Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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" Nebraska.
Ex-Wrdu 'Smith, Givei Nebraska
Penitentiary Figures.
Stat Trrun Srlla Onlr ! Haa
rs4 Tkoaaanif hollars Worth
of Bonda anal llaa Marh
' ''' '' ' lft.
(Prom a ftaff Correspondent)
1.IXCOL.N, May 23. (Bperlal.) -The last
report of penitentiary conditions aho that
triers aria 42. prisoners at that Institu
tion, of which number twenty are under
aentenora varying' from ten to forty yeara,
while the reet are sent there for periods
ran fin from six' months to ten years.
The figures show that there are of that
number a" 'whites, ninety-eight negroes,
els InrUwie, and .oris. Korean. Two white
and two Macro , women are Included In
the number. ' thirlng the last two years
four were received at the Institution under
the death penalty, while six convicted of
first 4ree murder have been sent up for
life, as well as three who have been con
victed of second egr murder. During
the blennhnn, which closed under Warden
Fmtth, there were thirty-one prisoners re
ceived, who had been guilty of murder.
Of this number twelve eame from Douglas
county. Thirty-six men were also brought
In to serve time foe, attempts to kill.
While hi chargeV of the penitentiary,
'Warden Smith after etmmlnlrig the records
found a life sentence, Vn. the light of the
past has meant onJy about seven or eight
years . and that the longest term served
by any man sentenced for the remainder
of his years was only fifteen years. This
despite .' the fact that many have been
ent to the Institution for life and many
more for periods of from twenty to thirty
five years.
The penitentiary . Is almoet self-sustaining,
aa the books show. , The maintenance
coat for the last blennlum was ltt.ono. of
which 134, 000 was for salaries and wages,
SAcNOflO for slothing, food and medicine and
127 .One far - ooeX The earnings are put
down at tlX!. 000, th principal Items being:
From sontraotora, . tOiOOOi farm products,
l VZMK eleutiio current for other state
, bulMmgs, 1 10, 000; gsjt receipt. 13.604.
Reajsilsrltsoa to Oaurman.
Oowernor AJdrleh. has honored a requisi
tion from the gwrernor tf Virginia for the
Tatar nof Heesle Dtlard i Gai-man, who Is
accused of shooting with Intent to kill. He
is charged with shooting at Deputy Sheriff
Lama Looney of Craig county, Virginia,
.when the latter was attempting to arrest
Mm for -a misdemeanor. Garman is under
arrest In Omaha. J, ..
gtosustaa ,rj&t7 Appeals, -'
The county aomrntasiaaers of Douglas
! county ha- eppssJutf t the attorney gen
ievrsi from a ruling of'tSete Auditor Barton
1 holding-, that fhe state jls not liable for the
Voard, .of prisoners between the time of
Tdrlnglng ap of a vordic by a jury and the
time of ' sentence , by " the dUrtrlot Judge.
Douglas, eounty Km -claims amounting to
: 13,000 hinging on this. Attorney General
Martin, follpwlng a decision of Former At
torney 'General Norrls Brown, holds that
the state is not liable for the keep of
prisoners until they. -are . sentenced, that
"conviction" is not .completed till sentence
Is pronounced--. r T ...
i '"'BreierV floV'to .K
State Treasuret1 George has expended an
of the 9M0.009 recefved for the sale of bonds
of other states with the exception of $133,000.
fie pair out the money for bonda Issued by
tNebraska counties and cities. Hs has Just
!MnnWA til ftitrvfaa nf 1 1 1 IWI it Awrm.
V1 riee refundinsT twmda and W.ono of bonds
, tisTjed "by. the town of PVanklln for eleo
trlo UghU The bond breker who bought the
California state bonds " declined to accept
25.000 ct the Issue because the bonds were
tamped: not' negotiable,-so that the total
sale of bond! of ether states agrregates
'only. The total amount offered for sale
was t4.000.00o. Negotiations for the sale of
' the beJanoe of that amount are progresalng
very Slowly, brokers offering terms which
the state board of' educational lands and
funds refuses to accept.
Cape te flaiii Officers.
Adjutant General Phelps has referred
and WM proit two bronse cups to officers
of the Nebraska national guard for exoel-
(lence la marksmanahtp. One cup goes to
Captain Zvar 8. Johnson of Stanton, Com
pany B, First regiment, and the other to
Captain Chris I . Anderson of TJorfolk,
Company D, First regiment. Captain John
son reeetvee his cup for the best rifle reo
Jerd arid sin Anderson for the best re
volver veoord. . ,
ewtr Bleete Heat 4 ef lews fairer
' slty Makes a Trip te
(Front' a Buff Correspondent)
TJNCOtJ4",-May (Special.) President
elect John Gt Bowman of the University
i of Iowa and secretary of the Carnegie
foundation Is tn " the city the gueet of
Chancellor Avery of the Btate university.
The' Iowan's vtHlt here Is for the purpose
.of lnspettChnf the organisation and equip
ment of the Nebraska Institutions. - He Is
The hlcheet point of woman's hap
jiirtesg is reached only through moth
erhood, in th clasping of her child
within her arms. Yet the mother-to-beia
often fearful of nature's ordeal
and shrinks from the sufferinp; inci
dent to its consummation. But for
uattus's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and in Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
rreat value to every expectant mother.
It is an oily emulsion for external
application, composed of ingredients
which ct -with beneficial and soothing-
effect on those portions of the
system involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the suffer
ing through whkh the mother nsually
passes. The regular use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother in the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
it brings -about after baby comes.
Mother's Friend
- a VU a "SK -SB aa w-f-
era which contains much valuable
information, gnd many sujjgc&tions
of a helpful nature.
SRADmia KCiUTCR CO., Adto. C.
one of several who are making a tour ef
Mrn universities.'
Next to Chairman rrltehSrd. Mr. Bow
man is the most influential man In the
offirlnl board of the Carnegie foundation.
Int 'dentally his election to succeed Presi
dent Maclean of lowa City makes him
the youngest college head In the country.
Governor Orders
Alberts' Disorderly
House Act Enforced
County Attorneys in Douglas, Otoe,
Hall, Platte and Dodge Coontiei
Notified to Get Busy.
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
IjINCOLN. May .-Fpeo!al Telegram.)
Governor Aldrich today notified County
Attorney W. T. Moran of Otoe county that
he must enforce the new Alberts' disorderly
house act In Nebraska City.- Complaints
have been made to the attorney general
that such places In that city were running
contrary to the bill's provisions end this
Governor Aldrich Intends to prevent,, he
The governor has also Included Douglas,
Hall, Platte and Dodge cotinttee In his list
and the county attorneys of these counties
have been notified that they will be
expected to proceed against such houses as
are concerned In the act without any delay.
Action against disorderly houses In all
parts of Douglas county will be Instituted
by James FJnsHsh, county attorney, on
orders from Governor Aldrich to enforce the
Alberts law.
"The law will be enforced," was the only
comment of Mr. Kngllsh when questioned
concerning the orders lssued"Jy the gov
ernor. The Alberts law, the work of the last
session, passed with the emergency clause
making It effective April I. permits the
issue of temporary and permanent Injunc
tion against disorderly houses as nuisances,
making both those In operation of such resorts-
and the owners and agents of the
property liable for-the fines and taxes im
posed, varying in the discretion of the
court from $200 to tl.OOO. The special tax
Is $.100, a perpetual Hen against the prop
try collectable In the same manner ai
other taxes are. Sentence of imprisonment
of from three to six months may be. Im
posed on either property owner, agent or
operator of resorts. Temporary writ may
issue without bond. Furniture, musical in
struments and fixtures may be confiscated
and sold. .
ts tats Bills at Wratrt
Bank, and is Detaaed by
PEA TRICE, Neb.. May a (Special Tel
egram.) A stranger was arrested at Wy
more today aa he stepped Into the Farm
ers Btate bank and presented two badly
torn and mangled tt bills for change. He
is suspected of being a bank robber and
refused to give his name. Plnkertoa de
tectives who are at staryrUle, Kan., at
tending the hearing ef some of the alleged
Kansas bank robbers, bare been notified
and will go to Wymnra to tarestlsTate the
' allsie Pteweer- Keeta Ltfav
BKATRTCB, Neb., May a (Bneelal Tel
egram.)--Robert Nicholas, 71 years of age,
committed suicide yesteray by hanging
himself at .the home ot his son-tn-law,
wniiam Barmy, at Dewltt. Ill health Is
assigned as the cause. He was" a ntnneer
reeldent of Saline county. -
Nebraska, Riwi Kmh,
BEATRICE Ths members of the Odd
F'ellowa InAmm Rnw.M i . .
build a two-story brick building at that
B RA T RICE A nest of Owls will be
orsanlaMl hre IVU.v vm.imv vt . . u
applications for membership have been re
oelved: . .
L1NDSAT Mrs. Henr KVurleberts was
burled at the Bt. Bernard Cathollo ceme
tery on Saturday. She was one of the
earlier settlers here, having this spring
moved to the old Maurer place.
B EATRICE Howard Hardy, a boy em
ployed at the Jewelry store of the Ark-wright-Kennedy
company, was severely
burned about the hands and arms yester
day byan explosion of gasoline whloh he
was using 4a a blow pipe whiie repairing
BEATRICE Word was received here
yesterday announcing the deatn of Madge
TUton. daughter of Colonel W. S. TUton
a former resident of this city, which eo
curred at Anadarko, Okl Friday night
The remains will be brought here Monday
afternoon for Interment ..
RL'&H VIXiLE Th Rushrllle Hlg school
eommenoement was held , in the ooera
house Friday evening. The graduaees lare
Ruth Haael Toll. Jdilei Johnson;
Raymond O. Weatover, Bernard P West
over and Clifford Bryan Soott The twe
Weatover boys are twtne and popularly
known as Nip and Tuck, and a remark
able feature about their career at school
Is that for the last four years their aver
age has been about the eame and they
led the class this year with honors, their
average being aH nd M. T'ne diplomas
were presented by the moderator. Judge
W. II. Wvetover.
OXFORD Oxford schools dosed Fri
day and various pionlos were enjoyed by
pLplla of the several grades end their
teachers. The high school teaehers. . Mies
Nation and Mr. Mann, have gone te their
homes In Fremont .and Hastings, re
spectively. Mrs. Omar, eighth grade
teacher, with her mother. Mrs. Tram bile,
left yesterday for an extended visit la
Illinois and adjoining states. Mies Man
ning, primary teacher, expects to spend
the summer at Elk Point. 8. D., and Mia.
V II llama second grade teacher, will visit
her parenta at Hay Spring. Neb. Mies
Dunham, fourth grade and fifth grade
teacher, will spend the summer at her
home in Adams and In the fall expects
to take cp work at the state university.
M ia Hellner and Marvin will remain
at their homes In Oxford, while Superm
tecdent Anderson will travel for a life
insurance eompanv. The only ehansres In
the corps of teachers for next year will
be In the high school and the fourth and
fifth gradee. Mlas Dunham's plane will
be taken by Mlsa Edna Walters of Oxford
and the high echool poaltlona will be filled
by Miss In sal-be of Inland and Miss Gei
lck of Ulysses.
Catholic Bishops
to Meet in Omaha to
Nominate Archbishop
Will Suggest Name of Successor to
Archbishop John J. Xeane,
Who Has Resigned.
i ' 1 '
Pour Catholic bishops of the Arehleplsco
pal Pee of Dubuque will meet In Omaha
Tueaday to suggest the name of a succes
sor to Most Rev. John J. Keane, who has
resigned. They are Rt Rev. Richard Scan
nell of Omaha, Rt. Rev. John J. Keane of
Cheyenne, Rt. Rev. James Davis of Dav
enport, and Phillip J. Gerrigan of Sioux
City. The bishopric of Lincoln la vacant.
They will meet at ths home of Bishop
The name selected by , the bishops
wlil not be mad .public. It may be they
will make ths' same nomination as was
1 made by the consultorc she met at De
bute two weeks ago, a hen EUhop Scan
nell presided
Detailed Census of
The direr tor of the census has announced the population ot Dawson rminty
Becoming to its minor civil divisions, as
Antelope prerlnct
Blaine precinct
Buffalo precinct
Coyote preHnrt, Including Darr village ...
Dsrr village
Co1 precinct. Including Cozad town
Coitad town
Falrvlew precinct
Farnam precinct. Including Farnam village
Karnam village
German precinct
Olllan precinct
Gothenburg precinct. Including Gothenburg city
iot hen burg city.....
Grant precinct....."
HlHMde precinct
Holmes precinct ,
Kennebec precinct. Including Kddyvtlle village
Kridyvllle v1l!sre
Lexington precinct. Including Iexlngtn city........
Liexlnstnn city
S , (, sateeeeaeeaaae eeist atea e -Ba eeeeaee
Ward t
Ward X
Lincoln precinct ....
Ixigan precinct t
0erton precinct. Including Overton village.....
Overton village
Platte precinct....
Ringgold precinct
Willow island precinct
Wood River precinct, including Rumner village.....
Biimner village
First Day Witnesses Large Number of
Veasgsten Will Hare Plenty ef Tlsaa
After Close ef "rbeol aad Can
, Make Strong Bids for the
Blgr Prises.
Nominations of contestants in The Bee's
Ad-Owtter contest began pouring Into the
Want-Tad Fdltor yesterday, and by late
last night the total for the first day had
exceeded expectations. The result of this
first working day shos clearly that the
contest la to be an exciting one. It shows
that the people 'of Omaha and the west
appreciate the opporunlty that ts offered
for winning a beautiful prize. In addition to
reaping a 10 per cent commission for bring
ing m cash ads to tho Want-Tad editor.
The race la going to be a wonderful one,
and those Who get in early are going to
have a start of the contestants who delay.
If yon have a friend you would like to
see entered In this contest secure a nomi
nating blenk at The Bee business office
and name the person whom you wish to
have entered. Only one nominating blank
will be counted for each contestant. Stop
in at the business office as you go down
town and have the name of your con
testant friend entered.
All Fader Twenty-One Kllarlble.
Remember that all boys and girls under
II years of age are eligible to make this
race. Name some of the youngsters whom
you know. Put into the race some high
school boy or girl who will soon be through
with the year's school work. This boy or
girl will have plenty of time this summer
to push the campaign and probably vw111
be a winner. It will be a good Job for the
young contestant during vacation.
Votes are given with all cash want ads
that are brought to the Want-Tad editor.
Each ad Is good for one vote. If it la run
two times it counts as two votes. If run
three times It counts as three votes, etc.
No matter what else the ad may be. It
counts for only' one vote If It Is run only
one time,.
Rata far Bee Wast Ads. .
The rate for Be want ads is IH cents a
word If the ad is run but once. If ran
two or more consecutive times the rate Is
1 ent a word. Blng the cash and ad to
The Be Want Tad editor and yon wilt be
credited with a vote for every time It Is
run In this paper.
Full details of the contest and a de
scription of all the prises appear tn an ad
vertisement on another page of this paper.
Read this ad and learn how you will have
a chance to share In the division of more
than n.80 In free prliea Tou do not have
to pay an entrance fee In order to get Into
this contest, and you do not spend any
money after you have entered. Everything;
is free. Join at once, so you will have a
good start In the raoe. Details of the
content will be recorded dally tn The Bee.
Lie at Graukd Prlsea.
The first prise to a 7S0 baby grand Liud
wig piano. The other prises are: Soeond.
flrt gradoaitlon scholarship course In the
Omaha Commercial college; . third prise,
(lea graduation acholarehlp ooursa In the
Omaha Commercial oolleget fonrth, ladles'
or gentleman's solid gold watch, sold by
T. Lk Combs; fifth and sixth prices, ladies'
tailored suits, value fM each, sold by the
Novelty Skirt company, 214-&6 Nertn Six
teenth street; seventh and eighth prliea
value ttt, two National Mcerclea, sold by
ths Omaha Bicycle company. Sixteenth and
Chicago streets; ninth and tenth pfHses,
value tit each, two full memberships In
the Toung Wlamen's Christian association;
eleventh and twelfth prises, value SIS each,
two full memberships la the Toung Men's
Christian association.
British.Naval Airship
Successfully Launched
Dirigible Balloon Fire Hundred Feet
Long: is Intended for Use
at Sea,
B-i RRO W -1 X - FTT.N EJB8, England. May
& Or at Britain's first nsvval airship, ths
construction of which has been surrounded
by much secrecy, was successfully launched
here today and Is now anchored behind
wind screens erected tn the harbor. The
airship was chrlstsned the Mayfly.
The airship, which la WJ feet in length,
ts of ths rigid type, with a blunt nose,
tapering to a pointed stern. A feature of
the construction la ths provision for two
separate gondolas' for the engines. The
airship Is speetalry designed for naval pur
poses and can be moored on the water.
The outer covering of the upper half of
the dirigible, which Is forty-eight feet in
The primary causa of Rheumatism results from weak kidneys, constipa
tion, indigestion, etc., forming impure accumulations in the system. These
sour and ferment, causing uric acid, which is absorbed from the stomach and
intestines into the blood. This changes the circulation from a thick, rich
fiaid to a thin, acrid stream, depositing inflammatory matter Into the mus
cles, nerves, and jointa. The longer the blood is allowed to remain in this
impure condition the more severe will Rheumatism become. Gradually the
muscles harden and lose their elasticity, the joints begin to stiffen, sod fre
quently calculous deposits form knots at the finger joints. There is just one
way to CURE Rheumatism, and that is to cleanse the blood of the uric acid
poison. S. S. S., by removing every particle of the cause and PURIFYING
the blood, cures Rheumatism permanently. S. S. S. eliminates thenric acid
because it is the greatest ol al' blqod purifier. It filters out every trace of the
sour, inflammatory matter, cools the acid-heated blood, furnishes the mate
rial for multiplying the rich, nutritions corpuscles of the circulation, anrl
by its fine tonic effects assists the system to rapidly overcome the effects of
thed isease. Special book on Rheumatism and medical advice frer. 6 S S
is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA, CA. ' j
Nebraska Counties
..... 347
..... l.w
1 fins
' 7S"
. . T.1
(M .
diameter, eonelsts ef silk treated with a
special waterproof dressing over which
aluminum dust has been sprinkled. The
lower part of the bag Is of yellow silk
treated with the same waterproofing, but
without the aluminum. The frame work
contains eighteen gas bags filled with
Wife and Police Are
Seeking Man Missing
Since Last Wednesday
A, Harg-an Leares Rooming House to
Go to Council Bluffs and
Fails to Return.
The efforts of the police and his wife
have been useless thus far in trying to lo
cate A. Hargan, 1634 Burt- street, who
csme to Omaha about a week ago from
the east. He left his home, a rooming
house. Wednesday In good spirits. He
had about M In his pocket and was in
tending to go to Council Bluffs on business
and then return home, and since then has
not been seen by his friends. Thursday
night two men called at the number and
asked for Mra. Hargan and said that
they had a message for her. The landlady
had forogtten her own roomer's name and
did not know of any such person. Mrs.
Hargan has since tried to find out whs
the men were and has notified the polio,
Hargan was In good health and his do
mestic relations were In no way strained
He was, however,' subject to epileptic at
tacks. His wife Intends to wait for him
a week, and If he Is not found shs will
return to the east ....
Oil Rebate Case
Called at Rochester
Standard Oil Company Charged with
Accepting: Drawbacks' on 188 . ,
Carloads of Oil
ROCHESTER, N. t!,": May 0.1-The case
of the gwerrunent a-s.inat 'the Standard
Oil company . was called '.or trial before
Judge Haael in the United States' district
court today. lit' the .indictment which
eharges the ell company with harltta- ac
cepted railroad rebates on shipments of oil
frera Olean to Burlington, Vt.t there are 1ft
counts. Ths minimum penalty for eeavto-
tlon on each count to 11.004 and the max
imum Is 130,000. ,
It is the contention ef the defendant
company that there should be but ten
counts In the Indictment as It claims there
were but ten shipments in question. The
government bases Its counts en ths separate
carloada counting each one as a shipment
and each shipment aa a count Ths in
dictment Is of several years' standing, but
tht trlsl bsa been delayed. The govern
ment to represented by United States Dis
trict Attorney John Lord O'Brien of Buf
falo and members of his staff.- and Daniel
J. Keneflck of Buffalo mmiMnti th. a.
fense. Nearly fifty witnesses have been
When the court convened the case was
put over until the afternoon, with the
probability -of further adjournment perhaps
for a week.
Sixty Companies Writing- Liability
Istaraaee Combine te Ad
vance Ckarares.
CHICAGO, May 2. Sixty or more casu
alty Insurance companies . of the United
States and similar foreign concerns doing
business In this country have combined
tofalse rates according to a news article,
in the Tribune today. '
a result employers deMrtng liability
Insurance must pay increases, varying
from it to 140 per cent
The attorney general has. it Is said. Insti
tuted an Inquiry Into this alleged trust' 4
To Aid
Half a teaspoonful of Horn
ford's Acid Phosphate in half
a glass of water makes diges
tion natural and esey.
Strengthens and in rigors tea
the entire system.
Acid Phosphate
Precipitation Up to Three Inches
Sweepi Over Stat.
Jest tn Time te Do Cora Mnet Gnod
.hewers la Kanaea Are tke
Salratloa ef tke Wheat
v. ... Fields. '
Nebraska farms were drenched with
good,- soaking rains Sunday and Monday,
when practically every part of the state
received some moisture. The heaviest
downfall came In the central part Curtis
and Loup City got three Inches each.
Southeastern Nebraska did not get as
mttch weier as the farmers had wished,
the showers being hgoi In that section,
but none of the farms In that part of the
state are suffering for moisture. The
greatest need was right where the down
fall was from one and one-half to two
Inches tn central Nebraska,
Burlington, Northwestern and Union Pa
eiflo reports showed rsln over all their
lines out of Omaha In both Iowa and Ne
braska, Following shows the amount In
some towns: Mlnden, 14 Inches; Red
Cloud, 1 Inch; Norton, Oberlln and Hern
don, t Inches; Arapahoe and McCook, 1
Inch; Imperial, 1 Inch; Enstls,' 1 Inches;
Curtis, t Inches; Greeley Center, 1 Inches;
Brlcson, 24 Inches; Loup City, t Inches;
Lincoln, Seward Harvard. Sutton, Fair
mount, heavy rains; Stromsburg, 1 Inches;
Whitman. Seneca and Broken Bow, heavy
rains. Omaha to Grand Island and Co
lumbus had downpours averaging an inch
or more.
Tre rain of Saturday night. Sunday and
Monday caught the corn at Just the time
when rain was needed. The moisture In
the soil will shoot up the stalks tn the
next week and corn that has not sprouted
yet will have a fine start
Moat Wonderful HeallaaT.
After suffering many years with a sore.
Amos King. Port Byron, N. T., was cured
by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 26o. For sals
by Beaton Drug Co.
Merderer Commits Salclde In Jail.
CARLISLE, 111.. May . William Hall.,
Jr.. chanted with killing hla father-in-law.
Mat Barber, with an axe, ended his life
by hanging himself in ths county jail to
: "Few of us resllse how many prominent
rsciety women wash their own hair," says
Htuae Martyn In the New Tork American.
j ...fhls home shampooing Is not a fad but
. due to the splendid results ontainea cy
hs use of a popular, quick-drying shampoo
made by dissolving a teaspoonful of can
throx in a cup of hot water.
This simple shampoo lathers freely and
cleanses perfectly.' being equally good for
ail shades of hair. It rinses easily and
leaves the scalp refreshed and the hair
lustrous, soft and very fluffy. Dandruff
and scalp Irritation disappear Immediately.
"The fact that the alkali In soap sham
poos has been found to cause streaky, thin,
dull hair may be one of the reasons why
society women have taken so favorably to
this splendid shampoo In order not only to
save but beautify their hair." Adv.
Special Low
to the
Summer Resorts
1 WANT to lend you without
cost beautifully illustrated liter
ature of the many delight
ful spots in this moit
interesting section of the
American continent. J
I wast to tall you of ths ra3- Vr
road hip via Niagara Fall, of
ths delightful boat hip through . J
ths rapids of the St Lawrence 's
and the Thousand Islands. I
want to tell you of the High
lands of Ontario, of Toronto,
Montreal and the many other
I want to tell you of the sur.
prisioglr low cost of these
delightful trips. '
Low Fares
Effective From
June 1st to ,
September 30th,
return link thirty days wills
liberal stop-over privileges.
HamJmmmlg IKhMhI Aasrsv
ten fat aa sasuut.
I. D. McDoasld
A. O. r. A.
112 W. Adams St.
Calcaae. Illinois
. T7r "4 rt.'
St Lawrence Route toJiirtpe
ivzss mi rorm
White Star-Dominion
svotax Marx, arrxAansis
Montreal Quebec Liverpool
"Leuirentic" and "Megentlc"
fcarajeet aaS Most af oSers Steamers la
cansuiian tier lea Luxurious ac-om
snudaiiuns lor BeoeaS end Tbira
Class. Sailing la vuujuutlluii Svitb trie
Papular Twia Seteer Steamers. ,
Teetoolo "Cus4" "ISoiiUosUea"
Carrlns Oae Olaaa Cabla paaaengers
alive ton4 Csbla. Catatort at sso4rau
ralaa. Am Tatrt iM himumtl
Acmlr Compsny's office i.
bora St- Chicago, or Lceal Aganv
H Thone Douglas 85.' Eg
H ' " Residence Harney 4282 B
'"MMaMsdaaasssaniisilsji'- (
The World's Pure, Uncolorcd,
Unsweetened Gelatine
,-r -
:' ' La. aai
1 : '
3 -.;.; MLSKirsxCQf
Knox Gelatine is
many tnousanas
countless delicious
the. numerous dishes
is granulated It is convenient. The two-full-quart
package insures economy.
Ssnd for the
' Dainty Desserts for Dainty
Desserts. Salads, Paddiags,
illustrated ia eolors rREtt lor your grocer a ' asms.
Pint lampli Jot 2c I tamp
Johestewa. N. V.
Since its. foun
dation, it has
been , the policy
of this Company
to embody, in .the
in perfected form, the best typewriter ideas by
whomsoever advanced.
;Forcmr latest manifestation of this policy,
inspect the new -
Visible Writing: Remingtons
; : J Nos. 10 and 11
which" embody every desirable feature extant PLUS
an' Adding and Subtracting Mechanism which consti
tutes an innovation.
The yoice that cried in the wilderness -io years ago:
y$2ZZ;; Jr
The Gas , Range
commends itself to every housewife who wants an absolutely
reliable cooking appliance, and besides
Gas is the Most Economical Kitchen FueL
Convenient terms is desired.
, , Prices connected
Cabinet Gas llanges from $25.00 up. : ;
Double Oven Ranges from $20.00 up.
Single Oven Ranges from $11.00 up.' . .
Send for our representative and let him explain. '
finer r'tf.t,w rssjiiyvr'TTer''-'' "tto ur. r.-nrj
New York to
Paris In Six
Days .
i "' al'lS :ta
I - f ii
Adaitloaal salllnrs at 4 cabla prices, altarnats Ssturiays by popular ant class eaksf
W. B. Book, im ramarnj L. Masas, First
as. sa aiuaias, iOVB
:m s. .- jh
known far and wide
01 nomes ior ine
desserts it makes and
it improves.
KNOX Recipe Book
People." contaioinf rwipes lor
less, lea Crean and Candies,
and your f rarer 'j name.
Kees Ave.
"You cannot afford to write
in the old way." now ac
claims with equal convic-
'tion: "You cannot afford to
calculate in the old way,
Remington .Typewriter
1619 Farnam St.
ia jr t
is absolutely dependable because
It is Instantly Ready for Use. j
You Have no Fires to Start.
Its Heat can be Regulated Precisely,'
Its Heat Never Varies Except at
Your Bidding. .
Splendid Hotels Afloat
Compapiie Genert! Trintillantiu
Fast twin acrwstcsmer'jus!!lr' thsflaea
modsrn hot pis. leave Near Ynrk 10 a. m.
1 burarls jr. rvanhlns; Harr trials dars. eon-nnctina-
witb thmu-tt trains for Farls and all
Continental mints. Krsrr proUlta lor
safety, wireless and submarine rella Msn-o'-war
dltclpllna. ruof csfs. lihrsrr, trmiu
lum. dally concerts, dally paper, delicious
t-uiMiia Bwurn piimni inaniDUB
S aUSuf aiaai tarassa aaasrasss s
lA Irrataa. June 1.
I Sareia, Jaaa U. I
Vm Larralaa. Juaa Is,
a Prmwi. June R.
1 .n.i. J.n. lit
Dlnaso. June 14.
Mat. Bank: J. a. msjaolds. 15CSI
ana rtnua trssts.