Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1911, Image 1

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Cotter than any
tod lest tha.
a p.nny
For Nebraska OrnaraMy fair.
For lowg Generally fair.
- VOL XL NO 291.
he Omaha
IffaJoT General Wood Decide
Enlarje Territory of Depart .
( meat of Missouri.
Chret Brigade Poiti Will Be Taken
from Jurisdiction.
Iffairs Purely Military Will Be
' Directed in This City.
department Commanders to Have
Direct Chars Over Posta and
Troops, bat Not o Admlats- '
, tretlvo Mattrre.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, V. C, May S3. (Special
relnrram.) Order, which have brn under
Knidratlnn for a fortnight or mora : by
lha chief of taff and higher official of
Ih War department. crcKnn new depart-i-ienta
and divisions of th United 8tates
irmy, will In all probability be, liiaued to
kiorrow, final proof on order having ben
received today,
" In the new arrangement tha Department
If Missouri, with headquarter at Omaha,
will be snmewat enlarged although three
brigade ponta -u Lcavnworth. Fort Riley
ind Fort !.. A. Riiaaell, will be taken out
. Jf th Department of Missouri and aa
ilpned directly to the central division with
fieadquartera at Chicago.
Under . the new . order, the Department
If Missouri will' Include Iowa and Kansaa,
with, the exception, of the military reser
vations , of , Leavenworth and Riley, Ne
braska, South Dakota and Wyoming, ex
:eptlng that part of Tel I own tone National
parVt, located therein and the military
. ' ' Staff Goe to Chlcagro.
Affair purely .military will be" directed
In- this department from Omaha, where
1 brigadier general and aide and. quarter
master will be located. The staff which
haa heretofore been maintained at Omaha
Is .to be , transferred to headquarters of
the. central division at Chicago, under
Command of a major general. Here will
be located the judo advocate general, com.1
tilssary general and other officer needed
in the conduot of tha administrative branch;
ar tn army. . v . . ,
Whila the dignity which haa 'here
tofore prevailed about the headquarter at
Dmaha will be considerably lessened by,
reason of the transfer of the etaff to divis
ion headquarter . the acqulslon of Colo-'
rado to the Department of Missouri will
iff set tha loss of Leavenworth, Riley and,
D. A. Russell. ,
Under the new ardera tha department
Snmmanriera will h.nIu Ai MHnmmnA
aver tha post and troops m their depart
ment, but In all matters of admlnlstra
tlort ,tb post will report to division head-"avarfcj--.
r,'v;v.v - . .....,,
Major General Wood haa had the matter
if division under consideration .for
time upon the theory, probably,. that what
iver lr new Is good. Borne of '"" oftler of
ficers on Service at the T"a. - spartment
10 not take kindly to the new arrangement
ind believe It will b short lived, although
k number of them believe!, In the formation
3f divisions through which all matters of
idmlnlstratlon are to be transacted.
Changes will take place July 1. '
Omaha Resolutions la. ,
Senator Brown today Introduced reaolu
Uons from the Commercial olub of Omaha
favoring tha amendment of the corporation
lax law .whereby it ahall be made permissi
ble for corporations and companiea to
make returns a of the close of their fiscal
Vtars; , also a resolution adopted by tha
Commercial club of Omaha favoring tha
proposed negotiation between the United
States and Great Britain.
William F. Garley and wife of Omaha
"r la Washington on a visit to Mr. Gur-
ley's parents, who res Ids in Georgetown.
' Irr Mr. Gurley's opinion Prealdent Taft la
much stronger in Nebraska than ha was a
year go. Mr. Ourley wiU go to New York
, before returning west
John Q. Andtrson of Chamberlain. 8. D..
Is In Washington upon business before tha
Interior departnint
Ells Her Five Children
and Commits Suicide
". B RAM BACH. , Saxony. May SiDriven
temporarily insane by an acouaatlon of
theft, a woman her today' killed her five
children and than committed suicide.
the weatheb;
For Nebraska Fair; warmer.
For Iowa Fair; warmer.
... 76
... il
... U
... 17
Comparative Local Reeeird.
19H. 1S1(V una. 1908.
Highest yesterday 7 71 77 (H
lowest yesterday tl 4V 48 M
Man temierature 4 60 M M
Precipitation ut .00 T .76
Temperature and precipitation departures
from Uia normal:
Normal temperature....,
IWlclency for the dav. i
Total excess since March 1 m
Normal precipitation.... , .)J inch
. rwiclency for the dav 11 Inch -
Total rainfall since March 1 t.T Inches
IWirieaev since March 1 1M Inches
. I lf lt-1rii. V f.r fir u-l 4 In IftiA K I. .k
Lefidency for cor. period in tm li inches
HrH fraaa atatians at T r
station and 8tate Temp. Hlgh-
af Weatkar T iv m
Cheyenne, part cloudy It
Davenport, clear TO
leaver. uan elnuilv t
la Molnea, clear J
ltodse City, part cloudy.... tl
I-andar. part cloudy 74
North Platte, part cloudy!! 74
Omaha, clear 7
r-ueoio, clear M
Keuid City, cloudy Ki
Salt Lake City, pert cloudv. 0
.... M
.... SJ
idy o
ra, nesvr...
neritan, cloudy..
Moux t'liv. e ear t
, Valenilaa. elar ! 7
V taidjcaiee trace of predpitatl
l A, V tLSU. Local raraaasta-
I m S Hour.
I -' e VT, I a. m ...
IV 'Sjs I ' .
'X V 'Vv' I It m
-L-i Afy U w .... t
Wk. :::::S!
s T p. m n
P- a 71 i
GrandConhcil .
r of British Empire
Meets in London
.1 1
Imperial Conference, Which it Pre
sided Over by Premier, Assumes
, . a New Function.. ,
sanawawaana . ft
. LONDON, May IX The Imperial confer
ence, which ha , now practically assumed
tha function of a grand council of the
British empire, opened the third series of
Its quadrennial deliberation today under
the chairmanship of Premier Asqulth at
tha Foreign office. ( ,
Besides the members of. the Imperial
cabinet, fifteen premier and mlniater
from the over-the-aea dominion of the em
pire discussed' such knotty problem as the
co-ordination of the navlea and land force
Tor Imperial defense; the declaration of
London;' an Imperial court of appeals; an
"all-red" transportation line to encircle the
globe, and a future constitution of the
British empire.
The hope la expressed that out of the
discussion of the last topic may come some
definite proposal for the federation of the
The Anglo-American relationship Is likely
to be discussed In connection with the
question of Imperial defense, as also Is the
part which tha Australasian navies are to
play In that defense, as Australasians,
alnce the visit of the American fleet to
that continent three years ago, have come
to regard America a a possible ally In
the policing of tha Pacific
The fiscal question probably will take a
back seat In the discussion in view of the
determination of the liberal government to
keep the door bolted against anything In
the nature of Imperial preference.
The meetlnga are held In strict privacy,
so that the public will have to be satis
fied with the mere official fragment of
the proceeding given out at the end of
the day'a work. y
May Wheat Up More
Than Two Cents on
Chicago Market
Stampede Starts Because of Continued
Buying in Face of Bearish ,
' . . Situation.
CHICAGO, May 23 A buying stampede
In the wheat crowd on 'ohange. today re
sulted In putting up the price of the May
delivery more than S eenta a bushel. Al
though tha .'bulk of business' Was In other
options the advance In them was much
less. ' ' '." - -
The . rush started because of continued
purchases In. the face of bearish news.
Popular opinion finally -decided that the
baying waa for a famous . speculator who
haa not recently been prominent In tba pit.
Startled shorts tried to cover and found
a- decided 'scarcity of seller. , May -offerings
were particularly scarce. It was 'not
uhtU that mohtB had1 been run up Sc. that
supplies were TortheamlBg. ", .
WbHa "th wxdtement was"" at lta height
the statement fet'w leading concern whloh
haa' been, credited .with bain ta tha lead
of tea bulla In the May deal here aauead
a formal denial that hi company or any
of his customers was IbngV' one bushel.
The Idea, that the. contrary, waa tha case
haa had a good deal, to do with an Inquiry
by, the. Board ; of Trade director Into
charge of irregularity which threatened to
result' In ' expulsion" of 'mora than - one
trader of. wide- prominence. '
The closing, figure for May Wheat, 98c,
were 'at the "top point of the day, I'.fcc
higher than twenty-four hour before. Part
ot the advance was due ta reports that the
recent drouth and hot Wave had dona se
rious damage to. the crops In the south
west. The July option showed at tha end
of the day a rtaa of only e, but closed
firm at 880..-,
Ohio Legislator
is Placed on Trial
' spBaassaB ' '
George . B. Nye of Pike County is
Charged vith Soliciting Bribe
from State Printer.
COLUMBIA: O., May .-Representative
George. B. Nye of Pike county, who la a
physician' at Waverly, waa placed on trial
today before Judge Klnkead In tha criminal
court on tha charge of soliciting a bribe of
1500 from State Printed Edward A. Cra-
ford to vote for the Kimble bill, which re
apportioned common pleaa Judicial districts.
The 'bill. It i said, waa aimed at Judge
A. Z. Blair, of Scioto county, who waa In
strumental In cxposlng-the wholesale fraud
and vote buying to Adams and Scioto coun
tiea. Nya la under Indictment under two other
charges of soliciting bribes and la tha first
of the. half dosen or more members of tha
Ohio legislature ta be placed on trial.
Barge Service on
the Mississippi
Attempt Will Be Made to Rerive
River Traffic Between St. Lonii
and New Orleans. f
NEW ORLEANS. May .-Another step
In- reviving traffic on the Mississippi river
will bs taken next week by the inaugura
tion of a tlftean-day service between Cairo.
St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans, with
a fleet of modern steel bargee.
The tir barge will reach New Orleans
next Sunday and will return north with a
oargo of ,; sugar, molasses, - lice, canned
foods and oil.
The barge rates are so' much lower than
railroad rates that the promoters believe
more tonnage will be offered than can be
readily, cared tar'. -,
A weekly aervtca wilt be Inaugurated aa
soon as other barges are added.
Architect Huston
Must Go to Jail
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Affirms
Sentence of Man Implicated in
Capitol Graft
HARRISB-URG. Pa., May IS The state
auprenie court today affirmed the lower
court In tha matter of the appeal of
Joseph M. Huston of Philadelphia, archl-
' tect ef the new state capltol building, who
0,1 waa aontenced to serve not less than six
f months, nor more than two years 1m
0t priaonment for conspiring with state of
00 ficiaia to defraud the atate In tha erec
J Ooa and furnishing af tha capltoL
i -
Resolution Affecting Arizona and
New Mexico Passed by House
. by Viva Voce Vote.
Ariiona Must Vote Again on Recall
of Judges.
Must Seek to Make Its Law Easier of
Representative from Tennessee Opens
.Debate and Martin W. Littleton
Makes Ills Maiden Speech
la Lower Honae. '
WABHINGTON," May 23.-The house late
today passed by. viva voce vote, the reso
lution granting, statehood to Ar'iaona and
New Mexico. . '
. It require Arizona to vote again on the
recall of Judges' clause In Its constitution
and New Mexico to vote, on the provision
to make Its. constitution easier of future
The closing hours of the long debate on
tha measure were given over. In large part,
ta speeches denouncing, the Judiciary re
call teatura or the Arlsona constitution.
The resolution admitting Arlsona provides
that thla feature shall be voted on by the
people aa a condition to . statehood.
Representative Houston of Tennessee, a
democrat, opened tha debate today. Tha
recall of Judge, he said, would be not
only an Innovation, but a source of danger
to tne integrity of the courts.
Representative Martin ' W. Littleton, of
New Tork, democrat, made his maiden
speech in tha house, ,
Premier Monis is Told
of Fate of Colleague
Has Good Night, but Nearly Collapses
When Told of Death, of M.
' ' Berteanx. .
' PARIS,' May C Premier Monls, who so
narrowly escaped death at the opening ,of
tha Pari to Madrid aviation race on Sun
day when Train's monoplane dashed into a
group of officials and spectators and killed
Mlniater of War Berteaux, passed a good
night. ' In fact, tha premier' condition was
regarded" aa so satisfactory thla morning
that' ha waa Informed of M. Berteaux'e
death. When ha aaked as to the condition
of M. Berteaux, a member of the cabinet
."All la over., '' '.'
Tor a ' moment la was feared that the
shock waa. too much for tha aged premier.
Ha fell back In the, bed, tears filling, hi
aye. : . LApar, , however, V he mcovreI and
talked of the. qualities ot M,"; Berteaux. who
waa aa intimate friend of the premier aa
well aa bis associate In 'the cabinet.
. i
Tfwo More Darren Brothers of New
' York Admit Undervalaatloa
of Imports.
NEW YORK. May 23. Henry - J. and
Benjamin J. Duveen, the international art
dealers, appeared today in the United
States district court and pleaded guilty to
an Indictment charging them with under
valuation of Imports. .
The district attorney asked tor a Jail
term, but the court postponed sentence
until, tomorrow. "
Joseph J. and Louis J. Duveen, brother
and also members of the firm pleaded
guilty to similar Indictments last March
and were fined S10.000. The'firm has already
made a cash settlement of 11,200,000 with
the government.
Troops trader Command' of General
afolaler Eater Capital Wlthoat
. Opposition. -
TANGIER, May 23. The French column
under command of General' Mblnler, en
tered Fes on the evening of May tl. ' The
French force met with no opposition on
the part of rebellious tribesmen, besieging
the Sultan's southern capital. All Euro
pean In tha city are safe.
- LavenporL
, .-( '.::. J
lri ;cr.;y--...
From tha Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Vice President Corral of Mexico Suc
ceeded by De la Barra. ,
Da la Barra WIU Then Become Acting
President aa Msler Will Go to
the Capital to Advise
. . with Hlm4
JUAREZ. May H. A telegram was re
ceived by FranetAjo ' Madero, . Jr., today
from Alfred Robins . Domingues, special
peace envoy In Mexico City, stating that
the resignation of Vice President Corral
had been tendered.' '.
The newa was taken, to mean that, the
vice president's reelimatlon was requested
to precede that of President Dlaa,. which
Is expected today ' or tomorrow. When
President Dias resigns flenor Madero and
his . party Immediately will leave for Mex
ico City, to advtoo with Senor da la Barra
In the political reorganisation of Mexico.
Tha exodus of polltioat chiefs continued
today and the town waa quiet and peaceful.
Boutell Presents
"'His Credentials
New Minister EayaTributs to Part of.
Mountain tSepublio in Fight for ";
7 Civil Liberty,
.-- '
i . BERNB, Bwltserland, . May - aHenry
Sherman Boutell of Chicago on preaenttng
his credentials .as minister to. Switaerland
to President ' Rucheltea. paid-a -tribute to
tha Swiss republic. During the course of
hls.remarka the new minister said:
"In the development of civil liberty, of
self-government and of popular education,
Swltcerland has been the inspiration of
all the world, and the people, of our two
countries have alwaya had aympathle and
aspirations In common.."
Vice President Forrer and other mem
ber sot the government participated In tha
reception.' The president of the. federa
tion, a short time after tha audience
called on the new American mlniater.
Farmer Sticks Head
Through Flywheel
Engine Starts Suddenly and John P.
Miller of Britt, la., is In
stantly Killed.
MASON CITY, la., May 23. John P.
Miller,' a young farmer near Britt, today
thrust his head in the flywheel of a gaso
line engine, which had stopped on dead
center. It suddenly started, catching his
head and crushing It, killing him instantly.
Bishops Meet in
bloii O'u Omaha. . Cheyenne.
"Hold Still, Jimmy, I'll Get
Third Resolution.
Will Complicate
. '.''"
Democrats in Senate Propose Inquiry
. Into Jackpot Fund of Illinois
. WASHINGTON, May : S3.-Tha Lortmer
situation in the senate waa further - com
plicated late today by the introduction of
a third i resolution calling for an investiga
tion of the charges of bribery In connection
with the election of the Junior senator
from Illinois. The resolution waa . offered
on behalf of the democratic minority by
Senator Martin. It provides specifically
for an Inquiry Into the . "Jackpot fund In
the Illinois legislature and Its connection
with Lorlmer. '
The Martin resolution would ' leave with
the committee on privileges and elections
the prosecution' of the Inquiry and delegatea
to It all the powers of , a court.. The com
mittee I authorised toT hold lta session
at whatever place It deems moat conveni
' Tha La Toilette resolution would leave to
a committee of five new members of ' the
senate the' task of conducting" tha Investi
Tha aenat ''-today did viot "take tip, -the
La Follette resolution, but proceeded to coa-
sidefatlon of .the reaoluthm -providing." fol"
direct, election of . aenatora.'
Senate Asks About
Prosecution of ;
Oil Official?
Resolution Passed Wanting to Know
.What Attorney General
Will Do. . r
WASHINGTON. May .-In formation aa
to what step had been taken -.for tha
criminal prosecution of the officer of the
Standard . Oil . company under the recent
decision of the supreme court wad de
manded of .the attorney general today by
the senate which adopted without debate
a resolution of Inquiry ofered by. Senator
Pomerene. Tba resolution, names speci
fically John D. Rockefeller, William Rock
efeller, Henry H. Rogers, Henry M. Flag
ler, John D. Archbold, Oliver H, Payne and
Charles M. Pratt. ...
Although dead, 11. H. Rogers Is named In
the resolution as ona of the officers of th
Standard Oil . company.
The re(oltiln sets forth that . the aut
preme cowl held the corporation to be
illegal and In effect lta officer guilty of
effecting a combination In restraint of
trade. Therefore, the resolution continues.
the seven men named are liable to criminal
" ' A
His Car is First to Reach San Sebas
. tian on Second Leg of Course. . .
Ho Becosaes Lost In Fog Over Bay (
Biscay and la Forced to Stop la
Order to Take oa Sapply
of Fnel.
' ANGOULEME, France, May 13. "Before
an animated crowd the Angouleme-San
Sebastian stage of the Parla to Madrid
aero race for the. Petit Partslen prise of
320.000 was Inaugurated here thla morning.
The first stage of the flight from Issy
Lea Moullneauz, Just outside of Paris, to
Angouleme waa begun Sunday' In the pres
ence of thousands of spectators. On account-of
the accident at tha opening of the
race, however, which resulted In the death
of Minister of War Berteaux and the In
Jury to Premier Monls, all of the oon
testaa'ta were not able to get awayt - Bom
of the aviators, Including M. Train, whose
machine waa tha cause of tha tragedy, re
tired permanently from the competition.
Th "men remaining In tha contest began
their . flight on the first stage yesterday,
and three of them. - Vedrlno, Olbert and
Garros, : succeeded in covering th first
atage' from Pari to this -place, a-distance
of ?7 tulles, up to yesterday afternoon.
Frey mly rot: ,s.f af 'its Etaxnpeo. ' wbaro
bis jfiiachma traa namagad In a squall: v
Oarros left Angouleme- at S.13 o'clock thl
mortiirig and diMrrpearvd southward in hts
fl'ghf to Ban Sebastian. ' He waa followed
alx- mlutes later by Olbert. -
The; constantly 'thickening hate Induoed
Vedrlne to poatpone hi atart. but at S:E6
o'clock ha sos red up to a great height to
taet . tha atmosphere and than descended,
crossing the official tine at 7:10 o'clock.
( At about 3:46 o'clock a crowd of aummer
tourists Jammed together on a pier leading
to tha famous "Virgin rock" at Blarrttx,
cheered, aa Garros appeared through tha
hase and sped across the bay of Biscay in
the direction .of San Sebastian. Ha arrived
at the Spanish city at 11:40 a. m.
i' Glbert landed at the aerodrome of Blar
rlta at. o'clock for the purpose of taking
on a aupply of oil. Ha declared that he bad
lost, hi way lr the fog and that ha bad
been flying over the sea for two hour.
Vedrlne passed over Blarrns at 10:30 a. re,
. ', ' :, Vedrlne First to Arrive.
, SAiN . SEBASTIAN, Spain, May tt
Vcdrine arrived here at 10:5 o'clock this
morning from Angouleme, having success
fully covered . the second . atage of ' the
parts to Madrid aviation flight.
,' Vedrlne said he made no atop between
Angouleme and San Sebastian. Passing
over the sea, ha encountered dangerous air
eddies and ha almost met with a catas
trophe near (he Spanish town of Fuen
terrnbla. where one of the wing of hi
machine graaed tha peak of a huge roc.
; Garros, . who. started from Angouleme at
6 13 o'clock thl morning, crossed the bay
of , Biscay and arrived here at 11:40 o'clock.
He? was forced to make a stop of two
hour ' near Fuenterrabla for fuel.
Wliaca la Velio w Pino H cartas Saya
. Agreement Did Not Work Well
aad It Waa Abrogated.
ST.. LOUIS. May 23. George. K. Smith,
secretary of the Tallow Pin Manufac
turers' association, waa called today to
conclude bt testimony In the hearing of
the atate'a ouster suit against th alleged
lumber trust.
. An Ironclad agreement between organisa
tions representing wholesale lumber firm
and retalj doalera, prohibiting "poaching"
and providing for the punishment of whole
salers who sold or retailers who bought
outside the prescribed, limits, was described
In an official circular Introduced as evi
dence. -
The raault of th agreement did not
come up to expectation. Smith testified,
and It was abrogated two years later.
Christian Science Body la Minne
apolis Aaaoaaeea Withdrawal
. front Oraalaatloa.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 33.-A. E. Smith'.
C. S. D.. of th Fourth Church of Christ.
Scientist, her today gave the Associated
Press a copy of a resolution adopted at
a meeting of the church members, by
which, by a vote of S3 ta.l, th members
decided , to . withdraw from the Mother
church at Boston.
The reasons given in the resolution are
that "since the death of Mrs. Eddy, the
Christian Science board of director has
absolute authority to control the teach
ing,'1. . and that tha board condemned
Chrtsian . Science, aa taught by Abbot
Smith, who waa a personal student of
Mra Eddy.
The congregation therefore decided to
amend its arttclea so aa ta become a
rhrlMlan Science, aa taught by Abbot
lar action waa taken by the Second Church
of Christ of Luluth. with only on dis
senting vote.
"Valley of the Kile of Nebraska" la
Richly Beautiful 'and Settled
by' Hustlers. . '
Omaha Boosters Are Royally Treated
at that City. .
v ;, ., .. . '
Boosters mere Aiier iw,ww Arpro
. priated for Agricultural School.
" - ' . . j n
Everywhere Booster Are Drllghted
with Hospitality aad the Stick-.
. aeaa of Nebraska and Spirit
of Business Slea.
LEXINGTON, Neb., May . (Special
Telegram.) Jieamey 1 tonight trying to
outdo Oehkosh In the matter of showing
Omaha, but lha new tows with the foreign
name' has set ' a pec which will be hard
for any town or city In , Nebraska to beat.
The concert and ball ilven In honor of tba
visitors waa not sufficient The good peo
ple of Oshkoah were up bright and early
Tuesday momtrvg to meet the train on lta
return from North Port and the atralne
of the Oshkosh band bid the Omahan fare
well aa they left the "valley of the Nile"
to begin the day' trip on tha main line.
Oshkosh and Omaha are o much alike
that Oshkoeh simply' could not let go.
To meet tha Omaha business men a num
ber of Gertna1 and Bridgeport otUaena cam
to North Port by automobile. . Thcae two
towns were flatted two year ago by tha
Omaha excursion and tha business men,
Just could not get along without another
look at tha real trade excursionists.
Everybody Oat at Broadwater.
"Count the 'people at Broadwater depot
and you will know what tha population la,"
aid a message received on the train be
fore the train pulled Into the little city, and
It took some time to count them, too.
Hershey waa a town which could show any
bhe' that western. Nebraska la tha rival ot
any wheat and small grain growing section
In the country . '- . , '
Hundred of little lack ot wheat and
oata were given to the visitor. On opening
them the yfound not only - prise-winning
grain, but a ' little note giving tha facta
about' where eaeh'sample waa grown and
what tha production per acre was. One nota
waa signed by Albert' Morris and aald: "X
have raised 8.000 bushel of thl wheat in,
WIO, also bOO bushels of corn and SOS bush
els of oats." There' I plenty of thla kind
of land for el a fa four year I have mad
enough money ta .quit farming, and am
goln cto at.ll my own place." .'. -. .
- Equally astonishing were th other figure
found In tha llttl aaeka of grain.
North Flatta 'Alt Now tebssL i -.
'Whan tha bualneau men arrived In North,
FhttJe th cltiiene. that gaily decorated
railroad, center wrrw out wttaho' glad hand
and 'iot 'in. many good word tor Korth
Platte as the Ideal location for tha Western
Nebraska Agricultural college. Mayor- Pat
terson took a . number to the atate farm
near North Platte, including P. p. Fodrea,
tha official apeaker, who returned to North
Platte In tima to mak an address and tell
tha , people of North Platte . that tha
Omahans would support their city for tha
agricultural school unless during th com
ing our day soma' other city managed to
mak a better Impression on the visitor.,
North Piatt waa correspondingly con
fident that Omaha will do whatever nnul.
ble to get tha school' located at th head
of ' tha valley which Is showing th
Omahan how much of ' tha future pros
perity of th big city depend on th ag
ricultural development in the North Piatt
valley. On down through tha valley tha
train worked it way, passing, between
long lines of school children at many of
the towns. At Maxwell th children had
flag aad were singing songs of Omaha
when tha visitors arrived.
"Sing a ong of Omaha, tbl day la full
of awe,
Bring your flag' and wave them Just
for Omaha,
Coma along and Join ua now,' there la
room for all,' -
While we are boosting for Omaha. '
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Omaha,
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Omaha,
Let ua all sing Joyfully, waving aa wa go.
While ! we ar boosting for , Omaha."
That is what th little folk ot North
Platte valley are singing . and next to
"America" they know Omaha the beat'
Railway BervJce Is Good.
. Noting tha enormous Improvement being
made by the Union Pacific, the Omahan
wired Vice President Mohler of that rail
road, --telling him how much they appre
ciated tha. work and that their trip waa
successful, trains always on schedule and
service never better. They told Mr.
Mohler that they were realising a' neve
before tha possibilities of tha section
through whlcb they were passing. To thla
message tha chief of th Union Pacific
replied: "Wa ar proud of our Ynen, proud
of our railroad nd quite proud of our
patron. Will be gld to have you notice
what haa been done with the large amount
of money expended In the Improvement
of our track-and equipment"
rn rtvOT owns.
OBKOSH. Neb.. Msy 23. -(Special Tele-'
gram.) Starting back by tha Overland
from KlrobaJI at S o'clock Monday morning,
Base Ball tickets.;
Cans of Farrell '8 Syrup.
Boxes of O'Brien's Candy. .
Quart Bricks of DalzelPi
Ice Cream.
All tao awajr fre to thoaa
who find their same la the .
want ada.
Read the want ad ovary day,
your name wtU appear aoraeUm
snay b mora than one.
No putties to aolvt nor aubacrlp.
tloDi to (et Just rd tha want
da ;
Turn to tha want ad ' pat