Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska Showers.
For Iowa Showers.
VOL. XLNO. 202.
.V v
Presiding" Officer of Lake Kohonk
Conference on International Arbi
tration Ontlinti Movement
Service! of Leading Jurists and Econ
omists of World to Be Had.
International Law, Economics and
History and Education.
Speaker Predicts the Creation of
International Court of Arbitral
Jtastlco Within a Short
Time. '
jffrst announcement of the plan and scope
of the Carnegie endowment for Interna
tional peace, with the appointment of di
rectors of two of the divisions, was made
here today by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler
In his address as presiding- officer of the
Lake Mohonk conference on International
Dr. Butler also predicted "with au
thority" the establishment of the Interna
tional court of arbitral Justice before the
time of the third Hague conference. Dr.
Butler said:
"The trustees of the endowment have
. taken a broad and statesmanlike view of
Its alms and purposes. While they do not
overlook the value of the work of the
propaganda and Intend to aid In carrying
ll on, they believe that the time has come
when the resources of modern scientific
methods and of modern scholarship should
'be brought to bear1 on the problem of In
ternational relations.' Thev believe that
.. the leading- jurists and economists of the
world should be set at work In the service
of humanity to ascertain Just what has
been done and what are the legal and
economlo Incidents of war and Just what
are the legal and economic advantages to
follow on the organisation of the world
Into a single group of friendly and co-operative
nations bound together by the
tie of a Judicial system resting on the
moral consciousness of mankind, from
whose findings there can be ho successful
appeal. The plaus ef the trustee bave
been formulated with these, ends In view,
eono of Organisations.
"It has been determined by the trustees
of the Carnegie endowment to organise the
undertakings In three parts, or divisions
a division of International law, a division
of economics and history and a division of
Interoourta and education.
"The division of International law will bo
under the direction of Prof. James Brown
Scott. ' This division will aim constantly
to Inculcate the belief that intercourse
. between nations should ' be based on ' a
correct and definite Idea of International
. Justice. The endowment will associate with 1
Dr. Scott a eor.eulti.tlve board, composed
of some of the most distinguished Interna
tional lawyers In the world. i
"The second division will be the division
of economics and history. It will be under
the direction of Prof. John Bates Clark of
Columbia university. ,Thls division will
aim at the education of public opinion and
at' the formulation of .conclusions that
may serve for the guldanoe of govern
mental policy. ,
"It will he the business of this division
to study the economic causes and effects
of war,' the effect on the publte opinion
of nations and on international good wt II.
of retaliatory, discriminatory and preferen
tial tariffs and the economic aspects o'
the present huge expenditures for military
purposes and the relation between mill
tary expenditures and International well
being and the world-wide program for
social improvement and reform which is
held In watting through lack of means fo
Its execution. (
Third Division Sapelciaentary.
"The division of Intercourse and educa
tion, the director for which has not yet
been announced, will supplement the work
of the two divisions by carrying forward
vigorously and In co-operation with exist
ing agencies the educational work of
propaganda, the International hospitality
and of promoting International friendship.
Among the tasks of this division will be
to diffuse Information and to educate pub
f llo oolnion rcnrdlnv th. -a,i.
and effects of war and the means for its
prevention and avoidance."
Trainmen Mert la Baa Prisrliro.
HARRISBIRO. May M.-The Brother
hood Of Railroad Trainmen In sexslon here
today decided on Pan Kranclsco as the
place for the next convention to be held In
. ; ;
FOR lOWA-Showers.
Tentperalares at Omaha Yesterday.
VMM I. v X
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Comparative Local Record.
1911. 1'JKV 190ft. IPOS.
l'lghrst today M 71 4 7
Lowest ti iluy f! 48 56 3
Mean tnirrature 7s 60 til 68
PrH(itaiiun u .uu .16 .4k
Temperature and precipitation departures
frt'.l.i . h.i nt.rmal- -
Normal tniH-rature
Fxcs (or the tlxy
Total vxck-tt lure March I..
Normal precipitation
I ficlency for the dav
Total ri llifnll aince Mai-rh I
.13 inch
n lm-h
.. R.7S Inches March 1 17 inches
Iw-ficloncv for cr. pwtori V'l. . 5. IW Inches
Ixfirivncy for cor. period 1-.09. . 2 W Inches
(trporta from Matioua at 7 P. M.
Station and huto Temp. High- Raln-
Of UMt
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hnput t'lty 1 1..U.1 y" )
t-ait Lake City, clear 7H
fanta Ke, cl-ar tt
fciinrldan. cloudy m
Cioux Oty. cloudy as
Valentine, part cloudy 7ft
Cunard Liner Hits
Daunt Rock in a
Fog Wednesday
Steamer Ivernia Reaches Queenstown
with Twenty-live Feet of
Water in Forehold.
QUEENSTOWN. May 24. -The Cunard
line steamer Ivernia, which left Boston
May U for Queenstown and Liverpool,
struck Daunt Rock at noon today during
a fog as It was approaching this port
after an eventless voyage.
The rtrst thnt was known of the acci
dent was when the liner passed Roche's
Point, at the head of Cork Harbor. The
fore part of the Ivernia was sunk In the
water, its stem was high In the air and
It had a dangerous looking lint to star
board. The vessel Is now resting at anchor close
to tho eastern bank of Klnloch channel
in the Inner harbor, with twenty-five feet
of water In Its fore compartment. Pre
vious reports that It bad been beached
were erroneous.
The great hole In the fore part of the
liner and the narrow margin of free board
above the water sufficiently indicated
what a narrow escape the steamer had
from destruction.
The captain brought his damaged vessel
safely Into the Inner harbor, where it was
anchored. The passengers, who numbered
758, were quickly landed.
The liner was within a mile of a tender,
which was waiting to take off the Irish
contingent of passengers, when Daunt Rock
suddenly loomed up In a dens fog, and
before the vessel's way could be stopped
the ship Btruck.
The passengers were at luncheon and
quickly rushed on deck. The ahlp only
hung on the rocks for a short time and
then slid off into deep water, with a large
aperture in its starboard bows, through
which the water poured and threatened to
flood the liner.
Captain Potter and his officers, ' however,
were' prompt to close the bulkhead and the
Inrush of water was confined to the for
ward hold. There was no sign of panic on
An examination of the damaged steamer
shows that water is penetrating holds Nos.
2 and 3, as well as No. 1.
BOSTON, May 24. The steamer Ivernia,
Captain Thomas Potter, which sailed from
Boston for Queenstown and Liverpool on
May 16, carried J75 passengers and a large
cargo of freight.
Unitarians Stand by
Senator Fletcher
Motion to Drop Him from Office Be
cause of His Vote for Lorimer
BOSTON, May 24. A proposition to drop
the name of United States Senator Duncan
U. Fletcher of Florida from the list of
viae presidents of the Unitarian association
because of his attitude In the -Lorimer case
last winter, failed at the annual meeting of
the 'association today.
When the nominating committee pre
sented its report, in which . the senator's
name was placed fourth in the list of
eight vice presidents. Rev. .John H. Holmes
of New Tork offered a. resolution declaring
that "in '.view of the public services at
tached tq the name of Senator Fletcher
we do not regard him as eligible to leader
ship In that form of Christianity known as
Unltarlanlsm and protest against his nom
ination as vice president.
After a rising vote President Elliott an
nounced that the motion to -itrtke Senator
Fletcher's name from the 71st was lost.
The association then elected tts officers,
headed by Rev. Dr. Samuel Elliott of
Congress Will Be -Held
in Kansas City
an -
Oklahoma City Declines to Raise
Funds for Expenses of the
' Big- Meeting-.
KANSAS riTY mv jTk.
meetlns- of the n ..
ilal congress, set for September next will
be held in Kansas City Instead of Okla
homa City, the place originally decided
upon. This was practically decided upon
today when the executive committee of
the congress met here to make arrenge
menta for the gathering. Oklahoma City
declined to raise the funds necessary and
the Kansas City Commercial club formally
Invited the congress to meet here.
Four governors, Herbert 8. Hadley of
Missouri, John F. Shafroth of Colorado,
W. R. Stubbs of Kansas, and Lee Cruce of
Oklahoma and an ex-governor, D. R.
Francis of fit. Louis, attended today's
Captive Cashac Urlm Loom and Car
rlra (Jrrmaa Officer to Helaat
of Three Miles.
INOLSTADT. Bavatla, May 24 An offi
cer of the garrleon here had a thrilling ride
today when a military captive balloon
broke loose from Its anchorage. The offi
cer was a novice at ballooning and was
unable to manipulate the gas valve.
Finally, when the balloon had reached a
heiyht of 16.500 fott, the offirer clambered
to the top of the gas bag and succeeded in
wrenching oin the valve. Then the
balloon began a headlong descent near
Munich, which Is fifty miles distant from
here. - As the balloon was nearing the
ground Its occupant Jumped Into a tree
and was only slightly Injured. Relleve'd of
the man's weight, the balloon again
aacended and was later found near lnns
brueck. Aubtrla.
Elisabeth ftmltu Wilier, Who Intro
duced nioontcr 4'oatnme la New -York,
Taasca Away.
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. M:iy J4.-Elixsbetta
Smith Miller, daughter of Gerrlt 8mith,
the noted philanthropist and abolitionist,
and widow of the !a'.e Colonel Miller, died
at the family home In Lock land Ruad. near
Geneva, yesterday.
Mrs. Miller was born la 1W2 and was
chiefly known for activity as a woman suf
fraglat. In ISM she Introduced the bloomer
costume and created a sensation by wear
ing the costume on a trip from Peterboro
to Seneca Falls n a visit to Elisabeth
Cady Stanton. t
Madero Feais to Proceed to Capital on
Account of Interference with
Railroad Traffic. .
Scout Locomotive is Sent Ahead to
Look for Bombs.
Mexico's Liberator Victim of Revolu
tionary Elements.
Madero Sends a Telegram to General
Samuel Garcia Coellnr When He
Learns of Letter's Retire
ment Plans.
MEXICO CITY. May 24. It Is officially
announced that President Dial and Vice
President Corral will not resign today, but
that their resignations will be tendered to
the House of Deputies tomorrow.
JUAREZ. May 24. Whether Francisco I.
Madero will be able to proceed to Mexico
City so long as railroad traffic near there
Is Interfered with was considered at the
lnsurrecto leadev' headquarters today.
The news from Mexico City that the
Insurrectos were still destroying railroad
and telegraphic communication visibly
caused disquietude here.
The plan to run a locomotive a short
distance ahead of the Madero train to
scout for bombs has caused comment.
A spectacle of the latest liberator of
the country going to Mexico City under
and armed protection against bombs Is not
the pleasantest omen, said an lnsurrecto
"The reason for any opposition to Ma
dero lies in the Jealousy of certain revolu
tionary elements who resent the power as
sumed by Benor Madero and Dr. Gomes
In naming the cabinet and otherwise form
ing the personnel of the government which
is to succeed Dies." .
FIgueroa, the lnsurrecto chief, operating
near Cuernavaoa, although In full sym
pathy with Madero, will not lay down his
arms until Madero Is safely arrived In
Mexico City, according to advices received
by Madero today.
Hates to Lose Cnellar.
Upon learning that General Samuel Gar
cia Cuellar, the federal general who fought
against Madero at Cases Grandee, Intended
to retire from the army, Senor Madero sent
the following telegram to him:
The country . needs the military services,
powerful and valiant, of such men as you.
and with that idea in mind permit me to
voice a general sentiment. I will be greatly
pieasea to see you remain in active service.
Both revolutionary and federal wounded
each received la Mexican money today
from the provisional government. .
WASHINGTON, May 94 .-The murder of
Samuel Hkly, 'an American j&ltlxen. ol Los
Plstanos" colony, Mexico, will be investi
gated by Consul Milter, at Tampleo, under
Instructions from the State department to
day; Hldy was killed May 18.
The confidential agency In Washington
of the Mexican provisional government
closes, presumably for all time, with the
departure tonight of Senor , Vasconcelos,
confidential agent for San Antonio, on his
way to Mexico City. .
Mr. Vasconcelos has been ordered home
to take part In the reorganisation of the
government. Gathering at Ban Antonio,
members of the revolutionary party will
proceed to the Mexican capital.
Red Wing Runs from
The Bee to K.C. Star
on Its Scheduled Time
Effort Made to Establish a New Route
. for Autoists from Omaha
to Kansas City.
KANSAS CITT, May 24. (Special.) The
Bee scout car, the Red Wing, an E. M. F.
.1.I..W I - HM n . . ,
"" umco mis morn-
J"1" ln effort ia Mtabllsh a new route
. h- a',,., IT
between Omaha and Kansas City on the
west side of the river, arrived here at 7:30
this evening In excellent condition. The
driver. H. W. Craig, said that he encoun
tered somo excellent roads and some which
were not so good, but Is convinced that
the route on the west side of the river la
much better than that on the east side.
The run was made ln twelve hours, Includ
ing all stops.
Financier Takes Fees
From Both Parties
Man Who Negotiated Settlement of
Dominican Debt Admits Receiving
Pay from Two Countries.
WASHINGTON, May 24 -Dr. Jacob H.
Hollander of Baltimore, who negotiated
thV settlement of the debt of the Dominican
republic, today frankly admitted that he
had received S40.00 from the I'nlted States
government and $100 000 from San Dominjo
for his serviced. He appeared In his own
behalf before the house committee on ex
penditures In the Treasury department.
ir. Holland said he never had "cate
gorically Informed the rom1nlcan republic
that he was In the service of the Cnlted
Slates, but he Insisted that when he ar
ranged with this government for compenna
tlon for his services, it was agreed through
Mr. bi.con, then asslxtant scretary of state.
that he might receive from San Domingo
such compensation as that government de
sired to award him.
Colonel Cody Wires The Bee that Hli
fthOOT Is Able to Open oa
Colonel W. F. Cody wired The Bee last
everlng that the Buffalo- Bill Wild West
how suffered, no serious damage In the
railroad wreck which was reported near
Boiton Wednesday mo-nlng. He said that
the show opened In Boston on time Wed
nesday, afternoon, showing to 10.0C9 people.
Fear Men Killed by Explosion.
mniiino, mnn., may iA. r our men
were blown to places In the Zeilera' mine
this afternoon. The head of one man ass
nuriM rirty (est up on the bank. The men
were placing a charge of powder when It
went vi i pteuiaiureiy.
FTora the Chicago Evening Post.
Presbyterian Committee Says Calls
from West 'Are Greater.
Hundred Towns In Colorado of Leas
Than Thousand Population Are '
" Withont Church Ministration '
' of Any Klnd
fourteen members of .the Judical .eommis-1
sjob oi ma rresoyienan general' aBsemmy
met ln executive session today to consider
the evidence ln the, heresy trial . of Dr.
William D. Grant of Northumberland, Pa.
The board of home mission and the com
mittee on publication and Sabbath school
work presented their reports today. The
former body ln outllnglng the work mapped
out for the coming year told what would
be done with a part of the bequest of
$2,099,000 given It by the late John S. Ken
nedy, a member of the board. The report
says that in the west, northwest and south
west calls for spiritual aid are greater than
last year.
'In Colorado." the report says, "there
are 100 villages and settlements of from 160
to- 1.000 population without any Christian
mlnlstratlo.ia P5rotestant or Catholic. In
greater or less measure this doubtless
holds in dozen other states."
Continuing, the report says:
"It Is said that in San Francisco, in a
population of 600,000, there are only 12,000
Protestant church members. In New Tork
City, where a positive proportionate de
crease of Protestant church members ln
the past decade is revealed, the present
percentage of church members is 8.5l In
population of 4.447,883."
The Presbyterian general assembly today
voted to meet next year in Louisville, Ky.
Criticism of the executive committee be
cause it had too much pewer and the re
ceipt of a telegram from tjhe general synod
of the Reformed Church of the United
States stating that the proposed union be
tween their body and the Presbyterian
church would be approved, featured today's
The telegram from the general synod of
the Reformed church was hailed with de
light. By a practically unanimous vote the
assembly rejected an overture requiring
that all missionaries prove the orthodoxy
of their faith by answering the following
"Do you believe in the virgin birth of
Jesus Christ and the vicarious nature of
His death V
"Do you believe in His bodily resurrection
from the dead after three days, according
to the Scriptures?"
"Do you believe ln the total depravity of
natural man and the necessity of new
birth by the Holy Spirit?"
Secretary of Agriculture
is to Come to Omaha Soon
One of the country's most pictur
esque figures lp to be in attendance
at the convention of the Inspectors
of animal Industry of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, which Is to be
held In Omaha, June 12 and li. He
is none other than James Wilson,
secretary of the department. Other
prominent officials of the depart
ment will also be here
The meeting will be one of un
usual Importance to all parts of the
country. Plans for advancing the
work of the department will be dis
cussed, as will also preaeut packing
problems. tine of 'the Important
features of the meeting will be a
paper by Mr. Wilson, who will give
his Ideas of how the work "of the
department should be pursued.
Practically ail the atau-s west of
the M. ssUsti.pi and the larger cities
of tne east will be represented at
the convention. It is expected that
' about 160 Inspectors and otftclals
will attend. The sessions will be
held In the federal building.
It Makes a Difference
Stimson May Be
( Taft's Running
Mate in 1912
Gossip from Washington Says Presi
dent's Friends Regard New Sec
retary as Strong Han.
' WASHINGTON. May 24 An interesting
bit Of political gossip was cut-rent here to
day that the entrance of Harry L. Stim
son of New Tork into President Taft's
cabinet may mean tbat he will be' Mr.
TaftV hranlni nat , In-. the .campaign el
i2. ' ; " . ;.;
President Taft, it' Is said! fully expects
to be nominated . and his friends and ad
visers, In casting about for a man to head
the ticket with him are said to look with
much favor . oit Mr. Stimson, who they
think would, both, geographically and per
sonally, prove a strong man.
Among other vice presidential probabili
ties under discussion by political leaders
In touch with the White House are Sena
tor Cummins of Iowa and Senator Borah
of Idaho.
Firecracker Causes
One Han Fatally Hurt and Five Per
sons Seriously Hart by Unusual
Accident at Jefferson City.
JEFFERSON CITT. Mo.. May 2S.-A lit
tle boy threw a firecracker into a hundred
pounds of dynamite here, today and as a
result one may die and five others Injured.
Cecil Moore, S years old, caused the ex
plosion. While playing in front of his
father's store he threw a lighted fire
cracker under the front porch of the
building. Some workmen had stored the
dynamite under the porch, and in a few
seconds a terrific explosion occurred.
Marshall Stone, . who was standing In
the street near the dynamite, was fatally
injured. After the explosion the boy was
found unhurt, a few feet away from where
be had dropped the firecracker.
Commons Informed that Blajgrest Bat
tleship la Coronation Parade
tm from America.
LONDON, May 4. British pride received
a jar ln the House of Commons this after
noon when Reginald McKenna, the first
lord of the admiralty, admitted In reply to
a question, that the United States battle
ship Delaware will be the largest ship at
the coronation naval review, surpassing
Great Britain's show-ship, the Neptune. .
vv . - i : - , -
Government to Take Steps to Eject
Them at Newell, S. D.
Charles Young of Omaha, Who Was
In the Charge Cp San Joan Hill,
Receives Hla Pension at
. Last.' ' '
i , - ' '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
-AVAIIIIOTONV M0y, JI-(Special Tele
gram.) The Department of the Interior is
planning to take steps Immediately to eject
a large number of squatters who have
ereoted temporary shacks on the new gov
ernment -townslte ef Newell, S. D.
As a direct result of the actlvltlos of the
reclamation service In the Belle Fourche
valley several new' towns have spmng up.
One of these, the government town of
Newell, has had a phenomenal growth and
has attracted a large number of specu
lators. Many of these In disregard of the
law have erected buildings on the town
lota. The government proposes to hold a
second sale of lots at public auction in
the near future and ejectment proceedings
will he Instituted against the trespassers
In order that bona fled purchasers may
go upon these lots without hindrance or
Pension for Yoisg.
Representative Lobeek was today advised
by the pension bureau that Charles Young
of Omaha has been granted a penBlon at
the rate of $6 a month to date from
Young was a private ln the Second United
States cavalry and was among those who
charged up San Juan hill. His company
after charging this hill dismounted, fight
ing as Infantrymen. He was not wounded
In battle, but afterwards yellow fever de
veloped. He was subsequently removed to
the hospital at Havana and there con,
valesclng. was taken to New Orleans at
which point he waa honorably discharged
from the service.
As a result of the fever, rheumatism en
sued and Private Young applied for a pen
sion. It was with some difficulty that he
waa able to convince the nmlnn hn. a
that his present rheumatic trouble was duo !
to service In the army. Representative!
Lobeek took up the case and today It was
announced that Young had been placed on
tho pension rolls at the minimum rate. K.
Young Is now employed by the Underwood
Typewriting company, 38 Bee building.
Dr. C. H. Newell of Omaha will arrive
In New York Saturday from Germany,
where he has been taking a post graduate
course In medicine and surgery. His
brothers. A. M. and R. A. Newell and
C. H. Rock of Omaha arrived in Wash
ington today en route to New York to
greet Dr. Newell when his shin shall dock
Representative Sloan today recommended !
mrs. Anna Austin to be postmaster at
Deshler, Thayer county, vice John H
Traugott, resigned.
Mrs. T. M. Orr of Omaha Is In Washing
ton, a guest of Mrs. Russell Harrison.
Two Members of Family of President
Northrop and Health Official
Have Disease.
MINNEAPOLIS'. May 24. - Diphtheria,
prevalent at the University of Minnesota,
today Invaded the home of President
Emeritus Cyrus Northrop, when his son.
Cyrus Northrop. Jr., and Miss Sarah
Ncrthrop, the boy's aunt, became af
flicted. A number of students are III and under
Dr. R. H. Mullln. dlretr of the state
Board of Health laboratory has become
infected and is quarantined at his home.
J. J. Klein of Council Blnffs la Elected
President -Vest Meeting
Is Dahnine.
DAVENPORT. Is.. May 2l.-At a busl
ness vexiaon of the Iowa lliiuor dealers
here toduy Dubuque waa chosen as the
meeting place next year and the following
officers were re-elected.
President, J. J. Klein. Council Bluffs;
secretary. H. B. Main, Sioux City; trees
urer, Fred Dlerks, Burlington.
Grand Island Welcomes the Omaha
Boosters with Big-, Hearty , '
Rer. S. S. Bartle Makes Speech of
Speech of Response Made by Arthur
C. Smith.
Day Spent by Omaha Men In West
Central Part of Nebraska Be
ne it I n a Friendly Rela
tions. SCOTIA. Neb.. May 24-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Ord. Omaha and Grand Island '
linked In history and bonnd together by
chains of mutual Interest, was the expres
sion used by a good many people of Grand
Island Wednesday afternoon, when the
Omaha Trade excursion spend and hour
and a half In the city, which is known
as the jobbing center of central Nebraska.
In some ways Grand Island aspires to
be the rival of Omaha, but there is noth
ing small about the city and the unselfish
way ln which the Omahana were received
shows the spirit of Grand Island.
. When the train arrived In the city the
band led one of the best parades ever
given by any trade excursion. They
marched down the main streets of the
city and countermarched to a position In
front of the First National bank. Here
surrounded by several hundred j?eo
pie and with every window for blocks
filled with people. Rev. Bamnel t),-Bartle,
representing the Grand Island Ad club,
stepped out Into the circle about the band
and a big round voice asked the boys and
girls to keep quiet for a few minutes. He
then presented the Commercial olub with
a large silver loving cup, on which la
Inscribed, "Here's Luck to the Omaha
Trade Excursion, May 24. 1911. Orand
Island Ad Club."
The crowd was quiet and Arthur C.
Smith, president of M. EX Smith & Co.,
accepted the gift as a swmbol of broth-,
erly esteem between the two cities.'
"We have always been admirers of each
other." said Mr. Smith, "maha and Orand
Island have always been friends and we
hope this little meeting will result ln
oloser friendship."
As the sun was beating down hot on
the crowd, Mr. Smith said he could talk
along for two hours as a result of the
visit to the central and western Nebraska
towns, but he believed It would be more
comfortable if he did not say all that he
thought about the people the Omahans
had been meeting. After the little ad
dresses the-wowd cheered two or three
mlnut ; then the band played "Auld
Lang Syne."' " ' v '
The crowd joined the Omahans In sing
ing the old song.
Fifty minutes were then spent getting
acquainted, and the train pulled out for
Ord followed for blocks by cheering school
children let out to visit with the boosters.
Kearney Gives Great Welcome
Visitors from Omaha-
KEARNEY, Neb., May 23. (Special Tel
egramsBeneath red lights made by 100
marching trade excursionists, the Omaha
boosters were received in Kearney tonight
by a dress parade of the Kearney Military
academy, 000 students of the Kearney
Normal and hundreds of the business men
and their families.
The train arrived a few minutes past
S o'clock and the whistles began to blow
two miles out when people were seen out
on the hills surrounding the Industrial
school. At the station and for five blocks
up the street people were lined six to
twenty deep to give the Omahans a royal
welcome. Over the main street hung a
significant banner which said: "Kearney,
a Capital City; Omaha, a Market Town"
Beneath this banner a long line of Kear
ney and Omaha people passed.
Trip' on Mala Line.
The good people of Oshkosn were up
bright and early to meet the train on Its
return from North Port and the strains
of the Oshkosh band bid the Omahans fare
well as they left the "valley of the Nile"
to begin the day's trip on the main line,
Oehkosh and Omaha are so much alike
that Oshkosh simply could not let go.
orth Platte After New School
Whon the buslneaa men arrived In North
Platte the citisens of that gaily decorated
railroad center were out with the glad hand
and got ln many good words for North
Platte as the Ideal location for the Western
Nebraska Agricultural college. Mayor 'Pat
terson took a number to the state farm
near North Platte, Including P. P. Fodrea,
the official speaker, who returned to North
Platte In time to make on address and tell
the peoplo of North Platte that the
Omahans would support their city for the
agricultural school unless during the com
ing four days some other city managed to
make a better impression on the visitors.
Th. radar's Program.
The excursionists leave Loup City at S:15
Thursday morning after getting the little
cliy up for an hour's vllt and will re-
Base Ball tickets.
Cans of Fan-ell's Syrup.
Boxes of O'Brien's Candy.
Quart Bricks of Dalzell'a
Ice Cream. .
All given away free to those
who find their names in the
want adg.
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