Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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unday Bee,
? Acres czx to Ejun.
Tc-r Jrw. r-rttri. roller.
Fcr Ncbrasks fair, roo'et.
VOL. XLr-XO. 49.
J oka W. Galea Telia Story of Form
tiom of tie Steel Trait to Iaref
tigxiinr Oosu&ittee.
JCcTraa and Schwab Power Behind
the ICoTemeat.
Comiug and Going in Omaha
Lnrg-e Porce cf Iururrertoi Atttchi
Hii Ircn, btt ii Beaten Off ,
After Sharp Fig-ht.
Tin: rzez exkz l
5o Definite Arrangements for
; Hit PutTire.
o ' : r J
Carnegie Detcribed at the Ball in the 1
China hop.
AlUMrkt Mrr1ii( Held la ew Terk,
at Which It Was te Mrrit
All Steel C- s-a m irs 1st Ob
I ' Great (wyritloi.
TT. FrTINTTON. Vsy fT How W. H
1H nore end H. C. Frlrk lost fl.O00.0CiO to I
A -.Crow Oameste In through the fir- !
r:.-jr of in nation on the (Vnne steel
T-f snd the manner la which J Fier-
:.. ilnrnn. Charles M. Schwab and hlrn--..r
erseelYed the Idee of the Vnited State
-1 ronwn-atlon In 1R to heed off Mr.
C-T,ege from enraging 1n the rtllrrifcd
r tube manufacturing business were re---
todsy by Jchn W. Gate before the
b "Steel trust" invest iestinr committer.
T".:r price of finished Heel." ha Mid.
" t-a- bdly demoralised in lfWS or 13SC.
?'-. Trttk and TV. H. Moore eon'vived the
r. rf Mwtring an option from Mr. Car-f-rl?
fcr M rtt riant. They got the
- .:.-? and raid ll.cnr. for it. fcoon after-v-jd
demoralisation of the business be
er so grest that ther could not put the
through. The price 1 think tu tlKi,
tr' too. They had to forfeit that option and
tvny were not particularly pleated. Pretty
the Federal Stee company was formed
rli the consolidation of the Loral ne PteeJ
e-m;any, the Minnesota Iron company, the
tU'..nol Steel cempsny and the Elgin,,
.let at Eastern railroad.
"In WW or iwto, J. Pierront Morgan or
z lrrd the National Tube company and
r-a making money. Mr. Carnegie then
tesk k Into hla head to build a railway
trrrn Lake Erie around hla plant and also
19 ecfft a tab works at Ashtabula, O.
Mr. VI organ beard of It and consulted with
Junes J. Hin of the Great Northern rail
read. Mr. Morgan expressed feara that If
Carnegie went into tbe railroad buslneis
ha would demoralise the railroad situation
aa he had the areiel business, and If be built
a tuba mill ha would demoralise steel
ttargsa fte4f far Bra. wab.
-Aftar considerable talk. Mr. Hill aug
gserted te Mr. Morgan that ha talk to me
bwot tt. I went t ae Mr. Morgan, who
staked ma bow to stop Mr. Cargenia. I told
htm tbe onlr man who had atnjr lsflnenos
with Camelgie was Charles M. Schwah.
- Oe Schwah Mr. Morgaa taid ids, t or
a coafereavoe. X got Sohwah, and thai
Sight we went to Mr. Morgan's bowse. Wf ,
conferred with Mr. Moigaa all sight, -unfit
e'eleck the next morning, and when we
. left wo bad tin ued the teaitattr rla so
serge the steel corporations late eoe con
cern, the Vnited States Steel eorporatiom.
"Sooa after that time Judge Moore went
to see Mr. Carnegie and said ts him: . If
yov are going to take bonSa for Twin prop
erty, make them cover the National Steel
company as wen. Mr. Carnegie followed
this SLgrlc. thereby getting for the Na
tional Bteel compear "Ui.T.M more than
it was worth." . - -
Mr. Gates said the fritted States Steel
eorporatloa paid f.!MO,000 for the JLmer
Icaa Steel and Wire company, of which
be was the presiding genius.
The propertr. for which Mr. Carnegie had
given aa option of tlffi.0CO.9no. was turned
trre tbe steel corporation at tSO.OOb.oDQ, said
Mr. Gates.
The obligations of tbe steel trust, he
continued, were more thaa be could esti
mate, rirrt. be aald, were tbe underlying
bonds of tbe eocnpaniea that had been
turned ln next tbe first mortgage bonds
Issued by the fnlted States Steel eorpora
tloa to pay off Carnegie; then bones to
coyer purchase mortgagee, prior Hens and
the like.
What Is tbe tangible property behind
these bonds, and this common and pre
ferred stock T' aaked Cl.alrmaa Stanley.
"Oh. aaywhere from M000. ta ,.
06.fl00." 'Tto yea beUcre there is any tangible
rahte behind tbe common stock you bold 7"
asked Mr. Stanley.
1 decline to answer." said Mr. GItes.
Gates said Carnegie had always been
hke a bull In a china shop, overthrowing
every agreement that was mau btween
the corn nan taa
Mr. Gate thought M was Carnegie's
general attitude in threatening the whole
line of tbe steel Industry that had hastenod
and brought about the organisation of the
In tied States sleel corporation.
The spertal committee of which Repre
oentative Stanley of Kentucky is chairman
bud determined that aa investigation of the
Temteseee coal and iron deal, which is said
to have been approved by President Rooce
velt should be the first subject taken up
Coarlctied on Third Page )
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair; rosier.
Fur Iowa I nattued; ouoier.
Teas awra tares at Oaaaba Teeierday.
Hour. Peg
i a. xa to
i a a 7
a. m
10 a. m a?
11 a- m u
JZ m K
t, IP- m
1 le m t
f I P m c
f"; P n fe
1 p. IE
t p. m
71 tf - im
4 vaastaretive i-wral
1K1 11
H.ghert tn lay 74 m
llaV lttK
lAjt-S1 !. ST ' SU
!hirt t-ni;-iature.. ' a e
Jr'iei ipr.BDva ts T .. C
Tt i prraiure and preclpltauon departure
froiQ lue SK.-m..;
F-ua fur Uie u
; ta txi . au mnrt .starch 1 prrcipuatfcB
J. t. tivr trie cav
raintaii etv March 1 .
1 k-1 leHi f HtlCf UT: I) 1
Ivfu'Mif fr pvnud !
ltu lrric litr cw. period 1
.1;. inch
.11 tut h
1 B Uit'tte
i i4 ux-krt
t usrhea
X uiJ'caiee trace o pr-ij. nation
Ll A- VFt-lii, LuraJ Furecaatar.
I m fc rsi
po t
7& .
lii . H
I ' s.A v
t. 'n rl
Two Hundred Strnctnrei on Kew
Tork'i Playground. Destroyed.
Dreaaalaad. Ferrari's Aataaal bew,
- le Railroad aal Other A t
Irartlcai Bars There Is
Se I.ea of Life.
XEW TORK, May r Coney Island, the
playground of New Tork. suffered the
worst fire disaster in It history early
today. r'reamland. the hLrget of the i
imiwmut parka, was w:pd out and about j
four bltcks adjoining, oovered alth booths,
restaurants, botf la, moving picture tbea- i
tera and resort of various type, were de
stroyed. I
The ftre broke out at I o'clock In the
morning and wa not under control until
three and a half hours later. Tbe loss will
amount ta between ir.OOU.000 and n.000.000.
In all about K buildings were bumert
dosrn and pThar 2.000 persons-oonoes-sion.'ure
and employes were turned into
the streets, homeless and penniless. No
live were lost.
The burned area represents Dearly a
third of the entire amusement city, sJl of
which would undoubtedly bsve gone in the
teeth cf a strong wind, but for the fact
that Coney Island, with a high pressure
water system especially designed for fir
protection, is better guarded against a dis
aster of this kind than any other similar
resort la the world.
The fire was discovered, a tiny blase,
la the tarred scaffolding of "Hen Gate, a
soente railway dose ' to the entrance of
Blase -Twaus by Gale. "
Twenty minutes alter a frightened watch
man bad turned in three aiarcna, one after
aaothec. mm fast as bis thumbs oorold press
tbe key. an Dreamland tea acers of gaady,
closely packed buildings, was one blase.
The tlasnea, urged by a strong wind, were
visible for nearly fifteen miles
Close to -Hell Gate" where the ftre
started, was the Pel i ail Is arrtiptl show,
and nearer yet the infant Incubator, a
charity nursery, la which were six wee In
fants and their attendant. The chDdrea
were taken out ta their little glaas bouses
and rusbed out of danger by tbe police.
Then came the work of taking out the
animals, a costly collection including sev
eral dangerous man-eaters. Tbe animal
were In a panic. Their roaring could be
heard for many blocks above the crackling
cf tbe flames and the throbbing of he
engine. Tbe trainer lost no time. While
policemen with drawn revolvers atood at
the entrance to guard tbe crowd ks the
streets against any beasts that might es
carie, .be attendants drove their charges
from the cages dowa the runways into the
emergency vans which are always ready.
The fire spread so rapidly that slaty of
ths 106 animals were left to die In the
flames. One large lion which escaped was
killed by a squad of police.
One Man is Mlaalagr.
There were several narrow escapes among
employes and performers who were in tbeir
beds wbea the Cre started, but all were ac
counted for this morning, esoept a property
maa cocBected with Ferrari's animal shew.
The burned area extends from Third to
Tenth streets, and from Surf avenue to the
sea, and equals eight city blocks. Th
management of Ireamland place their loss
at C,r.eun. and that on the ether build
ings and amusement enterprises will be
about tXMKi.ttx mure. The animals burned
to death were valued at lliC,t)0. The
Balmer baths were destroyed. Twenty
four individual shows were burned, besides
a number of resuvurants and smaller ta
terprist. Ths only animals saved from Ferrari"
shows were two lions, a leopard, two
Hamas, two monkeys and six pontes. The
others, Inelmr'r.g six lions, twenty-four
monkeys, ejight)eoparda a baby elephant,
poalee, bear cub and llamas, were as ter
rified by the names that tbey refused
to be driven Into wheeled cages, kept oa
hand for ahlfting them.
In addition to Black PriDoe. the Ilea that
died pierced by a hundred bullets, a leopard
and a baboon earaiwd from their eages
and ran among the crowd. Pohretnen shot
them both.
Threat Against the
Mayor of Waterloo
Letter Says Hit Home Will Be Blown
Up if He Des Sot Discharj-e
Chief of Police,
WATERIXX). la.. May A letter
signed "Ths Black Hand'' was received by
a. zimxiuT icoay nouxymg mm
that unless he discharged Chief of Police
William T. Dineea sad Night Sergeant W.
H. Holcrofl by Sunday morning, tbe
mayor home would 1 dynamited and th
official himself would be ssurdered. The
mayor ad he would net comply with
the thrrai. a hk h he ascribed to recent
repealed prosecutions of Greeks in the
tarl f Talted Stare re
fereaatles, wrltb Fa mi It. Lnm
few Other tide.
NEW TORK, May r -Jcha Hays Ham
mond sa.aed today far Loadna, where be
mil mrcaent th Vnited abates a apodal
amlaaadar to the oorunaxiea af Kavg
George V. Mrs. Hammond and their tour
children euiMnpanied him
Diplomats Are Asked
to Discourage Use of
Liquor at Functions
V easBsasBBsasa
Pmbyterian General Assembly Passes
Series of Resolutions Based on
Eemarkj 0f W. J. Bryan.
ATLANTIC CTTT, May TT. A condemna
tion of tbe use of Intoxicants by diplo
matic representatives of the United States
In foreign land was the feature today of j
the closing session of the 123d general a- i
sembly of the Presbyterian church. A
resolution was tiassed by acclamation call- 1
tng on the secretary of state to discourage i
tbe use of Intoxicants both here and ,
abroad. j
Thia action was taken as a result of j
remark alleged to have been made by i
William J. Bryan at a temperance meeting
here last night. In which he Is reported to
have said that on his visit to South Amer
ican countries he bad found that appar
ently the chief bus! new of the diplomatic
corps was "absorbing liquor."
We of the Tnited States don't have to
keep our representatives drunk In order to
persuade them to do their woVk." Mr.
Bryan is alleged to bare said.
This aroused the members of the as
sembly and the following resolution was
Whereas, Wa. as a nation, have abolished
tbe use of intoxlearing beverages from
both houses of eongress and our army and
navy, and.
Whereas, Ths example of this nation has
a powerful Influence over other nations;
therefore, bo it
Resolved. That tbe aemeral' assembly
hereby petitions tbe authorities to disoona
tenanoo the ase of intoxioatlng liouars at
all diplomatic functions at home and abroad
and that a eopy of these resolutions be
sent ta tb secretary ' state.
The assembly adjourned, to snoot ia Louis
ville. Ky.
Mining Promoter
Guilty of Fraud
Aaron B. Donaldson, Tomer Preacher,
Convicted in St. Louis, is Given
Tens, of Three Tears.
ST. LOUIS. May XI. Aaron E. Donald
son, a mining promoter, and formerly a
minister of tbe gospel, was found got lty
late today by a Jury in the circuit court of
obtaining money under false pretenses, and
his punishment was fixed at three years
In tbe penitentiary. A motion for a new
trial was made and Donaldson gave a new
bond for St.OOu.
Tbe charge against Donaldson was that
he obtained naaer false pretenses a note
for (MOO from James U. Downs, a wealthy
farmer of Assumption, III., in payment
far mining stock. Mrs. Orah Belle Rldgley,
a divorce and daughter of Dowaa, who,
like her father, claimed to have been de
frauded, testified that Donaldson, though
married, courted bar 'and proposed mar
riage. Half Million-Dollar
Fire in Duhuque
Tarda of Standard Lumber Company
Burned and Three Adjoining
Structures Damaged.
DUBUGCnV, la.. May 17 A large tract
of the yards of the Standard Lumber com
pany was a mass of coals todays as a re
suit of what Is believed to have been aa
incendiary fir last night. The loss will
aggregate gao ooo.
The fire followed three ether Area, aS
apparently lnoaadiary, earlier ia the even
ing. Revised kwaes of all fires today are
Standard Lumber oompany, SnM,tfl; Carr.
Bolder a Adams, Ca, aaeh factory, S20M.
Flick Box factory, Sas; Key Oty Furni
ture oompany. SUM.
This was the third fir at the Standard
Lumber eompaay yards ia eighteen aaonths.
the total loasea aggregating SW,ut
Paalaa Msaarek and (ravi TPrlaee
Cavrlatlaa Call Tswa Bteas
AdsBlral Badger.
COPENHAGEN, May 17. King Fred
erick this afternoon visited the ships of
the American squadron to this harbor. Ac.
campaaied by Crow a Prince Christian.
Prince Waldemar and Prince George of
Greece, be encircled tb Louisiana. Kan
Baa. New Hamphthir and South Carolina
and then boarded the flagehip of Rear
Admiral Badger. King Frederick and th
prince spent two hour among the fleet
rialting all the vessel and greatly admir
ing tbe shiphape appearance of the men
t. Lewis
NEW TORK. May IT. A dolphus Basch
of St. Louis today received the deooratioa
af the Osenanaader's Cross of the Prussian
Carder of the Rod Eagle is recognitioa by
Emperor William of bis service la pro
moting Gersnaiue culture la America. His
donations te the Germanic museum of
Harvard anlvaratty Steal SSC.sut
ssSBsai ins Owes mt Osdas at .
tbe Btod East.
Orders Issued in Accord with Previ
ously Announced Plant.
DarrBBewt of Miasowr! Will Cw
tlaae to Have Hrw as waiters at
Oaaaba, with the State af
Ulmli Added.
General order were received at the army
headquarters Saturday morning from the
secretary of war regarding the organizing
into geographical division th United
States and J pofmeselons. which will go
Into effect July 1. The arranfrement here
tofore existing being discontinued, the' de
partments will exirt as follows:
The Eastern division, to embrace the
Department of the East and the Depart
ment of tbe Gulf, with headquarter at
Governor's Island. New Tork.
The Central division, to embrace the De
partment of the Lake. Department of the
Missouri. Department of Texas, the Mili
tary reservation of Fort D. A. Russell.
Ftirt Leavenworth and Fort Riley, with
headquarter at Chicago.
Tbe Philippine division, to embrace the
Department ot Luson, Department of the
Vtaayaa. the Department of Mindanao, with
headquarters at Manila.
Under ths change the Department of
tbe East will embrace tbe New England
states. New Tork New Jersey. Pennsyl
vania, Delaware, Maryland. District of
Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio,
the Island of Porto Rico and ths islands
and keys adjacent thereto. Headquarters
at Fort Tort en. N. T.
The Department of the Gulf, to take la
the states of North Carolina. South Caro
lina," Kentucky. Tennessee, Oeorg-te. Flor
ida. Alabama. MJssusaippi and the artUksry
di strict of New Orleans and -Galveston.
Headquarters at Atlanta, Oa
The Department of the Lakes arm era
breo tbe states of Michigan, Indiana, Ilh
aoia, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Da
kota, with headquarters at St. Paul.
The Department of the Missouri, ts em
brace ths states of lows, Missouri. "
(except that part included la tbe military
reservations of Forts Leavenworth and
Riley), Nebraska. South Dakota, Wyoming
(exoept that part In the Yellowstone Na
tional park and the military reservation of
Fort D. A. Russell) and Colorado, with
headquarters at Omaha.
The Department of Texas win embrace
tbe states of Texas exoept that part In
cluded in tbe artillery district of Galves
ton), Louisiana (exoept that part inoladed
In the artillery district of New Orleans).
Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.
Headquarters at San Antonio, Tex.
The Department of California will take te
the states of California, Nevada, Utah.
Ariaona territory and th Has alias lalaads
and their dependencies, with headquarters
at San Francisco.
Tbe Department of the Columbia will em
braos the statsa af Washington, Oregon,
Idaho, Montana. Alaska and so much of
Wyoming that is Included la the Tollow
stons National park. H sad quarter at
Vancouver Barracks. Waabington.
Van Gorder's Car
Turns Over Twice
Drirer Lose Control of Auto Going
Eigrhty htilei an Hour and
Escapes Injury.
While Harold Van Gorder, in a Loater.
was tuning up his car today, both the
outside tires blew as he was rounding the
upper turn of the track at eighty miles
aa hour and the machine struck the re
taining waJL tearlaa a war bh ikui
twenty feet. It - then turned over twice
ana lanoea wrongaiae up In the middle of
the track. . Van Gorder was throws several
feoot dear of the wall and
graaa uninjured except for a shaking up.
v. L .fctaroeli of New Tork City, who was
with him, was badly cut and bruised.
rUllasn Btaeru is
Terse af Twenty-
teateared to
I ve Days at
William Roberta tried in polio court
today upon a charge of assaulting Mar
garet Nelson, ii ears od. was sentenced
to twenty-five days on ths rock pil by
Pohc Judge Crawford.
The little girl, sooompanled by aa older
nsier. appeared ta police court again t
tbe prisoner. Roberta, who Jived at lnTC
Leaven worth street, went to the home of
Joha Nelson, JttJT Martha street, father of
the girl, for a visit ths evening of April
il. Th girl said that her father left th
home for aa errand. "He grabbed me a4
cooked me," she said, pointing bar finger
at Roberta, leaning against the bar before
ths judge.
Takes Two
Mlawasurt task While omcaal
is at 1M.
FT. JOSEPH. Ma. Mag n.-A apecial te
th News-Press from Kushvllte. Mo., ears
a robber entered the Farmers' State bank
ther whli th cashier was at luarh today,
took SXaW kt gold and silver from th
vault, which had beea A anlockea, and
Kate Shelly, Heroine
Who Saved Many
Lives, Near Death
In St. Anthony s Hospital at Carroll,
Lv, Too HI to TJnderpo Opera
tion for Appendicitis.
BOONE. Is.. -May 27 tSpeclal Tele
gram) Kate Ffcelly Me at the point of
death In St. Anthony' hoppltal at Car
roll, where she went for an ojeratlon for
appendicitis several week ago. Her rela
tives were with her. Her condition was
such the operation was not performed.
Miss Shell is famed the world over a
Iowa's heroine. Twenty years ago she
was peering out of a window of her horns
at Molngona and saw a Northwestern
pusher engine topple into an open creek,
the bridge being washed out by floods
Hastily securing an old lantern she
crawled over the Des Moines river bridge,
tottering then with wster to the rails
and ssved waiting passenger train at
Molngona on board of which were over
one hundred passengers.
In the meantime the lantern went out.
leaving her in absolute darkness. The act
of heroism was recognised by the North
western, by tbe public press and has been
the subject of many a story.
Charge Against
Detective Burns
Attorney for IKcXamara Says He Sent
Palte TelegTam to Ggrexnor
v of California,
WASHINGTON, May XI. A charg that
Detective William J. Barns bad seat a
false and xnlslradlng telegram to the gov
ernor of California in order ta obtain ex
tradition papers.- for John J. McNamara
was mad by Lea M. Bappaport. aa at
torney of Indianapolis, before the bouse
rules committee today, at a bearing on tb
Berger resolution for aa . Investigation of
Mc Samara s arras'.
Bums. In his telegram to Governor
Johnson, Rappaport declared. Informed the
governor that McNamara was in . custody
at Indianapolis on a charge of murder ia
connection with the Los Angeles Times
explosion one week before McNamara was
under arrest. -
To obtain extradition papers valid In
Indiana the attorney explained it Is
saeential that tbe man to be returned must
be under arrest.
Committee Visits
Hitchcock's Booms
House Xembera Make Personal Exam
ination of Offices Said to Be Ex
travagantly Furnished. -
WABHUWTOX, May IT After listening
to stories of SB waste baskets. Circassian
walnut and mahogany panelled rooms and
bright red carpets In the Postotflos de
partment, the members of the bouse com
mittee Investigating that department de
termined today to make a personal in
spection of th office of Postmaster Gen
eral Hitchcock.
Th committee interrogated Chief Clerk
Weed today. Mr. Wood said th re
panelling of Mr. Hitchcock's private office
cost St.". but tbe refitting of tbe "small
red room" and the "large browa room''
of the suite cost leas, being finished tn
mahogany. He said tbe oost of rehabntta
tloa was not e-rr waive for the office of a
member of the cabinet.
Torrid Wave in
Chicago Unbroken
One Death Before Ten O'clock This
Korning Bring Total 3 amber of
Fatalities Up ta Thirteen.
CHICAGO, May r.-Wtth on death and
two beat prostrationa reported by M a. av.
th third af tbe reoord-breaking days af a
long and unusual May beat spell was ush
ered in today. Promise of relief was made
by the weather bureau for tomorrow.
Thirteen deaths have Moulted from the
wave, which has beea almost nnbroken
for nearly tw week Yesterday and to
day before aU May records were broken,
the themomousT registering at 4 degrees on
each day. Tbe forecaster early today
predicted aa even higher mark before the
close of the day.
W. S. Gibson is Under
Arrest in California
Alleged Kember af Xabray Gang
' Girea Bond for Hit Appearance
in Council Bluffa.
LOS ANGELES. May 17. W. B. Gibson
was arrested yesterday on bis ranch near
Saa Bernardino and brought t that city
on a charge that h and ethers toned tb
malls and peel office at Council Blurts, la..
i for fraudulent pil iiai It ts mttogaA that
be was one af the notorious gang af Ma
bray swtadlera Gibson waived vxamina
oen betere the United States eommisstoaer
and gave bond in the asm of S2 out for hi
aivoaranos ia court at Cwtmcfl Bluffa next
Boosters for Market Town Home,
Happy and Tired.
- i
Cos a ties Friend Made for umka'i
Interests Workers Talk of tbe
Jowrarr Bta Pabllrlty
Dusty, perhaps a bit travel worn, but
enttiuolastlc. Omaha boosterr of the Com
mercial club's trade excursion returned
last nlrht. There wa one firm blurt of
glorious noise from the bir siren whistle
and all Omaha knew that thev were back.
Offlcia's of the Commercial club snd
members of the excursion party were
unanimous la declaring the ex;edition out
Into the territory of Nebraska a succesx.
Many town too young to be manned
were discovered by the booster. Thousand
of bells were distributed and the runphlne
of Omaha prosperity beamed In. many a
community. Everywhere the visitor from
the Ftate metropoll w-re greeted with
true Nebrake hospitality and appreciation.
saitb Hlhly atlofled.
Speaking of the trade excursion after be
returned from a full six days' trip 'ast
evening. Arthur C. Smith, president of the
M. E. Smith company, said: "The trade
excursion was perfectly. I might say
scientifically, handled. First the crowd
were gotten out to meet the party and they
were truly given a wonderful reception.
Then the train was pulled Into practieaUy
evarj town oa time; tbe bond was ready
for the march and gave us good music to
march by: the school authorities appreci
ated tbe opportuatty for the children: tbe
boosters even had th giving of souvenirs
down ts a science and tbe meeting of the
business men was ' done systematically.
From evnry standpoint it was a well organ
ised and a well handled trip. Both the
comrntttee of the " Commoroial club and
those In charge of the plans and the Union
Pacific railroad deserve much credit for
the way la "which the trade excursion has
been conducted,
"As to the territory covered, we return
borne with a better opinion of Nebraska
than ever. We have passed through coun
ties which only a few years ago were
ridiculed for their lack of production. We
have seen these transformed sections of
the state and tbe healthy towns and cities
which they are supporting. Ther were no
evidences of bard times nor poverty in any
toa-a or city. Everyone seems to be Bring
the best possible and enjoying all tbe com
forts of life."
Profitable Pabllrlty Gained.
- "Ths country newspapers of Nebraska
are largely responsible for ths great crowds
of people and school children who have
greeted the Omahans, aatd Will A. Camp
bell, who had charge of the publicity work
for tbe trip for the advertising commit
tee. "We sent out a few news items to th
papers along ths line, but they not only
published what we sent, they wrote many
hundred columns about the trip, while the
American Press association furnished many
cuts and columns of 'plate matter' which
the papers generously used. Take paper
liks the Kearney Hub. tba Grand Island
Independent, th Shalton Clipper. Silver
Creek Sand, Central City Nonpareil, Albion
News. Fuiierton Poet. Chap pel Register
and Polk Progress; they are Just a few
of seventy-five newrpapers in Nebraska
which did a great deal to make the trade
excursion a success.
"Then the Omaha newspapers did a great
deal to get the people taterested. Beside
what they pubuabed before the tram left
Omaha, they printed despatches from the
train, . and these aent oat telling towns
ahead what ether Nebraska communities
were doing for the boorters. and no town
la Nebraska waata ta be behind the others.
Tbe Omaha pipurs also ant ISO copies of
ibeir papers each day to the train. They
sera caught at various station and dis
tributed through tbe train. The boosters
have not been alow In acknowledging their
indebtedness to theer home newspapers and
thoroughly appreciated the efforts they
made to make the trin a success.
'The school teachers of Nebraska are an
other factor la making the trip a roccesa.
W did not visit a town where the arhools
were not diamiseed te meet the Omaha
party. Wa bad a bell for each child and
a key pin for each teacher. They helped
OS a great deal"
"The trip Just made la the best ta the
history of the Commercial club, said John
M Guild, "la the first place we covered
ninety-alx of the best town in this state,
where nothing but thrift and prosperity
war constantly in evidence. The Union
Pacific passenger, operating and commis
sary department g v us every attention
ae that ws raa Into every towa right on
the dot. lacked ao comfort and bad no
"Wo had the beat lot of boosters ever
at t by any market, everyone i u
oughly imbued with the bp-to-datc Omaha
spvtt and determined to contribute his fun
star toward th success of tbe trip No
saattar wk-ethsr interested at every stop or
wot. every man was tn line for the up
town march. Ths crowds on every depot
platform and ths receptions met with
everywhere were inspiring and showed the
tfTectrrenesa of advance publicity and a
perfect arganisaiioa ia our trade extension
work, ao detail being left te chance. The
cHisens of the state have hi th last week
saowa the most friendly dispoaltiuo to
wards Omaha and have demonstrated aa
Leader Eeceixei 2Ceag-e rrjisj Him
I to Come to Capital.
tarraaia ta Elfflfl GTerar of Mate
mm tttark a aaJtllle Trrlrd
Clmlai Will Be Held la
VERA CRfZ May :7 While escorting
e-rrel3er,t I'm from th Mexican cap
ital to Vera Crui veterdy the federal
trnnpa. engared a larre f crce cf rebels
Tt e troop were successful In betlng eff
the lnsurrettos. v. ho lost thirty killed.
General I Max left th train and gave or
drr to M soldier during tbe battle.
(ieneral Pins prty. consisting of Mm.
risx. Colonel Torflrlo Ilas snd the lstters
family, left Mexico Clly on a fperlal train
cornT"ed of three sections The first
section earned the Eleventh regiment af
Infantry; the presidential party w in th
scond section, which wa followed closely
by tbe third. sIbo mrr-lrg troops
When approBcMin Tepeyahualco the
encountered a jisrty of some 7f0 rebe'.a
The leaiiinc perllon cf the train pulled up.
After a harp engarement th federal
succeeded In defeating t! lnurrertos,
who retired, l-sv1ng on the field thirty
dual, their standard and s bo containing
1.000 pesos. The federal troops, JOO strong,
registered three men wounded, one prob
ably fatally. General Diss and his son.
Colonel mas, on arriving at the seem af
tie enrarement descended from their car
and took part In the fry. Th ex-president
experienced some difficulty In pre
venting his troops from pursuing the
The genersl was received with the
greatest respect. He plsns to lesv Vera
Crus on board the Hamburg-Americaa
steamship Tplranga, which sails for
Europe, Msy 11. No definite arrange
ments have been made regarding his
Madera t rard to Cass.
JUAREZ, May IT Francisco L Modern,
jr, today, received a long measage from
President de la Barra. urging him to coma
to Mexioo City as Boon as posalbla He
inquired also If Hr. TasQuea Gomes bad
started for the capital and the probable
tiro of his arrival. Zr. Oomes already Is
en route to Mexico City.
President de la Barra also stated that
he had wired Governor Vail of Ouahulla.
aurreaung mat no request tbe tegKaatur
of the state af CoahuUa te proceed fan
medlately to elect Venttstlane Carranaa a
provisional governor. Benor Madera
earlier today had been advised that the
legislature of Coahuna still ' refused to
nam Carransa- Compliance with the
wishes wf the president and Be nor Madoro
is now expected.
At It a m, a message was reoelved
from the secretary of the legislature af
Coahulla at Saltillo, stating that that
body was disposed to name Carranxa and
begging that no attack oa the town b
made and a few minutes later th fol
lowing notification was received from the
"Legislature has just named a gov
ernor of tb state of Oohulla, Vaaustlano
Carranxa. who has already been notified.
We beg of yon to give orders Immediately
suspending the attack en this place and
ordering for the sake of convenience and
good order the peaceful entrance of the
Insurgents. A special committee has been
appointed to see your chiefs to transmit
your orders and tell them of the naming
of Carranxa, "
Senor Madero was visibly pleased at
the action of the Coahulla legislature, de
claring it an. Index of the course of legis
latures In other states.
Senor Madero. who has hesitated to an
nounce the date cf his departure from
here pending the action of the legislatures
of Chihuahua, Einaloa, zVacateras and
Sonora now anticipate ao trouble and be
lieves all the Maderists suggested as gov.
emors would be named without further
Cpon learning that Senor Madera
thought the date suggested yesterday In
th Mexican congress for the general
elections was too remote. Alfredo Roblea
Lomlhgues, special representative of Ma
dero at Mexico City, today wired hk
chief bar auggesting September S4 for
the primary elections, October t for elec
tion day and November t or I aa the date
for the new president to take effice. Senor
Madero telegraphed his acceptance.
City af Mrs lee Unlet.
MEXICO CITT, Mar IT. Normal Quiet
prevails today in th Mexican capital fol
lowing the Inauguration of Francisco de la
Barra aa provisional president and the
secret departure yesterday of General
Porflrle lias, th retired chief executive,
for the seaport of Vera Cru Ernesto
Madero. the minister of flaaaoe. and
Rafael Her nance, th minister of Justice
tn th new cabinet, arrived her todsy.
Feraaal Xstle te Waablateai.
WASHINGTON. May 7.Formal notice
of th accession of Fraaclsco de la Barra
to office of president of Mexico a as
given to the state department today by
Ambassador Zamacons, who called person
ally at the department for the purpose.
Base Ball tickets.
Cans of FarreU't Syrup.
Boxes of O'Brifcn's Candy.
Quart Brick of Dalzeir
Ice Cream.
All given a a ay free to t&osa
a ho rind their aatuea la tfca
want ads
Read lbs rast add every day.
roar bam arUl appear sometime
(nay be mora than once
No putties to solve nor ubecrlp,
Uoct ta set just read the want
Tars ti vast aa peg as
(Continued oa Third Pa-)