Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 20, 1911.
presed dwp regrets that any attack
should have been made on fli'a train.
General Aaelst In Jtrlrnmr.
VEHA CniZ, May n.-Qpneral Mai,
himself, took command of the federal
soldiers, who repulsed a larr fnrc of
rebels, while the former president of
Mexico was on his way from Mexico City
to Vera Cruz. The latest estimates place
the numher of rebel dead at twenty, while
the number of wounded Is unknown.
The attack on the train. In which Gen
eral Diaz was traveling and the escorting
trains, occurred at Tepeyahualro. With
General Dlaa at the time were Hrnora ltu.
Colonel Porflrio Diaz, Ills son, and the
latter'! family. The trains were proceed
ing clowly, with a pilot cnKlne In the
lead, the military train next, then the
former president's special and last of all
. ererklng tialn to repair tracks if neces
sary. The rebel came Into -the open as the
trains were approaching: TeperyahuaJco,
They numbered IaO and began a fierce at
tack. The federals at once detrained and
began to use rapid fire guns.
Advances wit. Pistol.
General Diaz ordered his special car to
proceed nearer to the seine and as It drew
up he alighted and with pistol In hand ran
forward to aid his defenders. The federals'
quick action with the rapid firers had taken
the rebels by surprise and they soon were
In full retreat. The trains then proceeded
at high speed.
On his arrival here General Diaz was re
ceived In silence. There were neither
cheer nor hisses for the man who had held
the power in Mexico for sd many years.
Dlat was met by J. 11. Body, to whose
home he hastened. From the flagstaff of
this mansion the British flag Is flying.
General bias will be a passenger on the
Hamburg - American steamer Ypranga,
which Sails for Spain May 31, via Havana.
The health of the former president appears
to be greatly Improved. '
Bandits Terrorise Country.
PARRAU May 26.-(Vla El Taao, May
IT.) Many federals, including Jefe politico,
have been killed, scores of other have
been placed In Jell, stores have been looted
and burned and hundreds of people are on
the Targe of starvation as the result of a
reign of terror caused In the state of Du
ra n go and southern Chihuahua by bandits
and loeurrectos who heard nothing of the
peace agreement.
The entire state of Durango with Us
capital, a city of 12,000 population. Is at
the mercy of the roving bands, who have
unseated all the regularly constituted au
thorities. Refugee from southern Chi
huahua also report the towns In disorder.
The worst feature Is that all railroad com
munication has been cut off for week and
the Interior, being a nonagrlcultural region,
la without food. '
Grand Stand Hurls
Upon Ball Players
High Wind Topnlei it Over Upon
Crowd of Playen Seeking
spectators at a baseball game were more
or leas seriously Injured this afternoon
when the grandstand collapsed under a
heavy wind.
Sidney Mangns, a year of age. of
Granite City, was the most seriously In
jured, receiving a broken leg and Internal
hurts. It la said ha will die. Twelve of
the twenty parson Injured were baseball
Most of the spectators fled at the ap
proach of the storm. The grandstand was
picked up bodily by the storm and burled
upon a erowd of player who huddled be
hind It seeking rfug from a ' bombard
ment of hall.
la tke Wake etc ifce Measles.
The little son of Mr. O. . B. Palmer,
Uttle Rock. Ark., ad the measles. Tb
result was a sever cough which grow
s wore and be could not sleep. Bhe says:
'Vne bottle of Foley's Hone and Tar
Compound completely cured him and be
ha never been bothered sine. Croup,
whooping cough, measles cough, all yield
to Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. The
genuine I in the yellow package, alwaya
Refuse substitutes. For sal by alt drug
Clemeatt Harris Elected president of
Aaeoelatloa Former Falrbwry
Girl Marrt 41 a Denver.
FAIRBURY, Neb.. May 2S.-Speclal.-The
Falrbury High School Alumni associa
tion ha elected the following officers for
next season: President, Clement Harrlss;
Ice president, IT. R. ITJnehaw; secretary,
Lulu Bltaer; treasurer, Theodore Shaffer.
County Judge C. C. Boyle has Issued mar
riage licenses to the following parties:
Frank Plxa, tt, and Lavlna Weichel. 21;
Jacob F. Dlbhern, 17, and Cora Belle Con
gor. IS; "William E. Pearce. 21, and Kittle
L Cherry. 20; George A. Curry, U. and
Lulu M. Harrington, 24.
ThroUfeU the efforts of the Falrbury
Commercial club the citizens of Falrbury,
will be favored with a band concert at
the city park auditorium every Sunday
afternoon. The concerts wilt continue
throughout the summer months and the
first ooncert will be given Sunday after
noon at 1:20,
Mies Ethel Bwarts, formerly'of Falrbury,
was married to Walter McWhoi ter lit Den
ver, Colo., recently. The ceremony took
place at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mr. Samuel Bwarts, 1217 Eighteenth ave
nue. Rev, Mr. Gravlt of the Baptist church
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. McWhorter will
make their home In Denver. The bride was
bora on a farm south of Falrbury and
attended the . Falrbury hoots. She re
moved to Denver a few years ago with her
Foley Kidney Pills take hold of your
system and help you to rid yourself of
your dragging backache, dull headache,
nervousness. Impaired eyesight, and of
nil the Ills resulting from the Impaired
action of your kidneys and bladder. Re
member, tt Is Foley Kidney Pill that da
tola. For sale by all druggists. '
Hands with ' Town People
nlldlnc Good Roads.
YORK. Neb., May 2S. (Special.) Since
the district good road meeting waa held
at York a greater Interest has been taken
by the farmer la York county and espe
cially those who own automobiles.
In the local weekly newspapers corre
spondents from every road district are call
ing attention to volunteer work of farmer
who after eacn rain are dragging the
roads. It la proposed to drag through the
center of York rounty a road twenty-four
mile long, also a road through the center
eaat and west twenty-four miles) long.
These roads will be' maintained by the
automobile owner of York county.
D Ten Have the lMht Kind f ttetpt
Foley Kidney PU furnish on the
right kind ef help to neutralise and re
move the poison tbat cause beckaaba,
headache, nervousness and ether kidney
tod bladder alhxients.s For sal by all
druggists, I
Omaha Trade Boosters in
I n :.f- : U ,,,;VK- pi ;J o... ';
and Mrs. Gould Diets. Mr.
Driver Killed When
Machine Turns Turtle
Two Racing Automobiles Veer from
Their Course While Practicing
Near Denver.
DENVER, May 28. Speeding over the
three-mile motor courxe at Sable, ten
miles east of Denver, In preliminary prac
tice for the SOO-mlle race on Decoration
day. two racing automobiles late today
veered from the course and turned turtle,
killing the driver of one car and Injuring
the other driver, and the mechanicians of
both cars.
Both cars turned turtle at the same
point but they were going In opposite
directions. Robert W. Bean, aged 24,
whose home was In Detroit, was crushed
to death beneath the car. Bean had only
recently come to Denver from Detroit.
The Injured are:
Otto E. Manglltz of Denver, mechan
ician, two ribs broken, Internal Injuries.
Lee Bert Roberts of Denver, mech
anician, badly bruised.
Harry Ball of Denver, driver, head
Harry Ball Is one of the youngest of
the professional motor drivers and has
many race winnings to his credit.
The accident was most peculiar. Bean,
driving a Btudebaker, was bowling along
at fifty miles an hour, when his car
veered to the right In an effort to right
the machine, he swung It around and it
shot off the course and Into the field to
the left. Ball, at the wheel of an Apper
son Jack Rabbit, i'hlch had just com
pleted a lap at seventy-five miles an hour,
felt bis car give when it reached the
point where the Btudebaker encountered
unsteadiness, but in his attempting to
straighten it out, whirled It off the courae
to the right Both cars leaped Into the
air when they struck soft earth and turned
; It wu hour before word reached the
city of the accident and some time after
that before the Injured could be eonveyed
to hospital. .
Philadelphia, Bnlletln Pntallshes Re.
port, laying Friend Urare
PHILADELPHIA, May J8-9peclal
Telegram.) The Bulletin today punishes
the following:
"Though there have been rumors for sev
eral years that the marital relations be
tween Colonel Anthony J, Drexel and Mrs.
Drexel have been estranged, society In
London, Newport, Philadelphia, New York
and Baltimore will be surprised to learn
that Mr. Drexel may bring action for
"Mrs. Drexel arrived from Europe alone
a few weeks ago, and has endeavored to
keep her movement as quiet as possible
since she came Ur'TTinadelphla. Her In
tentions to bring action for divorce, pre
ceded her, however, In cablegrams to the
Drexel family. No sooner had she set foot
on shore at New York, than the Drexels
began to persuade her to reconsider the
resolve she had made In London to sep
arate herself legally and entirely from
her husband.
"Mrs. Drexel remained adamant In her
decision, and before she had been In Phila
delphia many day she sought the counsel
of John O. Johnson. Carrying out his
policy of never saying anything about his
clients' cases, Mr. Johnson will not say
anything regarding the divorce of Mrs.
Drexel. In reply to question, he would
only say:
" 'I represent my client In court, not at
their home or In their personal relations.'
"A conspicuous member of the Drexel
family said when asked about the Impend
ing divorce action:
" 'I wish sincerely the report would prove
false. Our family has so far hept aloof
from the publicity of the divorce courts.
I hope we will continue to be out of such
"Early this week Mr. Drexel went to
New York, where the stork is soon ex
pected to hover over the home of her son,
Anthony J. Drexel, Jr., aad Mrs. Prexel,
who was Marjorle Oould, daughter of
George J. Gould. .
"It was expected by member of the
family that this visit to New York might
have the effect of changing Mrs. Drexel's
mind concerning the dlvoroe action, but
evidently It did not
"Late Thursday Mra Drexel returned
Detailed Census of
The director of the census ha announced the population of Fillmore county,
according to the minor civil divisions, as follows:
K10. 110. 1800.
FILLMORE COUNTY ...U,(i;4 li,uK7
Belle Prairie township. Including Strang village 810 872 S"1
Strang village tt8 234 f)
Bennett township 661 4 fcM
Bryant township, Including Shlckle village l.OiT LV7l 1,073
Khlckley village... 429 S72 3'T
Chelsea township. Including part of Ward S of Geneva city tfjo 61 786
Geneva city (part of) 19 ... ...
Total for Oeneva city In Chelsea. Geneva and Madison
Ward 1.
Ward I.
Ward 1
Exeter township. Including Exeter village
l.xeter villajte
Fairmont township. Including Fairmont city
Fairmont ctty
Ward 1
Ward I
Franklin township. Including Ohlowa village
Ohlowa village
Oeneva township. Including Ward I and pu-ts of Wards 1
and t of Geneva city.,
oeneva city (part of)
Olentnry township,
Including MllllKan
lllgan vtllaae
Graiton township. Including Grafton village ....
uraiion vuuuce
Hamilton township
L.tterty fownsnip ,
Madison township. Including part of
OMieva city
Geneva, city (part of) ,
Momence townsmp
Stanton township
West Blue township ,
and Mrs. David Cole and Mr. and Mrs.
from New York and after spending the
night with Mrs. Rush and an early c .n
sultation yesterday mornln with her
lawyer she left for Baltimore.
"As Marsuerlta Armstrong, twenty or
twenty-five year ago, she Was one of the
belles of Baltimore."
Daughters of Revolution Place Mon
ster Bowlder nt Its Bearlnoln; nt
Nebraska City.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., May 28-(Spe-clal.)
The Daughters of the American
Revolution of this city, having secured
permission from the city council to erect
a monument at the corner of Fifth street,
were out in the country yesterday and
selected a monster boulder, the kind that
Is to be found In this part of the state. It
will be removed to this city and placed
on a heavy cement ha as and marked with
a large bronze tablet showing the spot to
be the starting point of the overland Cali
fornia trail for those who went west In
the early day of 1848 and later years. This
spot was near the old block house, which
marked the spot for years and in which
the settlers took shelter from the Indians
in the early days.
Mkely to Be- Fined for Fallnre
Comply with the Law.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May 28. (Spe
cial.) A number of the corporations of
this city have been notified that they
stand to pay $1,000 and upward for failure
to comply with the law. In several
Instances the tax -was sent In after March
1 through oversight or the absence of some
of the officials and they were, in accord
ance with the lew, penalised In the sum
of one-half of their tax. When they re
mitted this they were of the opinion that
they were through. The receipt, now, of
notice to the effert that the Internal
revenue collector had reported the neglect
to the department of Justice that fines as
stated. were provided for, that the com
missioner of Internal revenues with the
sanction of the secretary of the treasury
waa authorised .to compromise under the
)aw, has led to several explanatory com
munications that the neglect, Waa not will
ful or malicious. - '
That the city administration will ' not
tolerate gambling was quite clearly evi
denced by a case today. James Durham
was arrested for gambling, the evidence
showing that he had. In company with
Oscar Anderson, fleeced Frank Ide, a
stranger out of 153. Durham plead guilty
and was fined $50 and cost. A warrant Is
out for Anderson and since he I said to
have been the capper In the case, like or
severer penalty. It Is believed, await him.
Business Orsjanlaatlon Get Together
and Name Directors.
YORK, Neb., May 28.-8peelal. At a
mass meeting of business men, the report
of the committee on effecting a consolida
tion of all commercial Interests and organi
sations and the leasing of a part of
present quarters of the old York Commer
cial club was unanmously accepted and In
structions given to enter Into the lease at
The new consolidated Commercial club
elected ten directors, as follows: George
E. Chllcote, Dr. O. P, Bhldler, Walter
Baer, George W. Neil. a. W. Poet, C. A.
McCloud, H. M. Chllds, Dennis Meehan,
Joseph Pick and E P. Van Wlckle.
It Is proposed to raise a sum of $5,000,
employ a paid secretary who will keep
thing moving for York.
Tblevea Steal Gold.
FREMONT, Neb., May . (Special.)
Some time last night burglars entered the
office of Dr. Stockfeldt, a dentist In the
Wola Turner block, and of Dr. Guy Balrd
In the Commercial National bank building.
They were after gold and got several hun
dred dollar' worth In the two place. An
attempt was also made to break Into Dr.
Murphy's dental office In the Union block.
There I no clue to the parties.
The Glad Hand
removes Uver Inaction and bowel stop
page with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
painless regulators. Sc. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
R. EL Buchtel has returned from Den
ver, where he weut to attend a graduating
Nebraska Counties
1.3 19
i. in
Wards 1 and S of
the Orient
George II. Kelly on Bhlpboard.
Dr. Warner is Found
Dead in His Office
May Have Been Suicide, but His
Associate Declares it an
CHICAGO, May 27. (Special Telegram.)
With a ragged bullet wound In his breast
and his body in a ponl of blood on the
floor of his office. Dr. Charles Hbner
Warner, one of the most prominent men
in Evanston, was lound dead this after
noon. A revolver lay a few Inches from
the right hand of the dead man.
The affair Is one of the most mysterious
which has ever baffled the Evanstnn po
lice. Whether suicide or accidental death,
they are unable to determine. Dr. Clye,
who was associated with Warner, said he
was killed accidentally. He added:
"There is no doubt that Dr. Warner shot
himself accidentally. He was preparing to
leave on a hunting trip and apparently
was cleaning the revolver when It was ac
cidentally discharged. The bullet entered
his heart and he died instantly.
"An oil can and a small screwdriver
were found .on the floor near the weapon,
which told how the shooting happened.
It was not suicide at all." '
Kisses His Wife
and Breaks a Leg
Last Kiss is for Good Measure, and
Bansom Tumbles Off Back
ARION, la., May 27. (Special Telegram.)
Kissing his wife, caused George Ran
som, a farmer north fit town, to sustain
a broken leg and from now on he will
draw the line on kissing, while on the
back porch.
As Ransom was about to go to the field
to plant corn,, he kissed his wife. Mrs.
Ransom followed h'ef .husband to the back
porch. According tolier statement, while
he wa backing, awaif, , she playfully ex
claimed: "Just one (.more,' George, for
good measure." ,' ,' '.
George was about to gratify the request
to his wife, but before he did so, he took
another step backward and fell to the
ground, breaking his right leg.
Pleased with Assembly Action in Dis
missing; Charges Against Dr.
Brown of Union Seminary.
NEW YORK, May 37. (Special Tele
gramsRev. Edward Young, pastor of the
Bedford Presbyterian church, Brooklyn,
chairman of the judiciary commltttee of
the general assembly commended today the
action of the assembly In paving the way
for reconciliation with Union theological
seminary by dismissing the charges against
Dr. Francis Brown, , president of the
seminary, and Prof. 'William A. Brown. He
"I regard the action of the assembly
with reference to the overtures calling for
action against President Francis Brown
and Prof. William A. Brown as the most
remarkable In many years. For about
twenty years the general assembly and
Union seminary have been more or less
antagonistic; The assembly not only
dropped absolutely the overture without
even the slightest Implied reflection upon
Dr. Francis Brown and William A. Brown,
but held out the olive branch to Union
seminary, and in an atmosphere of deep
feeling voted the' appointment of a com
mittee on conference with the. faculty and
directors. "
"This action will scarcely seem credible
to the Presbyterian church at large. What
the members expected was some decidedly
adverse action against Union seminary.
One of the speakers unadvisedly regarded
this action would give the assembly the
control of the seminary and might become
the salvation of Union seminary. Of
course, such talk will be resented by the
friends of the seminary who recognize that
the last twenty years have been the most
prosperous In the history of the Institu
tion. "However, the spirit of the assembly
toward Union seminary 1 a part of the
great peace movement which Is sweeping
over the world and which the church ta
now meeting. The action of the assembly
doe not Indicate any departure from the
old orthodoxy."
Low Round Trip Rates.
Atlantlo City, New York, Boston and
other eastern- summer resorts dally, June
to September Inclusive. Favorable stop
over privileges and liberal limits. For
particulars apply to ticket agents. The
Northwestern line. City office, 1401-0S
Farnam street, Omaha.
Natural Laxative
Quickly Relieves.
Sick Headache,
Stomach Disorders,
Mas. Vinauiw'i aoovniwa SvaKr has been
aacd tot over SIXTY YBAR8 by MILLION! of
fcOOTHES the CHII.U, 80FTKN the GUKit
h roe best remedy for tlAHiEA. It is at
solutcly hunkM, Be sure aa ask for ' Mra.
WiaAtw's Soothing byrup," iki lake ao etaef
fciad. Tweagr-A camut e botua.
' . V". I
1 1 ,JZC
(Continued from First ranc.
hnure will be ready to adjourn, but the
democrats will not, if their present attitude
holds, agree to bring this session to an
end until the republican renste ha In
some definite way made it clear to the
country that It will not act upon the
Items of legislation that have made up the
house program.
While the senate took no decisive step
on legislation last week. It has made
proRres In that It ha determined to re
open the lrlmer case and make another
Investigation of the corruptions and brib
ery which attended the election of the
sittlnK member from Illinois. The present
confident belief and prediction Is that this 1-orlmcr will he unseated.
The senate has also resolved to take a
vote on June 12 on the resolution providing
for the direct election of senators.
St. Louie Brewer la Given Com
mander's Cross of Order of ,
the llrd Knsrlr.
NEW YORK. May 2S. Adntphus nusch
of St. Louis today received the decoration
of the Commander's Cross of the Prussian
Order of the Red Eagle In recognition by I
Emperor William of his services In pro- 1
mctlns Germsnlc culture In America. Ills
donations to the Oermnnlo museum of
Harvard university total 32.-.O.00O.
Frley Kidney lilt nie a true medicln'.-.
They are healing, strengthening, antisep
tic and tonlo. They act quickly. For sale
by all drugglsta
Livery Barn at Rlfe, la.
KOLFI5, la., May 28.-(Special.) Fire
supposed to have been started by sparka
from a locomotive destroyed the Johnson j
& Elbert livery barn, partly damaged the i
Williams garage and totally destroyed a
small meat market. The los Is esti- j
mated at $7,000, partly Insured. ;
Barn Nenr tur la.
STORY CITY, la.. May 28. (Special.)
Fire, which started In a haystack, de
stroyed all the buildings, except the house
on the O. S. Wlerson farm, west of town,
yesterday, doing damage of $10,000. Twelve
hundred bushels of corn and 104 head of
live stock, mostly swine, were burned.
Take Warning.
Don't let stomach. Uver or kidney trouble
down you when you can quickly down
them with Electric Bitters. 60c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
F. J. Carmen.
BLOOMFIELD, Neb., May 28. (Special.)
The body of F. J. Carmon, a former
resident of this city and a brother of Mrs.
Adolph Hlllflker, was brought here last
night from Denver, where he died from
diabetes, at the age of' 42 years. The
funeral was held from the Congregational
ohurch at 9:30 Saturday morning.
Lame Shoulder Is nearly always du to
rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly
yields to the free application of Chamber
lain's Liniment. For sale by all daalera
Manyon's Cold Remedy Relieves the
bead, throat and lungs almost Immediate
ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discharges of
toe nose, taxes away ail acnes and pains
paused by colds. It cures Grip and ob
stinate Consba and orevents Pneumonia.
Write Prof. Mooyon, 63rd and JetTorsoo
Rts., Phils., l'a., for medical advice ib-'
oiutely free.
Hotel Rome
Summer Garden
Opening Tuesday May 23, 8 p. nt
Berber's Orchestra
High CUsi Moving Pictures
New Program Every Evening.
Passion llay Sunday Evening.
Coolest Place in Omaha.
Expert in charge of Finest Soda
Fountain in the West.
Ladles and Children Given Special
Soda Fountain
For Sale
One 16 syrup, onyx body, cherry
top, oak base and counter charg
ing outfit and three steel founts;
immediate delivery, bargain; also
one 9-foot oak show case; silent
salesman type.
Ask Your Grocer for
Malted Milk Bread
pnnn PHP Weak and nervous men
rUUUrUA who find their Dower to
work and youthful vigor
on as a result of over
work or mental esertion should take
qraT'8 nerve vood pills. Ther
will make you eat and sleav and be a
fnmn akuin. x
II Bo. 3 Roses RM by mall.
SXXKaf AST a McOoarsTJill, DBUO CO.
Cor. 16th and pod Streets
Co. lata and Kaj-ne ate. Omaha. Veb
Royal House of U. B. F.
10 of the beat local, colored amateurs
nd out-of-town taient will compete for ;
prise, nous ana usiicm, iuivum tau
nionulng-us, complete with fun and laugli-
Ier. Monday Breams', May H, IdO p. a,
due to by trot. LxseJane.
TIic Omahn
Booklovcrs' Contest
I 9
Yocr ro WORK
,7r?.riLLv--- V. 'c..
' ? Yf t i
NO. 65 MOKDAT. SCAT 29, 1911.
What Does This Picture Represent?
Your Name
Street and Number
City or Town
After you have written In the title of the book, save the coupen
and picture.
Do not send any coupons until the end of the contest is an
nounced. Remember the picture represents the title of a book not a scene
or character from It.
Catalogues containing the names of all the books on which the
putzle pictures are based are for sale at the Business Office of The
Bee 25 cents. By mall, 30 cents.
Rules of the Contest
All tenons are llilbl to sntsr this eootest sicepl mployn ot the Oraibt Bm an
minbm et their fsmlllra. Stock ear, serentir-rln -r, then will be publish lu
Tb Baa a picture whiok will raprcMiM the nsree ef s book. BntU pioiure
Uiere will be a blank lor tk contnunt t till in th tltl of the book.
Cat set both tbt sletur an Msnk an nil to the nam and author ot the book an
add rour rutins ana addrau naatlf ao.4 suUnlr la th asao provides.
No nstrlotiona wll b placa en th war la which anawra lo lb pictsra mar be
acar4. Each pletur noraaou only on title ot a book. If yoa u not aur ot s
title an wlak to send In mora than site answar to each picture, you may 6a ao. BUT
naorrv anawra will not b count afmlnat conuoianta II correct answer la alM (lvn.
More tfcaw one answer about not b p si on th same coupon. Sitra coupon alioui be
saed for estr, answers. All answara t th sent number aheul bo kapt tasa'her in
aandlnf n th sal.
Walls Dot akoolstsly niannry. U h) sealrabl that th picture shoal In each caa
ka'sent In with tb answers ,1a order that all answer be nnltorm. ASSItloesl pietures
and aousons may b eetaina at the eUios ot The U br nia.ll or la paraon.
when yoa bae all eevemj-iiT picture, nuien tsem tosetner ana onm
them to The Omaha So, adraae to th eokleTere' Oontoat Bailor. PrlM
ua. t tha eontaataau ealna la tka lexaest number ol correct solutions.
el twe or naor persons savins tne asm Mrorjer ox oerrevi euiuuvns, ie wrwu
th raxellsr number et extra coupon In sis set ot answers wll b secure , inner, ta
event ol twe persona sarin the asm number eomol an using tk esm number ot
coupons, tb person wneee sat el answers Is most neaUr prepan. la tb opinion et
tb full Judsing committee, will reoelre th llrwt prise.
Only en list ol suswar mar be submitted br contestant.
The a l tb soupon is not ebllsAtarr upon tb contestant, aae ea answer may
be submitted In anr lf bl manner the contestant mar (
Awards wlU be mad strtetlr according te tb merit ol each see. rate Itst.
Th nans ot mora thaa on pernn must not be written . upon any en coupon,
Tb awards wll be mad br th Contest Bdltor snd a oemmlltee ot well-known art
isans, who nam will b snnssnced later.
Its Contest la limited to th toll owing tevrttery: Nebraska. Wyoming, that portion
ef Iowa west ot but not Including Dee ktotaas, and that aaotloa ot South Dakota knows)
as the Black Hills District. t
road records, and today ranks
among the leading motor cars. For both service and speed, this auto
will make an excellent possession. It is a real Joy-maker. It is fully
equipped and Is Just like accompanying Illustration. The famous
Apperson warranty goes with this car. The prize may be Inspected
at the Apperson Sales Rooms, 1102 Farnam 8t.
Second Prize
Value $750
Not everybody can play a plsno
but everybody would like to. The
go-note Kimball player-piano, worth
$760, which Is the second grand
prlie, will furnish music for you
whether you play or not It Is a
wonderful Instrument, and will make
some home a happv place for every
member of the family. Even Grand
ma carl play this Instrument If
slater wants to play It wltlioul the
mechanism, ahe simply has to lift
a lever. This player la exhibited at
the A. Hospe store. 151J Dous-laa St
Fourth Prize
Value 9230
A 1100 Columbia "Resent" Orafon
ola and i wortli of record form
the fourth grand prise. This excel
lent Instrument Is one of the best
manufactured- It Is built of finest
mahoguny throughout For any
family this Instrument Is simply a
musical gem. It Is sure to Increase
the biles of any home. It will draw
the family closer together and form
means of entertainment night after
nlKht. This Urafonola la now ex
hibited at the Columbia Phonochapb
Company's agency. Illl-U Farnam
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
VALUE $140.00.
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2.
Watch for the Daily
Bee's Great
will b
In Tnt
First Prize
Valua $2,000
A 12,000 Apperson "Jack Rab
bit" Touring car, Model Four
Thirty, with five passenger capac
ity. It Is a great car In a great
contest. It has many speed and
Third Prize
Value $500
This prize Is a beautiful lot In
A. P. Tukey & Son's Her addition,
adjacent to Hanacom park and Cen
tral boulevard. It Is lot 4 of block
eight on Thirty-third atreet. and Is
60x184 feet The street rar 11. is runs
along Thirty-second Avenue, just a
block from the site of the lot. Home
young- couple, perhaps, wll. here erei t
a Utile cottage In which to live for
years and years. Who can tell wliMt
lucky person will get this Ideal lot?
You may be the one.
Picture in The Bee.