8 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 20, mil. REAL ESTATE F(RV AND KANCH l.tU FOR JALJ Contlnned ) FOR HAI.8C 18.509 seres In Laramie tounty, Wyoming, in Uolden Prairie dis lrl t : snltahle for ferrnlng; now storked e-lth ci ! and sheep; will sell with ranch; III exchange f'r eastern Nebraska or lows farms. J. T. Hall, unnur, neenaa W ro. - FOIVSALE 03 EXCHANGE Wli exchange propertl of merit H. H. Culvci'. HU-iJ O. S. U. bids.. 1. Ih6o. FOR PALK A; clean stock of general merchandise. ' cimsUiliig of dry e.oils, clothing, shoes, lints and cups. carp'ts and us-s, rrc-ckery. and irrocerles: slso brick itnre building; well located in Kod town f 1.600 peeple In northeast Jfebrsskn: stock will Invoiee about ' lO,t); would discount stok some fin- 4.-&sn or would exchnns stock nnd building for Rood farm In south ern Minnesota, Iowa, southeast South Da kota, eastern Nebraska, northeast Kanasi or northwest Mlmmri; land miint be good snrt at about, real value; would assume small incumbrance. Give full particulars about land In first letter; Improvements, soil, lay of land, distance' from what town, number and pries If land Is rented, what rent Address X 29, cars of lies. FOR rdlAlrie sales d exchanges, ses D. M. I. K A. MING. if Ursnde s Bldg. I 1 FINK stlto, slightly used, ao-horse power, four-cylinder, excellent condition: will coo. sider exchanging for cottage worth it,'"; must be clran Address T 417. Hee. VANTEI-fTo trade two acres on boule vard near .South Omaha Country club for automobile. This Is- a choice tract, worth the money, and will rapidly Increase In value. Answer quick. A. B. (.'., Stock Yards station, Houth Omaha. A VERY choice 100-acre, nicely Improved farm to eastern Kansas: close to town; hlxhly. Improved locality; only two hours' ride from Kaunas City; equity $9,o00; will exchange for cheap land or city property priced at cash value. S. E. W AIT at CO.. 617 Wee BL.OQ. WANTED TO TKAUK A dandy 6-room house fin paved street In best residence dis trict of South Omaha, all modern except furnace, for automobiles. Will take new cars at second-band ones if In prime con dition and priced right. This ia a snap. Answer quick. A. B. C. STOCK YARDS STATIOV, SOUTH OMAHA. BRICK BLOCK I have a practically new t-stnry and base ment brick bu tilling In Vllllsca. la., which I will trade for automobiles, residence property In Omaha or cheap land. This bid ding is In the best h cation In town nnd would make a fine location for a pool hall, reptatlrant. hotel or Harare and repair shop. Better Investigate 'this at once, for It Is good. Address owner. ..MART MOM,. Omaha, Neb., ZMT Bristol St. '., REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEKE REAL EST ATM CO.. 10l New Omaha National Bank Building. GARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. T. Life. IBM to 1149,01)0 on tmpioved property. No delay. 5 At Kl.-.c? e'ty and farm property, w. V 72Ca MBIKLB. M Rams. Bid. " WANTED, FARmTlOANS. Kloke InV. Co., Omaha, WANTED City loans. Petera Trust Co. WANTISD-eCity loans ar.S variant. W. rarnatn Bmltb at Co., 1320 Farnam St. LOANS to homo owners and homo build ers, with privilege of making partltal pay ments Aaml-annually. W. H. THOMAS, aul First National Bank building. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO . IM BRAN DEIS BLDU. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina Co.. with asseta of over 1117,000,000. I am Jirepared to accept all the good loan of red on Improved Omaha real estate Business and restdenoe loans made will out eel?.- - v-r- THOMAS) BRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for sale In amounts from $300 to $3,000. " ..BENSON & MYERS, 412 New York Life Bldg. f!00 to 110.000 made promptly. F. II Wead... Weed Bldg.. lata and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAM-Fajrna Invealmect Co WE HAVE money to loan on Improved real estate In Omaha and suburba NEBRASKA HAVINGS LOAN APS'N. 16U6 Farnatn Bt. Board of Trade Bldg. CITY and Farm. JOUN N. FRENZER. LOW RATES. BEMI8-CARLBERQ CO.. 110-112 Brandela Tt-eater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer the farmer f Iowa? Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise store for lund or an kind of an exchange? Or have yen some land you want to sell for cash 7 The ne paper that reaches the Iowa farmer la the Das atfoknes Capital; 42.000 elrcuieuos dully rate single Insertion, t cent a word; six Insertions, cents a word. Dea Molne DalU Capital. Des Mulne. la. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Isatureaque mi. Lawrence Routa Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. ULARQOV MONTKIULL TO LONDON. Havret France Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow, aplendld scenery, shortest passage, lea rates. Any local agent or ALLAN CO., Ueneral Agents, IK N. Dearborn fat., Chicago. ANCHOR LINK STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW TOFK AND NAPLKS DIRECT Single or Round Trip Tickets between New York and Scutch, English, Irish and all principal Continental points at attractive rates, bend for book of Information, , , Superior Accommodation. Excellent CuU slue. Apply promptly for Reservation te local agents of Anchor Una or RENDER SON lUiUJi. Oeneral Agents, 'hiuago, 1U. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid far 2d baud furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. OOOD MONEY lor your broktn move. aenU and uld gold. M. Nathan, kw d- 13 tk GELNER pays good prices for furniture, caipeia. cioliie and shoes. D. 6401. WANTED-TO RENT WANTED Adjoining rooms for three young men; furnished;- private bath. L 343. Hee. j - . ' WANTED to rent cottage, by young man at Carter lake, during June or July. Rod and Oun Club or West Side. 8. 348, bee. I- Our Tiouse was unrented. Ana we naa lamented I'nrU we were tirt d and sore, ' Tben we wrote a small ad. Called up The H-e Want Tad Row are happy onco more.' . FIAIRENCE 8KYMOIH This verse receivrs huuorable mention. WANTEI At once, four or five-room modern house furnished or apartment for two. Address F 4J8. Bee. WANTEaTSITUATIOnT""" HIGH school buy wants employment with a business flrai after school and dur ing vacation. Phone Rod 6U7. I-ADY experienced In btrnkkeeplng and office work ws-nis permanent pohltl m. Ad dress Y 89, care Bee. . YOUNO lady with experience In photos rapny wishes- poaitMa In studio; reference trota place (orutexU employed D 83a, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) Vol' NO man of seveinl years experience with stenni and vn anmnes and automo bile reran inu. Address Y 34. care Bee. A TOSITION Ss caretaker for a family going away and leaving home, by a middle sued lady with the best of reference. Tel. Florence. K2. UTKAMFITTER wants work; 3 years In last shop and reference; capable of taking charge. Tel. Doug 77!. MALE st-nographer wants work after 61 p. m. and Saturday afternoons. Tel. Webster 8JS7. WANTED Position as bookkeeper by strndy married man; understands some thing of insurance; small salary will suf f.ce. Address K 312, Bee. or telephone II ehSO. MAN wants portion In wholrvile bouse or any otl.er kind of work. II 340, Bee. POSITION wanted by middle-aged man, married; ten years' experience in R. H. office and two years In lumber office. Reasonable .-alary to start; good refer ence. O 360. Bee. STRONG boy, well acquainted In city, wants position; office or cash boy pre ferred. I'lione Harney 31S3. LADY wants dressmaking. AVill go out by the day or take It home. Web. 6714. LADY, aged 26, with baby boy, 9 months, would like place to keep house for gentle man. Address 13-1 3d Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. GOOD, strong, reliable boy, aged 18, wants position. Harney 31K3. Experienced and competent office assist ant; will substitute for any length of time during the summer. Best references. l-'ij. Bee. WAN'TEIV- A position by young man, clerical preferred. Have had experience and can furnish best of references. D-&3, care Bee. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work as sisting In housework. Address K 369, care Bee. POSITION as hotel clerk; two years' experience; can furnish A No. 1 references. Address, II 4n6, Bee. WANTE1 A position by an all-round butcher. B 400, Bee. YOl'NO lady, good at figures, desire position as cashier at once. Address, D 402. Bee. SITUATION wanted; private chauffeur; hsvo had auto schooling and three years' experience; good habits. Address J 407, Bee. j ' POSITION attending sodn fountain; 18 months' experience; can furnish Al refer ence. Aaarem u 4uo, care iee. POSITION as collector and assistant bookkeeper; can furnish bond and refer ence F 404. Bee. YOTJNO man wants position as clerk; first-class references. Douglas 4316. FAMILY WASHING, $1.25 a week. Har ney 4129. LADY wants work by day, washing, Ironing or cleaning. B-5177. YOl'NO man who h as finished ths NA&iion an traveling salesman would consider a good proposition either traveling or city. n., vjinant. wv, council aUiuiis. RAILWAY TIME CARD TJNIOIf STATIOJ? Tvnth ' 3lmaa tnloa Pacific- Depart. Ean Fran. Overland L .a 8:15 am China and Japan F. M.a 4:06 pm Atlantic F.vnr-tti Arrive. all: pn a 6:46 pn a 8:45 am a 6:10 pra Oregon Express a 4:00 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..al2:4S pm uenvflr opvuiovi t .vt am a l.il am Colorado Express. , ...'.a 8:50 pra a 4:60 pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2:50 pm a 8:20 pm North Platte Local alT.55 pin a 4:46 pm Grand Island Local. ...a 8:16 am al0:30 am a 7:27 am Stromaburg Local bl2;41 pm b 1:30 pm - - . ' i,sicsks k j, u, ih ,, v , r NORTHBOUND. . Twin Eious Minn. Twin C ("All 1u,l mm a 3:60 pm ai2:2S am a 8:28 pm a 3:28 pm a 8:49 aln a 8:28 pm al2:30 pra a 7:46 am al0:10 am a 8:86 pm aU:00 am Daylight Express ..a 7:40 am ..al2:06 pm coioraao-v nicago rhlrairn Hdm'IilL Chicago Special a 6:02 pm Pacific Coast-Chicago.. a : pra Los Angelea Limited. . .a :60 jiti Overland Limited all:4C pra Carroll Local a 4:30 pra Vast Mail a 8:30 via WESTBOUND. Lincoln-Chadron a 8:00 am NorloiK-uaiias a a:w am 1 nnr Pin A-1 .incnln 9-1K Dm Long Pine-utncoin a a ia pm a 6:; Hastings-Superior b 2.16 pm b 6:i Deadwood-Hot Springs. a 8:65 pm a 5:1 Casper-Lander a 3:06 pin all:l . llkl... fc. K.-J.1 M fc- . . . a 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm :u pm liia am Casper-L.anaer Fremont-Albion b 1:66 pm Chlcaao. Rock Island fc Paclfl EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd...al2:68 am al0:45 pm Chicago Day Express. .a 6:46 am a 4:30 pm I V. 1 . 1 akq VnK h!A-r. nm V. 1 A 1 Q unicago uy cxprese-.a o:w am a :tu pi Chicago Local Pas...,bl0:35 am bl0:l pi Des Moines Local Pass.a 4:27 pm al2:12 pi Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:15 pi pm pm VUICIHIU WUUIQM ff.vo I1U e.UA Mill WEST. m Chl.-Neb. Ltd. Lincoln.. a 8:20 am a 6:68 pm Colo.-Cal. Express a 1:26 pm a 4:00 pm Okl. & Texas Express. .a 6.-00 pm all:46 am Rocky Mountain Ltii.alo.ju pm aU:60 am Chtcaa-o, Mllwaake'e St. Pawl Oveland Limited all:3 pm a 7:68 am Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:16 am Om.-Savanna Local. ...a 7:16 am all:46 pm Colo.-Cal. Express a 6:00 pm a 8:26 pm Colorado Special a 7:42 am a 6:60 am Perry-Omaha Local b 6:16 pm blO.VJ am Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 8:46 pm Chicugo Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:00 am Minn.-St. Paul Ex b 1:00 am ... Mlun.-bt. Paul Ltd a 8:00 pm a 8:00 am Wabash Omaha-SL Louis Ex. ...a (.30 pra a 8:36 am Mail and Expresa a 7:02 am all: 16 pm fllunh'w I-l irmin C R kh K-ikt mil am ,aleuio-jireat Wtilr Chicago Limited a 6:4k pm Twin City Limited b 8.30 pm a 7:68 am twin City Limited k d0:30 am Tain City Jutpie&a a 7:30 am a :M pm Chicago Uxpieta a : put MUaoarl Pacific K. C. k 6L L. Ex a 8:20 am a 7:40 am K. C. ai til. L. Jix all: 16 pin a 6:60 pm Barllsgtoa statloa xotu k4 Masoa. ftlarllButonM Depart. ft 4:ltl om Arrive, a 3.46 pm a 3. vi put a 6:lu pm a 3:4j pm aU.16 pui a 7:W aiu a (.10 piu a 6:10 pm b 8;us aiu uio.M mt a 7 :60 pm a 8:60 am a 2:40 piu all:& pm all:Ju pm a 7:00 am a 8.6o pm a :uj am aiu: 30 am aw. 30 am all :4a am a :4a ain a C.lu pm Denver & California. Puget Suuiid Express.. a 4.10 pm a 6. J0 am iNeuiaska puinie .. Black ililla Lincoln Mail Nurtnweot lxpie&s Nebrabka points ... .a 4. 10 pui . b 1.20 pm .all: piu .a b.Ai Min Neoraska Express a -U atu Lincoln L.ocal bchu ler-PluiUuioutli. . Lincoln Local plaltamouth-iowa Bells vue-Piatttinioutu.. Central Nebraska Chicago Special Denver fepeclal Chicago Express Chicago Faal Express. b 3 06 pm a 7:26 pin a 8. is am aUi.30 pm .all .66 pm .a 7.16 am .a 4. HI mn .a 6.30 pm Atlaniio Coast Limited ..ii pin Iowa Local Creston tla.) Local.... St. Louis Express K. C. SU Joseph.... K. C. at St. Joseph K. C. ot. Jusepb a s.io am ,a t .'M pui a 4:30 pm .al0:t6 pm .a 8.16 am .a 4. JO pm V.'ebatrr ttatloa lBtk aa4 Wekster. Mlasoarl Pacific Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 3:60 pm bll.65 am catraao, t. Paal, Allaaeapolla - ft O ui a t - . - . Depart Arrive. Ploux- City Express.. ..b 8:86 pra bll:06 pm Omaha Local e :25 pm Bloux City Pass b 8 25 um Twin City Pass b 6:45 am floux City Local c 8:26 am Emrson Local b 6mA pm b 8:1 ani (b) dally except Sunday. tc Sunday only The Bee aims to print a paper that appeals to intelligence; not to an appetite for scandal and sensations. city n,xpreas....a 7:46 am al0:20 pm City Local , -a S:46.-pm a 1:28 pm tk. Dakota Ex. ...a T:O0 pm a 8:16 am City . Limited a 8:46 pm a 7:30 am Minnesota Express aU:0o am m 1 -IA GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Prospects of Rain Take Edge Off the Bull Side. GEEAT WHEAT STOCKS HELD Xfw Harvest Growlaa-. Nearer Staads In War of roaslltle Advance Greater trrnsth la tora Is Shown. OMAHA, May 17. 19U. Cooler weather and prospects for rain took the bull edge off the wheat market at the start.- Hains were scattered over the southwest and the spring wheat belt had K'od heavy rainfall, making conditions per fect. The market is a genuine weather af fnlr and there Is a generally friendly feel ing to the bull side. There are enormous stocks of wheat, however, and the new harvest Is near at hand, which la In op position to any marked advance. The strength developed In corn must be credited more to .the reduced stocks and the bullish commercial position of cash corn than to the hot weather talk of probable damage to the growing crop. The higher cash prices are likely to Increase receipts and at this time shipping demand and sal show signs of slacking. Despite bearish news and early selling, wheat turned strong on evening up trades for shorts who did not care to hold over Sunday, closed the market strong. Cash wheat was steady and unchanged. llenvy corn receipts weakened the mnrket and cooler weather, with showers checked the bull sentiment. Cash corn was Primary wheat receipts were C75,0nO bush els and shipments were 47S.MO bushels, against receipts last year of 254,no0 bushels and shipments of 214.m bushels. Primary corn receipts were 870.000 busn els and shipments were 240.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 1SS.000 bushels and shipments of 316.000 bushels. Clearances were 1X2.0X bushds of corn, none of onts and wheat and flour equal to 322,000 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged to a hlgner on whrnt nnd ',d higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat No. 2 hard: 3 cars, 88c. NO. S hard- 1 car, K,V,c; 1 car. 'c. Corn No. I white: 2 cars, SOHc; 1 car, Boc. No. 3 white: 2 cars, M'ics 1 car 60c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 4'c. No. 2 yellow: 7 cars. 49-Vic; 6 cars. 49"C. NO. s yeuow; 6 cars. 4Vi.c. No. 4 yellow. 1 car. 49c; 1 car. 4N-V.C. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 49l,i!C. No. 3 mixed: 4 cars. 4SM,c; t cars, 49'4c No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 4c; 2 cars, 4!i4c. lo graue. 1 car. 45MrO. tiats No. 8 white: 3 cars, SlM-c; 1 car, 33c No. 4 yellow: 1 car, S2ic. ' Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 87VwW,ic; No. 3 hard, kn89ic; No. 4 haru. MCh87V4c; re jected hard, 74iit82,4c; No. 3 spring, 8Sft'e93c; No. 4 spring, Wuyic; No. 2 durum, WW 86S$c; No. 3 durum, 83tj84?c. CORN No. 2 white. 60Viarj0Hc: No. 3 white, oWb50hc; No. 4 white, 48iH9c; No. 3 color, 49'4i'4Wc;, No. 2 yellow, 4949c; No. 3 yellow, 4lK&49'c; No. 4 yellow. 48Vtf 4Sc; No. 2, 49rti49c; No. 3, 49U49Vic; No. 4, 4xyt&4(je. OATS No. 2 white. S3Wa"34c; standard, 3?ASt,33c; No. 3 white, 3333ttc' No. 4 white, S2H'833c; No. 3 yellow, 323314c ; No. 4 yellow, SlhiS32o. BARLEY No. 3, fUiffSfic; No. 4, 74S4c; No. 1 feed, 67ttjl2c; repected, &45'r9c. RYE No. 2. 89-8900; No. 3, 88S9c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 213 431 , 260 Minneapolis 184 Omaha 28 136 15 Duluth .76 CHICAGO GRAIN ASO PROVISIONS Featnrea of tbe Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 27. Rains ' and cooler weather west of the Missouri river made the wheat market easy most of the time today, but In the last half hour a smart rally occurred on account of renewed buy ing for an Interest which has been con spicuous of late in taking the bull side. Closing figures vary from a shade lower than last night to 4c up. The day's trading left'eorn unchanged to He down, oats the same as twenty-four hours previous or running to Wo: Vic decline and provisions strung out from UVfcC loss to a sain of 24c net. - - - ' -- Relief from the heat and drouth, even though the change was restricted in extent, brought a quick right-about-face among traders In wheat. Bearish feeling grew more pronounced when cables turned out to be flat. Prospects for large receipts here the next few days had a further depress ing effect. General selling was the rule for quite a while, but gradually tapered off and In the end gave place to persistent buying on the part of bull leaders. As a result many of the early bears were forced to cover. Influenced somewhat by reports of a shortage of wheat on hand In Oregon, Idaho and Washington. During the session July ranged from 880 to SOVgDc, with last sales 89Aft89c, Just a shade net gain. Heavy realizing by local longs caused a downward tendency in corn. July fluc tuated between 6353o and 64Vc, closing steady, fa-Hc down, at STic. Cash grades were steady. No. 2 yellow finished at 64 64c. The oats trade proved large. High and low points for July were 364c and 36c, with latest transactions SoVytc, a net decline of WVe. (selling credited to a Milwaukee packer more than offset In the provisions pit strength due to an advance In the price of hogs. In the end pork was 2Vs12Hc lower than last night, but other products showed no Important change. Prices in Chicago, furmsned by the Up dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas 2473, 70b Brandels building, Omaha: Articles ! Open. High. Low. Closs.j Yes'. Whea-.-May... July.. Sept... Coin May... July... Sept. ... Oais May.., July.., Sept... Pork- I 997'l mJ KiJ 9 89 89,(41, H 0l?'4lU-', 644 64 64, 64 63 64 64H 64 63j64V0 i 64 63T644; MVtHi 36H 36 36 ,35W! 8W 3&V 36 86 14 97 14 46 8 2 832 7 97 7 86 So, 8' Mil July.. Sept.. IS 00 14 40 8 25 16 00 14 40 8 2S 8 87 14 90 1 14 96 14 3?H 14 40 Lard- July.., Sept... 8 30 8 27H 8 221 8 30 7 96 I 786 8S2Hi Ribs- July.. Kept.. I 00 IM TK 7 871 7 871 7 80 FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 84 003 4.50; winter straights, 83.70426; spring straights, 34.16&4.36; bakers, 8i. 40-4. 60. n i r. . o. i, oo, BARLEY Feed or mixing. 63(S75c: fair to choice malting, SSigWc. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, nomi nal; No. 1 northwestern, nominal; timothy. 812.00; clover, 310.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 81500 15.26. Lard, per 1(10 lbs., 88.17. Short ribs. siues, luoae, t.3)to((l.uu. Total clearances of wheat and flour wore equal to 322.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 625,000 bushels, compared with 264.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. E-eumatea receipts lor tomorrow: Wheat 131 cars; corn, 646 cars; oata, 22S cars; hogs, 41.000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 97H!98'ac; No. 3 red, V(94c; No. t hard. 97Va'Ac; No. 8 hard, ttuiiMc; No. 1 north ern spring, tl.001.02; No. 2 northern spring, fc4i8102; No, 8 spring, 83(U97e. Corn: No. 3 cash. 61c: No. 3 cash, Mt(fAh,c ; No. 3 white, 64'(i64c: No. 8 white, 54(li64'4c; No. 2 yellow. 61'u64c; No. 3 yellow, 64w54c. Oats: No. 3 cash, 84c- No. 2 white, 3ti 86c; No. 3 white, 36Vo3rte; No. 4 white. at'ybc; standard, abuab. - BUTT,' F.R Firm; creameries. 18S33c; dai ries, luiffaio. K!U.- Steady ; receipts, 21.768 cases; at mark, cases included, 14al2c; firsts, 14c mime firsts. 15c. CHBEWK Bteady; daisies, llllc; OCEAN STEAMSHIPS a HAMBURG-AMERICAN London Paris Haniborg- Pstrirts. June 8, llajn Prtorl Jsna 14 Amerlks Jun tl Pras. Orant ....June 10 rill Csrltos a ia Carts HaaUurant. - Meaoeod C able oolr. Will call at Bouloaoa MCslI at Plrnrautk aa4 Cbarboorg. Cruising TWO CBUIaBS Br tha ll.isa tua tremphlp "ILIVIUID" Ttta first le taave Na Tark Octobw II. till. Tha sna4 ta laava Saa Fraa alaeo Fab. a. IMS. Dajrattea I IGOATS C03JT 96S0 . THE- laoladiaf AJLI. WORLD IAMB U88 a H 8 1 I6il LIStB 1M Waal kanao:k St., Csioaco, 1U-. ar aeceeeary Kx pa saa J Aboard aaa Asaar. Oa an ooeaa tlna Ittl... IiLV m. A m -t - . 111, ! ii-Tc, iiiiih norns, nn Lite. mTATOEK F.asv; choice to fancy, new, II '.".al. 11; ild, 4tm72c; fair to good, old, 3ti c. roll.TRT-Ptesdy: turkeys, live. 13c; fowls, live, IZc; springs, dressed, 2Iii2fioi VEAL Menrtv; 60 to fiO lbs.. 7'a7c; 60 to ?5 lbs., S'.i9c; S to 110 lbs., 9-iTlOc. Receipts Today Wheat, 263 cars; corn. 413 cars; oats. 2m cars. Estimated Tomorrow Wheat, 131 cars; corn, 646 cars; oats, 225 cars. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET ((notations at the Day oa Varlaas Commodities. NEW "YORK, Mav 27.-FLOlTR-ulet; spring patents. 84.7iiif6.15; winter patents, 84 l'ii4..Vi; w inter extras No. 1. I3.axri3.60; Vsnsas stralshts. 81 ltr-M.?"; winter extras. Xo. I, lSfTS 2T.. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, 84.fc&7rTi.M5; choice) to fancy. 86 SOfrr, BO. CORNMEAI-Pteady; fine white and V. M -. fi.tviil.jo; coarse, l.lntfl 15; kiln (l-'r ,l " v WHEAT-Spot market, easy; No. t red. WVic. elevator, and 7V4c. f. o. b.. afloat: ."so. 1 northern. Duluth. ll.OTVi. r. o. n., ; afloat. Futures market was easier under i week-end llaMdatoln due to showers in the southwest and nrospects of more fa vorable conditions over Sunday, closing MiWc lower; May closed at c; July, 95 rn'c; closed at 9Gc; September closed at 4Sc. CORN Spot market dull; export, new No, 2. (S2c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Fu tures market was without transactions, closing at c net decline. July closed at 61c: June, 61 o. OATS Spot market, quiet; standard, white, 42c; No. 2. 43c: No. S, 42c; No. 4. 41c.; futures market was without tran sactions; close, nominal. HAY-Steady; prime. 81.5ft5Tl.55; No. 1. 8l.4fVffl.Bft: No. 2, tl.2TxRl.36: No. 3, tl.0O31.06. HIDES Steady; Central America, 19 20c; Bogota. 211ifr2214c. LEATHKR Steady ; hemlock, firsts, 23 r27e; seconds. 22fa23c: third. 19i20c; re jects, H'JtlSo. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: family. t18.0Oi'20.OO; short clear, tl6.((318.00. Beef, dull; mess, J12 fKV(n3.'i0; family, ti3. 50 14.00; beef hams, $25.60rg 27.50. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., tl0.26ft 12.60; pickled hams, tH.75W12.50. Ird, steady; steady, middle west prime, t8 30)8. 40; re fined steady; continent tO; South Amer ica. 89.00; compound, t7.377.62. TALLOW Quiet; prime city ,hdds., 6c; country, 6'ff-6o. BUTTER Firm; creamery, special. 2"3 26c; extras, 24tj.c; firsts. 22ti23c; state dairy, finest, 24c; state dairy, good to prime, 22i23c; state dairy, common to fair, 17li21c; factory, current make, firsts, 17c; factory, current make, seconds, ltSfil7c. KOG5 Firm; fresh gathered, selected extras, 20jf21c; fresh gathered, seconds, 15 'lu'-ic; fresh gathered, dirties, No. 1, He; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 2, 12gi3; fresh gathered, checks, good to prime, 12 13c. CHEESE Steady; old skims, 6ffl0c; new, 2Hi7e. POULTRY Alive, firm; western springs, 20c; western fowls, 13&14c; western tur keys, 12c. Dressed, easy; western broilers, 20ii2Sc; western fowls, lgilSc; western turkeys, ISiJjICo. Corn and Wheat ttearlon dnlletln. Record for the -twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m. Saturday. May 27, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland. Neb 90 66 .00 Cloudy Auburn, Neb 96 68 .00 Pt. cloudy B'ken Bow, Neb. 86 49 . 42 Cloudy Columbus, Neb... 82 67 .00 Cloudy Culbertson, Neb.. 8S 4S .00 Pt. cloudy Falrbury, Neb... 91 63 .00 Pt. cloudy Fairmont, Neb... 89 67 . 00 Cloudy Gr. Island, Neb.. 90 66 .00 Cloudy Hnrtington, Neb. 91 . 64 . 08 Cloudy Hustings, Neb.... 90 60 .00 Pt. cloudy Holdrege, Neb... 87 52 .00 Clear Lincoln. Neb 91 CI .00 Cloudy No. Plaiie, Neb. 84 40 .H Clear Oakdale. Neb 89 63 .48 Pt. cloudy Omaha, Neb 91 70 .00 Cloudy Tekamah. Neb... 90 61 .00 Cloudy Valentine. Neb.. 84 40 .18 Clear Sioux City, Ia... 88 B8 .00 Cloudy Alta. Ia. 90 o .02 Cloudy Carroll. Ia 88 80 .06 Cloudy Clarinda, la 82 8 .00 Cloudy Sibley, Ia 80 65 .03 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-bout period ending at 8 a. m. h, DISTRICT AVERAGE? J Mo. of Temp. Rain- District- Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, 0 17 91 62 .00 Louisville, -Ky...Tv$ 91 - 62 .00 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 90 t2 .00 .00 - .00 .10 Chicago, 111 25 92 61 St. LOUIS, M0.,..n8 94 6K Des Moines, la.,.. 21 '92- 66 Minneapolis, Minn. 80 ' 80 48 Kansas City, Mo 34 . m 63 Omaha, Neb... SO 66 .70 .20 .40 Very warm weather prevailed throughout the corn and wheat region Friday, and temperatures up in the nineties were gen eral In all portions except In the extreme upper valleys. Decidedly cooler weather Is moving In over the western districts this Lmornlng, and Will extend over the entire region wtihln the next twenty-four hours. Good rains have fallen in the Dakotas and lighter showers occurred In tho Omaha. Des Moines and Kansas City districts. The following heavy rains occurred in the Da kotas: Larlmore, N. D., L90; Bottineau, N. D., 1; Aberdeen, a. D.. 1.40; Mitchell, 8. D L10. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather uuieau. St. Loale General Market. ST. LOUIS, May 27. WHEAT-Cash, lower; track. No. 2 red, 92Cu96c; No. 4 hard, 92&98c. Futures, steady; May, 92c; July, Hijc; September,' 8tjiu6c. CORN Lower; track. No. 3, 63a63c; No. 8 white, 64jj54c. Futures, lower; July, M'4c; September. t853ko. OATH Firm: track. No. i, 34c; No. 2 wnite, at"c. f utures, mgner; July, 36 c; September, 350. RYJJ Lower, at 96a r'LOUlt (Juiel; rea winter patents, 84 20 U4.iu; extra lancy ana siraignts, J.tWa4.lO; hard winter, 82.6u3.16 , BEEDS Timothy, 35.0060.50. CORN MEAL 82.50. BRAN Unchanged; sacked, east track. 81.W7 (U 1. 10. HAY Steady; timothy. 816.0OiZr22.0O: nral- rie, 812.001 16.oa PROVLSIONS-Pork. higher: lobblnir. 815.50 Lard, higher; prime steam, 17.90a 8.00. Dry salt meats, unchanged,; boxed extra snorts, xs.aiVi; clear ribs, 88.3i; short clears, 88.63. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. 89.37: clear ribs. 89.37: short clears, 89 62. POULTRY-45teady; chickens. 8c: soring Wi24c; turkeys, 12-jj 15c; ducks, 10c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 1621a IX1G3 SUady, at 12c. Recelpta Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,700 7,00) Wheat, bu 63.000 22,000 Corn, bu ; 134,000 47.000 Oats, bu 64,000 26,000 Kaasaa City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 27. WHEAT Cash, unchanged to c lower; No. 2 hard, 8MMc; No. 3 hard, 86)r92c; No. 8 red, Qia Un a .a . c . ...... o . CORN Market Vitc lower; No. Z mixed. 62V62c; No. 8 mixed. 62g-&2c; No. t shite, 62c; No. 8 white, 62c; July, 61c; September, 61c. OATS Unchanged; No. X white. smWAc: No. 2 mixed, 34y36c. jYE 9lKji96c. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 815.50lZfl7.00: choice prairie. tl2.25&13.80. BUTTER Creamery, 90c; firsts, 17c; sec onds, 15c; packing stock, 14e. VXXi& Kxtras, I6c; firsts, 14c; seconds. 9'c- neceipts. enipments. Wheat, bu. 47.000 113.000 Corn, bu 69.0U0 45.000 Oats, bu 14,000 6,000 Liverpool Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. May 27 WHEAT Spot, steady: No. 1 northern. Manitoba. 6d: fu tures, firm; May, July, ta lid; October, 6s 9d. CORN Spot, new American, mixed, no stock; old American mixed, quiet; bs 3d; mixed. 52c: No. 4 mixed. 50V c: no grade. new American, kiln dried, easy, 4s lod; futures, steady; July, is a; (September, 4s 10d. - Minneapolis Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 27. WHEAT Mav. &6a06c; July. v; September.Slo l'ecenikx-r. l,c: cash. No. 1 hard. iifeVc: No. 1 northern, 86VmW4c; No. 8 northern. 1H7av(c; iso. a, tf-jo. Oamaha Prod nee Market. BUTT EIV Creamery. 22c; packing stock, 14Hc EOOB 120. POULTRY Broilers, 20c; stags, 6c; hens, 9c; ducks, 10c Dalatk Orala Market. , DULUTH. May 27. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 9STc; No. 2 northern. SG'yTic; May, 90, nominal; July, 9s1o; Septem ber, 93c. OATH 350. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Mav 27. W H EAT No. 1 northern. tloil.U2; No. 2 northern 99Kitl 00; May, tdc; July, 8o. OATd Standard, 636e. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Steady to Lower for the Week. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER Fat Sheep and l.a m be Make a Good Gala for the Week, Being Fifty o Slstr Cents Higher. SOT.TH OMAHA. May V. 1911. Freelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Pheep Official Mnndav 4 m 1 !" ''"icial Tiodsv 6 1i i 7'" Official Wednesday ., IC im ?I4 ffl'-lal Thursday, S.TH 13. T5 S.""" Officlnl Frldav 641 5 601 8.114 E't mate Saturday 20 7,548 Six days this week IS 391 (S2.M4 22.911 Fame days lat week. . .20.47S M.S70 2-' M4 Same days t weeks ago..1.7?2 r-n.z.tl mVAt Same days 3 weeks ago.. 17 250 57.190 29 6 6 Same davs 4 weeka airn IIM 7? 77. .77 1RI E-nma, nav, a n n n , n i i. :ui i .- x . , The following table shovs t.e receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omnhn for the year to date, ss compa-ed with last year: "lO mc Cattle 41S.3S4 400.030 16.3S4 Hogs 1.0S7.710 S79.I.W 218 04 ! Sheep 690.C36 594,218 96,400 1 The following table shows tbe average prices on bogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. 19U ,:910.t909.190S.19O7.190.19O5. May 17... May 18... May 111... Mav 20... Mav 21... Mav 82... May 23... May 24... May 25.., May 26.. May 27... S (9 9 St' 7 W I 8 21 33, 6 23 (84 9 44 7 02 1 6 30 C 25 6 ts b t 5 71H 9 RSI 8 I 5 341 6 30 5 "Q i 71 391 981 5 88! 23 6 24 9 411 7 0l 6 3X 6 24 8 20 8 84 7 00 6 37 Ls 6 3-M 6 29 6 59 9 43 5 2 6 11 6 1 6 25 6 62 9 39! 6 97 i I 8 04 8 22 6 17 6 70 9 19 7 10 6 14 6 99 1 32 1 5 16 6 8.1 14, 7 14; 5 16i I 6 271 6 19 6 84 9 27 7 14 6 20 6 90 6 17 Sunday Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nlon Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yester day; RECEIPTS. Cattle.Hogs.H'r's. C, M. & St. P 7 Missouri Pacific 12.. Union Pacific 19 C. A N. V., east 7 C. N. W.. west 43 C, St. P. M, 4 0 8 C, B. & Q , east 2 C, B. & y., west 17 1 C. R. I. & P., east v 6 C, R. I. & P., west 1 Illinois Central 3 C. O. W 2 Total receipts 1 116 1 DISPOSITION. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Murphy Hogs. Sheep. ... 997 ...1.563 ...2.3H4 11 ... 104 Totals 7.0S6 11 CATTLE As usual on a Saturday there were no cattle of any consequence In sight this morning and the market was prac tically bare of supplies. For the week re ceipts have been liberal, although show.ng a slight falling oif as compared with last week's heavy run. At the same time there has been a decided increase over the record made for the corresponding week last year. As was the case last week the demand for beet steers seemed to call very laigely for the choice well-fattened lightweights. Thub it happened that yearling steers car rying good flesh and of choice to fancy quality -sold at the top of the market and at prices that were fully steady with tne close last week. At the same time light cattle that were lacking in quality and lleHh. were slow sellers all the week, and they closed as much as Wgl5c lower than a week ago. Heavy cattle,, while slow sale, were not in so good demand as light weights, and even the choice grades eased off, and the general market was lo16c lower for the week. There seems to be a demand at all consuming centers for the light cuts of meat, and for tnat reason light-weight cattle are everywhere In the best demand. ' Good light heifers and light cows on the heifer order sold at steady prices all tne week, but heavy cows and everything on the grass order closed 108l5c lower. Very fewstock cattle or feeders arrived during the week, and as there was some little inquiry for cattle of that description the market developed quite a little strengih during the week, and some sales looked as much as 1544.250 higher. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice bee. steers. 5.75a6.10; fair to good beef steers, 86.60W5 76; common to fair beef steers. o.0i uS.60. good to choice heifers, $6.0O5.i; good to choice cows, 84-775.2; fair to good tows and heifers. 84.250?4.76; Common to fair cows and hellers, 2.76tf4.00; kood to choice stockers and feeder, 6.4oiuo.70; fair to good stock.rs and teeders, 8j.104j6.40; oom mon to fair stockers and feeders. 34.ou&' 6.10; stock neifers. 4.2546.25; veal calves, t4.264i7.50; bMls, stags, etc., 1A.Wio.2b. HOGS Hog trade opened a nlcsel higher, about 1,000 head getting the advance, and ruled steady on bulk, closing dull. It was a promising market at the outset, but lacked support, as several of the regular buyers relused to make purchases except on a steady basis. Demand was reasonably active from the start, and barring a weak tone toward the finish, movement had a fair degree of life. Animals that brought the advance early were generally quality oifenngs, suitable for shipping, and at tracted more or less competition from buy ers on outside account. ... ,, . About 7,600 head were received In all and of this total,- shipping and speculating orders furnished an outlet for around Voo head. Clearance at 11 o'clock was prac tically complete. . , Spreads hetd at usual narrow margins, good heavies and weighty butchers bring ing t5.Dow6.86. Choice ngnt hogs reached 86.00, a nickel above yesterday a top and 16c above tops a week ago. Cost of droves during the first four days of this week ruled lower than average cdst at last week's close, but big lmprove n,.n v.aterinv carried prices safely a dime higher than last Saturday's trade. Present prices snow net aavaut-ea ui ifr. KeceiDts have been fairly large and of usual variety and quality. Representative buies. n. a, ah. ft. Ne. Av. ah. Fr. t7 U ... i 7t 71 V W 4 M I2 10 74 74 241 80 I U 411 Sll ISO 6 74 47 li0 1 IH M J7 180 I 76 70 144 80 I 84 U Ml 80 I 76 74 16 ... I 86 ( 138 M 4 74 88 134 100 6 88 (0 19 ... 6 77 41 ifl 80 6 86 84 177 MO I 80 118 40 4 It (1 804 80 8 80 70 140 ... 8 86 u Ill 80 6 80 64 14 40 i 88 87 800 100 I 80 48 134 120 I 86 (1 1B8 140 6 80 71 144 40 I 86 88 144 1M0 8 80 71 261 80 8 88 (8 281 120 6 80 W 211 ... I 86 87 24 120 6 80 88 240 80 86 80 04 J80 80 6 146 160 8 85 81 114 ... I 80 61 241 80 6 88 It 10 ... 6 SO 1 800 ... I 86 88 178 80 8 80 67 101 ... ( 88 t 178 ... 8 80 4 142 110 6 86 It l& ... 4 80 71 144 80 8 88 tl 260 120 ( 80 4 24 40 I 87 to 281 ... 80 70 Ill 120 6 ST t& 268 110 6 80 41 241 40 I 17 88 144 ... I 80 71 ni 80 I 87 to 2S1 480 I 80 71 ta 80 6 80 K, 2M ... 80 86 ! 40 I 80 tl 20 8 6 80 70 207 80 i 80 tl 166 ... 4 80 4S 118 ... 10 88 21 80 I 80 71 218 80 I 80 88 !8 100 8 80 74 118 80 6 80 41 2D8 80 8 80 78 IT 80 180 86 131 ... 6 0 68 264 80 I 80 tl 184 ... I 80 41 24 140 i 80 tl 244 124 80 74 117 80 I 80 M 20 ... I 80 74 144 80 I 80 U 23 80 8 80 61 121 ... i 80 tO 267 80 I 80 41 Ml ... I 0 61 285 40 8 88 48 148 180 6 80 tt 174 10 I 80 80 121 110 i ftt 84 178 108 I 81 48 131 40 80 t8 164 180 4 82 78 Ill 40 I 80 M........1M 80 1 82 74 241 80 8 82 16. ....... 87 80 1 82 78 20 ... 186 tl 171 180 I 86 1K0 120 184 tt 136 140 6 82 68 248 40 t 86 it I4 40 5 tm 84 1K6 80 6 86 14 170 ... t '' 71 137 ... 186 14 181 10 I "V1. 78 2, ... i 86 07 261 ... I 'll- 41 11 110 8 86 u 171 H IV. 44 234 140 I 88 tt 268 80 8 46 78 224 11 I 86 71 .211 ... I 86 70 110 ... 00 tl 184 SO I 88 SHEEP There was nothing on sale this morning In the way of sheep or lambs and the market showed no quotable change. During the week, trade has been In very satisfactory condition and large ad vances have been scored on all claaaea of stock. Business on Wednesday was on the highest basis, but prices weakened Thurs day and Friday, having current quotations tor lambs about 6orioc higner than those of a week ago. Matured sheep also show a half-dollar advance, but the proportion of muttons has been relatively small so tbat any Improvement baa been poorly reflected. Mexican lambs In fleece have been run ning freely but other offerings with wool have been practically lacking. Extra good Mexicans reached 87.76 at mid-week and closed around 87.50a7.56. rihorn western lambs of various weights sold as high as 87.00, this price being paid on two different occasions. At present it would take strictly choice shorn lambs to bring to. 76, bulk of the crop selling at 7ao discounts under wooled stock. Spring lambs have been I resree, good ones selling up as high as 8.VU0. Arrivals of sheep were largely shorn and nihil up only about one-fourth of the week's total of 2J,ono head. Shorn ewes brought as much as I4.754i4.s6 at high time, and shorn wethers topped at iviA. Yearlings and wethers minus fleece rangeii around 85 .Vu 5 50, but the entire list of values Is closing with partial losses from the full advance. A general Improvement of about 6c over prices a week ago R plies to all kinds of old sheep, good weth ers especially. quotations on r-l.eep and lambs: Good to choice spr ng lambs. 7.0WiS.o(; fair to good spring lambs. 16.50'n 7; Mexican lnmb : . J(Vii7.56; western hsndv lambs, 86.717.25 weMern heavy lambs, M.2,t.75; go.d to choice shorn lambs. 3.40I-,.7S; fair to good shorn lambs. 3r,.V,jt 40; shorn feeding lambs. 8.1.754.75; shorn yearlings, 84.R5S 5 r; shorn wethers. 84 fir.vi5.25; good to choice shorn ewes, tl.50tf4.7o; fair to good rhorn ewes. t3.8.rvi4.'50. CHICAGO L1VR STOCK MARK KT Demand for Cattle Steady Hogs Higher Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. May 27. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 200 bead; market stendv; beeves. t515if6.3.V, Texas steers, t4.fi0fu5.66t w-estern steers. 34.80i5.(iO; stockers and feeders, S3.904rS.7S: cows and heifers, S2.4o(f. 5.75; calves. t5.2Mi7.76. HOOS Receipts, estimated at 8.000 head; market. 6fi 10c up; light. t6.S5s.20; mixed, t6.VViifi.20; heavy, t5.6oiiil.12: rough. -" 6 SO; good to choice heav-, t.8U-12; bulk of sales t6.(XVi6.15. SHEEP ANI) LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 7.000 head; market weak; native, I3.60it4. 90; western, 83.75(115 10; yearlings, S4.7ruS.tiS; lambs, native. t4.75'(i6.85; western, to. 76i7. 10. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; no southerns; market steady; native steers, t-i-20'(j.2; southern steers. S4.3TKii4.00; southern cows and heif ers. S.I.OOfjM.60; native cows and helfprs. S3.O04i6.no; stockers and feeders, S4.754i5.O0; bulls, S4O0(i5.OO; calves, 86.007 50; western steers, t4.76W5.90; western cows, t3V(i5.25 HOOS Receipts, 2.600 head; market strong; bulk of snles. tC.0fKoti.16; heavy. StS. 09414). 10; packers and butchers. 6.KHjU5; lights. M0u(ii.!5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,00.1 head; market steady; muttons, t4.O04ifi.O0; lambs, t'i OnfqT.35; fed wethers and year ling, H.6IHU 00, fed western ewes, - 84.00 if 4. 60. St. Loots live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, May 27. CATTLE Receipts, 300 head. Including 200 head Texans; mar ket, steady; native beef steers, S5.5iVflii.4Ti; cows 'and heifers, 83.60ca6.ln; stockers and feeders, 83.00Hi5.30; Texas and Indian steers, S4.25Ca6.O0; cows and heifers. 83.505.00; calves (In carload lots), 86.65it4.00; butch ers and best heavy. tti.00ii4.25. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. m head; market steady; native muttons, 83.50 65.00; lambs, 85.75.76. St. Joseph Lire Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, May 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; market steady; steers. 86.2fKn4.15; cows and heifers, ti.25C(j"i.25; calves, $4.00$7.75. HOOS-Recelpts, 3,000 head; market steady; top, tt.12; bulk of sales, 85 96 &6.05. i SHEEP AND LAMnS-Recelpts, 800 head; market slow; lambs, tti.0Oa7.0O. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 920 7.500 St. Joseph 20 3.000 800 Kansas City 200 2.600 1,000 St. Louis 300 500 Chicago 200 6,000 7,000 Totals ' 920 19.000 . 8,300 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 27. MONEY On, call, nominal. Time loans, dull; sixty days, S -i (l2 per cent; ninety days, 2 per cent; six months, 3'4!ii3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 34 per cent. 'STERLING EXCHANOE-Pteady, with actual business In bankers' bills at t4.M36 tor sixty-day bills and at 84.8636 for de mand; commercial bills, 84.83Ti. SILVER Bar, 634c; Mexican dollars, 45a. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: -i- J. : -,. - V. . rat. 11, rag.. ..100 Int. Mat. 4a 7 do aoupoa 100 Int. M. M. 4a 47 0. B. If. rag-... 101 Japan 4a 88 da coupon 101 da 4a 84 V. 8. 4a, rag '.114 K. C. 80. 1st 9a.... 73 do coupon 114 L. 8. dab. 4a 1131.... 84 Alll-Obl. 1st la.... 78 U A N. unl. 4i 88 Am. A. 6a..; 101 M. K. T. lat 4a.. 8 Am. T. A T. C. ,4a.. 110 do ten. 48 87 Am. Tobacco 4s 14 Mn. Pacific 4a 78 do 8a 108 N. R- R. of M. 40. 82 Armour a Co. 4t.. 02 N. Y. C. g. 18..... ft Atchiaon an. 4a do dab. 4a 83 do ct. 4a Ill N. T.. N. H. A H. do cv. ta 114 ct. la 131 A. C. L. lat 4l K N. ft W. lat c 4a... 88 Bal. A Ohio 4t 88 do ct. 4a 107 do la 82 Mo. Pacttlo 4a 100 do g. w. ! 11 do la 71 Brook. Tr. ct. 4a.... 86 O. 8. L. rfdf. 4a.... 84 Van. ot Oa. 6a lot Penn. ct. a 1816... 7 Can. Leather 68 81 do con. 4a 104 C. of N. J. g. 6a. ...121 Reeding gen. 4a 88 Chaa. A Ohio 4a....l01 Bt. L. A B. F. fg. tt 82 do ref. 6a 84 da gen. 6a 18 Chicago A A. Ia... 70 Bt. L. 8. W. e. 4a... 80 C. B. A Q. J. 4a. 84 do lit (old 4a II do gen. 4a 17 8. A. L. 4a 78 C. M. A IP. g la tl So. Pac. col. 4a ia C. R. I. A P. c. 4a. 71 da cr. 4a 8d do rff. 4a 81 do lat ref. 4a 86 Colo. Ind. 6a 74 go. Railway 6a 108 Colo. Mid. 4a 84 do gen. 4a 78 C. A 8. r. a 4a 8 Union Pad tic 4a 101 D. A H. ct. 4a 100 do ct. 4a 107 D. A R. O. 4a. 81 do lat A ref. 4a.... 17 do ref. ti. 81 V. 8. Rubber 4a. 104 Dlatlllera' 6a Tt U. 8. Steal Id 6a 104 Erie p. I. 4a 87 Va -Car. Chem. 6a. ..101 do sn. 4a 7 Wabaah let 6a 10 do ot. 4a, ma. A.. 82 do lat A ex. 4a.... 61 do oerlea B 74 Weatern Md. 4a 87 Clan. Kiec. ct. ta....l8C Weat. Elac. or. 6a... 84 111. Can. lat rat. 4s. 84 Vila. Central 4a 8 Bid. Ottered. Mo. Pao. or. 6a 83 Local Securities. Quotations furnished by Bums, Brlnker & Co., 449 New Omaha National bank build ing: Bid. Asked. Amal. Copper. tiro-Tear notes p. a... 100 100 Cltr of Omaha 4a. 1830 106 106. M City of Omaha school 4a. 1831 104 104 CudahT Packing Co. 6a. 1824 88 88 Chicago Railway 6a, 1827 88 to Deere Ctompany 6a, notaa 100 100 East St. U A 8ub. 6a, 131 t 88 Fairmont Creamery 1st f. t p. e 89 UN) Fairmont Creamery prd. 7 p. 0 89 100 Iowa Portland Cement lat mtf. ta 88 Kanaaa O. A B. t p. c. prd r 100 Kanaaa (Ity Rr. A U. 6a. 1818 84 88 Loulavllle A N let mtg. 4a. 18X7 86 86 Mo. Pac. Kr Co. 8-year notea, 4 p. a 88 68 Northern Ohio T. A U 4 p. 0. ptd.... 66 100 Omaha Water 6a. l4t 88 88 Omaha A C. B St. Ry. 6e, 1828 84 87 Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry. pfd i p. .... 81 83 Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B 46 tt Omaha Oat 6a, 1817 87 8K Petera Mill p. a. pfd 88 100 South Omaha City 6a 10.1 Union Stock Tarda atock 81 81 An attractive office, in the heart of the THE BEE has a few vacant offices that are as choice as any in the ctty. They , are kept thoroughly clean, and are Inviting rooms during the hot sum mer months. New elevators that will give this building excellent ser vice are being installed. Janitor Here is a list of a few choice offices which are now vacant: BOOM 41S Hsvln a south and west exposure, protected from west by the City Hall ar.d most always a cool breeze from the south. Thlt) space Is 18fex20ti and la well lighted, wltb very reasonable rent, per mo. Sis.00 BOOM S46 On the sixth floor next to the southeast corner, where the after noon sun will not roast durlns; hot weather. There Is a vault about 4 feet sauare In this room which affords storage space for stationery or valuables. The room Is 8-8x19-8, BOOM 330 Northwest corner room, and the only large single room vacant In the building. There Is a total of 80 square feyt of space and has a large fireproof vault. This could be arranged tomake two private of fices and a reception room, and rents at the small sum of, per mo. 40.00 XT XaTTXmEITKO XW LAJtOB BPACB 811 VB BBOASOXirO riKST IXOOB OB I AST SIDB Or BVILOIBO. The New elevators are being installed. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. t'nton Stork Ytrd bond )2? M Memorial HiiopHal 4a, IMi I0 OMtlll UKNKHAL MARKKT. BUTTER- Creamery, No 1 delivered 10 the retail tinde In 1 lb. cartons, 8.c; ivo. I. In So-lh. tubs. 21c; No. 8, In 1-lb. csrton". 21o; paculrg stock, solid pack. l.V dsir. In t -h. tube, Ituloc. market chai.ges every Tuesday. CHKESE--T Ins, tlvi 1; Voung Ameri cas, lHc; daub-, l.,c; triplets, lio; iimhercer, liic: No. l brick, lie; imported t-wirs, i'c; Uomestlo 8 Ins, 2;c; block Swiss. 190. ItH.'LTRY Dressed broilers, under 1 lbs., 8Y0O per doi. ; hens' 1ic;oocks, 10c; ducks, Uc; geese, 15c; turkeys. 2.c; pigeons, per doxen, tl-20; homer squabs, per dos.. 84.0u; fancy squabs, per d-ix , 83 :i0. No. L per dos., 83 00. Alive: Broilers. iVc; 1 to I lbs., and 1 to 2 lbs.. ;vh-; smooth legs, lie; Iiciik, 10c: old roosters. c; old ducks, full feathered, i:c; peese. full leathered, ."c; turneys. lic. guinea fowls. 3cn each; pifc eons, per dox., iOc; homers, per dos.. t3 0o; squabs, No. 1, cr dox , 1.5u; No. 2, per dot., 60c; old tuikeys, 14c. Kltfll (all frui ciil- P'rkercl. 10c; white. 15c; ;lke, 14c; trout, lie; Ihtko crappiey, Cor-Vc; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel. ISc; had dock, 13c; lloumleis. Lie; grein catfish, ItiJ; roe shad, 90c each; shad ro,-, per pair, 40c; frog legs, p r dos., .1,'c.j fci.iiA, .lmon, loc: halibut, tic; yellow perch, c; buffalo. 6c; bullhead, 14c. Beef Cuts .no. 1 ribs, 12'kc; No. 2. llc; No. 3, 11c; No. 1 loin. 1.)c; No. 2. 12c; No. 8. Kc; No. 1 chuck, 7o; No. 2. ;o; No. 3. 7c; No. 1 ro.ind. 10c; No. 2. Vc: No. 9. 9'c; No. 1 plate. .Vj,c; Uo 2. 51.4c; No. 3, 60. FRUITS Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, t-.2T.(i2..Vi; Jumbo, bunch. 82 75W1.76. Dates. Anchor brand, new. 30 1-lb. pkgs., In boxes, per b x. t- 00. lenmu: Llmonerla brnnd, extra fancy, 300-300 sixes, per box, 16.75; fancy, 3u-0 Jilies, per box, S6.5 -tfiCOO; ljimt Llmonerla. fancy, i'OO-SOO sixes, per box, t-" 50; 240 and 421 sizes, 60c per lax lts. Oinnges: tamella Keillands Valencia", all sires, prt box, tl.0; fancv Vnlenrlns, SO-W-I2H-150 and smaller Hlses, psr" box, 33.75; California Jaffa ornnges. 160 and smaller sixes, per bdx. J1.75. Plnenprle": Cuban. 21-30-Sfl sizes, per cvnte. t'.2T.; 4"J-4S slzs, per crate, SLOW ; Flothla, 2 8'i-r.fi sizes. 8ST0. Straw berries: MihFotiri. per 24-qt. case, 8300 VEGETABLES I!ca:'s: Strns and wax. per hamper. J2 50; per mkt. b k., MOcTtl.O). C'ablaire: Southern, new. per lb. Su3tc. Ciicnmhers: Hot hotise.. and t dos. In lox. pit bix. tl-50; Texas, per bu. hamper, 11.75. Kkx l'l.int : Fancv Fl' rida, per dos, H6O'2O0. 7ailc: h"xira f:incv, white, per lb, Uo. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dos.. -iOc. Radishes: Per doz. bunche. S0c. Onion." : Texas Bermuln, whlf, per era's, 82.26; yellow, per crate, t2 00. Par. lejr: Fancy home grown, per doz bunches, 20o. Potatoes: Iowa and Wisconsin, while stock, per bu., 7T,c; new stock, in sacks. 2c per lb. Tomatoes: Florld.t, per 6-bsk. crate, fnncv, 1400; cliolce. 3 .50. MISC1- r,INEOl'S A Imonds: California soft shell, per lb., lcc; in sack lits, lc less. Brazil Nuts: Per lb.. 1.1c; In sack lbts, lc kss. Filberts; Per lb.. He: In sack lots lc less. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8-; raw, per lb.. 64c. Pecans: Large, per lb.( 16o; In Fack lots, 1c less. Walnuts. Cali fornia, per lb.. 1!c: In tack lots, lc less. Honey: New. 24 frames, 83.75. New York Cnrb Market. The following quotntlons ore furnished i- I.oo-nn & Bryan, members New York Stock exchange. 315 Snu-h Sixteenth street: Amer. Tobacco 171 Inaplratlon 8 l-is Bay State Oat. Chlno llaTla-Paly .... Kly Central..., tf. unm 1 opper. ...... i ji-i 14 Kay Ccn-.nl 1 11-14 1 Swift Pkg. Co.. 102 ... 101 Tonopah Mining t Olroux Greene Cananea, 4 United Copper 16 7 Peoria Market.1- PEORIA, May 27. CORN Lower; No. 2 , yellow, 62c; No. 8 yellow, 62c; No. J yellow, 5ov4c: No. 2 mixed, 62c; No. t strong at 47e. OATS Higher; No. t white. 85'tc: stan dard, 36c; No. 3 white, 36c; No. 4 white, 34c. middling, 5: bales; shipments, 11,656 bales. bales; stock. Sotrar Market. NEW YORK. May 27. SfOAR Raw, steady; muscorado, S9 test. 8.36c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.S6c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 8.11c. Refined, aulet; crushed, 6.00c; granulated. 4.90c; powdered, 6.00c, , Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Mv 27. HAY No. 1. 811.00: No. t tlO.00; packing, t7 00; alfalfa. $1 3 00. Straw: Wheat, 85.60; rye, 86-50; oats, 87.00. Wool Market. -v . ' Cotton Market. "krt-a r NEW YORK, May1 27. COTTON 8 pot closed quiet, 10 points lower; middling up- . I lands, 15.70c; middling gulf, 16.95e. No sales. 1 ST LOLIS, May Z7. COTTON Firm; 849 ST. LOUIS. May Z7.-woou in- M. a. 1 and WMttirn mtt1 llimii. aaaV Cnantrea ; irrrn'M; . - . e . 1131 Ot Unity oI Purpse Insures Success THE CONSOLIDATED MOTOR CAR' CO., of Cleveland, control and operate The Royal Tourist Car Co., The Croxton Motor Co., of Cleveland and The Frantz Body Mfg. Co., of Akron, Ohio. The manufacturing and sale-g organizations have long been es tablished plants and equipment are complete to the last detail. To meet the need for working capital we offer $50,000 7 per cent Cumulative Preferred Stock at $100 par with liberal Common Stock Bonus. SUBJECT TO ' PRIOR SALE Kleinzahler & Co. BANKERS, CLEVELAND. CASADY COMPANY, S.-W. Corner 14th and DougUtA, Omaha. cool and well ventilated, city, is a business asset. BUILDING attention, light and water are the best. and rents for, per month Bl 1 f 1 I r J atari