TJIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAT 27, "0 nrllllnnt fil Silk. Satin anil rin'n Tsffeta nilih'-n'. in hlsrk find all TlfW colors, up to S inches lr, at per yard, 15c Matchless Bargains in Ladies1 Apparel Sat urday All Bilk. Satin and Main Taffeta lllbbons up to 4 Inches wlds. at I The Most Attractive Men's Suits at :: : Na 1 "dI'oIAI T1 -5lT3 IUI. ri 1.1. ' f iAAAAJI HOSIERY SALE Women's pure thread Silk Hosi ery; fancy silk embroidered (Jot patterns, wide garter tops, lisle soles, heels and toes. "Worth up to $1.25, at 75, Women's fine Imported Lisle and Cotton Hosiery; allover lare and lace boot patterns. Worth up to 60c, at . . .25 LUh TTn A nmrno r Weight v uuii f ecu Women's Fine Ribbed Lisle Vests ' With mercerized tape in neck; a 50c quality, at 3 for $1.00, or each 35c Women's Ribbed Cotton and Lisle Union Suits Umbrella knee, lace trimmed, some have cuff knee, in cluded are the Munsing suits, at Bey's Poros Knit Union Suits, short sleeves and knee length. A 50o Quality,. In all sizes 35 Children's low neck and sleeveless Gauze Vests; pants in both umbrella and cuff knee. All sizes at, ea. 15t WOMEN'S SILK Long Silk Gloves Kayser make 16 button lengths with double finger tips, in black, white and colors, at a pair ..$1 SI. 25 and $2.00 Long Silk Gloves Hand embroid ered, all sizes, In 16 button lengths; black, white; worth $1.50 a pair, at $1.25 Short Lisle Gloves; two clasp effects pair HANDKERCHIEFS. New Style Handkerchiefs. Your first name in full neatly embroid ered, Sheer Irish Linen Handker chiefs; 6 in box 75c, ea. 12tt NECKWEAR. ' The New Lord Byron Laundered Collars, embroidered and Venice, Irish, lace trimmed, worth up to 60c; at 12-t CORSETS ' together with the famous W. B. Corsets Are Being Specially Demonstrated This Week In Our Corset Department. Omaha women will find It greatly to their advantage to be fitted by Mrs. Rose, the demonstrator In charge. The model exactly suited to your figure Is here ready for your selection. . Come to our corset section Saturday. Hammocks and Porch Shades in Drapery Dept. run Bize Hammocks, i Full size Hammocks, Fancy striped Ham Saturday 08tf Saturday ...$t30 Mf. at1 Canvas Hammocks in Khakl and White, wood spreader at both ends, special, at ..'....$2.25 Porch Shades Fine ' imported wood weave shades, 6x8, $3.08 Specials in Brandeis IBc Ir. Graves' Tooth Powder. . . .180 26o Sanitol Tooth Powde- 14o 25c Pond's Vanishing Crjtm ISO 25c 1.1 lac Bath Powder So 25o l'r. Lyons' Tooth Powder. ... lo (Oc Ingram's Milk Weed Cream. . 34o J 5c Cutlcura Soap SOo 15c Llquogone Soap So 10c William's Shaving- Soap 6c 6 Cakes Ivory Soap tor ISo 1 -lb. 20 Mule Team llnrox So 25c Bottle Hydrogen Peroxide. . . .to 60c Pompelan Massage... 34o riBruia SECTION. 60c Locust Blossom qr While Rose Kx tract, per os 35c 1 SOo Java Hiee Powdor 36o 25c SalLn Skin Powder 14o (Oc Carmen Powder 49o ioto lurmia. I Tubes M. y Developer 13o 15e Package Acid Hypo llo OiMISAl. 17.50 Seneca, 4x6 Camera, spec. ,$3.98 j BRANDEIS Extraordinary Sale of Puffs j Switches ' &?a3., SATURDAY 15.00 Puffs 4.00 Puffs -2.00 . .14.00 . .S3.B0 I M i IS. 00 Switches $(.00 and $7.00 Switches F". rVI. SCHADELL 1522 DoukUs St. Men's pure silk plaited Hosiery; full fashioned, spliced heels, soles and toes, worth up to 60c, at 2 Women's 25c fine Cotton and Lisle Hosiery; fancy allover lace; black, tan and colors. Also men's Shawknit and Florenza 611k Hosiery, at a pair 15 49c liiiMii!'! GLOVE SALE Short Silk Gloves Kayser's two rlasp effects, with double tipped fingers, in black, white and col ors, at a pair 50 and $1.00 Long Silk Gloves "On Bargain Square" Milanese or Tricot weave, In white, black, tan, blue and pongee. Worth $1.00, at 60 In black and white, at per -25 HANDKERCHIEFS. Women's fine embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, Sheer, soft lawn with narrow hemstitched bord ers; worth 10c each, at . ...f NECKWEAR x Latest Novelties in Women's High Class Neckwear Real hand em broidered, real Irish Crochet and Cluny novelties, at 50 P to .. $10.00 Canvass Hammocks In Khakl color. Large Lay-back Pillow and deep valance, at $3.08 rorcn Shades, imported wooa weave, 8x8, at . .$4.98 Drug Department 110.00 Post Card 3le Photo Camera, at $4.98 13 75 Seneca Plate and Film Pack Camera. SHV. 91. S We do developing and finishing. B0BIEB OOOOS. 11.00 Hot Water Uottle 48o 85c. 2-qt. Fount un Syringe 4: $2.25 Combination Sy rlnge. . . .$1.58 13.60 Victor's I louche 93.50 He Rubber Gloves 49o BIXAL. Shaving Lotion 4 So Thymo Dentallne 4So Hair Tonic SOo and fl.OO Every Day Tonic SOo Hex all Orderlies ..10c, SBo and SOo Kin. YALE'S OOOOS. 80c Tale's Almond Illossoin Cream for 45o Bloasom Cream SI. 85 S1.60 bkin ('ream $1.85 11.00 Complexion Tablet Sao il.00 Hair Tonlo S9o STORES Choice Cut Flowers For Memorial Day Flat bouquets, . decorative wreaths tind floral designs of all kinds at very reason able prices. Phone orders given prompt attention. John H. Bath FLORIST Boyd Theater Blag". Phone Song. SOOO $3.00 snd $4.00 Switches ...fa.SO $6.00 Pomps .-........2.50 $6.00 Pomps ,3.00 $10.00 Trans . ... aa.oo Splendid Values In Linen Coat Dresses $2.98 Very Pretty Tan and Bine Linen Coat Dresses, mad with low neck and kimono sleeve effects, laoe trimmed special value Saturday at $2.98 Lingerie Dresses N A splendid showing of Pretty Lingerie and Allover Dresses; beautiful styles, at special reduced prices Sat urday, from $12.50 to $1.98 SILK MESSALINE PETTICOATS $2.98 Regular $5.00 values, splendidly made in blacks, white, stripes and all colors. Pongee and Serge Coats at Reduced Prices Tailored Skirts Made to Measure $3.98 Splendid new models to select from. Prices specially reduced on inade-to-order suits, coats and dresses. The Novelty Skirt Co. 214-16 NORTH 16TH STREET. Opposite Hotel Loyal OROSI The Women's Shoe Store that shows the new novel ties in footwear as well as the staple low heel styles. A new lot of tan three button, seamless, high arch specialties just in A look ' at our windows will convince you that we are right both in shapes and patterns. We fit by measure never by guess. The Fit Tells Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th St. FRANK WILCOX. 0 Rollablo Dentistry AT Taft's Deotal tas III iTY 1 - iP B I Removal Clearing Sale.... ! 1 Now On 3 Move to Paxton IJIk. Aug. 1st. j B 1UU I $1.00 to $4.00 ? 1 Pennell Millinery Co. I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ' One Dallas Per leu. 68c. Linen Skirts Worth to $2.48 Handsome White Linen Skirts, splendidly made in very pretty pleated and gored models. Actually worth to $2.48, on sale at 68c Summer Dresses $3.98 Stimmer Dresses $1.98 Very Pretty New Light Lawn Dresses, in scores of new styles, light and dark shades, all sizes. . . .$1.9S Pure Linen Dresses Exceptionally handsome, Pure Linen Dresses, in both high and Dutch necks, Kimono sleeves, beautifully embroidered; colors, na tural and blue; special value Saturday, at $5.98 Our Stl Tom-Cat "Brerybody XiOtos a Tom-Oaf (You Can't Help It) Our Oxfords Out wear Others (Tom-Cat Is only One of them) SEE ALL OF OUR STYLES. Spring Sellers Show Superiority 33.50, $4 s $4.50 YOU Should look for the sign of the Tom Cat Seen Only at. svacuumosB We saU HETTLETOJrs Best la Amerloa. "Wearers of HtttIiBTOWI all loyal to SETTUTOS" Vtalt Pa Bourke's Beltrhbor. To Clean the Summer Dress properly requires both ex perience and great care. We use both Dry and Wet Cleaning methods whichever is required to produce the best results. It'll Be Better I! We Clean It We dry clean summer dresses wherever possible, Where Linens, Organdies, Mulls, etc., are grass and prespiration stained, or otherwise discolored, wet cleaning is necessary. This is done by hand and just enough sizing used to produce a fresh, new er fect. It Is often difficult" to tell whether the gar ment has been wet or dry cleaned. Phone for a wagon. Prices from $1.50 to fa. TOE PANTORIUM Good Cleaners and Djars 1610-17 Jones St. Phones I Dj Sttt; Xnd. A-31M r-y - mm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Beaches the Mr Stack Mca. ETEX OFFESED And at theee prices we offer a seleotlon of quality anita nerer hefore ihown fcy an Omaha store. Ho matter what yonr taatea may be, yon can find It at one of tbeae price a. Wo want yon to look at the anperlor nlta we offer at these prices, then consult yonr own Judgment aa to whether onr claim to save yon at leaat fs.00 on a snlt la Ju.tlflel. At either prloe erery g-annent carries onr fnaranteo of absolute eatlef action. EVERY DAY IS TROUSER DAY At this store Ken who need re tronserinr would do well to com. here, where the greatest aeaortment In the west awalta you, and the low prices are a reTelatlon.' A wonderful rang of patterns and styles, at $1.50 to $5.00 The GREATEST UNDERWEAR SALE EVER HELD Ken's Genuine 1orosknlt Union Salts, slso Balbrtg-g-an Union Salts, mm $1.00 everywhere, Saturday OwC Ken's Genuine Porosknit Shirts and Drawers, EOo f gm 2j- , 2 OC Millinery .... Y fg. Trimmed m Hats jj A White and Burnt fSJ Jt A big assortment of the best S styles at $5 $750 $10 Our 4 ' DISTINGUISHED " Trimmed Hats are the peer of them all at $5.00 Small nood Shapes also large group of nifty white hats $10.00 values in other stores; our price $5.00 $2.50 Children's, Hats at 98c t The largest line of Children's Trimmed Hats shown in the west here for your selection. 150 Trimmed Hats, in pretty, small effects leghorns, etc. values up to $2.50; Saturday .08c HAY DEN BROS. 1 No shoe ever gave a pretty foot the neat apRearanc that It has in a stylish pump. This Is the season of pumps and any woman Is doing herself an injustice if she does not wear them.' We have Pumps in patent colt and kid, In dull kid and calf, in fine kid with patent tips; heavy, medium or light soles, heel or ankle strap, in all sizes or widtbB, to fit any foot. The price will surprise you Fry Shoe Co. THE SHOERS 16th and Douglas Streets. Big Sale Grape Juice We have Just purchased from the Mathewa Brokerage Co., nearly a car load of anfermented crape julre at lees than H refular wholesale price. We ehall place on aide Saturday mornlnr at our etores, 16th and Ixde and lth and Harney at prices H leas than regular Jooblns price. riloes as foils ws, delireredi Pint, caee, 2 dox. for I'M'? Quarts, caae. 1 do. for S3.00 V, gallon, case. 8 bottles for S3.00 1 aallona, caee. 4 bottlea for ..Sa.eo Order from dealer will be honored at above prices, for not more than two (2) caae. Sherman McDonnell Drug Go. Oor. 16ta and Sodjre. Owl Drug Co. lath and Barney. PARKER'S HAJR BALSAM Mas 'ss tMsMUlfasI tb Prasnoiaf ft tmaiurieMil fivwUL Mmwmw FsUU to &etor Ormy H svl to lLsl Yulifil Color. The Pump Season CHOOSE YOUR HAT HERE From our well selected stocks of such food hats as JOHX B. STETSON'S up from $3.50 The "EHEBBOK" Stiff Bats, at S3. OO TOUHO BBOS, Celebrated Hew Tork Hats, at S3 00 "OVARAHTEB SPECIAX.," a re markable Bat ralue, at TB1W BATS, all Styles, SOo to $3.00 Specials... An immense assortment of Light Noonday Lunches are the sensible lunches for warm weather. Busy people have proved this again and again. They know the difference. They appreciate our quick service our clean ly lunch rooms. They know that an appetizing sandwich, a cup of coffee, a salad, a bit of pastry made only as our pastry cooks can make It are far better than to spend the whole noon hour In waiting and eating a heavy meal. The Boston Lunch 1408 Far nam 1012 Farnain 1400 Douglas Shoes for The Summer Boy The boy has always held the record for wearing out more shoe leather than any other member of the family. But he beats his own record in the summer time. We only know of one shoe that the boy cannot wear out. They are our TEEL HOD HOES Boys' They will outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. They cosif a trifle more, but they are worth double the difference In wear. Boys' Sizes 2Vs to 6 Vs. Youths' Sizes 1 to 2 -$2.50 $2.25 $2.00 Little Gents' Sizes 10 to 13 Vs DREXEL fenOE COMPANY 1419 Farnam Street TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OsMba, eb Big Bargains For Saturday The eager, satisfied buy ers who gather here every Saturday, appreciate the great values we are giving, and each day we are mak ing hundreds of new cus tomers by selling merchan dise cheaper than any store in Omaha. This is not merely talk, but a, positive fact. Como in to morrow if you have never visited our store nnd seo for yourself. Head every number. ABOAIK RO. 1. 2.00 Ladle.' Bilk MnU Waists St 89o Trimmed and tucked ttll new pendant eleovea AQ. of latest designs, 0fC at www BABoaiir no. a. laoe ft. 60o Silk QR Olovea BAKOAIN HO. 3. Children's Dreasea fl ft Worm up to 1.1.00 SfOC at www BAKOAIN NO 4. Ladles' Beautiful Waists QQ hainpU's that are UuC worth up to i, at www BABOAIN MO. 6. Ladles' Pour Coats 100 sam ples just received from New York, worth more tlmn double. These coate will be put on eale EH:,$4.75-6.95-9.95 . BABOAIN FO. 6. 80o Ladles' Hoe Plain. A. black and Xancy QJJ colors, at BAKOAIN NO. 7. Infants' Hose All colors. f worth luo, at, a 3w pair BAKOAIN NO. 8. Wash Dresses For street wear, worth $3.50 nnd A AC 15.00. at 11. Ba WSeslv and BAKOAIN NO. 9. White Llurerle Dresses Elefrnnt assortment of new C?C DC styles, st, $1.69, J.3J $1.98. $3.98 and w-w w w Every drews Is worth from aa.SO up to $14.00 more than the advertised prlc-. BAKOAIN NO. 10. PosltlTeljr Saturday Only One day, cliolce of any Silk TeLtlcoat In our store, worth 4 AA from 14 00 to 18.60 BAKOAIN NO. 11. Ladles' and Children's 4 AC rarasola ISo, 480. d I .Z3 880 aod BAKOAIN NO. 13. Bis ZiOt of Beautiful Bats Just received and plnced (1 AA on our big table, slawO BAKOAIN NO. 13. Saturday you can take your choice of any Ladies' Suit left In our stock, worth t1 A A A up to $39.00, SIUeUw MEN'S SECTION . .Bead Bvery Number and Come Hers Saturday. , Open TU1 10 T, ' BABOAIN NO. 14. 78o Men's Black Satin Shirts at BSo These shirts ure well made, with face sleeves; AT. only two to a atawC customer BAKOAIN NO. 15. EXTKA SPECIAL. 75e Boys' Knlokerbooker Pants at 43c All our 75c boys' pants will be sold Saturday for almost half prlco; Include AQt gray, olae and . 41 G khakl BAKOAIN NO. 16. $13.50 Men's Suits at $6.86 For Suturday only we will sell 100 of these suits. Including blue serges, light and S AC dark grays, all sSO.03 Jn worsteds w BAKOAIN NO. 17. $2.00 men's Uresa S' IF Shoes and Ox- I fords BAKOAIN NO. 18. $3.60 Men's Oxfords at $a.S The most varied asHortment made of select stock we have Sj Oft ever shown, in all e9.Uf leathers "'VW BAKOAIN NO. IS. 10c Men's Hoe at So Men's Kocklord socks, medium ft weight, for Satur- All day only BAKOAIN NO. BO. 60o Men's Underwear at 83o In porosknit. balbiiggan AA and athletic sail l aktlC or drawers ww BABOAIN NO. 31. $30.00 Men's Suits at $11.75 liand-tuilored suits, pure wool, perfectly modeled, $4 A f splendid assortment. ,11 I l.f J worth $0.00 "IV Extra Specials $1.60 Men's Shirts at 89o Just received a new shipment of the celebrated avarra tihiits, of a good quality, rYenclt mailras cloth, Uariier's AA. percale, cut n jR coat shirts www EXTBA SPECIAL. $3.00 Women's White Duek Can vas Shoes at $1.88 The newest toe and carrlea a 84 f)Q medium height mill all -Mil tary heel w w $3.00 Men's Oxford at $1.98 We have Just reielved a , AA new hit. In tans J Hfl and blacks . EXTKA SPECIAL. S6o Men s Silk Beokwear at ISo In the newest 4 f" midsummer . I 3C pattern sww $1.78 Misses' and ChUdren's Tan Pumps at $1.16 All $-f -f f dreas strap pumps, jl I ft size to 2 T,M" Raphael-PredGo. Wholesale ann Retail S Mlnutsa Walk From 16th Cor. 1 3th and Farnam PESsJS telWl m tir isu