bv Love
Kansas City winning, 5 to 4. Score:
AB.H.O.A.B. AH H n A
Barbs... lb. 4 I I I slt.aa.ii. ,f.AM ,A0 i
Oardnar, If.. 4 1 1 4 0 Charlea. lb.. I 1 1 I 1
Jf; ,b; 4 1 14 1 0 Jonas, lb 4 1 1 0 0
" 4 1 4 0 OMaloney. of.. I 14 0 0
Sulllcan. ef.. 10 14 0 Stona. If... 4 14 0 4
kr 0 0 0 Clark, lb.,.. I 10 10
rorrldon, sa. I t I I 6Lwla, aa.... ( Ills
Downay, lb.. I 4 11 0 Marahall, e.. I I S 1 0
O Connor, .. 4 0 4 I 0 Cutting, p. .. I 0 4 0 0
Rhoa4aa. p.. I 1 4 4 1 Nlrnnlaon. p. 1 0 0 0 0
B random, p., 0 S 0 0 0 Barrett, p.... 1 0 0 0 0
M l 1 ToUls 11 14 " 1
Ran for Sullivan In the eighth.
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 -6
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2-4
Two-base hits: BarBenu. Randall. Gard-
rw,i,JiX"b ht?.1e' M,llony- Home run:
Corridon. Sacrifice hits: Downey, Clark.
Stouen bases: Lewis, Marshall. Struck
wUht:By J-uti"K' 4: b Nicholson, li b
Hhoades. 4. Hits: Off Cutting, 8 In five
t(w-.thlra innings; off ""Nicholson
none in two and one-third lnnlnps; off
iirreii:hl?onln one inning; off Rhoadts,
J Z In ir nt anri nna.i UiA U..: - .
r. . vmvvimh, rum uatie on errorfl. Mil
KTfc?rVi,a.n"a1",C'tyi.1' r,H,t hy Stchers
iXtt J ...V01; on: ,by Rhoades. Stone,
s ViMeSi Milwaukee, ; Kansas City,
linger Umpires: Hayes and Ed-
Player Assaults Negro Fnn.
PAUL. May 31 -Miserable fielding
?na- Jn2haeI?fH,an,lIje.roy'" "ectlve pitch
ltig enabled St. Paul to make a three
straight from Mlnneopolla today by 8 to S
Catcher Dawson, of Minneapolis, went Into
the grandstand and assaulted a negro
Minneapolis players Jumped in to assist
Dawson Cantlllon striking the negro over
the head with a ball bat and Inflicting a
tVt? ,a5in,?,1,",e "'Parated the combat
ants and Catlllon was arrested, being
taken to the police staUon In an ambu
lance. Dawson escaped the officers and
boarded a street car for Minneapolis. Can
tlllon was charged with aasault and bat
tery, and released on ball. Soore:
AB.H.O.A.B. - . AB.H Oil
Clarke, M....0 0 I 4 B sTCmk. f 4 I I 0 b
Howard 1 a a A Ann, w . 7 T T .
----- . u,,,.a, . i a o o
Daleh'ntr, rf I 4 4 4 Crarath. If.. I 0 I 4 4
MoCTin'k, lb. I 0 1 0 4 Wllliama, lb. I 1 I I a
Autray, lb... I 4 I 1 I Roaaman, rf. I 1 1 4
Ralatoa, t-lt 4 114 4 Klllger, as.. 4 1111
Botlar, as.... I 111 1 Ferrla, lb.... 4 0114
Spancar, C....I IT 4 Smith, e 4 0 4 1 1
Howall, lb... 4 111 IFsastar, p.... 4 0 4 4 4
Lsrojr. p..v.. 4 I I I I . ' "
. . Totala It 4 14 14 4
ToUls II lilt I
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 03 02
St. Poul 00 I I 0 II I M
Two-base hlta: Delehanty. Stolen bases:
Delehanty, M. McCormlck. Ralston (8),
Gill. Bases on balls: Off Peaster, 7; off
Laroy, 8. Struck out: By Laroy, 8; by
Teaster, 2. Bases on balls: Spencer,
Smith. Wild pitch: Peaster. Balk:
Peaster. Saotrlflce fly: M. McCormlck,
Autry. Left on bases: St. Paul, 9; Mln-
nn nn I a B Tim. . -rvt
, ....... m.w. uuiyun. uneii
and Handlbee.
Blacked Bill Win.
TOLEDO. O.. Mav 31. Tolerln tnnV h
final game of the series with Indianapolis,
by bunching hits off Pitcher Schlltxer In
the sixth and seventh lnni n?s. rrn.a
figured importantly in both Innings. Soore:
-Damn xor juers in nintn.
AB.H.O.A.a. AB.H.O.A.I.
Nile, lb I I 4 I 1 Hallmas, rf. 6 I Q 4 I
Hlnabm's, lb I S I I 4 Woodruff, ef I 0 I I 0
Flick, H..... 4 1 4 4 4 MoCkrtr, If.. I 14 4 1
Hickman. If. 4 I 4 1 1 Houaar, lb... 4 I 10 I 1
Ho'nborat, lb I 1 I I 4 Oata, lb I 1 0 I 1
Burna ef.... 4 114 4 Hitter, s I 14 14
Bronkla, aa.. 4 4 11 4 Wllliama, lb. 4 1 I I 0
Adams, s 4 Oil 1 Mow., aa...., 4 4111
Baakatts, p.. I 1 I 0 4 Schlltaer, p.. I 4 1 I I
. Mara, p 4 0 4 0 0
Totals 13 ID I !Ckrlsck .... 1 0 4 4 4
Total tt I 14 II I
Toledo :....0 0 0 1 0 S40 -S
Indianapolis 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 03
horst. Bases on balls: Off Baskett. 1; off
Bonutzer, l. Btrucx out: uy Bennett, 5
Mars. 1: Schlluer. 7. Hits: Off Schlitser.
seven In six Innings; off Mers, none In two
1 i
lit! rV ii
1 ":
B. V. D.
These Loose Fitting
Coat Cut Undershirts,
Knee Length Drawers
and Union Suits are
foremost in comfort and
utmost in quality. They
cool your body and c aim'
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ThUt Red Wore LeoeS
,T. D. Union Suite
(Pt. 4 o or) 11.00,
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o.uu a suit.
(TV iter Jbg. V. S. Jss.
ta arwad oa Mry . V. D. Uadaraaxmaot. T.U MussViinkat
mmmwm ua
The B. V. D.
innings. Time: 1:67. Umpires. Chill and
Fergus, n.
C. B. Rvana of tkleago Defente "Id
nry Fry Fonr I p and Three
to Piny.
PRESTWICK, Scotland, May 31. Charles
E. Evafta, Jr., Of Chicago, In the British
amateur golf championship tournament, to
day worked his wsy Into the group of
sixteen players left In the fifth round. In
the fourth round this morning he defeated
Sidney Fry, of the Royal North Devon
club, by 4 up and 3 tn play.
Fry Is consider d one of the strongest
players In the United Kingdom.
The sensstlon of the morning was the
defeat of John Ball, seven times winner
cf the British amateur title by a com
paratively outsider, R. W. Crummack, of
the Lytham club, by 4 up and 2 to play.
H. L. Gaw of Philadelphia, who Is en
teted from Lake Como.'was beaten In the
fourth round by Lionel Munn of the Royal
Dublin Oolf club, by i up and 1 to play.
When It's too hot to do without an elec
tric fan In your office or home call up
Douglas S6 and we will send It at once.
All stylos and sixes. Prices to suit. Keep '
cool. Alamo Engine and Supply Co., 1113
t arn am.
Mink League Gossip r-
With Bulger Walsh on eecbnd base Mary
vllle haa an Inticlder that, fight bard for
a game.
Manacer Morgan of Clarlnda was called
home last Satuiday on account of sickness
of his brother.
It looks like Clarlnda Is taking great
pi Me In Its club this sesson the way the
town turned out on the opening day.
Kelly, one of Nebraska City's catchers,
had his right hand split In last Thursday's
game and will be out of the game for
some time. . ,
McNeil, the fast little third baseman of
Falls City, is one of the bst Imae runners
In the Mink league and at present leads
the league In stolen bases.
Catcher Diets of Maryvllle, who haa been
laid up with a bad finger since the season
opened, Is back In the game afcalrt and the
Maryvllle fans are rejoicing.
Smlthson, who was with the Humboldt
la. semi-professional club last season Is
with Clarlnda this season Is one o'the best
left-handed pitchers In the Mink jngue.
Hagerty of Shenandoah Is the ft -nan
In the Mink league to be fired the
ump.. He got abusive to Umpire Q.x. a at
Auburn last week and It cost him .. fine.
Hlcklln, who la called "Home Run" Hick
lln by tho Nebraska City fans has now
started his hitting and chances are that
he will give Mann a Jiard run for mat
batting honor.
Dan Knee, manager of the Nebraska City
team, who hus been laid up with a bad
leg since the season opined, says that It
won't be long before he will be In the
game again.
Free, who comes from Manning, la., and
who had a try out with Sioux City last
spring at short, is filling that position for
Auburn again this season and filling the
bill with credit.
Bobby Miller Is without a doubt one of
Nebraska City's main-stay pitchers. They,
usually figure rn him going In and break
ing up a batting rally and he generally
comes through with It, too.
Harmony. Clarinda's gritty little catcher,
was badly Injured tn Inst Friday s game at
Nebraska City, but after a few minutes of
waiting pluckily took hi place behind tke
bat and received a big hand from the 300
people presont.
Seoor the little left-handed pitcher of
Maryvllle, has got everything that will
make him a comer. Experience Is what he
needa, and. If the management will give
him a chance,' there Is no question but
what he will make good.'
Kranlnger of Auburn 4s -without a doubt
one of the beat backstops in the Mink
league. He not only knowa how to aettle
the pitchera, but he knowa how to settle
tne wnoie team and Auburn surely mlsaes
him when he is out of the game.
Wlnts Is back In the gams aguln on third
base for Maryvllle. Last season ha had
the same run of hard luck, getting hurt
right pn the start, end It hurts the club
when he Is out of the game 'as he Is a
good hitter, ranking second in the league
last season.
When Mayfleld of Clarlnda stepped to
the plate In the first game at Nebraska
City last Thursday he was called gslds bv
Umpire Sage and presented with a gold
ring given to him by his many admirers
of Nebraska City, as he was with Nebraska
City last season
In the game last Friday at Nebraska
City. Clarlnda had sixteen men left on
bases. Five different times they had the
bases full and one man gone and then
didn't pcore; It was simply a matter of
hard luck for Clarlnda, many times pop-ups
and fly balls retiring the side.
Burch of Clarlnda1 has got more speed
than any man in the Mink league. He
conies from Kid Nichol's team of Kansas
City, and, with a little more experience,
will make a good man. In last Friday's
game w ith Nebraska City he at ruck nut -
ten men and let them down with four hits. '
Mann, the star outfielder of the Nebraska
City club, Is certainly coming with the
stick. Up to Sunday he was hitting .470
In eight games. He has hit out five home
runs. In two different Instances he won
the game for his team by his timely home
run drive. His fielding has been almost
The Maryvllle fans shook hand with each
other when they were notified by President
Carey that they could use their star out
fielder, D Camp, who wua drafted by Des
Moines last season and sent back to them
for another season. As It Is against the
Mink league constitution to use a plaver
from any other higher class league after
the Mink season opens this matter was
taken up v the board and Maryvllle was
given pei evasion to use him.
i-rsb vun
B. V. D. Coat Cot Un.
derehtrte ensf Knee
. a .sal
Sl.sO a garni t.
Of. sW Fmtn Coesarist
Company, .
mm 7
i -i