Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 12

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se Soot Prist It.
On, Ilectrto Fixtures. urrees-Oran.:e,
rnnuwM And Slower Thm.
Omaha Store Kepalr Works.
, 'itrU Thousand Shares of Omaha Au
di? num stock fur sale. Make an offer.
aJ !r'M Hon , City. '
Burglars Taka Coin Burglars stole a
collection of rare coins from tbe home of
A. Lochner, 240 Jones street, Tuesday
lota Packing' Company -Frank Zum
polls, Injured by a falling trolley weight
In the plant of the Cudahy racking com
pany lat April, brought suit agatnt the
Company for isI.WO In district court Wednes-
tiler Talks St CounoU Bluffs John J.
JityiiT if The lief stuff haw accepted an
Invitation to make a Memorial day ad
dress at Council muffs next Tursday aft
ernoon at the annual observance of the
Cark Board Meeting; K meeting of the
Hoard of Park Commissioners will be held
next Wednesday afternoon at 3. It la ex
pected that Home Miller, elected president
of the hoard at the lust meeting, will name
his standing committees for the year.
Prof. Smith, Chemist, to Lecture Alex
ander Smith, recently elected to professor
ship In the chemistry department of Col
umbia university, will lecture Friday after
noon before the teachers at the high school
and In the evening at the Home to the
Nebraska section of the American society.
Held for Assault William Roberts, liv
ing at 1S07 Ieavenworth streets, was ar
rested today charged with an assault upon
'.-vcar-old girl April 1. Since that time
it. .belt a has been out or town ana tne po
lice have been seeking for him. The little
girl lives at Twentieth and Martha streets.
Ztevata Meld to Grand Jury Nick L
vata, held by the police on the charge of
being Implicated In the holdup of Louts
Gulda at Twenty-second street and the
Burlington tracks last aSturday night, was
taken before the grand Jury Wednesday.
Levata la the man who had his ear bit
ten off.
Wsll Known Writer Visits Here The
well known writer and magazine contrib
utor on financial subjects, Byron W. Holt,
Is to be tbe guest In Omaha of William
Btull for a few days. Mr. Holt has been up
In Winnipeg and Is on his way back to
New York, stopping here at the Invitation
ofy.Mr. Btull, who Is an old and close friend.
Indian Boys Sua Away Tiring of the
iJLitlno of life at the school for Indians at
CMnna, Neb., Henry Staples, a 15-year-old
Indian boy, and a companion ran away.
Staples was taken in custody by a patrol
man at the Union station early Wednesday
morning. His companion eluded the police
man, however. Staples said they were on
their way to Michigan. The boy will be re
turned to the school.
Paper Chana;sa Bams Mr. and Mrs.
Cienicnt Chase are at the Baltimore In
City attending the joint conven-
Missourl and Kansas Bankers'
The Chase Publishing com
pany maintains a branch office In. Kansas
City, where the southwestern edition of
the Western Banker Is published, which
ler June 1 will be known as the Western
nanoler of Kansas City. It will be the
companion paper of the Western Banker
of Omaha, both under one management.
To Build a Crematory A crematory to
coat between $00,000 and 170.000 will be built
at Forest Lawn cemetery during the sum
mar, and plans are now being drawn for
It. The law passed by the legislature al
lowing the) construction of plants for In
cinerating bodies was passed at the sug
gestion of the Forest Lawn company. It
was thought necessary to change the
statutes, because only cemetery organiza
tions were authorized under the former
laws and crematories war not provided
IMKurMs Com (or Wages Mother and
ftUKOWT, vuv " ...... .
BraSlwUMWi evre luv aw wv w m un
back pay Drougni in oistnci court w eanes
day. .Mrs. Jeenette Farnsworth, the
daughter, is suing Mrs, Josephine Krlsek
for 11.948, she alleges te be duo her for
wages as housekeeper for three years. She
alleges that were was an agreement oy
which she was to take charge of house, a
boarding house, in return for H a week and
board. Bhe says that only J0O was paid
Will See the Preliminaries of the
Ak-Sar-Ben Initiation.
Are r.lrtn a l.encheon at the Cudahy
rarkiRa lloaee Plant Hear t
(onitrartlon of a w
Millionaires Join
Forces to Complete
Moffat Enterprise
Leading Men of Wealth Will Build
Road from Steamboat Springs
on to Salt Lake.
C lenient Cli
Ii,ras Cit;
ttf.n of the
i (nidation.
Changes in Missouri
Paoif io Announced
XUilroad Will Be Bon on Divisional
Instead of Departmental
NEW TORK. May St. FWlowtaaT the re
turn to the city of President B. Bush
of the Missouri Pacific railway, several
lmDortant changes In the management ot
the system were announced today, as well
as new financing. ; IL I. Miller, who has
mplet ed an expert examination of the
.iad was elected a vice president. In which
(position hs will co-operate with Chairman
lieorge J. Gould. D. D. Pearson, a well
Known western railroad man was placed
In charge of the company's operating de
partment, with headquarters In 8t Louts.
The Missouri Paciflo in the future will
be run on a divisional Instead of depart
mental basis. This Is Intended to equalize
aAwponstbllity and make for greater effici
ency and economy. The changes, H la un
derstood, have been Inaugurated by Presi
dent Bush, who la reported to have other
important plans under consideration.
The directors authorised an lssus of
131.000,000, 6 per cent, three-year notes, of
which SA,000,000 will be Immediately Issued.
Bpeyer & Co.. the road's new fiscal agents
probably will handle the notea, a large
proportion of which will be sold abroad.
Neal Lynch, now general freight agent
of the International at Ureat Northern
hits been appointed general traffic manager
of that system and of the Texas Pacific,
to take effect June 1.
An explanation with the aid of stereop
ticon views was made to the master boller
maker"s convention Wednday morning of
the newly Invented Jacob Schupert fire
box, which Is so constructed that expto
dcfectlve plate front caiiHlng an explosion,
sions are almost impossible. To prevent a
the boiler Is divided Into sections so thnt
defect can affect only a, part of It. When
a plate becomes raked with mud so that it
Is kept from the water and Is being burned
out, the increased heat changes the con
tour of tig plate and dislodges the mud.
The fire box has many features which
make It as near safe as It seems possible
to get. At the I'nlon Pacific shops the
boxes were demonstrated.
James Farrasey of Cleveland came as a
delegate from the botlermaker's conven
tion lately held there and' spoke briefly.
The bollermakers spent the morning of
the second day of the convention almost
entirely In scientific discussions. The sys
tems of apprenticeship which ought to be
followed were discussed at length follow
ing the suggestions made Tuesday by Pres
ident Lucas.
The program for the afternoon included
a visit to the Stock Exchange and the
packing houses with a luncheon at Cud
ahy's. Delegates and the vlsltlnk women
both were Invited to this excursion. Dur
ing the morning the women made a shop
ping tour of the city under the escort of
Omaha women.
Wind Tosses Wagon Aboat.
BOONE, la. May M. (Special Telegram.)
A windstorm struck Boxholm, In Boone
county, doing much damage. John Apple-
holm and John Wilson, driving home In a
heavy lumber wagon, were Injured when
the twister took the wagon up. like a
child's toy and tossed It about, turning It
over on the men. Both received broken
bones and serious bruises.
rENVER, Colo., May 84. Ppeclal Tele
gram.) A syndicate of Denver millionaires
has ben formed and has furnished money
to complete the Moffat road from Steam
boat Springs, Its present terminus, to Salt
Lake City.
It will be the most direct line between
the cities and the shortest by about 100
In the syndicate are Lawrence Phlrp.
the former Pittsburg steel magnate; John
F Campion, owner of the famous Little
Johnny mine; Charles Boettchcr, Coloner
D. C Dodge and others.
Colonel Dodge, who was associated with
General W. J. Palmer in the building of
lie Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio
Grande Western railroads, has been made
general manager of the Moffat road.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big
A Delicate Rose-Tint
Given To Complexion
(From What to Wear)
"Oily, shiny skins," says Marguerite
DeVale, "can be given a delicate roae-tlnt
and delightful clearness If powders and
greasy creams are avoided and a simple,
Inexpensive lotion used made by dissolv
ing a small original package of mayatone
In eight ounces ef wltch-hal.
'This lotion, applied to the face, neck
and arms freely every day, quickly puri
fies the skin and gives to It a rich, vel
vety softness, and Its continued use lends
a charm and elegance to any sallow or
unnnatural complexion.
"Another advantage In rising the maya
tone lotion Is that it Is greaselees and
will not grow hairs, while It protects the
daintiest complexion from changeable
weather and guards against freckles and
tan." Adv.
A perfect condition of the skin exists as long as the blood is normal,
but when it becomes contaminated with humors and acids its supply of
nutritive properties is greatly lessened, and it becomes a sharp, acrid fluid
which diseases instead of preserving the natural health and texture of the
Skin. Then come Skin Diseases ; the character of the eruption depending
upon the nature of the humor with which the blood is infected. If there is
an excess of acid in the circulation the trouble is characterized by itching
and burning eruptions. Other impurities produce watery blisters, rashes,
etc., commonly known as Eczema, Tetter or Salt Rheum, while still other
morbid matters in the circulation cause Acne, pimples and like troubles. It
is right and proper to get what relief one may from the application of washes,
salves, etc., but such treatment should not be depended on alone to produce a
cure only a thorough purification of the blood can accomplish this. S. S. S.
cures Skin Diseases of every character and kind, because it purifies the blood.
It goes down into the circulation and removes the humors and acids, builds
up the weak, acrid blood, and completely cures all skin affections. Book on
Skin Diseases and any medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores.
Improved Service
TUST 24 hours since
J these $15 Blue Serge Suits
arrived at this strc.
Oklahoma and Texas
Leave Omaha 6:00 PM
-Arrive Wttchita ; ...... 0:50 AM
Arrive Enid , , . . ..10:56 AM
Arrive Kingfisher . 02:03 PM
Arrive El Reno 12:50 PM
Arrive Oklahoma City ... 2:10 PM
Arrive Port Worth 8:30 PM
Through Electrio lighted Drawing Room Sleeper
and first olass coach between Omaha and Port Worth.
Qafe diner between Omaha and Fairbury.
LowTonnd trip-fares in effect 1st and 3d Tuesday of each
For further information, inquire,
J. a McNALLY, D. P. A,
1322 Farnam Street. ,
Indictments Follow
Mayor Gill's Recall
True Silli Against Newspaper Pub
lisher! Charge Conspiracy
and LibeL
SEATTLE. Wuh., May 24-As an out
growth of the late municipal campaign, and
the anti-vice crusade that resulted In the
recall of Mayor Hiram O. Gill and the re
moval and Indictment of Chief of Folic
Charles W. Wappermteln. the county grand
jury today returned thirteen Indictments.
Colonel Alden Blethen. editor of the
Seattle Times and Clarence B. Blethen.
managing editor, were Indicted on charges
of criminal lllxl and conspiracy; the Times
ou a charge of conspiracy, and Chauncey
V. iUthbun. city editor of the Times on
a charge of criminal libel.
Another Indictment charged Colonel Ble
then with participation In dance hall graft.
Two new Indictments were returned against
.ilininu In.
l'he grand Jury returned other Inrti-r.
mrntn "i ciru. loiunei ilihn
me of pullUrf.
The Key to Uie Situation Bee Want Ada.
The housewife who cooks with gas brings economy,
convenience and comfort into the kitchen when she buys a
Gas Range
Economy There is no expense when the range is not in
use. '
Conveniece It is instantly ready for use.
Comfort There is no fuel to carry or ashes to take out.
The Gas Range
Stands for Exoellence in the Kitchen
Convenient terms if desired.
Prices connected:
Cabinet Gas Ranges from $25.00 up.
Double Oven Ranges from $20.00 up.
(f 1 Single Oven Ranges from $11.00 up.
ocuu iui uux rejjreseuvauve ana
let him explain.
A J L NotaPofitinAyer'sSarsaparilla.
UXlCOtlOl No alcohol habit No stimulation.
Avar's Sarsaparilla is a tonic, a regu
lar tonic It tones up, restois healthy activity. Consult
your doctor freely about using it. Do as he says. ? 0 t.
They arc hand tailored
from all wool, dark blue, guar
anteed, serge fabrics and are
even handsomer thau we had ex
pected them to be when choos
ing their fabrics. Their models
were designed by fcome of the
most skillful designers of the
east and their tailoring was exe
cuted by our own expert tailors.
These suits -contain every good
point you've ever seen at this
price, and a number of features
that are distinctly better thau
you'll ever Bee in other blue
serges at
Remember, these are Hand
Tailored, so they can't lose their
stylish 6hape.
Friday and Satuic3laiy
We Will Sell
lVIeri's IPanarma Hats
Wortti $S to SIO. at
$2.95 $3.95 $4.95
See Our Windows and
Our Thursday Ad
...iiSM'Wt"1 '.;!; M, siwe rmu i iM
m7rte house or
MGrt NCfUT. -
Home of the Btela-Blooh Clothes, Regal Shoes, Station Hats, Manhattan Shirts
t f v
WTien B. Fay Mills was in Omaha
recently he cited. In one of his lec
tures, the cam of John Gordon, 2423
South Twenty-Fouith street. In Il
lustration of the power of mind to
overcome adverse conditions. To
'.those who know the circumstances,
the forcefulnras of the illustration
is fully appreciated.
The pluck, the cheerfulness, the
manly pride of John Gordon are as
remarkable as his physical condi
tion Is pitiful, and tnoso acquainted
with his case cannot cease to mar
vel how hla Intrepid and sanguine
spirit compels vital serlce from a
broken body that Is already half
Mr. Gordon Is a hero, who Is fight
ing the battle for self-support
though a prisoner within four walls,
and flat on his back. Thus far he
has continued to be the master of
a most cruel fate, and his struggle
makes the strongest possible appeal
both to our heroic sense and to the
sentiment of compassion. By help
ing him we help a brave soldier
most grievously beset, fighting at
rrigntrul oaas, that would dismay
any but the boldest, and we help a brother on whom affllotlon could not
a heavier hand without finally crushing out his Indomitable spirit.
Gordon's effort to make a living a phrase which In his case has a par-,
ttcularly literal meaning and a grim Import has been described from time
Do time In The Bee. He must do what he can do propped up on a pillow
with a writing tablet In his hands and telephone fixed above his bed He
Is a Nubocrlptlon agent for magazines and periodicals. A year ago hoping
to establish a business he undertook to earn a f 1,000 prize offered for a
certain number of subscriptions to two high class publications, with a dis
position to have a share In relieving the wants and w'oes of others, and not
overcome by his own he arranged that the prize nhould go to the Child Sav
ing Inxtltute. The $1,000 was earned for the Infants' Home, but Gordon
only realized expenses. Meanwhile weakened by the trails of suffrlnpr and
increasing wounds, having only a short time to live, as an only hope of pro
vision for the future he made a contract with the Ladies' Home Journal and
the Saturday Evening Post to procure 4,000 subscriptions to these magazines
for wh!ch the publishers will dVpopIt $2,000 with the Conservative Savings &
Loan 'Association for his benefit, the principal to revert to some charity to
be decided by the vote of his subscribers.
He has almost won, having already written 8,963 subscriptions since
October 1st, but n. ust yet have 83 more by May SOth (the 8th and last inanth)
to earn the full $2,000. Gordon does not handle the money nor will he ever
see It, but the Interest will bring him $10 a month for life. The editor
' wishes tc join those who have won the blessing of the Master by often sit
ting by the bedside of this afflicted stranger, in urging that people will
rally to him and give him the victory.
It will be a great benefit to some deserving charity and an Immense
satisfaction to a man who though maimed and pined down disadtns to admit
himself helpless and still keeps an admirable pride that forbids him to utter
the cry of a supplicant Gordon must have these 47 subscriptions to the
Ladles Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post, either new or renewal, by
May rOth or he will fail. He richly deserves success and those who assist
him by their patronage In achieving it will magnify and enoble their own
Address is
2423 SO. 24TH ST., OMAHA, NEB.
Round Trips From Omaha to
AtUnU City, N. J. . . .844.50
Asbury Turk, N. J. S4& 45
Boston, vU Montreal $40. GO
Boston, direct 41 45
Buffalo, N. V. 34
Detroit, Mich. . $25 $20
Montreal, Que. S35.0O
Muskaka Lakes, Ont. S33 95
New York City $42- !jU5
Quebec, Que, ...... M. $39.00
I'ortlaud, Me. . . . $42.35
Toronto, Ont. .$29.60
These are only a few of tbe attractive, thirty-day summer
tourist fares on sale dally, June 1st to September 30th, to many
resorts In the east
Milwaukee & St. Paul
Long limit summer tourist fares to Wisconsin, Michigan, New
York State, New England and Canadian resorts. Let us plan your
trip and arrange the details. Information and folders free.
City raasenger Agent.
Tickets, 1524 Farnam St.,
Teople ar becoming more and more interested in the
development of the Great Northwest. And Th3 Bee,
which has been untiring in creating this interest, is
read by a vast throng. Advertise your land in The Bee.
Tlic Omaha Bee's Orient
Booklovers' Cor&tcsrst
JtO. 61 TIUMDAT, 1CAT 85, 1911.
What Does This Picture Represent?
Title 4..
Your Name i . . . .
Street and Number
City or Town -
After you have written in the title ot the book, save the coupon
and picture.
Do not send any coupons until the end of the contest Is an
Remember the picture represents the title of a book not a scene
or character from It.
Catalogues containing the names of all the hooks on whloh the
puzzle pictures are based are for sale at the Business Office of The
Bee 25 cents. By mall. 30 cents.
Rules of the Contest
All pnatm ar. lllbl. to nUr this comast ucept .mpler. ot th. Omaha Bm ana
nimMn ol their fanmra. Buh a.r. fur MYvntr-tlv. a.r, thr will b. publish. la
Ttf Be. plctur. which will nsr.MiM th. ura. ot ssoK. Bcauth Mcfc picture
tax. will b. a blank fur th. aoniaataut to Mil In th. tlU. of th. bouk.
Cut out both th. pletur an. Mank an. till In th. nam. and aathar ot th. book ana
aad rour nam. and adoxaai Batlr and plainly 1. tb. apao. prerldod.
No rMUiutlOTU wll b lac4 aa th. war la which anawara 10 th. plotnra. mar h.
Mourad. Kacla piotur. raprManta only n till, ot a book. It ?.u ar. not .or. of t
tltl. and wlah to an4 In mora than .n. anawar t. ach plctur., you may d. a BUT
lnoonraot anawar. wHl not bo aounfcid ataJnat oontestauta If correct tnawar la akaa skfaiw
Mot. than an. anawar ahMld not k. put on th. aam. eoupon. Kiln oausona anoutd ha
ttmA tor ax Ira ana. arm. AU anawar. t ta. un. numbar ahoald b. kapi teswUtcr ia
tondU( in th aat.
Whlla aot abaolutalr nicaaiary. It la AmlraM. that tb. plotura. should In awk aaa
b. ant In with tha asawara ,ln ordr that all anawera b. unliorm. Additional plotura.
and coupon, may b ohiaiuad at th. offlo. ot TtM Boa by mail ur la paraon.
Whan you b.vo ail aavwily-tlv. piatwrM, fiutan thm togotbar and brlns mall
thaw to Th. Omaha Boa, kildmaoi to tho Bookt.Tora' Ooiuaat Bdltor. Pnaas wtll ba
awaidad t. tb. oontoatanta Mndlng Is tb. lariaat numbar of oorraot aulatloDa. In .not
ot two or mora paraon. banns th. aam numbar of oorrout aolutlona, th. poraon ualnc
ta. amajlar Bum bar at aat fa otmoons Jn hla Mt of anawwr. wll ba daolar4 wtnnar. In
.vast ot two paraon. bavins th. aam. n.mbar comet a rut ualng th. aajn. numbar of
ooupona, tb. paraon whoa, art of ...war. la moat n.atly prapara. ta tlw oplnloa mi
tbt full Judging commlttaa. will th. flrwt prlaa.
Only an. Hat of anawara may ba aubinlttad by a aootautant.
Th. aa. af tb. ooupona la nat obligatory upon th. ouotaatant, ss4 so anawar may
B. submitted In any laglbl. manoar tha eontawtant may aal4.
Award, will ba mad. atrlotly according l th. ni.iit of aach aaparat. Uat.
Tha nam. of ror. tbao on. paraon muat not ba written upon any .n. aoupua.
Tb. awarda wll ba made by ta. Contest Bdltor aid a oommltte. ot well-anewa alt
Ipana. wbee. Mitua wlU be announead later.
Th. Oontert la Umlted t. tbe toU owing territory: Nabraaka, Wy.mlng. that portion
of Iowa nit of bet not tncludlns IM. stotnea, and that aeoUoa of SouU Dakota known
aa the Black Hill. Dkrtrtet. i
First Prize
Value- $2,000
A 2,000 Apperson "Jack, Rab
bit" Touring car. Model Four
Thirty, with five passenger capac
ity. It is a great car In a great
contest. It has many speed and
road records, and today ' ranks
among the leading motor cars. For both service and speed, this auto
will make an excellent possession. It is a real Joy-maker. It is fully
equipped and Is just like accompanying Illustration. The famous
Apperson warranty goes with this car. The prize may be inspected,
at the Apperson Sales Rooms, 1102 Farnam St
Second Prize
Value $750
Not everybody can play a piano
but everybody would like) to. Tha
ts-not Kimball player-piano, worth
$760, which Is the second grand
prigs, will furnish music for you
whether you play ur not It Is a
wonderful Instrument, and wiil maks
some home a happy place lor every
member of the family. Even Orand
ma can pluy this instrument. If
sister wants to play It without the
mechanism, she simply has to lift
a lever. This player Is exhibited at
the A. Hospe store, 1513 Loualas St.
Third Prize
Value $800
This prise la a beautiful lot In
A V. Tukey at Boa's Her addition. ;
adjacent to Hanseom park and Cen
tral boulevard. It Is lot 4 of block
eight, on Thirty-third street, and Is
t0xl30 feet. The street rar line runs
alone; Thirty-second Avenue, just a
block from the site of tho lot Some
young- couple, perhaps, will here erect
a little cottafc-e In which to live for
years and years. Who can tell whut
lucky pereon will get this Ideal lotT
You may be the one.
Fourth Prize
Value 9250
A $200 Columbia "Resent" Grafon
ola and foO worth of records form
tne fourth grand prtxe. This excel
lent instrument Is one of the best
manufactured- It Is built of finest
mahogany throughout. For any
family this Instrument Is simply a
musical gem. It 1. sure to Increase)
the bliss of any home. It will draw
the family closer together and form
means of entertainment night after
night. This Orafonola la now ex
hibited at the Columbia Phonoshapli
Company's agency, 1.11-13 larnaia
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
VALUE $140.00.
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2.
Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee