Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 18, Image 18

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    TTTE BEE: O:fAITA. SATURDAY. MAY 27, 1911.
Canada nnllnoril,
BLFURE K"l 'K to Cunuda fir Innil con
tain Mi nn d'.ht & lo lice Uldg.
1 ul'ifndo.
SORTIIPASTKUN Colorado wheat lands,
112 50 to $!,' rr acre. A few improve!
(arms. 13' to -. rita J. Ii. Heinhaidi.
fcterllng. Colo
160-ACHE ht irrigated farm tvioradn;
finely Improved new ten-room da-oiling.
Larn; potato cellar hold )0 rirload; W
A. whent; Si A. nlfalf.i: no wsst bind,
everv foot under ol.l wa'er light; have
another furm. can't work lioth; 4 Inllee
norm of iMivtr. ten south of Oretley.
C A. Ortgoi). W kliri Hid, D.nver.
( olo.
.", ACRES.
Timber, farm and grazing: land. miiKt be
fold coon; will In- sold cheap; full partlcu
Ihts by ai dressing l:ox OW, A!ariii"a, Colo.
RIVER VIEW orchard tracts In 1 to 11
acrea; fir. rut fruit country In the world.
For terrrs address Hiiuiin 1-and and In
Veatment Co.. Hoone. la.
FINEST colonization tract In the Unlt-d
Ftates; 132.000 acres very finely lcatei
at ii M acre; make 1.000 per cent to sub
divide; have plenty of jliicrs. Box 064.
Wlulerset. la
Our l'.'ll mt of Iowa farm In Webster.
Calhoun and Greene counties is just out.
If interened write for our new list.
K0 ACHES Improved Clarke county, Iowa,
to trad for clean stock general merchen
rilwe; goed house, barn, orchard, etc.; price
$0 per acre. Address owner, D. ii. Har
rison, A' toons, la.
EXCHANGES made everywhere. Farms,
wild lands, Income property, stocks of
goods and other things desirable for ex
change. Several large tracts of western
lands for exchange. Writs me full descrip
tions of what you have. I. N. MclDllre.
First Nut Uank Uldg.. Sheldon. Ia.
fine timber land In Lake county. Minne
sota. Katlrcad being built not far fruit
land. 'J he timber Is very large on thu
land. Mostly white pine, tamarack, bal
sam ami spruce, dure to Iccreaae la value
fast. What have you to olfer? Write
U'ck iox 'ill. lJictene. la
TO UND AUKNTS For : will send
addresaes of l.uuu persons who have sold
for l.iw or more in southwestern loa
since January . 1911, compiled Irum deed
records M. W. Molr & Co., Harlan. Ia.
A F'.NK HW-iiure farm in Buchanan
county. Iowa, about 6 miles from Aurora:
good Improvements; encumbrance ivouu.
Price $124 per ucre. Owner will exchange
lor South iJHkuta land. Prefer Improved.
Here Is a fine chance to exchange your
liakola land for an Iowa farm. Address
Hoilobrands Land Agency, Fella, la.
KUK KALE Kxcellent ric-acre farm In
corn and blue-gians belt. Ada.ns county.
Iowa, lum all ml fenced. Ul acres lion
tlHht. I'M acres tllea, and all In excellent
cultivation; 11'-room house, large brick
cellar with cement floor, cement walks,
large new barn and mill, with good Fair
banks engine, new hog liouxs, other out
buildings, all In good repair; good stock
and barjiyards, laigo grovu and good
orchard, four good wells, excellent water,
two windmills. For further particular
address Mm. Annan M. Nasli, xihid Htgn
Et., Des Moines. Is,
imi ACKfcS, Cuss county. Iowa, farm Im
proved and well located; price S125 per
acre; my equity Is 16,iAXi. Want southern
Minnesota or Lakota laud, clear. No In
flated prices considered. bile 10-horae-potver
portable gasoline for what
have you i Address C. V . . .,x uustluiid,
Cass County, Lorah. lv.
FOR SALE Splendid farms, well Im
proved, ranging In price from SaO to a0
per acre. This Is choice Iowa land. In wall
improved coii.ia.unlties. near town and
schools. There la .." more fertile or beau
tiful part of the state 'ban Osceola county.
Write for particulars. T. b. Hedmond,
ElWey. !.-
tl0 ACHES and 173 acrea of southern
Iowa land. Improved, well located, good
oil, right price, for sale or trade; $7,000
equity In brick store building; a first class
Income property for sale or trade, quick;
on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad
dress itog i. Diagonal, la.
WANTED1 A good stock of general mer
chandise, $9,000 to $i:,000. In exchange for
good farm near Kolfe. la., and cash. Farm
contains lit acres, six-room bouse, barn,
ti)x40, price, $XW) an acre; subject to tti.740;
equity. W.OflO; F. IC Loomer. Kolfe, la.
Kaasas. '
CM ACRES, 1 miles good town: fenced;
'srell Improved; all smooth land; rich black
oil; good orchard; IC F. D. ; pbone; fine
surroundings, $U6; good terms; will ex
change for hardware. Implements or gen
eral merchandise. W. 11. Molt, JHerlngtoa,
M0 ACRES, six miles from Mlnneola, Sot
acrea In wheat, one-tblrd to buyer; new
4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas
ture fenced; rick black soil; has raised
good crop every year since broken out;
great bargain. $36 per acre. Terms. The
Hoy C. Heard Land Co.. Mlnneola,. Kan.
WE have some choice bargains In corn,
wheat and alfalfa lands for sale in Bentoa
and Kuati counties: writs for list of farm
bargains. American Investment Company,
Hulsington. Kan-
KO ACRES, ltt miles out; 290 In wheat,
Vt to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain
and snow assures bumper crop; level as
floor; $Z!.bo per acre; terms. W. ii. Cui
bcrlaon. Bcott City, Kan.
240 aicres, iiV miles out; 130 aoros In wheat.
H delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soil
good well and windmill; $S,200; terms.
Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all slses
, and prices. L. F. bchutuuacber. owner,
' leade. Kan.-.
t2 ACRES 36 In alfalfa; 10-room house,
large barn, granary, etc: two miles te
Lamed. Pawnee county; 60 acrea pasture
balance In cultivation; rich deep soil, abun
dance of water, wells gjid mills; $2a 6oe
terms. Hunts Healty Co.. Hutchinson!
" Le.tsla.a.
VERNON parish. I.a : the land of sun
Shine, soli, climate, markets, water, health,
good; prices cheap; write Leesvtlle Heal
Katate and Improvement Co., C. M. alo
Faxland, Beo'y. LeesTllle. La.
LOUISIANA farm and timber landa
good tor truck, corn, cattle, eta. ; on ac
count of cotton peat, cheapest lands oa
market. Hall. Elder 4k HenoiL Monroe,
BUT from owner and save commission a
too-ecre grain and stock farm close te
three towns, school and creamery, IJO-acr
field, about su acres meadow, remainder
timber pasture, fenced and cross fenced,
running water and a full set of frame
builuiugs at $J5 per acre. Write for terms.
C. F. Flalg. Wadena, Minn.. H. H. No. 2.-
t HAVE a (arm of $20 acrea IH miles
from good town. $e miles from Minns.
.polls, 100 acres under cultivation; about
Varna and other outbuildings, windmill,
fine natural grove. Orchard )ut com
mencing to bear. Price H.boO, easy terms
Write owner. Charles K. Swaason, aik
Hlver. Minn.
W.OO0 acres In SU Louis and Carlton
counties. Minnesota, near cities of Du
lulb and Superior, at price within the
leach of all. $ to $11 an acre, easy terms
Fourteen railroads now entering these two
cities furnish chep aud quick transpor
tation. A ten-niUUon-dollar steel plant
Dow building by United States Steel com
pany, near lands. Soli Is ferule and well
adapted to diversified farming, dairying
and garden truck. No long hauls or trans
portation charges, but right at the door of
the best markets of lbs United States,
with constant demand and high prices.
Write fur full tatuituauon. Hosioa er
Duiulh Farm Land Co.. Mu Al worth
Blag., Duluth. Ulna.
t0u0 equity tn good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quarters two miles from
good town, having house tvxJO, new bara
$2x40, with gable rout, sioaU granary and
f nee. Want niaohlae stock or tbry goods.
Frwe $M per airs. t
BenJ. A. Cone,
WUidotn, AUun.
$e acres meadow, uaiano umber. Can ' buildings, new. Al; all fenced" If vAi,
aU be opened up. Rich soil, good hou ar, all-purposi grain co'hav -irfe 1
barn and other building. Price $31 per hog or other stock if.rm 2nd' i Mf"
acres. Also kO-acre tarm two miles from It s the best In the weet- till .
good town. 40 seres under plow; 16 ,cr. .unable terms Will c is. Z
timber: good rich soil, l-roum house, two v. h lrrm- ' C. Israel, Benkelman,
mile from good town, black loam soli.
All fenced. Large frame dwelling, barn,
granary, mm tune sheds, etc. Vti acres
In field. 4o snes timber, balance clover
and timothy and ineadww. Ideal dairy
farm. .- per acre, one-third cash, hal
ini'i easy terms. M. J. Hoib. Fusstun,
l.'ciiland. Minn
KK.N J for list ol our fine Improved
tout hern Minnesota Isnd. We bar
hundied!i ot pieaaed ciaetumer. C. ii.
Brown Land Co., oiflcea Madelia ana Nevr
Improved farm In Murriiy county, Mlnne.
tola; has first elm buildings; fencus;
iplehdld grove; orchard; twe miles Irum Write Jor.n lioideu. Jr., Uaivin,
LA N U8-NO. 5u0. ISO ACHK8, 7l u Ltid
iKln Cities; genu tillable soli; mate
mailed wlta 46 page book for 90 rent.
Iiobarl Und Co, Phctiix Hidg . Minus
spoils. Minn,
KOH SALE 1 acres ot good new bard
wheat land. ner Valhalla. Pembln
county. North Dnkota. For particulars.
addre.'S owner. A. Lu-assr, 2U7 'third Ave,
N. Minneapolis. M.nn.
108 ACHES 15 mlleii from St. 1'aul. mile
from Kosemont: all fenced; black loam
sell; 60 acrea rulu.wted, balance pasture
and black oak timber, only f.ia per acre
for Immediate sale; Ui'Z cash.
UO-acre Improved farm lo miles from SL
laul, 1 mile from Hirh Valiey statloii;
nine-room houre, wlndmlil, Itrga barn and
oilier buildings, nil ir goou cuiiditiuu;
black loam soil, clay subsoil, always been
cultivated, by owner; lvi acres under pluw,
I acres fruit trees, mostly apples; balance
good tiDiboi- land, bpecial prlco and terms.
W. t e K. W. Monty, l'loneer FresS
Uldg., St. Faul. Minn.
WHEN you buy O'Brien's candy you
know It Is tue best. If Mrs. W. P. Schnei
der, 2IW 8. 20th St.. will come to The
Ilea office within threo days we will give
her an order for a Su-cent box of O'Brien 1
candy free.
FOR SALE CC farms, large and small,
between MlalHHpi and daitjuri livers,
average Hi per acre. Write for big prices
list. Wiillaui Crew. Wt.gnt clu. W-
STOPI Don t go a step luituer tnaa
Douglas couciy, down in tn buauufui
uiark, ralne anytning, coin Ju to u buau
eh, per acre, all otner crops In proportioa,
cheapest good laud on earth, f to 4.'0 per
aciu. Flee luioriuaUiia. Globe ileal luttaK
Co, Ave, Mo.
MltiaULRI FAltMS Sone I'eiter oa
arth. Highly Improved It-o acce, raU
auythlngn lw. Oilier decided ba.gaiiis.
Write us. Gliurm Kealty Co., William, AJo. -
CHEAP STATE LAND About 1,000,000
acres state land to be sold on forty years'
time, If desired; enly i per cent of pur
chase price down; buyers don't have to
live on land; not over 1,20 acres sold to
one person. For further Information and
description Btnd (1 to Fidelity Investment
Co., W W. 8th Su, Kansas City, Mo.
(20-ACRK homestead relinquishments for
sale; also una hotel, one bakery, una eueral
store, ot, saloon, one feed more. Addreee,
Cbarlea F. Urowu. Calata. Mont.
UO-ACHK farm, all cu.tlvaid; flue house,
barn, fences, first-clas condition, line
spring water, 2 miles from town, i mllet
tiom ruilroad. Soutncaat Missouri lmai;
grotlon Co., PleUmonu Mo
MISSOURI farm. K0 acres; g-room bouse:
Lain; loO acrea wheat. 20) acres corn; level,
black dirt; t miles railroad; w acre. Chas.
b. Huckaiep Healty Co., lsberry. Mo.
THIRTEEN sections In DawM county,
near Sidney, one ot the best towns In the
ellowstoiie valley; also have otaer lanis
that we are retailing in any else farm you
want, write your wants. Prices are right.
The Hay ward Land Co.. Oleudine. stent.
FOR SALE Finest farm tn Leavenworth
county, Broaddua farm of 1W acre. IV
miles from Fort Leavenworth, $6,000 brick
residence, 600 46-year-old walnuts lwo sugar
maple trees, natural gaa, two telephones,
free delivery, 114 miles from bants, Fe sta
tion; examine premise and write Mra. J.
L. Kirby. Hot fellx Sc. be Joseph. Mo.
the coming farm state, $12.5 to 130 ur
acre. Write for description. Shaw 4k
Clark Land Company. Hackney blue:.. Si.
Paul. Milan.
FOR SALE Bitter Root Vallav m anMa
fine fruit land; old water rlgnt; best sec
tion of the valley: fine proposition for sub
division; fair buildings; easy terms. Ad
dress owner, hi. O. Lewis. BteveusvUle,
In the Heart of the Richest of Farming
and Grazing Lands, You Will Find
With His Bunch of Bargains In Farms
uu xu&nciies.
With a heavy, dark loam soil and a clay
suosoll; with large, waving fields of al
falfa, bumper crops of wheat, oats, rye
barley, spelts and potatoes, I am prepared
to knock your arguments or those of any
rciauii ur (jorsons into a cocked hat
On one ulace. for Imitfln.. t 1,.,.,. -
Mr. billions, who has cleared better than
a year for the past four years off of
the seed from a trifle better than nin. iui
acres of alfalfa, besides having about 15
ui nay irom me nrst cutting and sev
eral tons of straw from th.
left on the place for feed and the past year
hd , ' w4 r, 1 . ........ V. I . . '
ul sale 01 seed enough
to seed about 26 acres more on his own
P'scB. now, just across the fence, I have
nice, smooth quarters of the ame kind of
y" luomiviii same, wim only a
barbed wire fence between at $23 per
acre. On the other side, only a couple of
.' f,a,!;ther out' 1 nve flutters at from
lif.il0 ..''oer acr,L ne Ju"-ter Improved
with small S-room house, barn for (1 horses
small sheds, corrals, eta; good well and
windmill: small l.i. ' ,H"a
Ready to move onto, at $17 per acre. This
Is only 6 miles out from town.
Now, why should you tarry a slnele
moment? Why should you wait until th s
$0 to $,0? Why do you not get In now
while opportunity I knocking at your
door 7 Come today and beat the other tel.
low to It, or write me for books of descrlp
Hons and prices. It Is free and It gives
you much Information about this section
which has foolishly been considered by
eastern people as a part of the sandhllli
of the state. This Is a purely false Impres
sion, as I will convince you when vil
mat nui anow you that will erllii.
anything in the east for' It, prXctiv-ene1."
An Investment with me here Is belter
than Hie Insurance or any other Investment
you could posalbly fgUre out.' u "J
while you sleep and In a few -sleeps" U
!"id,aU,b'.e.,1 an1 ,rebled over th Price you
Write or come tndsv
It Is better to COMB.
Crawford. Dawes County. Nebraska
HIGHLY Improved all-purpose farm of
(AO acres 7 miles from Benkelman Neb
in Republican valley; near schoolTw acre's
alfu fa 4ou suitable for alfalfa. iiT undeT
cultivation, 500 tillable, over loo hay bot-
7 K.V 'rrwjatlng system for 200
near Seward. Seward Co.. Neb.; good six
loom nouse bsrn. shads, well and mill
f ne orchaid. u aores alfalf. 100 a'-rce
cultivated. .5 acrea good hay land, balance
pasture; price. p.r ,cr; terms, half
cash, tetteruiau Broa. Lincoln. Smb.
FOR 8ALE-S00 acres hay land. 1 milt
Newport. $1J.5; , mile, all new buTld'
lugs, spring water. $22.60. Others. L. M
tileeOK Nu:ort, Nib.
..CHE farm. sflVml from Omaha.
IS ndire to lewn; upload, aoud s,li 1.
good condiuon, must .eil; good tarm
Owner. Box 21. Qrens. N.K.-
liiO acrea I miles out from Crawford 1.
room house, large frame barn, sheds and
corrals. lotf acrea of as fine alfalfa as you
ever saw In your life, all under Imxatlon
with a water right on the White river so
should It come a little dry spell you 'can
turn on the water and keep, the plant,
growing. thMM takes this layout as it
stands and one good crop of seed will pay
the whole thing if you will do the Work
Why hesitate? Come today.
Crawford. Dawes County, Neb.
''-' . ... m Kill, UU aJKAIl- l.lan, ., . ,
lon tinned.
l.gsn-ACRE ranch rot '. I per acre,
two-thirds cash, remainder five years. I
lr cent Interent; all fanced; good improve
ment. For particulars write Frank nebula,
Norfolk. Neb.
Kerth Dakela.
SEVERAL improved farms In McRenry
count, N. Dak., for aale on easy terms;
Rood roll; IJt. 10 $30 per acre. C. A. tilak
bln. Oran-llle. N. D
WANTED Have good of lands In
.tame Hlver Valley. Siutamsn countv, N.
I. Correspondence with real estate asentt
solicited, i arm. re btaie bask, VpsilaiitU
.N. U.
FOIt SALE Renter and Investor. If ve t
ant to own one of our fine ImprovM
rraln terms wltn tvery modern ronvenl-
nee and be Independent, write me at our
I. title money needed. Wtnueil iluitoa.
Carriiigton. N. .
FOR SALE 1M) acres choicest apple. p
rherry, grapi land la the went, six mllet
Iron town, one tulle from railroad; soil
deep volcanic ash. The Dalles. Or, pru
liming fruit
piO acres. .V miles from town, new. mod
em house, barn, tenement; 350 pear prune,
bearing; l.XI young trees. l.Ooo grape vines.
luud water; wood, ur will sell so acre
with all Improvements. Invexugat'ou
solicited. C. H. Webster. The Dalles. Ore.-
Svata. Carolina.
LANDS-$f00 prr acre made growing fi.
for nreservea on the Islands, circhards or
easy monthly payments Sea Island urcuanl
Company. Lnariesion, a. (..
FOR BALE lt.000 Seres In Lsramle
conniv. Wyoming. In Golden Prairie dis
trict; suitable lor farming; now stocked
with cattie and sheep; will sell with ranch
will exchange for eastern Nebraska or
Una larius. J. V. Hell, owner, Cheyenne,
seoth Dakota.
O-ACHE com farm, out from Sioux Falls.
,,01. -nt imuiuvenieiits. large grove and
fruit; ail In cultivation; price for quick sal
ko. easy le: lit; aiso i4 well lluoro.tu. easy
terms, and 10U s.res ui. improved. These ars
Lai gains for uuick sale. H- A. Hilvius,
tinner, oloux Falls, S. U.
SIX quarters, fine land, 400 acrer broke;
best ot water; miles Irum Kennebec,
S. D., for $00 per acre; terms. Caaey Land
Co., Ktnnebec, d. jl.-
1.1m s a l.K -Section good, raw land: all
fenceu; good flowing well; miles from
1-iankingioii. S. D. or particulars, writs
4. ti. j Mailey. Philip, b.
iliis Is tue laud we have. Free horos
ilta;: rellnuuislimenis uud deeued landa
For particulars . rite K. O. Wonder et C,;.,
iuIalo Gap. o. 4J.
We have a list of LUrounds county land
tor ai at fiom 1K and uu per acre, if
Interested write us for particulars and
wil lse:id our prices anu pocket map. u
iuu o-n land In buuth Dakota list it wltk
us. Our motto Is "A square Deal to Huer
aud oener." Give us a chance to prove our
statement. Haavolu Lauu cu., JUiua,
uiunds ount. South Dakota.
WILL exchange choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital of bouth Dakota, for
uood Iowa or Nebraska land: what havs
ou to offer T West Land Co.. Plorre, S. D.
Fair Improvements. Price $5,600. Eaultr.
$2,400. Akasks Hea; Estate Co.. Akaska. sx
Close to the Minnesota line: heavy black
soil: clay subtoll; lies very level and ail
under cultivation. Must be sold within M
daya to close an estate. Half of this year's
crop goes wun tne price, per acre;
easy terms; ROW will hsndle It and it la
snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weed.
Address w. jr. stcust, Lake Preston, a. D
$20 cash aud V per cent interest, payable
teml-annually, will secure you a home lo
Gult Coast Orange and Fig lands within
nn M.le. Af il i.i..l..n t- An ...
.W., ...... V a.wuw.wu, WU .VIM. V
son. $01 Kiam Bldg.. Houstoji Tes-
640 ACRES fourteen miles northwest of
Houston, one mile from railroad station.
all black sandy soil, fronting on a main
county road, price $20 per acre.
100 acres twelve miles north of Houston
fronting on a main county road; black,
sandy prairie land. Price $J0 per acre.
no acres tweivo mues nortnwest 01 rious
ton. fronting on a main county road; black,
sandy loam soli. Price $30 per acre.
All the above land is wen adapted to the
cultivation of any kind 01 fruit and vena
tables, corn or cotton. This class of land
Is being sold out In small tracts on easy
payments from $50 to $100 per acre. Our
terms are one-third cush, balance one and
two years, 7 per cent interest.
Houston, Tuxes. Capital Stock, $000,000.
SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot o(
Texas, home of th paper shell pecan. VS
can buy land tor you or invest money.
per cent net to ou secured by mortgage oa
these lands. correspondence solicited
Heler to First Nat l bank, ban Saba Nat
bank. Ward, Murray at Co., und uie nieiu
beis In congress irum itliu. stem;
Burleson Co.. Sten Saba. Tex.
Buy orchard and garusn lands near
Houston, tn greatest and must prosper
eus city In the souinwest. where valuei
are going up all the lime and fortunes
niado In real estate In short while. Easy
terms IX desired. Address K. C. Koberi
ia, 'lex., aud a iu-aclo luim lit. tne
Granda va.ley. wnere tue lai luc-r s uuu In
10 urn is as perpetual as the days that coiu
aud go. s. it. Jackson, tv stisi .aiiou-
Bank Uldg., Houatuu, 'lex.
WE are subdividing 2,300 acres of ferrt.e
farm laud in Jackson county. Splendid
crops every year. Halnfali about rtgnc 44
incnes. ror descrlpuon, plat auu puci
:13 E. Housion Anionle. Tex
CAPITAL Invested In Utah NOW means
large returns. Get In on the ground floor.
Let me tell you of some alfalfa and frul
lands In the beautiful Fillmore valley that
can be bought at a bargain on easy termsN
Call afternoons, M. V att, 2721 Howard St
Phone Harney sisi.
1G5 acres on shores of Lake Chelan. Im
Dlements and stock go with the place.
Beautiful location, fine modern furnished
home; about lorty acres 01 young commer
rial aoule orchard now in bearing and abou
1 1 entv-flve acres broken and In corn am
' ,n A ....... II W U'lUMn I
Slant. n niirny. ... uanoiuc.
W ash.
WE exchsnge properties ot merit H. H.
culver, kia-ii o. n. u. Biag.. u. isto.
FOR SALE A clean stock cf general
merchandise, consisting of dry goods.
clothing, shoes, hats and caps, carpets and
rugs, crockery and groceries; also brlc
store building; well located In good tow
of l.OoO people In northeast Nebraska; stock
will invoice snout sio.uiu; would mscoun
stock some for cash or would exchang
stock and building for good farm In south
ern Minnesota. Iowa, southeast South Da
kota. eastern Nebraska, northeast Kansas
or northwest Missouri: land must be good
and at about real value; would sssum
small incumbrance. Give full particulars
about land In first letter; Improvements,
soil, lay of land, distance from what
town, numbers and price If land la rented
what rent. Address Y 29, cars of Bee.
FOR reliable sales aid exchanges, sei
D. M LEAMiNG. i Brando s Uldg.
.320 ACRES In Dawson Co., two miles
from good railroad town; loO acrea table,
under cultivation; all fenced; price, $L2.
C0O; Incumbrance. $2,000. at C per cent, to
trade tor general merchandise. John
Ehada. Kearney, Neb.
FOR EXCHANGE4 Good rosldence lots
In U. P. division station for Brush or Ford
runabout: city water, sewer and electric
light In alley back of lots; good town and
good location. Box 83, Murdock, Neb.
A fully equipped and up-to-date meat
market, doing alee business. Well located In
northwest Missouri, railroad town of l.OnO
l-eople. Owner wishes to retire. Price, $2.0u0.
Warriuer ex Whitehead, bum berry, Mo.
(Continued I
EVERY person knows who I. J. O'Brien
because he ha made Omaha famous
with his candy. If Mrs. P. Pestello. 1H1
lores St.. will come to The Bee office
within three days we will give her on
rder for a 60-cent box free.
OMAHA property and Nebraska landa
101 New Omaha National Bank Building.
GARVIN BROS., td floor N. T. Life, $"
to $10X000 oa Impioved (soperty. No delay.
ri A- (.n c"y and farm property, vy.
O Cu 73CB MEIK1.E, IRIS Hams Bldg.
Co., Omaha.
WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Co,
IV ANTED City loan n't warrants.
Fsrnam Kmlth Co.. 1320 Farnam St.
LOAN tn home owners and bom build
ers, with privilege of making partltal pay
ments Seinl-sanually. W. II TliOMAS. 0J
First National Hank building
Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina
Co.. with assets of over $117.6iv.O0O. I are
prepared to accept all the good loans of
fered on impruved omana real estate
Business and residence loans insde wltn
sut uly.
City National Bank Bldg.
1:00 to $10,000 made promptly. F.
Weed. Wead Uldg.. lath and Farnam.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne lavestmest Cs
WE HAVE money to loan on Improved
est estate In Omaha snd suburbs.
1&J Farnam St Board of Trade Bldg.
tlS-ill Brandei 1't.eatnr Bldg.
WANTED Adjoining
rooms for three
private bath. L
young men; furnished;
343. Pee.
ivA.M bu to rent cottage, py young man
at Carter lake, during June or July. Rod
and Gun Club or West bide. S. 348, Bee.
O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous every
where, because they are the best. If
C. 11. Boden, 220 Manderson St., will come
to The Bee office within three days we
will give him an order for a GO-cent box
HAVE customer for S or 8-room modern
residence, well located: must be bargain.
601 City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.
Have you anything to offer the farmer
cf lower Any ch-ap land for higher priced;
a general merchandise store fur land o?
n kind of an exchange! Or have yotl
tome land you want to sell tor cash? Th
one papee that reaches the Iowa farmer
la the Des koines Capital; 42,000 circulation
tally: rate single Insertion. 1 cent a word:
tlx Insertions, ' cents a wurd. Dca Moioij
Dally Capital. Dee Moines, la.
I-wturexqu St. Lawrence Route.
Weekly Sailing from
Fortnightly from
PHILADELPHIA and Bo.ton to Glasgow.
tiplendld scenury, shortest passage, 1
Any local agent or
ALLAN at CO.. General Agents.
127 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago.
Single or Hound Trip Tickets between New
York and Scotch, English, Irian and alt
principal Continental points tt attractive
latea. Send for book of Information.
Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cut-
tine. Apply promptly for Reservation te
local agents of Anchor Line or HENDER
SON' HKOS.. GeDeral Agents. Ohlcago. 111.
WANTED About $5,000 to build a home;
will pay $1,000 and $50 per month. J 30S.
BEST price paid tor 2d hand furniture.
carpets, clolhln and Shoes. TL D. 3S7L
GOOD MONEY (or your broken move
ments and old gold. M. Nathan. 109 S. 12th.
SELNER pays good prices for furniture,
carpets, clothes and shoes. D. 6401.
HOUSES and vacant lots; have cus
411 Karbach Block.
The Bee Want Tad
Is the Identical lad.
To consult whenever you feel
That to keep up the pace
And to stay In the race,
You wlU need a new automobile.
Benson, Neb.
This verse receives honorable mention.
WANTED Second-hand laundry ma
chinery, mangier, extractor and wash ma
chine. Address N 345. Bee.
WHEN you spend your money spend It
for the best there Is. If Mrs. D. F. Wol
lery, 2421 Spalding St., will come to The
Bee office within three days we will give
her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's
candy fret.
HIGH school boy wants employment
with a business firm after school and dur
ing vacation. Phone Red 6337.
BY COMPETENT young man aa chauf
feur; do own repairs. Phone F-1978.
FIRST-CLASS shoemsker wants a Job
in a store or small town. G-3J9, Bee.
AN experienced wringer man, wants sit
uation. Call B 2554.
EXPERIENCED man wants work as
day barn man. 'Phone South 668.
LADY experienced In bookkeeping and
office work wants permanent position. Ad
Cresti Y 39, care Bee.
POSITION wanted as coachman or por
ter; colored; reference. Address, S tO-,
EXPEIRT poultry, butter and egg man
open for position as foreman of produce
plant Fifteen years' experience. Gilt
edged references. Telephone or wire Room
47, Windsor hotel.
LAWNS mowed evenings and Saturdays.
Harney 1S32.
EXPERIENCED lady wants family or
bundle washing. South 68.
YOUNU laay wim experience in photog
raphy wishes position In studio; reference
from place formerly employed D 336. Bee.
YOUNG man of several years' experience
with steam and gas engines and automo
bile repairing. Address Y $4, care Bee.
WANTED A good place to work In
candy or grocery store; no experience;
bank references. (Address Mr. Mahlon
Gray. Adalr. Iowa.
YOUNO man. ex-newspaper reporter, de
sires a change; a good, line calling for 1
live wire In salesmanship; am now em
ployed In one of the hardest lines before
the public; nothing but a high elasa propo
sition thst goes to the better class of
people will be considered. Address Chas
W. Rogers, care Hotel Loyal.
TRAFFIC MAN Railroad and commer
cial exoerlence handling rates, claim, etc
(orlncloallv grain, grain product, lumber
and building material ) Desires change of
location. References lurnisnea. see.
WANTED By middle aged man of fam
lly. light work: experienced In clerical
work, but willing to do anything: best of
references. Address D. U. care Bee.
A POSITION as caretaker for a family
going away and leaving home, by a middle
aged lady with the best 01 reference. Tel.
Florence 92
STEAM FITTER wants work; t years In
last shop and reference; capable of taking
charge. Tel. Doug. 77D6.
MALE st.'noKrapher wants work after
6:30 p. m and Saturday afternoons. Tel.
W ebster 3167.
WA NTED Position as bookkeeper by
steady married man; understand some
thing of Insurance; smnll salary will suf
fice. 'Address K M2, llee. or telephone
II Kf.6.
MAN want position In wholesale house
or any other kind of work. H 340. Bee. v
POSITION wanted by middle-aged man.
mnrrled; ten years' experience In R. R.
office and two years In lumber office.
Reasonable salary to start; good refer
ence. O 300, Bee.
STRONG boy, well acquainted In city,
wants position; office or cash boy pre
ferred. Phone Harney 81S3.
LADY wants dressmaking,
by the day or take It home.
Will go out
Web. 6714.
LADY, aged 26. with baby boy, 9 months,
would like place to keep house for gentle
man. Address 1321 3d Ave, Council Bluffs,
GOOD, strong, reliable boy.
wants position. Harney 3183.
aged 1$,
Experienced and competent office assist
ant; will substitute for any length of time
during the Rummer. Best references.
J-35. Bee.
WANTED A position by young man,
clerical preferred. Have had experience
and can furnish best ot references. D-3,"3,
care Bee.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work as
sisting In housework. Address K 309, care
WHAT does a name mean? If you want
to know Just try O'Brien's candles. If
Mrs. G. H. Perdue. 2i3 8. 20th St., will
come to The Bee office within three days
we will give her an order for a 60-cent box
of O'Brien's candy free.
Washington, May 20, 1911. Shoshone Pro
ject, Wyoming, Public Notice Pursuant to
the provisions of Section 4 of the Recla
mutlon Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stats. 3K.N)
notice Is hereby given aa follows: 1.
Water will be furnished from the Shoshone
Project, Wyoming, under the provisions
of the Reclamation Act In the irrigation
season of 1911 for the Irrigable lands in
the third unit shown on farm unit plats
of Township 55, North. Range 99 West,
and Townships 64 and W, N ,rth, Range 100
West, Sixth Principal Meridian, approved
December 10, 1910, by the Secretary of the
Interior and on file In the local land of
fice at Lander, Wyoming. 2. Homestead
entries, accompanied by applications for
water rights and the first Installment of
the charges for building operation and
maintenance mav be made on and after
June 23, 1911, beginning at 12 o'clock m.,
under the provisions of said act for the
farm units shown on said plats. Water
right applications may also be made for
lands heretofore entered and for lands
In private ownership, and the time when
payments will be due therefor Is herein
after stated. 3. Warning la hereby ex
pressly given that no person will be per
mitted to gain or exercise any right what
ever under any settlement or occupation
begun prior to July 15, 1911, on any lands
shown on said plats; provided, however,
that this shall not Interfere Vlth any
valid existing rights obtained by settle
ment or entry while the land was subject
thereto. 4. Ihe limit of area per entry,
representing the acreage which In the
opinion of the Secretary of the Interior
may be reasonably required for the sup
port of a family In the lands entered sub
to the provisions of the Reclamation
Act, Is fixed at the amounts shown on
the plats for the several farm units. The
limit of area for which water-right ap
plication may be made for lands In private
ownership shall be 100 acres of Irrigable
land for each land owner. 5. The charges
which shall be made for each acre of
Irrigable land In the said entries and for
lands heretofore entered or In private
ownership are In two parts, as follows:
(a) The building ot the Irrigation sys
tem, $47 per acre of Irrigable land, pay
able In not more than ten annual In
stallments, each payment not less than
$4.70, or some multiple thereof, per acre.
Full payment may be mode at any time
of any balance of the building charge re
maining due, after certification by the
Commissioner of the General Land Office
that full and satisfactory compliance has
been shown with all the requirements of
the law as to residence, cultivation and
reclamation, (b) For operation and main
tenance for the Irrigation season of 1911
and annually thereafter until further
notice, $1.00 per acre of Irrigable land,
whether water Is used thereon or not.
As soon as the data are available the
operation and maintenance charges will be
fixed in proportion to the amount of water
used, with a minimum charge per acre
of Irrigable land whether water Is used
thereon or not. 6. All entries made there
after for any of the lands described,
whether for lands not heretofore entered
or for lands covered by prior entries
whch have been canceled by relinquish
ment or otherwise, shall be accompanied
by applications tor water rights In due
form, and by the first Installment of the
charges for building, operation and main
tenance, not less than $5.70 per acre of lr- L
ngaDie iana. except wnere payments nave
been duly made by the prior applicants
and credits therefor duly assigned In writ
ing. The second Installment shall become
due on December 1 of the following year.
Subsequent Installments shall become due
December 1 of each year thereafter until
fully paid. For lands in private owner
ship and for lands heretofore entered the
first Installment of The said charges shall
become due on December 1, 1911. The sec
ond Installment shall be due on December
1, 1912. Subsequent Installments shall re
due on Lecember 1, of each year there
after until fully paid. 7. Entries and
water-right applications filed in 1912 and
subsequent years must. In addition to one
full installment of the charges, be accom
panied by an amount equal to the portions
of the Installments o( prior years for op
eration and maintenance which would
have been payable had the entry and
water-right application been made In It'll.
. All instajlinents ot the charges for
all irrigable areas shown on these pla.s.
whether or not water-right application
Is made therefor or water Is used there
on, shall be due and payable as herein
firovuled. 9. On Borne of the farm units
n Township 64 North, Range lnO West,
additional areas (shown on the plat
enclosed In a square), will be irrigated at
a later date by the construction of the
High Line Canal, ut which time water
right applications will be required therefor
10. The regulations hereby established that
no water will be furnished In any year
until the portions for operation and main
tenance of all Installments then due shall
have been paid. Accordingly, no water
will be furnished for the Irrigation season
of 1912 for any lands unless the portion
for operation und maintenance of the in
stallment due on December 1, 1911, has been
paid, and In like manner,' no water will
be furnished In any subsequent Irrigation
season until payment has been made of
the portions of the Installments for op
eration and maintenance beginning with
the year 1911 then remaining due and un
paid. 11. Failure to pay any two install
ments of the charges when due, whether
on entries made subject to the Reclamation
Act or on water-right applications for
other lands, shall render such entries and
the corresponding water-light applications.
If any, or the water-right applications for
other lands, subject to cancellation with
the forfeiture of all rights under the
Reclamation Act. as well as of any moneys
already paid. 12. All charges must be
paid at the local land office at lender,
Wyoming. The charges may, however, for
the convenience of applicants, be paid to the
special fiscal agent of the United States
Reclamation service assigned to the
Shoshone project, for transmission to the
register and receiver of the local land of
fice on or before the date specified for
payment at the local land office, but In
rase this privilege Is availed of the neces
sary charges for the transportation of the
cash, as determined by the special fiscal
agent, must accompany the payment ot the
water-right charges.
J4-27nt. Secretary ot the Interior.
Norman Bennett and wife to John
Villmow, nH lot 1, block , Itabel
add $ 1
Ralston Townslte Co. to W. P. Har
ris, lot 5 block It. Ralston 176
Homestead Co. to John Weimer. lota
9u3. iC)4, 966, 9fi6. 901. 90S 720
Hastings Heyden to Ira Flanagan,
lot 11, replat of block 1, Collier
Place 400
B. E. B. Kennedy et al. to John H.
Butler, lota 3, 4, 5. 4. 7 and 8, block
7. Boyd's add 1
John Butler and wife to Herbert D.
Brown, same t,100
Mattle B. Stone et al. to Herbert D.
Brown, lota 1. 2. 2, 6. 7, 8 and ,
block IS, Boyd's add 4,200
James W. Xvorsky and wife to Her-
(ContttMicd )
bert D. Brown, lots 1, 2. S. 4
and 10. block 8. Bovd's add .
7. .
John F. Rurbank et al. to Adolph E.
SnmurlsKti. lots 11 snd 12, block 2,
Oxford Plsce
Earl F. Ftewsrt to Louis Lutjrharms,
part lot '!2. block 4. Campbell's sdd..
W illiam Adler and wife to Lenora A.
Reynolds, 40 feet lot 4, block 1,
Kirk wood
Fred C Borden and wife to Oottloh
Brtinnenkaut, part lots 1 end 2,
Blvd Park
Albert E. Ahlqvlst to Christine Ahl
qvlst. part lot 12, block 2. Park Place
J. J. Fitzgerald and wife to Oustine
E. lxing, lots ft and ft, block 2, Coi
ner A Archer's add
Florence E. Crist and husband to Ru
dolph F. Heyden, lot 6, Marlon Dace
Edward P. Roshyshell and wife to Jo
seph T. Janous e4j lot 4, block 1".
E. V. Smith s sdd
John A. Forrest and wife to Maude
MoKge. part lots tl and 22, block 12.
Shull's 2d
The Coad Heal Estate Co to Nahtim
P. Fell, part lot 2, block 3. West
Nels H. Nelson et al. to John A. For
rest. W46 feet lot 32, Forest Hill
Park v
Bernard Swansxm to Louis V. Penn,
lots 1 and 2, block 19. bi. V. Smith's
add 2T..000
Sarah M. Kitchen and husband to
Blanch E. Westgate, lot 4, block 6,
Dundee Place 1
George P. Hem! to C George Cnrl
berg, lots 1 to 1", Garden Tracts.., 2
Prudential Heal Estate Co. to Harry
I. Heed, lot ft. block 4. Institute PI. 47
McObkuo Investment Co. to Chicago,
Burlington & Cjulncy R. H. Co., part
lot 3. block 4, Improvement Assn. ad. 1
Murtlti Dahlqutst and wife to Eugeno
T. Harris, eSO feet lot 6, and n20
feet lot 9, block 1, Pope Place
George W. Condon and wife to Anton
Hajuk, nSl feet lots 11 and 12, Kills
Grace M. Seymour to George
Finely, w30 feet lot 6, block
Parker's add
UNION STATION Tenth and Mason
C'nlon Pacific
Depart. Arrive.
Pan Fran. Overland L .a 8:15 am all:30 pro
China and Japan F. M.a 4:05 pm a 6:45 pm
Atlantic Express a 6:45 am
Oregon Express a 4:00 pm a 6:10 pm
l,os Angeles i.imueu...aiz:D pm a s:w pm
Denver Special -a 7:04 am a 7:27 am
Colorado Express a 8:60 pm a 4:60 pm
Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2:50 pm a 8:20 pm
North Platte Local all:66 pm a 4:45 pm
Grand Island Local. ...a 8:15 am al0:30 am
Stromsburg Local bl2:41 pm b 1:20 pro
Chicago, Milwaukee St. Pa Cl
eveland Limited all:43 pm a 7:69 am
Omaha-Chicago Ex b 7:15 am
Om. -Savanna Local. ...a 7:15 am all:45 pm
Colo.-Cal. Express....
Colorado Special
Perry-Omaha Local...
Illinois Central
Chicago Express
Chicago Limited
Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex....
Minn. -St. Paul Ltd..
..a 6:00 pm a 3:25 pm
..a 7:42 am a 6:60 am
..b 6:15 pm bl0:00 am
,..ax7:00 am a 8:45 pm
..a 6:00 pm a 8:00 am
,..b 7:00 am
...a 6:00 pm a 8:00 am
' lilcno-Great WeiUrs
hlcaao Limited.
.a 6:4s pm
Twin City Limited...
Twin City Limited....
Twin City Express...
Chicago Express
Cblcugo d North-.,
,.b 8:30 pm a 7:63 am
clO:30 am
..a 7:30 am a 8:30 pm
a 8:45 pro
Twin City Express. ...a 7:4a am a!0:20 pm
Sioux City Local a 3:4e pm a 1:28 pm
Minn. Ac Dakota Ex. ...a 7:0b pm a 9:16 am
Twin City Limited a 8:4a pm a 7:30 am
Minnesota Express all:00 am
Carroll Local a 7:00 sin a 8:50 pm
Daylight Express a 7:40 am al2.23 am
Cl'lcago Lucal al2:05 pm a 1:28 pm
Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm" a 3:23 pm
Chicago Special a 6:02 pm a 6:49 am
pacific Coast-Chicago.. a 6:: pm a 1:28 pm
Los Angeles Limited. . .a b:60 pm al2:30 pm
Overland Limited all:4i pm a 7:45 am
Carroll Local M a 4:30 pm ai0:10 am
Fast Mali., " a 8:80 put a 8:35 pro
Llncolo-Chadron a 8:00 am all:00 am
Norfolk-Dallas a 8:00 am al0:16 pm
Long line-Lincoln a 2:16 pm a 6:20 pm
Hastings-Superior u.b 8:16 pin b 6:20 pm
Deadwooa-noi springs. .ee piu m, q.v pm
.a 8:65 pm all:00 am
Omaha-St. Louis Ex.
..b 6:30 pm b I.m pm
..a 6:30 pm a 9:25 am
..a 7:02 am all:15 pm
Mall and Express....
Stanb'y Lcl (from C.B.)b 6:00 pm bl0:li am
Chicago, nock lelaod JL I'aclflo
Rocky Mountain Ltd...al2:68 am alO:45 pm
Chicago Day Express. .a 6:46 am a 4: JO pin
Chicago Local Pass blO:& am bl0:19 pm
Des Moines Local Pass. a 4:2i pm al2:12 pm
Chicago Express a 4:10 pin a 1:1j pm
Chicago Limited a e:us pm a 8:02 am
Chi. -Neb. Ltd. Lincoln.. a 8:20 am a 6:68 pm
Colo.-Cal. Express a 1:25 pm a 4:00 pm
Okl. & Texas Express.. a 6:o0 pm all:46 am
Rocky Mountain Ltu...alO:a piu aU:50 am
Jiusuarl Pacific
K. C. & St. L. Kx a 9:20 am a 7:40 am
Li.. C. at SU L. Ex all:'u piu a a:uo pm
Burlington Station lGlU and Usuiiu,
II urltutt ton-
Depart. Arrive,
a 4:10 pm a 3:45 pin
a 4:10 piu a 8:45 pin
Denver & California...
l'ugel Sound Express
Neuruska polntti
Black Hills
uncoln Mall
..a :u am a t:iu pin
..a 4.1o put a pin
...b 1.4) piu al.lj pm
..all. jo piu a 7:ou am
. .a 8:20 am a 6.10 pin
..a ii:la am a 6:10 pm
b 9:us am
..b 8:o5 pm bio:u air.
..a 7:25 piu a 7:5o pin
..a 9:1s uin a K:5o um
Northwest Express .
Nebraska points
Nebraska Express....
Lincoln cocal
Lincoln Local
Bellevue-PlaUsmoum...al2:4u pm a 2:40 piu
Central Nebraska all:uo pin all:i pin
Chicago special a V.Li am all: A, pm
Denver Special a 7:00 am
Chicago Lxpress a 4.20 pm a 8:60 pin
Chicago Fat Express.. a 6. JO piu a 8:uu am
Atlauuo Coast Hunted. .11:40 pm
Iowa Local a 9:15 am alu:30 am
Creston (la.) Local a 8;jo pm a!0:3o a in
St. Louis express a 4. JO pm all:4o am
K. C. ec St. Joseph a!0:45 piu a 6:45 am
K. C. & St. Joseph..
K. C. Ac St. Joseph..
.a 9:15 am a :lo pm
.a 4.v0 piu
Webster gtatlon 10th aad Webster.
Mlssoarl Pacific ,
Depart. Arrive.
Auburn Local b 3:ri0 pm bll.65 am
Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis Jt
Depart Arrive.
Sioux City Express. ...b 1:25 pm bl2:05 pm
Omaha Local c 6:25 pm
Sioux City Pass b 26 pm
Twin City Pass b 6:45 am
rioux City Local 0 6:25 am
Emerson Local ...... ...b 6:55 pm b 9:10 am
(b) dally except Sunday. ic Sunday
St. Lawrence Route to Esrope
'Sill AT sua"
White Star-Dominion
Montreal (Quebec Liverpool
"Laurentlc" aud "Mettentlc"
Largest and Host Voders Steamers to
Canadian Service. Luxurious uc oni
uiodatlons for nrst, Second and Third
Clas. Sailing In conjunction with th
Vopular Twin Screw Steamers.
Teutonio Oanaaa" "SonUonion'
Carrying One Class Cabin paauvnirei
cxll4 Scoq4 Caws. Comfort at siodaral.
rato. A o Tblrd Claa paaaangtrs.
Apply Company's office 90-9S Lear
bora Chicago, or X.ooal Agent,
Many for Coronation.
All Expenses Included
Long and Short Vacation Tour
and Tour de Luxe, Covering
All Europe. ALL PRICES.
Traveler's Cheques Ars Good
I. oat Four Legs.
To lose four legs In exactly the same
manner Is an experience well calculated to
strain credulity, but that Is what has be
fallen Roy Thorpe of Trinidad. Colo. Sev
eral years sgo Thorpe fell from a train
while beating his way and had both his
legs cut off. He secured a pair of wooden
legs. The other day, while beating his
way from a neighboring town, Tnorpa
again fell under the car wheels and again
lost both legs.
One Thousand Parade the Street tot
the Benefit of Taxpayer.
All Departments Ktronalr He pre
sented rollce and Flreraeai
Given fMattnn Mayor a4
lonnrll Pleased.
With Thorns Flynn. street cnmmli"
sloner on c mmon davs and grand mar
hal on gala days, sitting his white and
dun charger as proudly as any general
who ever led his vnllnnt forces onto thej
baltlefled. at the head, l.ono. .more or le".
of city hall employes, city officials and
others who subsist off the generosity ot
the taxpayers parnded the streets of
Omaha yesterday afternoon.
The occasion was the first municipal
parade of the city's directors of affairs In
general. The scene was the downtown
streets of Omaha and the spectators wero
these forlunates and unfortunates who)
are privileged to contribute their mlto
annually for the support of public Insti
tutions and utilities.
Flanked on either side by his assistants,
three of them, who, like their commander-in-chief,
were astride of fiery steeds,
Fljnn led the procession with all tho
pomp and majesty befitting the occasion.
On his left was Captain George Crager
of the fire department. On the right wero
Captain Henry Dunn of the police detail
and (leorgo Campen, assistant engineer,
elevated to assistant marshal of the paradd
for the day.
Fljnn Hart His Baton.
Flynn wns to be distinguished from hi
subordinates by a bnton, profusely deco
rated with small ribbons of the national
colors. Then there was Campen, all
decked out Tn the khaki suit which ho
wore when he was an engineer on tho
Panama canal. Dunn and Crager woro
the uniform of their departments, by
which they were easily distinguished from
the chief and the other assistant.
Immediately behind the vanguard wag
Green's band. Then enme an auto bear
ing Chief of Police Donahue, who had ad
his guests the police ft porter.
immaculately uniformed and marching
eight abreast the police force followed.
With a sergeant at the head vt each de
tail, the policemen presented a striking;
and nwe-lnsplrlng sight as they proceeded
along the route In faultless step. Eight
details of eight men each and their ser
geant completed the police's contribution
to the parade. A finer set of men would
bo hard to find than the one which so
proudly upheld the honor of the depart
ment. The police patrols were sandwiched lrl
between the police nnd city officials, who
followed In various vehicles, which ranged
from one-horse chaises to high-powered
automobiles. The patrols were there for
moral effect, raid a city hall attache who
found business too pressing to partlcipata
In the gala event.
Department Well Represented.
Strung out for blocks the various depart
ments of the city utilized all the parapher
nalia of their offices to make a creditable
showing. The dignified officials of the city
bowed to their friends ant) made new votes
for themselves as the parade wended lta
way slowly through the city streets.
L Charles Crowley, gas commissioner, put a
P ..... 1 . tl. . I.ln. A
carriage at tne nisposai 01 me '-"-camp,
among whom was OeneralJoe But
ler, with his medal flashing the rays of
the sun here and there. Waldemar Michael
sen, city electrician; Dr. R. W. Connell,
health commissioner; the park board, and
Superintendent Wahlatrom of the city hall
were conspicuous with the displays ot their,
assistants, which were distributed In a
way that bespoke their ability as distrib
uters ot city funds.
John Grunt Pegg. inspector of weights
add measures, came In for an undivided
appreciation of the spectators along tho
route. Pegg had his wagon loaded with,
measures, weights and other whatnots
which he has collected during his tenure,
confiscated, not for what they might have
contained, but for what they would not
Pedestrians Toddle, and Wobble.
The street department and the engineer's
department were there like ducks toddllrgT
to water. And before the parade disbanded
many of the pedestrians were wobbling aod
toddling from the exertion of their labors.
The streets of Cairo, in its palmiest days,
never had anything on the conglomeration
of cltlxenshlp which Flynn sent to the
front. Ireland had a representative delega
tion; Greece was always to the fore; Italy
might have sent over a cargo for the occa
sion If the parade could have been taken
as a criterion, and Germany was strongly
represented by a collection which did Itself
proud tor the Faderland.
Some riding, others toddling along with,
shovels over their shoulders, others push
ing the little cats used for the street
cleaning purposes, th street delegation
was worth the money. And they all vote
tor Tom.
"Sewer flushers, not four flushers," was
a banner which proclaimed the sewer
cleaning branch ot the department.. "W
are all here except the steam roller, which
Is being used Instead of the big stick," was
the Information which the asphalt gang
flashed by means of a huge banner.
The fire department, last in the order of
parade, but vlelng with the police force In
appointment, was accorded ovation lifter
ovation. The lithe athletes, as they swung
Jauntily along, gave but a faint promise of
their agility and alertness In case of need.
The handsome horses, perfect specimens ot
the thoroughbred, champing on their bits
as their drivers held them In check, of
fered but a suggestion ot the tremendous
force, once they were given the reins.
The engines, highly polished, and the
hose and ' truck wagons, newly painted,
added much to the general effect of he
pleasing exhibition, which Charles Salter,
fire chief, presented td the public.
l'receded and followed by white members
I of the department, the colored company,
I seven In number and bearing the' numeral
! eleven, presented a unique combination,
; which la associated with the negro's chief
' Chief Suiter preceded his department In
an auto.
The parade formed oil Sixteenth street,
and on Izard, Cuming, Hurt und Webster
strejets. It then proceeeled alon? Sixteenth
to. Douglas, down Douglus to Eleventh,
acreiss Eleventh to Farnam, up Farnam to
Fifteenth, acroKS Fifteenth to Howard, up
Howard to Sixteenth, across Sixteenth to
Harney, over Harney to Nineteenth, across
Nineteenth to Farnam, down Fuinam to
Blxlt'enth, and across Sixteenth to Capitol
avenue, where It dlsbunde-d. j
At Seventeenth ur.d Harney streets.
Mayor Dahlinan, member of the city coun
cil and fire und police bojjj-d broke rank,
and lrwrd the parade from the steps ot
the courthouse us the parade passed down
"It was the finest parade of Its kind I
ever raw," 1 nthu.dastlcully declared Mayor
I'ahlinan. "Thu fire and police depart
ment presented as pleasing a review as
any I ever witnessed. And I have seen
some good ones In my time. The various
departments were well represented. Omaha
should bo proud of Its municipal employes."
All along the route the streets wer
Jammed with spectstnrs who clamored for
positions of vantage. The windows of the
office buildings and department stores
were crowded,