Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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t'erralafced Rem
NICELY furnished outl1e room at 1411
Capitol Ave. Douglas SMl
Ml 8. Xth St., one single front room,
nrwly furnished, connecting Lath. 2 a
fh. AIko four-room unfurnlxhed flat,
rilcelv decorated, furniture fur sal If pre
ferred. TWO connecting front rooms or. one
single room, all modern ; 2912 Farnam.
NICELY furnished room and board; 26l0
rewey Ave.
ImwNHTAIRS front room; furnished;
moderate In price. l!24 Douglaa KL
ni! Douglas, nice coo aouth room.
NICELY furnished room; private home;
nil modern; would prefer a nurse. Call
Harney 41M).
CLEAN newly furnldhed rooms, 11.60 per
week up; alo housekeeping rooms; all
modern; everything furnished. MS H. Sfith
LARGE, cool, aouth front room. f?lCns.
HIN'QI.K furnished room, $S a month. K2
8. I4th Rt.
FOUR modern rooms for rent, with or
wtthout board. 1116 Grant Bt.
Hotels Apartments.
tlemen. TUB CHATHAM. 110 & 11th St
Ogden Hotel kwe'eL ,loom' w
" DODGE HOTEL, 1.1th and Dodge; all cool
outside rooms; special week rate.
Famished Heses.
FOR PENT Furnished H-room modern
cottage, in choice neighborhood, for eLx
months; give references. A-3H0, Bee.
WDL furnished 7-room house for rent,
summer months. Four bedrooms, every
convenience; bait location, Dundee, M-410,
A part meats and Flats.
FOR RENT-Flve-room apartment In The
Uintah, Apply 41 Omaha National Bank
ludg.. or call Douglaa lim.
SIX rooms, oompletely modern. Soargo
Bldg., B. Omaha, above 620 N. Mlfe St
Hail 433 Raima: D. 7408; A-4404.
6-reom,. modern flat within walking dis
tance, within 1 blocks of three car lines,
fit N. lid. Apply m N. Ed.
!V.QOnU anaptrnanl In tk. m -w.
Apply 414 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 138!
Suth A VK. and Pacific, modern elvht-
room flat, t-lfi. Possession June 1. Wright
& Lasbury 608 So. 16th rlt. Phone D. 1M.
SL'PKRB nothing like It 4 or 6 room
'flat, ail modern. ii N. 23d Bt
BRICK, 4-room and atoove apartment
S&l Bo, 28th St. Harney 4141. Ed. Brown.
FOR, RENT Hlx-room modern flat, 140;
411 N. Uth St.
FOR RENT Plx-room flat. 1679 Cuming;
inquire 714 N. 17th.
FINK 5-room flat, extra larare rooms, all
mudern, 11.
, .. Ia 1B M fin. un.
VitKin, M. at 18th and Leavsnworth Bta.
j nature at Filer s urug more.
8-ROOM apartment In the BrlnvlUier,
J'.liO. Oaibildge Inv. Co. D. till.
KOUR-ROOM apartment, 120; fine shade
and yard. ISth and Vinton. Oakbrldge lnv.
Co., D. 215T.
SEA AND HI 8. Mth Ave., lower parts In
Rt. Louis flat. 132.60. Call Doug. 6451.
. VERY modern, 6-room apartment In West
Farnam street, beautifully located.
EIGHT ROOM hardwood finish flat, new;
walking dlstanoe. 160. Wi South 22.
FIRST month's rent free. t-room modern
brick flet. 106 N. lfith St
. THOS W. HAZEN, nT iMoCMru,
. : - 'PHons It. law,
FIRST month's rent tree, 4-room mod
ern apartments; private hatn, gas range,
Eas and electrla fixtures! 114.00. Ill W. tig. 00.
2u0 to 68 Cumins;. Apply flat T, &60 Cum-
in p. in rioor.
THOa W. HAZHN, W7 MoCarue Blk.
'Phone V. 1800.
110 Five rooms, 220 N. 21st St.
MoO-Three rooms, N. list Bt
llrt Six rooms, H4 S. loth Bt.
RORINBON & WOLF, 4X. Paxton Block.
Telephone Douglas 2418. -
TWO 4-room modern apartments, In new
Troy, m Harney; steam heat and Jan
ltor; 13S00.
THoa W, HAZEJN, 207 MoCaKue Blk.
Phone D, 1900,
MODERN 6-room brick house. U09 N.
23d St., I Thone Harney 9H
Fpratsbed Hvasekeeataar R .
NICILT furnished light hoiuiekeeping
rooms. 171S CunUug street.
FOUR elegantly furnished front rooma
on main floor; complete for housekeeping.
M per month. 1018 Davenport.
660 BQUTH 2Ut Ave. Two froot parlors,
THiUCU roorat. modern except heat
t'U 8 12th Bt
1 FURNISHED rooma, with private fam
ily In modern home; good location: walk
Ing distance. SOI S. Wl 8t
THREW or four nicely furnished front
rooma, main floor, complete for boute
k eying. 2011 Davanpurl tt. .
THltEE elegant rooms furnished or un
furnished, all modern, close in; no sign on
house, sju no,' nn au
LA lu; E, well furnished room and alcove,
newly papered, has six windows, gas. both
te.ephonea, nice bath, plenty hot water, also
Ice watr; nice homelike place. Leaven
worth car one block. On other room. 2&i
bt. Mary s.
THRHH partly furnished light house
keeping rooms, good neighborhood; gas
ana oam; au mouern, siu uoage. ii. oom.
FOUR oompletely furnUhed rooms for
hotiseliwuinK to euupie witliniit clilltlren;
teierencea requirea. wi w. eutn et.
THE HOWARD. 1-reom apartment. t:t2 50.
The Manuel, two rooms, 120. 21st and How
ard, lied 4.
Uafaralakcd Hooaas.
TOlTNfll eouple ran have with private
nvnuiy two uururniMiea rooms lor house
keeping; strictly niodern, flrest location,
walking diatanoe. Address O 303. Bee. 1
CHEAP rooms, modern except furnace;
ena block south of Vinton school. Call
luglas 61M.
THRF.B unfurnished rooms, bath room,
storeroom, outside porch, nice trardvn and
fruit: modern, except heat, no children. Still
r. ism m.
TWO unfurnished front rooms for llht
hoiiaekeepiiiK, bath rioin floor, recently
i-iii,t!i mn.i i,tcu, vi iuo reasonaoie
t all 6J6 8. Kth Ave.
LA ROE. oool. unfurnished rooms, single
vr ent-uue. um"i locaiion ana ail nioderQ
vuHveniviioe. i ivi A-'uuge,
Hoasee aad Cottages.
HOUSEHOLD OOODS p(s.ed. forwarded;
raeap ireisai raieai uiovicg aou stoitna.
tspressmea's Delivery Tel. Doug. fe4,
City ctLca. sia a 11U l. U Bids.
THB elegant tea-room modera house oa
soianeast coiner 3M and Uaverport Bta
will be tor rent Way li neghborkood most
desirable. Price tue per month.
V Brasdels Theater Bids, Tel. Doug. 1STL
fj 2" 8T wol-
- ... .., .,(FW. f.w.w.
t4 Bherinan Ave., fr-r., mud. fiat, 127.19.
iwpi i,u aiLiiiry Ave., a-r.. iixuu.
1417 8. 6th tit.. 4-r.. t M. CO..
U0-111 BrandaU Theater.
California St.. 10 rooma, modera; good
2US Charles gt . I rooms. US.
1116 N. Xih St.. rooms. Ijo.
HoUSOS ' of the city.
CrtlKbRons Co., Bee Bldg.
Ifoaaes and tottaaee Coi
Houses. Ina Ringwalt Brandels Tn. Bldg
4 1
MdPERK, -ronm house at 111 Booth
44th St., on Went Farnum. Dundee line. 1)6.
Phone Harney 3361.
New 7-room house, finely arranged; haa
all modem features; outside sleeping porch,
nn parlor, Krav oak flnlah first floor,
White enamel on second floor; newly
sodded yard, cement walks; everything
complete. . Inquire of owner. F-366.
UNEQUALLED, central. 7-room bouse,
a J N. Ltd.
S-ROOM modem house; fine location;
close to car line; 110 month; rear of 2v21
California. Tel. Ked 43i4.
FOR RENT Good home, nliean. 31st ami
Jackson, seven rooms, all modern, three
bed rooms, in complete repair; only tli.
Tel. Red 6264.
8-ROOM house: modern conveniences. In.
quire 1844 N. lHth St.
COTTAGE for rent. 1S06 Burt 8t.
good order. 'Phone Webster 178.
1-ROOM house, not modern. 2360 Parlflp.
7-ROOM cottage, 1108 8. 11th St.. 120.
213 Board of Trade Bldg.
IT Is worth a treat effort to win ih
beautiful hand-painted china vse, valued
at 1 and painted by Mrs. & H Smith.
This vase will be given to the lady who
writes the best verse about Bea Want Tad
selling real estate. The vase can be aeen
at the Corset Shop, Brandels Bldg.
2 Bristol Ft., 6-r., all mod., lai.
4fi33 N. S!th St., new, a-r., mod., 116.
1470 S. 1'Hh St.. two 4-r.. 2d floor, mod
flats, rood repair, 13 and 116.
J. w. RASP CO, 6 Brandels Bldg.
NEW cottsre. 8 rooma. with tile hath
gas and electric combination fixtures; ce
ment reuar ana warns; draw curtains;
must be seen to appreciate. 2318 N. 27th
Ave., Lake car, Omaha, or Tel. O. O
Over, Bell Red 1342 or either phone 644
Council Bluffs. Ia.
THOROUGHLY modern 8 rooms and
reception hall, on ear line. Harney &2D7.
7-ROOM, new bouse) all modern.
Cass. Inquire next door east.
eCOa M1FLR St.. five rooma rr,n1... .
cept furnaoe, 622.SO. Hall Distributor Co.
A-4408. D. 740s.
Ora. Van & Storage Co. packs, movea,s tores
boueehold goods. Fireproof storage; 804 HI
Uth. Branch. SOS 8. 17th. TeL D. 4iO. A-1IU
ALL modern 7-room. 1 blocks from cat
line. Call Benson SSL
ALL modern 8-room house. In Kountsa
place, 2210 Emmet. Inquire la 19 Emmet.
-ROOM hquse, all modern, at northwest
Corner 2Xth and Webster 8ts.t newly pa-
Cered and painted, oak floors, cemented
asement, paved street and one block, to
car line. 127.60 per month.
1614 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Telephone Douglas 7Htj.
7-ROOM house, strictly modern; 4303
Ernklne. Nice lawn, shade and fruit; 123
per month Also ntrttty modern ft-room
cottage, 2004 Seward. Phone owner, Ben
son 250 or Red 6M.
7-ROOM modern except ' furnace; first
Olasa condition; rent right to permanent
tenant 1611 Caldwell. Tel. Web. 1724.
To The Bee Want Tad, ,
I sent an ad.
I had a house for rent;
It Is half past two,
I'm not half through
Reading the answers ha sent.
1608 Dodgo St.
. This verse receives honorable mention.
(-ROOM MODERN HO US IE. oonn -vitm.
self from th Heyn studio, lih and How
ard, will be given th lady writing the
"i" aoom vvani iaa renynsT
houses this week.
FOR RENT Six-room house, all modern.
only (JO. mi Capitol Ave. Tel. Red 1177.
ELEGANT 6-rooin eottage for rent, mod
ern exeept heat Apply 1210 Hamilton Ht.
Oh a hustling lad.
Is The Bee Want Tad,
To consult him is time well spent
j For If he says "yes,"
It will be a safe guess
, Your houaes he will rent
(This versa receives honorable mention.)
ssus nurt, s-room house,' Just completed;
oak floors and woodwork. 130 a month.
Harney 4009.
Eight-Boom Home For Rent
Thoroughly modern, (juarter-sawed
oak floors, located within walking
distance, fine neighborhood; hot
water heat; electric light; and gat;
nice yard and lots of shade. Located
at 228 N. 26th SI Call Harney 2453.
I rooms. 1034 go, 18th St. Is.
I roams, su2 So. 18th St., lis.
6 rooms, modern, 4213 N. frith St., 117.50.
7 rooms, mudern, 1764 Davenport St., 13.
T rooms, nio4em, IMtf So. 2&th St,,
g rooms, modern, S0I5 Chicago St., W-
I rooms, modern, 1S1 N. Uth SU, 113.50.
. U rooms, modern, 2412 Cass St., 140.
W. B, MtUKLE, 2 JUuwga iildg. -
Store anil Of floes,
TOR RENT Good 1-story and basement
store building at 10U6 Farnam St.; strong
floors, cemented basement. Inquire Hooiq
lit, First Natl Bank Uld. Telepuone
Douglas 1242,
TWO offices. Id floor Cre'.ghtoa block)
Slso store at U N. Uth St Alfred Tbomaa,
Agent, 108 First Nat l Bank Lldg.
FOR best grocery and meat market la
stiy. with fixtures; a snap. t!Q N. 214.
DESIRABLE offices In the Continental
Block; either In suite or single. Alfred
Kennedy. 2u First Nat l Bank Bldg.
ONE or two splendidly furnished offices,
in good location, Ulh and Ftunamj rea
sonable' rent to right party.
WILLIAMS. Doug. 17S1, A -11 8s.
fiKKisiiKU stuoio or orrice room for
rent In one of the central business blocks;
can also be used as sleeping room. Call
A 4JM. Mrs. L. Moulton, uoi Karback.
Northwest corner luth and Harney, 2xgo
Two stores (new), 2104-i Cuming St
Soil N. Mil St.
O. C. RlvDlOK. lif Farnam t.
FOR SALr-At a bargain, mahogany
office) furniture, nearly new; sufficient for
two roomt; also ruvs and Oliver typa
wrlter and stand. Address Box M. Oisaha.
PARTY leaving city will sell cheap side
board, kitchen furniture, music cabinet
dining table and chairs, range, etc. Cull
oi7 Miami. Webster 2761.
MAHOGANY pedelal dresser, cheval
mirror, parlor table, Iron bed, cotton ina,t
treaa and ruga. Call Harney 4iL
Mast oat lastreuaeata.
l per month. Player Pianos 110.
A. Hospe Co.. 1512 Douglas BU
FOR SALE Hard man piano, walnut ceaa,
reasouabla U Vakva at once. Wsbater brt.
... Tvreta.
You can own a typewriter by paying us
Me a day, payable 1160 to 13 00 a month. All
the standard machines; visible writeia and
others sold and rented anywhere at V to i
manufacturers price allowing rental tj
apply au ari. Call or write for baxgaia
1114 Farnam St Omaha.
1 RENT an Olives typewriter from the
I Oliver Typewriter Co. let Douglas fflu.
, Typewriters Cnatlanrd.
BUY an L. C. Smith k Proa typewriter.
B. F. Swansoa Co., DUtribulera Idit Far
nam Bt
SECOND-HAND typewriters, sold, re
paired. Cet.tral Typewriter Exchange, 1U07
SAFE-) Overstocked with Sfrond-hn4
safes, all sixes aad makes; bargalna. Amir,
lean Supply Co. 1110 Farnam tt
NATIONAL cash register, half price.
Oliver typewriter, 15. Newton, 31 N. lsnh.
Ked Of 11
SECONDHAND dresses, good condition)
17th and Farnam, Mandell Airelbelbla
New and second-hand sates. lkU Farnam.
A PIANO, sldcboardi sanltsrr roucti and
other articles. Call Harney bM or at 61otf
SDHAND tools and rubber. IIS N. 16th.
MY S950 Julius Bauer plaver-plano; gen
uine an DomliiKO maiiou'anv case: dull
finloh; new; must sell at once; will make
large sacrifice; convenient terms' to re.
sponsible party. Tel. So. 1808.
SECOND-HAND fane. 313 So. 12th 9t
FOR SALE Grading outfit, ten wheel
scrapers. . ten dump wtigons and a lot of
slip scrapers. Call at 110 Bee Bldg., or 443
Howard St. Phone Douglaa au4 or Harney
US. Ed Hfiaw, attorney fur mortgagee.
i 1
FIVE-gaUon White Mountain. Ice cream
freeser. One 20-gallon coffee urn; almost
new; reasonable prices.. 2201 Douglas.
A PEAfTIFl't. hand-painted china vase,
valued at US, painted by Mrs. S. H. Smith,
2A45 H. PUh St. and on exhibition at the
Corset Shop, Brandels Theater building;,
will be given to the lady writing ths best
verse about Bee Want Tad selling real
FISHIR. F1SI11K. In the hronli mn
catch him with a hook. You catch him
for your piano. Charles L. Fish, piano
tuner, Webster 1263.
GOOD as new hotiKohnlri furnltiira lota
Hamilton. Harney IMS.
FOR SALK-One KUtson mlneograph, In
good condition. Waterloo Creamery Co.
Alice) Jobnson, 10H-1 Brandels Theater BIOS
Katheryn Nikola. 6S4-S Brandels Theater.
HIRAM A- BTtfRGKS. reg. attorney. &4
Brandela 1 heater Bldg. Douglas MHi.
D. O. BARNEJUU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till
WILLARD EDDY. U. 8. Pat Offlcs offi
cial sellcltor. City Nat. Bank. Tyler 153a
Massage treatment for rheumatism. Dr.
Margaret Halloran, Neville Blk. D. 77 L
cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg.
DRE99 pleattngs, buttons covered, all
sites and stvles. The Ideal Pleating Co.,
;00 Douglas fclcci. Doth phones.
ATTTS" 6alt glow and maamge, 1603
Atu' Dodge, Id floor, opposite post
offlc. Mtne. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 1M6.
DR. BURKE, diseaaea of women. Omaha,
moved to 208 a U.b St Douglas itu.
Massage. Mrs. Rlttennouse, JOS O Boston Be
SPECIAL lady's prise of one-half dosen
photographs of heraolf from the Heyn
studio,- IdUt and Ueward street, for the
best verse written by a lady this week
about Ben Want lad renting houses. Try
and sea how goo4 a verso you can write.
VV1GS na wijp for man. Griftlto
It to. 16th St. upatalrs.
BEST nerve braoer for men.' Grays
Nerve Food PlUs. 11 box, postpaid. Sher
tnao k. McConoeil Drue Co., Omaha, Neb.
... Much time I've spent, -
That bouse to rent, "' -
But now from care I'm free.
For Bee Want Ts.d
Has made me glad
He did the. rentlnir for me.
1020 N. 2d St.
This verse receives a prise of half a dosen
Photographs from Heyn's studio. If Alioe
Keats will come to The Bee office she will
be given an order for ths photos. -
HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace,
Strengthen, too. BELL DRUG CO.
DR. SOGERS, private confinement home.
1514 Martha St. Omaha. TeL Douglas ataX
STRICTLY private horn for confine
ment: esoellent oares babies for adoption,
lull Davenport
GlAddlao Pharmacy, llih and Dodge.
MAGNETIC Jftmen5 Brott- Wl
wayiAig Cuming fit lnd. U-tlnn.
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Yousg
Women's Christian association building at
Seventeenth street and St Mary s Ave.,
where they will be directed to suitable
boarding places or otherwise assisted.
Look for our traveler's aid at the Unlog
ADELIGHT balr food grows balr; see
Mine Frayer, Magwata giat'y Co., lath
and Farnaiu.
MRS. SNYDER. Swedish massage, baths!
radiator and vibrator treatment The
Dunsany, Flat 1, lOLb. and Pierca, Doug. 4ia0.
WE RB7NT and repair all kinds of sewing
outublnes. Ind, A-Ko3; Iougas lil
lath and Haraey bta.
Good BamaritanKsa, J'g.1
Ave., wouncii siuirs. la.
PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr.
King, 13i4 N. 24th. Web. SN3; Ind- D-1934.
MAOOAUJiM b, ltith. fia 2. Room 1
MASSAGE; hair work, ltui Fainam. Doug.
423a. .
WANTED TO locate C. II. Remington
of Omaha. Nothing to fear. Everything
settled. Write or come at once. Mable
THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-off
clothing. In fact anything you oa n
need. We oolluut. repair and sell at 1M N.
Uth St., for eoet of collection to the won
thy poor. Call 'phone Douglaa ills aad
wagons will call.
MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing
better for rheumatism. Ladies, 11;' gentle
men, tl &o. Apt. 1. 1102 Farnam. His.. to 8.
MAGNETIC rtnet. E. Brott, im
-UAunXiiio Cuming St Ind. R-7lJt
Also Prof. Harrett phrenological doctor.-
is the best In ths market for young ehlok
ens. Made from pure grain. Fur sale by
all dealers.
tel N. loth St Tela. Doug. U42. Ind. A-J46,
. - - - - - - . ui, IIIU. v
tave tbemi give them BOB WHITE'S
vr.;ie uutrrnoea remedy and avoid loasea
Send 60c to4y for a large box postpaid.
Bob White Co., 4704 Antes At Pbuns
v eo. BH.
AIREDALE. registered. female. 7 in
ahelp; fine animal; for sale cheap. Roy
THOROUGHBRED fog terrier chaan.
Tl- W. J0-.2, .
FOR SALE cheap. Buff Orpington
ehtrka, 1 to 12 wveks old; i:tf egg, iuou
bator, brooders and fenoe. Web. wlS. 2344
Larlmore Ave,
BURR incubator and brooder, praatlcally
new; egg outfit costing A. Will soli
for ba'fi leaving olty Atldrews Bus Ike,
Benson, Neb., or phuue Benson U4,
" ORDERS faken for spring chickens.
Fhone flarney 4fJ.
WHITE Spits purples for sale. 211 No.
ISth. Red 4i".W.
PHONE IND. A fi for good printing.
Lyngstad Printing Co., lth and Capitol Ave.
Lew W. Itaber, Printer j?ZhK
Rlt3 HALL Ptg Co.. t09 S 14th. lnd. A-3024.
THB Midland GAT. Co. 1714 Farnam.
PETER JESSEN, Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 2232.
REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract
sfflce in Nebraska. 20 Brandels Theater
II. 0. WestergaardstX fSl
City Nat l Bank Bldg. Ws have customers
fur Omaha Income and residencee. List
tour property with us for satisfactory re-
taenia floor, City Nat Bank Bldg.
A, J. Ireland, mason. 8931 N. 24th. B.197.
O. C. THOMPSON, cement and brick
work. 1713 N. 25th. Web. t233. B-Hul,
rruirn.r, run m n iv ir,UAINt WORK
on.r..n A t tKMiiAriii tixuja., ill a. 13TH
E. (1 MAKSTON CarPrnter n,
tr. Builder. Webster
fspOl'TING, roofing, gutters, TRlleys,
shlnKles, metal cetlinirs, furnaoe work, re
pairing. Let me figure with you. B. Sav
age, i inner, wi f arnam. liar, 211L
Close-In Investments
Owner will sell larga residence of 11
rooms, modern, steam heated, divided In
two apartments; two new sets of plumb-Irk-,
fine, large corner lot. bis: enoush for
apartments and stores. Annual Income 1720
per year. KfUKM)i invkstmhnt. in
quire of owner. 2603 Capitol Ave.
Investment Chances
One of the most desirably located
and best apartment buildings In the
West Farnam district. All apartment
rented to best tenants and a waiting
list; earn 16 per cent. We can offer
it for few days at a special price
And will arrange terms. Only $7,500
In caab. or securities required.
Tbree fine attached residences, cen
tral location; would make an elegant
family botel; car line. Price $13,000.
Laat chance to buy a block of four
downtown stores at $2,000 less than
heretofore. Highest bid will get it this
Thomas Erennan
Tel. Doug U64. 806-10 City Nat Bldg.
Nur' 41st and NIoHfllfLS St s.. . house
rooms; fin lot, tress and Shrubbery. Must
b. waPPa .
2211 N. 18th $t, laVr; cottage borne;
SU modern, lMtludlng9j(urnace4 -iesaTTnan
two years old; choice east front lot. This
la a fine home In walking diatanoe; will
sell on easy terms or' taH vacant lot as
part payment, bee owner., .1st door soutn.
Web. 4UUl'or Doug. 16&2.
S008 N. 24th Bt, rooms. J1.1M. -,
i'i acres, rooms, paved, 12,600.
SOUTH FIXIRENCE, 6 aores, 11.600,
West 260S Davenport, 12x132. IL&O.
Two brick houses, 1360 rental, 12,650.
H13 Bo. 2th St, 7 roqms. mod., 13.600.
10 rooms,- near P. O.,, loot rontal, 14,260,
Two houses, near P. O., 1720 rental. 17.60.
2iN-10-12 Dewey Avs. (900 rental. 18,(00.
2M-10-12 Douglas 8t, submit offer.
Both Phones.
AttraoUve 7-room house, hot water heat
alj modern conveniences; built 18 months
ago; first floor oak finish; beautiful lawn
and fences; walking aiatance. void at sacri
fice, if sold at onoe. JL 1141, or call lui 8.
&th St
Never has been oocupled; new five-room
cottage just completed, in West Council
Bluffs, one block from Omaha oar line, on
Broadway, pear iu St.; paving aad all
special taxes palu; cement walks, bath
room, electrla lights, city water, nice lot,
In good location, A 10-mlnuta ride to 14th
ana Douglas; can't be beat at wuu caab,
balance monthly; only fl.ttoO.
Rooms 1. 2, S, First National Bank Bldg.,
Council-Bluffs, Ia. Both Phones tJl.
I have four lots in Council Bluffs, sepa
rate abstracts to each lot. all showing per
fect title, that I wll lsel for tioO for all
four or 137. W apiece. They are bargains.
Rooms 1. 1, 2, First National Bank Bldg.,
Council Bluffs, la. Both Phones Dul.
86TH ST., near Farnam, 10-room house
tor (v,uu.uu; gooa-aize wi.
F. D. WKAD. 1801 Farpam.
Largo House, Large Bargain
Near 27th and Jackson Sts.. 10 rooms
can be arranged for two families and rant
lor la; lot 4(lto. Prion,
FOlt 8ALB By owner. 1110 N. .33d rlt.
a nice, modern house, 7 rooms; good plumb
ing; east front! paved street, paving all
paid; on car line; get this bargain for a
horns. Price l.aH).
C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. Mortoa fot
business baraalna lis maba Nat'l Beak.
34th and Taylor. 100x130
Double corner; will make three fins lots;
wnoie cosiness ror t;w.
110 REWARD will be paid for informa.
tlon leading to the arrest and conviction of
partlea aestroytng trees, shrubs, or flow
ers In PRAIRIE PARK. M. J. Curran,
secretary Prairie Park club, Douglas tibi.
FOR SALH-A11 modern ldea.1 cottage for
smaii lamuy. a real oargatn. 241S Cald
SNA! f even-room house, 60-ft. front 1M
rt. deep. 24 a lith. 12,300. A. II. Ellsworth,
last S. 27th. II. 4U7.
NEW, 1-room all modarn, choice location.
ciusn in. tiu oQuin iim ni. Bargain. Tele
phone Harney 6&4S. Bee owner. 2&t4 Dodge.
1W acres near Uth and Valley Sts.: fairly
food house, but not finished inside. Phone
larney U01 or Douglas ii.'l.
4-ROOM oottaa-e. f.'d and Pacirin K
.o j. in . i ' -.. a . , t . " '
GOOD seven-room house. Ktb and De
catur: modern ex. heat; beet of repair:
i,uo0.00. '
F. D. WEAD, m Farnam.
VERY desirable small fruit farm for sale
sy owner, jiarney ioxo.
Ill ,0001 stores and flat, rental, 1,10)
per year; ou iiin m. oorneir.
J. W. RASP CO. 6b Brandels Bldg.
A FINE lot 60x140 feet, on the Ooruar of
mu iu Lniu, viiq. an me ounaings of the
North Presbyterian church. Mut be scud
within neit thirty days. 8ne
V24 I-.k-j fV Webster 1861.
FOR 6AI.E Ianre four-room house, lot
44x10, 11.100, Inquire f)U So., Uth. Doug
CHOICE lot. Ifstt ooovanleal location,
1776. Owner, Webster 4t
Poppleton Avenue Building Lot
at :d St.; beautifully situated, terraced lot,
ITfexlOO. Can be had at a birnaln KARLb,
A KAAKE. Ill UcC'asue Bldg. T)'ler li4a
CHEAP -room potta-e. large lot. 2707
Corby. Phone Harney U3S.
.$n A. tTNTMPRoVED cut-off timber
land; much fine timber yet on land; 1 to f
ml. from Eureka Springs; fine for fruit;
ranch and general farming; 17.60. Special
bargain In Improved farms. 110 to ISO.
Eureka Bprlnga Ark.-
rtj A., PMOOTtt. t4 ml. railway station.
100 fenced. 40 cult, small house, two wells,
two public roads. M.A Union Bank A
Trust Co., Real Est Dot.. Searoy. Ark.
l.tot ACHES nch bottom land, six miles
Newark, 110 per acre: terms. Fine orange,
grove, Florida Forty acres) 17.109. Other
oargelns. A. A. Henderson, Newark. Ar
kansas. (n TRACTS of land In the corn and al
falfa district of Delta land; black soil; good
schools; lands will double In value In three
years; row rent from t to II Per acre.
Write us whet you want
Pine Bluff. Ark.
IM. 1 ml. out in cult.. U0 black alfalfa
or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor
hood; to, 100, 1 n-1, from town of 100O. near
P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up
land; 15 cult., bal. timber, tt clover: 4 al
falfa, 1 bearing orchard, 138 fenced hog
tight; extra good 4-r, residence, store, lodge
bldg., new barn; dark red sandy Uam; good
community; delightful location; abundance
good water; 23.UI0, subject to 1-year loaq
tbOO; terms easy.
Marshall. Ark.
BEST fruit and general farming lands
for price In V S., In Searcy Co., Ark. Send
for booklet ehon'ng i to 111 land near
town.- W. M. Henaon. Leslie, Ark.
COTTON plantation; 480 acres; elegant
lo-room dwelling; plenty tenant bouses;
Rood barn and outbuildings; rich, black
am; will grow bale cotton or 71 bushels
corn per acre; woven wire fence: 100 acres
cultivation; 100 merchantable timber, bard
wood; healthful location; 4 miles from good
town; good neighborhood; near school and
church; price 130,000: reasonable terms.
Address Johnston & Willis, care Southern
Trust Co., Little Rock. Ark.
OZARK LAND CO.. qravette. Ark"
Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry flelda
email tracts. Installment plan; towa prop
erty, business bouses. Writ us.
All classes of timber, farm and fruit lands
In Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi,
from IS to 128 per acre. Writ i. IX Rey
nolds, Camden. Ark.
I WOULD be glad to correspond with a
lew of purchase, with any one owning
land along the Uoo line in Saskatchewan,
Canada, between the towns of Yellow
Grass and Roleeu, H. A. Smith. Galea
burg. U.I.-
GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. Im
proved and unimproved prairie farms, any
size. Alberta. Saskatchewan. Woodhead
Coy, Watroua, Sask.. Van.
NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat lands.
ftt.M to per acre. A few Improved
farms, 120 to lid. Write J. B. Reiahardb
Sterling, Colo.
160-ACRB best lrrlirated rarm. Colorado;
finely Improved, new ten-room dwelling,
barn; potato cellar holds 10 oar loads; M)
A. wheat; SO A. alfalfa; no waate land;
every toot under old water right) have
another farm, can't work both: 40 miles
aorth of Denver, ten south of Greeley.
C. A. Gregory. 409 Mack Bldg.. Denver,
I" 1 r j ' ill ' ' ' '
32,000 ACRES. '
Timber, farm and graaing land, must be
sold soon) will be sold cheap; fuU particu
lars by addressing Box &. Alamosa, Colo.
RIVER VIEW orohare) tracts In 1 to U
acres; finest fruit country In the world.
For terms address Boons Land and In
vestment Co., Boons. Is.
IDAHO Irrigated Land In the famous
Snake river valley; the land of the pig red
apple and where oropa never tall. . There
haa never been a better time to invest In
lund on the Twin Falls tract than now. A
good list of land at from 150 to I Loo per acre.
Orchard tracts at right prices and on easy
terms. F. C Graves, Filer, Idaho.
FINEST colonisation tract In ths United
States; 132,000 acres very finely Heated
at 13 aa acre) make 1,001 per cent to sub
divide; have plenty of others. Box Use,
Wlntersst la.
Our lkll list of Iowa farms In Webster.
Calhoun and Greene oounties Is just out
If interested write for our new list.
N ACRES Improved Clarke oounty, Iowa,
to trade tor cleanl stock general merchan
dise) good house, barn, orchard, etc. I price
10 per acre. Address owner, D, B. Har
rison. Altoona. Ia.
EXCHANGES made everywhere. Farms.
wild lands. Income property, stocks of
goods and other things desirable for ex
Change. Several large tracts of western
lands for exchange, write ma full descrip
tions of what you have. I. N. MolaUre,
First Nat Bank Bldg., Sheldon. Ia.
fine timber land In Lake county. Minne
sota. Railroad being built not far front
land. The timber is very large oa tius
land. Mostly white pine, tamarack, bal
sam and spruce. Sure to increase In value
fast. What have you to otter? Writs
Lock Box tu. Dillons. la.-
A FINE 160-acre farm In Buchanan
county. Iowa, about ( miles from Aurora;
good Improvements) encumbrance Ib.OUO.
Price Uo per acre. Owner will exchange
(or South Dakota land. Prefer Improved.
Here la a fine chanoe to exohange your
Dakota land for an Iowa farm. Address
uoiiebranoa Lewd Agenoy, Pens,
FOR bALE Excellent E40-aore farm la
corn and blue-grasa belt Adams county,
Iowa. Farm all well fenced, W acres bog
tight. I!) acres tiled, and all In excellent
cultivation; U-rooin house, large brick
cellar with cement floor, cement walka
large new barn and mill, with good Fair
bauks engine, new bug nouse, other out
buildings, all 10 good repair; good stock
and barnyards, large grove and good
orchard, four good wells, excellent water,
two windmills. For further particulars
address Mrs. Annah M, Nasu, IM4 HlgS
t. Des Molaea, Ia.
TO LAND AGENTS For 13 will send
addresses of l.Ouo persons who bava sold
for tl.uOO or more in southwestern Iowa
since January 1 1911, compiled from deed
reuorda U. W, Molr Co., Harlan, Ia.
UO ACRES, Caas county, Iowa, tarns Im
proved and well located; price 1128 per
acre; my equity Is lli.suo. want southern
Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In
flated prices considered. One 10-horse-power
portable gasoline engine tor what
nave you? Address C. W. MeCausllaad.
Cass County. Loran. Is,
FOR SALE Splendid farms, well im
proved, ranging u brlca from sl to M
per acre. This is choice Iowa land. In well
Improved eouui-unlttes. near towsj and
schoola There la . more fertile or beau
tiful part of the state han Osoeola oounty.
Write for particulars. T. . b. Redmond.
Slbiey, la.-
100 ACRES and 171 acres of southern
Iowa laud, improved, well located, good
soil, right price, for sale or trade; l7,ou
eoulty In brick store building; a first class
Income plopei'ty for sale or trade. Quick;
on land, merchandise or auloutotulea Ad
drsta Box I, Diagonal. Ia.
WANTED A good stock of general mer
chandise. IS.OuO to Hl.OoO. In exchange (or
good farm near Rolfe la., aad cash. Farm
contains 164 acres, six-room house, barn,
tx40, price, iu) aa acre: subject to !.14o;
equity, tfc.m); F. R. Laomer, Holfe. Ia.
US ACRES, I miles good towa: fenced;
well Improved; all smooth land; rich black
soil, good orchard) R. F. D.; phone; fue
surroundings, tu&; guod terms; will x.
change for hardware. Implements or ga
eral inarvbaDdisa. W. IL Molt Uar Lug too.
Kaaeaa - Contlaard.
av) a. lam h, amid Improvements, running
Wster; near town. Must be sold at once.
Cheap; terms rtxlit. Must be sold at once,
and Kansas map free.
Jaa. A. Thompson. Whitewater. Kan.
(40 ACRES, sis miles from Mlnneola. set
seres In wheat one-third to buyeri new
4-room house, stable, well, mill. tank. pas.
ture fenced; rick black soil; has raised
good crop every year since broken out;
great bargain. 135 per acre. Terms. The
Roy C, Beard Land Cc Mluaeoia. Kan.-
WS have some choice bargains In corn,
wheat and alfalfa lands tor sale la Haitian
and Rush counties; write for list of farm
bargains. American investment company,
Holsington, Kan,
130 ACRES, 1H miles out: In wheat
H to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain
and snow assures bumper crop: level as a
floor) 122.(0 per acre; terms. W. B. Cul
bertson. Scott City. Kan.
140 acres, 2V miles out; 130 acme In wheat
H delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soil'
good well and windmill; 16.U0; terms.'
Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all sixes
and prices. L. F. Schuhmacaer, owaer.
Meade. Kan.-
130 ACRES 5 In alfalfa; 10-roora house,
large barn, granary, etc.: two miles ts
Larned. Pawnee county: 10 acres pasture,
balance la cultivation; rich deep soil, abun
dance of water, wells and mills; t2a,lot;
terms. Bunts Realty Co., Hutchinson.
VERNON parish, ths land of sun-
shine, soil, climate, markets, water, health,
good; prices cheap; write Leeavllle Real
Estate and Improvement Co., C. M. Mo
Farland, Seo'y, Leeavllle, La.
LOUISIANA farm and timber laada,
good for truck; corn, cattle, eto. 1 oa ao
ccunt of cotton peat, cheapest lands oa
market Hall. Elder 4k Benott. Monroe,
BUT from owner and save commission a
100-acre grain and stock farm close to
three towna school and creamery, 130-acre
field, about So acres meadow, remainder
timber pasture, fenced and croaa fenced,
running water and a full set of frame
buildings at IA per acre. Write for terma
C. F. Flalg. Wadena, Minn.. R. U. No. 2.-
miles from good town, black loam sou.
All fenced. Large frame dwelling, barn,
granary, machine sheds, eto. IM acres
In field, 40 acres timber, balance clover
and timothy and meadow. Ideal dairy
farm. 138 per acre, one-third cash, bal
ance easy terms. M. J. Kola, Fosstoa.
I HAVE a farm of 120 acres 1 miles
from good town, W ullea from Minne
apolis. 100 acres under cultivation; about
M seres meadow, balance timber. Can
all be opened up, Rich soil, good house,
barn and other buildings. Price 132 per
acres. Also aO-acre farm two miles from
good town, 40 sores uader plow; 15 acres
timber) good rich soil, 8-room bouse, two
barns and other outbuildings, windmill,
fine natural grove. Orchard Just com
mencing to bear. Price Il,8v0; saay terma
Write owner, Charles U, Hwsason, &lk
River, Minn.
80,000 acres In Bt Louis and Carlton
counties, Mlnaeeotsw near cities of Du
luth and Superior, at price within the
reach of all, W to $12 an aore, easy terma
Fourteen railroads now entering theae two
cities furnish chstP and quick transpor
tation. A ten-mllllon-dollar steel plant
now building by United States Steel com
pany, near lands. Soil Is fertile and well
adapted to diversified farming, dairying
and garden truck.- No long hauls or trans
portation char tree, but right at the door of
the beat markets of the United States,
with constant demand and high prices.
Write for full Information. Bostoa
Duluth Farm Land Co Uts) Ai worth
Blag.. Duluth. Mian
Twin Cities; good tillable soil; state mas
mailed with 48 page book for 10 cents.
Hobart Land Co., PhenU bids;.. Minne
apolis., Minn, ..'' . ; ..
It ACRES 16 miles from St Paul. 1 miles
from Rosemont) all fenced; black loam
soil; 10 acres cultivated; balance pasture
and black oak timber) only 138 per acre
for Immediate sale) half cash.
110-acre Improved farm It miles from St'
Paul, 1 mile from Rich Valley station)
nine-room house, windmill, large bam and
other buildings, all. In good condition;
black loam soil, elay subsoil) always been
cultivated by owner) ISO aorea under plow,
t acres fruit trees, mostly apples; balanoa
good timber land. Special piloe and terma
W. F. e ft W. Murtty. Pioneer Press
Bldg., St Paul. Mima.
11.000 equity m good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quarters two miles from
good town, having house 28x20, new barn
12x40. with gable roof, small granary and
fenoe. Want msohlne stock or dry gooaa
Price (20 per anra,
BanJ. A. Cone,
WlnJom. Alion.
SEND for list of our fins Improved
southern Minnesota lands. Ws bars
hundreds of pleased customers, c, H.
Brown Land Co., aftioea Madelia and New
Richland, Minn.- .
improved farm In Murray county, Minne
sota; has first class buildings; fences;
splendid grove; orchard i two miles front
town. Write John Uoidsn, Jr.. Uarvla.
Minn.- - .
FOR SALE 100 acres of good new bard
wheat land, near Walhalla, Pemblne
county. North Dakota. For particular
address owner. A. Lucases, u; lain Ava.
N. Minneapolis. Minn.-
FOR BALE 68 farms, large and small.
wwwu TOiaaiewyyi rill AUSWOUri riVerS,
average 13 per acre. Write for big prices
usk vvuuam vrews, wrigut city. Mo.
STOP! Don t go a step furtoer than
Douglaa county, down in ths beautiful
Oaarks) raise anything; corn 30 to t bush.
Sis per acre, all other crops in proportion;
Cheapest good land oa earth, 6 to 130 per
acre. Free Informatloa. Globe steal Kstats
Co., Ava. Mo.-
Ml&SOLRI FARMS Mono better oa
earth. Highly Improved 10 acres; rats
anything; 1m Other decided bargaloa
Write us. Gilliam Jteaity Co., Gilliam, Mo
CHEAP STATE LAND About 1,000,001
acres, stats land to be sold on forty years'
time. If deslrtd: only 8 per cent of pur
ohasa price down; buyers don't have to
live on land; not over 1,2X0 acres sold to
one person. For further Information and
description send U to Fidelity Investment
Co., US W. kth St. Kansas City. Mo.
!20ACRB homestead relinquishments for
sale; also ons hotel, one bakery, oue general
store, one saloon, one feed store. Address,
Charles F. Brown, Oalata. Mont
so-ACRB farm, all cultivated; fine bouse,
barn, fences, first-class condition; fine
spring water, 1 miles from town, f miles
from railroad. Southeast Missouri luiuii
gratlon Co. Piedmont. Mo.
Mi&frTrCU ivra, K0 acres; f-room bousei
bain: us) arret, wheat too acres corn; level,
blacU I'lrt; 1 mliee railroad; fit acre. Chaa
a. Uucis'tp tjaity Co.. fcUsberry. Mo.-
THIR7T.EN sections In Dtwrn county,
near Sidney, one of the beat towns In tbs
Yellowstone valley; also bave other lands
that we are retailing in any slso farm you
want Write your wanta. Prices are right
The Hayward Land Co., GUndlue. Moot-
FOR SALE Finest farm tn Leavenworth
county, Uroaddus farm of 160 acres, 1
miles from Fort Leavenworth, 16.000 brick
residence. 800 46-ycarrOld walnuts loo augar
maple treea, natural gas, two telephones,
free delivery. 1 miles from Santa Fe sta
tion; examine premises and write Mrs. J.
L Ktrby, Uut VeUa at. bt Joseph. Mo.-
ths oonilng farm slate. !l to Ms ar
acre. Write for deaurlptlea. Shaw
Clark Land Company. Ueckaey aUdg.. Ml
Paul. Mum at
FOR BALE Bitter Root Valley m aorea
fine fruit land; old water right; best no
Uun of the valley: floe proposition for sub
division; fair buildings; easy terms. Ad
dress owner, hi. O. Lewis. soeveusvliiL.
eai Seward, be ward Co.. Nb. aood six
room bouse, bsra. sheds, well and HUH
t ne orchard. U aeias alfalfa, luo acres
tulUvaled, 74 acree good hay land, balanc
pasture; pruse, . fao per aore; terms, hall
tun. Fetleruiaa Bros. Lincoln, Neb
Mr bra ska (on tinned
13 acres of unimprovocl lanl
in Sarpy County, one-haf mile
from South Omnhn city limits.
This tract of land is all.Jn culti
vation, flic land;BOtrinflins
this is worth about $,"0O.0O pci
ncro, but for a quick sale. wo are
authorized to offer this Iract at
$250.00 per acre
O'Neil Real Estate &
Ins. Agcncy ;
1503 Farnam St., Oinoha
24th and M Sts., South Omaha,
TeL Tyler 1024; Ind A-3313;
So. 192; Intl. F-U02
1.4SS-AC?tl1Q r.nrh fnt . .
two-thirds cash, remainder five' year a 1
per cent Interem: all fenced; good Improve
menta ror particular write s'rank Schuls.
FOR SALE 100 acres hay land. 1 mils
Newport. 11T.BS; tat miles, all new build
ings, spring water. 131.80. Others. L. M,
Urveaa Newport. Neb. '
tO-ACRB farm, n mile from Omaha
m miles to town; upland, good soil, la
aood condition; must sell) good" terma
Owner. Box 263. Grena. Neb.- "
4.SO0 ACHES, two residence!., two barns,
complete outbulMlnr; .SOO eeree natural
meadow, runs 800 head of stock; net m per
brad per year; JT miles of fence, 8 natural
lahea. 214 miles to Wagner, Neh.; ID miles
to Dunning. Neb.; nrsr new Callaway line.
You can double your money In five years.
Usual oommiHSton allowed. Mrs. fc. A,
Hamilton. Wagner, Neb.
THB best bargain In Nebraska. A hall
section of land five miles from oounty seat
town of 2.500, In the Klkhorn valley. Well
watered by never-falling spring. Kxpert
rays flowing well can bo secured. Bottom
cuts lfiO tons hay. and nearly all can he
cultivated except 40 acres whloh Is rolling.
I'nlmproved 1'rice M..V0; one-third cash,
B. IL Whelan, owner, O'Neill. Neb,
north Dakota. '
SEVERAL Improved farms In McHsary
county, N. Dak., for sale on easy terms;
Eood soil; 12 to 130 per acre. C. A. St uS
Ins. Granville, N. D - . .
' WANTED Havs good list of Unds In
James River Valley, Ktutamaa county, N,
P. Correspondence wlta real estate agents
solicited, i'ajruiers' stats Uaaa, TpsiianU,
FOR SALIC Renters and Investors. If yea
want to own one of our fine Improved
grain farms with every modera conveni
ence and ba Independent, write me at once.
Little money needed. Wendell Huston.
Carrlngton. N. IX
Or sea.
FOR SALB 180 sores choicest apple, peat,
cherry, grare land in the west six miles
from town, one mile from rallroadi soil
deep volcanlo aab. Ths Uallss, ore., prise
winning fruit
100 aorea IV miles from town, new, mod
arn bouse, barn, tenement; suO pear pruna
bearing: 1400 young trees, J.0W grasc Jrlaea;
good water: wood. Or Wilt Sell SO 'acres
with all Improvements. ' Inveatigatioa
solicited. C a. Webslen The Ialles. Ora
taata. Cavollaa.
LANDS HOI per acre mads growing figs
for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on
easy monthly payments. Sea Island Orchard
Company, Charleston, S. C
South Dakota.
FOR SALB Section good, raw land: all
fenoedi good flowing well) t mllea front
rlauklngion, 8. Lv r'or particulars, write
, k. O'Malley. PhUlp. 8. IX
400-ACRB corn farm, out from Sioux Falls;
excellent lmpruveiiients, large grova and
fruit; all la oultlvatloa; price for quick sale
Ibo, easy tortus; also 140 weil Improved, assy
terms, and HM acres unimproved. These are
bargains for quick sale, it A. . niivlua
wnar. Sioux Vails, . U. . .
18t ACREaTlN DSUEL CO.. S, D. '
Sloss to the Minnesota Hue; heavy black
1; clay subsoil; Ilea very level and all
under oultlvatloa. Must be sold within It
days to uloee an estate. Half of this year's
crop gsos with tbs price, Ui per acre;
easy terms; 12.000 will handle It and it la
snap, No gravsl, no ttnea, n foul weeds.
Address W. F. McGec, Lake Preston, S. a
We have a list of Edmunds oounty land
for sale at from tit and up per acra If
inlei ss led write us for partioularg and ws
wll laead our prices and pocket map. If
yeu owo land la bouth Dakota list It with
us. Our motto Is "A Square Leal to Buyer
and Hellsr." Give us a chanoe to prove our
statement Hasvold Land Uo, Miss, fce
munds county, bouth Dakota.
Xbla Is ths land wa bava Free i home,
steads; relinquishments and deeded landa
Fr particulars writs U. O. Wonder A Co.
buffalo Gap. & D
raJr IpP'overoenU. Prior U,tOa Bqulty.
ia,euu. AAask Real ICstata Cv), AkaTaa, t
WILL exchange choice farm laad near
Pierre, the capital ot Souih Dakota, for
good Iowa or Nebraska land what have
you to offer? Wast Land Co., Pler-raT S. P.
Texas, .
cash and 1 pr cent Interesc, payable
semi-annually, will swurs you a home ia
Gulf Coast prangs and Fig lands wlUua
BAN SABA VALLCt, ths garden spot ol
Texas, hums of the paper shell psoas. Ws
can buy land for you or invest money,
per cent net to you secured by tuof taaga oa
these binds. Correspondence so I idled.
Reler to First Nat I bank, Saa Saba Nat l
bank. Ward, Murray 4k Co., and ths mem
bers In congress front Texas. stellar
Burleson Co, San Saba, Tea. .
Buy ardiard and garoea lands sear
Houston, the greatest and snost prosper
eus city In the southwest, where values
are going up all tbs time and fortunes
made ia real estate in short while. Easy
terma If desired. Address B. C. Uab.rt
Veia, '!. and a lo-aure (aim lu ice tin
orande valley, where the tanner's cash in
couje is as perpetual aa tbs days that corns
aud go. S. li. J auk son, h b irst MaUoaai
bank Uldg tioustou, Tex.
WE are subdividing t.tuu aores ot fertile
farm land In Jacksoa county. Splaadid
srops evsry yean llalnfali about right, t
Inuiiea J or gesoriiiUon, plat aud pi ices
lit E. Houston Hi., ban Antonio, Tax.-
CAPITAL Invested In Utali NOW means
large returns. Get In on the ground floor
Let me tell you of some alfalfa and fruit
lands tn the beautiful Killmore valley that
can be bought at a bargain on easy terms
Call afternoona, M. Watt, s7a Howard Bt
Phone Harney 6181
Do you want a fins farm SO miles from
Salt lake City at a low figure. Call on
J. H. Marlette, lsul Farnam St., Tel. D. tow.
1H acres on shores of Lake Chelan. Im
plements and stock go with the place
Beautiful location, fine modern fusnlshtui
home; about forty acres of young commer
cial apple orchard now in bearing and about
twenty-five acrss broken and iu corn snd
grain. A snap. 11. H. Wilson, Lakeside
Wash. '