THE BEE: OMAITA, MONDAY, MAT 20, 1911. REAIL GROCERS PROSPEROUS !f 'xwa Association. Goei on Record ia . FaTor of Balk Sales Bill. h CASH BASI3 IS DISCUSSED r Mem urn Fnror It but Mtir Realise that Flat Rale It Weald Bt Impossible of Rnforrr nml, (Prom a Ftaff CorrrRponrfrnt ) VES MOINRR. May 2S.-flNpclal. Secre W Jra B. Thomas of the Iowa lift all Omcera' efw1ntlnn rrtnrned home last evening from Cedar rapid, where he hart beea atterxllnir the annual convention of the annotation. IT vmfttni a report to the nasoclation which show that It la In an on usually prosperous condition, that thnre are now about 4.W10 members In Iowa and that the Iowa association la the only one that keeps aa organ! aer tn the field ten months In the year. The secretary said that a mat amount of work ha1 been done and, much had been arrom pushed In the way f preTention of fool bills ta the leg islature. They fcad made a hard flrM to fecora the pannage of the bill abotmhlna the ware exemption, but had not aa yet auooeeded. For one thlnr the association went on record aa Indorsing the bulk Kales bill which, had: been nrred and passed by the Jobbers and manufacturers. It was pointed oat that this bill while It Is not for the benefit of the retailer, will have the effect of protecting all honest business. The new 'w for Inspection of wetphta and measure also received commendation by the asso ciation. One of the most Interesting discussions was that In regard to the caeh eystem as opposed to that of credit. The state orga niser urged that all ro to a cash basis and cited Instances showing- where this had proven, vastly better for the dueler than to give credit. But the araociatlon took no action, as many of them realized the Impossibility of a Tat rule on that sub ject. The association made arrangements for a standing leKlslatlve committee of seven members to engage in promoting legisla tion. The scope of the association Is to be extended to Include dealers other than grocers. Wot "attarled with Airmen. The State Board of Agriculture has thus far refused to make contracts with any of the companies operating aerophmes and giving exhibitions. Investigation has been made and It Is found that none of them can carry out the agreement in case the weather. Is the least difficult. At all the recent meets the flyers have refused to go up when there Is any considerable wind blowing. The state fair will probably have an exhibition of that kind, but It has not yet been engaged. Views of the Liquor Men. "Organization and education of the pub lic are the only salvation of the liquor dealer, in the face of the agitation which has been started against him," said Tim othy L. McDonnush of Cleveland, O., pres ident of the National Association of Liquor Dealers, before the Iowa convention of liquor men held. In Davenport. Over 200 men and women attended the annual banquet,' at which a recent legis lation directed against the liquor traffic throughout the , country ' was denominated as "fanatical." Robert J. Hallhe of Chi cago, national secretary, was also a speaker. Corporations Are Complying. Only .a few of the corporations doing bifness.lniowa'haue this year failed to compfy fully with the law tn regard to annual reports and a small fee. Whan the year closed.' there 'were about thirty five that had not been heard from and some of these ."were 6ut of existence, while '"other have since made the reports. It Is probable that the state will not have to prosecute any of them to secure com pliance with the law. Ease Advertiser. Egg advertising la a neglected art In Iowa, according to Prof. W. A. Llppin cott who acted as Judge at the egg show at the Coliseum last light, given by the Iowa Poultry Raisers' . association. "In Des Moines there is no demand for uniformity of color and kind of egg." said Prof. Upplncott. "People have been used to getting eggs of all sorts and do not ask for anything different. Tet they could be educated ' as the people of tbe eastern cltloa have been." . Ames Head Not Settled. The matter of selsctlng a new president for Iowa BtaVs college was today left by the State Board of Education. In session In Cedar Rapids, to a committee consist ing of Trewln, Funk and Murphy. It Is understood that the committee regards fa vorably Prof. K. R. Fnarka of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, but has not de cided upon htm. Tbe board has not acted as yet on the charges made by Representa tive Moore against Prof. Hohlcn, but mem bers of the board are Insisting on an in vestigation; ' . 'Town Knllrend Reports. The executive council today completed the compilation of statistics regarding the Iowa railroads for' last year. These show that the gross reoelpta- on Iowa business was tT7.M4.SM.. as against ri.lC9.r5 the year before. But the Increase in expenses was even greater" running up from to6.ftM.6S2 to t03,41C.2!l. The net profits, therefore, de creased about $1 .SOrt.OOO on Iowa business. The taxes paid amounted to $2,tET7.508. This is a slight Increase over the previous year. Iowa lias Hate Cases. On June 1 representatives of Des Moines publishers will have a hearing before a representative of the Interstate Commerce commission on their application for an order to reduce the freight rate from east ern pomts on print paper to Des Moines. There will be three other caaes taken up at the same time involving other freight rates ta which Des Moines business men are Interested. Thd claim Is mad trat Dee Moines djos not get a proportionally fair rate. slay Pardon Van Tassel. It Is expected that during the coming week the Wtate Parole hoaid will recom mend to the governor final acMon lit the case of I W. Van Ta-sel. a life convict from Chickasaw county, whose application for clemency was refused by the legis lature. He and his friends have made a very strong showing of a mistrial and are asking the governor ' to release him on that ground. The parole board has made a thorough Investigation and Is ready to make a report, but no hint baa been given of lis decision. Kew Member Dental Board. Dr. Arthur Solvesberg of Sioux City was today appointed by the governor to be a member of the State Board of Dental Ex am In era ,, Adjutant General Logan today designated an examining board tor the Iowa National Guard to consist of D. & Fairchild, W. & Conk ling and Charles S. Grant, to meet here June I and examine eight applicants for oommlsstona Cnartrl.nt la Candidate. Ex-eeaator O. B. Court wrtght of Water loo, who spent some time In the city this week, made It known to his friends that he expects to l a candidate for tue ic publlcau nuiulnatlon t for governor next Educational One of Strong Features of Y.W.C.A. Work By Kate A. McHugh. Few except those directly connected with the Toung Women's Christian association realise the work which this association Is doing In the edu cating of this community. Few lines of education are omitted from Its courses. The foreigner who wishes to learn conversational Eng lish, the young maid or matron who wishes to learn the secrets of house keeping, the girl who wishes to train her body, and the one who wishes to gain from the mssters of litera ture the great secret of making life worth living, all find help In the classes provided by the Toung Women's Christian association. None but one closely connected with the students who gather here, knows what an earnest and inter ested set of listeners gather In these rooms. These classes have been the college course of many a girl to whom college training has been denied, and few college classes boast such an interested and atten tive group of students. Were the work of the Toung Women's Christian association re duced to that done by the edu cational department, the associa tion would still deserve the hearty support of the -community, r ; -. ..' 1 "eV ; '-rC "- MISS KATE A. McHUOH. year. lie has not commenced active work but will do so later. He was In the state senate two terms and made a good record. It is also regarded as certain that Carl Keuhnle of Denison will be In the race as a candidate In opposition to Lieutenant Governorer George W. Clarke, who Is con ceded to be In the lead ss a conservative and non-factional candidate. Governor Retarns Home. Governor Carroll returned home this evening from a trip to Hot Springs, S. D., where he went with friends for a rest. He will take up the completion of much unfinished work which was left undone be cause of labor troubles at Muscatine. Cleaning; t'p Keoknku Attorney General Cosaon has recently caused action to be taken at Keokuk re sulting in the raiding of gambling houses and other resorts, and this has given rise to the rumor that he intended making a general campaign against vice In the state. Numerous cases have come to the atten tion of the offices of the attorney general from many cities of the state of failure to enforce the law and in each case the facts have been laid before the local officials and they have been very prompt to uphold the law. Revising Salary Schedale. The State Board of Control la engaged In revising the salary schedule at the state Institutions. Under an Increased support fund as provided by the last legislature It will be possible to give the employes of the state some increase In compensation. The number of employes has been steadily In creasing all the time, but It has been diffi cult to keep them. HER DIAMONDS LEFT AT HOME Mrs. Hammond to Make No Display of Gems at Coronation. NO DESIRE TO DAZZLE THE COURT Special Ambeuseaalor to Crowning ot Kins; Ceeim Believe that the West Offers Opportnaltlea for YonnaJHea, NEW YORK, May 2S. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. John Hays Hammond, wife of the special ambassador of the United States to the coronation of King George of Eng land, will make no lavish display of dia monds In London, for which capital she sailed Saturday with her husband and family on the Cedric. There have been printed from time to time elaborate stories of the fabulous 11 uiaiiiuiiiiB niiii-ii ivjra. immnionai has and with which she was to dazzle thofl British court. Bhe put a quietus on these stories today by declaring that she would wear no diamonds whatever at the corona tion. Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Hammond were their children, John Hays, Jr., Harris Hammond, the former Yalo athlete, and Natalie and Richard P., and Miss M. E. Hammond, sister of the ambassador. Mr. Hammond told the ship news re porters he had nothing to say as to his mission, that he was simply going over to the coronation, and that was all there was to It. , "What about your diplomacy?" he was asked. "I cannot discuss that," he replied. "Some people are very sensitive, and I cannot please everybody." When he vouchsafed the Information that he would return during the first week of July he was asked: 'Are you really coming back?" "Surely, -why do you ask" "Well, there's the Berlin post still va cant," waa the reporter's answer. "Will yon accept that?" Hammond Would Not Accept. "It has not been offered me, but I could not accecpt It. My children are going to school In America and I think I can do a great deal more for America by sending my children to school here to learn to be Americans." Mr. Hammond said: "I am a strong advocate of the so- called policy of 'dollar diplomacy." I have believed for years, as a result of my ex perience in may foreign countries and often behind the diplomatic screen, that in spite of preconceived Ideas of diplomacy to the contrary, the dollar Is the object of Cornemton elaylag at Waterloo. I quest. It Is well that this Is a fact, be- WATERLOO, la,. May (Specials j cause diplomacy of that kind, which pro- BLACK HAND LETTER TO MAYOR OF WATERLOO Mesansre Received Threatening be traction of Homo with Dyaa' mite Unless) Demands Met. ; WATEEtOO, la.. May 28. Special Tel egram. VMayor John R. Rector of this city received today a letter threatening his life qrfid the destruction of his beautiful home by dynamite before Sunday noon unless he complies with the provisions of the let ter received from the Black Hand society. This toclety demands the Immediate dis charge pf Police Chief W. T. Dtnneen and Night Sergeant W. II. Holcroft. Persecu tion Is charged. The black hander says his countrymen have been arrested and fined on manufactured testimony In Wa terloo. The letter Is signed, "Yours for blood and justice, (Black Hand Society Five)." Mayor Rector will not yield to the threats. His property Is protected by spe cial police and ha does not fear for his personal safety. exist. Ot course, time alone can prove what discoveries may be made. Certain It Is that underneath the earth s crust are billions upon billions of dollars worth of mineral. How far down this extends, no man knows. Whether It will, to any ex tent, ever be reachable, no man again, can tell." Foley's Kidney Mnaedy Acted Qntek. M. N. George, Irondala, Ala, was both ered with kidney trouble for many year. 1 was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking It three Cays I could feel Its beneficial effects. The pain left my back, my kidney action cleared up and I am so much better. I do not hesitate to recommend Foley Kid ney Remedy." For rale by Ul druggista Chinese Pheasants For South Dakota Two Hundred Pairs of Game Birds to Be Released and Protected by the Game Laws. SIOUX FAIJ-3. 8. D., May 27. (Special Telegram.) South Dakota, through W. F. Bancroft, chief of the department of game and fish, has purchased 100 pairs of Chinese ring neck pheasants for the pur pose of propagating them tn the state. The birds cost $6 a pair, making a total of $1,200 to be expended out of the state game, fund, besides other necessary expenses In sending them by express to different parts of the state and to people who will look after them during the experimenting. In order that the experiment may prove satisfactory, few of the birds will be given to persons who wish to raise them In cap tivity, but they will be liberated and their propagation carefully watched. Near Redfield and near Sioux Falls some of these birds were put out In their wild stale and did quite well. The birds put out near Sioux Falls have nearly ail been de destroyed by hunters, but those near Red field have been well protected. There Is at present a closed season on these birds until 1315, and the law will be vigorously enforced by1 the state game warden in the various counties of the state. ' Fearful aianghter of deadly microbes occurs when throat and lung diseases are treated with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60c and 11.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. RUSSIA MAY STOP PASSPORTS Administration Pleased with Tend ency to Relieve Increasing Ten sion Between Two Coon trice. WASHINGTON, May 27. Confirmation of the report that in addition to admitting to Russia, American Jews who go on busi ness, the Russian government is con templating the abolition of the whole sys tem of passports has reached Washington. The advices to the State department are unofficial, but they are accepted as trust worthy and accurate. Already the Russian ministry has prepared a bill which win relieve Jews of foreign birth, seeking to enter Russia of the necessity of having their passports vised by the Russian diplomatic and con sular offices. The attitude of the Russian government has given great satisfaction to the ad ministration here, as It tends to relieve the Increasing tension that has been steadily growing between America and Russia. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. ' . Refereadsrm on Conoty Sent Law, PIERRE. 8. D., May 28.-8peclal Tele gram.) The referendum petition to carry to a vote the law for settling of county seat contests was filed with the secretary of state today with about 1000 namea As only one town tn the state is especially Interested In having this law up. It ls auegea mat me names were eecurea Dy hired solicitors, but they count Just the same. r ,v. - ' -. , . Hit ' l. - - k W t rs-t r-yiiv, w r i- - if KV i Y trui x nu watH M w elI , I V-t 1 1 e. -m e -mi-m w-w w w-e RW Made Pure Kept Pure It's the rowii ? E Mi a ml 9 5 f -.'..f .5- s Bottle Cleanliness is a science Schlitz is brewed. We filter even air where the beer is cooled, filter the beer. Then we every bottle. where the Then we sterilize We go to Bohemia for hops. Our barley is selected by a partner in our business. ' . The water is brought from rock .1,400 feet underground. Our yeast is produced forever from the same mother cell. Schlitz beer is sent to you in Brown Bottles, pro tecting its purity from the brewery to your glass. Light starts decay even in pure beer. Dark glass gives protection against light. - If you knew what we know about beer, you would say, "Schlitz 'Schlitz in Brown Bottles." Phones A Schlitz Bottled Deer Depot 723 S. pth St., Omaha, Nebr. The Beer B That Made Milwaukee famous wiumuii ihibiij 1 Arrangements have been completed for the laying of the corner stone of the Seraphic Heights hospital on Memorial day. High mass will be celebrated In the morning at 10 o'clock In the grove of the hospital grounds, which consists of forty-three acres by Archbishop Measmer of Milwaukee, as sisted by the priests of the archdiocese of Pubuque and visiting priests from the Mil waukee archdiocese and from Devenport and Sioux City dioceses. At noon a public and official dinner will be served at the Ellis hotel at 1 p. m. Bmal Fortune Hidden la Cans. IOWA CITY. I a., May 28. (Special.) John Keeled, who was killed by the Rock Island cars near Atallssa, left tl.500 hid den tn old tin cans, at his home In West Liberty. It has been discovered by the officers, who searched the house. Keelen was 65 years old and unmarried. A sis ter, Elizabeth, is connected with a re ligious organization In Omaha, Black Goes to Prison. CRESTON. Ia.. May SL (Special,) Will iam Black, who sent threatening letters to Creston druggists to extort money from them so he would not Expose them for sell ing liquor, has been sentenced to eighteen months In the federal prison at Leaven worth, convicted of ustng the mails to de fraud, lilack is the man who waa captured in Denver, and brought back to Iowa to answer the charges. Logan Memorial Orator. LOGAN. Ia.. May 28. (Special.) Rev. W. R. Crewdson of the Christian church at Logan, will deliver the oration on Memorial day at the opera house In Logan In the afternoon following the services at the cemetery, where the graves of departed soldiers will be decorated by the Women's Relief Corps organization and children of the publis schools. ' Morning 7:15 a. m. Afternoon 4:20 p. m. Evening 6:30 p. m. I'aldentlflrd Boy Drowns. TAMA. Ia.. May 28. (Special.) An uniden tified boy IS or 19 years of age. waa drowned In the Iowa river near here today while bathing. Ilia companion, who was with him while both were bathing, says he does not know the boy's name. The body was recovered. Logan Teaseraic. Society. LOGAN. I a-. May 28 Special.) A Wom an's Christian Temperance union was or ganised here this week by Mrs. Oldham of Council Bluffs. Mrs. A. O. Broyls was elected president; vice president, Mrs. H. U Allen; secretary, Mrs. Ida M. Hill; treasurer, Mrs. Susie M otter. Few Births In It.rn Lake. STORM LAKE. Ia. Msy .-Special ) Storm Lake with a population of approxi mately t.SOu. bad but nine births for the last year. This Is the lowest birth record ever rcoided in the city. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to B'g Raturna motes Intimate commercial relations be tween nations and being the fact In their minds of the interdependence of nations, makes for the world's peace. "The more extensive the business rela tions of nations, with one another, and the larger the Investment of foreign cap ital, the greater Is the guarantee of peace between nations. Adda to the Dignity. "Better provisions should be made for our diplomatic and consular representa tives abroad In the mutter of better resi dences as Is done by other nstlons. This not only adds to the dignity, but Im presses the foreigners with the dignity of our nation. As one of the foremost na tions of the world, there Is no reason why the United States should not uphold Its position among nations. It waa our late ambassador to .the court of St. Janie. who. on a very foggy London night, when asked by a policeman If he was looking for his home, replied, 'No, I am only an American ambassador; we don't have homes,' " Speaking of the relative chances of suc cess In the east and the west, Mr. Ham mond said: "I believe if a man gets on top In the east his sucress is usually greater than ny buiwh ne coum acnii-ve in the west, i but for the man of average ability, I i think: the weBt .offers far better oppor tunities for the enjoyment of life. Ah! that Is the country:" he added enthusl- ' astlcally. "I think western experience, even for a man who Intends to make his career in the east. Is of the greatest value XX . v,ounuin wiu ufriuuing nis cnararter 1 The cities, as we all know, are biM-omlnn' ililllllllB ' " '""TT irrnoiy congestca In population popula tion in the class of population that is not especially qualified by education or training for a career in the city. Such young men of this class should by all means cast their lot In our western coun try, where the land is still cheap and where there are many opportunities today, partly through the Intensive system of farming, to profitably utilize brains In agriculture.'' Doable More Rich strikes. "Is It likely that the present generation will again witness such Important mining disroverit-s as those which took plare In California In earlier days, in Virginia City. New, Leadville aud Cripple Creek, Colo., Dawson. 4'anada and elsewhere?" Mr. Hammond shook his head doubtfully. "1 think that is highly improbable," he anhwered. "As far as geological possibilities In parts of tbe workl are concerned. I don't look for such a repetition, although un doubtedly there will be great develop ments in Siberia. South America and Afrha in the near future, but I doubt if any ill be comparable to those of the twenty or thirty years; nothing, prob ably, to compare with the great diamond and sold discoveries of South Africa, so far ss Indications go. although some un- pro&pccteo sections of the world Have Your Ticket Read Burlngton Three Great Trains for Chicago ! Daylight, Sun Parlor, Lounge Car Train, arrives Chicago 8:45 P. M., connecting with night trains for the Middle East, Atlantic Seaboard and New Englnnd. Famous No. Six. Mid-Afternoon Train, arrives Chicago at 7 A. M., connecting with the 8 o'clock and other earlv morning trains from Chicago to New York and New England. Steel frame chair .ears, standard sleepers and dining cars. Electric lighted trains, Chicago Limited; sleeper and dining car service available at 6 P. M., arrives Chicago 8:07 A. M., dining ear serves breakfast en route to Chicago; convenient connections are made with the nine and ten o'clock morning trains from Chicago, East and Southeast. Electric lighted train of chair cars. di ners, sleepers and library observation cars. Reduced excursion rates to the east com mencing June 1st. Let me help you secure your accomodations during the heavy movement of vacation travel over eastern lines. J. K. KEVXOI.DS; C. P. A., 1502 Farnan. St. ' It'H Phone, IMS; InO. A-.'J:lL,:i. Improved Service I I s . wsjsni.m liTsmslsnfcsMMBI IS YOUR HI STREAKED WITH ' GRAY? GRAY HAIR MEANS ME A Few Applications of a Simple Remedy Bring Back the Natural Color. How often one hears tbe expression, "She is rrav sni berinniDg to look oM." It is true that fraj hair ukusIIj denote age and is always associated with are. You nerer hear one referred to as baring gray hair and looking younr. The hair is generally the index of age. If ronr hair is gray, yon can't blame your friends for referring to yon as look ing old. You can't retain a youthful ap ptaraace if yon allow your hair to grow gray. Many persons of middle age Jeop ardise their futnre simply by allowing If - - ' I ' J JJ .I1U tbe gray hair to beci.m m lrt yonr hair has become faded or gray, try yn atfe and Miipbur Hair Kemedy, a preparation which a chemist by the name of Wyelh devised a few years ago. It U simple, inexpemlre and practical, tnd will banish the giay hairs in few lays. It i also guaranteed to remove dundruff and promote tliv growth of the hair. It Is a pleasant dresninc lor the hair, nd after using it a few dajs itching and dryness of the cslp ertirely dissppesr. This preparation r offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all druggiots. Sherman & McCont'ell Drug Co.. and Owl Drug Co. TO Oklahoma and Texas Leave Omaha 5:oq pm ; Arrive Witchita 6:50 AM ; Arrive Enid 10:55 AM Arrive Kingfisher 12;03 PM Arrive El Reno 12:50 pm Arrive Oklahoma City 2:10 PM Arrive Fort Worth 8:30 PM Through Electric Lighted Drawing Room Sleeper first class coach between Omahn a-v i Wlfc fV Ui tali, t Cafe diner between Omaha and Fairbury. Low round trip fares in effect 1st and 3d Tuesday of each month. For further information, inquire, J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A., 1322 Farnam Street. and THE PLAZA NEW YORK Fifth Avenue) and Fifty-ninth Street The coolest Hotel in New York, overlooking Central ' Park. Convenient to theatres and shopping district. - Single Rooms, with bath . . $4, $5 and S6 per day Double Kooma, 2 beds, with bath, 6, $7 and $a per day Outdoor Tarraca, dtrWe with Ration String Orchestra Spcie I flat mm during Ihm Sumtmo .Reason i l l FRfD STERRY Tbe Plass-Copley, Boston, now under construction, npret Msy 1st, 1912, under same mansgsmcnt as The Plszs, New Yjk. Maeagtng Director II J i 8 ee want ads iSrgr results