THE BEE: OMAHA,' 7TE&DAY, MAT23. 1Ht. trie presllenrr of the rpuWI before the nl of the present tmnth, arid "Ponr. -That bona fl1 new I at han4 that Pamnn Corral will resign the vlee. P'f i1rioy of lbs republic within the same period, and "Thlid-That jhy the dmlnltratlnn of lit, Permr Fram-leon I,eo de la Barra. at present minister of foreign relations of the government of Benor General Dlas. will asmme for the In'erlm the power of .he executive of the nat.on nd will call tha enera) clertlons" according te tha terms of the constitution, anil "Fourth That the riatirnsl government will study the conditions of public opinion In tha actuality to sstlsf' these condition! with tha provisions of tha Constitution and wtll come to an sgreement conclusive to tha revolution.' therefore, ths two parties Indemnifying the losses rtfrertly ctnsed by represented In this conference In view of tha previous considerations, hat's agreed to formulate the following- agreement: ' Hostilities Shall. teas. 'From today on. hostilities which have existed In tha entire national territory of tha republic shall cease between tha forces of the government and 'trioae of tha revo lution, these forrea-' la h' dismissed In proportion aa In each state tha necessary atepa sr tatcasv'-to re-establish and guar antee tranquility and publlo order. Tranquility provisions: '. .' "As soon as possible,, tha reconstruction or repair of telegraph and railway lines hitherto 'Interrupted shall" ha begun. "Agreed and signed In duplicate by: rRANCIBCO 8. CARBAJAL, FRANCISCO .VAUQCEZ GOMEZ, "FRANCIBCCf WAHERO. "J08K MARIA. PUO BLAREZ." Tron'sa to Be Dlebaaded. The troops. It la provided , In the agree ment signed tonight.- will be disbanded pro portionately, as each etata la restored to tranquility. Aa . tha revolution In many states has been Incited by the opposition to the governors, the retention of armed forces until ' hew governors are Installed constitutes a practical guarantee that the Issue will not be evaded. The signing of the agreement gave a def inite aspect to the more or leas tangled ftatua of the peace parleys which haa ex isted for tha last week.. . Francisco 1. Madero, Jr., will remain here for at least 'five or six days more. He will start for Mexico City via Chihua hua and Torreon Immediately after Presi dent Dlas has resigned. Assurances have been received from railway officials that the line' from here southward will be re paired in three or four "days. In Mexico. City ,hwtll confer with Benor de la Barra about the. 'question of the governors, the , near, cabinet and the lawa which It, la, hoped formulated before congress; adjourns, coveting dlaputed points for which ieeisletioots the only remedy. Dr. Vaaouei . Jome.' wfti' leave here to morrow, for Pa AmooloyTex.. to meet hie family 6d ''Journey on lto' Mexico City. As he will arrive 'there before Senor Ma dero, he will also confer; with" eenor de la Barra about details of ' the .denumds of tha revolutionists.' - Unitarians attack ; Senat'oi4 Fletcher Convention Sayl'Hig Vote for Lorimer Unfit Him to Be Leader in -,l the" Church. BOSTON.; May-pl -The first of the reg gular 'meetlnga of" the Unitarians and affiliated liberal religious societies cele brating anniversary week that of the. , mlnstertaJ union toda-r-.M. marked by an attack; on .t'&ted 'BLatea .Senator Duncan Fletcher of Florida, vice nreMnt f ih American Unitarian association because of his vote on the Lorimer resolution, by the Rey. John Haynea Holmes. New York City. Mr, Holmes preseaited a resolution which waa adopted, stating th4t the unloiudld not regard Senator Fletcher as eligible to the leadership In tha aaaociatlon because of his vote 1st the feorlmer rase, , SENATOR-NELSON ATTACKS POSITION OF PRESIDENT Minnesota Mn Saya Uxeeetlre la Ttf lag tb-Kvade ( onatitatloa of , V wUed States. . WASHLVOTON, May a.-8enator Nel son of Minnesota attacked President Taft today before the senate finance commit tee for seeking te prevent the senate from amending the Canadian reciprocity bill. He declared, that the constitution made the senate pari of the treaty making power of the country and ofrered several amend ments to the measure. , . Senator Nelson's amendments would re duce about one-half-the existing tariff rates on must farm products. To put farm products on the free list, he de clared; as legislating directly against the farmer.--.;-.:; ' : ' ' "Prerident Taft Is evading the constitu tion of the United Statee," he asserted, "when he tries-to-force the senate to ac cept thla agrenfiejit as U 18 presented. He la trifling with the senate of the United States." .'.-r y- ' - BABY'S FACE ALL Eczema Fjit Came in Little Pimples. Itched, and Pained HimSt Badly ( Mother Could Not Rest. I ; . Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and Eczema Disappeared. "I Bust say I shall never be without a box ot Cuticura Ouitraenl, and keep It in the house, for a mother doea not know the valuation ol It Cuticura Ointment and' Cutk-ura Soap also. For my eaby had a very bad face, all broken out and red. and tbe second application made an Improve ment, and beiore I had uwd half a box My baby's fare- looked, splendid. I told my nelghbora about It, and they were taken by surprise at the wonderful work the Cuti cura Ointment did, and all said his face U Ana. One box cured baby's face and Die body which waa all brokeu out with Ihe eueaM. It first rams In little p unpins lu.e beat, and after, formed one iota, which . gradually, spread over Ilia face and body, and fi -aud Mrs tag,- sad pauisd baby ko baoiy that I could cot rest, so I wanted to ro la the doctor s. but the Cult curs Olmnuti su recommended te one. and I is very glad I haaid of h, for tt aavad me a 4octor bU. During the day tha heat trour Kake it mora pslaful, but would reel belter at sUjul, aad eince I ed tft Cuticura Olntuient I had better lest., atter a few application tha lace begaa to peel, now taa ecMitia ha disappeared. "I highly TereniBiand tha Cuticura Olnt- rent aod Soo Km tbrlr woadertul wurk.. Biifl t mihers should not be without them. It th.y five e,uick reUrt and beailag to a udiuru.i cftild. aad tha atotuar whe i all worn out - fi ike aant of sleep and test. --X. knuJy reoomrneud Ui Culksure Ouumeat fur ericui. laah, etc., tor a speedy cute, for say child suflsred very badly of tha Mt; onaesa. airs. Mrs U. tlutka. cpeeulie Island. Barlora Co., ktd spt. 24. UlO. - Outk-ure aoaJ) aad Olntmeat aold through au tae wacld Poller Drug a Chaa. Cora awe prepa., lag Columbus Ave., htwtaa. ava-slalted rr, staipM af Cutk-ura auap and wiaf iat. Witt ) J-p. book ea aaia trsaianal. BROKEN OUT AND RED MAYOR WANTS BLOODHOUNDS Would Keep Them on Duty at All Timet at Station. AUTOMOBILE FOR THEIR USE te 'eaa aa Holdup la lleported Mayor Wool Tfaml Ffnaada to t , "reea ftrent In Fffert to ; Capture. "Percy Wells' scheme to organize a vol unteer police force may be all eight." aald Mayor Dahlmen Monday morning, "but If the police board will give me two blood hounds, I will do more business with them In one month than all the the special police will do In a fear." , Dahlman has a plan, which he saya will solve the hold up proposition. He proposes to buy two bloodhounds and station them at the central police station. He also wants an automobile to transport the dogs quickly. Then he would have three police men, armed . with shot guns on duty at all times. As soon aa a holdup Is reported, rabl- msn would have the police and the dogs rush to the scene tns tamer. He states that tha officers could get tt the spot within fifteen minutes, and the dogs, having a fresh trail to work on. would run down more criminals than all the police put together. Dahlman doea not specify what the police would do with the shotguns, but It is obvious that he la planning soma work for the undertakers. "I have tried to get the police board to appropriate tfOO for two doge," ld the mayor, "but so far they have not given my suggestions much consideration. Lack ot funds is the chief obstacle. The sum named would buy two good dogs, which would more than pay for themselves within six months. , "Wells' scheme might work if the force was properly organised. But without or ganisation it would amount to little. How ever, if it eer passes the dream etage I will give It my support." 'I do not know whether the plan aa out lined by Weils would avail anything." said Chief ot Tollce Donahue Monday morning. "It reads well 1n the papers. If Wells' Is sincere. It might ,be a good thing for him to confer with the police department." OMAHA B008TEES MAKING FRIENDS (Continued from First Page.) little speech, giving the boosters the free dom of the city. A lsrge n timber of school children assem bled at Dix station to see the boosters, but unfortunately their presence was not known soon enough to permit an extra stop to be made. However, their disap pointment waa partially overcome by a consignment of bells and souvenirs sent back to them on the first train. At Potter the entire population .turned out to meet the train. Sidney gave the boosters a warm welcome and leading cltlxens expressed regret that the stay enuld not have been prolonged two or three hours. Lodge Pel and Chap pell were aa enthusiastic In their welcome as the rest In greeting the boost. Julesburg, the only atop lit Colorado, found the live business men with autos lined up ready to give the boosters a view of their city. , , - , Lea w Stoat at Oanallalaw , Brule and Big Springs made good with a welcome to the full extent of their popu lations and a pleasure snVhe; farmer atop was an auto load of school children carry ing American flags. Orallala was- ready between showers and the welcome was so enthusiastic that the boosters were simply compelled to prolong their stay. The boosters' band repeated 'Its numerous hits by playing "Ogallala." Prosperity was everywhere in evidence and fine new build ings were found to have taken, the place of those destroyed by fire last October. All along the line of travel Omaha's famous little wagons were very much In evidence on the new double track of the Union Pacific a. . Seeoad Day's Sckdale. This Is the schedule .which the trade excursionists will' make today, ending at Kearney, where they will spend the even ing: Northport Broadwater ........ Llaco Hershey North Platte , Maxwell Brady Island....... Gothenburg Willow Island Cosad Daxr Islington Overton , K.lm Creek Odessa Krarney .Arrive.'' -T-noam', 7:4 am 11:10 am ...11 M am ... tli pm l:W rvm , ... , II 35 pm 4'.!prrt .... 4 US pm. .. 6 i: pm ' .... 37 m .... :tT pm ' .., 4 67 pm .o. T.TI pro T:5? pm Leave. I:)im 7:15 am (:0tam 11.X am l:Upm " 1:30 pm S:06 pm t b! pm 4:!pm , t.OSpm ( 23 pm . :07 pm :4i pm 7:lt pm T:R7 pm W:00 pm MASTER BOILER" ' MAKERS GATHER (Continued from Ftnrt Tay .) the women who will attend the auxiliary meetlnga Tueeday afternoon there will be a reception for the women at the home of Mrs. C I Hempel, S54& Davenport street, and Tuesday evening a recaption at the hotel. Wedneaday evening' the delegates will all go to the Boyd theater. Thursday morning tha women, will go for, an auto ride, stopping at the home of Rome .Miller on Florence boulevard for luncheon, and In the afternoon will attend an euchre party at the hotel. Thursday evening at o'clock all the delegates wtll have a banquet and after ward a dan oa. Taft at Memorial Military Mass Sunday Veterans of Two Wan Will Be Prei' , ent at Serrice Conducted by Cardinal Gibbons. WASHINGTON May (3. -President Taft today accepted an Invitation to be present next Sunday at a memorial military mass to be celebrated on the White Houae ellipse, which will be attended by veterans of two wars, seml-mllitary and clvta organisations diplomats and men dis tinguished In official Ufa. The mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Gibbons of falconio, and 160 prominent clergyman, Falconlc, and 100 prominent clergymen. MRS. J. L. GARDNER IS ILL Baetoa aortal Leader Is la Critical Ceadlttaa trass Kerreae streak dew a BOSTON, May 8 Mrs. John U Gardner. one of Boston's wealthiest society wornea end owner of a noted collection of art treasures, la seriously 111 at' tier famous marble residence 1st the Back Bay. She was stricken with a narveua breakdown soma time ago and forced to cancel all her season's engagemeats. Her eonditloa has grown worse and this week Is so serious that her friends regard ft as critical. OMAHA 1ST SECRETARY OF UNITED COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. . . - - . V I " ' -: . tl -. -J. ' : , 1 . FRANK COAT8WORTH.. RUSHING TO HIGH INTEREST The Bee'i BookloverV Race Receiving More Entrants Every Day. CATALOGUE GIVES SOLUTIONS Wlthoat Title Help ! ts Rather Harol to Nine Books Represented la Borne of the Dally Illea tratloaa. Pushing Its nose Into another week of the great race, the Booklovers' contest of The Bee Is rapidly getting up speed, the Uko of uhlch has never been witnessed In any newspaper contest In this section of the ceuntry. Interest Is very high, and con testants sre continuing to eater. A, large number of letters came to the contest edi tor's deek yesterday morning with request for picture and catalogues. One contestant wrote to tell the editor that the Booklovers' game Is by far th most exciting that she had ever entered She wished to get an extra supply of coupons and sent a remittance for three additional coupons for each plctute. Hot Considered Dlfflralt. "I do not consider the puzzles very hard." wrote one contestant who lives In Wyom in "Tt ams to me that thev are simple In nearly every Instance. Of course, Ti realised that without the aid of a catalogtii I It would be Impossible for contestants t solve some of the pictures. The title In some cases are not suggested to the mind unless one Is able to glance down the lists in the catalogue. But with the title, book. I do not see how any one can fall to get the pusilea. Most of the pictures are so simple that I wonder th contest editor haa not made them harder. I am deeply .Interested In the game and I think practically 30 per cent of the residents of this town are Ukln part In It. Ceauaeat A boot Graad! Prises. Much comment-has been made about the four grand .Arises In the contest. ' The magnificent Apperson "Jack -Rabbit" tour Ing car,, which Is exhibited at .the Arper son company's salesrooms. 1101-4 Farnam street. Is valued atHs.OOO. lt .1s.;one of Ihe best -ears made and" Is good for "both road and speMaJ work. - The Apperson car ,1s enV Joying great appularitit right nov,r4te V l4, The secr-nd prlge ,UA f Is fmba.ljj player-ptann, which la at the .A. Hospo store, l&ll Douglas street, where It "play In ' concert every -, afternoon from to 1 o'clock. At the third prise a building lot in A P. Tukey A Son's Her addition. Is offered This is located In one of the best sections of the city and Is an Ideal site fpr a home, This lot Is valued at VM. i The fourth prise Is a grand Columbia Orafonola "Regent," which is worth $200, and 150 worth of records. This machine plays In concert every afternoon : from to 4 o'clock at the Columbia Phonograph company's agency, 1311-13 Farnam street, How Yellow Pine , Men Agree on Prices Committee of Thirty Makei List and " ' the Association Adopts. ST. LOUIS. May 22. That a price It committee of the Tellow Pine Manufac turers' association recommended a uniform price scale for lumber and that this scale, with or without amendments, was adopted by the organization, was brought out at the hearing today on the state's ouster suit against the alleged lumber trust. George K. fmlth. secretary of the Tel low Pine Manufacturers' association, tes tified that the association had S00 members and that the committee on prices has thirty members. The ouster suit was filed In 1907 at the request of the legislature and preliminary hearings were held soon after. In the Intervening time the stats has had Investigators at work. Proposed amendments to the code of ethics In the lumber Industry were dis cussed st 'the opening session of Jhe lum ber trades congress here today. Attorney General Wlrkersham was Invited to attend and deliver an address. Says Washington ; : Is Not Wide Open Major Richard Sylvester Denies Be- port of Wholesale Violations of Excise Law. WASHINGTON. May 11 "Washington presents one of the most peaceful scenes on. Sunday that you could find In any big city In the United States. I know person ally that the saloons are closed and te say there Is wholesale violation of the excUe law ts untrue, but aa untrue aa tt Is. it ts even mora foolish than falsa.' This was ths response of Major Richard Sylvester, chief of police ot Washington, today to the charge that Washington Is "wide open' on Sundays." Secretary Stimson ; Takes Oath of Office New Official Introduced to Army Of. ficers on Duty in Washing-ton by the Retiring: Secretary. WASHINGTON, May C-Henry I. Stim son of New Tork today waa sworn in as secretary of war. succeeding Jacob M. Plcklneon, resigned. The ceremony took place In .the office of the secretary. The oath was administered by John Randolph, who has performed similar functions for many secretaries. Secretary Stimson standing beside former Secretary Dickin son, then received the army officers on duty st Washington. On another pegs will be found tha rules govern Leg the BoekJovecw' -Contest. E. MINERS WILL BALLOT AGAIN Dei Moinr-1 Still Leadi for the Head quarters Location. MYSTERY IN MRS. ROSE'S DEATH M.mti Tkaaght to He trass ornaaa p pi re a at Heapltal la the Iowa (apltel Jadsment Aa-alast ties Molaea. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, May.. 33. (Ppeclal Tele gram.) The coal miners of Iowa will, take a third ballot on the location of the permanent headiuartera of division No. U. The first ballot shomed Pes Moines In the lead as against Oskaloosa. Albla and Ottumwa. On the second ballot Ottumwa dropped out and Oskslooea secured only a few votes, but sufficient . so that Pee MolneS did not 'quit receive a majority of all. Under the rules; third ballot win be taken to decide the location and the place Where the miners' union will build an offfce-buliufng. Mystery la Wemaa's Death. Mrs. Rose thought to be from Omaha died -5'mflsj'. evening . at Mercy hne.P,,aJ under mysterious circumstance.' Em ployes' at trK-liospltal 'do- not- know -the cause of her death, although she had been there a wek. ' Mra. Rose told hospital of ficials she resided at the Victoria hotel be fore' beln ts ken sick . The. clerk at the hotel sard- she hall never been there. - tltf'Msl Pay, The city of Dos Moines must pay Ilo.9fl0.50 to the Welsbach Street Ughtlng company, according to a' Judgment that -was affirmed by the United States circuit court of ap peals in Bt.- Paul. Tbe original Judgment waa rendered against' the city by. Judge Smith Mcpherson . la the federal court on November T, W. The case was appealed immediately. The Judgment Is for fife balance due upon a lighting contract which the company had with the city. BRANDENBURG JURY STILL DELIBERATING - at -B---- Jadge lays He "Will Discharge It If It Does Not Reirk Airae. ' neat 9ooa. DAVENPORT, a,t May, .-judge Letts, before whom the Brandenburg "case has been tried, stated this morning, that he would dismiss the Jury if It did not reath an agreement. The Jurors spent all Sat urday night and Sunday arguing the case. IOWA - EPISCOPAL MEETING State Coarck t'oaveattaa Holds Its . First Formal Sesatoa la Sloax Clt-. ' SIOUX" CIMV la-, 'May W.-The low Episcopal church' convention' held Its first fortriel session today with Bishop Morri son, who delivered his annua! address, pre siding. Bishop Morrison in his address urges the delegates to wage a fight against all Immoral literature. He reported the diocese - of Iowa" to be a prosperous condition. " ' ' - ' ' ' . ; : , Jotva Nvra JVotes.- CRECTON A marriage license was Is sued here yeetersaA-Tw Pert Miller of Lin in Veh.. and. Mlfs .Fanny Taylor Of this clt. J '' r ' CRBSTON Word has Just been received here ol the deatk-at. Denver, -tioto.s of J. C. Holland.. en. oil Mmn Creston dentist. Durthg'the eej-lv' dafd'of the city a history DrV- Holland was miv of- the prominent brofeastonw BWrottrin rj -T ovl . IOWA .FAXAtrt. PH.pln.j.jaho ha!, Uw of OmaTlar Mr. ' frtln -retlfea fronr h. kniMan sMunt f..hla health and wUL mo. to.. Oregon, to,. .locate on- a fr.ult ranch. . CRESTON Mrs.' William Ol pes, of Hep burn saturated her clothing with kerosene .i teMn fire m hereelf ran out of the hmiM . into the. yatd where her husband and a fellow workman were engaged In fixing a pump. Tfie'meh fan to her asslJt snce and- tore 'her slothing' from her, but she- was so badly hvirned that she, la now lvlnar at the point pi aestn- . JEFFERSON Alvln Fletcher, who s under Indictment for kidnaping Mlsa Ida I .owe. who Is now his girt wife, has been located in amalMown in Illinois. Sheriff Wllaon haa Instructed the town authorities to keep careful watch of Fletcher. It Is probable that Governor CarroU will be wm v Issue reoulsltlon papers The parents of Miss 1-owe were for prosecuting the case against Fletcher. CRESTON The locating committee for the Dee Moines. Kansas City and St. Joseph Interstate. Trail association com pleted Its work, yesterday In .locating the trail north, from Leon to Pea Moines and the route as now decided upon makes the distance between Ion and Deo Molne about sixteen miles shorter than by rail road. Three daya were apent by the com mittee In locating the road. BOONE R. J. Mulllne of the Toung Men's Chriatlan asaodatlon, who has been phys cal director here- for some time, has tendered his resignation and leaves shortly for the south, where he Joins the Voting Men's Chrlstlsn association movement Mr. Mulllns csme bers from his home in Jack son. Miss. He hss built upthe physical work of the association splendidly and his determination to leave the city is re ceived with regret here. uianu rnTV-Jude Clvde meted out Justice to Druggist t- N. RHten Saturday when be Impoaed a f ne nd ook awav hla permit. Mr. Rltten waa given the opportunity of voluntarily aurrenderlng his permit and receive a minimum fme or refuae to make the surrender and receive the csncellatlon anyway and a ma k mum fine. He chose the former. He wss Indicted by the grand Jury for the Illegal sale of Ilauor. This puta the city on a dry basis so far as druggieta' permits are concerned. Deadly rHaht possesses suf f erers , from lung troubls till they learn Dr. King s New Discovery will help them. 6oc and $1. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. LEFT $10,000 TO DE LOANED OUT In Small Sums, te Needy Pee- ple at a Low Rate A gentleman who haa Just cob abroad, has left $10,000 with ma to bo loaned out In sums from $10. up wards, to needy peopla. at a low rata, on household foods, pianos, horses and waxena. All lcana will b drawn to ba re paid in small monthly Installments, to ault tha Individual borrower. If you need money and want to get It at a reasonable cost and In a strict ly confidential manner, address 0161, in care of Bee, stating the amount wanted, tbe security you have to offer, your address and tbe time It will be ronvenlent for me to aee ru. CSE ILUI S FOOT-EASE, Tkm astliieil )nl t re aaakea tau tb shua If sut net b4 nmtmn tar tires, sckuia, swiiae. mtt " toA ih allea's rxrt. Bass. SWia sa4 bwalasa ! all sia b ftrnnmim !. mn as allM spwa, Alwars ! Sw is Nt She. It is in frMLMl lisii aj ml IM u- Try U taaf Set -! lin. at au. Dea't Him as? suaautma gsr fssa trial sacSsaa. mm, ha SUv. l. T. Senate Will Inquire Into Now Charges Against Lorimer Committee on Election! Presents Substitute La Follette Resolution, Which Demos Will Support. WASHINGTON. May C2. A resolution calling for a prompt and sweeping Inquiry Into new charges against Senator lori mer of Illinois, based on the demand of the Illinois state senate that the esse be reopened, was Introduced In the senate today by Benator ruillngham. rhalroian of the committee on prlvlleses and elections. Under the rules the resolution lies over for one day. The democratic senators will support the resolution, which Is a substitute for the , Follette resolution naming a specie committee cf new senators to take tip the Inquiry. The democrats held a caucus this morning and decided In favor of the resolu tion directing the Inquiry by the regular senate committee. Senator jk Follette hsd given notice last week that he would call up his resolution today. PREACHER'S WIFE HORSE WHIPS MERCHANT Mrs. W. A. Haynea of Casey, Kit., Attacka I. H. Prowmaln. Mem ber of Sctiool Board. CANEY. Kan , May 23. Mrs. W. ' A. Haynee. wife of the pastor of the Christian church here, publicly horse whipped Dsnlel H. Plowman, a member of the Caney school board, today. Mr. Plowman swore out a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Haynes and her son, who accompanied her. The trouble grew out of a fight over the election of superintendent of public schools. Mrs. Haynes wrote a communi cation to a . local paper concerning the selection. Plowman posted the clipped communication In the window of his store and appended the words: "She says she Is a religious woman." Mrs. Haynea entered the Plowman store today and demanded that the clipping be removed. Plowman refused. Then Mrs. Haynes attacked him with a. riding quirt, striking hi mseventeen blows before he could disarm her. RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL Madison Avenue and Forty-Sixth Street . ' ; new york ; Ideal . location. . ' Four blocks1 from Grand Central Station. ; Ten minutes from 4 FJennsylyanfa ; Station.' Special 3 attentfon-to-travellers passirtcthrooch' New York Perfect cuisine and service.- V ' Under the same Direction and fanafement ar that of . . . the famoui PJTZ-CARLTON groups Hotels, conv prising the CARLTON. RITZ and HYDE, PARK Hotel. , ., . Lcidon; the RITZ. Parii ; the RITZ. Madrid ; -the - . ESPLANADE. Berlin; the ESPLANADE, Hamburg; the NATIONAL Lucerne; she EXCELSIOR, Rome.; the EXCELSIOR Nple; the SPLENDJDE and ROYAL, E vain let-Baini; the PLAZA, Buenos Aire;' RITZ CARLTON Rettauranti on the S.S. "AMERIKA"' and KA1SERIN AUCUSTE VICTORIA" Also the HOTEL SCHENLEY; Pittsburg. - Pennsylvania, redecorated and refurnished ' tnrougnout. CARLTON Now being erected E llMMlMMMliaMM 1 siisim .mil mm iinimimi I m t ini in r imm .1,1 ., i jo, .,,1,11 .1 rr JJ! ft ' o - , Lul 'r -;:;;i i-1 r v t i i Tho German "Army Shows to the world the kind of manhood that comes from proper living, eating and drinking. The bead brews of Germany scarcely equal It's quite impossible to brew a better bottled beer from barley-malt and Baazer bops, yst every day we work to make it better. Ths overwhelming excellence and purity of P varies has won its high fame. Its unforgeuble flavor wtoa new friends for it daily. Order a case delivered to your hocne) today. Your dealer haa it, Brewed and bottled only by tbe John Gund Brewing Co. W.CHeyJen,Mtr.,Omla,Ncb. Carl Furth, Distribator, B.U Uwslaa A Glass f2L Lunch A keen appetite and good diges tion means health and strength. Pabst DlueRibbon TLsDearoQaali'ty is the best ot appetizers. It gives keen zest to - the meal and aids digestion. Oricr a esse toJay. . The Pahst Cssteeny ' 1307 Leatwawerth. Omens . . .. TsLDwalM r,A.1471 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER HOTEL Montreal ; . To open Autumn Ml La Crotse, Wit. Phaae DeasUs tU4 Asm a. aaa ' 71S South 16th Sueet 4SJ4 Aula A. SBSO 'A EMM Worse Than An Aching Tooth is a crying corn that murders you at every step you can have the. tooth pulled, but yov can't have the foot extracted. The Corndodger Last is made for the man who is much on his feet does not fret corns or make corns. The best shoe and the most comforta ble shoe that is made. , Our Stetson line includes extremely snappy younf -- men'a styles as f:'r. ...II Tt will nav trtafeJ -iJh. get acquainted, For Bale by IIAYGEH BROS. Omaha Amenta. - ' A "Stetsons coat more by the pair, but leas by the year." Scientists on' light and sight is the best definition of optometrist. If your vision seems defective In any way call on us. Vie 'bring scientific knowledge to bear on all Questions of light and sight and are able to assist nature) by sup plying glasses to fit your Individ ual case so the light will be re fracted into tbe eyes at the tight elevation. When you do need glasses you need the best. - . Globe Optical Co 218 South 10th St. . A better rtillv'ery service fnr less money., Let us ihuWoU. Auto Delivery; ; J -and:Mes5eqgcr,;Co; 1715 Song-las Street. ,P ' , x BraaAels Taeater .Biagv - v -rbones Doug. 394 Cud. A-34J6 '. Osonlia Machine Shoe Flepairing 618 Booth siatssnth atrsst.. Sewed Half Soles :...8o Nailed Half Snl. . lb Leather Heels, pair ...85o Huiiher Heels, pair ,.,t40 Ladles' Pe erl Half Soles . . . . . i . . . , Oo Ladles' Nsllei Half Soles ...,40s Ladles' Heels, pair 30s All work guaranteeri'Ytrat'rlass. If you have to take the car We wtll pay- ybur nip far. Hhn.. -mllA n . t,..A j Ind. Phone A-441S. . ' John Says: "A lot of enstonw srs of mlns pat on horse blinders aad pass rlrht by a doses olsar afores until they get to my place. They like my loaf, erless smokers' sup. ply house and hy Ilk my aU silk and a yard wlds 'TkOiT BvSTEa1 So CIOA." Johns Cigar Store 321 So. 16th St. AMUSEMENTS. Can., Tuss., May 89-80. Bests Today ETHEL BARRYMORE In the Doable BUI "AttCB rT-ST-TBI-mi1' a4 ' "Ml yWBLTB yOPMD LOOK." tuu 1. a, 8. Beets Beady. Mat. Bat. Only Musical Comedy InsUtattoa ta ths World ZIEOFELO REVUE FOLLIES OF 1910 ' Orlsinsl Bsw Tork Company aad ' 70 AM A BaUbO UISIil Sal OMAHA vs LINCOLlT ROURKE PARK OAMBfl OAX.LBO Sl48. Oars lsare lata and r areata st BiSd. OMAXA'B nXAZi IVMMia IXOW. Tba rrepbesy rnUlUeal aa inataataneeas ait I U.OTB tBBaVAHAK and Mia Baoek Co. Bow naylBC tke Wss, M. Oraaa tuiuii THE SPENDBRB Brsalna-s and Bnmday Mat, la aad Sftei few at a So. Tuesday, Taurs&ay, BataMay le i ay. I aoa. MUHM, Va DOYD THEATER rrloes 10a, 80s aad Sao . . The Coolest Kouse ta Omaha Toalfbtl alH Tim, Thars. and Sat. Last Week of the raVABK B. Ultt'l BTOOK CO, Blaoa BaUlraa aad Aasoolate riayere OABMBM 1 OOO Stood Seata at 10 Ceate