TUT! BEKf OLVto, TUTST'ATt WAY SO, TWT.W 10 REAL ESTATE DRV AJCD HA.ltH LI.ID POR SALIl Colors Hoard. WHFV yoti buy O'Rrlen's candy you know It In the best. If Mr. 1 A. Mulr. Pt. Mary Act., will rnrnn to Th Ke office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Briens randy frea. Idake. nrVT.TK VTEW orchard tract In 1 to U acres; flneat fruit country in tb world. For term add roe Boon VmaA and In eatment Co. Boon, la. IDAHO Irrigated Land In the famous Rnflka river valley; the land nf the bis red appltv and where crop never fall. There had nr-rer been a better time to Invest In land on the Twin Fall tract than now. A good lint of land at from $.") to $100 per acre. Orchard tracts at right price and on easy term. F. C. Grave. Filer. Idaho. Iowa. FINE8T colonisation tract tn tha T7ntt4 Ptate; 151. OnO acrea very finely located at S3 an acre; make 1.0OS per cent to sub divide; have plenty of othora Bos ' eat Winters!, la. IOWA FARMS FOR 8AL.B. Our 1!11 ilet of Iowa farm In Webster. Calhoun and Gn-erie counties I just out. If interested write for our new lint WOODAKD UNI) COMPANY, GOWK1B, IOWA.- fto ACKKS Improved Clarke county, Iowa, to trade for clean mock general merchan dike; good house, barn, orchard, etc.; u ct l-O per acre. Address owner. D. li. Illr ylaon. Altoona. Ia. EXCHANGES made evervwhere. Farms, wild lands. Income property, stocks of foods and other thing desirable for ex. change. Several large tracts of western lands for exchange. Write ma full descrip tions of what you have. 1. N. Mclntlre. first Nat liank Bldg.. Bbeldon. la. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE 160 acres fine timber land In Lake county. Mlnne- Eota. Kallroad being built not far from ind. The timber la very large on thu and. Mostlv white pine, tamarack, bal ram and spruce. Sura to Increase In valu fast. What bave you to offer T Writ Lcck Box 211. Uk.iens, Ia A FINK ISO-acre farm In Buchanan eouftty, Iowa, about ( miles from Aurora; good Improvement; encumbrance $J,uw. Price 1126 rr acre. Owner will exchange for boutn lakota land. Prefer Improved. Here la a fine chance to exchange your fiakota land for an Iowa farm. Address flollebrands Land Agency. Palls, la. FOK HALE Excellent jC-acre farm In corn and blue-graea belt, Ada.ns county. Iowa. Farm all well fenced. CO acrea hog tight, 150 acrea tiled, and all In excellent cultivation; 12-room house, large brick cellar with cement floor, cement walke. rge new barn and mill, with good Falr nika engine, new hog house, other out buildings, all In good repair; good stock and barnyards, large grove and good orchard, four good wells, excellent water, two windmills. For further particular addresa Mrs. Annah If. NaaU. VM lilgb Bt. Dee Moines. Is.-- 1NU ACRES, Caas county, Iowa, farm Im proved and well located; price ,12S per acre; my equity la $1,W0. Want -southern Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In flated nrlces considered. One 10-horse- ower portaoie gasoline engine xor woai ova vou? Addrena t". W. McCauBtlaDd. Caaa County, Loran, I. TO LAND AGENTS For .' will send addresae of 1.0U0 persons who have Bold for $8,000 or more In aouth western Iowa atnee January 1 1911, compiled from deed records. U. W. llolr Co., Harlan. Ia. FOR BALE Splendid farma, well Im proved, ranging In price from t& to DS fier acre. This is choice Iowa land. In well mproved con.i..un)tles, near town and achoola. There la : mere fertile or beau tiful part of tha state han Osceola county. Write for particulate. T. d. Redmond. Sibley, la.- $60 ACRES and 173 acres of aouthern Iowa land. Improved, well located, good oil, right price, for sale or trade; $7,004 equity In brick atora building; a first olaas Income property for sale or trade, quick; on land, merchandise or automobiles. . Ad dress Bos . Diagonal, la. WANTED A good stock of general mer chandise. J9.000 to $12,000, In exchange for good farm near Rolfe, la,, and cash. Farm contains 154 acrea, six-room house, barn. KxeS, price, $100 an acre: subject to $4,340. equity. $8,000; F. R. Uomtr. Rolf, Ia. CM ACRES, I miles good town: fenced; Weil Improved; all smooth land; rich black soil; good orchard; R. P. D.; phone; fine surroundings; WS; good terms; will ex change for hardware. Implements or gen eral merchandise. W. II. alott, Heringtoo, Kan. BUTLER COUNTY, KANSAS. 900 a, ranch, good improvements, running water; near town. Must be sold at once. Cheap; term right. Must be sold at once, and Kansas map free. Jan. A. Thompson, Whitewater, Kan. 40 ACRES, sis miles Tram Mlnneola, Mt acres In wheat, 'one-third to buyer; aew -room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rick black soil; has raised good crop every year sine broken out; great bargain. $36 per a ore. Terms. The Hoy C Beard Land Co, Mian so ia. Kan. WE bave some choice bargains In corn, wheat and alfalfa landa fur aale In Benton and Rush counties: write for Hat of farm bargains. American investment Company, llolsington, Kan. ' $M ACRES, 1H miles out; tuQ in wheat Vi to buyer; balance pasture. Tb late rain and snow assures bumper crop: level aa a floor; $&eo per acre: terms. W. B. Cul Vertaon. bcott City, Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 140 acres. I1 miles out; 130 acres In wheat, H delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soli' good well and windmill; $6,260; terms. Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all alaee and price. L. F. bchubmavher, 'jwner, Meade. Kan. 120 ACRES In alfalfa; 10-room house, large barn, granary, etc.; two mllea te Lamed. Pawnee county; 60 acrea pasture, balance In cultivation; rich deep soli, abun dance of water, wella and mill; ta iot terms. Bunt Kealty Co, Hutchinson, Loalalaaa. VERNON pariah. I.; tha land of auic shine, soil, climate, marketa, water, health, good; prices cheap; write LeesvUle Heal Eatat and Improvement Co, C aC Mo lerland. Sec y, Leeavllle, La. LOUISIANA farm and timber landa good for truck, corn, cattle, eta; on ac count of cotton peel, cheapest landa on market- Hail. Elder as Benclt, Monroe, Louisiana Minnesota. BUT from owner and aav commission Soo-acr grain and stock farm close te three town, school and creamery, 120-acr fieid, about HO acres meadow, remainder limber pasture, fenced and croaa fenced, running water and a full act of train buildings at US per acre. Writ tor terma C F. Flalg. Wadena. Minn, R. H. No, X- F1NE FARM HOME. $24 ACRES. 1 miles from good town, black loam aoll. All fenced. Large frame dwelling, barn, granary, machine sheds, etc lit) acres lu field. 40 acres timber, balance clover and timothy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. feat per acre, one-third tuh, bal ance easy terma. M- i. Kolb. Foaston. Mluu I HAVE a farm of tX acre tv, mllea from good town, M mllea from Mlnne apulla, 100 acrea under cultivation; about fa) acrea meadow, balance timber. Can all bo opened up. Rich aoll, good houee, barn and other bulldinga. Price $jj per acrea. Also kO-acr farm two mllea from good town. 40 acta under plow; IS acrea Umber; good rich aoll, -room bouse, twe barns and other outbuildings, windmill, fine natural grove. Orchard Juat com mencing to bear. iPrloe $S,fru0; easy terma Write owner. Cbarlea a. Baaaaon. b.u River, Minn. 60000 acres In 8L Loul and Canton counties, Minnesota, near cities of Du lutb and Superior, at price within the reach of all. H to 111 an acre, easy terma Fourteen rallruada now entering these twe dues furnish cbep and quick transpor tation. A ten-mlilion-dollar steel plant bow building by United btatea Steel com pany, near land. Soil la fertile and well adapted to diversified farming, dairying and garden truck. No long hauls or trane I'ortailoa chaxsea, but right at the door of the best markets of the United State, with constant demand and high price. Writ (or full lafornaauoa. boatoa 4V Iluluth Farm Land Cu leu AiworU Blag, Dulutn, Mian. LANDS NO. 564. lt ACRES. TK MlLKd Twin Citlea; good tillable aoll; state ma 'mailed with 4e page book tor JU centa Itobarl lnd Co PbeulA Bldg., aiiune ajwlia. Mlauw REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HA.MH LAM) FOR SA1 F. Mlsseaol ntlnaed. 1M ACRES 15 mile from St. Paul. mile from Hosemont; all fenced; black loam soil; to acre rulu.ated; balance pasture and black oak timber; cnly $J& per acre tor Immediate sale; hal cash. 130 acre Improved farm 16 mile from St Paul, 1 mile from Rich Valley station, nine-room house, windmill, large barn and other buildings, all la good condition; black loam aoll, clay eubsoil; alwaya been cultivated by owner; lau acrea under plow, 7 acre fruit tree, mostly apples; balance good timber land. Special price and terma W. F. e R. W. Monty, Pioneer preaa Itldg, Kt- Paul. Minn. $9,000 equity in good quarter In southern Minnesota; quarter two mile from good town, having house xjo. new bara $2x40, with gable roof, email granary and fence. Want machine stock -jr dry gooda, 1'rlc $80 per acre. HenJ. A. Cone. Wlodoin, Minn. HENi) for list of our fin Improved rout hern Minnesota lands. Wa have hundreds of pleased cuatomera. C. & Brown Land Co, offices Madella and New K.'chland. Minn. A SNAP: MUST BB QUICK; 300-ACRB Improved farm In Murray county, Mlnne. sota; hu first clast buildings; fences; rplendld grove; orchard; two mile from town. Writ John lioiden. Jr, Oarvin. Minn. FOR SALE 160 acrea of good new hard wheat land, near Walhalla. Pemblne county. North Dukota. For particulars. addre owner, A. Lucaee. U7 Thiru Ave, N. Minneapolis. M,nn. Go OUT to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If O. W. Miller. 4X123 Charles St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the Liuse ball game. Ulesoarx. FOR SALE 8 farms, large and small. between Mississippi and Missouri river, average $36 per acre. Write for big prloee list. William Crew. Wrignt Clt. Mo. STOP! Don t go a atep fuitner thaa Douglaa county, down In the beautiful Or.arks; ralKe anything; corn 30 to 85 bush els per aore. all other crops In proportion, cbeapeet good land on earth, $u to $20 per ere. Free Information. Uluba Real ttatat Co , Ava. Mo. MISSOURI FARMS None better on tarth. Highly Improved 1M) aores; raise anything; i0 Other decided bargulna Write us. Ullllartl Kealty Co, Gilliam. Wo.- CHEAP STATE LAND About 1,000.000 ncrea state land to be sold on forty years' time. If desired; only t per cent of pur chase price down; buyer don't have to live on land; not over'l.ZM) acres aold to one person. For further Information and description send tl to Fidelity Investment Co, 1- W. sth Si, Kansas City, Mo. 130-ACRE homestead relinquishment far tale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general store, one saloon, one feed store. Address. Cbarlea F. Brown, Ualate, Mont. THIRTEEN sections In Dtwr county, near Sidney, one of the best towns In the Yellowstone valley; also bave otner tani that we are retailing in any slie farm you want. Writ your wants. Prices are right. The Hay ward Land Co.. Olendlns. Mont. FOR SALE Finest farm In Leavenworth county, Broaddua farm of 160 acres. 1W miles from Fort Leavenworth, 15,000 brick residence, 600 46-year-old walnut 100 sugar maple trees, natural gas, two telephonea. free delivery, lhi miles from Santa Fe sta tion ; examine premises and write Mrs J. L. Klrby. 110 Felix St, bL Joseph, Jlo.- 0-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine house, barn, fences, flrst-claas condition; fine spring water, 1 miles from town, I miles from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co, PledmonU Mo. MISSOURI farm. K0 acres; -room bouse; barn; 100 acrea wheat, 200 acrea corn; level, black dirt; miles railroad; t fcote. Cba. S. Huckatep Kealty Co, EUberry. Mo. . Slositaaiaw WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm state. $L2.6i to $30 per acre. Writ for description. Shaw A Clark Land Company, Usckaey Bldg, 8i Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley S20 acres fine fruit land; old water right; best sec tion of tha valley: fine proposition for sub division; fair buildings; easy terms. Ad dress owner. Ifi. U. Lewla. BteveusvUia, Mont. Ncbrauilcav. INVESTIGATE This 13 acres of unimproved land in Sarpy County, one-half mile from South Omaha city limits. This tract of land is all in culti vation. The land surrounding this is worth about $50O.0O per acre, but for a quick sale we are authorized to offer this tract at $250.00 per acre. O'Neil Real Estate & Ins. Agency 1505 Farnam St., Omaha v or 24th and M Sts., South Omaha Tel. Tyler 1024; Ind A-3313; So. 192; Ind. F-1192 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 140 acres neat Seward, Seward Co, Neb.t good six' room bouse, barn, sheds, well and mill f ne orchard, 11 aora alfalfa, 100 acre cultivated. 76 acres good hay land, balance pasture: price, $0u per acre; terma, half canh. Felterman Bros.. Lincoln, Neb. I.gm-ACRE ranch for aia, tM per acre, two-third cash, remainder five years, I per cent Interest; all fnnoed; good Improve menta. For particulars writ 'rank bchuia. K..r,.lb KTaK FOR SALE 800 acrea bay land. 1 mil Newport. $17.60; got mllea, all new build ings, spring water. $(.60. Others. L M. Ureeoe Newport. Neb. 0-ACRK farm, n miles from Omaha, 1H mllea to town; upland, good aoll. la good condition; muat sell: good term Owner, Boa 2U. Grena. Neb. 4.3IH) ACRES, two residence, two barns, complete outbuildings; W0 acre natural meadow, run soo head of stock; net $11 per head per year; 26 miles of fence, 3 natural lakes. 24 miles to Wagner, Neb.; 16 miles to Dunning, iseo. ; near new lujuirty line. You can double your money in five yeara. I'sual commission allowed. Mrs. C. A. Hamilton, Wagner, Neb. THE best bargain In Nebraska, A halt section oi iana live miles Irum county seat town of 2,500, In the K Ik horn valley. Well watered by never-failing aprlng. Expert says flowing well can be secured. Bottom cut lttt ton hay, and nearly all can be cultivated except 40 acres which I rolling. I'nlmproved Price M.-riO0: one-third cash E. 11. Whelan. owner. ONelll, Neb. Korth Dakota. SEVERAL Improved farma tn McHenr) county, N. Dak., for aale on easy term; good aoll; TV) to 130 per acre. C. A. btub bin. OranvUla, N. D WANTED Have good llev of lands tn James River Valley. Stutsman eountv w I). Correapondenuo wita real estate agent eoiiiie- rarucra eiaita baavn, rpiilanll. FOR 6A1.E Renters and la vectors. It roa want to own one of our fin Improved grain farina with every modern coaveal nc and be Independent, write ma at onca 1. litis money needed. Wendell liustoa Carrlngton. N. U. Soatb riraUat. LANDA Snot per acre made growing figs for preeerves on the Islands. Orchard o easy monthly payments Sea Island Oicbard Cwuipuny, Charleston, S. C REAL ESTATE "ARM AND IIAMH I.ANU I'OR 8 Al.F (Continued.) Orega. FOR ALEJ 1) acre chotcent apple, pea?, rlierry, graie land !n the west, six miles I rem town, one mile from railroad; aoll deep volcanic aab. The Dalle, ore . prti inning fruit MO acre. HVi mllea from town. new. mod em house, barn, tenement; 313) pear pnin bearing; 1.540 young trees, l.ouO grape vlnea: good water; wood. Or will ell M acres with all Improvement. Investigation solicited. C. li. Webster. The Dalies, Ore. oath Dakota. FOR SALE Section good, raw land: all fenced: good flowing well; mllea from PlanKlnaton. S. It. For particular, write 1. K. o Malley. Philip. 8. . 400-ACRK com farm, out from Sioux Falls, excellent improvement!, ii ge arove sua fruit; ail In cultivation; price for quick aale iHt, easy luinis; alu 240 well improved, easy terms, and luO acrea unimproved. These ar k.vBln- tnm Aiilpb l.U H A Ullwln. cwner. bloux Falla. S. D. 109 ACRKS IN DEUEL CO., D. Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black aoll: clay lubcoll; lies very level and all under cultivation. Must b sold wtthln M days to close an estate. Half of this year crop gaes with the price, $JS pir acre; easy terms; $3,000 will handle It and It la a snap. No gravel, no stone, no foul weeds. Address w. itcuoe, uitt rrcsion, a), u. HOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR 8 ALB. We bav a list of Edmunds county land for sale at from $19 and up per acre. If Interested write us for particulars and we wll laend our prices and pocket map. If you own land In South Dakota Mat it with ua. Our motto la "A Square Deal to Buyer and teller." Olve us a chance to prove our statement, liaavoid Land Co.. Miaa. aUI- munda county, Boutn Dakota, ALFALFA THE KINO OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. inn I tn lanu w nave, free home steads; relinquishment and -deeded landa For particulars writ K. O. Wonuer at Co., nuiiaio uap, D. aj. ONK FOURTH SUCTION FIVK MILS1 f HUM TOWN. Fair Improvement. Price tfi.MO. Ronin $2,400. Akaaka Real Katata Co.. Akaaka. k D. W 1 1 .T . itrhttnn Khnlo. f.. n. . . Pierre, t h cn;tt nf Rniith rtaUn.a ... - good Iowa or Nebraska land; what bav uu w uori weai LftnQ wo, rierre. b. 1. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell'a tn cream. If Frank H. Lee, 408 Hickory St, i" come io ine nee oiiice within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. Texan. WB ar subdividing $,$09 acrea of fertll farm land In Jackson county. Splendid cropa every year. Rainfall about right. 4 Incnea For description, plat and pi ices writs JOHN RICHET at CO.. -Ul K. Houston Su. San Antonio, Tex. SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot ot Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. W can buy laud for you or invest money, i per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. Correbpondence solicited. Refer to First Nat I bank, ban Saba Nat l bank. Ward, Murray or Co.. and the mem ber In congieaa from Texas. Kelley Burleson t'c, San Saba, Tex. TEXAS INVESTMENTS. Buy orchard and garden landa near Houston, the greatest and most prosper ous city In the southwest, where values ar going up all the time and fortunes mado in real estate In ahort while. Easy terms If desired, Addresa B. C Robert v eia. 'lex., anu a lo-aore faun la ine tUQ Urand valley, wnere the tarmer a cash in come i as perpetual aa the day that corns and go. S. H. Jaoksun, JwS First Nations Bank Bldg Houston, Tex. Utah. CAPITAL Invented In Utah NOW means large returns. Get In on the ground floor. Let me tell you ot some alfalfa and fruit lands In the beautiful Fillmore valley that c&n be bought at a bargain on easy terma. Call afternoons, M. Watt, 2721 Howard St, Phone Harney 61S3. Washington. 166 acres on shores of Lake Chelan. Im plements and stock go with the place. Beautiful location, fine modern furnished home; about forty acres of young commer cial apple orchard now In bearing and about twenty-five acres broken and In corn and grain. A snap. H. K. Wilson, Lakeside, Wash. - Wyoming". FOR SALE It, 000 acrea In Laramie county, Wyoming, In Qolden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep; will aell with ranch; will exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa farma J. T. Bell. Owner. Cbeyanna Wyo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver. gtf-U O. N. B. Bldg.. D. Ihii. FOR SALE A clean stock of general merchandise, consisting; of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats and caps, carpets and ruga, crockery and groceries; also brick store building; well located In good town of 1,600 people In northeast Nebraska; stock will Invoice about $10,000: would discount stock some for cash or would exchange stock ana Duuaing lor good farm In south ern Minnesota. Iowa, southeast South Da. kota, eastern Nebraska, northeast Kansas or northwest Missouri; land must be good and at about real value; would assume mall Incumbrance. Give full particular about land in first letter; Improvements, aoll, lay nf land, distance from what town, numbers and price if land is rented, what rent. Address Y 2a. care of Bee. FOR reliable sales ard exchanges, see D. M. LEAMINU. &K8 Brande.a Bldg. FINK auto, allghtly used, 30-horse power, four-cylinder, excellent condition: will con alder exchanging for cottage worth $1,500; must be clear. Address T 417, Bee. WANTED To trade two acrea on boula vard near South Omaha Country club for automooue. in.i is a choice tract, worth the money, and will rapidly increase In value. Answer quick. A. B. C, Stock Yard station. South Omaha. A' VERY choice 190-aore, nicely Improved tarm in eastern nansas; close to town; highly Improved locality; only two hours' ride from Kansas City; egulty $a,000; will exchange for cheap land or city property pricea at casn vaiue. S. E. WAIT at CO.. 617 Bee BLDG. EXCHANGE 240 acrea good land, 6 miles west of Alli ance, Neb., clear. Price, $15 per acre. Owner wishes to exchange It for a kooU home In Omaha or South Omaha. If you are loomng tor something worm ine money Investigate this. FARMER'S LAND CO., 1014 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO TRADE A dandy 6-room house on paved street In best residence dis trict of South Omaha, all modc-rn except furnace, fur automobiles. Will take new cars or second-hand ones If In prime con dition and priced right. This is a snap. Answer quick. A. B. C. STOCK YARDS STATION SOUTH OMAHA. BRICK BLOCK I have a practically new t-storv and has. ment brick building In Villlsca, Ia., which I will trade for automobiles, residence property In Omaha or cheap land. This building la In the best location In town and would make a fine location for a pool hall, restaurant, hotel or garage and repair shop. Better Investigate this at once, for It is gooa. Address owner, MART MOLL, Omaha, Neb., 0 Bristol Su THE children will enjoy their bread more If It la spread with Farreil's syrup. If Q W. Ixng, 2X4 Klllffton Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days w will give him an order for a 60-cenf can free. 1 Three-story business block. 720 acrea clear land. Rooming house, 33 rooms. In heart of city. Heat paying picture ahow In Omaha. Six-room house, clear nf Incumbrance, NOWATA LAND AND I-OT CO.. MS Omaha National Bank. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA pmpertv and Nebraska landa O'KEEFK REAL EST ATM CO.. Wit Nsw Omaha National Bank Building, REAL ESTATE LOANS H .untlnued. OARVIM PROS, ad floor N. T. Llf. $.Vx to $100,000 on impioved psoperty. No delay 5Jt- ft" f"y farm property, w. flu OY2eB MCIKLB, tut Ramge Bldg. " WANTEdT FARM LOANS. Klok lnv. Co., Omaha. WANTfcTD City loans. Peters Trust Co. WAJNir.u t..iiy loans ann rrm . Farnam fmlth A Co., 1120 Farnam BC LOANS to homo owner and horn build ra. with privilege of making partita! pay ments Semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, so First National Bank building. LOANS MADB ON IMPROVED CITY RKAL FSTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO., fc4 BRANDE1S BLDG. CHEAP MONET. Representing th Penn Mutual Life Ina Co.. with asseta of over tll7.OK.0no. I an) prepared to accept all the good loana of fered on Improved Omaha real estate Business and residence loans made with out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN. City NaUonal Bank Bldg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for sale tn amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 New York Life Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made Drorootlv. F. li ad. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca TV K HAVE money to loan on Imnroved real eatate In Omaha and suburba BR A SKA SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'M 1606 Farnam St. Board Of Trad Bldg. CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZER, IIW RiTfa nruia.riPT.nnBa rn 110-812 Brandels Theater Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS, Have you anything to offer th f,rmM f lowuT Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise atora for land or am kind of an exchange? Or bav yea tome lend you want to aell for cash? 'lbs ene paper mat reaches ine lowa farmer la the Des jlolnes Capital; 4t,0u0 clrcuiatioa daily; rate single Insertion. 1 cent a word; six Insertions, eents a word, bet Molae Dally Capital Des Moinea. In. DALZELL'S Ice cream Is In a aualltv class by itself. If L. C. Hlne, 3716 N. lsth St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick, of this quality Ice cream free. REAL ESTATE WANTED WnnlMl .1 knv ornul K . - Dlrln.lv modern cottage-with attic. Location rea sonably close In and desirable; pay up to Hiw u snow vaiue. uougiaa awo. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE lt-aurenuue St. Lawrence Routa Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVEKPOOL. OLASGOW MONTREAL TO LON DON, Havre, Franc Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow, bplendtd scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent or ALLAN ce CO.. General Agents, 137 N. Dearborn St,, Chicago. ANCHOR LINES STEAMSHIP NEW YORK. LONDONDEKB.Y AND GLASGOW. NEW YOFK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Hound Trip Ticket between New York and Scotch, English, Irian and ail principal Continental point at attractive rates, bend for nook of information. Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cui sine. Apply promptly for Reservation ta local agents of Anchor Una or HENDER BONBKOS.. General Agents. Chicago. 1U. WANTEDTO BUY BEST price paid for td hand furniture, carpets, clothing and ahoea. TL D. MIX, : M GOOD MONEY for 'Four broken move, ment and old gold, it- Nathan, low 8. Uth. 6ELNER paya good prices for furniture, carpet, clothes and ahoea. D. 6401. WANTED-T0 RENT WANTED Adjoining rooms for three young men; furnished; private bath. L $43, Bee. Our house was unrented. And we had lamented Until we were tired and sore, . Then we wrote a small ad, Called up The Be Want Tad Now we are happy onco more. FLORKNCE SEYMOUR, This verse receives honorable mention. WANTED At once, four or five-room modern house furnished or apartment for two. Addresa F 423, Bee. i : WE all like the best of everything; this la also true of syrup. If Mrs. N. C. Lyngby, 222U Poppleton Ave,, will come to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order for a 60-cent can of Far rell'a syrup free. WANTED SITUATIONS HIGH achool boy wants employment with a business firm after school and dur ing vacation. Phone Ked 5337. LADY experienced In bookkeeping and office work wants permanent position. Ad cress Y 39, care Bee. YOUNG lady with experience In photog raphy wishes position In studio; reference from place formerly employed D 335, Bee. YOUNG man of several years' experience with steam ana gas enginea ana automo bile repairing. Address Y 34. care Bee. A POSITION as caretaker for a family going away and leaving home, by a middle agea laoy with the beat or reference. Tel. Florence 392. 8TEAMFITTEH wants work; S years In last shop and reference; capable of taking triiuree- xei. Liuug. it so. MALE stenographer wanta work after B:30 p. m. and Saturday afternoona Tel. Webster 3167. WANTED Position as bookkeeper by teaay marnea man; unaerstands some thing of Insurance: small salary will suf- floe. Address K -42, Bee. or telephone tl bbBtS. MAN wants position In wholesale hous or any other kind ot work. H 340. Bee. POSITION wanted by middle-aged man, married; ten years' experience In R. K. office and two years in lumber office. Reasonable salary to start; good refer ence. O 360, Bee. STRONG boy, well acquainted In city, wants position; office or cash boy pre ferred. Phone Harney S1S3. LADY wanta dressmaking. Will go out by the day or take It home. Web. 6714. - LADY, aged 26. with baby boy. months would like place to keep bouse for gentle man. Address 1321 3d Ava, Council Bluffs. Iowa. GOOD, atrong, reliable boy, aged 16, wants position. Harney $183. Experienced and competent office assist ant; will substitute for any length of time during the summer. Best references. J-3o. Bee. WANTED A position by young man, clerical preferred. Have had experience and can furnish best of reference. D-&3, care Be. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work as sisting In housework. Address K car Bee. POSITION aa hotel clerk; two years' experience; can furnish A No, 1 reference. Address, H 4U6. Bee. YOUNG lady, good at figure, desires position as cashier at once. Address, D 4u2, Bee. SITUATION wanted; private chauffeur; have bad auto schooling and three year experience; good habit. Addresa J 407. Bee. POSITION attending aoda fountain; 1$ months' experience: can furnish Al refer ence. Address G J6, car Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued ) WANTED A position by an all-round butcher. H 4H0, Itee. POSITION' ns collector and assistant bookkeeper; enn furnish bond and refer ence. F 404, Bee. YOT'NG man wants position clerk; first -class references. iHiuglas 4.11. ' FAMILY WAHHINfJ. 11 S5 a week. Har ney 4129. LADY wants work bv day, washing. Ironing or cleaning. B-6iT7. YOl'NO man who has finished the season a traveling enlesmnn would consider a good proposition either traveling or city. E. Omaha Bee. Council BlufCs. A DISH of Palneirss Ice cream will re fresh you wonderfully In warm weather. If Fred Fischer, 1M4 8. th St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a auhrt brick of this fine Ice cream free. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS SL Lawrence Route to Eirope X-TBM TBAJT rOTTB X ATI AT SBA White Star-Dominion XOYAX. BCAXX. BTEA1CBM Montreal Quebec Liverpool "Laurentlc" and "Meg-enUc" barges and Most Modern Steamer la Canadian Service. Luxurious accom modations for First, Beoond and Third Olaaa. Sailing In conjunction with th Popular Twin go raw Steamers. Tentonib "Canada" "Domionioa' Carrying On Olaas Oabln paaaengera tllsd Bacon Cabin. Comfort u aio4orU nlM Am Third C'lsas poaaoDcenL APDly Company'a office SO-Sd v bora St., Cbioago, or Local Agent. HER SILENT PROTECTS MAN Hiss Vanderpool Refuses to Tell Where Swindler Now Is. CARES NOTHING FOR HERSELF "I Don't Care What They- Do -with Me," She Says Wheat Officers Question Her Wife for Fonr Years. Facing prosecution by the federal author ities for alleged use of the malls for fraudulent purposes. Miss Mary Vander pool, 1708 Cass street, refuses to divulge the name of the man who Implicated her in the trouble. The prisoner, 19 years' old, Is being held In the matron's ward at police headquar ters. Persistent questioning by the police has failed to unseal her Hps. Miss Vanderpool Is a mystery to Mrs. Glbbonsr police matron. This attractive girl appears to have no care for the seriousness of the charges which she Is facing, the matron said. Frank Hlckey, 22 years old, living at the Burlington hotel, caused the arrest of the young woman. He answered an advertise ment wherein he was told that he could get rich for the Investment rt $150. He answered the ad, meeting a man in an office building. They proposed to start a carnival company, ' Hlckey a Little Slow. Hlckey accompanied his "partner" to 1708 Cass street He was told to turn the money over to the Vanderpool girl. Then the two men left. When Hlckey returned to get some motion picture films that were supposed to have been purchased, they were not there. - The holder of the money said that the other man had returned and taken It. Judge Crawford turned the young woman over to the federal authorities. Despite her youth tha woman has been a wife for four years. She was married at her home in Bartlet, la., in 1907. and was divorced in Qlenwood, Ia., recently. "I got my divorce because of cruel treat ment," she said. "And the people down there in the country did not treat me the same after that. So I thought I could make a living in Omaha and I came here, where my sister Uves. "I have worked and tried to earn a liv ing. I don't-care what they do with me, for the folks down home will talk more than ever. Let those officers do whatever they can. They can't hurt me any more than what I have experienced in the last three years." Baby Boy Wants His Mamma to Come Home Writes Letter Addressed to "Mama" Lad Finally Mysteriously Disappears. As he was sitting at his desk counting stamps Monday morning, one of the stamp sellers saw a small child's hand come through his window. The hand was quickly withdrawn and a small envelope, with the word "mamma" written in a baby scrawl lay upon his glass counter. Taken somewhat aback by the pro cedure, the clerk opened the window of his cage and looked out To the left nor right could he see any one who might have left. the letter. He was Just about to close the window when, looking down, he saw a little yellow head about a foot below the counter. As he gazed down the little head was thrown back and a dirty-faced urchin gated upwards and his big blue eyes seemed to question the man above him. "What can I do for you, little manT" asked the clerk. No answer. "I say, what can I do for you, little fel low T" again asked the clerk. Rubbing a little hand across his eyes, the little fellow said: "Give mamma my let ter. I want her to turn home." "Who is your mamma 7" asked the clerk. Th question was repeated several times, and, finally, a broken vole said, "mam ma." Tha little child was taken into Assistant Postmaster Woodard and there placed on a desk and plied with questions, most of which were answered by a solemn gase from great big blue eyes. "What Is your name?" asked Mr. Woodard. In an almost Inaudible whisper came the single word, "Tommle." "Tommle what?" "Jus plain Tommle, tha's all." "Well, Tommle, where do you live?" wa the next question. But the little fellow could not seem to telL Mr. Woodard turned to talk to the stenographer In the office and when he again gave his attention to the little fellow, he had fallen asleep. He was awakened and taken Into th post master's office and placed on a couch. About a half hour later Mr. Woodard went to ae how tha little fellow was, and to his astonishment, found the couch un occupied. A hurried look was made In the hall, but the urchin had disappeared from view. Returning to his desk, Mr. Woodard found th letter and opened it, which con tained a piece of old paper with these words badly scribbled on It: "Mama com' home I am lon'aura' Tommle." Dlasjravcefal Coadart of liver and bowela. In refusing to act, la quickly remedied with Dr. King's Llf Pills. 2&c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. RANDALL BDSY WITH FIRES Fire Warden of State Seeking for the Cause of Many Blazei. SUCCESS FOLLOWS HIS EFFORTS Dee I a re Over Insurance May Often Be I. aid at Door of Insuraao Afeati Whs Often Do Thing ot Sanctioned ty Companies. cFmm a Ptaff Correspondents LINTOLN, May 29 (Special.) With a view to making his" department one wor thy Its name and one wmch may ulti mately be classed with others which are a distinct benefit to the people of the state. Fire Warden Randall has started In to pay more than ordinary attention to Incendiary fires over Nebraska. Since assuming control of that branch of the work the present warden and his deputies have been busy on several cases and already have made numerous ' Im provements In the manner of conrtucttnir the affairs of the department. While the ex.pense of the department Is paid by the fire insurance companies doing business In the state, these companies are more than willing to do so on account of the fact that official Investigations of fires supposed to be caused by Incendiaries al ways follow. This the concerns them selves could not do without the co operation of the state. The tax levied on the fire companies brlruts In about 112.000 per year and goes to the support of Warden Randall's de partment exclusively. The Investigations of the fire warden or his deputies often saves the Insurance companies much money through the disclosing of crooked work connected with biases over the slate. In one case footprints which were fol lowed by bloodhounds brought to the scene of the fir by Warden Randall led to a discovery which in turn ended In the detection of a man who had fired & rival's store. Inquiry tnd Investigation In another cafe showed that a stock of goods whloh were supposed to have aggregated close to $16. 00 In value had been shipped Into a town from some distance and that the freight bill receipted disclosed that only $71 had been required to move them on the reJ'" road. The rate per hundred pounds, which was afterward looked up, revealed the fact that only about one-eighth that amount at the most could have been freighted for the amount of the receipt In another case a stock said to be worth $150 was Insured for $750. and Mr. Randall said he succeeded In getting the local in surance agent to admit that the Insured person paid him $200 after the policy was Issued. "My experience causes me to believe that Insurance agents are responsible tor over insurance." said Mr. Randall. "The agents re eager to get a commission and often permit people to insure property for mi re than it is worth. This Is In many cases an Inducement for Incendiarism. Some times the ipsured deceive agents by lying about the amount of Insurance in force on property. In one case I am satisfied that the agent was in league with a man who overinsured. The blame for a lot of deviltry may be laid at the door of Insur ance agents who do things that would not be sanctioned by their companies." ENGINEER OF BIG DEAL GETS PENSION, ENDS LIFE Fred Setbrt, Secretary of George Bramder, Commits Salclde at - Mllwaalcee. ,. . ,. , . -- . . M On..l fV.lh- MILWAUKE15, may .-ti5iei . gram.)-Fred Seibert. private secretary for j George Brumder. who was prominent in the deal by which big Lincoln, Neb., Ger man weekly waa some years ago merged with the Milwaukee Germanla, owned by Brumder, committed suicide today by overturning a row boat in the lake. Sei bert was manager of many of Brumder's enterprises, and after the merging of the Lincoln publication, which was at that time the biggest German weekly in America , with the Milwaukee publication, he handled the Lincoln end of Brumder's business until the entire business was cen tralised In Milwaukee. For this deal. Sei bert was given a pension by Brumder in addition to his regular salary. PICNIC FOR AVERY SCHOOLS Teaehera Will Go Away to Spend Their Vacation Thla Summer Some at College. The closing of the Avery schools was celebrated by a picnic at Rlvervlew park on Friday. The teachers will spend the vacation, period at the following places: Superintendent EX H. Patterson, New York; Principal H. A. McFarland, Stanton; Miss Marie Keenan, Fremont college; Miss Kathryn Keenan, Fremont college; Miss Ida Ham, Chicago; Miss Mary J. Moore, Columbus; Mis Edith Bachelder, Denver; Miss Frances Martin, Bellevue. The Omaha Bee's Great Booklovers' Con test Thirty-nine prizes. Vou can enter at any time. TT mi JL T jl nai nuys Gnnd buys It is straight rye distilled in conDcr (ordinary whiskey not more than twice) no blending, no imitation. The companion of companions. Al ways have a bottle in the house for emergencies. . Ask for "Schenley," the purest rye you can get. ( Bottled In Bond. U. S. Government ttimo on vry bottla Schenley Distilling Company, Luscesco, Pa, TV,. u Vrji rvo Y INSURED against Corner 20th and Farnam. Electric Car Kills -4 Piirn WVinn TUfc? Allfn. illU IIUltiA AAllU UUVV Family of Jerry Kauffman, Formerly of Lexington, Neb., Wiped Oat i at Los Angeles. J IX3 ANOFLKS. Cel., May (Special Telegram.) Five perw-vns were killed With out warning this afternoon and on other Is slowly dying at the hospital In Whittle as the result of an automobile accident The rtesd: JKRHY KAl'FMAX, 4", a carnenl'. Long Reach, formerly of Islington, Neb, I V A KAl'FMAX, W. his wife. HAZED J. KAl'FMAX, 14. died In hospi tal. MR. and MRS. HAROLD O. HOLUNOS WullTH. formerly of Denver, killed In stnntly. Harry Katifmnn, aged R, is not expected to live out the night. The accident happened at what Is known as Downey Road, a place fourteen mllea outside of the city, near tho little town of Rivera. Car No. 819 of the Pacific electrio rond running at full speed along the open spnee of track, struck the rear center of the automobile and, lifting the auto clear from the ground, hurled It against a milk receiving platform standing twenty feet away at the side of the track. The automobile turned completely over, crushing the life out ot the five growat occupants and fatally wounding little Harry Kaufman. Haxel Kaufman waa stilt breathing when picked up, but died In the Whlttler hospital before the sur geons could care for her hurts. Hollingsworth was a railway telegrapher. Bryan Has Conference with Demo Leaders Meets Twenty Leading; Politicians in Washington and Sayi Will Not Be a Candidate. WASIINGTON. May .-WIIUan Jen nings Bryan during a brief stay in Wash ington tonight held a conference with Representative Burton Harrison of New York, Representative Hammll of New Jer sey and about twenty other politicians. The participants In tho conference would not discuss Its purpose. In an interview Mr. Bryan on being asKea aooui ine rumor mat ne migm vm the next democratic nomine for president, said: "I am not a candidate and will not be leave me out of it." He refused to express any choice be tween Woodrow Wilson and Champ Clark, or to confirm a report of his opposition to Governor Harmon of Ohio. With msnly pride 1 swat and slide And skate homt oa my face. With Camtiri S In my intide I purluia vry base, "Pnever get anything like this on the roadl" Any travelling man will tell you that about Campbell's Tomato Soup. He may stop at the best hotel and enjoy the finest fare, but he misses n TOMATO In fact this unequalled deli cacy would be a millionaire's luxury if it was' made for only a few hundred or a few thou sand people. We make it for millions, that is why we produce it at the price. And no one has the price of anything better. 21 kinds 10c a can fust add hot water, bring to a boil, and serve. JoSIFH CaMPSBU, Com fast CamdeaN J Look for the red-and-white label of Six Generations' Rim four times W) PURE RVE Bats n(P T m Note the label on the bottle and be sure to order Schenley Pure Rye at your dealer. fire moths burglary. Telephone Doug. 3040.