TIIF, BEE: OMAIIA, THURSDAY, JUXE 1. 1011. quct Waist UUehSsi A8" r s s -m v i Mi'' Mr Mar Sartlne; M is waist U S S -m V 1 Athletts - '1 sxerclss does not change It position IE only POSITIVELY NEW Idea In waist for rears. Ideal for the wardrobe of the Summer 6lrl. ' Causing quit a sensation among the fastidious. Belt adjusts itself. - Conforms to the figure even while you exercise. Tou can play golf, tennis; Indulge In any vigorous outdoor sport, canoeing, boating, also for house wear; etc., and still retain your fresh, dainty appearance ... i - Made la Pure Irish Linen, Including black patent leather ' " ' belt with gold plated buckle and black silk tie. In all ' white, and white with colored cuffs and collar 1.75. ' rtofirs OWN STOM s si f Bl 1 I i s, 12 n 1518-1520 FAKNAM STREET CORPORATIONS ARE IN DANGER Many Seek to Evade Tax' Levied by State of Nebraska. NO WHOLESALE PROSECUTIONS Defsaet Csneeras II4 t . LUt, bat Ltva Oaea Will Hit to rac Mart la Caart. tlon was made because .. tha corporation feared penalties would bo Imposed. . '"Then It wai your Judgment," sug gested Mr. EeaU, . "Unit notwithstanding the fact . that tha government had access to a memOrtndum book ahowlng tha real weight of sugar Imported and ' to booka showing fraudulent "weight. If tha govern ment Itad attempted to collect tha penalties there waa strong probability of failure?" 'qfca; Mr. .Ayidterahatn answered. "It Vas sufficiently., dubious to make It Inex pedient to go on. I Ihink the 13.000.000 settlement Was tha best possible arrange, ment." . ' '-f ' . Tha attorney general denied that there ' waa any agreement preventing criminal prosecuting .:-. . , - - ' "That right' ha said, "was specifically reserved to tha government." IOWA DEMOS GOING NORTH Hundred from Hawkeye State Will - Visit St. Paul. FIGHT OVER DIAMOND , v MAY END IN MURDER Negro la Held tor' Assa.lt with Ia tcat to Kill -HI Victim la Dyla. , A charge-of ' assault with intent to kill has - been filed against W. B. Dobbin, negro,' S537 ' Patrick ' avenue, as tha result of a quarrel with Pearl Thompson, negro, 2S16 Patrick avenue..,? . '. . Thompson la aaid 'to be dying from a blow on tbs head Inflicted with a revolver by DobblnsT, iV-..?. . " . . The quarrel started over tha ownership it a diamond. .DEATH RECORD V- - .j . ...... - W(IUV V SlMehell. " ' t BRADSHAW,' Neb.t MSy Sl.-Spfecial.J-i- The funeral o Wlljlam P. Mitchell, Vhioh took, plaoq at the farm borne of bis brother, Charles, this' afternoon, was one of th f largest ever held In this vicinity, tha de ? teased having" ' beeft, t6rn and brought up J Th j ' to Ch V' ' Mrs . In this county and was M years old when I .'lie came to hla death by an accident' in a 4 'stamp mill last Wednesday at Tellurlde, , :tColo., where he waa foreman. Tha deceased ; leave a wife of a little over a month's I marriage a father -and three brothers. Mrs. D. In ParUkarat re. D. L. Park hurst. 87 yeara old, wife commission dealer of prominence In ouuii) miliaria, oieu at nfr num., m orto 1 Twenty-first street, South Omaha, Wednee- 1 day morning. She la survived by her hus- band, Dt Li Parkhumt. senior member of i the firm, of Parkhurst Ihnen, and two '". daughters, Mrs. . Gertrude Pollard and lira V ISffio Lake. '.. '' ' ' I . Mrs. UsHks Us Collett. ; FAIRPIELD. Neb., May SI. (Special.) j . Mrs. Martha Jane Collett of Hastings, . formerly of Fairfield, died on Saturday, X Hay tl, aged, 67 yeara -Tha body was In terred in tha Fairfield cemetery. John Vaaaaaa Clark. CHICAGO, May Jl.-John Vaughan 1 Clark, president f the Hibernian Banking I association, died here today from pneu i. monla, aged 4& .rears. . - W. L. EATON IS CBITICA1LY ILL Former Railroad Commlsaioaer aad Speaker llriekes wltk Heart blaease Fremont Coaple Takea 111. (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' DE3 MOINES, May, JO. (Special Tele gram.) A large delegation ' of democrats from all parta of Iowa left this evening for St. Paul to attend a conference of the democrats 'of tha northwestern states to be held there to decide on plans for the campaign of 1911 Chairman Reed of the state committee, ' Judge Wade, member of the national committee, and many party leader, will be of tha party. They insist that theVs will be at least a hundred Iowa democrats at tha conference. They are not agreed upon any plan of action " or in support of any candidate or policy. W. L. Baton Stricken. Dr. Priestley retumad today from Osage, where he was called to attend tha bedside of V.L. Baton, fofmer railroad commis sioner and former speaker of tha Iowa house, who' last week was stricken with heart trouble.. H had Just returned from California. It Is regarded doubtful if . he can live.; '''.'" ' , , ;.s'-- . , , 81eter Only nrne.,. Mies Jennie Johnson "of BioomfleioT, Neb.', was the sole mourner at the funeral of Ttx sister here today. She arrived last night and saw that a proper funeral waa given. She declared also that she knows that sn Omaha man Ib responsible for tha death of the woman and he will bo prosecuted. Nebraska Veterans 111. An aged : veteran, Thomas Welch, of Fremont, . Neb., and hla wife were dia cOvered by charity workers In a covered wagon, both seriously 1U. Th local Grand Army of the Republic was notified and Welch and hla Wife were given immediate oar. Although too 111 to explain. It la believed that th aged couple undertook the long Journey overland for tha benefit' of their health and that the sudden changes of weather, superinduced by the physical debility dus from old age have caused each to become 111 from the effects of pneu monia. Freight Rata Complaint. Interstate Commerce commission ex aminers will be hers on Friday of this week to hear four complaints on freight rates Instituted by E. G. Wylie, rats com missioner for the greater Pes Moines committee. Schedules which are under firs ar those on pepper from New York, broom corn from Texas and Oklahoma, buggies from eastern dtles and print paper from Green Bay, Wis., and Chicago. . , Tha Key to tha Situation Be Want Ada. LINCOLN, Neb., May . (Special.) Tha list of Nebraska corporations delinquent for not paying their corporation taxea, which haa been certified by the secretary of state to th attorney general's offloe for prosecution, will probably start some thing, but hardly the wholesale criminal prosecutions Indicated on the face of the returns. Under the law tha charters of corporations that do not pay up become self -forfeited, and those who continue to do business unlawfully under a corporate name are subject, on conviction, to fine and Imprisonment. - An Omaha man who was sxamlnlng the list of delinquents for Omaha declares that room will be found for but few criminal prosecutions. There may be some, be says, like the Hartman Furniture sompany; the Hynes' Grain company, ths Monarch Acetylene company and a few automobile companies thst have been trying to get away from paying their taxes, but most of ths others ax defunct, as well as de linquent. Ths Rome Miller corporations, which lnolude tha Millard Hotel company, h.ve been legally dissolved, aad the Omaha Horse Railway company belongs to the antiquarians, while still others like the Cook Shoe company and the Balduf f Pur Candy company have been wiped out by creditors. By checking the list lip care fully ths attorney general's task Will bs simplified, and perhaps resolved into mak ing a few test cases. - Omaha Dellaqaeata. Ths delinquent corporations in Omaha as certified by ths secretary of state la as follows: Abbott Realty company. t American investors' corporation. American Trade Printing company. Aero Club of America. ' Abbott-Kltch company. Barton Printing company. Bakaska Construction company. Balduff Pure Candy company. Hergera' Autnmoblle company. The Barker company. , Co-Operatlve Lyceum bureau. Cook Shoe company. Crlohton Publishing company. Charles F. Shaw company. a ... Chabot Shoe company. Consumers' Ice and Coal company. Courtney company. Farm Magasine Publishing company. W. C. Fleury company. General Construction company. Greater Omaha Athletto club. -Hynes' Grain company. . Hartman Furniture and Carpet company. C. B. Havens & Co. . . J. A. Hutton & Co. Hugh McCaffery. Hayes' Electric Manufacturing company. Hong Kong Tea company. Interstate Brewing company. Independent Auto Repair company. Koenig-Arnold company. Kerr Abstract company. Katx-Cralg Contracting company.. Henry Lehman & Sons. Millard Hotel company. : X.. Miller Hotel company. Mills' Real Estate company. . . Mercantile Incorporating company. ' ,. Monarch Acetylene company. Merrtam & Holmqutst. Midland ' Investment company, Martin A Martin. Midwest Specialty company. Miller Med IcaJ company. Monroe-Lilly Engine company. National Refining company. Kebraxka Milk Pasteorlser company. New Snow-Church company, i National Brokerage company. - National KKg Sterilising company. Nebraska Coal and Lime company. Omaha lighting Fixture company. .V Omaha Ga Kngine company. . , . Omaha Mercantile company. .V Omaha Mitten Manufacturing company. OrntUia Horse Railway company ., .. Oraalia Ink company. ' , Omaha Automobile company. Peters-Edholm Supply bompany. v Pollard-Campbell Dredging company. Prexs and College League of America. J. H. Roberta, Roberta Grain company. Rollers company. , F. T. Roberts & Co. .' Red Men Building association. Sttvenson Roofing company. . . , Sharp Automatic Tool company. Sweet-Edwarda Automobile company. Standard Automobile company. Swan Land company. . Southern Coal and Supply company. Standard Produce company. Vnlted States Live Stock company. Western Chemical Reduction company. . Western Cigar factory. West Shore Electt lo Railway company. - Wurn Optical company. . Western Tinware . Manufacturing com pany. Tbs Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. Scholarship for Sloaz City Student. IOWA CITY, . Is., . May 81. (Special.) Victor J. Hays of Bloux City, has been awarded s, scholarship la animal biology at the University of lows. A stipend of llfiO attaches. Inanrsrent Fnnds Mlaslmar. BAN PI EGO, May tl. The aum of 8,000 is reported to nave disappeared rrom tna rebel treaaury at Tijuana, lower California. "General" C. Rhya Pryce. commander of me rorce wnirn captured the town, and Adjutant Hopklna could not be found in Tijuana today and no one there could say where they were. Garry Herrmann Here; Elks" Show Him Town and Enjoys Banquet Grand Etalted Ruler in Omaha Last Evening; and Elki Show Him lively Time. Garry Herrmann, grand exalted ruler of tha Elks, the high court of appeals In the National base bait league, and former prealdent of the National Bowling associa tion. Is In' Omaha. H arrived last night and will remain until t o'clock this after noon when he wilt go to Council Bluffs. Mr. Herrmann was met at the station at 4:45 o'clock last night by a large dele gation of th Omaha lodge, B. P. O. E., and several exalted rulers from over th state. He was quickly rushed to an auto mobile and conveyed to tha Paxton hotel where a reception waa given for him by the Omaha' Elka. Thoae who met Mr. Herrmann, at the train were: Harry C. Moss, exalted ruler, and district deputy from Hastings; C. C. Spangler, exalted ruler of the Lincoln lodge; E. R. Rains, exalted ruler of Fairbury lodge; Dan But ler, Robert Patrick, R. W. Miner, R. O. Mossmer, J. X. Kaajar, L. B. Van Camp, C, A. Lewis and C. F. Coad of Omaha. At S:!W last night a banquet was given in honor' of the visiting Elk and a short talk was made by him, congratulating Omaha on ths growth of ths city sines his last visit hers several years ago. At 1:30 a special sesalon of tha Elka waa held at which several hundred Elka were In at tendance. Visiting Elks from ail over the stats were In attendance at ths fneet Ing. Following ths meeting a social session wss held which lasted Into th wee stna' hours of the morning and It waa ail Garry, at ths session. He made a long talk to ths members present at tha meeting which waa responded to by membera of the Omaha lodge and exalted rulera from lodgea over ths state. 1P10. 607.717 17,477 841.013 2.S.-.6 8,781 m s.oss 4,2X2 ' 26.91 2S.659 41.671 25,54 22,155 66.316 12,766 23.375 1911. 633.902 8,061 201.2S4 4.112 i4J 1.244 1.237 6,836 4.272 36.M7 169 13,123 18,070 16,883 .m 195.203 10.441 13,669 Imports Keceived x at Interior Ports Eeceipti at Omaha in April Nearly Three Times as Great as Same t - ' Month Last Year. WASHINGTON, D. C, May tWSpcial.) r-The monthly summary of Imports for April and ten months ending with April, lust Tiued by ths government bureau of statistics, contains ths following figures: April Imports. Detroit, Mich Duluth. Minn No. and So. Dakota.... Sandusky, O. Atlanta, Ga..; Chattanooga, Tenn.v... Council Bluffs, la...... Pes Moines, Ie. ..-.... Dubuque, la...... ....... Grand Rapids, MJch.... 'Knoxvllle. enn Lincoln, Neb .... Louisville, Ky Memphis, Tenn... Nashville, Tenn..,..... Omaha. Neb. St. Joseph. Mo Sioux City, - la ,v.-. Ten Months- tending April. .; ' . ; . i Importe. ' . 1910. : " Detroit, Mich. 4--IE.973,851 Duluth, Minn..... ...... 171,829 No. and So. Dakota.... 2.174. 8H Sandusky, O. ............ 44,806 Atlanta, Ga...; 145 942 Chattanooga. Tenn 39,439 Council Bluffs. Ja.... 22..035 Des MoLnes, lav, 90,777 Dubuque. Ia... . 47.4S8 Grand Rapids, Mci),, -815.840 Knoxvllle, Tenpu.,-." .6.666 Lincoln. - Ntb. ..,.'...',- 74.4" Iyoulsville, Ky. 619.259 Memphis, TenST. .....w..', 2S4, 216 Nashville, Tenn...'.....i ' 72,044 Omaha, Ner....... , 3,32 St. Joseph Mo,...'...,.. 263,686 Sioux City, la 48.466 Automobile Damage , Suits Are Settled Owner of Car 'Which Injured Several Personi on Huron Tair Grounds Compromises with Plaintiffs. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., May Jl. (Special.) Damage suits aggregating 120.000, which were the result of an automobile running Into and Injuring several people on the stats fair grounds at Huron last fall, have been adjusted out of court and the suits, which were Instituted in ths stats circuit court of Sanborn county, accordingly have been dismissed. The defendant In the actions was C. B. Calllhan, a prominent and wealthy resident of Artesian, whose son was running the automobile at ths time ths people were Injured. After the accident Mr. Calllhan personally looked after the Injured persona and had them provided with medical as sistance at his expense, doing 'everything possible to show his regret that anyone should have been Injured by his auto. Ths reaching of a settlement out of 1911. $6,353. 33 " 461.45 " J,66H.K78 48,453 24a,iw 50.212 , 81,986 76,788 80.291 877.6ol 13,648. 67,631 693.186 196,171 ' 74,913 674.464 189.947 48,911 ' ' yg?.' .' v 11 Look for this Sign on Leading Garages You cannot know what a good tire is un til you try a Michelin properly inflated NEBRASKA-BUICK AUTO COMPANY, 1912 Farnam St., bmahi is 1 M Lasting :s The ywedding gift articles found in our display are more than appropriate. Fully as Important, they are last ing. They endure not for a day or a week, but for a life time, thus forming a, perma nent remembrance. Don't Merely BuyInvest Albert Edholm Jew ler ' 1 6th u V Harney , court averted what without doubt would have been one of ths hottest legs.1 battles in ths history of ths stats circuit court of Sanborn county, as Mr. Calllhan had prepared to fight. the damags suits to tht last ditch. t . RAIN AND HAIL AT MANAWA THAT DID NOT HIT OMAHA Heavy . Precipitation Across Illver Falls to Stop Fan of Bi . Crowds A heavy rain and hall drove people into ths pavilions and other shelter st Manawa ths middle of yesterday afternoon, but failed to spoil the day. There wss a crowd In ths afternoon and another in the evening and Manager Barnet estimated tha attendance at from 15,000 to 18,000. Ths ball room was thronged In ths afternoon and again In the evening and ' not ths slightest of accidents marred ths enjoyment. Disgraceful Conduct of liver and bowels, in refusing to act. Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's Life Pills, 25o. For sals by, Beatoa Drug Co. III II WITH the coming of magic June, comes also the new and beautiful Soda Fountain down stairs in the Sherman & McConnell store at Sixteenth and Dodge. As the tired cara . van trailed through, the desert's dust to the almost worshipped spot of green and water, so the tired Nebraskan will come to seek "Sodoasis" as the shrine of refreshment. All day Thursday we will dispense liquid joy, adding floral souvenirs to ladies. , v Omaha is invited to resale and refresh itself, and with that smug satisfaction that goes with possessing the best anywhere. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. J Absolutely Pure .BottledittBontl 6 CVV YEARS OLD SinoolK MelW Rich IIJ V . in,.. "a EstaBHsBd 5loce,17B0' mm Courtney &Go ., Distributors Omaha, Neb. .; '.vDrs'lybn'! PERFECT Toofh Poivdcr cleanses, preserves and beauti fies the teeth, prevents tooth dfccay and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. Boautiful Tcoth There srs but fsw people who bars teem. Good teats, svsryone islgbt have If Uisy would go to Dr. Bradbury. Tft. sulcseat, earnest and laasi painful are loe oaly metbods employed by us sad sundrada of our patients, both - In and eut of tbs city, will gladly tall you about Uio good dental work and our up-to-date waya of doing things. Crown, and bridge work from t&.OU par tooth. Platea that fit frora 4 OS to lit is. Painless extrac tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed without burling you. Work waranted tea years. OB. ERADSURY, THE DE3TIST IT Tsars ISO raraaa iVoeattoB, VhOBS D. 17SA Eat N Sundgren8 Malted mik Bread Children Need Healthy Energizing Food Malted sEla Bread gives rest to the child s appetite because It la aa near predicated as It la pos sible to tn-tUe bread and It Is therefore easil) and quickly as similated and bunt Into new tis sues. It tastes as good ss it looks. Try It. . So sad 10s pes &osf. SUNDGREN'S BAKERY Save ths Isabels They're Valuable 780 Bouta asta St. Phones I Uarney 363: Ind. A-1381T fresh Every Day at YourLirocer's. IP 3XS35 LJjnuis HEAVY HAULING SAFE HOISTING J A SPECIALTY - i " 1818 FARNAM STREET Phone Douglas 853 " Residence) Harney 4283 AMUSEMENTS. BASE BALL OMAIIA vs T0PEKA JUNE 12"':" ROURSvEPAREC rriday, Jnos a, Ladies' Day . OAUE3 CALLED 3:45 Cars leave iSUt and rarnam st 3:30. iTrTT?f?nTat?riTiOTsi TOSIGHT, PXXDAT, gATTTBDAT ' Batnrday Matinee. Th. Orsatsat XCusloal Vomedy Institution In the World ZIEGFELD REVUE FOLLIES OF 1910 ' : - and 75 A ST IT A HELD OIKLS. Hlghta, 60o. $1. 11.60, a. Mat, quo, $1, t.60 June 7, 8, Kirs. risXe. Beats oa Bale. OMAilA'SI (LlliAL LLOYD INGRAHAM JoJV' t ust 'i'luie In any Omaha '1 healer of ESS?. THE RETURN OF EVE Aa Played Over tha Shnbert Clroalt TJvf s. an 4 aan. Mat., le-asoj few a 35s Vues Thnrs. and Vat. Mats- loo-aue (Sunday) lurael ZangwlU's World-wide read story, THE Wh-LTlNa PUT. tfeal selling. - ' . Hotel Rome Summer Garden Moving Pictures ; Six-Piece Orchestra :: - Coolest l'lace In Omaha. 8:30 Every Eveuing JO Cent Big Reduction Sale Starts Saturday, June 3d Coat and Pants to Order IS? IS $17.50 We must reduce our big stock ot woolens and trimmings before invoicing time. Those who order early have their choice of aa lm mense selection of blue serges, plain and fancy gray worsteds, taus in worsteds and Saxonies, and some nice blacks. Every coat lined with good alpaca lining. Every garment guar anteed perfect In fit and style. , Walt for tbis sale. It begins Saturday at 8:00 A. M. - .. HacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-806 South 18th St., Five Steps South of Farnam. ' 3E 1t'a'7 fT"" i 1