Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    TTIE r.EK; OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911.
tin of tha V
tilng In Col j
nion aclflo
Arrive. .
1 ..0 a. m.
4j a ni.
1 a. m.
in Art a. r..
10 35 a. m.
1 1.10 a. m.
12 4 p. m.
1.00 p. m.
1 4 p. m.
J 45 p. m.
p. m.
Iti p. m.
4 2 p. m.
6.1 p. m.
I SO p. m.
) p. m.
7.00 p. m.
IS a. m.
1 M a. m.
ii a. m.
10 w a. m.
10 45 a. m.
11.25 a- m.
'i'io p.'m.
2 iO p. m.
t W p. m.
SS p. m.
4 10 p. m.
4 5S p. m.
t 90 p. m.
r p. m.
40 p. m.
10.00 p. m.
nn City
oojtvuie ......
oMMt .....
J'nncbro ....
St. laul
t Libory
(Ortnd Inland).
Central City....
Bllver CreaK...
Governor Wilson
in the Twin Cities
Chief Executive of New Jersey it tha
' Ouest of St Paul and Minneap
olii Organization!.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May M.-Gorsr-por
Woodrow WUon of New Jersey ar
rived here today from the went and will
' ipid two dftye In this city and St. Paul.
After a breakfaat at th Minneapolis club
and an Informal reception. Governor Wil
ton ws taken In hand by a committee
from the Minneapolis Publicity club and
t a noonday luncheon under the auaplcea
6f the club at the Wet hotel, the governor
poke on business and polities'." -
This afternoon Governor Wilson will be
turned over to a committee from the St.
radl Association of Commerce and will be
taken to the state eapltol of St Paul,
where a public reception will be tendered
him. Thle evening, he will speak at a din
ner given trt St. Paul by the Association
of Commerce.
Filth District Politician Dislikes
Doctrine that ts Beta spread
fcr Jersey Mam.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May i.-(Speelal. Bernard
5. McNeny.. Fifth district democrats pol
itician, and well konwn western Nebraska
lawyer, who has been In the city the last
thres days, asserts that Woodrow Wilson
Is, preaching a doctrine which tends too
mich of populism to meet with tha ap-
' Vl ot ,he buIk of nUl Party- " coure
It is -.:.'odernlsed popullstlo standee Is
taking, but Just the same tha tendency of
the times is for the democrats of this stats
to drift toward the Cleveland brand of
democracy," the Red Cloud man said. Fur
ther Mr. McNeny declared that It was his
belief that this state would swing Into the
column for Harmon of Ohio, due to his ln
tereat in tariff issues, a thing which he
asserts Nebraskans are beginning to view
through different glasses than they hava
for the last two or threa years.
Candidacy of rormer Saprems Court
Commissioner for Jade Started
' I r rrleads.
' CLAT CENTER, Neb., May 4.--Spe-clal.)-At
a meeting of the Clay County
Bar association held today the candidacy
f A. C. Epperson of this city for supreme
judge was unanimously endorsed. Reso
lution! reciting his fitness for tha position
by reason of Jis former connection with
the court a commissioner and his many
years of honorable practice In this county
were passed. Ha will probably file within
the next week.
Mr. Epperson was appointed a court
ortytilsslonsr January , t, taking Judge
Itton's place, and remained in that posi
tion until the commissioner wera super
cede 4 by tha judges In 1909.
' Fall from Hoof Fatal.
' AtTRORA. Neb., flay M.-XSpecIal Tele
gram.) Albert W. Lane while at work tear
ing down an old Ice house In East Aurora
fell from tha roof about thirty-five feet
above the ground and suffered Injuries
which resulted in his death last evening.
The accident happened about I o'clock yes
terday afternoon. The deceased was about
it years of age and unmarried,
Farmer Iajarod oy Fall.
WATERLOO, Neb., May K (Special Tel
egram.) Thomas Larson. , a prominent
farmer three miles southwest of Waterloo,
fair thirty feet from a tree today and was
seriously Injured. He had cut a large oot
tnnwand and In falltna- It lodsed In an
other. Larson was trying to dlalodga tha
tree when In soma way ho lost his footing
and fell. Ha baa been unconscious sine the
accident. i
oath Dakota) CoBsTressaaaa to I peak
at the Battle Maaatata
' Saaltarlaaa.
HOt BP RINGS, 8. XX, May M.-(Speclal.j
Congressman Rben W. Martin will de
liver the Memorial day address at the
Battle Mountain sanitarium here where tnv
exerclses will be held by officers and vet
erans of the national home In honor of
their departed dead. March will be made
to the cemetery of the home, where about
sixty battle-scarred veterans hava been
laid since tha home was started four year
ago. after which Mr. Martin will speak.
the selection of Congressman Martin for
this honor 1 especially fitting for It was
through bis efforts that Jhla was selected
. -ef,il the available sites, for th location
of this tr.flPO.OoO Institution for the car of
disabled volunteer soldier. Thousands of
ttwrisu visit this bom every season, it
being on of the show places of th state.
Riaof that Coaierenco ta Now York
Will Make Cat at Desaaad
of Jobbers.
NKW TORK. May 24--A cut In th prlc
of steel bar I Imminent according- to the
report current today In th financial dis
trict. It la understood a meeting will
be Wd at which the eoni'erec will Include
th United State Steel corporation and
a ' number of so-called "Independents"
among them the Republic Iron and Steel
company. Cambria Steel company. Jones
dt Laughitn Co. and th Pennsylvania Steel
company. "
Th privilege price for steel bar Is
11 44 per 100 pounds at Pittsburg and a out
of t or M eenta per 10 pound i demanded
by Jobbers.
, .last tee ( Poaeo Ftaat Hear
Ckarlestaa, W. Vs.
CHARLESTON. W. Va., May tt-In tha
preaeae ot member of then respective
families, two well known resident ot Ran
dolph county today fought a duel with
knives,' which resulted In va ot th com
bataliU being killed and th other prob
ably fatally stabbed.
Jams r. ' Herron, superintendent of a
Sunday school In th baralet. near which
the tragedy ooeuned 1 dead, whll bis
antagonist. Momer Highland, a Juatlo
ot th peace, I not azpeoted to recover.
Herron la survived by thirteen children.
Tbe aua at th trouble Is not kaowa.
tm it tt tha mln
iulil ipnd the v
Thurtxiey. May
President of Lumber Association
Makes Annual Address.
Say a President Tart's Reciprocity
Aarreemeat Is aa lasldloas Dis
crimination Aa-alast Lam
bcr Industry. ..
CHICAGO. May 24 Edward Hlnes,
named before the Holm legislative commit
tee In connection with the collection of an
alleged 1100.000 fund to elect United State
Penatnr William Lorimer, today took occa
sion before reading his annual address to
the National Lumber Manufacturers' asso
ciation, of which he I president, to defend
his acts and to flay Ms accusers.
Followlt an all-night session the board
of govenfc-s of th National Lumber Man
ufacturers aso!lstlon adopted a resolu
tion expressing confidence In President
Illnes which was adopted by th associa
tion Immediately after th president's ad
dress. In his address Mr. Hlnes said In part:
"I deem It proper at th outset to eay a
word respecting certain charge that have
been made against - me, and la some In
stances against th lumber Interest In re
lation to national affairs.
Demies AI Chara-es.
"I absolutely deny these charges, t am
absolutely Innocent ot any wrongful acts
In these matter. I have no apology to
make for my conduct aa an Individual or
as an officer of the association, or any
other association which has honored me
with its confidence) nor have you or any
other factor of th lumber Industry any
apology to make for its conduct and atti
tude toward national affairs.
"So far as I personally am eoncerned,' at
the proper time and by th proper proced
ure I shall vindicate myself and confound
my traducer before a tribunal that will
not be a grotesque travesty on law and
justice a mere tool of politics and th sub
servient organ Of Unfair and unscrupulous
I shall not only welcome, but I shall In
slst on and secure th fullest Investigation
as to my action In these matter, where
th sanction of th law will bring out th
truth and expose the falsehood, .
Attack Newspaper aad Tuft.
What I have don In behalf ot th lum
ber Industry la my own and in your be
half, and what you have don in co-operation,
with me, ha been done openly and
legitimately." -
Hen then attacked newspaper, asserting
they were foremost of tbosa who besieged
representative of people for special priv
ilege. Plunging Into nil annual address, after
applause or hi opening remarks, Presi
dent Hlnes attacked President Taft reci
procity plan, aaylng :.-
"A year ago at the New Orleans meeting
I congratulated you on what I thought
was a satisfactory ending of th tariff
campaign, yet new we find ourselves again
In a renewed campaign of the same sort.
Again lumber I asked largely to bear the
burden of what 1 called tariff revision.
This Urn it sasumeS th old guise of
reciprocity with Canada and, obeying the
mandate of th association, w have been
making a fight against tha Insidious dis
crimination with which It proposed w shall
b treated.'
Chinese Doctor to
Marry White Girl
Miss Elisabeth Wood of Kansas City
tj Become- Bride- of Graduate of
IHedioal School.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. May I. -Dr. Lew
Chee, who graduated a few day ago from
tbe University Medical college here, with
high honor, will marry Miss KUsabeth
Wood. IS year old, daughter of a local
contractor, a sister of tbe girl announced
today. After their marriage which 1 to
take place in th tall, Dr. Chs and his
bride will go to China, where th physician
will praottca hi profession.
Dr. Chee. who 1 M year old, was for
merly a student at th University ot
Trial of Dr. Kelly
is Postponed
Council Bluffs Physician Charged
with Two Maiden in Dei Moines
is Given Continuance.
DE8 MOINES. May M. Dr. Harry D.
Kelly of Counoil Bluffs, charged with kill
ing Deputy Sheriff Clarenoe Weolman ot
Council Bluff and Edmund Starling of
Dee Moines in this City several weeks ago,
Obtained a continuance ot hi cas until
th September term of th district court
today. Th defens Showed It was lmpos
Ibl to get witness into eovrt at this
Passeac Stattea, Hick tcbool sal
Harvester Offleo Will Cost Koar
Raadrod Tkoaaaad Pellere,
ABERDEEN. 8. D.. May 4.-8pecisJ.-plsns
hav been decided upon for th
new Milwaukee station which will replace
the on burned several month ago. Th
new structure will occupy an entire block
The cost wilt be in th neighborhood .of
tlW,O0O and It will b on of th hand
omet paseenger station between Chicago
and the Pacific coast termini of th road,
Work will be a'arted soon on an 233,000
building for th Internationa) Harvester
company' headquarter at Aberdeen and
the new ll5o,& high school building will
b completed In time or th opening of
achool next fall, these thrt building rep
resenting a cost ef nearly ll&O.OOQi
Mayor of Blaetlelda, IV. Va-, Saye
There Neve lias Bn Aay Bfok
Vloieuoo ta C'.tr.
BLUEPTELD. W. Va. May Si-Indignant
at th publlcattiio In certain paper
of an absolutely "fakei" atorr that a man
b4 bn lynched V a ehureh cross here
several djs ago. Mayor Blowers and
Chief ef Police ostlthwlt today Is
sued the following statement:
"Th publication purporting to be an
account of a lynching of a maa by bang'
tng to th spire of a eherek la mad out
ot tl.e whole cloth- There baa been ao
fatal Shooting br la six years and aever
la th history ot the cjty ha there been
a mob," .
A movement 1 a foot to bring cult for
libel against paper that published the
false report.
Stork U Basy Bird.
COLOMK, a D.. May i (Special.) Tbe
stork Saturday morning established a new
record for this part ot th country, when
he called oa three households at practically
th same hour. Dr. Kimball was kept very
busy following th trail at th bird. All
th work' pasaeagara war girl.
Chief Taft Feeds
Elephants at Zoo
With Glee of Boy
President Shakes Hands with Monkeys
and Otherwise Disports Himself
in Bronx Trip.
NtW YORK, May U President Taft was
whisked bark Into Mbyland today. He
motored out to the Bronx boo. Inspected
more than half the animals, shook band
with the monkeys, fed th elephant and
the two-horned rhinoceros and watched
the keepers feed the biggest python ' in
captivity. He was hsppy as a youngster
until th last cage bad been Inspected.
Senator Bacon of Georgia, Major Butt,
Henry W. Taft, Attorney General Wlcker
aham and John Hay Hammond mad up
th party. They went direct to th ad
ministration building where President Taft
gased long at the head of a white rhinoc
eros that Colonel Roosevelt shot in Africa.
The president smiled broadly wben told
that two monster elephant tusks on the
wall were smuggled Into the country.
" Next the president went to the monkey
house. He was especially Interested In
"Susie" and "Baldy," two particular pets.
After the monkeys the president wanted
antic for several minutes, a keeper opened
the door and "Susie" and "Baldy" were
presented In due fashion to the president.
"Hello, Baldy," said the president, the
monkey reached out his hairy paw. "I'm
glad to meet you."
Baldy acknowledged th honor of being
the first monkey to meet a president by
a respectful nod of his head.
After the monkeys the persident wanted
to see the lioness , that "Buffalo" Jonos
lassoed In Africa. The president knows
"Buffalo" but thought more highly then
ever of his prowess after a keeper bad
jabbed the lioness with a sUck and he had
heard her roars.
It was with the elephant ttjat th presi
dent felt really at home. Keeper Palmer
brought a bag of sugar and the presi
dent stood close to the cage and al
lowed the elephants to eat out of hi
hand. Then the president was taken to see
th reptile. Head Keeper Snyder showed
him th python that eat a pig at on bit,
stirred up tha rattlesnake until they
bussed angrily and threw whit mice into
th mongoose's . cage to how how that
animal kills It prey.
W. L. Fisher, Secretary of Interior,
Makes First Official Speech.
Better Codes aa Better Kaforooatoa.
of Those Already Eaacted Ara
Needed Governmeat Set
ting- Good Example.
NEW TORK. May tl-Walter L. Fisher.
th new secretary ot the interior, deliv
ered hi first official speech here today
at th meting of th National Fir Pro
tective association. Secretary Fisher s sub
ject was "Fir Wast and It Remedy."'
H declared that tha national government
was trying to reduce this los by requiring
fireproof material in the construction of
Its buildings and making experiments to
ascertain th best material to use. Neglect
of the precautions, he said, was mainly
tn fault of municipalities. Government
statistics, he asserted, showed that th an.
nual fire loss was one-half the values
of th new building erected during the
year. .
If the government," said Secretary
Fisher, "shoryld suddenly lay an annual
tax of 12.61 on every man, woman and
child tn th United State on a promts
of (pending th money for some useful
purpose, that promts would not avail
against th storm of protest which would
b aroused. Nevertheless a tax which in
th aggregate amount to that, la being
paid by th people of this country. It I
the annual fire loss of th nation upon
building and their content alone. Met
only Is this property lose paid by our peo
ple, out in addition, annually 1.600 persons
giv up their Uvea and nearly 1000 ar In
jured in fires. In no other civilised coun
try are condition so bad."
Turning to forest fires, th secretary
"Last year' record ta a bloody on. BeV-
enty-slx maa employed by th national
government lost their live In fighting
forest fire la 1910. Nearly 1,000,000 aoroa
ot national forest land were burned over."
As remedies fgr existing condition In
connection, with fir losses. Mr. Fisher
pointed out th necessity of developing
cheaper fireproof material and th ne
cessity of better building code in cities
and especially of a bettor enforcement ot
code already enacted.
Pabllaher' A stent Say It 1 lataaded
to Frovoat C lease from Becom.
lagr Operative.
WASHINGTON. May 24-John N orris.
representing th American Newspaper Pub-
Ushers' association, was again before the
senate finance committee In advocacy of
the Canadian reciprocity bill today. ' Mr.
Norrla declared that the Root amendment
to th bill providing that the paper clauss
of th measure should not be in force un
til th president proclaim that wood, wood
pulp and paper ar admitted from all part
of Canada free of duty, would postpone In
definitely th date ot application of the
treaty. I
Thst was what It was Intended to do,
remarked Senator Stone.
Mr. Karris claimed that th amendment
Was Inconsistent with th purpose of the
A a result of th high prioaa charged
by th International Paper company, Mr.
Norrt said that th largest user of news
print paper in th country would hav to
pay during th coming year STOO.OM mere
than for several year past and another
publisher about S50O.000 a year more.
The present tariff, h declared, allowed
the paper maker of the United Statee to
maintain high price and keep Canadian
paper out
Alonso Aldrlctt of Beloit, Wis., a manu
facturer of paper machines, pok In oppo
sition t tha bill. Th committee then ad
journed until tomorrow.'
Attoraey for Mejfaaaara Con fere with
Lak Loader Akaat Plaa
tor the Defease.
SAN FRANCISCO. May M.-Clarone C.
Parrew of Chicago, retained by th Inter
national Association of Structural Iron
Workers of America to defend J. 3. Ho
Nam ara and hi brother, J. B. MoKaoiara,
arrived bar last night and want Into Im
mediate eonferenoo with local labor lead
er. Mr. Parrow refused to discuss ths
dynamiting case or to outline the plan
of th defense, declaring bis knowledge of
the case waa oonfined t statements pub
lished la th newspaper. II Indicated,
however, that the preparation of ths .de
fense probably would prove a lengthy
task. Mr. Darrow expect to leav tor Los
Angela Thursday
Premier of Canada Scoffs at Idea of
Dinar of Pilgrims' Society ta Les
doa la Hoaor ot Coloalal Pre.
' snler Noteworthy for Plala
LONDON. May 14. The dinner of the
Pilgrim society tonight in honor ot the
colonial premiers was hlstorio, because of
th unexpected and ' noteworthy plain
speaking by Sir Wilfrid Laurler, the
premier of Canada. Sir Wilfrid, addressing
an audience composed of many of the
great men ot England, handled th an-
r.exatlon question without gloves.
He began by expressing amassment that
during his thre days' stay in England
h had heard so many people of standing
vclotng doubtscimoernlng the design of
th United SlXTe regarding Canada. He
scoffed at the Idea of annexation being
seriously considered on either side of the
border. He expressed In warm terms his
admiration for the people of th United
States, but said, much he loved the
American people, he loved Great Britain
Canada in sharOig the continent with
th United States, h said, had a double
Interest In th treaty of arbitration be
tween th United Statee and the United
Kingdom and he exclaimed dramatically.
"I thank God that th relation between
th two people never wer so good as
they are today."
Th premier aroused enthusiasm when
he said that Canada and the United States
proposed to continue to show to th world
two nations with th longest boundary,
extending from ocean to ocean,' living In
peace and njutual respect without a
fortress, a soldier or a gun on either aid
of that boundary.
Aaglo-Anaerlcaa Relations Toplo.
Th dinner was In contrast to the one
beld at a former imperialistic conference,
because that waa of purely British Im
perialistic tone, whll Anglo-American re
lation were almost th sol topic tonight.
Lord Robert presided and welcomed the
premier. Sir Edward Grey, th foreign
secretary, proposed "Anglo-American
arbitration," without adding anything
significant to his former utterances on this
subject. '
Defining th Monro doctrine a mean
ing that no European nation should acquire
more territory on the American continent,
he added: "Our policy 1 in tuft accord
with that doctrine."
The American consul general, John L.
Griffiths, responded. Ha said It Was a
matter ot gratification to the 'American
people when President Taft struck th
highest moral not of hi generation and
ho recalled with what ense of exultation
they received Sir Edward Grey' reply.
Th Imagination 1 profoundly stirred a
w try to antlclpats th beneficent re
mits which would tollow if England and
America enter Into a covenant ot peace,"
he continued.
Message from King.
A message was ssnt to the king by th
diner, and th secretary of th society,
Harris Britain, read this reply:
"Th king thanks th Pilgrim for their
kind congratulation oh hi approaching
coronation. H earnestly, hope that the
high ideals which th -society ha in view
may be completely realised.
Ot th speakers th Canadian premier
waa th most Impressive, because his sub
ject had aroused Interest her. 1
Sir Wilfrid spok at length on th Immi
gration of American to Canada. H said
th majority of them took th oath of
ailegianc to George V. '
They had found in Canada th aam
opportunity and th sam freedom under
th law which they had on th tbar
side of th border. Moreover, they had
found that democracy Under British mon
archy waa not less than under a republic.
II would hot say that som American
dlo not covet the fair acre of . Canada,
they would not be human If they did, net.
If th United State . attempts to annex
Canada, continued th premier. It wuld
not b by fore of arms, but by education.
In that . event Cauda would reply as
Diogenes did to Alexander: "Stand out of
my sun." Thar waa sun enough for both.
Th last word of th Canadian premier
wer almost drowned tn applause. "W
believe." b said, "that th day will com
ot an alllanc of all lands springing from
England's loins, ensuring th peac ot the
world forover."
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems lg advance of baby's
coming. Unless the mother aids
nature in its pre-natal work th crisis
finds her system unequal to th de
mands made upon it, and ehe is often
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy is so truly a
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
and no expectant mother should fail
to use it. It relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain' on
the ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscles which
nature la expanding-, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother's
Friend dispels the fear that the crisis
may not be safely met. Mother's
Friend assures speedy and complete
recovery for the mother, and she is
left a healthy woman to enjoy the
rearing oi ner
child. Mother's TtVTTTTTTVC
Friend is sold at lyllllllMfci
drnr stores.
Write for our free
book for expect-.
ant mothers which contains much
Valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
MJUDflEU) ncUUTOH CO., Aaaahv G
Got ta
Original aad Genuine
0Jifci&ts iJmitatjcrJ?
The Food Drink for All Ajfes
Not in any Milk Trust
tT Ituist on "HORLICK'S
k . Take - koaae
Lumber Companies
Begin Their Defense
Secretary Smith of Yellow Pine Asso
ciation is Explaining; Curtail-
' ment of Production.
ST. LOUIS. My M. -Lumber firm
charged by the stste of Missouri with
forming a trust In restraint of trade began
their derense today In the hearing ot the
state's ouster suit In progress here.
George K. Smith, secretary ot th Tellow
Pine Manufacturers' association: began the
third day ot his testimony. One dt the
first things brought out was tha tact that
the report of a large lumber surplus, oh
which the order to ourtall production In
1904 wss based, was "Inflated."
"I have found out since," said Mr. Smith
In reply to questions, "that there was not
so large a surplus as was reported at the
1904 meeting. Since 1908 I hav mad a
business of studying condition at th
mills for myself and It would not be pos
slbls for an Inflated report Ilk the one
of 1904 to be acoepted by the assoclstlon."
Steel Kin Mill Testify Befor Hiw
Committee la Aatnmn Gate
gammoned (or Satarday.
NKW TORK, May 4. Andrew Crne
begins his annual vacation today. He sails
this afternoon with Mrs. Carnerle and
their daughter on the Oceanlo to spend the
summer at Sklbo castle, Scotland.
WASHINGTON, May .-It Was stated
here today that Mr. Carnegie had sn un
derstanding with the house committee In
vestigating the Steel trust that h will
not be called aa a witness until oms time
in th autumn.
John W. Gate ha been summoned to ap
pear Saturday befor th hous "Steel
trust" investigating committee to tell what
he knows of th taking over of the Ten
neeaee Coal & Iron Co. by th United
State Steel corporation.
Aato Itoad to Sylvan Lake.
HOT SPRINGS. S. D., May Jt-Special.
An automobile road from her to Bylvan
Jake, a distance of thlrty-flv miles will
be built early this summer by th com
blned effort of th county authorities of
Custer and Fall River countie. and th
co-operation of local automobll owner.
Th rout will be via Wind Cav and Cus
ter, and passing through mountainous
country will be one of the most attractive
drive in the country.
Th Key to th Situation Bee Want Ads.
Coat and Pants to Order $20
A handsome line of Blue Serges. Plain and fancy. Tha
nee&t bliadea of tans and some silver grayB are included
in this sale. , -
MacCarthy-Wiloon Tailoring Co.
May be depended upon to move your household gooda with the greatest
saving in time the least apparent effort and the greatest ot care.
Tney know their, work and do it well.
WrSll be there promptly with courteous employee, big, clean
padded vans, and all the eipected turmoil ot moving will he turned
Into an orderly, quickly made move.
(Expressmen's Delivery Co.)
216 South Seventeenth Street,
Ground floor Bo Bids'. lTth Street 8M. y hones i Pony. 394 1 lad. 1314
i 1
Great Cosmopolitan Shows furnishes all attractions for the braeflt
ot the Benson Building Fund.
a i
h. r.i. 'garnet J
Will Open Saturday Afternoon, May 27
Tho Ball Room in tho Now Pa
vilion is the Finest in the West
Rowing, Bathing, Bowling Other Amusements
Prof. Herman Schneider of Cincinnati
Hat Offer of Place.
Dr. Harry D. Kelly ot Coanrll Bluff.
Will Not R Tried on Marder
Chars: Until September
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DE8 MOINKS, la- May 24.-(tipeclal Tel
egramsInformation received here today
Indicates that IV Is not yet settled who Is
to become president of the state college
at Ames. iTof. Herman Schneider of the
Cincinnati university is reported to have
under consideration a proposal to come to
Iowa and take charge of th Institution
at Ames and It Is expected that he w,ll
make a visit to Iowa to look over the situ
ation. He has stated thst ha will not de
cide for some time yet whether he will ac
cept. He is founder of a eo-educatlonal
plan in Cincinnati which Is very popular.
Officials aa Pallbearers.
Slate officials acted as pall bearers for
the funeral of the late Paul Gllllland or
Mills county as he was taken to the tra n
this morning to be taken home for burial.
Kelly's Trial Tat Off.
tr. Harry D. Kelly, the Council Bluffs
physician accused of double murder, will
not be tried until the September term of
th district court. His hearing was post
poned on the application ot hi attorney,
who argued that he vuld not poslbly get
tho evidence prepared for this term of
court as all tha wltneses for the defense
live 'In Council Bluffs or outside the state.
McPherson Does Not Hole.
Judge Smith McPherson adjourned court
today without ruling whether three Judge
shall hear the express rat injunction
oases against th Stat Railroad commission.-
He said he would announce his de
cision later.
Two Masked Men Hold I'b President
. Cala at Albany aad Get
Two Thousand.
A LB ANT, Old., May 14. In broad day
light the State Bank of Albany was robbed
today by two masked men who entered the
bank while President P. L. Cain was alone
In the building and at th point of revol
vers forced him to open th vault, and
escaped with 12.000. Cain was left locked
in the vault and when rescued an hour
later was nearly suffocated.
w r?B&iri
n ni
isasssa WATCH rsxss.
Jewelers buy WALTI I AM
materials and watch parts
for the repair of other watches.
They appreciate the superiority
of WALTHAM construction and
workmanship. ,
"If Tim You
(hmJ 9 Waltham"
Send for Deerlptle Booklet
wsfthsm Wrtck Ct. Wstthai. Msss.
0r. Lyon'o (
Tooth Powder
cleanses, preserves and beau
tifies the teeth and imparts
purity and fragrance to the
breath. Mothers should teach
the little ones its daily use.
Graduation Gifts
Only the best is good enough
for the graduation gift. The
many handsome gifts select
ed at this house year after
year is proof of their fitness
for the graduation present.
The qualities of beauty, dis
tinction and true worth are
combined in every gift selec
tion at the Edholm store.
There are many present sug
gestions here that will please
you and make an appropriate
gift for the boy or girl grad
uate. Don't Merely Buy Invest.
Albert Edholm
Sixteenth and Harney .
.Eat .
Halted Milk Bread
Children Need Healthy
Energizing Food
aialtad mik Bread fives ssst to
th child' appetite because It I
as near predlsested as It ts pos-
slbl to mike bread and. It 1 I
therefore sUj and quickly ss-
Initiated and built Into nsw tla- .
ues. ...
It taste a food a It looks.
Try It.
5 aad 10 par &of. '
Sst tb tabsls Thsy-rs Valuable
, rao South Btb .
FhonsSl Barns? 3531 In. A-1SS1T
Krsh Every Day at four Grocer's.
Sticky Sweating
after taking salts r ai&art4
waters did you rr a otto that
weary all goiu fselinf U pains
f mnnr ktnlll lMt and MKSB
a is ah m xAntli Cathartics
si H Mi i " m -f- . ij l l
dIt oiot by watlog your bowel
uo J oi nun irr a vasva
BET aad se bow much aasler tha
Job Is dona bow nuob totter
70a leL
CA8CAB.KT bo fee week
trcstmest. all drurrtsts, t-fMt
la ta vrwUL ftiCUwa ksM ateaifea
la th Bookl Bill
"AI.ICB BIT-BT-THa-riBS" aad
Beat Wow fjslllnf .
Jan 1, a S. Best Baar
Th Bl-fst Musical iastituUoa U
the World
IVf A.Y 23-24-25
OAacca otuio sua.
Oar lata aad ranuua at Sisa
lbs Drovhcy (ulKUIsd; an lntantanous
. hit
sTowriaylnC"wia.TiiC CpCfcJnrBC
.it paeoeae iiib. wi kiiwknu
BvffS. a4 Baa. BUfc 10-SSoi fsw at SB
VPes.v Tumrs. is smb. iiwivt
Nt Week: "Th Return ut Itva" is
sslllug (or Uollday Mac Decoration tsy.
Vrioea lOo, Sue aad Sfto
Th Ouolest Sioass ta Omaha
Tvnlsht; Mat4 Tae4 Thars. aad Bat.
Last Weak s( ths
mK a. itia i btoox 00
sTaaa BolUsaa an Aasoolst riaysr
1 OOO Ooo Bi at 10 Cas
i j i