aily Bee The Gmaha OUR MAGAZINE FEATURES Wll. humor, Mr t ion aM romlo plrtare. the l.r.t f entertain- VOL. XL NO. 20S. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska urc-t M -1. For Iow Oenprally fa I r. OMAIIA, TIIUKSIUY XIOBSIXO, JIJKE 1. 19U-TWELVE PACKS. sixou: coi'V two cents. D 1 1 1 r 7 i r MLLUOADiVDKES hugeuon: sue Great Northern Execute Securing Six Hundred Dollar!' Worth of Pa LARGE PROJECTS IN PRO V' v Will Take Up Gold Bonds Amounwng to Half of Sum. MAY TAKE OVER THE C, B. & 0.. I i Officials Say Will Be Separated from Northern Pacific. MERGER IS CONSIDERED LEGAL IIIU Reports dte Hare Been Merely Waltlait , t utu Time Wonld Be PropttlOns for ('nniimmi tlen of arh Deal. BT. PAUL. May 31 A motive that Is strongly augmented here of a railroad op eration on the scale of the Northern 8e uurltles company was announced by J. J. Hill, chairman of the Great Northern Hall way company today when In a typewritten statement he announced the execution of a $JO,OuO,000 flnt and refunding mortgage to secure bonds for the Great Northern and Chicago, Burlington tt yulncy railroads. The statement follows: "The Great Northern Railroad company as of data May 1, has executed Its first and refunding mortgage, securing a total authorized issue of tauO.uuO.OOO bonds. "The slfe o( the mortgage la explained by the fact that outstanding obligation of the company which are to be refunded amount approximated to (33,000,000. In cluded, however, In the figures last named by the fact that outstanding obligations of the company on the Uurllngton joint fours maturing in 1921 and aggregating trs.400.0o0. Covering a future of fifty years, approxi mately 1270,000.000 In bonds therefore will will be available for general corporate pur poses, double tracking and additional mile age. Since Its beginning thirty-two years ago, the' Great Northern bas expended between $&0.000,000 and t400.000.OUO out of the capital and earnings. The provision made for the future, In - consideration of the rapidly , growing country which Great Northern lines serve, would seem lntelli-1 gently conservative. 'The railway company evidently has made ample financial provision to enable It to keep Its facilities aad extensions equal to all demands that ay rapidly growing country may make on It and at the same time, to maintain the highest and most ef ficient standard of service. Future Uwu ance of bonds against property acquired la safeguarded by the restrictions usually found In mortgages of this kind. The Issue of $000,000,006 In bonds by tbs Great Northern as announced by Chair man J. J. Hill moans that a number of large projects are la prospect, according to a prominent official, woo by reason of hla Intimate knowledge ef affairs declined to a,ilor-hia dame, to k used. -, first it means this taking; up of 330.000,00 of gold bonds ef the Great Northern, in eluding f&2.uC.0t In bunds of the Burling ton roa4. tor which the Great Northern is responsible. ' According 'to this "official, it also means that the Great Northern will take over the 'Chicago, Burlington tt Qulncy railroad, separating It from the Northern Pacific In view of the recent opinions of the United Ftetee supreme court In defining "reasonable restraint." it Is thought a mer ger of the Great Northern and the Burling ton railroads will be deemed a legal mer ger. The fact that Mr. Hill has been plan ning on acquiring absolute control of the Burlington, releasing the Northern Pacific of Its responsibility and control of that line, has been a matter of common gossip for some time. It has been reported that he was simply waiting until the time would be propitious for the consummation of surh a deal. That time Is now quickly approaching. It mar he two or three years before It can be carried through successfully, but that It la under way Is regarded as certain by thuse who have been watching the trend of events. WRECK ON MICHIGAN CENTRAL NEAR RIDGET0WN, ONTARIO 1 DETROIT. Mich., May 31. Train wreck ers are blamed by the Michigan Central railroad officials for the wrecking today ol west-bound passenger train No. 9 a mile east of IUdgetown, Ont. Spikes and fish plates wrre removed from the track. En gineer Quintan and Fireman Oakes were killed, but no passengers were Injured. The Weather FOR NKTOtAKK A Unsettled. FOR lOWA-Fatr. Tempera tare at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. I a. m cs S a. m T a. m S a. m I a. m 10 a. m... 11 a. m 71 13 ro 74 1 p. m 74 S p. m 78 t p. m 7 4 p. m 7s ( p. m 79 p. m 7 7 p. m 7 (.wsuparallve Loeal Record. s mi. ma i!-e. i. Ilixhsst veslerday 7 "i M 65 laest today U f M Mesn leniiwrature s Precipitation T T .a Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature Ksie.- for the day To'.al ies wince March 1 7 , 4 Xk .U Inch l Inch SI Inches i il Inches 41 inches 3 1 inches T P. St. Noiusal precipitation IVflcieary f-r the day ......... Total rainfall since March 1... lfk-leiK-y since March 1..... I teftciriicy for tor. penud. 1WO Deficiency fur cor. period, lis. ttsrs tram Staftoaa at Station and State Temp. High' of W rather. I p. ro. est Rsln- fill T .01 ."1 .o .01 ."0 .00 Davenport, clear J4 71 In-over, cloudy Is Moinee, liear Dodae City, cloudy....... lender, rain North plane, cloudr.... Omaha, clear pueblo, cloudy p.spld City, cloudy sail i-aae City, cloudy. tant Fe. rain fc..ri,tn ........ . 7 7 M Tt r: 7 M s; M M Mious City, part cloudy.... 7S Vslesllne. part riouaj.. T ,Dd,, 'lrii' r--tsr. (vow hvoT?) 0 General Reyes Will Return to Mexico Soon Message from Son of Former Vice President is Received by Madero. Jl'AFtEZ. Mexico, May 31 General Ber nardo Reyes will return to Mexico within a few days, according to a telegram from Adolfo Reyes, his son, who Is at Mexico City, to Francisco I. Madero, Jr., today. Tho m'!i'aKe ' cienere pathy with the principle! I Heyes Is In Byrn es of democracy In Mexico. Messages today to Penor Madero report the election of Jose Maytorena as gov ernor and Kugenlo Gayou as vice governor of the state of Honors, both Maderists. The legislature of Plnaloa. It was reported today, has elected Dr. Knrlque Gonsales, also selected by Benor Madero The following message was received from Ambroslo Flgueroa. rebel leader of the south, and It is believed to have been In spired by the reading of newspaper ac counts of an alleged plot to bribe him Francisco I. Madero. Juares, Mexico: beg you to accept the pledge of my loyalty and respect and my gratefulness of your published declaration concernisg me. The people of the state of Guerrero and I w"l be at your service, for you are a patriotic general and chief. Vr AMBROSIO FIGUEROA. Telegrams from former rebel chiefs In the state of Sonora stats that the .Taqui Indians have been persuaded to lay down their arms and that conditions In the state were peaceful. At the City of Chihuahua and surround ing districts socialist supporters of Flores Mason are raid to be creating trouble. A force of troops Is to be dispatched against them. CASAS GRANDE8, May 81. (Via El Paso, May 31.) Pasual Orosco and 1,000 armed Insurrectos left here last night for Chihuahua. Insurrecto troops are to take charge of the state capital. TUCSON, AH... May 31.-General Luis Torres former governor of Sonora, and Colonel Francisco Chiapas, late prefect of Montexuma, left Tucson last night for Los Angeles. General Torres has started his private secretary, Knrlque Cortes, for Mex ico City, to ascertain for him whether he may later return with safety to his home in Hermoslllo. Colonel Chiapas, said to be responsible for the execution of the In surrecto leader, Taiamantes, and his two sons, expects to remain In exile. Mrs. "Jack" Cudahy Wants the Divorce Case Reopened Sayt She Wants Decree Modified So as to Gire Her Custody of the Children. KANSAS CITT, May ' Sl.-The "Jack" Cudahy divorce case Is to be reopened, if Mrs. Edna Cudahy. who returned from Cal ifornia to her home here today can Induce tho courts to pass again apon the matter. Mrs. Cudahy obtained a divorce from her husband following a sensational quarrel her husband bad with J era 14111a, a banker, at the Cudahy home about a year ago. "I have no desire to have the divorce annulled.' sal? Mrs. Cudahy, "but I must have my four dear children, back. My plan of action is not definitely decided yet. I am consulting my attorn, rs." Bryan Says Martin is Friend of Lorimer Makes Charge that Minority Leader in the Senate Would Help Out Illinois Man, LINCOLN, Neb., May Sl.-W. J. Bryan. In a declaration which will be published here tomorrow, charges Minority Leader Martin, of the United States senate, with attempting to secure a committee favora ble to Senltor Lorimer to Investigate the legality of the Illinois senator's election. Mr. Bryan says: "The unholy alliance which Senator Martin is trying to make to aid the Lori mer republicans Justified the opposition made to him by progressive democrats when he was selected leader. Hla leader ship consists In leading those who follow him Into the standpat republican net. His effort to justify putting the new Lorimer Investigation Into the hands of a nine to sis Lorimer commute as his resolution proved was absurd. The sooner his leader ship Is repudiated the better for the demo cratic party." Missouri Pacific Buys Steel Rails President Bush Announces the Pur chase of Fifty Thousand Tons No Double Track Now. ss : - CS ! KANSAS CITT, May SI. & F. Bush. te I president of the Missouri Pacific Railway 4 : company, said today that he had bought s I W.OU) tons of new rails for the road. We are going to use some of them on the line south of Pleasant Hill, Mo., and some of them In Kanaas. Fifty thou sand tons of rails will lay about SjO miles of single track," aald President Bush. When will you double-track the St. Louis line?" he was asked. Ws will be glad to do It when the traffic demands It." he said. 'I would like to put a double-track from Jefferson City to 8t. Iouls, but the traffic does not re quire It." Dental Inspection in Chicago Schools Hundred Members of Local Society Begin Work of Examination of Teeth of Children. CHICAGO, May tX One hundred mem bers of the Chicago Dental society began today to lnsiect the teeth of the pub Ike school children. This service was volun teered bv the organisation and on the reo cmmendstlon of the city health depart me nt the Inspection Was authorised by .0t ' the Brd of Education. The American t ental society is at the head of the move- ' J mem throughout the country to preserve ou I the children's teeth. It Is planned to open ) clinics in various parts of the city for the J benefit of poor children, who cannot af- J tori to ray for their dental work. BEAUMONT FIllST AT CITY0F HOME French Aviator Wins Second Leg1 of Long Race, Taking- Twenty Thou-tand-Dollar Prize. ACCIDENTS CAUSE MUCH DELAY Three Competitor Meet with Mishap Which Damage Machines. FRET IS SLIGHTLY INJURED Roland Garros Monoplane Falls to Ground and is Smashed. TWO MACHINES TURN TURTLE Deaamoat and Frey Mistake Rare Coarao at Pisa for King's Aero drome aad Uni Heavily Beaamont Off First. ROME, May 31. Andre Beaumont, the French aviator, arrived here at 3:65 o'clock this afternoon. He was the first con testant In the Paris-Rome-Turin flight to reach. Rome, , the. end of the second stage of the race. His flight from Pisa, about 100 miles, made him the winner of a $20,000 prlxe. PISA, Italy, May Jl. Accidents of more serious nature than any which have occurred sines the flight was begun marred the Nice to Rome stsge of the 1,300 mile rarls-'Rome-Turln aviation contest. Three of the competitors, the Frenchmen Garros and Beaumont, and the German, Frey, all met with mishaps today which damaged their machines and Frey himself was slightly Injured. Roland. Garros, who Is being hailed as the victor of the long flight left Casclne dl San Rossore before' sunrise today bound for the Italian capital. He flew away at great speed, but after covering a few miles his monoplane suddenly, fell to the ground and was wrecked. Garros was not hurt and he hurried back to Pisa to await the arrival of a new aeroplane. Beaumont and Frey, who left Genoa this morning for Rome, both mistook the race course here for the aerodrome at Casclne dl san Rossore, the estate of King Victor Emmanuel, and landed heavily. Their ma chines turned somersaults and were badly damaged. Frey was slightly wounded. . All three aviators are now working to get their machines Into shape to resume the flight. -. Beaumont repaired his aeroplane and left In the direction of Rome at 12:25 this after noon. Garros -expects to follow Beaumont. within a short time. Golden Wedding at Ethan, South Dakota Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, For ' ' merly ef Iowa, Celebrate . AnniTersary. SIOUX' FALLtT. 6." D-, May CMfpsohU.) Mr. and Mrs. .William MUler. prominent residents of Prosper township, Davison county, were the principals In an Interest ing ceremony which took place In- the Catholic church- at "Ethan, the occasion being the fiftieth anniversary of their wed ding. The ceremonies-were In charge of Father F. X ' Feldmaler, pastor of the church. The Jubilee bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schelck, old-time friends, and the marriage cere mony was performed exactly as it was fifty years ago.' A large' number of rela tives and friends witnessed the unique cer emony. 'At the conclusion of the services at the : church the party Joerneyed to the fine farm home of the couple, where the fifty guests greatly enjoyed a wedding din ner. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are the parents of eleven children, all of whom are living and eight of whom were .present at their golden wedding celebration. - Mr. 'and Mrs. Miller formerly were residents of Wash ington, la., where they had resided for a period of forty-five years, coming to South Dakota about three years ago. Paper Clip Taken from Woman's Lung Dr. Cheralier Jackson of Pittsburg Performs Difficult Operation Without Use of Knife. PHILADELPHIA, May Delegates to the convention of the American B. Laryn gologlcal association witneased a re markable surgical operation here today. when Dr. Chevalier Jackson of Pittsburg, without the use f a knife, removed a brass paper eHp that had been embedded in a young woman's lung for eight years. The Instrument used was a bronchoscope, to which was attached a tiny electric light, a reflector and minute forceps. The tube was lowered down the patient's throat and the clip was removed after about an hour's work. FIVE DROWNED AT LORAIN, 0. Two Hawkasli Are Tpaet in Lake ,Erle Usrlsf m Storm, with Fatal Resells. LORAIN. O.. May SI. Five people are reported to have lost their Uvea when two row boats upset In a storm off Lorain harbor today. The body of a woman has been recovered. The body of a woman, one of those drowned, was Identified as that of Mrs. Ethel Early. She, with David and Thomas Longstreet, her brothers, were out on the lake in a row boat. Two more empty row boats wrre picked up by a tug. CLEVELAND. Msy 11. Several persons were Injured and much damage was done by a wind and rain storm, which swept over this city today. Twenty boys were In a bath house at Edgewater Park when the roof was blown down on them. Two of them were Internally Injured The wind reached a velocity of sixty miles an hour. Seatbern Firemen Heady ta Strike. WASHINGTON. May SI. Insistence by the firemen of the Southern railway that the comiesy meet their demands fw a 30 ler cent Increase in .wages has resulted in bringing the lsue to a critical stage, and It is not unlikely that within twenty ftMir hours a strike will be called. Bribery Case Ready fee ArgameaU COLi'MHl rt. O . May SI Both sides In the rase of Keprrsentarive eore B. Nv. u d:cied for soliciting a bribe of S" front Slats Prnler Craford. ctosel today and Judge Kinkead gave the defease and proee cuiton two aad a half hours each for argument. From the St. Louis Globe Democrat CHARGES OF FRAUD SUSTAINED . i Judge Kennedy Decides Against Southern Coal aid Supply Co, GUILTY OF FRAUDULENT PRACTICE Testimony Shews Of fleers of Cows pa ay ' Ordered Men to Take Sand from - Cars and to-Sell Short Weight Cent. , The charge against: the "Southern Coal and Supply company of Indulging in n sys tematic course of fraudulent dealing with Its cvsto era-has been, 'scanned In -district court by judge Howard Kennedy aad, crim inal prosecution may follow. Harry Gross vtca president and stock holder In the-company, brought action sev eral weeks age for a receivership .for the company, alleging that he had . been de nied access to the books. At the same time he filed a number of affidavits from em ployes and customers charging gross fraud on the part ; ef the management in short weights. ' Although Judge Kennedy found, the com pany solvent. Gross gained his point In se curing an order commending that the of ficers give htm access to the books, and that they refrain from all dishonest prac tices. ' In regard to the latter, the words of the order were that It was evident that "the management had been guilty of a systematic course of fraudulent dealing with its customers." During the course of the case twenty- three affidavits, containing . serious charges, were filed by Martin L. 8ugar man. Gross' attorney. Employes said that general orders were to short-weight every load by at least 300 pounds. One practice charged was taking out one or more wagon loads of sand from cars of sand sold to contractors and ready to be delivered. H. A. Hinzle. yard superin tendent, averred that under the Instruc tions of W. W. Melersteln. the general manager, he had taken two wagon loads out of a carload of sand sold to B. J. Jobst. the contractor on the Sanford hotel, getting the signature of the head plasterer for the whole carload. Contractors on the high school building came In for shortages on sand in the same wv. Wilbur McNeil, the president of the com pany, and W. W. Melersteln. manager, were the parties against whom Gross brought his suit. Washouts in Kansas and Missouri BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. May SI. The heavy rain last night washed out the Chicago, Burlington 4 Qulncy tracks near Forest City. Mo., for half a mile and S00 feet of track Is out at Forbes, Mo. It was expected to open the line before eight The Grand Island has a bad washout near Troy, Kan., and other roads have suffered. GRAND EXALTED RULER 0? THE ELKS VISITS OMAHA. . . 4 . se. ! ' ' ; . ;"'- " ' - ' j r Transplanting Timo Underwood Rounding House Democrats on Wool Schedule He is Confident Caucus Will Approve Revenue Proposition Despite - Bryan's Objection. ' WASHINGTON, May Jl. Speaker Champ Clark declined positively to comment on the Bryan appeal to the democrats not to "masquerade" under the guise of a tariff for, revenue only. In voting for the Un derwood revision of tho wool aohedukt, nor, would he discuss the reply to Mr. Bryan -made-, last night by . the majority leader. The speaker's close friends, recog nizing that his present position is diffi cult, have advised him against becoming embroiled In the party fued. - Chairman Underwood,' smarting under the Bryan attack. Is exerting every, effort now to ensure, a two-thirds vote of the democratic members for the committee at tomorrow's caucus.- The bill closely resembles the Wilson bill, except as to raw wool, -the duty on which Is cut from the present rate of 11 cents a pound to about S cents a pound. Mr. Underwood's committee room pre sented a busy roundup scene, democratic members of the various state delegations bring- summoned, in to test the poll of strength In support of the schedules.. As a result of the inquiry, Mr. Underwood re mained firm tn his conviction that the bill would be ratified by a big majority and that Mr. Bryan's attitude would be demon strated as at variance with the views of the democratic honse. Speaker Clark's attitude on the wool qui tlon from the beginning was a conserva tive one. He apparently stood firmly with Mr. Underwood and other members of the ways and means committee who Insisted on uie necessity of a small duty for revenue purposes on raw wool. Auto Race Victims Are Doing Well Three of the Six Men Hurt in Big Race at Indianapolis Are Only Slightly Injured. INDIANAPOLIS. May Sl.-The six per sons injured In the GOO-mile automobile race at the Indianapolis motor speedway yesterday, are . getting along as well as could be expected, according to 'Dr. Frank Allen, their physician. The most seriously injured. It was stated today, are: Marry Knight, driver of the Westcott ear, his mechanician. John T. Clover and C. L. Anderson, mechanician. The others injured are Arthur Greiner, driver, and Bob Evsna and David Lewis mechsnlclana One of the notable features of Ray Har roun's victory In Ms Marmon "Wasp," was the fact that he did not carry a mechan ician. Harroun had a mirror fastened In front of him so he could tell the eondltlm of his rear tires. In this way he waa able to dispense with a mechanician lighten his car. and WOMAN DASHED TO DEATH ' . Mrs. Margaret Jackson af Mllwaake Jams fewm Ipsrr Window of Boston Hotel. BOSTON. May IX-During a period of temporary Insanity Mrs. Margaret Jack son, wife of John F. Jackson, a Milwaukee business man. leaped from the window of tnelr room on the fourth floor of the Parker house today and was Instantly killed. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were on their way to a Massachusetts sanitarium, where Mrs. Jackson was to receive treatment. POLO GAMES ARE POSTPONED International Matea Gees Over I'i Taaraday Afteraoa Beeaas af Hala. til NEW YORK. May II Ths International polo match on the grounds of ths Meaduw- brook elub has bean postponed because of rain nnttl 4:3 p. m. tomorrow STOCK MARKET IS UNSETTLED Tobacco Decision and Cut in Steel Prices Causes Slump. OTHER LEADING ISSUES LOWER American Tobacco Common Sells Off Eighty-Two Points After the " Opening at Monday's Clos ing Price. NEW YORK. May 31. Indications of an open market In the steel and Iron trsde and the supreme court decision In the American Tobacco Case, which Is regarded on the exchange, as more drasti than that agnmst Standard Oil. unsettled the stock market to an unusual degree soon after today's opening. The setback was the more unexpected. Inasmuch as a number of active Issues, chiefly standard railway stocks, had made material gains over Mon day in the London market, and these gains were generally maintained here at the opening todav. Within the first hour, however, concen trated selling of United States Steel brought a sharp reversal all around, and not only were early advances wiped out. but very substantial losses substituted. Aside from the movement In the active Issues, dealings In American Tobacco se curities were the most erratic. On the "curb" American Tobacco common opened at BOO, unchanged from Monday's closing, but by 11:30 the stock had fallen 75 points to 42S, and later dropped S2 points to 41$. On the stock exchange dealings In the 4 and 6 per cent tobacco bonds were the most active on the list, tho 4s advancing at one time to 13H, a gain of 8'V and the s falling off T points. Consolidated Tobacco 4s one of the American Tobacco com panies subsidiaries declined over t points, with declines of S and 4 points In Ameri can 8nuff preferrred and American Tobacco preferred. Chicago Bulls Demand Delivery of Wheat CHICAGO, May 81. The leaders of the present Slay wheat deal have. It Is said, bought between 12,000,000 and 15,000.000 bush els of wheat for May delivery and tt Is not believed that this amount can be turned over by tonight, although during the last few days heroic efforts have been made to get the wheat here, but the bull leaders Insist on ths delivery of every bushel they have purchased. Officials of the Board of Trade are some what exercised and deplore the "deal," as It Is against ths rules of the exchange, and soma Investigation may follow the wlndup of the latest sensation of the speculative trade. , Contract grade wheat sold at W cents at the close of business Monday In car tots. less than ten feet away from the pit, where May delivery was bringing Jl (H ATLANTIC BOY IS INJURED Harry llbrlrh, Driving; New Aato Delivery Car, lirsck by Extra Train. ATLANTIC. la.. May 31. (Special Tele gram.) Two extra engines running west bound as a special double-header on the Rock Island this afternoon struck an auto mobile delivery wagon Just outside At lantic. The a agon was the new Maytag delivery Just bought by the Uhbrlch Gro cery company for local delivery. Harry Ulbricb was driving. Ths car was com pletely demolished and young Ulbrlch thrown about twenty feet, striking against a tie. He has a broken nose and severe bruises, but nothing more serious. A siding filled with bog cars made It impos sible for Ulbrlch to see approaching (en gines. TWO MORE WRECK VICTIMS Mrs. Lean Feeble aad If. H. Colbert, sen Dl from lajarlee Received la telllsioa. CHMBRIDGE. Neb.. May 31. Mrs. Lena Feekln cf McC'ook and IL H. Culbertson of Brlmfleld. III., both Injured In the Bur lington wreck at Indlanola Monday, died today. This brings the death list up to eighteen. The rest of the Injured will recover. WILL SEND TRUST OFFICIALS TO JAIL Attorney General Says Criminal Charges Will Be Filed Against Violators of Sherman Act TALKS TO HOUSE COMMITTEE Recent Decisions of Supreme Court Furnish Basis for Action. PRISON TERMS MOST EFFECTIVE Courts Slow to Convict as Long a Meaning of Law is in Dispute. QUESTIONS ABOUT SEVERAL SUITS Representatives Ask la Regard to Proceedings Against Cotton, Sugar and Other Cam hlnatlons. WASHINGTON. May 81 .-The recent de cisions of the supreme court In the stand ard Oil nnd American Tobacco cnaes will result In a sweeping attempt to secure criminal convictions ot Violators of tht antl-trint law, according to Atlnrncy Gen eral Wlckcrsham, who appeared today be- j fore the house committee on expmditurcs In the Department of Justice. , Mr. Wlckeisham was questioned chiefly by Representative Benll of Texas, chair man of the committee, concerning the sale by tho government of filar lands In the Philippines to the American Sugar Refln Inif com nan v. He said that Henry W. Taft had at one time appenred as a special attorney for the government against the "Licorice trust," a part of the American Tobacca company. Mr. Wickersham was asked why the government thus far had failed to lodge any "trust magnates" In prison. "We have done the best we could," he said, but there has been an unwillingness on the purt of Juries and courts to sen tence men to prison under the anti-trust law. Until the supreme court laid down Its definite construction in the two cases Just decided, their reluctance Was well understood, for the law has always been open to question and has been construed In different ways by different courts. Juries are becoming more willing now, , however, to convict, and Judges who have been re luctant to Impose prison penalties now have the supreme court decisions to sus tain them. ' Favors Prison Sentences. Mr. Wickersham said he believed prison sentences would be the ' most effective means of enforcing respect for the anti trust laws. Criminal prosecutions against meat packers, milk dealers, grocers, the naval stores and window glass combina tion, and alleged violators of the anti-trust law, he said, would be augmented by other prosecutions. One this subject the , government had definite plans. Chairman Beall asked why there had been no crim inal proceedings against the heads ef the Standard OH and '.Tobacco 4'prjyrf.Uona. ' "Jn view of thi fact that we have se cured decisions tn these cases only within the lant two weeks, It seems to me that question answers Itself," said Mr. Wick ersham. "Now, however, we have an In terpretation of the anti-trust act on which we can proceed." The attorney general was closely ques tioned by Mr. Beall as to the cotton cases i In. New York, but he refused to disclose the government's future action. Asked" why actions were brought sgulnst those seeking to elevate the price of raw cotton rather than against the spinners and the "bears" who were trying to depress It, Mr. Wickersham said the government had be lieved It much easier to reach the seven men controlling the raw cotton pool and gainst whom exact information was ob tained. "The statute of limitation has not run against the other," he added. "If the government Is sustained In this first cotton esse the other combinations may be attacked." 'Has there ever been any Investigation of the attempt of bears to depress cotton prices In New York and New Orleans?" Chairman Beall asked. "No, I have never had any facts brought to my attention v that seemed to show a violation of the anti-trust law In such mat ters." Questions Abont "agar Trast. Mr. Wlckershsm declared that after hs became attorney general, John Henry Ham mond represented Htrong and Cadwallader as counsel for the so-called sugar trust In the purchase of the friar lands. He added that at the time he gave his opinion per mitting the sale of these lands he did not know that Hammond represented the pres ident of the American Sugar Refining com pany, Mr. Havemeyer. When asked about the 'connection of the firm with steel affairs, Mr. Wickersham said: "I personally have advised the United Btates Steel corporation In one or two matters." "Did Btrong and Cadwallader ever repre sent the New Tork Cotton exchange T" asked Chairman Beall. "Tea. Henry W. Taft was counsel for the exchange." Mr. Wickersham replied, "and I think he stilt continues In that j rapacity." I The chairman sought particularly to learn I of the attorney general why the .depart ment of Justice and Treasury department accepted a tJOOO.OfO settlement from the American Auger Refining company as restitution for under-valuations at the port of New lork. rather than enforce the severe penalty provided for by law. Evidence Not Complete. Mr. Wickersham replied that the de partment felt the evidence at hand was not sufficient to support a claim for penal ties, though It was his belief that restl t a- Cans of FarreU'a Syrup. Boxes of O'Brien '8 Candj. Quart Bricks of Dalzell'a Ice Cream. All given away (re to tbosa who fled tbelr simst la tAt) want ada. Resd tbs want s4s sverr day, xour nam will appear sometime may be more than coca. No putties to solve nor lubacrtp tlons to get Just read tbs want ada. Tura to tbs vast ad pagas- BOW