Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 15

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(Continued )
; FARRE1.L stands for all that li good In
syrups, so when you want the best syrup
aak for Kartell'. If Mn. F. Goodrich,
N. 41 t Ave., will come to The Bee of flea
within thre day wa will give her an or
der for a fru-cnt .-an free.
FOR SALE A clean atock of general
merchant lee. consisting of dry goods,
clothing, ahoea, hara and rap, carpet and
ruga, crockery and groceries; also brick
tore building; well located In good town
of 1.50 people In northeast Nebraska; atock
will Invoice about HCWO; would dlaoount
lock aome for cash or would exchange
Hock and building for good farm In south
ertiMInnesota, Iowa, southeast South I a
kota, St'tern Nebraska, northeast Kanaa
or northwest Missouri; land must be good
and at sjout real value; would aaaume
mail Incumbrance Give full particulars
about land Sn flrat letter; Improvements,
oil. lay of land, distance from what
town, numbers and price If land la rented,
what rent. Addresa Y 2, care of Bee.
FOR reliable- aalea aid exchangee, awe
t). M. LEAMIXG. U Branda.a Uldg.
. FOR PALE or exchange, 40 acres of land
6 miles from Clearwater, Antelope county,
Nebraska, price tf0 per acre. Also have
well Improved quarter of land 4 miles from
,F.wtng, Holt county. Nebraska., all level,
price $50 per acre; has mortgage of $4.00o,
runs 6 years, want to aell or exchange
equity. Brown & OrlTfin. Cairo, Neb.
330 ACRES In Dawson Co., two miles
from good railroad town: 100 acrea table,
under cultivation; all fenced; price, $12,
OiiO; Incumbrance, 12.000. at per cent, to
'trade for general merchandise. John
jShsds, Kearney, Neb,
FOR BXCTTANOra Oood residence lota
1n 1J. P. division station for Brush or Ford
runabout; city water, sewer and electric
IllKht In alley back of lots; good town and
good location. Box , Murdock, Neb,
Oat AHA property and Nebraska landa
'Ml New Omaba National Bank Building.
GARVIN BROS., Id floor N. T. Ufa. KM
to UW.000 on Impioved property. No delay,
6Jt kVJX, "y n1 farm property. W.
f 020 a MEIKLE. JOS Remge Bldg.
Co., Omaha.
i WANTED City loan a. Peters Truat Oe.
WANTED City loans and warranta W.
Tarn am Bmltb Co., 11X1 Farnara Bt.
LOANS to home ownera and home build
era with privilege of making partita! pay
ments eaml-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 641
First National Bank building.
Representing the Penn Mutual Life tna
Co.. with assets of over 1117.000.000. I am
prepared to accept all to I good loans of
fered on Improved Oraa ft. real aetata
Bualneaa and residence lous mads will
ut delay.
City National Bank Bldg.
)00 to 110.000 made promptly. F. I
A'ead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnatn.
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investmact Ce
WB HAVE money to loan on Improved
real eatata In Omaha and suburba
Farnam BU Board of Trade Bldg.
110-U Brandals Tteater Bldg.
HAVE customer for S or 8-room modern
residence, well located; must be bargain.
(01 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb,
Have you anything to offer the farmer
ct lorn a r Any choap land for higher priced;
a general merchandise store for land ef
an kind of an exchanget Or have you
some land you want to aell for caahT Tb
ene paper that reaches the Iowa farmer
is the Dee Moines Capital; 42,000 clrculauos
ally; rate aingle Insertion. 1 cent a word;
aix Insertions. 4 cents a word. Das Moines
Dally Capital. Des Molnaa la.
Ixjturenque St. Lawrence Route.
Weekly Ballings from
Fortnightly from
PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow
Eplendld scenery, shortest passage, Ion
Any local agent or
. ALLAN at CO.. General Agents. .
187 N. Dearborn St. Chicago.
EThigle or Hound Trip Tickets between Nt
York end Scotch, English, Irish snd all
principal Continental points at attractive
rates, riend for book of Information.
Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cul
sine. Apply promptly for Reservation t
local agents of Anchor Una or HENDHH
DON llHOtt..' General Agent. Chicago, lit
, i
Lock (or
Write About
Hundreds of people find a
You can win a prize if you try
renting houses.
Rules For Want Tad Contest
Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben
son and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and mem
bers of their families.
You must follow the style not over six lines and it must relate!
to lhe subject published each week.
Contest closes Friday night of each week. v
"Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name
and address.
Address Bee Want Tad Editor, Omaha Bee.
The Bee Want Tad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in
become the property of The Bee.
WANTED About $&, to build a home;
will pay slooo and $60 per month. J ,
RB8T price paid for M band furniture,
carpet clothing and shoes. TeL D. st7L
OOOD MONET for your brokn more.
Sienta and old gold. M. Nathan, 10 . 12th.
SELNER pays good prices for furniture,
caipets, clothes and ahoea D. M0L
HOUSES and vacant lots; have cus
411 Karbach Block.
The Bee Want Tad
Is the Identical lad,
To consult whenever you feel
That to keep up the pace
And to stay In the race.
You will need a new automobile.
Benson, Neb.
This verse receives honorable mention.
WANTED Second-hand laundry ma
chinery, mangier, extractor and wash ma
chine. Address N 345. Bee.
WANTED Adjoining rooms for three
young men; furnished; private bath. L
$43, Bee,
GERMAN (speaks English) wants posi
tion of any kind; good references. 'Phone
Web. 5629.
I AM 21 years old, looking for a change
of work; have had some bookkeeping and
stenographlcal experience; I am now em
ployed by a reliable firm and can furnish
the best of references; will leave Omaha
Address K 228, Bee.
WANTED A position ss nurse In a fam
ily with children, or with elderly lady;
speak English, French and German; please
state wagea paid and work required. Ad
dresa M. C, Post Box 337, Columbus, Neb.
WANTED Position as saloon porter;
long experience; stranger In city; white.
Phone Doug 1642. Gay.
WANTED Poaltion on the road by an
experienced lumber and coal man. F. T.
Wing, Lincoln. Neb.
SALESMAN, long experience In city;
paint or building supplies; wants work. N
313, Bee.
MAN wants position as watchman
janitor work. 1117 8. 16th St
YOUNG lady wants position as clerk and
stenographer; has had two years' experi
ence as a clerk. 'Phone South 3031.
WHEN you spend your money spend It
for the best there is. If Jno. Sorensen,
2015 Dorcas St, will come to The Bee office
within three days we will give him sn or
der for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy
BUNDLE washing, also lace curtains;
20 cents an hour for day work. Webster
FAMILY waahing, H.3S per week. Phone
Harny 4129.
LADY wishes to sew In private family.
Dressmaking or children sewing.. Webster
BY MIDDLE aged, experienced office
man. No booze, tobacco nor lost time.
Some one must have a place for me. at,
32. Bee.
HANDY man wants day work; has tools
Henry Walworth. 722 N. 19th. Doug. 4308.
POSITION By first class accountant and
bookkeeper; young man, married, steady
and temperate. Good penman and exten
sive experience. Write and arrange Inter
view at your convenience. Address L. F,
8.. 2621 So. loth.
FIRST-CLASS shoemsker wants a Job
in a store or small town. G-339. Bee.
AN experienced wringer man, wants sit
uation. Call B 25M.
EXPERIENCED man wants work as
day barn man. 'Phone South 8(8.
EXPERIENCED lady wants family or
bundle washing. South GfiS.
YOUNG lady with experience In photog
raphy wishes position In studio; referenoe
from plaoe formerly employed D 336, Bee.
YOUNG man, ex-newspaper reporter, de
sires a change; a good, lino calling for a
live wire In salesmanship; am now em
ployed in one of the hardest Unas before
the public; nothing but a high class propo
sition that goes to the better claaa of
people will be considered. Addreas Chaa.
W. Rogers, care Hotel Loyal.
TRAFFIC MAN Railroad and commer
cial experience handling ratea, claims, etc.
(principally grain, grain products, lumber
and building material.) Desires change of
location. References furnished. ' 0-846, Bee.
WANTED By middle aged man of fam
ily, light work; experienced In clerical
work, but willing to do anything; beat of
references. Address D. 338, ears Bee.
A POSITION ss caretaker for a family
going away and leaving home, by a middle
aged lady with the best of reference. Tel.
Florence 393.
the Winner's Names Amng the Want Ads! More Big Pn'zjj This Week
Bee Want Tad Renting Houses This Week
few minutes of pleasure and amusement, each. day writing a verse about this clever little lad.
write a verse on the style of the one accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only write about hini
: ;
(Continued )
STEAM FITTER wants work; t years In
last shop and reference; capable of taking
charge. Tel. Doug. 7796.
MALE stenographer wants work after
6 SO p. m. snd Saturday afternoona Tel.
Webster 1B7.
WANTED PoaJtlm aa bookkeeper by
steady married man; understands some
thing of Insurance; small salary will suf
fice. Addresa K $42, Bee, or telephone
YOUNO man of several yeare' experience
with steam and gas englnea and automo
bile repairing. Address Y 84, care Bee.
WANTED A good place to work In
candy or grocery store; no experience;
bank references. (Address Mr. Man Ion
Oray. Adair, Iowa.
MAN wants position In wholesale house
or any other kind of work. 11 340, Bee.
STRONG boy, well acquainted In city,
wanta position; office or cash boy pre
ferred. Phone Harney 21S3.
CHICAGO, 111., May , MIL
To the Bondholders of the Sheridan Coal
The holders of the bonds of the Sheridan
Coal company are hereby notified that the
undersigned trustee, under trust deed of
the Sheridan Coal company, dated June
11, lDiig, and recorded June 20, 1908, in
book 28 of the mortgage records, on page
438, In the office of the county clerk of
the county of Sheridan and state of Wyo
ming, has received notice from the Sheri
dan Coal company that It will, on or before
June 10, 1911, remit the undersigned twenty
four thousand (124.000) dollars to take up
and retire twenty-four bonda, aa provided
In said trust deed.
Notice is hereby given that the ' under
signed has drawn and selected by lot. the
following twenty-four numbrrs of twenty
four of the bonds outstanding, secured by
said trust I. :
1J 124 i.... 287 600
70 176 292 619
74 189 114 544
103 248 858 670
106 2M 878 680
107 271 410 688
for payment from the sinking fund to be
so paid to It. by said, the Sheridan Coal
company, under said trust deed, and upon
such payment of said 124,000 to the under
signed, on or before June 80, 1911, the under
signed will, at Its office at the corner of
Dearborn and Madison streets. In the city
of Chicago. Illinois, on the first day of
July, 1911. pay to the holders or registered
owners of said bonda, numbered as afore
said, the prlnolpat and accumulated Inter
est thereon, upon - the surrender and de
livery thereof to the undersigned, uncan
celled and accompanied by all unpaid
coupons thereto belong.
'nterest on each of said bonds numbered
as aforesaid will cease after said tirst dsy
of July, A. D-, 1911, whether presented on
said day or thereafter.
By RUFUS F. CHAPIN, Secretary.
Commissioner Lynch
Would Reduce Bonds
Does Not Think County Ought to Ask
Taxpayers to Float Two Hundred
and Fifty Thousand.
An attempt Is being made by John C
Lynch, county commissioner, to reducr
the amount of the bonds for the furnishing
of the new court house, which are to be
submitted to the people In a special elec
tlon soon. The amount that has been
planned -on hitherto Is 8260.000.
The matter came up for a long, discussion
Tuesday afternoon, hut nothing definite
was settled on, either in regard to - the
date of the election or the amount.
John Latenser, the architect was present
and strongly recommended that the com
missioners ' should not ask for less than
1235,000. He stated that even with' that sum
they would -have to stint themselves
greatly. '
It is planned to finally decide the matter
on Friday, which will allow enough time
for the county, bonds to be published and
come up with the' water board bonds on
June ti. ' , ; . . .
Rearalar Meeting; Held at Which It
.. . Orarantaea for Next
Six fire extlngutsnera were bought last
night by the Board of Fire and Police
commissioners for ' the city Jail. Four of
the extinguishers are to be placed In the
automobile garage and the other two in
the Jail room:
Commissioner Wapplch was re-elected
secretary of the board and Commissioner
Hunter chairman for the ensuing year.
For the best verse written by a lady thk
week, we will give an order for Va dozen photo
graphs, from Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard
Sts. These photos are valued at $15 per dozen.
' For the best verse written by -a gentleman,
we will give an order for a pair of made-to-your-measure
trousers, valued at $10, from Lander
you Tailoring Co., City National Bank Bldg.
The Bee Want Tad
Haa gone Auto road;
But with method aa they aay.
Whan he has theae spella
He often sells
A dosen cars a dsy.
2211 Rmmett St
This verae receives honorable mention
City'i Commercial Club Will Send
Products to Show.
Hawley gets October Nineteenth for J
Special Program to the Glory
of the Idaho Land
ROTSE. lliv 24. (Special.) W. O. Pals-
ley, general manager of the Omaha Land
show, haa been In Boise for several days
In the interest of that exposition and has
now gone to Welser. From there ne win
go to a number of other Idaho dtles for
tha Duraoaa of Interesting them In the pro
ject The Boise Commercial club has de
cided to take part, and subscribed 11.000
for the purpose. Bute Immigration Com
missioner Rich will line up a line state
showing and now the other sections will
be asked to do their part -
Governor J. H. Hawley has approved
Thursday, October 14. as Idsho day, and
assured the management of the hearty sup
port of the eexcutlve department of the
state In the movement Governor Hawley
expects to attend the Land show at that
time and plans will be made for a large
attendanoe of Idaho boosters. The work
will be such as to emphasise all other work
done by the states and so get the best of
returns from all of our publicity. A good
exhibit was made at Omaha in January, but
not such as can be made there In October.
Prof. James W. Jones put up a display
on very short notice and with but little
material to work with which was one of
the unique features of the show. It was
one of Idaho fruit grains and scenery.
As the exhibit came In January the only
fruit available was apples. This time all
of the fin varieties of fruit tor which
Idaho la Justly famous, can be shown and
a much better exhibit of grains than could
be obtained last season is also possible.
All States Should Help.
"Forestry, mineral and live stock Indus
tries will also come In this time," said
Mr. Paisley yesterday. "Not only can
ikm. he riven nubllcltv through the ex
hibits, but also through moving pictures
and stereoptlcon slides. A line conecuon
of these will not only be of use at Omaha,
where I have already made a reservation
of time for these on the program, but they
can he used elswhere and will be ready
for use when the time comes to prepare
for the 1916 Bhow at Frisco, mis win De
an available asset at all times.
"Every community should come In and
do Its part The State Immigration depart
ment can lead in this matter, but tney
leed aid from everyone. Next Monday,
Jommissloner Rich Is to present the plans
jf the work to the Idaho Falls club and
Secretary Atkinson to the Boise Commer
cial club and I have arranged to Join Mr.
Rich at that time- It is a time for all to
boost together so that we will get the
best share of the big Immigration which
leaves the old west."
Water Will Be Available- fra Gov
ernment Ditch by the Flrat
of J aae.
POCATELLO, Idaho. May 24. (Special.)
Water will be available on the Fort Hall
tract north of this city, June L Work is
being rushed to completion on the govern
ment ditch. Superintendent Granville de
clares that those who need water will be
able to get It as soon as It Is required.
The reservoir Is now filling satisfactorily.
The knowledge that water will be avail
able has stimulated those clearing the land.
Steam plows are at work on the land al
ready cleared. .
Notices of the Agricultural show at Poca
tello have been distributed over Bannock
county and general Interest among the
farmers has been awakened. They view
the show at Pocatello as a preliminary
for the selection of exhibits for the Land
show at Omaha and the western develop
ment exhibition train, which Is to spread
the fame of the state on its way east
The Bee reserves tho
right to publish any or all
verses submitted.
Special prizes for ladies
and gentlemen each week.
If you don't win this week
try again.
Write your verse now
and mail it to Bee Want
Tad, Editor, Omaha Bee.
Scotch Railroad Will
Invade Canadian Wilds
Glasgow Syndicate to Penetrate Re
gion Rich in Mineral
SPOKANE, Wash., May 24 -Preliminary
survey work will be soon started orl an
other ' railroad across the Dominion of
Canada with branches to Junction points
with reads In the United Statea. according
to prlvato advices received In Spokano to
day from Glasgow, Scotland.
Back of the project Is a Scotch syndicate,
which purposes to build a line from Fort
Churchill, on Hudson bay, to Port Simp
son. B. C, on the Pacific coast, with
branches south to Winnipeg, Man., Reglna,
Bask., Edmonton and Calgary, Alts., and
points In the northern tier of states. One
of the advantages In competing for traffic
between Asia and European ports is that
the main line, approximately 600 miles north,
of the International boundary, would be
from 1,800 to 1,700 miles shorter than either
the Canadian Pacific, the Grand Trunk Pa
cific or the prejected Canadian Northern
road between the two coasts.
The tentative route is through a region
believed to be heavily mineralized, Includ
ing petroleum, oil and asphalt fields and
valuable fur reserves and commercial fish
ing grounds.
M. C. Martin Finds Fortnne In Ap
ples ta White Salmon Country
of Washington. ,
WHITE SALMON. Washington, May 24.
M. C. Martin came to White Salmon in
September, 1904, bad $510 cash; bought ten
acres of heavily timbered land lying one
and one-half miles from the town on which
he made a down payment of $100; tract cost
htm $800; his shack cost him $200; horse and
cultivator lib; cleared and grubbed three
and one-half acres the first winter; bor
rowed $100 from the bank, in the spring,
then got occasional small loans from
friends, always repaying when due and
keeping his credit good.
Today this ten-acre orchard home is
valued at $17,600; It Is perfectly developed
with Us orchard ranging from three to five
years old, and strawberry Cultivation be
tween orchard rows.
This property netted Mr. Martin last year
better than $2,000 from his berries and the
few bearing trees in the older part of the
orchard. Vigorous pruning and thinning.
with close attention to minute details,
proper cultivation and Intelligent spray
ing haa made his property one of the show
places of the White Salmon valley, and
goes to show what can be done by a per
son who had it all to learn and handi
capped by not having too much capital.
Martin exhibited at the last National Ap
ple show In Spokane his Winter Banana
apples and received second prise. Not be
ing familiar with the commercial require
ments, he exhibited too large a size.
The Winter Banana Mr. Martin Is pro
ducing Is probably the most perfect line of
this beautiful variety yet produced; its
markings are very pronounced and its
shape more elongated than others.
Prospects Promts Record Cre
ervolrs Are Piled Fi
ers Offer Land.
RIGBY, Idaho, May 24. The Snake River
valley has the best outlook for crops In
the history of the agricultural development
of this section. There has been an ample
supply of water to prepare the soil and
fill the reservoirs. The town of Rlgby has
experienced prosperous growth. A number
of fine new blocks of brick and stone are
being erected.
Owing to the tightness of money, many
farmers who have quarter sections are
letting loose of part of their farms and
good land can be secured for prices rang
ing from $46 to $76 per acre, with water
H. L. Hopper, secretary of the Rlgby
Commercial club. Is Industriously further
ing the Interest of the territory.
Stock Pasture of Three Years Ago
Becomea Center of Agrrlcnl
taral Activity.
BUTHERLIN, Ore., May 24. (Special.)
The history of the Sutherlln valley Is chsr
actsiistlo of the rapid development in this
section. Three years ago the valley was
used as stock pasture. It has been con
verted Into a territory Including a pros
perous little town of 500 inhabitants, with
an Irrigation system serving 6,000 acres
and twelve miles of boulevard road? The
town is electric lighted By water power.
The increase of aettlera has been par
ticularly heavy in the last three months.
The surroundings are picturesque and the
soli is willingly productive to the man of
San Francisco Prints Polder.
The first railway folder printed in San
Franolaco since the big fire has just been
turned out for the Western Pacific. The
folder, detailing the advantages presented
to the sportsman along the line of this
road, is the product of the Bolte & Braden
company. Mr. Braden was formerly an
official of the Southern Pacific. The book
let Is tastily printed and bound In a grace
fully designed lithographed cover. The
order was given by E. L. Lomax. The
folder waa shown at the annual Industrial
league luncheon at the Palace hotel in
San Francisco. L. W. Buckley, a manag
ing director of the Omaha Land show,
spoke at this luncheon on the land prod
ucts exhibit and home Industry.
Nebraaka Land Advances.
KIMBALL. Neb., May 24. (Speclal.)-C.
E. Lock wood moved Into thla section in
! 1900 and In the same year purchased several
I thousand acres of land at from $6 to $11
per acre, and now It Is wortlfefrom $6 to
I $8 more on the acre, an advance of nearly
1 100 per cent In two yrara. In thla Immediate
i section fourteen gasoline and steam plows
. are working day and night turning the sod.
Dean Gregory May Go Cast,
i IOWA CITT, la., May 24. (Speclal.)
! Dean Charles Noble Gregory of the Jaw
college of the Vnlveralty of Iowa has been
1 asked to accept a similar position as head
' of the George Washington Law school at
I Washington, D. C, and will probably ac
'cept the position, according to a well ea
tahllshed rumor, which gained circulation
here today. Dean Lorenzen of that scbool
has recently resigned his position, as well
as has Dan Gregory of Iowa. Further, it
was rumored here today that Dean lArm
tan would be asked to accept the deajuhip
of the Iowa College ef Law
Methods lieet la Cflsstry, Saya Got.
eramrat Officials Attempt at
Improvementa Falls,
Arthur Huntington of Cedar Rsplds, la.,
skilled horticulturist, In company with
W. T. IeFevre, resident horticulturist of
the Bitter Root Vslley Irrigation company,
has Just completed an exhaustive and val
uable investigation In reference to the pol-
lenlzatlon of apple trees in the bitter root
At the Instance of II. M. Sloan, manager
of the company's tracts In the Bitter Root
valley, the horticulturists named visited all
the leading horticultural experta of the ap
ple growing atates of the middle west and
east, in an endeavor to learn how far they
might depart from the established methods
of planting in the Bitter Root valley, and
still remain sure of continued good crops.
It has been the custom from the begin
ning In the Bunnyslde tracts of the Bitter
Root valley to plant approximately one
fourth Oano apple trees and three-fourths
Mcintosh Red. The result has been never-
falling crops and perfect apples, uniform
In else and color, and without worms.
apples which last winter brought as high
as $4 per box on the St. Paul market.
Inasmuch as the varieties which have
been used simply for the purpose of pol
lenlsing the Mcintosh Red have been ap
ples of lower commercial value. It Was
thought that pollenJzatlon might safely be
done away with, making the entire, acreage
the valuable Mcintosh Red or the perhaps
equally valuable Jonathan. The Investi
gation, which Included all of the great ap
ple growing states of the east, and em
braced Interviews with the biggest men
In the apple growing profession, resulted
in a unanimous finding that the methods
practiced by the Bitter Root Valley Irri
gation company on their land In extreme
southwestern Montana are the most suc
cessful that have ever been Inaugurated
In apple growing.
The horticulturists wound up their In
vestigation at Washington, D. C, by In
terviewing government officials, and every
where were told the method In the Bitter
Root valley could not be Improved upon;
that either the Gano or the Wagner apple
should be used for pollenlzatlon purposes,
as haa been the custom there, and will
continue to be the custom.
The Bitter Root orchardists are elated
over the finding, which places them at the
top of the ladder in "knowing how" In the
orchard business.
Montana Streams Being Harnessed
to Fnrnlah Electrical Power
HELENA, Mont, May 24. (Special.)
Development of natural resources In this
territory Includes a number of hydro
electric plants to generate 100,000-horse
power. This power will be furnished at
low rates for farm purposes. The Helena
Commercial club is centering Its activities
on the "Spokane ranch" property, eight
miles east Of the Northern' Pacific rail
road. A steam plow, was put to work on
this place and more than 1,000 acres of
wheat have been planted.
The state experimental farm operated by
the State Agricultural college Is . located
upon this ranch and a twenty-acre apple
orchard has recently been set out. The
entire property consists of about 14,000
acres, about 6,000 of which will be retained
by the company and rapidly developed into
a grain and stock feeding ranch, and
parts of the acreage will be retailed to
parties who will improve their purchase.
Several North Dakota parties were
recently over the land, one of whom has
selected a farm site, and others of the
party have promised to return at an early
date and purchase adjoining land.
The home ranch buildings are 11 lighted
by electricity from one of the nearby
power dams on the Missouri river. Much
of the ranch labor, such as feed grinding,
Is done by the use of electrical apparatus.
Within twenty-five miles of Helena are
dams completed and In the course of con
struction, which will generate 100,000-horse
power electricity. The company operating
these power plants has agreed to make
a very low rate on current used for farm
Ths present season so far bids fair to
continue to be a most favorable one for
moisture. The spring has been cool and
great quantities of snow and Ice are still
packed In the gulches in the mountains, in
suring a quantity of water In the streams
for Irrigation during the summer. The
annual precipitation at Helena Is fifteen
and one-half Inches and the soil on sur
rounding benches in ths Prickly Pear
valley Is well adapted to dry farm crops.
. Settlers ThronsT Hedgesvllle.
HEDGES VILLE, Mont, May 24 (Spe
cial.) Hedgeevllle, on the Billings North
ern, ninety miles west of Billings, in the
Judith Basin 'country. Is but two years
old. In this territory 6,000 acres of deeded
land have been sold for farming purposes
in the last month. Relinquishments are
selling for $500 to $1,000 on quarter sections.
Land is selling at from $15 to $12 an acre.
General crop prospects of the section are
Growing; Alfalfa at Silt.
SILT, Colo., May 24. (Special. Silt is
anxious to add to Its citizenship," says
Fred Herwlck, manager of the Silt Realty
company. "We do not contend that for
tunes grow without work, but Silt will
make things grow."
Alfalfa yields from five to seven tons to
the acre, potatoes, properly cared for,
give the profit of from $T4 to $75. A ten-acre
tract of fruit land In this section Is suffi
cient for any ordinary farmer.
ALBANY, Ore., May 24. (Special.)
Albany aa a centrally located settlement
and adapted to general agricultural pur
poses, Is undergoing rapid development.
Land in thla vicinity rangea In price from
$25 to $150 per acre, varying, of courae,
according to improvements. Transporta
tion facilities are ample. The land la good
and adapted to the growing of fruit, hops
and general field crops. Streams afford
water power.
Strawberries at t'aaroa vllle.
CAN YONVILLE, Ore., May 24. -(Special )
Canyonvllle la aflower; strawberries are
ripe. Canyonvllle la enjoying Its share of
prosperity. The valley is adapted to the
raising of fruits and grains, which consti
tute the principal crop. The annual crop
of prunes Is from twenty to twenty-five
Kansas Pork from .Alfalfa.
ABILENE, Ksn., May 24-(8peclal.)-A
great deal of pork Is raised and fat
tened on alfalfa here. The alfalfa crop la
ready for cutting now. This section pro
duces from four tJ five crops at one and
one-half tone a cutting. Land here varies
In price from $0 to lltt per acre.
First Elections to Be Held Soon in
Mellette and Bennett
Western Toaailli' torn pan y Settle
ment Bids Fair to llecome tenter
of Government Campaign
Near Knil.
DALLAS, S. D.. May 21 .-(Special )
Mellette and Bennett counties and othor
vast tracts of public domain In South
Dakota were opened to land seeUern
within the present year. The opening of
these counties means the development of
soli over hundreds of thousands of acres.
The new county of Mellette Is being or
ganised. White River and Wood are can
didates for the county seat of Mellotte
county and the first election will be held
Thursday, May 26.
The bill opening Mellette and Bennett
counties In southern South Dakota paused
congress some time since and the work of
allotting the Indians and appraising the
land Is practically completed?
Mellette county lies directly west of
Tripp county, which was opened to settle
ment In 1909 and which is now completely
settled and looks like a county ten years
New Towna Developing.
Splendid towns have been established In
Tripp county und the process of settlement
and development has been so rapid that
It can hardly bo realized that the county
Is yet only two years old. Mellette county
contains approximately S0O,JO acres and
the land Is practically the fame as the
land in Uiegory and Tripp counties and
will no doubt draw very large crowds
to the opening and will settle us rapidly
and develop as speedily as these two
counties have developed.
Of the land in Mellette county there are
about 360,000 acres which have been al
lotted to Indians and are still in their pos
session. Approximately 1U0.0V0 acres of al
lotted land has passed out of the hands
of the Indians and is owned by while
settlers. The remainder of tht land, with
the exception of two sections In each
township, which is donated to the publlo
schools of South Dakota, will be open
to settlement next full and a rush eijual
to the Boneeteel and Dallas openings is
During the registration for Gregory
county land In 1904, 106,000 people registered
and during the opening for Tripp county
land approximately 114,000 people regis
tered for these lands. Promoters living
in this vicinity, realizing the vulue of
Tripp county lands, have petitioned for
the organization of the county and the
governor has issued a proclamation or
ganizing the county of Mellette. On May
26 an election will be held at Bad Nation,
Wcod, White River and Black ripe in
Mellette county.
Trade Builds Town.
A full quota of officers will be elected
and a temporary county seat chosen. Al
bert Wood, an Indian trader, who has
long lived at Wood postofflce, has or
ganized a company and is promoting the
town of Wood, which is located in the
eastern portion of Mellette county. The
Western Townsite company, which owns
the townsltee of Dallas in Oregory county
and Winner, Jordan and Carter In Tripp
county, has platted a town in tha geo- ,
graphical center of Mellette county on the '
Little White river and named It White
River. The business men from Lyman
county on the north are rapidly flocking to
this new townsite and it bids fair to be
a splendid town. Ths towns of White
River and Wood are the candidates for
county seat and the promoters and friends
of each town are making strong cam
paigns. The candidates for the various of
fices in the county are also very busy
looking after their Interests and altogether
Mellette county is seeing more excitement
than it has since the days of Indian up
risings. One peculiar situation in the county la
the fact that many Intelligent and well
educated white men, as well as Indians,
who are 50 to TO years of age, win at this
election cast their first baUot. Colonel C.
P. Jordan, who owns a large ranch la
Mellette county and has lived In Mellette
county for forty years. Is a candidate for
county treasurer. On May 12 he celebrated
his sixtieth birthday and on May 26 he
will cast his first ballot. Many othsr in
stances of this kind could be mentioned.
Charles J. Slnael Says Frost Damage
Is Light and Prospects Are
BOISE, Idaho, May 24. (Ppeolal.) Sev
enteen years of observation of horticul
tural Interests In Southern Idaho lead me
to the prediction tht the UU crop will es
tablish a record for this section," says
Charles J. Sinsel, an Idaho fruit grower.
"The frost has done but very little. If
any damage. Apples, peaches, pears, prunes
and nectarines aa well aa the berry family
all Indicate a full crop. Our horticulturists
are giving special attention to the cultivat
ing, spraying and trimming of their tres,
so that our fruit buyers can depend on get
ting carloads of No, 1 fancy stock from
this section.
"Wheat, oste, rye arid barley look fine
and are doing exceptionally well, and ths
rye is now heading out and promises a
good yield. Alfalfa, timothy and clover
has made an excellent growth this spring,
and it Is but a matter if a few days until
our farmers will commence to harvest their
first crop of hay. The community notices
an occasional newocmer from Nebraska,
eastern Iowa and northeastern Kanna.
The active campaign of The Omaha 1ra
haa much to do .with this new ami live
blood coming to the state."
Ralae Sngrar Berts at Price.
PRICE, Utah, May 24. (Hpeclal.) On the
new project of the Price River Irrigation
company several thousund acrea of land
have been plowed and put under crop.
The aoll is a sandy loam of an avera,-n
depth of about twenty fe-t. Tho canal
system, under test, has been found to Im
highly efficient. -The L'tuh-ldaho HuKar
company has plowed up 2,000 acres of
ground this spring and this land has been
planted to oats to prepare It for sugar
beets next year, and If enough beets sis
produced a sugar factory will be erected.
Frost damage in this section has been
Klaln Wants Two Thousand.
ELGIN, Ore.. May 24. (Special.) Thrrt
Is room for 2.00u families In Elgin, l'rnm
three to ten miles from Kit In stump hint
la sold at from $10 to $15 an acre and h
industry the stuinpUKe tan be converted
Into berry fields. The Kigin Commercial
club is making special effort to interest
berry growers la this section.