Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 8

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    SHE BEE: OMAHA. TntTKSDAT, if AT 55. IfllT.
onaturtl Condition in May Contracti
lamei an Advance.
Sltaatloa Ili.klr I ......i. t
aad aerts Alike lfrav kl.
, Via Bale at Cora Off
set MotrHt.l.
. OMAHA. May 24,' 1911.
ws pronounced conception la tin
JnJt market again today and the advance
1? urf " due to unnatural situa
tion In the current month's contracts.
in Weather and crop new are bearish,
i-ereign crop advices are also very favor
i? T " '"ffl'lent enthusiasm on the
l ull side, however, created In the situation
t make the market very uncertain either
on the lona or ilmrt ai.u
From a commercial point of view the
heavy shipping sales of corn are offsetting
?J"creaa ,n th cuntry movement.
u . cn situation Is strong because of
the Hunt stocks on hand and the market
Is being helped by the actloa In wheat. At
the name time the new crup conditions are
mow excellent.
Higher cables and a rush to cover by
shorts advanced the wheat futures at the
openings. Values on the whole were well
sustained. Cash wheat was unchanged.
Corn was strong and higher. Iluylng was
general on the lightness of available stocks
and cash corr ruled ffa higher.
Itlmery wheat receipts were 20,0"K) bu.
and Shipment were ifAOno- bu., against re
ceipts last year of 379,000 bu. and ship
ment of 159.000 bu.
I'rlmary corn receipts were 808.000 bu.
and shipments were 441.000 bu., against re
ceipts last year of 616,OuO bu. and shipments
of F0,0JU bu.
Clearances were 74,000 bu. of corn, none
of oats and wheat and flour equal to
IlT.OOj bu.
uvei'Pooi closed lna nigner on. wneai
Tm f 441'Sd higher on corn.
The following cash sales were reported:
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 2 cars, 87c; No. 8
hard. 1 car, 84Vie.
CORN No. 2 white, 1 car. 49Hd No.
white, 1 car 49'c; No. 4 white, 1 car, 40;
1 car, 479c; No. 8 color, 1 car, 48Vc; No. 2
nixed, l car. iH'n,c; No. 2 mixed, 7 cars,
4H'o; 1 car, 41c; No. 4 mixed, 2 cars, 47fcc;
no grade, 1 car. 4oVc; 1 car. 44c.
OATH No. 2 white, 1 car, fiJ'ic; standard.
1 tar KVc; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 31ao.
Omaha Cash Frtreo,
WHEAT No. 2 hard. MVffWVec! No. $
hard. S&fj89e; No. 4 hard, MVuSfic; re
jected, hard. 72iusic; No. S spring, flit
2e; No. 4 spring. 8.W.rr90o; No. 2 durum,
MVi5c; No. 3 durum. R2'V&334jC.
CuRN No. 2 white 4'4iijHiViic; No. 8 white.
i:"it4'ir".c; rto. wnue f i-voci no. s coior.
4W4litc; No. 8 yellow, 4HVg48Hc; No. i
yeiiow, 4iW4X'.tc; No. 4 yellow, 4iTwiie;
JNO. I, 4VlHo!c: No. 8, 47jiuHSe; NO.
Wfci no grade. 44fNc.
. PATS No. 2 white, Xijjaze; standard,
I Jiyy&ifcc; No. 8 white, 8132c; No. 4
while, 31'4S:llfcc; No. 8 yellow, SliWlVie;
No. 4 yellow. 813Ho.
V BARLEY No. 8. &if86c; No. 4, 74g84o;
o. 1 feed. e7Bs2e; rejected. 64i?r9c.
11YK No. 2. 92683c; No. 8. laic.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Com. Oats.
Chicago 240 431 308
Minneapolis 142
Omaha 10 60 8
Duluth 81
f restores of the Trading; and Closing
I Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. May 24,-May wheat today
rose to within Ho of the 81 mark. Nervous
covering of about 400,000 bushels on orders
said to have come largely from 8t. Louis
put up the price nearly 2c a bushel to
OjlVf. TK - . . - . - .
" - - no uawnv wan wmaj at HRl gain OK
Ic. Other months rose, but to a much lesser
degree, and In the end were Ho to V4&c
lower than last night. Latest trading left
corn a shade to Vtftoo up; oats at Vie to
Vtij4j(0 advance and provisions' unchanged
to 12VjrU16o Increased in cost.
A break In the wheat market at Mlnne
aiwlla had a god deal to do with causing
of the day. The reason was an unconfirmed
report that a considerable amount of hard
winter wheat would be shipped there from
Chicago. Previous to this the bulls seemed
to have the market here at their mercy. The
May strength had Induced considerable buy.
Ing of other months. Theforelgn excha.ns.-e
were firm and there were reiHirts of crop
losses In Kansas and Nebraska, and of a
probable extremely short yield 4n Oklahoma
and Texas. Profit-taking, though and tho
news from Minneapolis led to a rather
sharp set back. Between the opening and
the close. July ranged from KWSllia to
K7?tti ?, with Inst sales at 8TM,i3Nc, a net
stubborn, final sales being at 980, a full
cent advance.
Kxport call for deferred shipment
strengthened corn. July fluctuated between
UiinM. closing Ho up at at the first
named figures. Cash grades were firm. No.
8 yellow closed at 635?4o.
Damage reports from the southwest gave
oats quite a bit of firmness Independent of
other grains. High and low points for July
turned out to be 34Vc and 34ij34ic, with
the close e net higher at ie.
A healthy rash demand hardened the mar
ket for provisions. The outcome for pork
was a rise of 2V4o to 13V(fl5o, but In lard
and ribs the advance did not reach above
a nickel. ,
rnces in vnicsio, lurmnnea oy me Up
dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas
8428. 70s hr an dels building. Omaha:
Articles.! Oven. I High. I Low. I Close. I Tes'r.
9Mi 8 I 99
,tiWir4STi mm
May... July...
f July..,
' Sept.,
July... Sept..
July.. Sept.
13 B3V4
Kj 53tfVk
. 4Vi 84evJ
aVs 84
1 I
84 Vs.
14 7Vi
14 75
14 18
8 20
8 2."
7 90
14 7Vi 14 75-801
14 24
u o;v
8 15
8 82i
7 S2Vi
7 su
14 W
14 10 14 10
i is is vmi
8 2d
7 8S
7 80
7 87V!
7 83Hi
Cash quotations were as follows:
'LOUR ttteariy ; winter patents, 84 0O9
4.t; straights, 88.7mi26; spring slraJghu.
84.164.86; bakers. 81.4Ua4.6u.
RVB-N. 2. esc.
BARUJV-Feed or mixing, 6cG0c; fair
to choice malUngt V0'ui.01.
"tDA-Timothy, 812-OU; clover, 8H.O0.
l-lUJV18IlN8-ileM pork, per bhl., 81478
Clf.o Lard, per luO lbs., 88.10. Short ribe,
sides Coose) 17 2;VU7-87Vi; short clear sides
tbored) 88.O0ia4.UiVs
Total clearances of , wheat and flour
were equal to 1X7.000 bu. Primary receipts
were 'J0.0u0 bu.. oom pared with 879,000 bu.
the corresponding day a year ago. Eaitt
mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 801
ears; corn. 411 cars; oats, mo cars; hogs,
28.000 head.
CblcakO Cash Prices-Wheat: N. t red
tVW-o No. 8 red. eWB7Vo; No. I hard!
SvuVc; No. 8 hard, 9jj7i,c; No. 1 north
ern uprii.e. 81.011.06; No. 8 northern spring
tl.0Uil-tt; No. 8 spring. corn:
He. 8 cash, (3if4c; No. 8 cash, UU&MWc
No. I white. 6a4V4o: No. 8 white, Uv
He; No. 2 yellow. 63V&4Vc; No. 8 yel
low, 83V4 iJ31o. Oats: No. 8 cash. 83ffi33Vkc:
No. t wlUte, StViiSVir; No. 8 hite. 84
Kc; No. 4 white, UVsti4Vso; standard, 3ij
11UTTRR Steady; creameries, 16S21o:
dairies, lfcslo.
L04j3-eteady; receipts, 21.120 cases; at
ttiark. cases Included, 12V?12o; (lrsta, 14Sg;
prune firsts, luo. "
CiifUuSU Weak; daisies. UVrSlle;
twins, lVv&L0e; young Auierlcas, UVd
UHe; long horns, UVuUVtO.
POTATOE New, firm, at 909fto; old.
weak, at MalKc; fair to good, old, 8itf36o.
fuULTHY eHeady; turkeys, live, l2o;
fowls, Uve. Uwo; springs, dressed, tUJ2c.
I Vl'Alr-eiteady; M to SO lbs., 7u'7Vkc; tu to
a. iis., eeo; w to lie ids., siaiuo.
Heoalpts Today Wheat. 240 cars; corn, 431
ears; eats, 80S car a Ksiimated tomorrow
Wheat, 801 cars; corn. 411 cars; oats. 800
Minneapolis Grain Market.
ntlNNKAfOLia, May 84. WHEAT
Way, IHie; July, tVko; Beptember, 8uHJ
8vSc; loo ruber. 90Vc; No. 1 hard, caau,
8c; No. 1 northern, 9g;8c; No, 1 north
ern. fcmHe; No. 8. Kst4Va.
FI-AX-tnoeed at 8184.
Cuh.N-No. 8 yellow. 6SJ4.
OA! H No. 8 while, 2Vic
HTli Ne. 2. too. , .
n ft .-n a n a. ml
I'lxUa Hret (Stents, second patents,
84VH.8u, -first cleats, 3.J0n,4 40; esuuud
Clears, 812uXaB;
Liverpool Crnln Market.
UVFRPOoL. May 84-WHKAT-8pot.
dull: No. 8 western winter, no slock; No.
t and No. 8 burtbera Manitoba, noaUnal
Futures, strong; Msy, ts 11V1; July, 68
10 V; October, 6a 8V,d.
tuKN-tipot, ne American mixed, no
stock; old American mixed, quiet, 8s Jd;
new American klin-drled. eaJV, 4 l'd. fu
tures, firm; July, 4s 6Ved; September, 4s
((.notations of the Day ow Varloas
NEW TORK. May 24.-F1HTR Steady ;
spiing patents, 4-wi-;; winter patents,
14 10ru4.o0; winter extras No. 1, ML3iO.
Kansas straights. 84 1(5j4 80; winter
straights, 83.jRV4.00; spring clesrs, 3.7ig)
4 10; winter extras No. 2, 83.UV42 2B. Kye
flour, unsettled; fair to good, 64.Mr5.06;
choice to fancy, ftVIO'tiS.25.
CORNMEAL Urn; fine, whits and
yellow, 1 Lul.-V, coarse. l.luilu; kirn
drld. .(.
WHEAT-Spot market, easy; No. 1 red.
9o elevator, and 97c t. o. b. aflont, both
nominal: No. 1 nothern Duluth, 81 07 f.
o. b. afloat. Futures market, after an
early show of strength on higher foreign
markets and reduced crop estimates from
Texas and Oklahoma wheat turned weak
today and dropped about a cent per
bushel, closing Vo to Vic net lower. The
break was due to liquidation on favorable
Kansas crop news and a poor cash de
mand. May closed 9ic: July, 94 U-lxji
95 U-lSc closed 94 U-1H; September, 93Wlt
94'p, closed SISV:. Receipts, 68,400 bu.;
shipments, none.
COUN-tipot market, firm; export new
No. 2, 62c nominal, f. o. b., afloat Futures
market was without transactions, closing
Vie to H: net higher. May, closed; file;
July, closed. tiOVic Receipts, 8,3-u bushels;
shipments, none.
OATS Boot market firm; standard white,
4V'; No. 2. 41c; No. 8. 40Vc; No. 4. 89c
Futures market was without transactions,
closing nominal. Receipts, 67,100; ship
ments none.
H A V Firm; prime, tl.COSl.60; No. t tl.40
6160; No. 2. fl.2ol.35; No. 8,
HIDES-Steady; Central America, 10
20o; llogoia, 21220.
LEA'l lifc.R feteady; hemlock firsts. Z3Vi
((! 27c; seconds, lVl23Vc; thirds, lWJUc;
reji-cts, Mtduc.
PROVIsroNS-Pork, steady; mess. $17.75
tj IN.26; tamlly, 21S.iiVrT20.oo; short , clears.
6l6.0Hu 18.00. Heef. quiet;, mess, $12 Soy 13 00;
family, $13.50$ 14.00; beef hams, 824.60(127.00.
Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, $lo.009
SH01: pickled hams, $11.7Mrl2M. Lard,
steady; middle west prime, 88.SgS.36; re
ilned. quiet; continent. S rtf; Souin Amer
ica. 9fl0; compound, $7.U'V(ai7.S7Vi.
TALLOW Dull; prtme city, hhds.,
816-ltk-; country, E4Vio.
LOGS High grailcs. steady; low grades,
weak; fresh gathered, selected extras, l'.'-tf
20c; fresh gathered, seconds, 15fil6V4c; fresh
gathered, dirties. No. 1, 14c; fresh gathered,
dirties. No. 2. 12'i'(l,13Vio; fresh gathered,
checks, good to prime, 12iTi3c.
BUTTER Firm; crenniery specials, 22c;
extras, 21c; firsts, 2f720Vc; seconds, MVitI
19Vjc; thirds, 11Hi(17Vic; state dairy flnext,
2lc; good to prime, lW(i30o; common to fair,
lnfrlSc) process special. 17c; extras, HHic;
firsts, lfic; seconds, 14Hgl5c; factory, cur
rent make, firsts, 164o; seconds. lBHo.
CHEESE Steady; old skims, 6910c; new,
I'Ol'LTRT Dressed, firm; western fowls,
12Viti,i6Vic; western turkeys, 1301RC.
Corn nnd Wheat Region rinlletln.
Record for the twenty-tour hours ending
at 8 a. m. Wednesday, May 24, 1911:
-1 Temp.- Raln-
Etations. Max. Mln. fall.
Pt. cloudy
Ashland, Neb
69 .00
Aunurn. iseD.'. ... is
li'krn Bow, Neb. 76 '
Columbus, Neb., i 79
Culbrrtson, Neb..
Falrbury, Neb... 81
Fairmont, Neb... 78
Or. Island, Neb..
Hartlngton, Neb. 78
HastlnKH, Neb.... 7
Holdrege. Neb... 78
Llnooln, Neb 77
No. Platte, Neb. 78
Oakdale, Neb 76
Omaha, Neb 78
Tekamah, Neb... 77 '
. 61
I .00
.00 '
Valentine, Neb..
bioux city, la.
Alta. Ia
Carroll, la
Clarlnda, la
Sibley, la
Minimum temperature' for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of
District - Station
Columbus, 0 17
Louisville, Ky..... 20
Indianapolis, Ind.. 11
Chicago, 111 25
St. Louis, Mo 26
lies Moines, la.... 21
Minneapolis, Minn. 80
Kansas City, Mo.. 24
Omaha, Neb Ill
Temp.- Rain
Max. Mia. fall.
84 68 ' .10
S8 ' 65 .00
SO 62 .00
74 62 .20
M . M ... .00
74 64 .00
74 62 .20
S4 66 .00
76 .. 64 .00
The weather la much warmer In the west
era and central portions of ths corn and
wheaj, region end Is growing warmer In,
the eastern portion. Light showers oc
curred In the northern portion durlnar Tues
day. I A. WEL8H,
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
St. Louis General Market.
BT. LOUIS, May 24. WHEAT Cash,
firm; track, No. 2 red, WgMci No. 1 hard.
WHEAT Futures closed lower; May, 94c;
July, hic; September, 9uo.
COUN Higher; track. No. J, 63fiSVc;
No. 2 White. 644S6c.
CORN-Hlgher; July, 62c; September,
UA'i'ei Steady; track, No. t. tSVfcc; No. 2
white, SuVio.
OATS-Hlgher; July, 83V4o; Beptember,
i VF.-Hlgher, $1.06.
FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, $4.1f
4.7o; extra fancy, and straight, 83.604,10;
hard winter clears, 830(&
SEED Timothy, $5.00a9.60.
CORN M EAL fc.60.
liRAN Dull; sacked east track, 81.0701.10.
HAY Steady; timothy, tl.O22.00; prai
rie, $l2.0O-!tl5.60.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing.
$16.00. Lard, unchanged; prtme steam, J7.lci
(U 7.92V. Dry saU meats, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, "-c; clear ribs, ioi short
clears. 8c. Bacon, unchanged; boxed ex
tra shorts, 9-1c; clear ribs, 9c; short,
clears, ia;
PuL'L'iKY Steady; chickens, 10c; springs,
21ti-'4c; turkeys, 12t&lc; ducks, ll'tc;
geese, 6Hc
MUTTER Quiet; ereemery, 15j21o.
EGOS Unchanged, 13c
Receipts. Bhlpm ts
Flour, bbla 6,000 10,100
Wheat, bu ., 41. (M) 83.000
Corn, bu. 71, 0 6200
Oats, bu. 68.000 84,000
Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions.
KAMKA8 CITY. May 24. WHEAT -Steady,;
No. 2 hard, SfxuMVic; No. 8, 6o92c;
No.- 2 red, 874lleo; No. 3. WS8.
WHEAT May, 87Ho, sellers; July, t3ie.
sellers; September, Uc, bid.
CORN 'rttij lo higher; No. ( mixed, MVjC;
No. 8, 61(U61Vc; No. t white, 61Vic; TTJ. 8.
CORN-July, 60Hc; Beptember, 601i'80Vc.
OATS Unchanged; No. 8 White,' 8!i$36c;
No. 2 mixed. JJW(3Vc,
RYE 9iyi6c.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, 616.60
$17 00; choice prairie, $12.2518.90.
MUTTEatr-Cramery, 2uc; tirsu. l'7cj sec
onds. 16c; packing stock, 14o.
EOQfl Extras, 17c; firsts. ,15o; sec
onds. lOo,
Receipts. Bhlpm'ts.
Wheat, bu.. a (M0 124 000
Corn, bu H.O'O 6ZO0O
Oats, bu. 8. 000 8,000
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. May 24.-CORN ITIgher; No. I
white, 63V: No. 8 white, 62Vo; Na 8 yel
low, UVtVulVkc; No. 8 yellow, 6214a; No. 8
mixed. 6JVtC; No. 4 mixed, 60Sic; sample 46o.
OATS steady ; No. 8 while, 84Vko; stand
aid, 84Vic; No. 6 white, 84u.'
Mtlwaakee Grain Market.
northern. 81.Ui4il.03Vt; No. 2 northern. ll.OOVi
fclOiV; May, teW; July. tTA,0.
OATA Standard. 86Vc.
BAil LEX Mai ting, iial.OL
Dalntk Grain Market.
DULUTH. May 84. WHEAT No. 1
northern, 96Hc; No. 8 northern, 96H5jf96Vo;
May. 9Sc; July, 9c; September. 91Vc
Onmnkn Hay Market.
OMAHA, May 24.-HAT-N. 1. 8U.0O; No
8. 810.4M; patting. 87.W; alfalfa, $1100.
buaw. Wbcat, K aO. rye, tt.iv. oats, . w.
Coffeo Market.
NEW YORK. May 84. CO FFBTE Future
closed stedy at a net deuilne of In 14
piuui. nalaa, l,ioO baga May, lOriuu;
June and July, IO060; August, lAdOc; Sep
tember, 1062c; October, November, Decem
ber, January and February, lixtlc; Maruh
and April, 10 8so. Spot coffee, steady; No
T Rle. lie; No. 4 tisntos, lie; nuid, dull;
Cordova, 18-160, nominal.
agar Market. ' .
NKW YORK, May 14.-SUGAR Raw.
steady; niuacovado, S9 teat. 8 3c; centri
fugal, M test, 8-sec; molssses. 89 test, 8.11c;
rcftoed. quiet
Reports of BeadjuKtmenti of Prices
Ckaae Feverish Market.
Looses Da to Large Extent to Skort
Selling, Fartlcnlarly la United
States Steel Some Special
ties Aro Stroke
NEW TORK. May 24. Vsrtous reports of
readjustments of prices disturbed specula
tive sentiment and the stock market today
was feverish and lost ground. Announce
ment by the chairman of the Republic Iron
and Steel company that the corporation
would disregard the official prices, at least
so far as Iron nnd steel bars are concerned.
on account of price cutting by some of the
smaller companies, was regarded aa the
possible forerunner of a more general
It has been suggested that certain large
manufacturers would co-operate to main
tain prices of some products and prevent
a general reduction. This view seemed to
be taken by the executive head of the
United States Steel corporation In a state
ment Issued today.
Stocks were under pressure during the
morning, but later the market recovered
The losses were due to a large extent to
short selling, which seemed particularly
large In United States Steel. Some spe
cialties showed pronounced strength.
lloth Western Union and General Electric
reached the highest figures of the lust two
years. American Beet Sugar was strong
and Underwood Typewriter rose five
June disbursements- of Interest and divi
dends are estimated at 8W2,0ft0, as com
pared with 8D6.949.0H0 In June of last year.
Uonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $2.riO2,O00. United States bonds were
unchanged on call. 1
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were aa follows:
galea Hllh. Lev. ClnM.
Allln-nisltners pM 1M SO We lH
AroilMnmed Ctopper 11. KM) tT t;t
Amrli-aa Arrleultaral .... 4"0 40 tl4 M4
American Rett Sugar 18.100 U 48Ht 411
American Can 1,4" i II IS
American C. A F. f0 t 64
Americas Cotton Oil 1.0M to4j 4H 66V
American H AL. pM J' 44 t 14
Am. Ice Securities Inn 1214 t1 II
Amarleaa LlBMeJ 100 11 lis 11
American Locomotive '" 42 42 41
American g. as R l.4on 11 n 7t
am. s. a K. pfd
Am. Steel Foundries
Am. Sugar Refining
American T. A T
American Tnbacoo pfd....
American Weolea
Ataconaa Mining Oo
Atchteon pfd
Atlanlio Coast Una
Baltimore A Ohio
Bethlehem steel
tireoklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Paclfte
Oenlral Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of New Jersey....
l,oo ioe 108 in
400 j lie 120
1,400 Ut 14 lt
400 101 101 101
100 14 14 11 .
HO 40 40 40
t,S 111 111 111
1.400 im ioe ion
100 12
t.&ie sou
12 11
71 79
no Mi u tsf
1.800 ti to 10
too 102 101 lot
Oieaapeake Ohio 1,000 42 '4
Chicago A Alton
Chicago O. W., new .- 100 tl
C. O. W. pfd
1 '
Chicago A N. W ,
C, M. A 8t. P ,
&. 0.. C. A St. L. ..
lorado T. A I ,
Colorado A Southern.
Consolidated Oas ....
toO 141 141 148
8.000 114 123 121
00 14 11
00 14fi 144 141
Corn Products too U 16
ireiaware or Hudson.....
I)enver A Rio Grande ,
I. A R. Q. prd ins 7 T
Dletlllen' Securities 87 !
Erie 4.m U U
F.rte lut prd l.loo (1 t
Brie td p(d 200 40 40
uenerai Bieetrte
Great Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore etfs.
llllnola Central ,
Interborough Met
Int. Met. pfd .,
International Harvester
Int. Marine pfd
8.000 181 1MI 180
t.OW) 130 12! in
400 41
41 41
14 1
12 42
114 114
00 11
1,004 Sl
40 117
InternaUonal Paper 11
international rump too 40 40 40
Iowa Centra 400 10 II 17
Kanaas City go PM 14 4 14
K. Ct go. pfd 100 M 7
LouuTllle Naahrllle.
Mine. aV At. Leuls
M., St. P. A B. S. at..
M.. K. A T
U , K. A T. pfd
Mlaeourl Pacific
National Biscuit ........
8,404 H 108 108
4O0 148 147 147
100 10 M II
117 117 .18
. 11.400
National Leeil
N. R. R of M. td pfd
New fork Central
N. T a A W
North America
Northern Paclfls
Paclfle Mall
People's Oas
p., a, a a st. u.. .......
Fltttbarg Coal
Prime, d steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steal Serins
mo 108 10 108 t
1.4O0 101 ,101 1
704 ' 74 76 74
11.400 128 121 111
4.404 121 122 121
604 104 104 108
1,604' 11
100 U
100 182 162 11
i4 14 . 14 14
.. 141 lol 16
RepuWIO Steel
iHepuhlte Steel pfd
IRock Ialand Co.
Rock Ialand Co. prd
St. U A S. F . d pfd...
St. Loala W
St. U 8. W. pfd
Sloss-Shef field g. A I....
Southern Paclfle
1.40s 11
11 11
44 41
41 . 42
00 47 47
I.O00 118 118 118
Southern Railway l.Tne n M n
e. Railway pfd... 600 rr IT
Tenneeaee Copper t.elO 11
Texaa A Pacific 17 17 7
T., St. L. A W H0 11 tl 10
T , St. L. A W, pfd 404 il l, 40
mion nam
tlnlea Paetfte pfd.,..
44. X0 184 181 181
600 S8 . 4
(ITnlted States Realty too
United States Rubber TOO
United States Steal 111,400
L. 8. Steel pfd.
Utah Cupper
V a. -Carolina Chemical
Wahaah pfd
Weetern Maryland
Weetlnghouae Electlio ,
Weetern tTnioe ,
Wheeling A L.
l.oo ii n it
. 1I.10 48 47 47
44 '
Lehigh Valley S.SOf) 17 171
Total sales tor ths day, 11,404 snares.
Losdos Stock Market.
LONDON, May 84. American securities
opened easy and slightly lower today.
Light covering followed and prices ad
vanced until weaknes In United States
Steel caused the entire list to decline. At
noon the market was easy, with values
ranging from 4 above to VJi below yester
day's New York close.
London closing stock quotations:
Consols, monsy ..II 4-14 Loalsellls A Nash.. 161
de ateNU II 4-14 Mo., Kan. A Texas.. II
Amai. Copper 4 N. T. Central 111
Anacenda 4 Norfolk A Westers. .111
Alahloon Ill do pfd 1
de ptd 108 Ontario A Western.. 44
Baltimore A Ohio... lot Peunerlvaals 41
Caoadiaa Paclflo ....141 Rand Mines 7
Chesapeake A Ohio., li Heading , 12
CM. Greet Western.. 12 Southern Railway :. M
Chi., Mil. A St. F..U7i do pfd M
De Beers in, Southern Pacifls ., ..!!
Denver A Rie O I Union Peulflo i$
do pfd 4 do prd rr
Erie 11 v. S. steel so
do let pfd II de pit 123
de Id pld 41 Wabash 17
Oread Trunk As pU - . 88
Illinois Central 141
SILVER Bar, steady at U& per ounce.
MONKr lVtia 1 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short and three months' bills Is V,
per cent,
Beertem Stsxvlie ae.4 Boa As.
BOSTON, May 24. Closing quotations on
mining stocks were as follows:
Ailooaa 41 Miami Copper 10
Amai. deeper 41 fesfcawk it
A. S. L. A g 17 Nevada Con 11
Arlaona Corn. ....... 17 iNkplaoiug Mines .... 10
Atlantis Monk Butte u
B. A a C. A 8. M. 14 North Lake
Butt Coalltloa M Old Doenlaloa 41
Cel. A Artuoa 44 Oeoecla its)
CSiL A Heel 47 Ptrrott g. A O. 11
Centennial U Qulnry , ii
4topper Haage C C, 4i ShaaDoa m-
Daat Bulls C M..... 11 Superior tiZ
Prejiklla 10 nVipertor A B. M....
Olreum Ca. ....... 4 4-14 Superior A P. C 14
Grajiby Cos 11 Tamarack 1
Greene Cannes .. 8 14-14 U. S . R. A M.... 16
lele Karats Copper.. II do pfd 47
Kerr Lake 4 Vtak Oas, it
Laks Ueppar 87 Wlueaa 7C
L SaUo Opper 1 HeKerlae 11
Mew Tarsj Cerb Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan Bryan, members New York.
Stock exchange. li South blxteeutb street,
Omaha. . . .
Asa. Tobaere A47 Nee. Cons 1
Bay glale Oaa 16 Newkouee 71
BulU UnaJUloa .... Nevada-Utah 14
llxi 1 Obi (tapper 1
Chine 14 kawkld Uoailttoa ..
Chief Cbaa 1 Bar Central 114
Davts-Dalr 1 Swift Pkg. Oo lot
Kir Casual 8 Sears-Roebuck
Oireaa 4 Suportee A PltiaUirg 14
aeiejuai 1 .,.ee?tt Triaug vpper 4u
Oreeae O
vnnea lper 18
Lanes ....
4 Noetk Laks ..
4 Bohemia ,
Ieea8 'tewainile-e.
Quotations furnished by Bums. Brtnker
A Co., 44V New Omaha National bank
rullding: .
City of Omaha 4a, !. ml
City ef Omaha 4a, JSM. school... 1"4 10,
Cudahy 1'a.king Co. as. ISM. M . an
Cbloenie KeJIway U. IDTI ke a
Leere C. 4a, aetee Im hZ
10 J
Ntw York Moaer Market.
NEW YORK, May f 4.MON KT On call,
steady; 8V(i2' per eent; ruling rate, :
per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered
at VJ, per cent. Time loans, dull; demand
net strong, but funds not being pressed on
market; sixty days. 12 per cent; ninety
daa, 8tj4 per cent; six. months, 8.l'i
Per cei.t.
per cent.
ST BR LI NO EXCHANOBI - Steady, with
actual business In bankers' bills st 84.4410
for sixty-day bills and st 84 8640 for demand.
Commercial bills, $4.83.
f ILVF.R Par, rS4o; Mexican dollars, 45c.
UoN I S Government, steady, railroad,
It regular.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
U. S. ret. ts, ref....lf Int. Mot. 4s 7
do eoupoa 10 Int. M M. 4a 47
0. g. le. reg lvlV Jpan 4a 11
do coupon 14144 do 4s 44
V. 8. 4a, rag 114 K. C. So. let Is 71
do eoupos 114 U A dea. 4s 131... . M
Allls-Chal. lot 6a.... 77 U. A N. vnl. ea M
Am. A. 6s 101 kf., K. AT. let 4s..
Am. T. A T. or. 4a.. 110 d gcs. 4a 17
Am. Tobacco 4s 4 Mo. Paclflo 4i 71
do 4a 101 N. H. R. of M. 4s 2
Armour A Co. 4s.. t N. T. C. g. !a 18
Atchleoa gen. 4a dn deb. 4s, 3
do sv. 4s 112 N, I.. N. H. A H.
do cv. le. 1U cv. la Ill
A. Q L. lat 4s 44 N. A W. let . 4s.. M
Pal. A Ohls 4s. 18 do cv. 4a 107
do la S1V4 No. Paeino 4a.
do B. W. 11 do la 71
Brook. Tr. ov. 4a.... 46 o g. L. rfdg. 4a.... 14
n. of Oa. la 108 Penn. cv. ! 1916.. 17
Con. Leather 4s do con. 4a 104
C. ot N. J. g. 4a. ..111 Read In a sea. 4a 96
dice. A Ohio 4a...l01 St. L. A B. F. fg. 4s 12
do ret. 6s 41 do gen. 6a 8
Chicago A A. la... 8 St. L. B. W. e. 4s. . SO
C. B. A Q. j. 4a ... 8 do lat gold 4s 41
do gen. 4a 47 S. A. L. 4a 78
C. M. A 8. P. g la M Bo. Pss. eol. 4s 3
a K. I. A P. . 4a. 78 do sv. 4a
do rfg. 4a 18 do lut ref. 4
I'olo. Ind. 4a T44 So. RalKrav Is 108
Colo. Mid. 4a 41 do gen. 4a no
C. A a. r. A a 4 t Union Pscino 4s 101
D. A H. ev. 4a. 8 do or. 4s. 108
D. A R. O. 4s 2 do let A ret. 4s... (7
do ref. 4s 1 V. 8. Rubber 4a 104
Distillers' 4 Tt U. t. glee I Id 6e..,.io6
Erie p. I. 4a. 17 Va.-Car. Chem. 4a. ..101
do gen. 4a TS W abaah 1st 6s ion
' do ev. 4a, ser. A... 14 ' do lat A . 4s...,
do series B 74 Weetern lid. 4s 17
Oea. Kloc. ov. 6e....l6o Wea. Elee. ev. 6a.. 4
ill. Cn. lat ref. as. N t la. Central 4 s
Bid. Offered. Mo. Psc. ST. Is M
New York Mlalng Stocks.
NEW YORK, May 24.-CloVlng quotations
on mining stocks were as follows:
Alio to oMttis Chief
Com. Tunnel stock... 1 Mexican 614
do bonds 14 Ontario iu
Con. Cal. A Va 1J4 Ophlr u
Horn Silver 16 'Standard lot
iron BM Ivor u Yellow Jacket it
Leadviile Cos. ..... 1
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, May 84. Bank clearings for
today were 12.646.030.06, and for the corre
sponding date last year, 83,676,684.71. -
BUTTER. Creamery , No. 1 delivered to
the retail trade In I-lb. cartons, 23c; No.
ir In 3u-lb. tubs, 21o; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons,
lilo; paokuig stock, solid pack, 13c; dairy.
In bO-ib. tubs, 144,10c; market changes every
CHKKSB-Twlns. HVrtflBc; young Amerl
cas, ltic; daisies, 16c; triplets, lfic; llmberger,
18c; No. 1 brick, 15c; Imported fewlse, SJc;
domestio Bwlss, 22c; block Swiss, 19o.
POCLTKY Dreased broilers, under 1 lbs.,
85.u0 per dos. : hens' 14c:cocks. 10c: ducks.
lsc; geese, lie; turkeys. 24c; pigeons, por
dosen, 8120; homer squabs, per dog., 14. IX;
fancy ' sauabs. ner doa.. 83.60: N. l. nee
dog., 88.0U. Alive: broilers, 20c; 1V4 to lVg
ius., eviiu i a iub., aw; smoom legs, jrto:
hens, 10c; old roosters, 6c; old ducks,, full
lueiiicicu. xuii- At:e.inereq, -fco:
turkeys, 12 Vic; guinea fowls. !!0c each: da-
eons, per doi.( 40c: homers, per dog., jiuu;
squabs, No. 1. per dos., 81.60; No.. 2, per. dog.,
64)c; old turkeys, 14o. ,-, y.
FISH (all frosen) Plckerel.loc; white,
tfic: pike. 14c; ' trout, lie; Urge crapples,
20o; rtpanlsh mackerel 18es .eeii 18c;. had
dock. 13u; flounders, Uc i green ctflsh, 18j;
roe shad, 90a each; shad roe, per pair.
4uo; irog legs, per ooi, s&cQ'eii.uv; salmon,
10c; halibut, 8c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo.
8c; bullhead, 14c. ,
iieef Cuts Mo. 1 ribs, 12Vo; No. 1, 11 Vic;
No. 3, Ho; No. 1 loin, Uc; No. 2, 12'rc;
No. 8, 12c; No. 1 chuck, 7Vic; No. 2, 7V4c; No.
8. 7q; No. 1 round, luc; No. 8, c; No. 8,
No. 1 plate. 6Ac: Lfo. 8. 6Ue: No. 1. So.
KRUITB Bananas) - Fancy select, per
Duncn, s.2ov.ov; jumoo, . ouncn, iz.iu3,7b.
Pates: Anchor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkgs..
In boxes, per box, 62.00.' Grape Fruit: Flor
ida, 64-04-80 sises, por box, 86.00; 8rt-40 slsee.
per box, 84.60. Lemons: Lunoneira brand,
extra fancy, 800-340 sizes, per box, K.iOvt
6.00; Looia LlmuiMira, fancy, 8u0iU0 slxea,
per box, 6&-0uije.o0; 840 Sue, 6uo per box lees.
Oranges: Camella .ludlanda navels, all
sizes, per box, 84.vui".7o; fancy navels, 80-lHi-l2d
slses, 43.26; 160 and smaller sises,
63.60tf3.76; California Jaffa oranges, 160 and
smaller slsee, per box, 13.75. Pineapples: 24-80-86
sites, per crate, 84.26: 43-48 sixes, per
crate, 83.26. strawberries: Missouri, per 24
quart case, 83.00. -
VEaETABlKS Beans: String and wax,
per hamper, 8-1.60; per mkt. bsk., liw4l.uo.
BeeU: Per bu., 76o. Cabbage: California
and Texas, new, per lb., 3c. Carrots: Per
lb., tc. Cucumbers: Hot house, IV and 2
dos. in box, per box, II. 6o; Texas, per
bu. hamper, 12. uO. Egg Plant; Fancy Flor
ida, per doi., 81.60. Uarllo: Extra fancy,
white, per lb., 12c. Lettuce: Extra fancy
leaf, per dos., 40c. Onions: Texas Bermuda,
white, per crate, 13.26; yellow, per crate,
62 00. Parsley: Fancy home grown, per
dos. bunches. 20c. potatoes: Iowa and Wis
consin, white stock,; per bu., hoc: new
stock, in sacks, per bu., 8110, Radishes:
Home grown, per dog. bunches, 2oi26a,
Tomatoes: Florida, per 6-bsk. crate, fancy.
84.00; choice. 63.60. "
MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: California
soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc less.
Br axil Nuts: Per lb., 13c; In sack ota, la
lees. Filberts: Per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lc
less. Hickorynuts: Large, per lb., 6c; small,
per lb., 6c. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8c;
raw, per lb., SVc. Pecans: Large, per lb.,
ltic; In sack lots, lo less. Walnuts: Callfor-
fia, per lb., 19c; In sack lots, lo less,
loney: New, 24, frames. 63-76. .
Melal Market.
NEW TORK, May 24.i-MBTAL8-Stan-dard
copper, quiet: spot, May, June, July
and August, 8U.IHX&-12.U. London market,
dull; siHtl, 56; futures, 66 lis 8d. Lake
oopper. locally, 8le.ttlt60; electrolytic,
8l2.liVr31J.aiVi; casting, 8H.87V4al2-13V. Tin
dull; iot. 644.10n44.76; May, 844.0urdH4 60;
June. 43.&Oiip44.60; July, 642.6tl43.0o; August
841.26irt41.7a. London,, easy; spot, 2u3 6s;
futures, A.1S9&B. Lead, dull; 84.40t7H.60, New
York, and H2of4.26, East St. Louis. Lon
don, 13 2s 6d. Spotter, dull; 86.3fya6.40,
New York, and $5.2o,u6 85, Kast St. Loula
London, 24 10s. Antimony, dull; Cook
son's. $n.0Ou9.60. Iron, Cleveland warrants,
4is 10d la London. Locally, the Iron
market was barely steady with quotations
lower for southern grsdes. No. 1 foundry
northern, 815.2&S 16.76; No. 1 northern, No.
lfi southern and No. 1 southern soft, 116.00 p
.S"1' l WJWH-iS; spelter, quiet
at oo.ZaVb
Cattea Market.
NEW TnBir M,u ti (Wwimu ci .
closed quiet, lo points lower; middling up-
."--"i uuuiuini iu, u.soo; sales, juu
changed; middling, liHc. Bales, none; re
ceipts. 1.187 balee; shipments, L167 bales:
stock. 12,167 bales.
New Tork cotton market, as furnished
hv I Aran av nr... w.mVK . v. v
Lottos exchange, 8il feeuin blsteenUi street;
Arucles. Open. High..) Low. Close. Teg-y
July ...
Aug. ...
Bept. ...
Cict. ...
feo, ...
May ...
Fait Pt. U A ub ts, Mtl I...
KaliTnont Creamery let g. 4 per ct.
Fairmont Ctreemery pfd t per eent....
Iowa Portland Cement let mig. 4s.
Kansas On A Eleo. 7 per ct. pfd.
I aneas City Ry. A LI. 4s, I'll ...
Northers Ohio T. A L 4 p. e. pfd....
Omaha Water 4a, 1X4
Omaha A C. B lit. Ry. (s, 111....
Omaha A C. B St. Hr. pld I p.
Omaha A C. B. St. hr. com..
Omaha A C. B. R. A B
Omaha Oaa la, 117..., ,. ,
Peters Mill per eent pfd
South Omaha City W
Tnpeka Hallway 6a, IMO '
t'nion Stock Tarda atook.-v.
t'nlon Stock Tent bonde....
Wis Memorial Hoapltal 4a. 1411
16 84 15 7 It U 15 88
15 40 18 ii US 15 27
13 68 18 84 18 87 13 68
11 14 13 M 13 13 11 16
13 08 18 It 13 08 13 07
15 88 16 67 16 75 16 75
16 40
13 84
13 16
13 08
16 84
Dry Oteii Market.
NEW TOP V VI. w Mrwlv nrrr. .
cotton goods market continues to vain
strenctk. Hutu r.rrl-. ui, T .
on staple prints, bleached cotton and mis-
. . f iarn ruie Tlrrn.
Dress goods in rough effects are Uric
ordered more freely for fall.
, OUs sVSsA Ktesatsi. '
Hrrn. Mffi6ae.
Riua.N rlrm; T, fl.OPl 7V4: Q. 7v7U
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big
Caul Are Steady to a Little Lower
for the Day.
Fat aees urn La sab a la Ooeidl De
saaadl Very Aetlve at
rrlces Steady te Ten
Ceate Higher.
. SOUTH OMAHA, May 24, Ull.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday , 4.133 t.M l.S
tfllcial Tuesday -. t,ti 16.SV 7.07s
LsUinate Wednesday.... 8.tj0 14.0UO 8,000
Three days this week. .13 JIB 8S.6 14 Mti
Same days last week... 14.8.! 3T.413 14,825
Same days 3 weeks ago.. 14.3S7 24.So lS.lHtf
Same days 3 weeks ago.. 12.607 tS.fl SI ZJ
Pame days 4 weeks ago.. 11.677 8S.1M iS.SW
Kama days last year.... 13.047 80,063 13,ftj8
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, as compared With
last year: ibu. 1910. mo.
Cattle 411.208 893.074 18.134
Hogs 1.M1.766 861.003 210.'753
Sheep 682,011 6b8.63 83,048
The following table shows the average
firlces on hogs at South Omaha tor the
ast several days, with comparisons:
Dates. 1911 .ai0.18.1908.1907.1808.1905.
May 14..
May 15..,
May l..,
May 17..,
May 11...
May 18..
May ..,
May 21..,
May 23..
May 23...
May 24...
6 7 W 5 I 30 81
8 P6 7 11 8211146801 16
6 PS' 6 80 6 24 19 6 29 6 80
6 H, 35 7 X? 6 21 1 33 1 83
(84Vs 844 702 680 626 IV 68
6 7f S.S 6 34 684680
5 78 689S 638&
8417 01 68S6 24 6M
664 70O63761S623619
6 60 I 48 6 86 6 11 6 IS 6 23
662 8 3a 6 97 6 04 I 23 6 17
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
thS I'nlon RtrM'lf V,n4, HAllth Omak. nm
twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yeeter
C., M. A St. P I
VSHlltJ, XlUASl DltODU. XI r 86V
48 19
71 8
4 - 1
44 8
103 28
aDasn i
Missouri Pacific
Union Paclflo S7
f! A K W K.ill 7
C, oV N. W. (west).... 62
v., Bl. f., M. U.... 40
C, B, A Q. (east).... 8
C, B. A Q. (west).... 88
o . n t ji p i...ti t
C, R. I. A P. (west).. 2
Illinois central
a. a. w
Total receipts
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
.. 647 1,740 1,022
Omaha Pkg. Co ,
Swift and Company...,
Cudahy Pkg. Co
Armour A Co
Murphy ,..
Morrell ,
W. B. Vansant Co.....
Stephens Bros.
Hill A Sot
F. B. Lewis ,
Huston A Company....
J. B. Root A Co ,
J. H. Bulla ...
MoCreary A Carey...,
S. Werthelmer ,
Rothschild A Krebs...
Mo. A Kan a. Calf Co
Sol Iegan ,
Other buyers
, 869
. 1,040
.. 1,118
81 .....
8 .....
7 ..... .....
18 ......
46 ..,
48 .....
28 ...
SS 26
.4619 13,392 6,814
C.iulb rle)i.4Hew . kMkUl MMueyiste 4,
cuuaiuwaoie lainug oil aa coinpareu wllu
yeoituuay, out sun tua run lur tne three
uays lovia up over lo,v00 ueaa, being only
l.vuw hvau kuort ot tne same aaya iaa.
week aua Lwo nea4 larger tnan uie same
period a year ago. Tne arrivals consiateu
very largely ot corn-iea came, a ooa
many ot tnem being heavy . ana of very
goua quality.
'ilie u.aiket on beef steers opened with
buyers picking out such cattle aa pleased
tnem that looked steaay with yesterday,
ibis means that the good to choice llgnt
and medium-weight oattle, which are In
the beat demand, sold early. On the other
hand, heavy cattle were Inclined to drag,
and the teadency. If anything, was A .tittle
lower on that kind of cattle..
Good heifers And good light cows on the
heifer order sold vsry freely at prices that
were steady with yesterday. Heavy cows,
on the other hand, were slow sale, the
same as they were yesterday, and for the
two days they are around oioo lower.
Stockera and feeders contlnus extremely
scarce, the supply consisting only of three
or four loads per day as a general thing.
While the demand Is limited. It Is fully
equal to or possibly- a little In excess of
the small receipts, so that prices paid are
strong In spile of the fact that the beef
cattle market is not very encouraging.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef
steers, 8i75.10; fair to good beef steers.
$6.605.75; common to fair beef steers, 85.01
lio.60; good to choice heifers, 86.006.75:
good to choice cows, 84.766.26; fair to good
cows and heifers, 84.254.7o; common to fair
cows and heifers, 6Z-7iitT4.00; good to choice
stockers and feeders, 35.30i)6.70; fair to
good stockers and feeders, 8s.303i5.70; fair
to good stockera and feeders, tfi.OOiSo.SO-,
common to fair stockers and feeders, 84.08
O6.00; stock heifers, 84.36&A.00; veal calves.
44.etK3-7.2S; bulls, stags, etc., 14.00.26. .
A. Pr.
1144 I N
1940 I M
1441 M
1K 4 H
...,.14il w
....t4J21 I 15
UN I 44
1171 I M
1044 I W
10T 4 41
1114 I 41
.....1164 I 16
ISM I 46
101 4 74
1161 1 TO
14. .
14. .
14 1M0 I TI
4 1S4 I TO
114 Tl
1461 I Tl
il.. II..
IW I 74
...1404 I 71
.IMS I 75
.,..141 TS
...1111 I TI
...1161 71
-.1411 TI
...1411 TI
...1171 T
...1464 I M
...1114 I 40
...1471 W
..104 ISO
.. T4I M
.. Til 10
.. 404 6 40
.1047 I II
.177 I M
, 771 I M
.771 I 40
.171 6 40
,...1JT 4 71
121 4 40
...1114 4 14
44 so
...lea 4 4
,..1070 I 04
...1144 I 01
11 I 10
..1290 '
4 14
4 te
. M ill
.1444 4 40 - I....
...144 4 10 I....
... II 4 40 4....
...1104 4 M
.1404 I 04
M 111
. 440 6 84
I7 00
111 IS
111 4 00
1H N
, 14 4 14
, lei 4 71
14 in
,170 in
, 124 1 40
174 1 40
144 1 14
144 I M
,iw in
1M 14
,144 1 t$
US 7 14
14 7 40
1H 7 40
14 7 4
i ..
i ..
144 7 44
307 7 40
is r ti
47 i w
, 40 I 14
, 414 4 4
, 63 I 44
TOO I so
14 ,
31 VI I 14
6 4X I II
HOQS Conul6n In th. h- ., ...
easted cheaper coat of drove Md mMy
sellers set their Dees In -m.Til
early. Quite e . llttrw beslness was done oi l
steady to shaded bar but trade Z
stronger tone after first rounds and prices
were gradually, elevated to nickel ad
trances... Lata in the session this gain was
general and waa hnn. v '
of aU weights. ' ' '
Receipts amounted to over 14.000 bead a
run that is only 3.000 head less thwi yester
day s heavy crop. Weights had good as
sortment and quality was usual. Trade
proved active from the start and reeulted
from a hew parking demand In the face
of liberal speculative orders. One of the
leading packers trailed ysstarday and
oi hers bought In aggressive fashion this
morning so thai beugaln purchases were
Total orders of a sDeculative aihira
called for fully 16 per cent of the run and
Quality , rsther than weight, was given
No. Av. Pr.
II 1004 I 14
II I 6 44
II 1041 44
li 414 I 14
II Ull I 44
M. Ml I 40
11 1421 6 44
4 1177 4 a
M...; 1041 I 41
II i M I 41
10 1111 I 44
11 1U.4 I 10
17 104 6 40
It. Ill I 44
II lioo l il
14 1220 I 44
14 ..1IN I 44
14 1SU 4 40
IrTI I 40
111 I 40
14...., 1401 140
II 11M I 40
14 1024 4 40
14 1JW I 0
11 447 I 40
II 1UI I 40
14 lUi I 44
14 1174 4 14
44 1144 I 41
to lint I 46
14 1264 4 41
13 114 4 44
7 Ml I 11
II 710 I 14
1 11U I 40
1 481 I 44
I...., Ill I 44
1 404 4 44
II. ........... 417 4 44
4 444 4 W
4.... I HO 4 04
1 17T I 04
7 441 I 10
7... 1014 I tl
I Ml 4 04
1 1M4 4 14
4 10 4 40
34 Ull 4 40
4 loel 4 i
1 1144 4 44
1 1140 I M
credit for selections. Bulk of business
ranged around 86.AK.n, these prices ap
plying to most of the butcher grerirr.
Best bacon anlma.s on sale reached 35.76,
a top that shows the advance..
Me. Av. gk.' If. No. a. Sh. Pt.
'J t 40 I M 44 ! 1M I l4
4 170 ... M t4 Ml 10 I4:4,
41 110 40 4 44 tfl 14 ... 4
44 le 140 I M IS t?1 44 4
I Ill ... 44 II 1T0 ... II2
41 r4 M i 10 41 SS I Ut4
4. M7 ... It 44 Ill 304 111
W .-. ! II 171 ... 141
IT rl 1H III 44 t ... s
44 rt ... Hi m , ... as
44 170 M III t ... w
! . M I 44 4S i K0 44
14 li 10 I 44 TI ISO 120 I N
4 174 10 M M 147 40 I W
4 4 110 41 44 171 ... I II
It. 14 10 I II 41 147 14 I l
41 14T 40 4 U ' W IM' a I of,
M H7 ... I 44 41 444 ... I 14
! 74 ... I 41 4k tl 40 4 14
4 ... I II 14 IM n III
4f 4 44 I W 17 IN 40 I 44
41 tl ... H 74 1 4 ... W
4t lit t40 I H f 141 40 I U
M I 44
4 I H
14 I H
40 T I4 I M ai . is i as
l T 40 4 4714 II.., 161 HO
4 I0 150 17V, TO 141 ... I 46
1 J" 144 I I7V M 4t , 44 4
" ... I 47'
44 171 M 7
T ... I M
44 Kl ... M
4i i-i n i m
41 2M ... I 10
44 U ... I
74 1.11 ... 0
11 101 M I 10
10 21 144 40
41 14 ... IN
41 !1 1M 4 40
4t 171 ... 10
44 Ml M0 I 40
4 164 10 I 0
84 IK 104 I 0
I 141 10 I 40
44 l ... II
14 17 ... to
44 IM ... M
44 2 ... 0
71 144 144 I 10
4 44
I 4
4 44
4 I I 40 I as
40 174 ... 4 S
4 17S ... IS
17 114 ... I 14
41 til 44 4 (4
44 If, I ... SI
74 Ill 44 I 14
U tr4. ... I 44
44 tJl ... ti
14 til 40 I
40 Ill 40 4 44
70 14 ... 44
44 Ill ... g
14 If. I 10 I II
44 Ill ... I tS
74 IN 40 I U
17 121 10 I 44
ins ... M
It It ... 44
41-.. 14 144 4 40 Tl 6S 40 I SS
I 4 44 4 40 Tl 117 ...
J !4 ... 140 19 UT ... M
I 171
41 Ill
I 44
I 40
...10 44 I 41
....144 SO IS
... t.'S It IS
....i4 ... I mi
....UO ... 4 47,
....111 ... 4 74
... IM 44 I 70
....tit ... I 70
....117 40 I TO
....114 40 I 70
1 40
tt 121 IM t
44 ... 0
71 Ml 144 I 40
44... IM ... 10
44 264 ... I 40
44 IM ... W
49 177 14 I to
44 164 ... IN
II Ill 10 40
44 .. . IM 40 4 M
44 Ill ... I4
41 11 ISO I 40
44 141 40 I 40
74 14 44 I 10
1 171 140 I M
ii tm to i to
41 164 114 I 40
10 11 ... I 40
40 3S ... Ml
Tl 161 44 I 111
44 164 M I Uti
44.4k.. ...167 ... Z4
40 14 140 I til
...l"4 IM TO
...IT) 110 4 TO
...til 10 TO
...110 ... ITS
...11 44 I Tl
...III 10 Tl
...411 44 I 70
...til ... 171
...161 101 TO
14 160 N I 74
47 mi ... 70
17 14 ... 71
6 141 ... 71
1 tOt ... I 71
71 117 ... I 71
BHE.EP Several surprising features were
Involved In sheep end lamb treae. Volume
of supply was normal, but the display had
a better variety than on moat days re
cently. More matured sheep arrived, but
the proportion of lambs, both woo led and
shorn, still proved large enough to be in
an easy majority, logically, the market
was due to weaken, but actually, prloes
ranged from steady to a dime higher In
spots. Strength was confined to sheep and
various bands of extra good lambs, oc
casional sales of the latter class of stock
showing an easier trend. An uneven busi
ness Indicated an uncertain feeling, of
course, but despite this condition, the big
bulk of offerings landed steady to strong.
Twenty-five doubles of stock, the entire
receipts, met with a healthy demand and
cleared readily. At times the call from
buyers was really aotlve, but the general
Inquiry could hardly be labeled urgent.
Classy kinds of lambs crowded high prices
at Chicago, wooled Mexicans selling at
87.55 and on up as high as 87.70if7.75. There
were no wooled westerns of consequence
on sale. Desirable shorn lambs settled In
notches almost -Identical with those of
yesterday, eight-pound animals with plenty
of quality bringing as much as $7.00. Oood
spring lambs sold at 67-60.
Matured sheep were usually shorn and
consisted largely of wethers and yearlings.
These olasses ranged at 3a.25C.&0 and shorn
ewes passed all recent limits st 84.75. The
sheep trade lately has not been keeping
pace with Iamb advances so that any
strength at present Is natural.
, Quotations on sheep and lambs: Goo to
choice spring lambs, 87.008.26; fair to good
Spring lambs, 84.007.00; Mexican lambs,
t.267.76; western handy lambs, 80.6Cy7.15;
western heavy lambs, I.10?5.(I6; good to
Choice shorn lambs, 36.607.00; fair to good
Shorn lambs, t&. 7(-6. DO; shorn feeding lambs,
3.763X.76; shorn yearlings, tt.8o4l5.00; shorn
Wethers t4 6.Vi5.16; good te choree shorn
ewes, 4.604.86; fair to good shorn ewes,
8 spring lamb i...... 49 7 M .
817 weetern shorn lambs 78 t 66
tit Mexican lambs 74 7 70
458 Mexican lambs ... 82 7 76
06 western shorn lambs 69 6 75
237 west ylgs. and welhs. shorn..l6 ' 6 26
406 west. ylgs. and welhs., shorn. 97 6 60
68 western shorn lambs 76 6 66
ft Spring western lambs 86 6 60
26 spring western lambs, culls.. 28 4 00
202 western ewes, shorn 116 4 78
140 western ewes, shorn... 98 4 60
80 western ewes, shorn, culls... 93 t 60
14 western shorn culls, lambs.... 62 6 60
609 Western shorn lambs ........ 77 7 00
474 western shorn lambs ....I..., 70 6 0
60 western shorn lambs 70 4 00
OeaiaaA for Catte aatt Sheep Weak
-Hoars Aotlve,
CHICAGO, "May 2tATTXJ9-Reoelpts,
19.000 head; market, weak and generally
10c to 16o lower; beeves, 3tY10!a.3"; Texas
Steers, 64.&036.56; western steers, 84.&6.eO;
stockers and feeders, 83.90iBe.76; cows and
heifers, 32 4OS5.70; calves, $a.0-r7.75.
HOGS Receipts, 83,000 head; market,
active and strong at opening prloes; light,
r.9084j.00; mixed. 66.60W6.83Vi; heavy, 86.36(3
62 V, rough. I5.3b(t26.6&; good to choice
heavy, 8S666 82Vi; pigs, 85.3&6.90, bulk of
Sales, 85.76166.90.
SUEBP AND IM.M BS Rec el pts, 20,000
head: market, weak to lOo lower; native,
83.9ir-a6.00; western, 83.7fmi6.00; yearlings,
84.7Crti6.70; native lambs, 34.763r7.00; western,
85.7587.26. .
Kansas Mr Live Steels Market.
KANSAS CITY, May 24. -"ATTLJi-Receipts,
7.000, Including 100 southerns; mar
ket, steady to strong; dressed beef and ex
port steers, 88.766.25: fair to' good, 85.006?
8 70; western steers, l4.TOa6.86; stockers and
feeders, R7&&6.66; southern steers, H-Mii
6.60; southern cows, 83.0U&4.60; native cows,
3Xrg.K; native heifers. 34.60ra4i.00; bulls,
64 16(1-6 ; calves, 86.0Oro-7.25.
HOGS Receipts. 17.000 head; market.
Steady to 6o higher; bulk of sales, eo.SOir
i.tO; heavy, 86.756.2Vi; packers and butch
ers, ,Mif6); lights,
siiEEr AND LA MBS- Receipts, 8.000
head; market, steady to strong; Ismbs.
t0Og7.6O; yearlings, 85 0Oaj.00; wethers..
1.608 5.00: ewes, t4.00tii4.66; stockers and
feeders, 83.00itj4.00.
t. I-eols Live Stack Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 84 ?ATTLiE Receipts,
8.900 head, including 1.200 Texans; market,
steadv ; native shipping and sxport steers,
8fi.7.SriS.46; dressed beef and butcher steers,
85 4U4041 50; steers under 1,008 pounds, 86.0047
6.26; stookers and feeders, 82.60tj4.16: cows
and heifers, II O093 15; canners, 300J315;
bulls, 3.76.'a6.M,; .calves S5.0O34.26; Texas
and Indian steers. 84.5tX.A60; cows and
heifers 63 6O&6.60. , '
HtXKS Receipts, 11,008 head; market, 6c
lower; pigs and lights, 8R.0Jg5.96; packers,
6S.7biev6.86; butchers and beet heavy, $5.8047
1 4
SHEEP AND TJLMB8 Receipts, 7,000
head; market, strong; native muttons.
84 "Ottf OO; lambs, tzttrq'l 78; culls and bucks,
83.0Oili2.60; stocksrs: 62.25itf8.00.
t. Joeesh Live stack Market.
eel pts, 1.600 head; market steady: steers,
84 5i5.1; cows and belters, M.60it.75;
calves. e3 5"dJ7.0. ,
HOOS Receipts, 7,000 head; market
steady; top, 85 94; bulk of sales, 65.7lM6.46.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1,000
head; market steady; lambs, 86.AM7.3d.
Stoek la Sigrkk.
Receipts of live etoek at the five princi
pal wester markets yesterday:
lysine), jiufto. onee;.
South Omaha
Sr. Joseph ....
Kansas City .
St. Louis
Chicago ......
.86.600 82,000 0,00
Waol Market.
BT. lOUlS. May 24. WOOL Unchanged;
territory and western mediums, litfHoj
fine mediums, 134T16C; fine. 11I2o.
gotelde at lewa City.
IOWA CITY. Ia, May K-SpeclAl Tele-
gram.-Jacob Beneas ended his earthly
career by hanging himself here last last
evening from the rafters ef his room. He
had gone suddenly Insane. His body was
found two hour later by hla wife.
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
.... 3 10
.... 1.9U0
.... 7,000
.... 8.900
Council Bluffs.
Will Donate land Enough for 0n on
River Front.
Coadltloa Imposed le that Aeeeee te
Hirer It Gives ss4 that Iel
Yard lie Coaatraeted Reach,
lag- to Broadway.
Through the munificence of General O.
M. Dodge Council Bluffs la to have another
large and splendid psrk added to Its ex-
tensive system. He has agreed to donate the
land nrcesssry for ths new West End park
In such a way that It will permit ths
money provided by special taxation for the
purchase of the ground alt to be used In
developing the park Itself. He has offered
to donate a tract of between thirty and
thirty-five acres on the river front at tha
point moat desired by the people of tha
west part of the city-and which most nearly
meets the epprovnl of the park board. It
comprises the river front between the street
railway and the Union Pacific bridge.
General Dodge's offer was made to tha
board In writing on March 80, when the
park board called for offers of park sites
to be opened on April 1. For excellent rea
sons the board decided to withhold ths In
formation from the public, but at a special
meeting held on Monday night ths decision
was reached to accept the generous offer
and acquaint the public with the facL
General Dodge, who owns about 160 acres
of land between the two bridges made A
double proffer to the board. His land front
ing the river comprises part of three" tracts.
Indicated en the plat maps as lots 1, I and
8. He offered to sell all of lot 8. which
lies In the form of a aauara cvtniainln
about thirty-five acres, for . 2n0 an acre.
or wouia donate a strip 400 feet wide ex
tending the full length of the river front
between the two bridges, a distance of about
half a mile. The only reservation Is that
the owners of the land adjoining? shall
have the right-of-way throus-h the Anrt.
strip to the river. General Dodge owns all
" tract, but only baa an Interest In the
others, which aro owned by eastern friends,
but It was wholly through his Influence
that the donation of the most valuable
part, tho river front, was given to the
Conditions of Gift.
Th gift Is accompanied by conditions that
are easily agreed with, and while develop
In the park Itself wUl also add materially '
to th value of the holdings of General
Dodge and his friends. Th conditions re
quire th obstruction of a boulevard from
Avenue B along Thirty-seventh street to
the line of lot 2, midway between th two
bridges: thence west to the high ridge that
runs parallel 400 or 600 feet Inland from
the river; then following the ridge all thS
way to tho south line of lot 8; thenoe to tha
old wagon road leading from th Brown
tract to th Union Paclflo bridge, following
that grade to Ninth avenim ami h, ..1.
to Broadway. Tho rlrht-of-way for this
is to do given through th land
traversed. The queaUon of Its cost Is yet
an undetermined factor In th proposition,
but as It has a firm sand foundation and
General Dcj,.., Wwl , tha u ,houId b-
covered only with cinders, th cost will
b small in comparison with th prlc that
would hav to be paid for any quantltr of
land. If purchased outright. Th can only
b determined in the report of th engineer
Ernest E. Cook, who ha. been employ .
by th park to make th surv.y.
Moner Caoegrh on Maad.
er ' In th gpeclaj pari, .
fund, and when th final payments of th
; v f.Vy V ,nd ther' wln mow- This -ts
believed to be sufficient to construct th
extenslv boulevard and Improve th water
front. A number of feasible plans for this
ar m view. One contemplates using th
tau, straight cottonwood trees that cover
a large portion of the tract, for piling. A
Pll sixty or more feet long could be sunk
by hydraulic pressure with a small portabl.
engine pump In a few minute to th. water
lovei to suppcrt a concrete foundation for
fromh ' th4t mUrht "tructed
from the trranlte paving blocks from Broad
way. Th. green plies below the water level
ratal ,0r"nturte-- wall could p.
could thus bo mad. very attractive a. win
a- permanent and b. a delightful prospect
All of this, however. Is a matter of detail
H. will return about a week and will
hen go to New Tork to remal, tii
Uroadway offlco until September
Lawn Mowers-w. have" big Mna-tha
Great American, ball bearing. 81L lT
DeVol Hardwar Co., 604 Broadway.
Nambaw f Appoints..!. J.Mtry
- . BpoMiai Kleettoa,
June 6, ,
i.i" rvals trom to
emporary Ab.nce. several change har. '
traT mrUU, th P0""" ' the regl.!
trarg of election, who" bare been called
upon to serve .gain for tha special con
gressional election on June f. Th regis,
trar of eloctlon. who hav been called
fall were held ?y th attorney general to
be entitled to sATV at the special le- '
tlon. Followlnf nt th corrected list of
th registration place and ths name, of
th registrars, who wW b. at their poets
on Thurday and Friday ct this week and '
again on election day: """V.
Second ward-First prednct, city haU
. N. Caeady. Jr., democrat; C T TikI
bltts, republlcsn. Second orinlne t . 3
bitts, repu bllcan.,r'nrt' VZIV
cigar store, 744 West Broway XSfi; '
pu'Woan"' dem0ert! S.
st?.etrd A rI4"ir!rrt r FourtU
i .: aieacn, democrat: W
J. CConnell, republican l w
buckle.'" repuM."lA
wU,,,y.o?.V.d,n-' "'ward. demorTtTF:
--. .uii, rB(iuuuran. Third Dreclen
Oray's reaidenoe. 8oi Wu n,7
George H. AckerJ reambUcan? C UFrlll
pen,, democrat. ' Crlp-
lnt'Jlt?a:?-f7r,VL0,B?. "nty build.
""J1.1 . . c""Pany." toroJd we- .
.. i-e.11-n1ntn street; fc'ellx o Neilf
Drink Budwaiser. Jllng of Bottled Bear.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 210. Nia'ht 3V170X
tr.mA- nc b giv,n
,1 L . "". "l club house
famlhean'wii?' r,th J"""' and th
lamiiiea a will be of an Informal and
ar;dCnah:riCt'r:-,- '
11. H