10 THE TCEE: OMAIIA. "WEDNESDAY. MAY 24, 1011. REAL ESTATE HUM A l KIM tl I.ASn rOR SALE (Continued.) 1IHi TEX A 6 UNDB. 640 ArRKa fourteen miles northwest of Houston, one mil from rallrond station, ail black sandy anil, fronting on a main lo jniy road. Price $20 per acre. liiO acres twelve miles north of Houston, fronting on a main county road; black, sandy prairie land. Price $J0 per acre. u irin ttVelve miles northwest of Hous tnn, fronting on a main county road; black. Sandy loam roil. Price 8.H per acre. All the above land Is well adapted to the fulilvalhin of any kind of fruit and vege table, corn or cotton. This class of land ; being soul out In small tracts on easy payments from 8-Xl to $W0 per acre. Our trms sre. one-third cash, balance one and two wars. 1 per cent Interest. HDIHTO.N LAND CORPORATION Houston, Texas. Capital Stock, $000,000. KAN MBA VAL.LKT, Me garden spot el Texas home of the paper snell pecan. We tan buy land for you or invest money, i I er cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands ' Correspondence solicited. 1 cler to First Nat l bank, ban 6aoa Nat l Lank. Ward, Murray si Co., ujd tue mam Leis in cuoirui from Texu &u.i ' Luileson 4'r San Saba. Tex. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LUE- l"wt jretjue M. Lawrence Routa Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL, XO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW UOMKulAL TO LON DON, Havre. France fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA anu Boston to Glasgow hliernlid scenery, shortaxt passage, iu ra tea Any local agent or ALLAN T CO., Uetieisl Agents, 137 N. Dearborn be, Chicago. ANCHOR LINK VTEAMDHIP1 NEW YORK, LO.DoNUfc.Rtt ANi GLAaJOW. NEW YOf'K AAb X-.APLICS DIRECT, tingle or Round Trip Tickets between New 'oik and scotch, Kngliah, Jrisn and all principal Continental points at attractive dates, bend for ouok of Information. Superior Aceerc.mcxlaaone Excellent Cul tine. Apply pioisptly fur Reservation te local agenia of Anchor Line or HENDLR RUN HKUS., Cererai Agents. Chicago. 111. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WK exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver. 812-11 O. N. L. Uldg.. L. Ifc&i, WA NT E I To trade three strictly mod ern and up-to-date dwellings with big lota, trees, fruit, etc . In the very bent residence district of South Omaha, two blocks from car line and on paved streets for farm land. This is strictly high-class properly, readily tenting at the highest rates and Is very desirable. Prefer land In Nebraska or Iowa, but will consider a good farm anywhere. Answer at once. A. B. C, block Yards Station. South Omaha. FOR reliable sales ard exchanges, sea D. M. LUAMiNU. Wa' brandela Blag. FOR SALE or exchange, 40 acres of land 6 miles from Clearwater. Antelope county, Nebraxka, price 160 per acre. Also have well improved quarter of land 4 miles from Kwing. Holt county, Nebraska., all level, price $50 per acre; has mortgage of ROuo. runs years, want to sell or exchange equity. Drown & Griffin, Cairo, Neb. Our old auto now must go. Hut must bring ua lots of "dough." For two yeara we now have had It, But want an Appemon Jack Rabbit A Bee Want Tad, then, will pay. And sell our auto the next day. MRS. PAUL O. LUCE, 4512 Franklin St Ihla verse, is very good, but doea not coniorm .to our style. FOR 8 ALE A clean stock of general merchandise, consisting of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats and caps, carpeta and rugs, crockery and groceries; also brick oUr building; well located In good town of 1,400 people In northeast Nebraska; stock will Invoice about JlO.ouO; would discount lock some for cash or would exchange stock and building tor good farm In south ern Minnesota, Iowa, southeast South Da kota, eastern Nebraska, northeast Kansas or northwest Missouri; land must be good and at about real value; would assume small Incumbrance. Give full particulars about land In first letter; Improvements, soil, lay ejf land, distance from what town, most prlo. If land Is rented, what renu Address J P. car of Bee. FIVE different quarters of choice land to exchange for autos. Write W R Knight, fit. Francis, Kan. rIalIstate loans OMAHA property and' Nebraska lands. OKEEFK REAL EBTATJB CO. 1014 New Omaha National Bank Building. GARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. T. Life. ISM to tiOO.UQP on Impiovsd isoperty. No delay? 5 a 5yaft iKiV'gRlrBidl: WANTED FARM' LOANS. Kloke'lnV Co., Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrant. W Farnam emitta Co.. U2v Farnam at 5 money on choice business and residence) property. Loon closed promntly PETERS TRUST CO., l'th and Farnam, LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making parutal pe InenU Semi-annually. W. 11. THoMASiM First National Bank building. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. BUTTON RJHA LTT CO 631 BRANDED BLDG. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Penn Mutual Llf, j,,. Co.. with aaaeta of over $117,0U0,0UO. I am prepared to aoeept all the good loans of" fared on Improved Omaha, real estate. Business and reaidenoe loan made wiuT ui delay. THOMAS BRF.NNAN. ', City National Bank Bide 110 to HO.OM made promptly n Wa Wead Bldg.. mkatad Vns, ft MONET TO LOAN-laroa lDveatmocTTe" WB HAVE money to loan on Improve real estate la Omaha end suburb NEBRAbKA SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. leu, samara Mt. Board of Trade Bldg. CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZttrC REAL ESTATE WANTED ' HAVE customer for I or s-roora modern residence, well located; must be bar-sain H. C. -WESTERGAARD ,,n 601 City NU Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANT A Have you anything to offer the farmer t lowaf Any cheap land for higher priced a general merchandise store for land or an kind of an exchanger Or have re some land you want to sell tor caant Tka ne paper that reaches the Iowa farmer la the Dee aloiaes Capital; ai.frje clrcuiatiuo ally; rale kiugle insertion. 1 cent a word aJx insertions. 4 cents a word. Lias Molaaa UalU capital. Dea Moinea la. WANTED-T0 BORROW WANTED About tS.000 to build a home; will pay tteew and Sou per month. J , Bee. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for VI hand furniture, carpeta clothing and shoes. TeL D. tTl GOOD MONET for jrour brokn morel menu and old gold. M. Nathan. lri a). Uik. EELNER pays good prices for furniture, cai pets, clothe and shoes. D. 601. HOl'SES and vacant lots; have cus tomers WESTERN RRAt, ESTATE CO.. 411 Karbaeh Block. I WILL buy a standard make, 4 pas senger automobile that Is In good condi tion; give descrtpllod how long used and price L til. Bee WANTEDTO RENT WANTED Eastern Nebraska, alfalfa or prairie hay to put up on snares or cash. Ftato full particulars In first letter. B ili. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Various Factors Tend to Make Condi tions Irregular. SHORTS ARE FORCED TO COVER Oatatandlng Mar Options Offset Bear ish Crop HHoatloai Recent Rains General, Dampening Talk of Dronth. OMAHA. May . 1911. The trade In wheat is very unsettled and the market anion very irregular, due to the nut'tandlng May contracts, which are offsetting bearish crop conditions and r irclng shorts to cover, advancing values as sellers are timid In pressing any fa torable crop news. The recent rains have been general and of great benefit to both v Inter and spring wheat crops. The flrmnps In corn Is also due to short covering, as rains have put the new crop In f;ne shnpe, and reports Indicate farmers are ready to sell reserves In Inrge volume, and Mocks should Increase. Shipping sales .vers made on the brenk In cash prices and trls may offset the Increase In receipts. Heavy buying by the scattered short In terest put the wheat sharply higher In face of the firm crop outbreak and general bearish situation. Cash wheat was un chsnged. The shorts lr corn followed the lead In wheat owing to the light stocks on hand. Crop, news is favorable and receipts are expected to Increase. Cash corn, 43"jc higher. - Primary wheat receipts were 44S.000 bu. and shipments were 24A.ono bu.. against re ceipts last year o 201,000 bu. and ship ments of 6S7.000 bu. Primary corn receipts were STl.OnO bu. and shipments were 391.000 bu., against receipts last year of 4O4,0u0 bu. and shipments of 47S.OOO bu. Clearances were 44.000 bu. of corn, 800 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 441,000 bu. Liverpool closed Sd lower on wheat and ',-id higher on corn. 'I he following cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. I herd: 8 ears, 87c No. J hard: 1 car, 87c; 1 car, 86c. No, 4 hard: 1 car. i6c. CORN No. I white: t cars, 19c. No. i yellow: 1 car, 4SVc." No. 8 yellow: 2 cars, 44c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 47Vc; I cars, 47c. No. I mixed: 1 car, 4'e. No. 3 mixed: 4 cars, 48c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 47sc; 1 car, M'ic; 1 ear, 4c. OATS No. 8 whlto: 1 car, 811o. No. 4 white: 1 car, 8IV4O. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 bard. 86W90V: No.' J hard. 8f.!8!ic; ji0. 4 hard. MHifWnc; re jected, hard. 72VuSlo; No. 8 spring. 87S9 2c; No. 4 spring. 8SJW0c' No. 2 durum, 83'Mi4c; No. 1 durum. 82'S3V4c. CuRN No. 2 white, 4tfl44c; No. S white, 484i&4Xc; No. 4 white, 47Q47c; No. 8 color, 4Mi 48c; No. 2 yellow, 4.4f48tc; No. 3 yel low, 47ij l8V4c; No. 4 yellow, 46Vi47UJc; No. 2, 4h48c; No. i, Uic; No. 4. 4friJ 47c. OATS No. 2 white, rf'ic: standard, Sl,32c; No. 8 white, 8m31e; No. 4 white. SKS-llc; No. 2 yellow. 813114c; No. 4 yellow. 3031c. BARLEY No. 8. 828c; No. 4. 7484c; No. 1 feed, 8782c; rejected, 64ig59c. RYE No. 2, 11.0091.01; No. 8, c$1.00, Carlot Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 164 357 345 Minneapolis .....114 ... Omaha 2 49 t Liuluth 41 Available Supplies of Grain, NEW YORK. May 23. Special cable and telegraphlo communication received by Biadstrcet's show the following changes In available supplies, as compared with previous accounts: ... Available supply Wheat I'nlted States. esst of the Rockies, decreased, 186,000 bushels. - - Can- WANTED SITUATIONS GERMAN (speakt English) wants posi tion' of any kind; good references. 'Pnone Web. 6529. I AM 21 years old, looking for a change of work; have had some bookkeeping and stenographic) experience; I am now em ployed by a reliable firm and can furnish the best of references; will leave Omaha. Address K 326, Bee. v. A. WANTED A position as nurse In a fam ily with children, or with elderly lady; speak English, French and German; pleaae state wages paid and work required. Ad dress M. C, Post Box 337. Columbus. Neb. WANTED Position as saloon porter; long experience; stranger In city; white. Phone Doug 1642. Oay. WANTED Position on ths road by an experienced lumber and coal man. F. T. Wing, Lincoln, Neb. . ' SALESMAN, long experience In city, paint or building supplies; wants work. N IM, Beo. l.inr wint. r,n.i,i 1: ' - -vuaai.wia o LVI1IW11UU Willi some elderly lady or Invalid; best of refer- " Auaraii, f ait care nee. THE children will enjoy their bread more If It Is spread with Farrell's syrup. If C. J. Peterson, 42W ' Douglas street, will come to The Beo office within three days we will glvs him an order for a 60-oent can free. LADIES clothes neatly laundered. Phone W eb. 3426. YOUNG lady, fair penman, good at fig urss, dsslres position In an office as cashier. Address E 821, Beo. - WANTED A position as wst nurss by perfectly healthy young woman; baby 4 weeks old. Tel. Harney 8770, for further particulars. BY thoroughly competent bookkeeper and office man; several years' experience in mercantile and automobile business. E. 804. Bee. RATE CLAIM and shipping clerk wants position with large wholesale firm; eight years' experience; employed at present; references. Address D, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants book work Saturday afternoon and evenings. Addrera E. E. Kenseney, 1814 Dodge 8u. or call Douglas 4851. MAN wants position as watchman or Janitor work. 3117 8. ISth St. Tftl'Vrt . - ... . . . - - v. wMiu. vvBiuun riera ana stenographer; has had two years' experl- " . . vti UVUIII fitAfcl. Bl'NDLE washing, also lace curtains; 20 cents an hour for day work. Webster 4272. FAMILY washing. tL26 par week. Phone Harney 4129. LADY wishes to sew In private family Dressmaking or children sowing. Webster 6714. BY MIDDLE aged, experienced nfrw man. No boose, tobacco nor lost time Home one must h vm nl.. M- ---- - .V, in., m.. S2i. Bee. HANDT man wnt. Amy, w.k . ... . .- Henry Walworth, 722 N. 19th. Doug. 4308. POSITION Ry first class accountant and bookkeeper; young man, married, steady and temperate. Hood penman and exten sive experience. Write and arrange Inter view at your convenience, Address L. F B.. 221 So. lath. FIRST-CLASS shoemsker wants a Job In a stors or small town. G-J.S9. Beo. AN experienced wringer man. wants alt uation. Call B XM. EXPERIENCED man wants work as day barn man. 'Phone South 6a. EXPERIENCED lady wants fsmlly or bundle washing. South 68. TOUNO lsdy with experience In photog-' raphy wishes position In studio; reference from place formerly employed D 336, Bee TOUNO man ax-nwan.r... . ' lr cbsnge; a good, line calling for a -w in aairamananip; sin now em ployed in one of the hardest lines before the public; nothing but a high class propo sition that goes to the better cisas of people will be considered. Address Chas W. Rogers, oars Hotel Loyal. MALE stenogrspher wants work after 8 30 p. m. and Saturday afternoons. Tel. ebster 3157. . WANTED By middle aged man of fam ily, light work: experienced In clerical work, but willing to do anything: best of references. Address D. 84. care Bee STEAM FITTER wants work: 8 years In Isst shop snd reference; capable of taking cltarga, Tel. Doug. 7. an. ada. decreased, 1.87.0"0 bushels. Total I nited Hates and Canada, decreased, 1.54.iiO busneis. Afloat tor and In Europe, increased, 4,4r.nno bushels. Total Ameri can and Ktiropean supply, increased. I,0j. M bushels. Corn L tilted Plates and Canada, de creased, l.OfXi.000 busneis. nta-l"nlt! Ktates and Canada, in creased. lis.0 bushels, 1 he leading Increases and decreases re potted this week follow: Increases Chlcsgo private elevators, 177.OH0 bushels; Milwaukee privets eleva tors, ft&.uno bushels; Chattanooga, Ib.OiO busneis. Decreases Manitoba, 645,000 bushels; Omaha, 62.000 bushels. CHICAGO URAl.t AND PROVISION S Keatarce of tke 1 radios and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 23. Unexpected covering by a huge operator who had been a shot 1 seller of wheat proved of greater influence today than all other causes attertlng the market. May delivery sold the hignest In months and Closed near the top price of the swsion, 2e above last nignt. Other months linisheu Wae hlgner. Corn scored a net gain of Wo to llvtc, oats WHc and provisions 2c to 17!c. In the wneat pit offerings were light most of the day, but they Increased as the final hour approached. Nevertheless the premium of the current option rose to 9Wc over July, a decidedly unusual differ ence. Furthermore, the tone at (he last was firm all around. In snarp contrast, the start of trading hnd been altogether In favor of the bears, barring c rise for May. The weakness was due to almost Ideal conditions for the growing crop, both winter and spring, aild because of an Im proved outlook for the yield In countries acroes the Atlantic. When delayed buying began, however, and ths fact developed that purchasing was not at all an easy exploit, everything else was lost sight of. July ranged from 87ac to 8SVc and closed c up at WHc. May varied between 96ie and ftic, with last sales at 9Sc. a net gain of 2V,c. The chief factors strengthening com were better eastern and export demand, coupled with lightness of sales from the country. May shorts stampeded and at the end of the session that month was igH4c higher. July fluctuated between 61'c and 62-Hc, closing Mic up at 62So. Cash grades were stronger. No. 2 yellow finished at Reports of damage in central and north Texas had a bullish effect on oats. July reached as outside limits 34c and SSt9 3SiC. with latest trades at 34c, a net ad Vance of VvfiHc With packing Interests and exporters fur nishing a moderately good demand, pro visions were firm. The outcome was a ,nraI,JulvBnr'Pork' THiTKV:; lard, 2's (610c; ribs, 7 HQ 10c. Prices in Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Grain company, Telephone Douglas 2473, 70s Brandels building, Omaha: Artlclea-i Open. Hlgh. Low. CIoso. Yes y. Wheat May.. July... Sept.., Corn May... July... Sept... Oats May... July.., Sept... Pork July.. Sept.., Lard May.. July.. Sept... Ribs July... Sept.. I 91 H I 9R4 9SS 98 87HI 884 954 874 80T1 CIV 864(8)S87HHI I I 86V.I 87HI BlVfl62 62i ol1 62, olTsfcf.2 63 62 834 I 33Si' '33W'Wi 4HI 83i 34si33i4Hl 844l 34 I 33i4 83Ti B333V6PTi I 14 40-46 18 95 14 to 14 20 14 40 15 96 14 62 .14 074 14 46 14 CO I a vi io, 8 06 I 12V, T724 rS7H, 8 16 !22 8 06 I I 124 8 16 8 06 S 124 7 7ZH 7 674 8 224f 7 824 7 724 7 824 7 v I 7 104 7 80 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, K00(g4.5O; straights, t&7ib4.2o; spring straights, U.lb& 4.35; bakers. ta e OO. RYE No. 2, 9UK7c. BARLEY Feea or mixing, 6⪼ fair to choice malting, 9Xcg1.02. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, nom inal; No. 1 northwestern, nominal. Tim othy; 812.00. Clover, 116.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 814.75 15.00. Lard, per 1(0 lbs., 88.10. Short ribs, sides (loose), 37.2r.70. Short clear sides (boxed), S8.0064U24. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 44L00O bu. Primary receipts were 448,000 bu., compared with 201,000 bu. toe corresponding day a year ago. Ths world's visible supply as shown by Bradstreet's, Increased 3.t!,00u bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat. 240 cars; corn, 438 cars; oats, 309. cars; hogs, 28,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices wheat: No. 2 red, 9ftirg984c; No. t red, 94970; No. 2 hard, 964984c; No. 8 hard, 94&97c; No. 1 north ern spring, tl.00'1.04; No.- 2 northern spring, 81 .001. 08; No. 3 spring, 96tj8c. Corn: No. 2 cash, 63(&634c; No. 8 cash, M f63c: No. 2 whits, 634663Vc; No. 8 white, 62V(i&3Wc; No. 2 yellow, 63453c; No. 2 yellow, 6363J.4c. Oats: No. 2 cash, S3c; No. 8 whits, 3&3354C; No; 8 white. 844 34c; No. 4 white, S3V344o; standard, 34 4; 3fo. BUTTER Finn; creameries, l&Q21c; oairies, .icj 1 (o. EOQ3 RecelpU, 27.914 cases. Market steady; at mark, cases Included, 124g'13c; firsts, 144c; prime firsts, 16c. CHEESE Steady; daisies. 124c: twins. 1149Up; Young Americas, 124c; long horns. 124c POTATOES New firm, old weak; choice to fancy, old, 38ig40c; fair to good, oUV 369 37c: new, 9(gDRc. POULTRY Weak; lire turkeys. 12c; llvs fowK 124c; springs, dressed, 22f2c. VEAL Steady; 60 to 60-lb. weights, 74c; 60 to 86-lb. weights, 6j?9c; 85 to 110-lb. weights, 9-310e. Receipts Today Wheat. 164 cars; corn. 867 cars; oats, 246 cars. Estimated tomorrow Wheat, 240 cars; corn, Vi8 cars; oau, 309 cars. St. Loals General Market. BT. LOUIS, Msy 23 WHEAT Steady; track. Mo. 2 red, tMi&w&c; No. 8 hard, 81 sec. CORN Higher; track. No. 8, 62H63c; No. 3 white, 64c OATS-Firm; track. No. 8, 33c; No. 1 White, 85W&36C. It VE Lower, Mn. Futures, higher; May, 83c; July, 8&Hc; September, soc. CORN Higher; July, EIVWac; Septem ber, blc. OATS Higher; July, 83Hc; September, 83S8S8HC . ..... FIjOUR Dull; red winter patents, 84.20(J 4 70; extra fancy, 83.60uM.10; hard winter clears. 2 W&3.16. KEKD Timothy, 85OO0S.5O. ' CORNM fc!ALr-2.0. BRAN Lower; sacked, oast track. SLOT 61.10. HAT Steady; timothy, $lo.00tfj 21 00; prai rie, 112 0115.60. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $16.S. Lard, hlgner; prime steam. 87.8247.92'. lry salt meats (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts, 88.25; clear ribs, 38.26: short clears, $8.50. Bacon (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts, 3U25; clear ribs, 89.25: short clears, 89.50. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, 2U2..c; turkeys, 12416-c; ducks, 11 V:; geese, 0. BUTTER Dull; creamery, KUG8 Unchanged, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10.6' 7,700 Wheat, bu 8.fJ0 19 000 Corn, bu 102.OUO 27.0H0 Oats, bu 71,000 i0iooo Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANHAR f'lTV 1mt, M U'Upir changed; No. I hard. 87H36c; No. 8, 85 WHEAT Msy. 87So bid; July, Xlo bid; September, 2'g'g3c, sellers. COHN-llaaitu I, Lc.. .... X' 404'86ic; No. 3. 60tj60Hc; No. 1 white, CoRN-July, 60"ko, sellers; September, 60c, sellers. OVo5Wc: No. 8, JftgoOHc uaid tncnsngeo; mo. I Whlto, 85ffli3c; No. 2 mixed, K!V3io. HTE ioil 31.00. W A V Hi earl v fn 11 AS .1 othv, 815 6v0ii7 oo; choice prairie. 812. 26(313.00. , , t. iiiibij, iiraia, aio; sec onds, lie; packing stock, 13c. EGGS Extras, 17c; firsts, 15c; Seconds. 10c. . R)ev1pts. Shipments. Wheat, bu fctoui m aha Corn, bu M.oia) 3.0u0 C-als, bu 3.0U0 . t.ouo Onaahai Prod see Market. Quotations furnished by ths Omaha Produce exchange: ' BUTTER Creamery, aOHc; packing stock. 14c. EGGSlSo. ' POULTRT-Brollers. 10c; stags. &3c; hens, 10c; ducks, 13c. Peoria Market. PEORIA, May M.-CORN-Hlgher; No. t white, 62c; No. 8 while, 52c; No. 3 white 62c; No. 3 yellow. 62c; No. 8 yellow. 61V c: No. 4 yellow, 6H5oe; No. 3 mixed. 62c; No. 3 mixed 61VC; No. 4 mixed, 6oe50Vc: sample. 444?48c OATS-Higher; No t whits, 84Hc; stand ard. 34V; No. 3 white, 84c. Onaka Hay Market. OMAHA. May 33. HAT No. I. 8U.0O: No t 310 00; packing. 87 00; alfalfa. 313 .10. Suaw; Wheat, .; ry. .4; osja, 37.0U, ! NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 1 , Selling; Movements Directed Against Market Leaders. PROFIT TAKING CAUSES HALT Prices of Many Active leaaea Decline, bot Rally la Kffected Shortly Before rinse, nllh Partial Recoveries. NEW YORK, May 21-In the stock mar ket today the most -Aggressive operations were In the shape of selling movements di rected against the market leaders, Particu larly United States steel, and after an early decline, followed by a rally, an un mistakable reactionary tendency developed. Trading was almost the lightest In a week until the final hour. Prices of many active Issues declined a point or more, but a rally was effected shortly before the close and a large part of the day's losses were re covered. - Today's reaction may reasonably be at tributed to the professional traders, many of whom have taken profits on the rise which followed the Standard Oil decision, and now argue that technical conditions favor a halt. Amalgamated copper was the strongest of the active stocks. The demand for this Issue presumably' was based In large part on the Improved condition of the copper metal market. American Smelting also was In good demand. . The Hill stocks showed further strength today, as did Western Union, which has come Into demand of late. Ths fertlllrer shares made some recovery from their pre vious weakness. Time money was easy today, ruling at rates which prevailed last week. Rates for sixty and ninety days accommodations were out 4 per cent. Bonds were Irregular, with a decline of 4 In United States 4s. Total sales, par Value. 83.6A4.0O0. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows galea. Hit. Uw. Clnee. Atlta-niaimtre P X VnalsamMea Copixr I4.K 74 4 Jlmertran Atrlrultural M0 M tj" Amerloan Beat Susar 1 Hon 44 44 Amertran Can I ? 1IH 114 HH Amerima C. P l.im M4 I M'4 Amertran Cotton Oil 1. 40 14 ii Vi Amertoan H. A I. pM t.t4 Am. Ira tseurltlfn M0 U4 124 American Linseed lit American LoromotlTe 4t4 424 Amartaan S. A ft 1,004 il4 sn Am. 8 H. pfd in Am. Steel Foundries M0 4H Am. Sugar Reflnlnf... Sn 13Mi 120 1M American T. T 1.400 144 144 H"4 Amertran Tnhaoro pfd 00 lot 101 H 101 4 American Woolen M Anaronda Mining Oo 1.M0 4o 4fl4 4014 Atrhlaon 8,100 UUj 112S H't Atchlaon pfd 10 104 104 W Atlantic Oast Line.... 1.100 12 121 1? Ralttmora Ohio 400 104 1044 1 Bethlehem Steel 1.M0 J Jl 24 Brooklyn Rapid Tr 4.M0 n M 0i4 Canadian Parllle 1111 M4 211 t!4 Central Leather .' 3.400 M 0 sou, Central Leather pfd MO 101 14 let 10 Central of New Jeraey -. . . : . . 22 rheaapeak Ohio 1.400 . M US 12 Chlraan A Alton... .... 100 14 114 14 nilcase O. W 21 C. 0. W. pfd...' 44 Chlcaco N. W 14 C, M. A St. P.. C, C. C. A St. L. Colorado P. A I 124H 44 14 700 1444 MH Colorado A Boutharn. SS Conaolldate4 Oas , , 00 14 14(4 Corn Produrta !fi4 Delaware A Hudson IT? Denver ft Rio Grande,. M D. A R. O. pfd rHatlllarr Swurltlaa' MO n US I Brie 4.100 29 t74 3SV4 Erie lit pfd 100 iOS 14 B4U, Bria Id pfd 404 General Blectrto 1.100 1404 1C4 140 Great Northern ptd 1.400 1!' 12'4 130 Great Northern Ore etts.... 400 41 4tt 4214 Illlnola Ontral n Intarboroush Met. ......... t.OnO 114 It Int. Mat. pfd 1.800 44 42 6S4 Intarnatlonal Harveatar .... 400 127 S4 124 127 Int. Marina pfd 1744 International Paper 1.404 II U 11 Intarnatlonal Pump 40 Iowa Central ,. ..... lTVi Kanaaa City Southern.! 100 14 H l K. C So. pfd 100 4 41 fi Lacleda Gas I,)0 1044 10M ) H Loulavllla A Nashville 100 Ul 14a4 ,. Minn. St.' Leula........ 2 m , at. p. a i. a. m... M., K. A T I.H.: M . K. A T. ptd. Mlaaourl Paclfto INatlonal Bracult ....4'J... National Lead 404 ism 1J7' 117 9.I0S 16 4 I4U, 1.804 4744 4,400 MS, 4(l IT K4 111 5 44 W 100 117 . 700 , 4444 OO ll4 N. R. R. of M. ta pld.... New Tork Cantratti. eM,,.' N. T.. O- A W....v,....y Norfolk A Weatarn North Ajiierlrn ....J. ji.... Northern PacKle ...a. . Pacific Mall ., Pennaylvante ' , ...!..... Plop la' a (iaa P.. C, C. A 84. L. Plttaburi Coal Praaaed Steel Car Pullman- Palace Car .Railway Steel Spring Reading Repuello Steal Republic Bleel ptd 04 10 7(4 101 104 108'4 100 4St4 4IH4 43 1.100 108 101 101V, ,...u 71 17,400 m4 1214 1244 M0 M44 264 4 ' 4,J'0 ' III 132 12214 oo iou, lufiia 100 444 44 M 1,1114 11 US 1144 100 16' J6"4 15 200 1424 1424 141 I'D U't l.t'4) I44 .too 1404 1644 iwv, 404 . Ila II II "4 400 V Hi Kork laland ( v Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. A 8. P. id pfd 8t. Louie B. W St. U 8. W. pfd aiora-ahefflald 8. A I Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway ptd Tenneeeee Coppar Texaa A Pacific T.. 8t. L. A W 12 44 424 124 44S 41 lltt tot 00 44 '4 424 . .? 51 . .4fl4 1144 11 HI 100 4 144 14 4 . 1,400 494 47 4744 404 II 174 11 SO 174 i 74 . . too 114 tl4 21-4 . 100 114 HH 40V4 . 41.100 144 lal4 144 . 3.700 46 14 44 M T.. St. U A W. pfd.... Vnion Pacific Union Pacific, ptd i I'nlted atatea Realty... Unlteu States Rubber... United atatae Bteal tl. S. Bteal pfd ttah Copper Va. -Carolina- Chimloel Wabaah Wabaah pfd WaaMrn Maryland Waatlnshsuaa Wectrlo .. Weatera t'nloa Wheeling A L. K. Lahlgh Valley . 1.100 41 4144 41 .174.400 104 74 7a 400 119 111 HI . 4.400 47 444 47 , I.HO 14 17 M 00 14 14 14 404 14 17 II , 1.200 64 H 44 1.400 Tl 71 72 , 10.400 11 74 II 4 4.100 1T4 1714 171 661. 101 abaras. London Stock Market, LONDON. May IS. American securities opened slightly lower today. Later the market advanced under the lead of Erie and Missouri. Kansas eV Texas. At noon ths market tone was steady and values ranged from above to below yester day's New York closing. Conaola. money... 81 7-14 Laulevllla A N......1M da aocount II at., K. A T II Amal. Coppar 41 N. T. Central 1114 Anaconda 4 Norfolk A W Ill Atchlaon ............114 da pfd II do ptd ,..1'I4 Ontario A W 44 Baltimore A Ohla... .l4 Peanarlvanla -s 43 Canadian Pacific. ...144 Rand Minis..... 1 Cheaepeake A O,.,. 44 Raiding 12 Chlcaio O. w........ It (outturn Ry 14 Chi., Mil. A St. P.. 14 do ptd 44 Da Been 14 Southern Pacific 1114 Denver A Rio O ... II Union Pacific 114 do pld 44 do pfd 44 Erie 14 U. S. Steal 41 do lat pfd... II a pfd 12S da Id pfd 41 Wabaah 17 Grand Trunk II do pfd 114 Illlnola Central 141 SILVER Bar. steady at 4Sd per ounce. MONEY m4i'14 per cent. Toe rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills Is 2Vj per cent. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, May 23. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Allouas II Miami Copper 04 Amal. Copper 44 Mohawk 41 A. Z. L. A g 17 Nevada Con 14 Artaona Com 12 Ntpleelni Mines 10 Atlantic 4 North Butte 14 B. A a C. A . M. 14 North Lake I Bulla Coalition 0 Old Dominion 41 Cel. A Arlaoaa- 14 Oaeoola 10S Cal. A Hacia 447 Parrot . A (X 11 Ceeteenlal II Qulncy 71 Capper Range R. C. 43 Bhannoa 11 East Butta C, M II Superior 13 Franklin II Superior A B. M ... 14 Olroui Coa. 4 Buperlar A T. C 14 Oraaby On 44 Tamarack IT Greene Cananaa ... t 1-14 U. g. S. R. A tl.... 14 ale Rovale Copper. 14 do pfd 40 Kerr Lake 4 Utah Coa. u Lake (topper 17 W'fnona 1 La Salle Coppar 4 Wolverine Ho SAakae. New York Ktalngr Stocks. NEW TORK. May 83. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Alias 'Little Chief Com. Tunnel ateek... II Meiloaa 421 do.bonda II Ontario n Coa. Cai. A Va 14 Ophlr 117 Horn Silver Standard m 'Iran Silver 14 allow Jacket M Laaavilla Coa l Uttarae. Lex's I Serontle-a. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brtnker A Co., 448 New Omaha National bank kuilding: Bid aaked. City of Omaha 4e. tM lab 106 41 City of Omaha 4 We. 1M1. school... 104 104 CudaJiy Parking Co. 6a. 1SS4 44 r Chicago Railway la. UZT 4s le Deere Co. aa, notes 100 Km Eaat St. L A Bub. la, NI IX Fairmont Creamery let g. I par OC H 140 Falrmoat Creamery pfd I par eeat.... M pm luaa PortlaAd Cameat lat mtg- 4a. ul Kanaaa Oaa A Clac. f per et. pfd- si lie 4 aaaaa Cly Ry. A L4. as. 1411... s a 3anAara Ooi J. A 4 I . i ptd.... M tu S.Vc Omaha Water tt, IMS M4 H ' 's H - ?.. "4 Cmatis C B. St. F. PM I p. e.... 114 Omaha A C B. St. Kr. 00 ra ;!4 Omaha tiaa . KIT ; at TVter Mtli per rent pfd ft Siuta Omaha ttr v,a Tnpsa Rail war M. 1MB. Mv, T t'nlnn SWa Vanla mart, 12 fnlnn Stark TaM. bond l"t Wlaa Memorial Hoapltal a. lull lot 101 .Nee York Money Market. NEW TORK, May 23. MON E Y On call, steady. 21'h2tt per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered st 2S ler cent. Time loans, easy on fall ing off demand; sixty dsvs. f4g2 per cent; ninety days, 2 per cent; six months, 34 per cent. I riUME MERCANTILE PAPER-SVai per cent. STERLING EX CIlAVOE Steady, with sctusl business In bankers' bills St 84.8460 for sixty-day hills snd st 84 8M0 for de mand. Commercial bills. 84. M. SlUVER-Bsr. 53V; Mexican dollars, 4Sc, R(NIS Oovernn.ent, easy; railroad ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. 8. ref. ta, re....100Uj eint. Met 4H. 70S da coupon lenv. Int. M. M. 4s 4T V. 8. Ir reg 101 'Japan 4l !' do coupon 101 44 "an 4tta M V. B. 4a. re 114S K. C. Bo. lit la 7 do coupon U4S L. S d. 4a lMi 4S Allia-l'hal. tat ta 77', L. A N. unt. 4a MS Am. Af. 4a 101 M K A T. 1st 4a... 47 Am. T A T. cv. 4a..ims do gen. 4e I74 Am. Tohacos 4a so Mo. Partftr 41 T4 do 4a , inauj N. R. R. nf M. 4V4a 41 Armour A Co. 4a.. M N. T. O. g. Itl Atrhlaon sen. 4a do deh 4a tt do ov. 4a 11H4 N. Y.. N. H. A H. do ev. ta 118V, ev. 4a HIT, A. C. L. let 4i 'f. N. A W. lat e. 4a... M4 Bal. A Ohio 4a S', do rv. 4a 107 do l4i 42 No. Pacific 4a t; do 8. W. lv,a Mt do la 7IH Brook. Tr. ev. 4a..,, 4 O. 8. L. rf1. 4a M"4 on. of Oa. ta 1M4 Pnn. eon. 4a 104 On. Leather ti l"4 Reading sen 4a MV4 C of N. J. Si... 122', 8. L. A 8. F. ff, 4a. II Chea. A Ohio 4Ha...,10lS do (en. ta 12 do ref. ta..'. Mi St L 8. W. e. 4a... son Chicago A A. IWl... t dn lat gold 4a 41S C. B. A Q J. 4a , 8 A. L. 4a TfS do gen. 4a 47 80. Pac. col. 4a I3S C. M. t I F 1 IHa 2 do ev. 4a s C R. I. A P. e. 4. 7S do lat ref. 4a 44 do rfg. 4i ' 8n. Railway la 10144 o1o. Ind. ta 744 dn awn. 4a to Oolo. Mid. 4a II Union Pacific 4s lot C. A r. A a. 4Vta IK4' dn ev. 4a inna, D. A H. ev. 4l tt do lat A ref. 4a... H7', D A R. O. 4l t tT. 8. Rubber la 104S do ref. ta 41 f. 8. Steel Id tl 1"44 01111111' ii 7SS Va -Car. t hem. tl. .101 Erie p. I. 4i I7S Wahaah lat ta 10'S do gen. 4a 7S dn lat A ex. 4a.... " do ev. 4i, aar. A... 14 Waatern Md. 4i 28 dn aertea B 1 West. Eler. cv. ta... Oen. Elec. cv. ta....lM Wla. Central 4a aav, 111. Can lat ref. 4a. 1444 Mo. Pas. ev. la 4IS Bid. Offered. Jfew York Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 215 South Sixteenth street, Omaha. Amir. Tobacco 121 ' Nevada Cona lt Bar State Gal 34Uj Newhouaa II Butt Coalition U Nevada-l'Uh 14 rirtua II Ohio Copper IS Chins 24 Rawhldi Coalition.. t Chief rani 1'4 Ray Central 144 Ely Central 2 Pwlft PUg. Co 101 Rly Corn 41 Seara-Roeburk CS...140S Franklin lt BllVr Pick 2a Glroux 4S Superior A Pitta.... It Belmont 44 Tonopah Mining 4 Green Cananaa 74 Trinity 0ppr 44 Inapiratlon I United Copper 14V La.ro aa i Bank C'learlnaa. OMAHA, May 2S Bank clearings for to day were 82.640.250.77 and for the corre sponding date last year 82,565,061. Li. NEW YORK GtrVERAL MARKET ((notations of tke Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK, May 23. FLOUR Steady; spunk patents, et.uft'f.15; winter patents, 34.104i4.50; winter extrss No. 1, 83.3tKij3.40; Kansas straights, 34 lOTg'4.30; winter straights, J3.SHXu4.0U; spring clears, 8a.734 4.10; winter extras No. 2, 83.1pi.3.26. Rye flour, unsettled; fair to good, 4.(B'5.u6; choice to fancy, 86.10iS5.25. CORNMEAL Steady ; fine white and yellow, 81.U41.2f coarse, 81.10S1.15; kiln dtled. 3S.no. WHEAT Spot, Irregular; No. 2 red, 96Ve, elevator, and 87c, f.o.b., afloat: No. 1 nortnern. uuiuth, 3l.oxuj, f. o. b.. afloat. Futures market declined at the start on the cables and favorable domestic and foreign crop news, but advanced sharply on covering, due to bullish developments In the May position In Chicago, closing at c net decline for May and Ho to c aavance jnr tne later positions. CORN BdoL firm: exDort new No. S. 41V-, f. o. b.. Afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing at He to Sc net advance. May closed, Hic; July, oOc. OATS Spot, firm; standard white, 40c Futures market was without transactions, closing nominal. HAY Firm; prime, $1.601.60; No. 1. 31.40 1.60; No. 8, 31251.35; No. 8, Sl-OOAjLls, HIDES Steady; Central America, 19 kuc; uogota, 2i'ij"c. LEAlHKR Bteuay; hemlock firsts. 23V, Wiic; seconds, ?lvia'23Hc; thirds, lgr)c rejects, 14?)15c. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; mess, 317.75 iuzo; lamny, i.o'raj.uu, short clears. fiti.uo-ais.w. Beet, quiet;, mess, 312.50&I8 00; family. 313.50i 14.00: beef hams. 324.00&27.00. Cut meats, steady; plokled bellies, 310.00ft 414.00; pickled hams. tll.7&ii 12.50. Lard, nrm; miaaie west prime, 3o.25iim.35; re- tinea, quiet; continent. 4.u6; couth Amet lea. 39.60: compound, 8TH1i:67.87H. TALLOW Dull; prime city, hhds. 6 15-16c; country. 5A.fto. EGGS High grades, steady; low grades, weak; fresh gathered, selected extrss, VStp euc; iresn gathered, seconds, io16tc; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1, 14c; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 2, 12W13c; fresh gathered, checks, good to prime. 12V413c. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, 22c; extras, 21c; firsts, aMc; seconds, 18VQI WStc; thirds, 16Val"Ve; state dairy finest, 21c; good to prime, lg20c; common to fair, l.ValRc; process speVdal, 17c; extras, 16Hc; firsts, 16c; seconds, 14V,l6c; factory, cur rent mske, firsts, -lfiVtc; seconds, loc. CHEKSK Steady; old skims, 610c; new, 2$j"1c. POULTRY Dressed, firm; western fowls, 12H:EVic; western turkeys, 13316c. Cotton Market. NKW TORK, Msy 23 COTTON Spot, closed quiet; middling uplands, 16.10c; mid dling gulf. 16.35c. Fates. 100 bales. FT. I.OUJS, May 23-COTTON-Market unchanged; middling, 15; sales, 30 bales; receipts. 441 bales; shipments, 441 bales; stocks, 12,159 bales. New Torli cotton market, aa furnished bv I.nfian A Ttrvnn maml..,. -,e X' - i. Cotton exchange. 316 South Sixteenth street: Articles. I Open.) Hlgh.. Low. Close. Tes'y Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS May 23.-WHBAT May 96Tc; July, 96c; September. 90(59OHc; fecemt,er faV.kf TCn 1 K o w ria 1 . . x- , northern. 9(tWc; No. 2 northern, MVit? sn', ro. o, vtyy&Txtyii;. FLAX Closed at 12.34. BARLEY-6VS4c. CORN No. 3 yellow, SJ-SMo. OATS No. 3 white, 82Vic RYE No, 2. 90c. 1TTJhl3 rira wamnm 9A OMt.A OA. . patents. 34 .504 80; first clears, 83.20ra3.60; second cleHrs. 32 2tvg2.S5. BrtAN e-'l.trtHlS w. Philadelphia Prodnco Market. PHIIADELPHIA, May 23. R T TTTE R Firm: extra western creamery, 83c; extra nearby prints, 24c. EOGS Steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 85.25 per case; current receipts, free cases, 84 80 per caee; weitem firsts, free rase., 85.10 per case; current receipts, free cans. 84 90 per case. CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams, old, fancy, September, lZft'Wc: New York full creams, fair to good, llimo: New York full creams, new as to quality, 119 lUc. I oMfi Market. NEW TORKf May 23. COF FEE Futures closed steady at a net advance of l'f(3 points. Sales. 52.500 bags. May and June, 10.7lc; July. lO.bxc; August. 10S?o; Septem ber. 105f.c; October. IO.Shc; November. 10 38c; Iieremher and January, 10 40c: February, 10 41c; March and April, 10 42c. Spot coffee. Steady; No. 7, Rio. 12c; No. 4, Eajitos, 13c Mild, quiet; Cordova, 13a 15c. Mllwaab.ee Grain Mjtrket. MILWAUKEE. May 23 WHEAT-Na. 1 northern, 81.U2; No. 2 northern, tl.OOijjLOl; siay. riic; juiy, on'a'r. OATS Standard, SifiRc. BARLEY Malting, fK-4i1.01 Dnlotk Grain Market. DI'LtTH, May I3.-WHEAT No. 1 hard, 81; No. 1 northern. 9e; No. 3 northern, --.Si6:se: May, 994,c; July. Wc; Sep temlr. 9J'Jc. OATS 44c. Ths Key to ths Situation Be Want Ads. July.. 16 04 16 06 16 92 I 15 94 16 07 Aug.. 15 42 15 47 16 88 f 16 40 15 44 Sept.. 13 78 13 73 18 64 13 64 18 75 Oct... 13 21 13 22 18 15 13 16 13 19 Dec... 13 12 13 13 13 06 13 06 13 10 May... IS 94 15 95 15 84 16 84 15 96 i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Show Little Change Compared with Monday. HOGS ACTIVE, BUT FIVE LOWER heett aad Lambs Make Another Ad visee 1st Prices of Fifteen to Twesty.riT tents Rlare) Monday, SOUTH OMAHA. May 23. l!lt Receipts were: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4 H3 .7 1.2-' Kstlmate Tuesday 6.00 1H.W0 6,7'i0 Two days this week.. S.133 2:.7M 7,?s Same da s last week. . .10'T'S m.i 10.1OS Same days 8 weeks ago.10.277 U.9S0 14.24.1 rami davs 3 weeks ago. 7,a.r7 12,ti7 11. 7M Same days 4 weeks sgo. 8.07 2U.020 19.510 Same days last year 8.451 17.134 U'.SiM Ths following tabla shows ths receipts of of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha lor the year to data as compared with last year: lfU. 1S10. Ins Cattls 47 126 87.f? 19. Hogs 1,017, S2 R.IS.1S4 209. "A Sheep 375.633 5r'5.283 90.350 The following table shows the . average prices on hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I 19U .:810.1909.19flS. 1 1907. 1 1906. 1 1905. May 14... May 16... May 16... May 17... May 18... May 1!... May 20.. .May 21... May 22... May 23... I 891 7 OS 7 11 6 241 6 22 80 6 31 1 341 30 6 15 6 1.) 29i 6 20 b w7ai 6 894.1 6 Mm ( 7Mh 6 73 30 361 9 44 3A as! 9 411 6 241 7 96 7 021 6 9 9S 6 21 6 33, 6 S3 6 3t 6 26 6 36 6 20 I 6 24 26i 6 23! 6 29 19, 6 28 6 SOj 6 84 6 S" 5 3i 6 25 23 7 01 34 6 64 6 59 7 001 6 371 18 I 43 1 6 26 ( 11 Sunday. Receipts snd disposition of live stock st the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. Tues day: RECEIPTS CARS. . Cattle. Hog-s. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. A St. P 1 9 Wabash 4 8 Missouri Pacific 8 6 .. . . Union Pacific 50 42 11 C. & N. W.. east 8 6 5 .. C. A N. W.. west 72 78 2 C St. P.. M. & 0 34 16 .. C, B. A Q , east 2 10 2 C, B. & Q., west 48 51 10 1 C, R. I. & P., east... 3 10 C, R. I. A P., west.. 3 8 Illinois Central .. 1 Chicago Ut. Western o 6 Total receipts 232 23S 30 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 731 2,762 Swift & Co 1,118 4.697 8.166 Cudahy Pscklng Co 1.2S8 4.562 1.647 Armour & Co 965 1,679 2,606 Krey Packing Co 2H3 '.. Murphy 918 .... Morrell 169 Sinclair If Stephens Bros 97 Hill A Son 29 F. B. Lewis 6.8 Huston & Co 59 J. B. Root & Co 5 J. H. Bulla 10 McCreary aV Carey Ul 8. Werthelmer li7 .... Lee Rothschild 21 Mo. & Kan Calf Co 47 Cllne Christy 29 .McConaughey 2 Other buyers 476 Totals 5.342 14.912 7.420 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very fair, although the total for the two days this week lalls short of tne same period last week by nearly 1,000 head. As com pared with a year ago, there Is a slight gain. Most other msrkt points were well supplied with cattle snd the feeling gen erally was a little easier. Beef steers opened with buyers holding back, evidently with the idea of learning something about prices st other points be fore taking on very many cattle. The trade the first half of the morning was a good deal of a draz. hut atlll it entiled down Into a market that was not very much different from yesterday's later mar ket. - In fact, a good many were quoting 11 aicau; wun yeateroay s Close, but hardly u guou as we Deal tims yesterday morn, lng. . . fo very great change took place In the market for cows and heifers. As was the case yesterday, good light heifers sold .very freely at good steady prices. Heavy snd plain cattie were a little alow and none too atrong. There were not enough atorkera nr feed ere in sight to make a market, but what few there were sold st vsry strong prices, the same aa they havs been doing for some days back. Quotations on cattls: Good to choice beef steers, 66.75fc6.10; fair to good beef steers, 8p.50i4rt.75; common to fair beef steers, 36.08 eu to cnoice neuers, 4b.mk44a.771; good to choice cows, 34.76ij6.26; fair to good tows snd heifers, 84.25&4.75; common to fair cows and heifers. 62.764.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, 36.30a6.70; fair to good stockers and feeders. 65.30S.70; fair to good stockers and feeders, 65.005.30; cammon to fair stockers and feeders, 84 o K ia-'weT w. e4.axtm.uo; veal calves, (4.25(7.25; bulls, stags, etc., 64-00Su.26. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ne. At. Pr. Ne. At. p,. 14 14 1144 I i It 1144 40 II 1117 I J0 1 U2 I 41 II J071 1 70 t 1147 4 44 41 11M 70 M 17 ...ltlS I 70 1 1M S 47 77 I 70 4 Hll 4 64 IT ms 75 ' 1 44 tO 1171 I 74 4 1121 4 40 1 H7 I T 1"! M M 1144 I 74 M ll 40 14 H06 1 jj M U4 i 40 4 14,a 1 7, 1 1041 t 44 17 1344 a 7I Ml M M l,eo I 7, i hot I 44 in io,0 . f 'M 4 M 12 I 10 ' 4S II a , 14.. ....1147 t 70 11 1,2, , ....1KT I TO 10 i6S1 a M 10 14 1111 4 TO II T4T I 10 STEERS. HEIFERS AND COWS 1 4 M II 1121 1 40 1 10 14 II 74 I 46 M KO 4 10 14 141 1 4a M II 1044 I IS 1 IC 1 774 6 II v rrt t ii i 100 m 40 14 ISM I 7 M 21 I 40 II U2, 1 7J , urn ( 40 ma a M COW s. t T45 t tO 8 711 14 8 4 1111 4 44 4 4 1047 4 44 4 4 1111 4 44 i 1274 4 41 4 , 14 1111 4 70 124 4 T6 1144 4 M 117T 4 10 1211 4 IS 11F.4 4 10 1044 I 16 HEIFERS. " 4 14 14 MIT I 24 "4 I 04 S4 10S4 I 16 14 714 I 44 1 420 I 40 3 1116 I II BULLS. 1 1M 4 74 I U6 I at 1 304 I 00 CALVES. 144 i 4 1 114 T 28 1 Hi 1 00 4 Ill T 40 1 t 00 1 no 1 64 1 170 T 14 STOCKERS AND FEEDER8. 8 444 I 10 T 714 I 20 411 I 14 41 la I 10 I 42 I II HOG8 Nickel declines prevailed on bulk of business In ths hog yards this morning. Burdensome receipts were responsible, hut the demand was broad and the market showed a very fair degree of freedom. A supply of fully 16.000 head changed hands In less than three hours, margins between lard, butcher and bacon weights remaining unchanged at cheaper cost. Active movement at least found a partial explanation In the outlet furnished by order and speculative buyers. About one eighth of the total offerinka moved Into channels other than local packing and se lection of weights by this class of buyers was by no means critical. All kinds of animals, barring poor and rough quality Stock, went over the scales to shipping and speculative pens Long strings ranged from $7.50 to $".6f, butchers selling around I5.fo.y6 60. Best light grades on sale dropped to 85.70, a nickel les then yesterday a top and 8uo less than high pries a week ago rtepreaeniauve sales: No. At. Sk. Tr. Ne. v. la. Pr. II 141 40 i 44 46 2v4 40 4 40 40 7 ... I 40 44 40 4 40 T7 Ill ... 4 64 I 144 ... M ti in ... 1 40 ii ui ... I n 64 144 M I 40 Tl Ill 240 I 60 11. 121 140 I 44 46 Ill 10 4 44 44 UI 40, 4 4214 44 171 ... 1 41 Tl 241 I 42 44 2M ... I 40 14 IJ4 . . I 46 214 40 4 40 I! ...... tM M I61 14 K4 114 4 44 41 tl 144 44 T4 14T 10 6 10 II 27 44 4 14 T4 ua 40 I 40 41 14 ... 4 44 74 Ill (0 4 40 11 mo ... Ill II Ut ... 4 10 40 276 144 6 46 70 :sl ... 6 40 II....... 121 ... 1 44 44 I'll ... I 40 tl tT . . 4 66 Tl. 216 40 4 10 II. I!l 40 I 64 47 244 IS 4 40 II !- 40 4 14 44 144 ... 4 40 44. 274 ... 4 44 T4 244 ... 4 16 II Ill ... 4 44 124 237 M 4 46 40 21 M 16 64 lal ... Ill 41. ...... .214 160 4 44 14 U ... 6 44 44 In ... I 14 74 t?T ... 8 S 7 2 n I r 140 ... I 41 . ... I 44 44 144 m I 7 ! . I II 44 IU 40 I M 4 : !" M I M 41 ?4 PIN 14 J7 S0 I n M 114 40 I IS 17 t4 . I M 47 It N IK H It.t 40 4 57 in Ill ... 141 10 ,1?S ... It; II .114 W III in Ill ... If; M KM 4 I 70 , 40 llf. .. I IT TO p4 114 44 41 iro I 57 11 1t im t T l 27 K ID t0 40 I HI 47 t 140 140 M t ...'III l I4f . .l 40 T0 .. I 1.4 41 M 40 I an 171 40 I II 70 j-4 40 I en a.. 1:4 ... I II 71 2J? ... 140 .41 M 10 I 44 114 . . I 41 71 ... I 14 M 171 140 I 40 II te 40 I an I 21 10 A tr. .144 . 140 II 17" ... I in TO ) l to I M 40.. in ... I an jm ... o Tl tn ... I 40 14 1J ... I M tn . . I o 14 rl ... I as 4 JM m i an a 142 ... I as 4 27! 0 I 40 tl fJ an 1 a 11 25i 10 4 an ta tai 41 1 an 140 247 ... I 40 II til 40 I 14 11 217 120 I 14 II 1.11 ... I II II 24 . . 4 40 II 140 tO 147 41 244 10 40 SHEEP Another session of soaring lam trade developed in the sheep barn this morning. Buyers made no secret of their needs snd despite the fact that offerings amounted to shout thirty doubles, prac tically everything sold at big advances over yesterday's sales. Cost of various standard bands t.f stock averaged ltVf2So higher, the larger premium being the rule and the smaller one the exception. Vigorous demand existed for anything fit to kill from the opening and It follows, of course, that a very good celarance was made wltho'it difficulty or delay. To this demand, due to lighter storks of dressed lamb as well as a broad consuming de mand. Is generally ascribed the sky-high trend of the market lately. Shorn lambs were In best supply and proved favorites. Hulk of western animals without fleece moved at a range of 86.6itf 7.00, this spread calling for good to chotce quality and 70 to 85-pound weight. Right around six loads of wooled Mexican lamhs were offered and the best grades sold as mgn as ii.nu, lending belief that the ratio between wooled and shorn stock prices hs been properly sdjuated. Extra good sprln Ismha made sn sctual top of 3 0ft. There in only e, sprinkling of mature euerv tin saie ana volume oi traae was hart'ly large enough to reflect t quotable market. Wooled Mexican ewes reached 36.10. shorn ewes sold at $4.50 and shorn wethers acted credibly at 36.00. Wuotetions on Sheep and Lambs: Good to choice spring lambs. $70niS50; fair to good spring lambs. 66.00y7.00; Mexican lambs. $7.0TS7.nO: western hsndv In in be. $6.6."7.15; western heavy lamhs. 66.00gvl66; horn lambs, rikkI to choice, 6 nOu ?.fl( shorn lambs, fair to good, f.Y754TA.&ti; feed ing lamhs, shorn. $.1. 7534.75; yearlings, shorn, $4v;tV&6 40; westerns, shorn, 84.60tf5.tlO; ewes, good to choice, shorn, 84.SoS4.75; ewes, fair to good, shorn, e3 S54.35. representative sales: No. Av. 143 84 96 73 79 NO 67 60 . .. . . 67 culls.. 62 86 87 Pries. iv bucks, 'horn 132 western ewes, shorn .. 445 wertern ewes, shorn.. 5W western shorn lambs.. 261 Mexican lamhs 269 Mexican Iambs 257 western shorn lambs 10 western shorn culls .. 246 western shorn lambs.. 10 western shorn lambs, 119 western ewes, shorn .. S74 A'estern shorn lambs.. 112 spring lambs 133 western lamhs 160 Mexican ewes 8 o 4 00 4 50 6 80 1 Ul 7 50 65 6 00 6 65 6 00 , 8 60 6 60 . 8 00 ( 85 6 10 6 00 6 76 I 75 60 66 84 83 107 77 60 n 76 67 78 83 82 a 197 western wethers ' 660 western shorn lambs... 141 spring lambs 648 western shorn lambs .. 326 weMern lamhs 75 wertern lambs, culls., 343 western shorn lambs.. 6b Mexican lambs 4S1 Mexican lambs 24 Mexican lambc culls.. o to 5 26 - 7 00 765 7 66 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady Hoes Weak Sheep Strong:, CHICAGO, Msy 23.-CATTLE Receipts, 3.000 head. Market steady. Beeves, 66.10r(ji 6.40; Texas steers, 34.606.60; western steers, $40ra6.8i); stockers snd feeders, 83.90t3i6.76; cows and ' heifers, $2.40ai.76; calves, 64 76 417.25. HOGS Receipts, 19.000 head. Market weak. 6c lower. Light, $3.666.05; mixed, $5.65&5.9o; heavy, $5.4t)(gtt.60; good to choice heavy, t.w(jo.ho; pigs, $5.40426.96. Bulk of sales, 65. 764jo.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,000 head. Market strong for good grades, others'! weak. Native, 63.5Of6 00; western. 83.755.10; yearlings, 84.75tr5.75; nativo lambs, 64.76U7.10; ' western, $o.753.S0. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 23. CATTLE Receipts, 4,800 head. Including 700 Texsns. Market steady. Native shipping and export steers, t5.75ij.45; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5. 4. 50; steers under 1.0T0 lbs., 85.0n(a'.'6: stockers and feeders. 32.50ra6.15: cows and heifers, $3.0003.16; canners. $3 OtVTJfl.15; bulls, 33.75&6.60; calves. $5.004.25. Texas and In dian steers, $4.604 50; cows and hslfers, $3. 50735,50. HOGS Receipts. 16.300 head. Market so. to 10c lower. Pigs and lights, $5.2o&00; packers, 6 80ffi.8u; butchers and best heavy, $5.856.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.800 head. Market strong. Native muttons, $4 00600; lambs. 65.50'7.75; culls and bucks, 63.003.60; Blockers, $ Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. May 23 CATTLE Re ceipts 10.000 head, Including 600 southerns. Market steady to strong. Yesrllngs. $626; dressed beef and export steers, $5.74p$.25; fair to good. $5.26tTA.70; western steers. 86 06 5.35; stockers and feeders. 6t.754J6.60; southern steers. 84.6iV3i6.50; southern cows. t? fKV?r 4 M - native rnwa !!t (Vi( native' heifers, 84.76ip8.0O; bulls, 64.00(06.00; calves, 15.00(S7.26. HOGS Receipts, 21.000 head. Market 6.85. Heavy, 65.756.80; packers and butch ers, 5.76-h.85; I'.ghts. 65 85&6.92Vj. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ,0O8 head. Market strong to 10c higher. Lambs, $6."'(;7.60; yearlings. $560O; wethers. $4.506.00; ewes, 84.003j4.65; stockers and feeders, $3.0cx34.00. St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market. FT. JOSEPH. May 23. CATTLB-Re- ceiPTB. B.C' Iieu , mainri mu-. riavia, ev.ov (&6.00; cowsXand heifers, 83.6006.76; calves, $3 6i7.60. 4, HOGS Receipts. 11,000 head; market, (!?, 10c lower; top, $5.90; bulk of sales, $6.70t 6.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market, 10015c higher; lambs. 63000 7.00. Stock In Sight. n.,..lnia nf live atnek at the Mm ir1n. clpal western markets yesterday: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6,000 16,on0 6.700 rt. Joseph i.txv ii.ofj i.imi Kansas City W.ooO 21.000 6.000 St. Louis 4.8o0 16.800 7.!M Chicago 3.000 18.000 1B.0O0 Totals. 27.300 83.300 88 0 - GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR REPAIRS TO POST Hospital, Etc. Office of ths Quarter master, Fort Crok, Nebraska, May 19, 181L Sealed proposals, In trlQltcate, for repaint ing all exterior wood and metal work of Post Hospital and Dead House, two caavta; tepalrlng old and furnishing new screen doors and windows, furnishing swinging screen, repairing tiling, plastering and neat egiaters, furnishing and Installing three bath tubs and one urinal, in Post Hospital; constructing hl. ki-n fence; furnish two new duois and repairing water supply pipes of Dead House; And supplying brushes, glaes, paints, etc., for use of Post Surgeon, will be received at this of flte until 11 A. M., June 9, 1911. snd then publicly opened. A certified check for It per cent of the amount of the proposal must accompany each bid. Blank forms and Information can be obtained at this offl'-e. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposals for Repairs to Poat Hospital,'' and addressed to Cap tain Campbell E. Babcock, Quartermaster 4th Infantry, Quartermaster. M -20- 22-23 24 J-7-6 DE PA RTMENT OF THE INfERIOR, office of Indian Affairs, Washington, p. C. Sealed proposals for letting ras ing District No. 8. Crow Reservation, M..ntan, for the grazing of sheep, either under a lease or by permit, will be re ceived st the office of the commissioner of Indian affairs, Washington, U. C, until 3 o clock p. m . on Monday, June 6, 1911, and will be Immediately thereafter opened la the presence of such bidders as may at tend. All necesaary Information may bo obtained on application to the superin tendent of the Crow Indian school. Crow Agency, Montana. C. f. Hauke. Second Aailaiant Commissioner. M4dl8t. Prospecting Syndicate Now forming to prospect and acoulra rop- irr miiiBa in sinatiiai inn smm juvkico, aw Interest may make a fortune. Only a few may Join. Write quick. R. II. PARKER, Echofleld Bldg., Cleveland, a