Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Omaha Wins Again; Sioux Lose; Pirates Trim Reds; Tigers Beaten by Browns
Witt Orn.h-Potb!o Game with Two
Efr, Soc r i n jf Two X.n,
Ukm Waa la aa 4l of ,
Rat Oalr Taa S-.rrore r halted
ffcat Aeaaraal.
fry Hammler fte rH nt for i-ai ht
Iw tha eta-MI. lar.'r.a- rl'h li mea m baa
J'A KnHM won lr. third r.d ! giro
tn lae f.ttu, aeaiaa t.y J t'i 1 a"f
V.h'iA'n'ti ihi giro f'r lb lUrirh
and fJ"1 tea , an iriMr.r Ifa'l n
-rbf!l.,iAd aid l.;d ! 'rrphan .wn to
!' rie r.d bit Mfw Mli d irlng h f
ir.4:nAr t,1 garo.
Or a-eortt i,1 tie nvid fb (jiw
S-Vw, M4 'ft! tw 'rr'rn m-r rr1r, or,
by tn irn ard tn Ml,f by IK 'r
fhrai Prhm w on th f r;ng line t-rr
lubli nd plf :,'! a n't'i'iu Km. allow
ing Mil. five bli and dr'apping m of lh
yrou rlr by th nniiii rnathod Mall had
the mi who f-M him flilr,g vi'-fima to
Ills myaoarlaa and nit mar, fil bfor M
frilfMr arrn If lkt Iwo
Flfn hiir.drad f a 1 1 f l hog turned .til
to wltf.ea lha last gam at rorr All
thri'igh lha en I r r ri f a In whh h tb
Orphan hald lha lend lli fan cheeral the
Coll on It hrolf oV-.i, When lha !g-,fh
Inning rollad irr.nnl rritMng In the air
t flfj 1h far. with a d'-lra lo
rm noisy, at, 4 b-fore i, din hud .,i,.
H44 lha cam ha1 -n neatly tucked
field la II a a- f dltln.
Tha ciri'lltlon of tl, fiM w a fr1M
f1t all nvr fha lol, it'l nn4
trrlft rrrtirt fhalkMl ii arlnt lh- lrn
war Cjaa ,jr fli rri'M arid wmr Th
aJl traitia arahrd aril a i llfo'-rv' II
ttmM hmrAYy m hm,Ai( T.r pnmf4
fcall rar rr ark1 up aelnar Ari-w on
00inl ot M.r. ein'tlMrn of ih nf.tii-r.
Tha Irrvhana wnl. af'r ih Krn- In
ftil iti aama mmiM aa lha tiny rv.ou,
Tltraa )jla wr alarnmrl oiji on l!ho1i-a
an1 twe nina aina In. Ii wm afi.-r Id
IMf4 hit ha1 n m1 tlmt th Ito'irV
twirls ra Ji-rk1, an1 Ifull ti.-M t0 ih
froin4. VMona if a r-iiiilon of th- oj-n-Ing
nm rrf tha a-rl n,u,r4 u. In front
of tha 'ul,io Ikk nl nothiriK rnull f,
dona on tha M (lon'l wrinkle,
N'laholl JIllnrill,B,l l,rn.f l,y hla fal
pl,rn im 'rt,tm Noihlnit waa lor allff
f'r him In , nf-r anl !. In all ha took
Ithl rhri'a anil rot awar without an
TT'ir. Ttia InfM ply1 fnat icarna,
whan lha roniliilon of th fl-M la tkn
into eomtlrl'Tallon. Tli 4nyln waa r
markahla an1 lha Tolla Hii.wH that lha
wara tit tha ''harntilorichlji rallhr.
ftarirar ptil lha Kama for lha Orphan
by ohaillriB out a Hn har. Ia look
thIM tm Aun-w'n paa1 hall. I)-Mn flaw
out to H:hoinovr. Kornxr Draw a paaa.
Movta lnifl4 to rlKht and arrt-al ItrBwr.
Koarnnf took aaconl on lha hit. Ma ot
UJrd on ATiaw' a.ronil paaawl tl. I'avla
ta1a4 t rlKht an1 KfK-rn.r rrnaax tha
imn with lha iwM)jnl an1 lat run for tha
Orphan a.
Ifo fra War Mao.
Kor Omaha I'lrk nponad tha flrat lnnln
With hit to oanlar. wa aurrl fl-wl to tnr
PtH bjr Kana. Wllllama g rounds out to
Wra to Knarnnr, and IMrlc took third.
iU Kro1 on Nlrhoff. hit to li-ft. No
mof mna cama In until tha lhth. Kln
lnlad to laft and Wllllama took third.
Knaavoa drmhlad to lft. Wllllama and
Klnf oroaaad tha pan on tha hit. Hcora:
link tv.
If. O. A. JO.
0 12 1 0
0 0 0 0
1 i o o
10 10
1 7 o
0 0 0 0
0 0(0
27 14 1
H. O. A. 10.
0 2 0 o
0 1 0 0
0 II 0 0
12 2 0
2 10 0
0 12 0
0 0 11
ii 1
0 0 0 2 -
0 0 0 1 -4
0 0 0 0 0-7
1 0 0 0 0-0
Kana, lb..'...,.'".""',' a
rvimama, rr...
Nlahoff, 2..,,
Klnf, tt
Mchoonovar. If.
Knaavwa, aa.,,.
Aanaw. c
Ilhodaa, p
Hall, P..........
ai i
Middlaton. rf 'u
nnrfr. a a i
Holrtan, If j J
Koarnar, lb,.,., j
)haa, jib 4 o
Ilrla ff i 0
iiihinldl, lb o
t'larrwna, n.,.,., q
Jurham, p 4 o
ToUla i
Una ,.'
I 0
a o
o o
0 0
10 0 0
.10 11
i,.,";,"r..':.': '""r vn t...lla: I iff
by wt-h''i-Vii."'; : ; J. '."
jii. mi dt iiiiriiiaiti a i . .
lawn nn tmmrn
.H"'"!'1 ".'J "khl ami
si-T . ... na.Tini'B hum: Kana CI
Njnhciff, riruiona. iir.i.i,.. rin t A'
U"Plrtl (laakall. Annul,,,,, , ",j0. '
Mulra ii f lha llainp.
wEfti,;r.,U" r,U.r
Jack llaakall'a n.lllK fura will not ha
haia .! un mldaumii,.
lira (aioa, Aannw n,,, ,lt,f
was .a-1',
Uurham had ....thi,,K ,, llllrUr.
o,s,t,l,.,, h"" ,h- " -'
wTili M0"rl"'.,.,,! '"" 'r rr.vrr
OrliU.''ry ''"y """"" U.
Tha rimirkta will i,v u,p ,
liuma Thiiratlay. T in Kawa Iiii t
at that H,n. ''" '",r"
Juat aa oa aa lha Irani l,,.. a ,nnw.
Uaad, prabably Turailay. ' ' Wl" '
Kaaa had flfian rliam-ra atnt ,. nMav
r,,?;;, ::;;,,"",,": bnt :-
ana of two madi tn the a,r
f"' HMa llrHinmrra In 'nnr lllla
al Ml. Jaarph.
KT. JOHKI'H. M.v. May -TopaUa
It third atralKht cam fr, hi j ,,,
today I to 1. Clark h.1,1 tha lr..,n,ara lo
four hlla. The a-or:
Rl.kart. If V
Ilaff.d, Sb 4
hnmaanii rf 4
Vhlinay, II) 4
llopka. aa , 4
l llanalrln. II,
!rin,pin. rf t
llaKln, a X
Clark, p 1
Total w
II IV A. v.
0 t it 0
I I I S 0
I 1.0 n
0 I in o n
14 10
10 1 0
1 I 0 0
0 I I o
0 1 0 3 0
7 n ii "0
H. II. O A. V.
0 0 I II Q
0 0 I 4V
0 0 10 0
0 1 11
0 0 s 0
0 051
0 1111
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
fli'llaanrv. rf I
boiinn, lb 1
Kallv. rf 4
rVwoll, If I
rlrllly, lb 4
inaa. lb knd if 4
Kraa. o
Mrtnka, aa 4
Hamilton, Ml .. 4
hcllalta, p , 2
(aufntan, p 0
Standing of Teams
Vit.WT I.KA'il'K ."AT .r.A'v:r.
v- 1. 1 w 1. v-. fVr. V 12 U ,sw Ttrk II W V
I'W'i'i . ... I II .ko. v r- ii VI
l-io'om n ;i v. ..n-ia'pnia ri L f
if ii kz. 'i,Tt
Hi i-,r, i. ) - ('iiwir.ari . n K -'.
'"" . . i 4:: p ii.i . . ii
T'.ko . 14 I I f r'K,,n . . II r
M-rlo I jr. !j (MtM! .. . . r.
AMKIl A J AMr;f. U'il'K WT. "-f
KimuI I!) n r, f ,roi . so TV)
' ''l'"'.'.'i n 17 tr. -.i:;M:r.h a. .11. 14 ..v
MinnrH 24 I) :'. H;lrm
U 17 Ji.
; '.:i
r !'. :,:
1: 7: 07
u 2 n
1.1 a
M!i..k a y uv: N Vora.
i" r', . . . n -.'.' M' ko . . ; It' i
ToU'lo .... I r, 12 W.r.'.,n
Ir.liHnapolla 17 S. f,
.KH. J.KA'it l.
W I. I-
MNK I.KA'il-;:.
W 1. I'M
I'land .11 Kalia
. VI ..!. ' lf....
. 7 : '.'rlr.rla ...
. 7 A'll.-irn ....
. 7 Vfarrv;il ..
I R0narO',ah
7 41
. 4 10 2".,
'olorn I,.,
r"r1 .
Kork ....
V aalarila y'
a llaaalla.
r.Mo, 2. firnah.-i. ?,
f'f.vr, 10 MI'.kt ' lly, 2, ;. M .ln, rain.
1 k. i. XI Joaaf h. I
NATKi.VAI. l.KA'a;
fl'iihorv. 7, r ir. rinail, t
tiittufr-ft y,nl. rein.
l ..iarid, ;., rhPk'. I. rraiiai tnth.
M Ix.ola, 12, I.Mrolt, 4.
AMKItf AS A H. ft ATI' IN.
Hi paol, I, f 'olumlria, 4; aarond nntn.,
!' Inul. , I', 4. ''!! J, ') 'oll, 4, r:nd KUIII,
Kn I'liy, Toledo, .V
tniik-, i,, In'l.anapolx, J.
ll.r.naar.ii. lyoolm lllc, 12
Krny, 1, 'trand Inland, I.
I.mmn lodar.
ts-Kicif -4oha al Iriv-r,
I at hloux nty Ti.,..i.a 1....
Natk.rial laaoa- I'r.iXvn u, iwt,.n
rhllaylcli.hU 01 S-w York. I'lorlnnatl ui
HI lula '2). Oiliaro at I'liiahura
An.arlran l. aa-i,- Kl l,ul al (iilrirn
Iwtrolr at f :i-val!,nd, lloaioo .at Wanhifik
lon. Hf-w Vork at l"hllal-lph.. Ao lalloi- l.ulvll a at fV-
i'ifr,l.'i, fnoianapolia at Toli-.Jo
.-r.rakn Hitila l:i,-- Maallnir al H11
rlor, Hi-ward at Vrk Kanroay at Orand
.a,,'l. f oliirrilma nt Ktarnonl.
Mink lyarna-Kail (lly at Marvvlll.
.'l.rk l.'ily at Auburn. h'h-nai'Joah at
Zwllllriir 0 0 0 0
Totala II 1 4 27 14
lllld for Challotta In tha alahlh.
T'pk J o o 0 1 0 J 0 0 a
Hi. Joi-ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Hloln ha: Itrllly 12), Whltny. Thraa-
klda htr'u k oul: My Chfllrtte, 4; hy Clark,
4 Hit liv l.llf hr: lly Clark. 1 ilaao r.n
t.alln: fiff Challi-tt. flark. X. Marririra
hlia: rrllnatln, Oornpton. I'aaaod
alla: llawklna, Kr-rna. lrc on haa: Ha.
loaih. 1: 'i'ouvka. 2. Tlinn: 1 4(1. I'rnnira-
Morion, I
f'aplarra (! from lloaa City by
Nrora of Tbj lo Tbra-a.
HlriirX CITY. Mav 2K Hav.ra- Tl 14 V
I'anvar jo l i
Hlou city ,,,,, 302
Hattr1'; llatarmin and Kt.ahr: V
Millar. Mnltar and M. Millar. I.'mtilra-.
Western Magnates
Prepare Schedule
Tip O'Neill to Secure Content of St.
Joieph and Topek Clnbt
During Day.
Tha trannfar of tha Wlrhlla franrhlaa In
I ho Waatarn laaaua to I'uahlo will nroiKiv
ocrur today, and tha naw ai-hr-dula will hi
announrart at that tlm. I'raaldant "Tip"
O Nulll apant tha day In Omaha and )rft
laat rilKht for nt.. Joaaph
Hin martlna at Hlou Clly waa not eon-
cludi-d urn II 4 o'rlmk Hunday mornlna.
Tanlillvn pinna wrra miilo fur tha lr anafar
of tha franchlao and final approval will
proiiaMy ! nmdo whan Praaldant O'Nalll
na aaanrart lha ronaant of lha HI. Jnaanh
and Topnka nluha to tha rhance today.
I lia now ai hacltila haa haan nranara1 anrf
will l.n rnadn public when tha daal la com-
Inability of th Nt. Joanh and Tonal, a
rapraaantittlvra to raarh Hlolia Cllv for tha
rtia.-iliik thare nrrvanted unanlmoiia ron
aant lo lha Ijtfmafar of tha Wichita
franrhlaa, hut T'r.-aldant O'Nrlll darlkml
that tha rloaln of tha deal waa a mnttar
only of detail.
'Tha mllaaaa of all lha rlnha will K.
radurad hy thn rhanaa," an Id ONHII, "and
Indli alloita ara for a aurri-Hf ul aaMi,n. Mr.
latiall will hnva a good rluli and will lva
I'uahlo flrat ilaaa haan hall. Thn laagua
wii navi-r In hatlar romllllon mid lha ri
nmlndnr of tha aaaaon will douhilnaa I. a
aa profltitliln aa any for yi-arw.
lha wrnk Huh ara hrlna atrnnirlhannd
and from now on 1 anllrlpate a cloan
ponnant rue. '
ollralana Tab a llama from llappy
llollotv In I. Italy I onlaat.
Crrlirhlon rollaKa mada llio Happy Hol
low I. tiii lt , t;,n Hrtdirday, wlnnlim. ft
lo 4 Cairhar Millar plicad a two-haKkar
In the t'lavanlli Intilna. ninkliiK tha winning
run for thn rollrk boy.
Tin, union waa thn opviilnk una for th
Happy Hollow nlnn, and thn fnrt thai
I'lnluhion ha.l lha morn triiliilna wa avl
duil. Tha rlub taam wu mm of thn frw
yi'iir that haa turn nhlo to find I'aul
Kally, thn Crnlkhloii I w 1, 1,-r, and got
Iwnlva lilla off him. Uimphli-r of Crnlkh
ton Latin,! in two f Crnlkhton tallln n
the fourth,
rllKIUIITON IIAPfY ll,,l.l,w
liuma. ... o (i i on'Naii. ii . ... i i ( 0 0
llnmak. lb ., I 111, Mi-A'a. Ill 4 I
J Kollar. lb I 1 t 1 0 Ka.lman, aa. I I 1 0
Kll-r, rl .... Ill l'aaa. p I I
Millar, t I 10 4 Tlu.mpaoii. lb I II I
Howard. II . I I I I I I'allakau. lb. I I I I I
lnphivr, rt. I run. el.... 114 1
I'all.r If.... 00 Hun,.,,. ... g
I' Kalla,, I I I 0 Hronia, rf.,.. II
Tolala I II I Tutala 4 II II il I
4'iliiht,n 0 0040000001-6
llapiiy Hollow OOIOOWOOIO 0-1
Hun l.a:t,,l In: Millar, Iinphrra (2.
MoAndrawa. Hronia 111. la.e hlla: Millar
M,' AmlruM a. ra, lliomn 12). I'arl hall'
Millar. Hit by pitoord Hall: Millar,
l.miphlnr. Haaaa oh halla: lift Kally, d.
Mmrk oul lv Knllv 10; by C'aaa H
Molrn Pi, ara Hllyy, Xl I llr 121, Krllv,
lN,ll Haorlflr hlla: Hllnv. Howard.
Ijtuphlnr. Hmnrlt Houbln play: Millar
lo J Knlly. Allriidanra: 200. Tlma: 2 10
Hinrrr. Jumlnaon. I'mplra: Katrhnr.
Amarlrana and I'huara.
A llvnly rontaat la lookad for on MnmorlaJ
day at r l.ii. li. a rk Prlwrrn tha Na-
IIMkkl ,-iiinnu ..-. . .
, Anvai I. ana. I tin lnni,i;
i Talaphonn Co. Amnrlrana
.,",!'Al7' ,',"t ; Hrnnlaa
"If'i'h Ha. ond ltapp
Nnlan.l Hhort t ,v
' llunhra Third Hiiilth
I Jauu-a l-fl I ra.v
ll.-xHiiian Cnnlnr Vlclady
Ilaht Ha.l.lrn
.Cal. h Uana
4'Uch Ailama
Leading Members of Rourke Family-XIII
MZji " - " tl A"- f '-' r-troP , r,, ,.ra j
X' ' X r a X ' " ' ff " " 2 I'" 'VI. 'r-. I., l',:.-r 1 4
2 7 .222 I I- ' . t- t I . Ii'--f T:rrf. I." r-r !r - rt
I f - . ri-J-,t'iiii f i' " n ... . . '" t ..... I
i . - via ' I IT - -1 t-"- ' i In" 1 111 ' wit.-, . run on i
I - Vs. t f I a 4
fTT-: l-I'Miiia-Tl f. T J s, ' t o:-rBtlr.i, ..,it. ..l. tl.v uroun.'a.
k I 1 . r ' f I'n. If 4 I 2 I
I, -' ":- ' ! T : - "' ' f lr.. r 4 1 T 4
f .. , IT . " ' I . i I fr ( llarknaaa, p.. 4 0 0 0
j ' . x S ' v vi .. ! , . j --,-,-s
o o i -1 V 1 111 i 11 1 1 1111 iiiiyrrr i 3
Hts Coupled with Errori Help Viiitori
Out Twice.
I.aat lanln Prairaa to n tha Itaaa.
" fall of tha Iloma Tram Wbra
Knamry Aroma Thrao
ORAND IHIjAND, Neb., May 28. (Bpe
elal Telrarram.) Orand Ialand and Kearney
played ten-lnnlnn tram in drizzling rain
today. Hit coupled with error nova the
vlaltora four arorea In the aecond and
timely hlttln with arrora In tha tenth
won tha same. Tha diamond waa vary
heavy. rV-ore;
All II O A K. All. II. U. A K.
1. Orr. 'I.. 4 11 I Mrlair, rl .. I 0 0 10
lllark. If.
1 1
I Kmlth. aa .... 4 t
K MrKltilMl, If I
0 (Via. rf I 4
It Armurni. lb I
fHiwnar. II..
'lalr. lb ...
llirm, rt ...
fala, aa.
I 4
I a
1 Marahall, II.. I
1 J'ar, .,..
II. (Ir.t. a.. I
M.t.rk h, lb 1 114 1 0 llorar. lb.... a
Wrlaht, p..., Ilia Mir, man. p.. 4
Total. 44 II10II a Totala 41 10 a a
Kearney 04000100 0 88
Orand Ialand .... 010020200 0-6
lOarned runa; Krarney, I; Orand Ialand,
2. Two-hnao hlla: .. Gray, Hla k,
Iiownny, II. Oray, Maarkurth, Cook (i).
Thma-liaae hit: ArmatnnK. 1-lrat haan on
ball: Off WrlKht, 1; off Hartman. 3.
Htrurk out: Hy Wrlkht, 3; by Hartman, H.
Irfift on haar: Kearney, Hi Orand lalund.
7. Flrat haao on error: Kaamay, 3; Orand
Inland, 3. Hit hy pilch ball: Hmlth, lllack.
Umpire: II. R Held.
l.akraldc, Hwallera I'rova Too Nlroaar
for tha lloya from the liolf
I The Diet club dnfcntnd tha Omaha Field
olub tram yitnrduy at Dlali park, by the
aoore of A to 0. I'p till ynatnrday nnlthnr
an; had been drfaatnd, coiiauiiuanlly the
hope of the KlnM club hoy for the Sat
urday champlonnlilp ware badly (hnttnred.
I lurk a led with the bin atli k. He Hot
thrne aafa plunk. Mclean and Druminy
ware the particular atara on tha drfi,
for the J'lnta. M ll-a llourk Rlominnd a
dlfflniilt chance at an opportune moment.
Aa uaual Kl'annhiirt pitched a niuknlf leant
(ume. Hcore by Inning:
IMnti 02113000 -6
Kldd Club 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0-0
Unitarian: ll.,tx. lilaaiilmrt and HucMti n;
Field Club, and Cralklitun. L'lil
plraa; yulley and llriigK'iiiaii.
llradqnarlrra Tram (ialhasr In Mla
aoorl I'nriric, Three lo olbla.
Mlnaourl l'ai'lflu aluck went down a
couple of notchaa wnan thn hall team rrp-Icr.-ntliiK
that ralliund mixed think Willi
tho Chlca;,!, lliirlliiKlnn & (Juln.y hnud
quarler team and lot by the acore of
1 to 0. W. Hamilton waa on the flilna line
for lha Hurllnaton and pitched thn flrat
no-hit, no-run aama of the acuaon. He had
hla opponent at hla mmcy, atrlklng out
tlrynn, and not a man ant paat arcond
baaa. K.lll alao pitched a Kuod Kame, ul
lowtna only three hlla, but Ihry came when
needed. liotli aide pluyiMl tcood ball,
ei, national fli'l.llnk by th Mlartourl l'a
rlflca in tl Ink off acyeral arorr. Brore:
It 11 K.
Mmaouil 1'aclflca. .
1 il I 0 I 0 0 0 O-S 1 1
0 000 00000-0 0 1
Hattnrlea: llurlluiitona, W. llamlllon and
Johiia.m, Mlnaouri 1'u, Ifl. a, Kllla and
( Connor Thrnn-I.a lilt: C. Huinllton.
Two-haae hit: Foley. Hlruck out: Hy W,
Hamilton. 11; by Kill, 1.
Old Uall flayer Die.
Hmlth ) lirlan, ex-bail pluer. died at hi
home In II, la rlty loduy of heart dlaeaae.
lie waa bl year tat. I'nlll hu entered tha
police daiMArtmeiit here, eighteen yeura ako,
he waa a profeaaloual baa ball player an, I
al one tlma ur another plaed on a I moat
every league. He wa known aa ' Home
Hun Hilly" O III l.'li. I he hanl-hltllna flrat
baaemao Ha alitrted baae ball In tha eaat
thl, ty year a aao.
Kriro Wine I'arla Klabl.
l'AlllH. Mav 31 -Th nearo puirliwt.
Ooia Ounthnr. won a t went -round flaht
at Wonderland ton Ik hi from liarry Laiwla,
th Walter. altfhl. oil point.
' - -a
Creighton University
Announces Schedule
of Foot Ball Games
Hard Matches Ahead for Omaha's
Catholio College Athlete Miller'
Chosen Coach.
If Crelnhton unlveralty'a foot ball team
l equal to It aclieslulr for next year,
It fame on tho gridiron will far aurpa
any previoua year.
C'retKlitor. haa arranged for next Var
the hardeat ecliedulo In Ita hlntory. Four
of theae name will be played at home;
the other four will iflve the player acme
long trip. The aeuaon opena with Yank
Ion at Yankton, H. IJ., October 14. October
21, MumliiKHldn at Omaha; October 8,
Coli rado at Colorado HprliiK; November
4, I'nlvrralty of K null Oakota at Omaha;
November 11, Kunraa AKifleH at Manhat
tan, Kan.; November in. Marquette unl
varally at Milwaukee; November 25, Kt.
Thornita Military of St. Haul at Omaha,
and Ilea Mulnea will be tho TliaiiksKlvlnH
attraction at Omaha.
Couch Mtlller hu Ix'en retained by the
athletic l.onrd and protnU.-K a winner.
Moat of the old men will be buck. Khon.'k,
Marrin and Hoye Kraduuted thl year, of
the.), Marrln'a loaa will be moHt severely
felt, a ha ha been, the mnlnalay of
Orel Kh ton for the hint four year. Hut
CrrUthton hu a wealth of whirlwind talent
ohacured In It different department who
have been nwaltlnK aurh a RChedulo to
hrliis; them out.
Couch Miller la now at Notre Pome and
there Ix a ponalblllly of hla belnx necuro.1
aa all-year coa.h to boom the sport ut
libralde llraort Not lo Ileal n Sraeon
t nlll After Jane lllar.
Ilerause Carter lake Is so low off the
Young Men's Christian association ground
that landing are almost Impossible, th
opening of the park this year haa been
postponed until June 11. It Is expected
that the spring rise will come before that
The Young Men'a Christian association
park haa been put In the flncxt shape thl
spring and when . It Is formally opened
J. T. Maxwell, physical director, plans
a big day. Haee hall, track, basket ball,
swimming, boating and boat race will
make up the program.
The Young Men' Christian association
haa twenty-five acre of land, with l.KO
feet lake frontage. There Is room for
eighty-five cottage and UK) tent. A large
club house Is already built. Five tennis
courts, w bane ball fields, a banket ball
field, a croquet court, a 44tVyard track
and a 100-yard straightaway and two Jump
ing pit make up the lund equipment of
tha park.
1 Ant year th association park waa one
of th leading pleasure club of the city.
5E5T S trSVf
Dowd Weakens in Eighth and Four
Bans Come In.
Colombo and St. Paul Divide 'Ilonora
la Doablrbrader I.oalevtlle
Defeata Mlllrra, Twrlrc
to Fire.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. May 28. Dowd
weakened In the eighth nnd Milwaukee
bunched five hlta with two error for four
runa. winning out, S to I. The locals
knocked OllllKan out of the box In the
third, but McOlynn, who relieved him, not
only aaved the game, but etarted the
batting rally In the eighth with a double.
AH. H O. A. R. AB H O A E.
Itallmtn, If . 4 0 4 1 1 Itaniall. rf . 6 1 1 1 0
W...ln,f, cf . 4 1 4 1 0 rhjirlna, lb. . 6 1 I a 0
arlwh, rf. .. a a 0 0 0 Jnnaa. lb t 1 11 1 0
llouaar. lb... 4 I 12 A 0 llarratt, rf... 4 0 a 0 0
". lb 4 1 0 a 1 Roma. If 4 a a 0 0
Itlttnr. e 4 0 0 0 4'lark, 3b.... 4 a a I 1
Wllllama. 2b. 4 a 4 1 1 Iwla, .... 4 1110
Mow. 1 0 1 B 1 I,u1wl(, c ... 0 0 0 0 0
Hw0. p a 0 0 1 0 Marnhall. 0.. 4 0 a a 1
Webb, p 0 0 0 0 0 OllllKan, p. .. 1 1 0 0 0
Mrtllynn, p.. I I I 4 0
Toiaii aa a 27 13 4
Totala II 11 17 II a
Indianapolis 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-3
Milwaukee 01000004 06
Two-haae hits: Jones, McOlynn (2).
Three-bnan hit: Houxer. nones on halla:
Off Ollllgan, 1. Btruck out: Hy McOlynn,
1. Ia-ft on bases: Indianapolis. 4; 'Mil
waukee, 4. IIrmb on errors: Milwaukee, 3;
Indianapolis. 2. Double plays: Charles to
Jones, Woodruff to HotiMer, M'-Olynn to
J.ewia lo Jones, stolen hose: Clark. Bao
rlflca hit: Howe. fly: Lewis.
HIIh: off Ollllgun, 0 in two and onn-thlrd
Innings; off McOlynn, 2 in six and two
thirds Innings: off liowd, 9 In seven and
two-third Innings; off Webb, 2 In one and
nno-lhlrd Inning. Time: 1:4D. Umpires:
Hancllboe and Owens.
I.oalavllle Tarn the Table.
IiITIKVIMjK. Ky., May 2S. Louisville
turned tho tables on Minneapolis today
and won the last game of the series easily.
Tho hatting of Howard, Orlmshaw, Cra
vath, Williams and Htanley' fielding were
tho features. Score:
All H O A. E. aB II I) A E.
Tloblnnin. aa 4 I I 1 Tlnaaman, rt. 4 a 1 I 0
Howard, tl).. 14 11 0(1111, lb S 1 a 0 0
Ix'nnm, 3h... 3 3 0 1 1 Oaralh. If .. a 3 3 0
llavdrn. rf... 4 3 3 0 0 Wllllama. 2b. i 4 3 1 0
(lrimi.liw, lb 6 4 a 0 0 Itorm'l, aa a 3 3 4 0
tl.ii.liur. If 4 1 3 0 0 Kllllfar. rf..4 110 3
Kanalay, rf... 3 3 8 0 0 FarrH. 2b. ... 4 I 4 0 0
Oramlurrr. 0. 4 1 1 0 Owwia. e 3 0 1 4 0
Plrlatnr, p... 1 0 3 0 0 Wa1lell, p.. 0 0 0
Praalrr, p... 4 000
Totala 36 II 37 11 3 ( aval, p 3 0 01 0
Hawaou .... 1000
Tutala 31 14 34 IS I
"Uutten for 1'easter In necontl.
LoiilKvllle 4 2 1 0 2 1 2 0 -12
Minneapolis 1 01001 200-6
Stolen bases: Stnnley (2). Two-base
liltr,: Cravath (2), McCormick. Williams
Three-baae hits. Howard ('), Ferris. Hons-
man. Sacrifice hit : Ffienter. Sacrifice
fib: Owens, Ij-nnox, Hayden. l'ouble
plays: McCormick to Williams to Otll;
Koblnson lo Howard to Orlmshaw. Hits:
off Wnddnll, 3 in one-third Inning: off
ITlenter, 2 In two-thlrils Inning: off Cavet,
14 In seven innings. Struck out: Hy
I'fhwter, S; bv 1'easter, 1. Firnt base on
balle: Off Fflester. 1; off Waddell. 1; off
Cavet, 3. Time: 1:40. I'mplres: Chill and
Ilifa Hreak at Toledo.
TOI.KDO. O., May 28.-Heore (first game:
K H K.
Toledo 4 10 4
Kansas City 3 10 3
(Ten Inning.)
Ilutierles: .1. James and Adams: Drandom
ami O'Connor.
(Second game): It H E
Kansaa City 8 9 0
Toledo 6 13 3
Hatterles: Powell, Owens and James;
Vlehiihn. Haskette and Ha pp. Umpire.
lilerhalter and Weddlge.
II I una and 81. I'aal Divide.
COLl'MBl'8. O., May 2S. Score (first
game): R H.E.
Columbus 4 9 1
St. Paul ) 1 1
Batteries: Isaard and Hernia; Laroy and
(Second game:) 1C1I.E.
Columbus 6 9 2
St. Paul 9 13 1
Halt. -new: IJebhardt, Packard and A r bo
gus t, Clinh, Oehrlng and Spencer.
Jon Caatle W laa Drelaloa.
NEW ORLF.ANB. Mav IH Joe Coster
won the d,H lalon over Frankle Conlay In
their twenty-round fight here this after-nooa.
Wia in a List'.eu Game by Double th
Other Score.
llairoll hartaiap Ttkra Mar ( hurr
Mllhaal m llohklr Mlia
thr Rail II ant for
I. I.oala.
Tl- f.ame Ii ailed.
nf'..; Ma) .--!:,. :1 a:.; .iarkr.. .
pit nn f 'id to rr.e o'l r n,..
Clw ; and .' f . . n.-r es i..dv. w , ,
lha ..-.,,-a -. (., .-, ,n ln t, nt(1 ,, nj -fi',.
l"tr- h:r 'ai-ii :ar;i in th- :-.r.-i
.'.n.i i.K.lifi i k- a'. re winr.ers A bit I k
m.i o o u- ;-, t a ii. oh i, ni ... . n
cl"'!ir.g t .-ii ar, I a I ,? .... . a is
1I' th. l a'. -. I i.l a tr i -rl t , nthi
cen'.r. c.arir,': :ha bi-e.s. . r nl o:i
Co.!. in' 1,1. c,,vg,: r.i, - vol H.,rkr"s ,,1
lha 1 ltt'ng wai ct.a. !,: Wit.-, . r,.n on
'1 a'l I it rain e.irr. ', n n
t.rr Ms ard ti-a arna w a ea!l"l.
Tliraa tlck.t wK -"rs wei.. arte :nl f..r
or ratlr.i, n it ..) tl.v grounds.
71.,. c.,-,.
' LKVFI.ANr. r :f -rj,
AB !1 i) A H All II ( A r
Grair If . . I 0 t Of' XT ! trrr. rf. I 1 I 0 "
tii a i 1 I I I lri lh . .41
Hint. If 3 2
....,... 1 1 4 :
" i .ih- 4 :
0 Tar.n-hlll. il I A
't l v-.,,r. rl. :t I
9 i 'n' r'an. as 2
1 ZMr a- I
0 a'llhvan. r . . J
- fl i : r . . . :
1 Wai.h. p .. 4
M rnnrf. . I
i jllahin ... 0
; aj
0 0
0 u
Tntala. . II a 30 II
To mi r hen name a, called.
I artr.i f i- Tannehlll in the eighth.
I tuted for Corhan In th eighth.
4lf.veland 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0-5 1
Chlca-; 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 05
Two base hit: Jackson. Three-hae hit-,:
iJotigr.erty, H.)l Hits: off Haikne.r-,
7 In eight Innings; off Or.gc. 2 n o:,e n.i
two-tl Innings. Sacrifice hit: Turner.
Stolen b&5: Oougherty, Jarkaon. Land,
I'ayne. I louble plays: Hlrmliigiiam lo
Ind to Tiirmi; Lund to Hall; Orrgg to
Siovall. Iyft on bses: Cleveland, ; Chi
cago, 3. Bates on hat's: off llarkness. ?,;
aft Walch. 2. Struck out: Hy Harkness.
3; by flrcgg, 2; by Walsh, S. Time: 2. .5.
(.'mplrts. Olnten and O Iughlln.
Two Field Club Teams
Lose on Tennis Courts
Creighton University and Omaha High
School Defeat Third and
Fourth Teams.
Creighton college won a close tennis match
from the Omaha Field club third team Sat
urday afternoon, 61 points to the Field
club's 50. The Field club players were
triumphant In the single, but the college
lads turned the tables In the doublea and
won the match on points.
Joe Adams, the youngest member of the
Creighton team, was the only one able to
win hla aingles set of the college four. He
defeated M. T. Hwarti, 10-8. 0-2. Bhlrley and
Adam won over Kohn and McConnel), 4-2.
C-4, and Buchanan and E. Smyth won
over Scrlhner and Bwartz. 4-8, 6-2, 8-.
Creighton Is still negotiating with Doane
college for a temls match.
Four lad of the Omaha High, represent
ing thnt school, defeated the fourth tennl
team cf tho Omaha Field club Saturday.
The- ' ' h school lad played a apeedy game
tn k it : - half of Its singles and all of Its
doubl.-s. Slevers. Busman, Herbert Davis,
Leo Methane and Ouy Heckett made up the
h'gh school organisation and Ralph Ralnev,
Will Wood, Capon and Potter, the Field
club fourth. The high school team Is look
ing for a game with the regular third team
of the club, anJ may play It next Saturday
Girls' Racquet Club Match at High
School Kndi Middle of June.
The Girls' Racquet club of the Omaha
High school has completed the first round
of It seven round tourney. Thirty-one
matches were played in the first round.
Tbe girl expect to conclude their tourna
ment before the close of school, June 16.
Following are the results of the first
Delia Rich defeated Louise Schonberger.
Irene Majors defeated Mabel Morrow.
Ruth Rylander defeated Mary Nygardt.
I 'in net ta Jenkins defeated Muriel Hush,
Mildred Idler defeated JMorra Hendee.
Ruth Sanford defeated Mabel Nelson.
Kleanor McOllton defeated Hazel Lever
ton. F.lsle Mecklnen defeated Emma Karan.
Margaret Kaiuey defeated Nettle Mulr.
Alice Allan defeated Mabel Berqulst.
Margaret Sweet defeated Frances Pol
lard. Elizabeth Ruiney defeated Ruth Jorgen
son. Florence Wade defeated Lola Moore.
Hernlce Nelson defeated Mildred Hoag.
Catherine Calner defeated Mildred Ar
nold. 1-aura Crawford defeated Olga Anderson.
Jfertle Hoag df-alel Marlon Oolan.
lella Nelson defeated Korothy Carlyle,
iuura majors ueieatea itinn layior.
Anna l'urdy defeated Ruth Sampson,
draco Slabaugh defeated Miss Slavaerk
Charlotte Hedwell defeated Oladvs (ilf
Theressa Hokanson defeated Muriel
Fiances Uamhardt defeated Augusta
Mary Oelsler defeated Charlotte Mar-
Mary Johnson defeated Nora Sheuhal.
Eleanor ilu.sley defeated Julia Qulnby.
Florence Wing defeated Margaret
iiowai a.
Lucille Fellers defeated Edna Olbb.
Pauline Leversee defeated Marie Ver
non. Emma King defeated Frances Mallory.
Harvard flora Down In CmhlnsT
Defeat at Ithaca.
ITHACA, N. Y., May 28. Harvard met
down In crushing defeat before Cornell in
the boat races on Lake Cayuga Saturday.
The Cornell varsity won by two length and
the freshmen crew led their crimson oppon
ents five lengths to the goal.
The varsity race was virtually over at
the one-half mile, where the Ithacan were
one-fourth of a length ahead. At this point
th Cornell crew was rowing a thirty-six
stroke and the Hurvard crew thirty-eight.
Varsity WM1 Kead Kniall flqoad lo Ilia;
Klaht Merlin.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. May 28 -(Reeclal ) A
a result of the Missouri Valley meat at
He Milne. Coach Kellogg haa decided to
end a very biiihII team to the Hlg Eight
meet at MlnneaKjia next Saturday. Cap
tain Wilson, the surest point winner on
the Iowa squad, was taken 111 Just after
he arrived In Pea Molnea to take part
In the Missouri Vailev meet, and la at the
prenent time In the iTnke University hos
pital. With Wilson gone. Iowa a team
next Saturday will likely conswt of Joslyn
In lha (print and Sireeter In the hammer
throw. Neither man baa much chance of
Inning polut.
Haaai Helps Win for rittiburg with
Trusty Willow.
ui Flaallr la RrllT Rat Ral
nil naiir la tha lalai Kali
la Iba f.ama far tha
f4. a
' INIVNAT! o . Mhv j owrtui
't'!-c a'lowr.l I1',sh.-K t am from
".n- r.-'l :.!.tt ty 7 M X Wntr.ri'i bar-
t,r, - ?f. n. f -:r!i a-.d Tlfir d
- ar ' ' ' "t 'T. ..! -r
1 I 1 I PaavV-r if.. S 1
i I i i r -
I I 4
I j
: i I
114 1
, I
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it" ..-,
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! s r,
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I 1
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a it r :i i
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-. . II. t - ' .1 .-.
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.- 1. .
i I :. n
I"'. ,i.. r.t.'hr.. ."-.'!.,'.!
, .al ar, l.n..::t..; ."-l.i.a.i t-.,-. , a:. '.
ub -.a.-. iicK. rl.nie to Mu.-ii'-r
H'.ru... to llol'li'7,l. t..'a: u
ii",...l.l . r. I:,.. .a lirtli..l 6;
'"in i.a i .' h.'-l i.,o . :i . oil
l.e !.... , . fr: . .. ff . ui:l.-:-.. 1.
Mnii-k "Ol I . . i.iiii. .,1 t,. J 2,
M'"-v f '. 1 . . J I .... r. a:
Kl :n j.r.1 -in
Piny lit -lntirii.', t '-tart 'lixla.-
1I.H.1,,". ::!ll;-il fur- Hi inn.
rlnl Dr.
iii.iu!::, i.i.i .. ,,'ii ,1,,:, v.-ri ftrrt l a
f.-nnls aejiMin r v. pr.'Yid.d tl-..- c,uir
at the rlul. ,.r. ! ,onl.t..n
plav b thnt rr, . It !,:.! t-r r. ; ;-tin i
to start the se.-i.-on .vatv:r,:av aftei n. on. I?.
lirellrnlnary march to ;,., ermine fe it ti
n: d Oiin c'.ul, t :nn f. r the om r.!:i ; day
matches twing plat.-l on that day, bill
rein Interfn'-i d.
Following is the lineup for the t.i:r:a
lor the unteH:
1". McCiillouh p'a-i liiiti mo. e.
Meerx pavs O. I;
l-'arrell piavs An.-ro
I'raiKh. no j.h.s r. ;'..nni..n.
Kelliy iiiam .M.lioit
Werin pi;.s 1 1 .1 b ok'.
Hatch plavK Slu-piird.
Adam? pIuvk I:. M. i ' il'.ovith.
I ii r.i.i's, r
V. Hlerrnan anil Sliepaiil play Wiln und
O. Hlerrnan.
Meyers and KcMcy play Hatch and Far
rell. Harhurg and Axford play Craiglicad and
MCt UllOUgll.
President of National l.rnsnr Uecldea
Ainlnil N'eiv Vnrlc.
NEW YORK. May 2s.-prer'ron( Lynch
of the National league disallowed today
the protest made hy New York on a point
of play, which whs responsible for tha
club protesting the game lost to St. Lout
at American league park on May 16.
With two men out and a runner on
third. Evans of the St. Louis club r.tepped
out of the batsman's box to protest against
a called second strike. While protesting,
Raymond pitched another ball which Um
pire Flnneran refused to cnll either a
Li .a-u v. uau aiiu I'll Lllla ullCKeu vioiaiio
of Section 2 of Rule 61 the New York cMfb
based Its complaint.
President Lynch found that Evans had
no right under the rule to step out of
the box and Btop the play and that the
umpire erred in fulling to call the pitch
elher a strike or ball. President Lynch
ruled that St. Louis did not benefit In any
way by the umpire' error and that It had
no bearing on the result of the game inas
much aa no run resulted therefrom.
Hot Contest on liaee Hall Diamond
Enda Konr lo Three.
OCIAV,l Qfl I 1 v
Randolph defeated Osmond In a hotly con
tested game of base bull here Thursday b
a 4 to 3 score. It waa the fastest gam
played on the local diamond for sever,
years, Osmond holding the long end of th
3 to 2 score from the first up to the eighth
Inning. It was Osmond' first game, and
Randolph had played five, losing but one.
Manager Ryan of the Osmund team Is In
the market for a good pitcher and as soon
as one can be secured the team will be
ready to play anyone In this vlcinlt.v
Score: , .
Osmond .'.
...3 8 3
...46 8
Hatterles: Osmond. Oofi nnd
Randolph, Krause, and ClayUn.
Cunningham and MacareKor Are to
Help I'aptalu Hart.
PRINCETON, May 28. One development
of Princeton's new foot hall coaching ays
tern Is that Logan Cunningham, 1910, and
Alexander Macgregor, 1911, will aid "Eddie"
Hart, the captain. In the development of
the 1912 foot ball team. They will be field
coaches, working under Hart's direction.
There will be" no head coach succeeding
W. W. Roper, '02, next year. Matters of
foot ball policy will come under the control
of the foot ball advisory board, but the
board will do no coaching on the field
Unless Hart requests It.
Morrill Wins from llchell.
MORRILL, Neb., May 2. (Swclal.)
Morrill High school defeated .Mitchell High
school at Mitchell yesterday 9 to 6 In seven
Innings. The game was called by the um
pire ut the end of the seventeenth Inning
because some of the Mitchell town team
boys insisted upon entering the game. He
awarded the game to Morrill. Sllvernall
pitched his usual game for Morrill, allow
ing one hit and giving no walks.
Hatterles: Morrill, Jurdan and Sllvernall;
Mitchell, Smith and Habb.
fy iMiyyaiiiBi rv'; 'Ty-n wyyniaap..
I a iiaaur: y
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l, 'iMrCvrHf . CO. lj ;'
. . .-:,.' - ..; " I 4-.,.
i,': :.-iU,-,ll:: 'b:i'":
I " ' .ftAflaaMaaaHaH.... 1 ,
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vman, -l ertect tlttine
45- aaai-j(Wc
it a