Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1911, Image 1

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    "The Omaha Daily Bee
r fiction u4 eeaale
flHnw t Vewt of entertain.
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa -Fair.
iVOI XL NO. 293.
txrvxicrt Ao&cn . uoiomoiu -: ere
Thtj Start Opposition to '. v.'
Sinff C irons. i
BdbobU Stanta in Many Citit
Jtteet Ylilton. t-
r ivruu WUI UU1 UN XTJiU
Gatheu bi Fuhlio Square, Where
Addresses Are Given.
! to mt Wattsmal OnUr Shovf
Bverrnfcero the Omikt Mta
P fa Tnetr Afpmnae
la State.
COMnffBTS. Tftb.. May 25-4(8pecla Tel
egram.) Martin Brothers moving picture
how. Fair Brother firnoui thirty-piece
band. "Ruf" Harris' red torchlight pa
rade. F. W. Harwoods double barrel male
quartet and the Booetera In the private
rank are rivals heer tonight with a three
ling circus, and up to a late hour the
Omaha trade excursionists hare all the
best of it
Back on the main line at t o'clock and
turning on time, the Boosters took off
their ooats and went to work beneath a
sun as hot as May la Nebraska ever
Like a winning ball team the workers
axe wet with sweat, brown with sunburn
and somewhat covered with dust, but they
are feeling like making a long successful
slide home. They came Into Central City
Rah for Omaha, the gayest town you ever
, saw;
we are out on this trip Just to give a
hearty grip.
All we ask of you la that you pay us a
vlolt, too.
Here's the text whene'er you order next;
Remember OMA-HA.
Central City la said to have six hundred
school children and It took just one thou
sund bells to go around.
President O. N. Gray of the Commercial
club and Secretary James Henderson
headed all the other business men of Cen
tral City In one big reception comflttee.
The parade then started. Two blocks of
school children carrying flags, twenty-five
tcchra. two blocks ef business men. two
blocks of .Boosters and two blocks of
This lino .moved to Central City's clvlo
center or triangle, where the children
formed a circle around It Inside of which
marched the Booster and their band.
Addresses to ('It lama.
From a platform In the center of this
triangle several addresses were made, the
Central City people cheering when P. P.
Fodrea and others when they spoke of
the Central City school children.
The Central City club Is one- of the
strongest In the state DUtslde' of Omaha
nd giv an'.iifi)'a.I, tpqijet attended by
several "hundred.. The members of the or
ganisation, presented, every Omahan with
a souvenir of the city, which consisted of a
fifty-page 'book of -views In and around
Central Crty. '-. . .
Every one of -139 school children at
Clarka waa Out with a flag. If the trade
excursionists were a company of real
rough riders going to the Mexican border
to save their country they could not be
given more patriotic receptions and flags
would noe be more numerous for the sol
diers of war than for this small commer
cial army.''
Regardless of the many trains which the
Union Pacific handles along Its main lino
during the evening lines, the boosters'
train has run right along from station to
station, the block signals letting the trains
around each other automatically. Thus the
Los Angeles limited came up one block be
hind (he trade excursion. Letting the ex
cursion tratn onto another track while
going ' at regular speed, the Los Angeles
went by like a cyclone, when the excur
sion came' out onto the main eastboucd
line again. Thus the party Is getting re
markable Illustrations of modern travel on
the Union Pacific
Boosters Pass I'p Some Places for
Pecellsr Driioi.
HELTON. Neb.. May 26 (Special.)
"Tht town was not here when we passed
up here last evening and hence we did
not plan on stopping." said Joseph Kelly,
chairman of the trade extension commit-
(Continued from First Page.)
The Weather .
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour Deg.
S a. m 4S
a. m 70
7 a. m 71
8 a. m 74
a. m 78
10 a. m 83
11 a. tn ts7
12 m ft)
1 p. m DO
5 p. m 2
t p . m im
4 p. m W
6 p. m 3
t p. m 80
7 p. m U
5 p. m U
twuri.u Local Record.
1911. 191. i. ix
Highest today W 47 W 73
Lowest today 0 46 bl 61
Man temperature .... M M 44 6S
Precipitation 00 .00 .11 .13
Temperature and precipitation departure
frjrn ma turuikl:
Normal tempersture
Excess for the day 17
Total excess since March 1 SSi
Normal precipitation 1.1 tnen
Dsftoiency for the dav 14 inch
Total isinfalt since March 1 R.71 lnch
Deficiency elnce March 1 I 10 Inches
Deficiency for cor. peil-xi 1910.. 6.71 Indies
DetlcUncy for cor. period 1.. 2. J2 Inches
Heports fro-j Statloua at T 1. V.
Station and Stat Temp. H'sh- Ra,1n-
ef Weather. 7 p. rv t. fill
thsyenne, cloudy 7 SO .00
Davenport, clear -' .0)
l'enver. cloudy 7 W .00
' Moines, clear bS K! .00
IVdr City, cloar M 8S .00
-ortti Piatt. v,art cloudy.. W W! .00
urr.aiia. ciear tsu 94 u)
Pueblo, rain 7s Si T
Up;d city. prt t loudy....' 7 7 ' .00
L11. L,J! Cltv rain (4 6S .11
5" a F' c!u"-ly TJ 74 T
hr.dan clouJy 53 , .14
r,Ui.!-'1tJ' cU"u' w
aientln. part cloudv 78 80 .00
a"ci trace of precipitation.
U A. WICLKH, Local Forecaster.
Presbyterians Drop
Heresy Charges
( Against the Browns
President and Professor of Union
Seminary Will Not Hare to
Stand Trial.
ATLANTIC CTTT, N. J.,' May 25. One
of the expected sensations of the Presby
"erian general assembly fell flat today
, hen the heresy charges against President
-ancls Brown and Prof. William Adams
iwa of Union seminary were dropped.
Attempts to leam from members of the
Judicial commission, which Is reviewing
the heresy chargea against Dr. Grant,
what action will be taken met today with
Or. Grant, In regard to' his declaration
that Jesus, Mary and Laxarus "danced
and rang a bit" on the night after Lazarus'
resurrection from the desd, today ex
plained that he believed Jesus had many
human attributes and that, naturally, be
ing full of joy at Lasarus' coming to life,
thn celebrated the event In a mild way.
The report of the Board of Foreign Mis
sions, presented to the Presbyterian gen
eral assembly today. In speaking of the
work done In Japan last year, says:
"Something which affected ths work of
the year very seriously Is the persistent
and pernicious war talk In America. How
can we American Christians preach to this
people the goppel of the Prince of Peace
when our people at home keep up this In
famous talk?
"Another thing." the report says, "that
has hindered the growth of the kingdom
of God In this land Is the type of socialism
hlch has taken root here. The authorl
tleo are doing what Is In their, power to
uproot the wbel growth. Rvery public
and school library has been searched and
every book bearing on the subject of so
cialism has been removed."
Eagle Attacks
Gibert's Aeroplane
Three Cars Start in Final Lap of Bace
to Madrid, but All Are Dis
, abled Enroute.
RAN SEBASTIAN, Spain, May . The
three aviators who are entered In the
Parls-to-Madiid race, started for Madrid
early today. Gibert was the first to get
away, leaving the ground at (:Z8 o'clock.
Garros was off st 7:18 aid Vedrlne at 7:17.
MADRID, May 2S.-Glbert left San Se
bastian at 11:28 o'clock this morning. When
about eighteen miles from Vttorla, It Is
reported that he was attacked by an eagle
and was forced to defend himself by shoot
ing at the bird with bis revolver. Gibert
landed abruptly at Olazagutla, about forty
miles from Ban Sebastian, but waa not
Vedrlne landed at Qulntanapalla. about
140 mllea north of Madrid., On landing he
met with a alight accident and sought help
In repairing his machine. ,
Garro s motor failed when he was seven
miles outside ''.of , San Sebastian and he
was- forced to descend., at UsurblLJThs
aviator made an effort to repair the. de
ranged motor. - .
The distance between' San Sebastian and
Madrid Is 428 kilometers, about 264 miles.
Vedrlne this afternoon rerfutatd his flight
from Qulntanapalla. The aviator said that
after leaving Ban Sebastian he mounted to
an altitude of 6,000 feet. While at this
height he almost dashed against the peak
of the Sierra Pancerbo. and saved bis life
by going up higher Just In' the nick of
time. .
Democrats Divide
on Lorimer Case
Cancns Refuses to Support Martin
Besolution Several Will Sap
port La Follette Besolution.
WASHINGTON, May ffl.-By more than
a two-thirds vote democratic senators In
caucus today declined to support the Mar
tin resolution directing the senate com
mittee on privileges and elections to re
investigate the Lorimer rase; Several
senators reserved the right to offer amend
ments and some of them declared they
would not be bound by the caucus action.
Senator Hitchcock reserved the right 'to
present an amendment directing the com
mittee on privileges and elections to des
ignate a subcommittee on Investigation to
be approved by the senate. A number of
senators indicated that thsy would sup
port such a provision.
Senator Martins of .New Jersey was
among those who declined to subscribe
to the majority action. He was taken
sharply to task by Senator Bailey and a
heated colloquy resulted. " Senator Jeff
Davis left the meeting early, declaring
that as ke had already determined to vote
for the La Follette resolution, he would
not be bound by any action the caucus
might take.
Senator La Follette probably will not be
able today to finish his Lorimer speech.
Senator Davis of Arkansas spoks on his
resolution demanding an Investigation of
the postmaster general's refusal to admit
certain publications to second-class mall.
Rate Advances from
in or in 10 umaua Dcoreu
Interstate Coum:rce Commifiion
Condemns Advances on Coarse
Grain from Dakota. .
WASHINGTON", Alsy iV-Proposed ad
vances in the freight rates on grain acd
train piodiicts frum North Dakota and Lao:u producing points 13 such
primary cia'n comets as Minneapolis, Du
luth, Milwaukee and Chicago are hi Id
by the Interstate Commerce oo:nmi-si n
in a decision today ti be not tinrcao:ible.
'. n.miu:t-o!i-i '.-ld. however, that the
form! establish i tatcs from punts of
crigin to these destinations should be re
stored, except In inttsnce uf bona f da
trior In tar.s or r.iar.tfet violatl-r-s uf
the long and short haul proyislar.r.
Advunrer In rate on ooree giin and
wheat fr'.m fouth Dakota to Omaiia, Nb,
were condemned.
Miss Kleins Salle for Harope.
NEW YORK. May TS M!.s i-orSorlne
r.kin, her mother and brother. teul"e
It. Eikins. were i.a5eor.gers today op the
Kslierlr.e Augusta Victoria, ei route for
F.urope. They were accomor nied t the
ship by Billy Hltt. son of the Jets Repre
sentative Robert R. Hltt of Illinois. Miss
tlkir.s lsughtd when asked If ahs was
engaged to young Hltt. .
Associate Justice of Supreme Court
Be writes Dissenting Opinion in
Standard Case.
Sayi Court's Opinion Will Greatly
Disturb Nation's Business.
Subsidiary Companies Granted Bight
of "Undue Bestraini"
Ratine; of Joetlce White A boat Nor.
aaal and Lswlsl Agreements
Amooa- Corporations Con
trary to Precedents.
WASHINGTON. Msy 25. Associate Jus
tlco John Marshall Harlan today filed In
the supreme court his formal dlaeentlng
opinion In the Standard Oil case. Not sat
isfied with his oral dissent from the court's
decision as handed down by Chief Justice
V. hlte. Justice Harlan entirely rewrote the
stenographic report of his remarks from
the bench. The oral dissent formed merely
a framework for the final document, con
taining about 1,000 words, put on record
Justice Harlan brands as mischievous the
modification made by the court In the de
cree of the lower court permitting sub
sidiary corporations of the Standard Oil
after dissolution of the combination to
make "normal and lawful agreement"
among themselves. Chief Justice Whits
had characterised this modification as a
" nilnor matter."
The further declaration Is made by Jus
tice Harlan that he la convinced the court's
opinion "will throw the business of .the
country Into contusion and Invite widely
extended and harassing litigation, the In
jurious effects of which will be felt for
many years to come."
In. connection with what he terms, a
"mischievous modification" Justice Harlan
quotes the chief Justice as saying that "it
does not necessarily follow that because
an Illegal restraint of trade or an attempt
to monopoloie or a monopolisation resulted
from the combination and the transfer of
the stocks of the subsidiary corporations
to Ihe New Jersey corporation, that a like
restraint of trade or attempt to monopo
lise or monopolization would necessarily
arise from agreementa between one or more
of the subsidiary corporations after the
transfer of the stock by the New Jersey
"A etherises Doe Restraint."
"Taking this language In connection with
other ' parts . of the opinion," aaya Justice
Harlan, "the- subsidiary companies are
thus In effect Informed unwisely, I think
that although the New Jersey corporation
being an Jl legal combination must go out
of existence -they may, Join tn an agree
meal to restrain commerce among the
states'. If such . restraint- be not "undue.' "
A In his oral remarks Justice Harlan
devotes himself largely to criticism of the
court for holding that not every restraint
of trade violates the law. He reiterates
thatthe court reversed its former rulings
tn the Transmlssourl freight and Joint
traffic association cases. Quoting several
hundred words from each of these opin
ons. Justice Harlan says:
"These utterances show, so clearly and
affirmatively as to admit of no doubt, that
this court, many years ago, on the fullest
consideration Interpreted the anti-trust act
as prohibiting and making Illegal not
only every contract or combination in
whatever form waa In restraint of inter
state commerce without regard to its rea
sonableness or unreasonableness, but all
monopolies or attempt to monopolise any
part of such trade or commerce."
Jnese Tatt's Decision Cited.'
Justice Harlan, referring to other de
cisions as bearing out his Interpretation
of these decisions, calls particular attention
to one of Judge Taft, now president. In the
Add y stone Pipe case.
"Judge Taft said," continued Justice Har
lan, "that according to the decision of this
court In the freight association case 'con
tracts In restraint of Interstate transporta
tion were within the statutes whether the
restraints could be regarded as reasonable
at common law or not.' "
The Justice In further support of the
statement that the whole country Including
the court and congress understand that
"every" restraint waa prohibited, quotes
at length from an adverse report made In
1901 by Senator Nelson on behalf of the
senate Judiciary committee In reference to
a bill, proposing to amend the Sherman
anti-trust law to distinguish between rea
sonable and unreasonable restraints.
"On reading the opinion Just delivered,"
Justice Harlan adds, "the first inquiry
would be that as the court is unanimous
In holding that the particular things done
by the Standard Oil company and lta sub
sidiary companies, In this case were Illegal
under the anti-trust act, whether those
things were In reasonable or unreasonable
restraint of lnterstata commerce, why was
It necessary to make elaborate argument
(Continued on Second Page.)
..'v I- 1 .r.:
From the Chicago Evening Post.
John W. Foster's Address Feature of
Lake Mohonk Conference.
Recent Utterances Against Arbitra
tion Are Severely Condemned,
While Hie Work for Peace
Is Pralsi. I
MOHONK LAKE, May 28. Severe crit
icism of Theodore Roosevelt's recent public
utterances regarding International arbitra
tion marked the speech of John.W. Foster,
former secretary of state, today before the
seventeenth annual . meeting of . the . Lake
Mohonk conference on International arbi
tration. "At the . same time," . aald Mr.
Foster, "notwithstanding Mr. Roosevelt's
early declaration In opposition to arbitra
tion In general, he has done more than
any one living te' advance this cause."
The Anglo-American treaty of arbitra
tion, Ur Foster amid, could have no ap
preciable effect on he aementa: . of the
World, and that at present Germany could
hardly be expected 4o become a party to a
like treaty. Nevertheless, "as .unlimited
arbitration la extended among the nations
Its beneficial effect must become more and
more apparent, and even the German gov
ernment must eventually find a nodus
vlvendl with the peaceful nations which
will enable It to restrict Its armament and
cease to be a menace to the world.
"I had concluded the preparation of my
address at this point when the fulmlnatlon
of Theodore Roosevelt appeared in the pub
lic press. While I regard Its appearance
as tending to embarrass the action of the
senate, I realize the fact that no man In
public life today has shown such an erratlo
and Inconsistent course In relation to the
subject of International arbltatlon. His
early public career was marked by a strong
hostility to arbitration In general, in a
magazine article as late as 1896 he attacked
President Harrison for submitting the
Bering sea question to arbitration.
Asaamed Responsibility.
When he assumed the responsibility of
the presidency it waa he who sent the first
case to The Hague court of arbitration and
invited the nations In hostile array against
Venezuela to resort to the same court.
"In the first Instance he proposed to
settle the Alaskan boundary dispute by
sending the American army to occupy and
hold the territory by force, but finally
yielded to the pacific advice of Secretary
Hay and In 1903 submitted the question to
the London commission.
"Notwithstanding his early declaration In
opposition to arbitration; he has done more
than any other living man to advance this
cause and has well earned the Nobel peace
prize. Judging the future by the past,
we may expect this erratlo, but patriotic
citizen to fall lit line with the onward
march towards international peace and
give his support to the great measure
which most enables the adailnlstratlon of
his successor."
Believe Man Merdered.
FORT MADISON, la.. May 25. The body
of William Sowerwlns, Jr., who disappeared
from Burlington last Saturday, was found
floating near here In the Mississippi river
this afternoon. The police suspect he was
Entering the City of Juarez
- !; Vti? Uryrs
Called on Account of Darkness."
t r
Three Men Shot
During Quarrel in
a Denver Hotel
S. L. Von Puhl of St Louis Shot Three
Times in Dispute Over a Woman
Two Bystanders Wounded.
DENVER, May 26.-S. L. ("Tony") Von
Puhl of St. Louis, who was shot three
times by F. Harold Hen wood here last
night, following a quarrel, died shortly
before noon today. A charge of murder
will now be placed against Henwood, who
Is In Jail.
A quarrel, presumably starting over a
woman and continuing over the merits of
different brands of champagne, resulted
in a triple shooting shortly before mid
night last night In the barroom of the
Brown Palace hotel
Frank H. Henwood. an agent of the
Globe Blow Oas company of New York,
did the shooting. 8. L. (Tony) Von Puhl
of St. Louis, a wine agent and well known
as a balloonist, was -the object of the
shooting aikd Vecelvod three bullets, -o-ie tn
the shoulder, one In the right wristband
one In the abdomen. ' .
, J. W. Atkinson of Colorado Springs, a
wealthy contractor, was shot In the left
leg and G. E. Copeland, a mining man' of
Victor, Colo., received two bullets, one In
the left leg and the other In the abdomen.
Atkinson and Copeland were bystanders
and had nothing to do with the quarrel.
Tbey will recover.
Henwood Is In Jail and will be held pend
ing the outcome of his victims' injuries.
According to Henwood, he and Von Puhl
met only yesterday. A quarrel In which
the name of an actress was used started
later and resulted In Henwood callllng
Von Puhl a liar. Von PuM's Instant reply
was a smash to Henwood's face which sent
him reeling. The latter then drew a re
volver and emptied Its five chambers.
Friends of both men stats the quarrel
really started over a Denver society
Von Puhl has been In Denver several
days endeavoring to arrange for a balloon
flight, crossing the Rockies. He holds a
number of balloon records. Including the
speed record for long flights, having made
the distance from t. Louis to Charleston,
S. C, 90 miles In fifteen hours.
Negro Woman and
Son Are Lynched
x .
Mrs. Laura Nelson and Eighteen-Year-Old
Boy Hanged by Mob
at Okema, Okl.
OKEMA, Ok4.. May 25.-Laura Nelson,
a negress, and her son, 16 years old, were
lynched here today. They shot a deputy
sheriff who went to search their shanty
for stolen goods.
The woman and her son were taken from
the county jail early today by a mob,
whose members had fint gagged and
bound the Jailer, Lawrence Payne. The
bodies were found this morning hanging
on the7 timbers of a bridge across the Can
adian river.
The Nelsons were placed in Jail charged
with ths murder two weeks ago of Deputy
Sheriff George H. Loney.
Object to Mentioning Name of Body
in "Vigilantes" Meeting.
President Gerlngr and Member Wells
Declared Not to Have Right to
Bring; Clnb Name Into
COLTTMBUS, Neb., May 2 (Special Tel
egram, y Executive committeemen and
members of the Omaha Ad club on the
trade excursion are wiring protests to
Omaha tonight against1 President Goring
and Percy Wells of the club dragging the
name of the organization into the move
ment of a so-called home protectors' volun
teer police force. They received copies of
The Bee at Grand Island and learned that
President Gerlng had participated tn the
alleged mass meeting to such an extent
that the Ad club was connected with the
affair and they 'were thoroughly aroused.
Twenty-one members of the club, Inolud
1o gVloe IJresldant Fodrea, signed the pro-
test.- They expressed their displeasure and
disgust that Ad club members should be
connected with a ptec of agitation which
can only advertise Omaha to the world aa
lawless and without police protection.
"Percy Wells wanted to call this meet
ing In the name of the Omaha Ad club and
we protested," said a member of the exe
cutive committee of the Ad club.
"The organization has been dragged Into
politics and movements started by people
who want newspaper notoriety, the club
being dragged In each time. This has gone
far enough and we will file protests strong
enough to keep the organization out of the
alleged home protectors' brigade."
Members were open In their denunciation
of Mr .Wells and Mr. Gerlng waa aeverely
criticised. Both Ad club men and mem
bers of the Commercial club expressed
their disgust with a dlnpatrh sent out
fron Omaha arid appearing in San Fran
cisco papers, which told of Mr. Wells be
ing a big game hunter, a man who has
smelled powder all his life and is now
going to clean up naughty Omaha with his
Members of the Ad club on the trip
Joined In the following statement: "To the
Editor of The Bee: "We, the undersigned
executive committeemen and members of
the Omaha Ad club, hereby register an
emphatic protest against ths use of the
name of the Omaha Ad club by any one
In connection with the movement of the
organization of the so-called volunteer
police force tn Omaha. We believe this to
be poor policy for the club to be connected
with In any way and can only result in
reflecting discredit on the city of Omaha
atid. placing the city In the wrong light
before the entire country." This was
signed by: Penn P. Fodrea, vice pretsdent;
Sam L. Rees, Jr., treasurer; A. C. Scott,
executive committee; O. T. Eastman, O.
W. Dunn, A. Q. Btorz, Frank Harwood,
Joe Ray field, P.- E. Zeller, Paul a Beaton,
R. W. Hayward, William B. mills, D. J.
O'Brien. W. E. Shepard, George Rogers,
Rufus E. Harris. 11. G. Hoel, F. T. B.
Martin. J. M. Oulld, Will A. Campbell, M.
C. Cole.
Prices Go I'p as Soon as iabsldlary
Corporation Is Organised for
ST. LOllS, Mo.. May X . The prices of
yellow pine lumber Jumped from 50 cents
to $1.0 a thousand fe.-t In October. l'W,
Immediately after a subsidiary company
of the yellow pin manufacturers' associa
tion begun publishing the price IIhIs, ac
cord, ng Jo K. J.'Mchuoier In a hearing of
the state's ouster suit tH'slnnt the alleged
lumber trust today.
It. V Campbell, a lumber manufacturers'
agent and fornix secretary of the Alf Ben
nett Lumber company of 8t, Louis, was the
last wltners of the hearing, which ad
Journrd to meet in Kansas i'ty June 12
W. C Garrett, senior counsel for tin
lumber interests, bwanw Incensed hecaunn
of the continued rulings against him by
Special Commissioner Revnolds. wh'le
Campbell was on the stand, lie expressed
the opinion that the lumber Interests were
not receiving th trestmrnt they merited
from tha commissioner
till Magnate Mast I'jy Dsnisgea Dr.
raose Ills Anto Killed
NEW BEDFORD, Mass. May M.-The
case In whlrh -John D. Arrhbold of New
Yotk was sued by Wlllism De Mello of
Mattarotett for dimserea for ths desth of
Ins daughter Guilhrrnu, ended todav in a
verdiot cf S4.100. The child was killed by
Mr. Aiohbold s automobile.
Expected Demonstration in Chiraber
of Deputies Fails to Occur at
the Beading.
News is Signal for Manifestations by
Crowd in Streets.
Excited Throngs Parade Highways
Shouting for Madero.
One Man is Killed in Front of Hall of
Foreign Relations.
Five Persona Killed Tnrsdar Ttlahl
Seven Killed and Thlr-Slx
Wonndrd In City of
MEXICO CITT, May .-General Por
ftrlo Diaz resigned the presidency of Mex-'
leo at 4;45 o'clock this afternoon. Fran
cisco de la Barra automatically became
provisional president, but will not take the
oath until tomorrow. Immense crowds
thronged the streets, but there was no
MEXICO CITT, May 25.-Aftr the In
tense excitement of last night the city Is
In comparative quiet this morning.
An official statement of the number of
casualties resulting from the rioting that
swept over the city yesterday evening
places the dead at seven and the wounded
at thirty-nix. Several of the wounded are
expected to die.
Large forces of police were on duty early
today, ready to cope with any renewal of
the outbreak, but there were no algns of
renewed disorder during the early morning
Foreign Minister De La Barra Issued an
official statement this morning that Presi
dent Diaz and Vice President Corral would
resign this afternoon and that the pro
visional government would thereupon as
sume authority.
Long vlstaa of broken wlndowa testified
today of the work of the mob last night.
Among the plate-glass . fronts shattered
during the tumult were those of the ' W.
G. Walts ahop, the Aateo land eurto shop
and the Tamp loo News company, al A.mer
ortow Rleta at lqnlnlo)iiV 1 ;
Reports received today from outlyfntf
quarter show that five people were killed
at Guadalajara Tuesday night. Governor
Gallardo of the atate of Jalisco, of which
Guadalajara la the capital, has resigned
and haa been succeeded by David Gultarres
A mob demonstration occurred last night
with cries for vengeance for the five per
sons killed on Tuesday. The outbreak wag
Quieted when Governor Gallardo resigned.
The danger of the situation, at that point
is not considered over.
Throughout last night there were echoes
of the bloody struggls of the early even
ing when the mob had huld sway at many
points, storming buildings and menacing
the presidential palace until swept back
by volleys from the government forces.
The scene lust night covered a wide area
and at times four different demonstrations
were in progress with varying degrees of
Intensity, all avparently having a com
mon object. The main (rouble culminated
after dark, when word spread through the
city that President Diaz and Vice Presi
dent Corral had not resigned In accord
ance wkh expectation. The Chamber of
Deputies was the first scene of manifesta
tion, and this soon spread to the neighbor
ing quarters.
Mob Shoots tor Madero.
Toward V o'clock the mob demonstration
waa at its height. Shouts for Madero were
nnara everywhere and Processions rnvi
the leading streets, bearing huge portraits
of the revolutionary leader. Kfrorts to
check the fury of the outbreak were mad
by Madero s personal representative,
Alfred Rubles DumliiKUes. but th rtiM,,
continued, finding Its chief center in front
of the presidential palao. Arming them
selves with rocks, the mob bombarded
nearby buildings, including ths newspaper
office of the El lmparciai and ths Tarn
pIco News company.
Large forces of troops were hurried to
the scene and a cordon waa thrown about
the presidential palace. Twice the order
to disperse were given to the manitestants,
but without avail. Thereupon the soldiers
opened fire. Immediately there waa a
scene of the wildest confusion. The more
timid rioters fled to nearby streets and
alleys while the leaders gave ground slowly
before ths advancing forces, who still
kept up tholr fire. Slowly, however, the
luub was broken up, although detached
bodies continue demonstrations at various
points throughout the city.
People Distrust DUi.
JUAREZ, Mex., May to - I nless General
Dlas resigns today or tomorrow there will
(Continued on Second Page j
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